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Live From The Sun!


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Yes..thank you Anne and Cruiserforlife for taking time out of your day to keep us posted.

DH has been enjoying my updates from you from the Sun..(usually he only PRETENDS to listen to my cruise board news when we are both in the home office geeking around our computers)

Our friends are supposed to pick up a piece of artwork that we regretfully did not purchase when we were there in November. We hope they were able to find the vendor..although..if they don't it's a great excuse to go back there soon :)

Glad you are still going to make all the other ports...

Cruiser...we loved Tortolla...hire a taxi just as you get off the ship for a half day tour of the island..can't remember the $$ but really enjoyed the magnificent views..our driver pointed out many other islands from the top of a small mountain..so lush and green as I remember...friendly people...

After looking at asctony's link to the menus..I do remember that we just didn't care for all the veal/ lamb /pork selections on the menu..cause along with the fish and seafood..didn't leave much room for varied beef selections..(and we are beef eaters) but to each his own...

We both just LOVE escargot and remember the Sun's as being very good..that's always a multiple request for us!

Thanks again for the updates..Look forward to more....

We're still here in Sarasota making mulch!


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Wonderful day here in St.Maarten,my 1st. time here.Stayed on the ship until 11 or so,then proceed.About 5-7 cruiseships here today so it was quite packed.Plenty of $1 Carib beer and buying trinkets.


Stopped in at Diamonds International and worked them from $5K down to $2K on a beautiful diamond ring but the wife decided we need furniture more than she needs a ring so we passed.Fun for a salesperson like myself just how far they can be worked.




There will be a Captain's Circle repeaters party for all those starting their 2nd. cruise.Nice little cocktail party.


Talk to you all later...

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Did you mean that there's a Capt's Circle repeaters party for passengers doing a back-to-back sailing, when you said "....for all those starting their 2nd cruise"? Boy...we missed out on that one when we did our back-to-back 12/29-1/8 adn 1/8-1/18!! There was only one other couple besides us doing a b2b. would have been a pretty dang private party with the Capt!


Also you have a different Capt on your current sailing. Our Capt was due for his several-month holiday, so perhaps you're getting new replacement Capt's first return sailing on the Sun and kinks are being worked out.


We found Capt Circle Hostess Juliet to be just about the best hostess yet. Others have been borderline "bimbo-like", but Juliet is professional, follows through with any inquiries if she doesn't have the immediate answer, and in our opinion, is an excellent representation for Princess. Tell her the couple on the early January back-to-back (Pat and Carroll) say 'hi'. Most people remember "Carroll" because it's my husband's name, and think that the 'Pat and Carol' are reversed and Pat is the man, Carol the woman....


Anyway, 'hi' to Juliet if you think of it.

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patti o,


Juliet does seem to be very professional and said she would take the net charges off of my card since I am not Elite but my wife is.They don't make that real clear anywhere so it's just a good thing I started using my wife's card early on!

I figure we have at least $165 in net charges so yes,this is one of the best perks at sea,along with the free laundry/dry cleaning,10% off gift shop charges,and nice up-scale canapes in our room any night we want them.


I figure you should have received credit for your 2nd. cruise if you did a B2B and should have been invited to the repeaters party but maybe Princess doen't see it that way.


Anyhow,we just shoved off from St.Maarten and are headed to St.Kitts.Today,we were parked along side of the QM2 (what a monster!),and three of RCL's ships,the NOS,The JOS,and the EOS...quite a site to behold.


Seem's like the "problems" have been sorted out..I hope.


All in all,a fun day in St.Maarten and a great day to be on vacation.


Talk to you all later,



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The only place I've seen mention of free internet for Elite was in the pamphlet outlining Capt's Circle membership benefits and online as well. The gift shop 10% is a nice perk, and in all honesty, I had some of our dry cleaning done near the end of the trip (hubby's tux, shirts, my dress, etc.) just to avoid taking them to the cleaners at home.....cheap, huh?? Buy hey, why not, we've earned Elite?


