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they had him for 1-1/2 hrs - they have him bend the toes with some sort of weight thingey -- I don't know, he told me about it and I didn't listen too well - or I did, and I forgot all that he said! ha!ha!h he goes again tomorrow and I'll have to listen to what he says - he has to pull some things using the strength from the front of his foot, etc. etc...


today he felt better and we went out for Mexican food - our usual hole - then I vacuumed for 2-1/2 hrs - behind the drapes, under the sofa's, blah blah blah and that was just the downstairs - the other half needs to be done now. so I am tired - I need a maid.



Carol, look on the bright side you are getting some exercise. However, I don't know about you but my back hurts when I vacuum...I must be not bending properly or something!

I just thought of something funny but Narce could probably pull a boat with his toe when he is finished. I thought of our Morro Bay lunch when I head that Jack Lalanne passed away in his hometown of Morro Bay. Wonder how close he lived to where we had lunch?

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Good ole' Jack LaL. He looked good - I remember him in the 50's - black & white TV, my Godmothers used to watch him - they didn't exercise with him, they just watched him!!

I am reminded of a story -we used to have a boat - 24' or something like that - good size, had a cuddy cabin and restroom area - anyway, one day we took it out, Narce backed it into the river with our truck, I was usually take the ropes and keep it near the dock while he lets into the water and releases it - well, one afternoon, don't know what got into me, just let go of the ropes!! that thing started to go to the other side real fast - would have hit the other side of the dock -- Narce sees all this - how I just let the ropes go - and he drives the truck up real fast, puts the brakes and starts leaning into the water to get hold of the boat somehow! he didn't get mad or question me - just one of those BLANK moments with Carol, another adventure as he always says! he was able to reach far enough to hold onto something and got the boat back to our side! heehee!! in the meantime, I just told him how fast he reacted and he was able to catch our boat! he didn't say a thing but we did have fun that day.

I get tired vacuuming - but it feels so good when the house is super clean - I general clean every other vacuum'g session - but I do only one floor at a time. c.

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Good ole' Jack LaL. He looked good - I remember him in the 50's - black & white TV, my Godmothers used to watch him - they didn't exercise with him, they just watched him!!


I am reminded of a story -we used to have a boat - 24' or something like that - good size, had a cuddy cabin and restroom area - anyway, one day we took it out, Narce backed it into the river with our truck, I was usually take the ropes and keep it near the dock while he lets into the water and releases it - well, one afternoon, don't know what got into me, just let go of the ropes!! that thing started to go to the other side real fast - would have hit the other side of the dock -- Narce sees all this - how I just let the ropes go - and he drives the truck up real fast, puts the brakes and starts leaning into the water to get hold of the boat somehow! he didn't get mad or question me - just one of those BLANK moments with Carol, another adventure as he always says! he was able to reach far enough to hold onto something and got the boat back to our side! heehee!! in the meantime, I just told him how fast he reacted and he was able to catch our boat! he didn't say a thing but we did have fun that day.


I get tired vacuuming - but it feels so good when the house is super clean - I general clean every other vacuum'g session - but I do only one floor at a time. c.

Oh Carol, thank you for that laugh...I am sure it wasn't funny for Narce at that moment. Luckily he had fast reflexes or you might have had to swim fast to catch up to your drifting boat...

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Maybe Jack lived in an exclusive area - I would think Cayucos ... but they did say Morro B.


he lived his life too -- glad he reached that age.



Carol, I've been intrigued with his juicer that bears his name but we don't have much counter space or cubby space either for something like that...did you ever get your MAGIC BULLET?

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Janice: I do not swim - don't know how! and he wasn't mad at me that day - just understood that I went nuts all of a sudden!! ha!ha! now that I think about that, I have to laff too!

No, I was looking at it and my girlfriend told me that it didn't work for her - I am also looking at the Ninja --

I do not have much countertop space either - or what I do have, is filled! I also want a kitchen aid but may just get the hand held one cuz I really do not bake that often for the super big one with the bowl attached.

right now I am eyeing a new rice maker - a small one for everyday (which we have now but an old one) -- holds 2 cups of uncooked rice - we also two of the mediums and one super large, but I want a new 2 cup one -


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Janice: I do not swim - don't know how! and he wasn't mad at me that day - just understood that I went nuts all of a sudden!! ha!ha! now that I think about that, I have to laff too!


No, I was looking at it and my girlfriend told me that it didn't work for her - I am also looking at the Ninja --


I do not have much countertop space either - or what I do have, is filled! I also want a kitchen aid but may just get the hand held one cuz I really do not bake that often for the super big one with the bowl attached.


right now I am eyeing a new rice maker - a small one for everyday (which we have now but an old one) -- holds 2 cups of uncooked rice - we also two of the mediums and one super large, but I want a new 2 cup one -



Carol, we have a wonderful rice cooker and steamer that we bought a long time ago at Target. It has really come in handy for lots of things besides rice! I loved steamed veggies and it is perfect! Oh I never heard of a Ninja...

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Oh yes, fore I forget, Corkey gave me permisssion to chat on here.



