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Getting Heebie Jeebies Before Cruise


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I am one of the luckiest people alive. In about 9 days we leave for Ft. Lauderdale and then cruise out on the Emerald the next day.


What is wrong with me? I am super excited about the trip, absolutely love to travel but I cannot shape this overwhelmed feeling everytime I travel.


I get anxious about all the packing, arrangements that need to be made at home (pay bills, call cell phone company, stop paper, mail, talk to neighbor to watch house). In addition we have relatives staying here while we are away (they are in from out of town and we will not even see them) so the house needs to be clean before we leave with clean sheets on the beds. The grass is growing like crazy and will need to be cut right before we leave also.


In addition, my job is crazy, I will have to work doubly hard before I leave just to get away and then kill myself when I get back.


I have not started to pack because we have guests in this weekend and I need the guest bedroom to lay clothes out.


About the only thing I have done right is done research on these boards.


Why can't I just relax and look forward to the trip? Does anyone else get this uptight before traveling or am I just a lost cause?:eek:

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About the only thing I have done right is done research on these boards.


Why can't I just relax and look forward to the trip? Does anyone else get this uptight before traveling or am I just a lost cause?:eek:


You poor thing. A cruise is all about relaxation and I'm sure you're going to need it.


Having company come in just before you go away is not a good idea. Can you re-arrange that?


Does the grass really have to be mowed? Can't it wait a week or so?


Try to relax, do what you can, and what doesn't get done will just have to wait.



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It happens to a lot of people right before leaving. And I agree, you have to work three times as hard before you leave so you can relax for a week, just to come home and work three times as hard at work to catch up afterwards. But it is sooooooooo worth every single second. Relax, everything will be fine. :)

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Unfortunately the company cannot come in another time because they are coming to help select flowers/florist for my daughter's upcoming wedding (oh gosh, something more to stress about) and that is the only weekend that works for everyone.


As for the grass, my DH will cut it, but I just have to add it to my list of worries.


I always try to tell myself that if we remember our passports and medicines we can purchase almost anything else we need if we forget it.


Of course, my DH worries about nothing.


Thanks everyone for your kind words.

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Sure sounds like a cruise is exactly what you need. I seem to suffer from the same syndrome of "the crazies".:eek: You need to just remember that soon you will be boarding the ship and then you will be able to do whatever you want or not. It's so worth it.

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I know just how you feel. I'm a last minute packer and put lots of stress on myself for that, plus all the other things that have to get done. I always say I need a vacation after my vacation...but you know what? Every bit of the stress and rushing around are SO worth it. Nothing cures stress better than watching the wake at the back of the ship with a cocktail in your hand as you pull away from Florida leaving all your cares behind...


Have a wonderful cruise. :)



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I am exactly the same before we take any trip! I worry about the dog, the water heater blowing up, a fire, what I haven't done at work, to change the bed before we leave, clean the house, do laundry, if I have packed everything, if we'll miss the plane - pretty much everything I worry about and get anxious about until we are at the airport waiting to board the plane. Then I text everyone and call everyone i forgot to call sitting in the airport, take that deep breath and then finally RELAX!! :) So it's perhaps part of the anticipation of it all.


The one thing that does help me relax is a list. I keep it by my bed and everytime I think of something I shouldn't forget to do I write it down and check it off before we leave and give yourself time to check the list the day before and the day of your trip - it helps a lot!


So you aren't crazy LOL. But I have to tell you I enjoy every single minute of every trip and it's soooo worth it!! :)

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4 WORDS....YOU...ARE...NOT...ALONE!!!! ;) And, thank you for sharing!

There is way too much to do before.....it's called ANTICIPATION...Love it!!!

Then, while you're on the cruise the family/friends and furbabies start creeping into your thoughts.....Quick....go to Crooners Bar and order something "foo-foo" [not a virgin], you need the real thing!!!!!!

Awwwww! You're out by the pool or resting on your patio or taking a mid-afternoon nap [what adult ever gets to do this?] And, slowly, ever so slowly, the thoughts start drifting away [as they should!]

Now, the cruise is over.....OMG! Could there be a worse culture shock thing going on in your head and body? NOT!!!!!

You'll become depressed and deeply saddenend by the realization that the person who made your bed; and, the one who brought your meal; and, the ever so charming one who brought you that "foo-foo" drink doesn't go home with you!!!!!!!!! GAWD!!!!!!!! What to do???? :confused:

Again......You are not alone!!!!! Thousands of us are suffering right along with you and we take the cure.......BOOK ANOTHER CRUISE, RIGHT AWAY!!!!!!!