We were invited to the standard "in-the-Vista-Lounge" Capt's Circle Party on the last formal night (of both cruises) and also on both cruises, to the private cocktail party for the most traveled passengers. On some ships, it's a luncheon, which we've been invited to also. I was told that it IS up to the Capt as to what type of function is held...a luncheon or cocktail party, or what.


But what we didn't get an invite to was a "repeaters cocktail party". I interpreted that to mean those doing a back-to-back, and there was only one other couple who was doing a b2b along with us...not enough for a party, if that's what you meant by a "repeaters party".


Just an FYI....during our port stop at St. Maarten, there were ELEVEN ships in port, St. Thomas had TEN on our first cruise, and NINE on our second!! Waaaay toooo many people all at once in those ports. Our two itineraries were different, except for a repeat stop at St. Thomas and Princess Cays abandoned on both. Missed that stop by a cruise, since it's now back in business.


Enjoy the rest of your cruise, and keep the emails coming! Love reading them...and reliving our b2b last month!


PS: In addition to all of our rough seas and gale-force winds, we had showers and some heavy rain nearly every day. How about your weather so far?


Verdi's Trattoria for dinner is an excellent option! We really enjoyed our meals there, when we knew ahead what was on the menu for dinner and already had had it on the first cruise segment.

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I think what he meant by "repeaters cocktail party" is what you referred to as 'standard "in-the-Vista-Lounge" Capt's Circle Party'.


That is how I took his comments.


We will be on the Sun in a few weeks and are thoroughly enjoying the "play-by-play" reports from the ship.


Have fun.....



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patti o,


Marc is correct,that IS what I meant to say,thanks for the clarification.


The weather has been fine so far,80's with some overcast.There was a slight chance of a shower today but it never materialized.


Another great meal in PC tonight although the menu didn't look promising to begin with.It was "Princess Dinner".

I had another fish dish,"Kingklip" which I've never heard of but it was quite tasty as was the Jambalaya.

Service continues to be outstanding in PC as long as you make that standing reservation.


Tomorrow is St.Kitts and I will report back then.


Night everyone...

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Haven't been into the gym and wouldn't know a elliptical trainer if it bit me in the butt!Will try to check it out for you if I get in there.I have heard mention a guest commented about the lack of machines and classes on this ship.I also talked with another passenger who commented that there are separate steamrooms.


Well,we are in Antiqua today and unfortunately,our Eli's Eco-Tour was cancelled due to 12' swells.We though of taking an alternative tour but instead,just did a little shopping and then came back to the ship to enjoy the pools but alas...they STILL weren't open!


Couldn't figure out why since we were at port and this is the absolute calmest it's ever going to be.A trp to the pursers office revealed nothing but may have lit a fire under someone's butt because by 11,the pools were finally open!




Haven't checked out the Casino since it's not really our bag but I hear the machines happily collecting guest's money as we walk past.




I do believe the Captain is new to Princess but I'll have to check out our 1st. patter to confirm.


Dinner was great last night (couldn't make up my mind between the fettucine w/mussels or the butterfish) so I had them both...delicious!

We are being treated famously by everyone and have made a standing reservation with our new favorite waiter,Miguel from Mexico at 8 everynight...the soonest you can reserve a table.PC dining is turning out to be very accomodating so far.


Will check in later,ask away and I'll try to answer...short of knocking on anyone's doors!


WOOHOO!!! Now I finally feel like I'm on a cruise!


The one night I ate in PC Miguel was my server. He was full of persomality and a great waiter! My Traditional Dining waiter was ok, but he wasn't Miquel!

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Everyone has said it, but THANKS A MILLION! Your "play by play" has made me look forward to our 3/19 cruise on Sun even more. The CC boards, as much as they may try, don't give you the real story. One person has one bad salad and the whole cruise is "awful" - OH PLEASE!


Okay - so one question....


PC says that you can't bring liquor on-board (in your bags at boarding, I've done on other lines), but in St. Thomas, etc. the shops were quick to ask "What ship are you on." I guess the cruiseline got to them, b/c when I told them, their response was "Oh. We can't deliver to that ship." Have you (or anyone) had that experience? If so, how did you overcome it?