Virginia, you don't need permission to post! Enjoy the weekend and a hug for Pepper! We are still celebrating Patrick's birthday this weekend...do you have fun plans for Super Bowl Sunday?

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Virginia, you don't need permission to post! Enjoy the weekend and a hug for Pepper! We are still celebrating Patrick's birthday this weekend...do you have fun plans for Super Bowl Sunday?


Hi, no plans cept to watch the game, I can always say that my dad and I went to the first super Bowl, here in L A, 1967 the Packers against the Chiefs. How about that sport fans!!

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Hi, no plans cept to watch the game, I can always say that my dad and I went to the first super Bowl, here in L A, 1967 the Packers against the Chiefs. How about that sport fans!!

Virginia, oh do you have that ticket or program? I would say that is worth some money!

Enjoy the weekend!

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Janice: I have my beatles ticket stub from when we went to see them in Candlestick - we were in good seats and it was only $6.50 ...

I have lots of museum things from my kinda' early life!! ha!ha! like the program from the Rolling Stones Concert in Sacramento and my pride and joy - my Dave Clark Five program with their autographs on it - I loved the guy named Denny, he was my heart throb and I couldn't believe I was seeing him face to face!! I was like 15 then.......


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Janice: I have my beatles ticket stub from when we went to see them in Candlestick - we were in good seats and it was only $6.50 ...


I have lots of museum things from my kinda' early life!! ha!ha! like the program from the Rolling Stones Concert in Sacramento and my pride and joy - my Dave Clark Five program with their autographs on it - I loved the guy named Denny, he was my heart throb and I couldn't believe I was seeing him face to face!! I was like 15 then.......



Carol, we were just talking about the Beatles tonight at dinner. The last year they ever played in the Bay Area they stayed at a hotel in Palo Alto; the room is called the Beatles Room. Unfortunately I never got to go to a concert since my mom didn't want me to get trampled. However, I got to usher at a Dave Clark 5 concert at the Circle Star.

So you managed to get all of their autographs? I do remember a Denny was he the blonde?

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Hi everyone I just read back a few posts and laughed pretty good at the boat story. We also had a boat and a Sea Doo one day my girlfriend and I decided to launch the Sea Doo ourselves. Once I backed it into the water she got on started it up, put it into reverse, and it would not move the back end just was going back and forth. Of course all these men were standing there watching us. OMG I look down and its still attached to the trailer at the front. Talk about embarrassing.

I have a question for you I was thinking about taking a drive to Morro Bay with the hubby. Can you tell me where you stayed and any more interesting things about Morro Bay?

My sister also went to see the Beatles when they were at Candlestick. She left with nylons on and returned with them torn and shredded to pieces. I remember how jealous I was that she got to go though she was a teenager and I was still in elementary school.

We shared a room and all she played was beatles records so of course to this day I love their songs. Especially their LOVE cd.

We drove to Discovery Bay yesterday to watch the game and OMG what a beautiful day it was. Driving on Vasco Rd at one point the sky was so clear I could see snow in the far distance on the mountain top.

Carol I've been meaning to ask you what's wrong with Narce foot/toe?


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Hi everyone I just read back a few posts and laughed pretty good at the boat story. We also had a boat and a Sea Doo one day my girlfriend and I decided to launch the Sea Doo ourselves. Once I backed it into the water she got on started it up, put it into reverse, and it would not move the back end just was going back and forth. Of course all these men were standing there watching us. OMG I look down and its still attached to the trailer at the front. Talk about embarrassing.


I have a question for you I was thinking about taking a drive to Morro Bay with the hubby. Can you tell me where you stayed and any more interesting things about Morro Bay?


My sister also went to see the Beatles when they were at Candlestick. She left with nylons on and returned with them torn and shredded to pieces. I remember how jealous I was that she got to go though she was a teenager and I was still in elementary school.

We shared a room and all she played was beatles records so of course to this day I love their songs. Especially their LOVE cd.


We drove to Discovery Bay yesterday to watch the game and OMG what a beautiful day it was. Driving on Vasco Rd at one point the sky was so clear I could see snow in the far distance on the mountain top.


Carol I've been meaning to ask you what's wrong with Narce foot/toe?



Yvonne, are you looking for a romantic spot? My DH and I just stayed at the Embassy Suites in SLO and Carol/Narce and our friends Char/Jim stayed at the Peachtree Inn; an old-styled motel. Apple Farm is nearby a B & B and it looks cute but I know Char has stayed there.

I know that Cambria (Hearst Castle) has some cute looking places from all of the literature I picked up. When we were in the Central Coast in September we actually stayed with friends who live in Arroyo Grande. We went to a wine tasting room with a view of the beach in Avila Beach: Woods Winery. A must is clam chowder from this wonderful little hole in the wall in Pismo Beach but I've forgotten the name now...CAROL HELP!

Anyhow, it is a relaxing getaway!

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a quick visit here - but I'll be chatting longer later -- answers: Janice, it's called SPLASH - very popular with the young kids who go to the colleges there - and of course, the tourist and people like US - love it - yes, the clam chowder is good...