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I would definately try to cancel the company if you can. You are just getting too much on your plate. I'm sure they would understand. Company really can wear a person out, and your already worn out. Just think of blue waters, and total relaxation are soon comming your way. You'll make it.:)

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We r just the opposite (sort of)? Good at planning,packing,totally getting ready,etc,but i get so worked up a week before going,i get migranes,sometimes a cold or flu and need antibotics,need sleeping pill the week before...a total wreck and as soon as i am at the airport i start to feel better.This has been going on for 20 years now.You think i would adjust by now!!:eek:

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I think it might help if you were to get organized and make a comprehensive list for packing and one for "To Do" things (and who is responsible for doing each one, if not you). I keep a permanent one in my computer that I print out when it gets down to crunch time.

It's the one way to get my mind organized, and I have the satisfaction of checking items off as they are done. So when I walk out the door, I know I have done everything I needed to.

Just a thought ..........

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My wife and I have done this many years and have one for

alaska and one for the carr. It sure does help to not to forget something you need. We love to cruise been doing it since 1984 at least once a year. We can'teave before we are shopping for the next one. NOTHING LIKE CRUISING!!!!!!

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I so understand! Sometimes we leave for extended periods out of the country, which makes the feeling worse for me than when it's a week in the good ol' USA. Here are some of the things I've done to make it more manageable (some are too late for you this trip, but for the future...) (okay, so someone posted this while I was posting--I'm slow--but it doesn't hurt to hear it more than once)


1. Saved on my computer are 2 lists that get updated regularly. One is "things to do before we leave" and the other is "what to pack". The first even has phone numbers for cancelling trash pick-up and newspaper while we're gone. I print both lists off about a week before we leave. Anything we don't need to do/pack for that trip gets crossed off immediately. Some things only take a minute to do, like call about the newspaper...it's the remembering to get it done that sometimes goes awry. If everyday I can get something done on the list, I feel much more in control. Plus, my list of "to do" is shorter than I always think it is, so seeing it printed out helps put my mind at ease.


2. All bills with absolute deadlines are autopay either through the credit card or direct out of the checking account. We are also responsible for paying my MIL's doctor bills...I do those by CC over the phone, so if I don't get one done before we leave, I can do it while sitting at the airport if it has to be done. And if we're gone for only a week, unpaid bills can always go into "the week we get back" pile. I really try to avoid having that pile, though.


3. A neighbor has an extra key, so a quick email a few days before we leave to let them know is all we need to do.


4. As soon as all our arrangements are made, but not more than 1 week ahead of time ('cuz the recipients might lose it), my sisters and our adult children and the neighbor watching the house get our entire itinerary.


5. Look around your house...you must have a spot to put a suitcase against the wall out of the way (not everyone has a guest room to use--you don't need it, either)...toss stuff in/on it as you come across it. Don't forget to check it off the packing list! You'd be amazed at how little there is left to find at the last minute. Some trips I just keep reminding myself that whatever I forget or don't have, I can buy when we get there. That doesn't work for every trip, though.


6. We love to come home to a clean house and clean sheets, so I am frequently making the bed last minute and vacuuming my way out the door! Can't help you there!


7. Work was always the hardest part for me. I was a teacher, and frequently I couldn't really prepare for a sub until the day I was ready to leave! That was always the most stressful thing for me leaving--even if I was leaving over Christmas or Spring Break, I always had to be prepared to have a sub in case we got stranded someplace and couldn't get back. Now that I'm retired, my friends call me to sub for them so that they can have peace of mind when they travel...they know I'll be just fine with no or minimal prep on their part. Do you have a friend at work who can take care of little things for you? I'm not saying to leave them for the friend to do, but it gives you peace of mind if you do forget something.


8. We have left the very evening of hosting Thanksgiving dinner at our house, and another time the evening of hosting a relative's big b'day party. So I'm not going to recommend to you that you cancel a relative's visit that you feel is important. You can do this!!!!


The more heebie jeebies you have, the more you will love that relaxed feeling (and feel that you deserve it)! Enjoy the trip!!!

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I'm with you on the stressing part before a trip. I try not to but do worry about those last minutes things like packing, cleaning, work, my cat, flying etc.


However, I will say, once I cross that threshold on the ship I am very, very good about totally detaching. I really don't worry about anything. That's one of the many things I love about cruising.

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Gosh, I think you are in the majority! I've been traveling since 1982 and every trip is still exciting and stressful. One thing I did start doing about 20 years ago really helps each time.