Part of the fun of the Caribbean was the duty free stuff (booze included) and I was just wondering if PC really enforced their own rule or it was just to scare people off to sell their own booze on board.


Thanks for any help and have a wonderful rest of your trip!



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Speaking from three recent cruises: Our back-to-back 12/29 to 1/8 and 1/8-1/18 and also the Sapphire in 11/04, PC's written material says "...strongly advises against bringing liquor onboard..." (or something like that). We have brought a bottle of liquor in our carry-on (no problem), we have purchased on shore (yes, in St. Thomas) and when placed through the security scanner upon returning to the ship, the security officer asked, "is that a bottle of rum in your bag?" We replied "yes" figuring it would be confiscated and returned to us at the end of the cruise, which was no problem; we'd just take it home with us. But instead, he said, "Enjoy it!" :-) and we did!


I think what you're referring to as buying duty-free liquor and delivery to the ship, is what they deliver and hold for you until the end of the cruise. We've seen many boxes of liquor lined up, ready for distribution on the next-to-last day.


We found, however, during these latest three cruises since 11/04 that a bottle of Myer's Rum, for example, isn't that much more expensive onboard than on shore. If you purchase for onboard consumption, however, you have to go through Room Service. If you purchase from the boutique, it's delivered on the final day. And get this.....Elite passengers receive 10% discount on everything in the boutiques, plus a 10% if you purchase three bottles. So for under $25 we took home three big bottles of Myer's! :-)

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I think I am too late for this as you will all be disembarking tomorrow morning, but. . just in case . . . Were quite a few of the ship's shore excursions cancelled on your cruise? I am in the process of booking a few now and one of the ones I HAD booked (Jost Van Dyke when in St. Thos.) is now marked cancelled, along w/a number of others. Seems this is true for every port, so I just wondered what the deal was????? :confused:

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To cruiserforlife and Anne


Thanks, what you are doing is better than any review I've seen. A blow by blow report on what is happening. And then there is the questions that are getting answered. If I had one I would ask but I don't! :)

Hearing about the ruff seas brought me back to my Navy days of running from Typhons and what not, lots of green water over the bow!:D


Hope the rest of the cruise is great and fun.

We Sail on the Sun October so be gentle!

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Cruiserforlife and Anne,


Just wanted to add my thanks for your blow by blow descriptions. It has been tremendously helpful and has put to rest any fears that might have been creeping in as a result of some of the posts. Your thoughtfulness and time are much appreciated!


Best wishes for future happy cruises,


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Morning all!




We are not geting off tomorrow,this is a 10-day cruise and today we are in St.Kitts,tomorrow is the substituted Tortola for Barbados,St.Thomas,then we have a sea day before we arrive at Princess Cays.


St.Kitts must be very close to St.Maarten because we were hardly moving last night and zero motion.


When we awoke this morning and I drew the drapes,I was very surprised to be staring directly at the QM2 and I mean right there practically in our balcony!She is about 50 feet away from us and blocking our sun she is so big!




I think patti o answered your question correctly.When we disembarked yesterday,Miguel our waiter was doing double-duty as the "booze cop" and checking for what was brough back onboard.

I checked out some prices yesterday and honestly,the prices weren't that great.I think you can do better on the ship,especially after the Elite 10% discount.


Don't know what we'll do today in St.Kitts but we will figure it out.Ship leaves today @7 and last passengers are due back at 6:30.Tonight is our Captain Circle party in the library for the most traveled passengers.I am told there are 38 Elite members on board this cruise.


Will check back soon,



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Morning Cruiser....

St Kitts!

I really wanted to go on that cruise because of St Kitts....haven't been there.

I'd like to get up close to the Queen Mary also....have read quite a bit about her..someday hope to sail her.

Tell us what you did in St Maarten yesterday..what you do today in St Kitts..always nice to hear others adventures!


As for the booze thing..there is a brand of rum that is only sold in the islands and cannot be purchased in the states or on the ships. When we are in St Thomas we always order a case to be delivered to the ship and have never had a problem..Have also carried a bottle on in different ports and have never been questioned or had it confiscated. Yes the ship does have great prices on most brands that we pay more for in the states.