Yvonne - Narce had bunion surgery Dec 7 and is still off - scheduled to return to work beginning of March - he's now going to therapy twice a week - he had bunion surgery on his other foot in 2008 so hopefully, that's it for his bunion problems.

Janice - Denny of the DC5 has dark hair - I'll never forget the Beatles Concert - we could hardly see them - they were on 3rd base - I had some good seats already but still were far - just the fact that we were there was so exciting for me and my two cousins.

I was such a Beatle fanatic - have all the mags, beatle cards, etc...

B b later........carol

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forgot to say that SPLASH is in Pismo Beach on the corner of the main drag there on the way to the beach -

also, Embassy Suites is nice - Peachtree where we stayed with Char is charming - love the view of the hills - room is small but clean and cute - we have also stayed at the Madonna Inn - old but has lots of characters too.


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forgot to say that SPLASH is in Pismo Beach on the corner of the main drag there on the way to the beach -


also, Embassy Suites is nice - Peachtree where we stayed with Char is charming - love the view of the hills - room is small but clean and cute - we have also stayed at the Madonna Inn - old but has lots of characters too.




I have visited the "men's room" at the Madonna Inn and had a meal there but never stayed there. It is beautifully decorated for the holidays.

There are a number of B&B's in the area and also lots of wineries too. My friend told me that Josh Brolin and his wife live in nearby Templeton.

Somewhere that looks nice but is tainted because of Scott Peterson is Sycamore Springs; that's one of the places with the intriguing brochures.


Yvonne, Morro Bay to me really isn't much of a place to visit but nearby San Simeon with Hearst Castle and Cambria are interesting. Of course, Santa Barbara and Solvang are not that far away either.

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I have visited the "men's room" at the Madonna Inn and had a meal there but never stayed there. It is beautifully decorated for the holidays.


There are a number of B&B's in the area and also lots of wineries too. My friend told me that Josh Brolin and his wife live in nearby Templeton.


Somewhere that looks nice but is tainted because of Scott Peterson is Sycamore Springs; that's one of the places with the intriguing brochures.


Yvonne, Morro Bay to me really isn't much of a place to visit but nearby San Simeon with Hearst Castle and Cambria are interesting. Of course, Santa Barbara and Solvang are not that far away either.


I've heard about that men's restroom there, women clamoring to get inside and take pictures. Guess its true. Also have been to Hearst Castle, can't believe how anyone could live like that. Have eaten at Anderson's Pea Soup.



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I've heard about that men's restroom there, women clamoring to get inside and take pictures. Guess its true. Also have been to Hearst Castle, can't believe how anyone could live like that. Have eaten at Anderson's Pea Soup.





I must have been 10 when I went to Hearst Castle with my parents for the first time - I was in awe -- then Narce and I have been several times - I think I may have gone on all the tours now - I love my cookbook that I bought from there - my hobby, I buy cookbooks all the time from everywhere but don't cook from them - I am a terrible cook!! ha!ha! anyway, you probably ate at the Pea Soup place in Buelton? we eat at the one by Gustine/Patterson whenever we are on 5 on the way home from LA or fresno - love their soup - was just looking at our pics where you put your face in the hole and you are either little pea or the bigger pea!! ha!ha!!

Need to go to the men's room at Madonna ! Char sent me a postcard of it a couple of years back - isn't there a ship that has the urinal facing the glass wall looking out on the ocean? I want to say it's one of the Voyager class ships...


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Carol and Janice thanks for all the information on Morro Bay. When the kids were young we use to stay in a hotel in Atascadero. We would visit this little zoo, eat at Apple Farm, and let the kids swim in the pool all day. Sometimes the guys would go fishing while my sister and I sat by pool. We have not been back to that area in at least 20 years. We've been to Hearst Castle a few times maybe we should go back one day. It's funny how our perspective changes as we get older. The reason why I asked you about Morro Bay was because of your posts I thought maybe I had missed something.


I've only driven by Mt. Madonna Inn it does sound kinda kooky.


Carol I know all about bunions my Mom had her's done twice. The last time she bit the bullet and had both feet done at the same time. She's a trooper she lives alone and rarely needed anything. My sister also had her's removed. Luckily I have never had this problem.

I hope Narce is up and about soon.


Today Southwest opened their Sept reservations. We usually fly on American yet we are so tired of paying for luggage I thought I'd book SW. This morning one of my friends from Texas sent me a text at 4:30 AM reminding to book my flights. I woke up turned on my computer and booked them. There really were not very many flights being offered for the day we wanted to fly. It cost $149 per person one way SJC to Orlando with a one stop. I also like that I can change our flights on SW and I could not on American.


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I've heard about that men's restroom there, women clamoring to get inside and take pictures. Guess its true. Also have been to Hearst Castle, can't believe how anyone could live like that. Have eaten at Anderson's Pea Soup.



Virginia, I would love to live in one of the little casitas...Casa del Mar would work!

Here's to WEDNESDAY; seems like a slow week!

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