I keep the lists I made for each vacation in a folder. I have "hot weather" vacation lists, "cold weather" vacation lists and random lists like for Las Vegas. This way I don't forget anything, I just re-create a new list using the last one for that part of the world I am visiting. The older I get the more things I have to write down-for everything! LOL.


Have a nice trip!

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Been there; done that. Now that we're retired, it's easier. I have two drawers in which I keep travel items and check lists. When we start packing, I go to the drawers and remove the items needed for that particular trip.


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I am one of the luckiest people alive. In about 9 days we leave for Ft. Lauderdale and then cruise out on the Emerald the next day.


What is wrong with me? I am super excited about the trip, absolutely love to travel but I cannot shape this overwhelmed feeling everytime I travel.


I get anxious about all the packing, arrangements that need to be made at home (pay bills, call cell phone company, stop paper, mail, talk to neighbor to watch house). In addition we have relatives staying here while we are away (they are in from out of town and we will not even see them) so the house needs to be clean before we leave with clean sheets on the beds. The grass is growing like crazy and will need to be cut right before we leave also.


In addition, my job is crazy, I will have to work doubly hard before I leave just to get away and then kill myself when I get back.


I have not started to pack because we have guests in this weekend and I need the guest bedroom to lay clothes out.


About the only thing I have done right is done research on these boards.


Why can't I just relax and look forward to the trip? Does anyone else get this uptight before traveling or am I just a lost cause?:eek:


Hello twin! had to check to make sure I didn't write this! I'm in the same boat this week and before most trips. I think it's part of me being a planner, organizer, and a little anal retentive thrown in.:D Don't worry, you'll have a great time and it will all have been worth it!

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Another reason why I like a sea day at the beginning of the cruise. It helps to chill before starting the port hopping. I have all of my lists and everything planned out and even take the day off before we fly out (which is a night or two before the cruise) so I can make sure everything is done. DH and I try to go to bed on time but there is still the process of getting there, etc., then getting on the ship and getting unpacked, etc. I always have a good night sleep the first night of the cruise.

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I am one of the luckiest people alive. In about 9 days we leave for Ft. Lauderdale and then cruise out on the Emerald the next day.


What is wrong with me? I am super excited about the trip, absolutely love to travel but I cannot shape this overwhelmed feeling everytime I travel.


I get anxious about all the packing, arrangements that need to be made at home (pay bills, call cell phone company, stop paper, mail, talk to neighbor to watch house). In addition we have relatives staying here while we are away (they are in from out of town and we will not even see them) so the house needs to be clean before we leave with clean sheets on the beds. The grass is growing like crazy and will need to be cut right before we leave also.


In addition, my job is crazy, I will have to work doubly hard before I leave just to get away and then kill myself when I get back.


I have not started to pack because we have guests in this weekend and I need the guest bedroom to lay clothes out.


About the only thing I have done right is done research on these boards.


Why can't I just relax and look forward to the trip? Does anyone else get this uptight before traveling or am I just a lost cause?:eek:


You have had some fantastic advice here. We live in London so every trip outside of europe is nearly always 'long haul'. One year after packing for our 2 small sons and hubby and myself both working, I got so stressed about the taxi arriving on time for the airport (it was 1 and half hours away on a good day) I was physically sick, thinking we would miss the flight if there was a delay on the roads to the airport. Since then my DH has insisted we stay in an hotel the night before. This is brilliant because, if just if, I forget anything I can still buy it/tel a relative if I have forgotten to do anything in the house and the preparation in the morning for the flight is more relaxed. ps I havent ever had to tel anyone yet, but there is always a first time, so never say never!

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Funny......When a vacation is in my near future,like a couple months out, I have dreams about packing! They are always bizarre in nature and make no sense. I think it is my brains way of sorting out everything I have read and plan to do for upcoming trips. It has already started since this Vacation will be much different than what we are used to. (Alaska) We will have heavier luggage and other stuff with us that we would not normally have. So, my mind is spinning about what kinds of clothing to take and how to minimize our luggage wheight. So it is STRESS.....I need to help my brain soon by making a detailed list. :rolleyes:

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My main stress is packing, not mine; that's listed and done well before we go - but because my husband thinks the luggage-fairy comes in the night - I keep saying that one year I'll leave him to do his own organising and packing but I couldn't bear the suspense of knowing he'd left his Tux or something behind. Last time all he had to do was organise the hire car to drive down to London, and pick up his sunglasses and hat - yup he forgot the hat. First stop onboard was the shop!

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