Have a great day..whatever you do!


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Oh, on our Sun P. cruise we disembark on a Tue. Also, we will be going to St. Vincent instead of St. Kitts. At any rate, back to my original question, prior to your cruise or WHILE on your cruise, did you notice if there seemed to be a lot of shore excursions getting cancelled? Hope you all have a great time in St. Kitts today!

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Yesterday in St.Maarten we basically just walked around the shops and had planned to do more but with so many ships (and people!) in port,it made moving a little difficult.Nice weather though and Carib beers for a buck!


Today,we did more of the same and since I'm feeling a little under the weather (cold),I didn't have the energy to taxi over to the other side of the island to check out the beaches.


Definitely overcast today but humid.My wife picked up the last of the gift trinkets from the local vendors.




I have not seen alot of cancellations except for the fact that we never got to Barbados and our excursion in Antiqua was cancelled because of rough seas.We have a excursion planned tomorrow in Tortola at the baths so hopefully,that will be fun.


The QM2 is a monster and towers over our little Sun Princess.If the RCL Naviagtor of the Seas (which was in St.Maarten yesterday) was side by side with her,it wouldn't look so dramatic.


Will report back soon if anything exciting happens...Captains Party this evening with Captain William Kent.It is in the Library which is quite small so still haven't figured out that one yet.





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CFL, sorry you are under the weather at such an important time. I am DYING to go to the Baths so I really hope you get to do that. We have been to St. Maarten many times - even once for a wk. when my son was a guest baseball team there. It can be so nice if you have good weather (esp. some of the views from up high and we love Orient Beach (not the nude part!). Yes, the town of Phillipsburg can be SO crowded anymore, but that is actually my favorite place to shop - over St. Thos., even. I am sure everyone was disappointed over Barbados. We were there only once and did the over island 4x4 thing and loved that particular excursion. Didn't think their beaches or shopping were as good as some other islands we've been to, so I don't think you all missed anything in particular in that regard. It's a very literate island and you don't notice so much poverty, etc., there. You answered a question I had in mind about how the QW2 would compare in size to some of the mega RCCL ships - thanks! Sure hope the seas calm down a bit before March because to be honest, the last 2 yrs. we have not had the best weather on some of our cruises. The time we stopped at St. Lucia and Barbados, those 2 days were the ONLY half sunny days we had in a wk! Then last March we were in Belize and many shore excursions were cancelled and we couldn't do all of a snorkeling trip we booked - nor could my husband dive, not to mention rain! At least we were able to go to Grand Cayman, whereas for 3 wks. our ship had been unable to disembark passengers there!

So I am keeping my fingers crossed for this one!

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Thank you so much for your excellent review. I will be on the Sun in May, and am really looking forward to it. Sorry for another gym question, but I am a fanatic! Are there free weights or just weight machines? Free weights are much preferred, and are simpler to use.

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CFL: On our b2b last month, both of our Capt's parties for most-traveled passengers were held in the Library, as a substitution for Sundowner's at Riviera Aft because of high winds. One entrance to the Library (farthest from the internet place) is closed, bar is set up there. Entry is through the door at the internet spot. Big ice sculpture, small mingling area, but adequate for the 25 or so passengers/officers.


On our first segment of the b2b, canapes were served then; but on the second segment, they were deleted because of the Norovirus outbreak. Juliet (CCH) phoned each of us also prior to the party to state that the Capt would NOT be shaking our hands for the same reason.


Also, on segment #2 at the final Capt's Circle party in the Vista Lounge, the Capt was NOT in the receiving line and explained why during his speech. None of the other crew shook hands with the passengers either. But again, we were in a CDC Norovirus "outbreak" mode then.


St. Kitt's: Our first time there also and not a lot going on in the downtown area. A few shops, a rainy day, so we walked around and returned to the ship for our own deck time instead. We tend to enjoy having a quiet deck area spot without all the passengers; feels like our own ship. :-) After several previous port stops with so many ships there along with us, it felt good at St. Kitt's to be the only ship.


If I didn't mention somewhere previously, when we were in St. Maarten, we were with a total of ELEVEN ships!!!! Waaaaay tooooo many people hitting St. Maarten! We stopped at St. Thomas twice (our only repeat port on our b2b), and there were NINE ships one day and EIGHT the other!!! Again, waaaay tooo much. In fact, Cruise Director Dan commented in his morning show that he had seen St. Maarten with that many nor St. Thomas with nine.


MKK: We also enjoy the only-in-the-Caribbean rums, and perhaps that is why the security cop said for us to "enjoy it" when he scanned our bags upon return to the ship. And believe me, we did enjoy it.... :-) Otherwise, it's about the same $$ to purchase onboard.


And CFL: Eager to hear how you enjoyed St. Kitt's. I picked up a cold myself just before St. Maarten and felt pew-nee at St. Kitt's!

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Thanks for a great thread! I have very much enjoyed reading it, but unfortunately will not be around for the rest of your trip - we fly to FLL tomorrow to embark the Sun on Monday. Please look after her for us until then.


Your day by day account has just increased the anticipation. :)



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Hello all!


UK cruiser,


We'll try to keep some booze stocked for you when you get here!While 10 yrs. old,she's in fine shape and you'll be proud to sail her.


patti o,


I am of course in the internet room now (duh!) trying to figure out the floor plan of tonight's party...I knew they couldn't get 25-30 people in the Library!

I'm figuring they'll have 2 of these parties,am I correct?

As I mentioned,there are 38 Elite's sailing this time plus all the Platinum & Gold cruisers.My wife has 16 cruises with Princess (and she's only 31!) and 148 days at sea with them so we'll see where that ranks her tonight.




I'm sure someone else will correct me but I'm almost certain there are both free weights & machines.The furthest I get to exercise is running laps,walking,and shooting hoops...oh and walking back and forth with a food tray if you count that!




Yes,perfect timing to get sick,eh?Actually,I picked up a real bad sore throat the 1st. day followed by the cold which just won't end.


Oh well,what are you going to do?


The baths are confirmed for tomorrow (thanks Host Anne!),we depart @ 8:15 and lunch is provided.Cost is $100/pp and hopefully this will have a healing effect on me.

Weather today is certainly overcast with no sun.We had it this morning for about an hour and there are rain clouds overhead.


Talk to you all tonight after the CC party.



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CFL, oh man, I know what it's like to be sick on a cruise. While it's horrible that you're sick, consider if everytime you had to take sick leave you got waited on, got to sit in the sun, got to get a tan, went to fancy restaurants every night and had other people clean up after you.


Gee when I'm sick I sit at home and look at all the things I really need to pick up, dust, wash, etc... but don't have the energy to do them. I go from bed to the couch and sniffle pitifully. Family members and friends banish me to my room and don't want to talk to me or see me. Daytime TV is dreadful and I'm forced to watch soaps or some talkshow. If I'm lucky the DH will fix me some Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup w/crackers.


I guess when you look at it...if your gonna be sick and have to take time off anyway...a cruise is the place to do it.


Now I'm not talking about the Norovirus here...throwing up is no fun anywhere...done my share of that on a ship. Disclaimer...not related to sea sickness or Noro. Grin...


Hope you're still well enough to do all you want to do.

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No fun I can tell you that.My wife (who is in the medical field),fortunately,has packed enough assorted drugs to kill a small elephant.I am actually just starting to feel better though and I'm not sure if it's all the drugs ar the massive amounts of Maker's Mark bourbon I've been consuming.


Oh well,doctor's orders!


Captain's party in 45 minutes,I hope I don't pass out in front of him.


Leaving the dock with the QM2 was quite the site.Tomorrow is Tortola and hopefully,I'll be feeling well enough to enjoy.


Tonight,the menu is Italian night so that should suit me just fine.


I figure that my 'net fee's will be in the $200-$250 range before I'm done.Thank Princess for Elite membership...what a perk!


Gotta go,



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