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Just back of Carnival Dream and the alcohol confiscating IS WAY UP!!!


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[quote name='scchasgal']According to a CLIA study January 2010 only 20% of Americans have ever been on a cruise. So I would not say middle class America take one or more cruises per year.

May look like it on here but cruise critic is not everyone, probably less than 1% of the population on any given cruise.[/quote]

You know what I mean.. It use to be for the well to do.. Middle class Americans can enjoy cruising now more then ever before..
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[quote name='scchasgal']According to a CLIA study January 2010 only 20% of Americans have ever been on a cruise. So I would not say middle class America take one or more cruises per year.

May look like it on here but cruise critic is not everyone, probably less than 1% of the population on any given cruise.[/quote]

[SIZE=4]I am the only one out of 100's of family/friends that has [B]ever[/B] been on a cruise.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]It is popular for only a small percentage of Americans.[/SIZE]
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[quote name='aspenchase66'][SIZE=4]I am the only one out of 100's of family/friends that has [B]ever[/B] been on a cruise.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]It is popular for only a small percentage of Americans.[/SIZE][/quote]

I didn't say popular, I said affordable.. More affordable then ever...WoW.. really? I am the only one in my circle who has never cruised..
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[quote name='ava_girl_123']I didn't say popular, I said affordable.. More affordable then ever...WoW.. really? I am the only one in my circle who has never cruised..[/quote]

Well Ava, the world needs house cleaners also..

[SIZE=4]Why are you even giving an opinion then? Never cruised before???????[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]What a waste of time it was responding to you.[/SIZE]
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[quote name='ava_girl_123']Read the whole thread dude, you just jumped in here on the last 2 pages.. I agree that people look like morons flaunting it... 100%..

Have you ever not broken a rule? Really? I just chose to not throw judgement against people as easily as others.. I am not without sin in my life so why would I?
"He who is without sin may cast the first stone".. I love that saying.. It makes a ton of sense, and if more people would live like that, less judgement on others would be passed..[/quote]

If I have ever broken a rule you would not find me "flaunting" it and stating the rule im breaking is BS and try to justify why I had broken it.

You would also not see me "supporting" people that break rules by looking the other way or saying its not a big issue.

Now dont judge me just because I "jumped" in on the last two pages. I have been reading and lurking for a bit now.

And "yous" can be used as a collective you not a you you.

So yes as a "society" you (as a collective you) should care. However it doesnt really matter what anyone cares. What matters is:

There is a rule. As the rule continues to get broken the rule will ever so tighten. No one knows the outcome however for the rule breakers they have no one to blame but themselves.

Not to mention people like me that are going to be first time cruisers see "crap" like this openly going on, people openly supporting it and or not caring about it and get the feeling that maybe cruises are not all they are cracked up to be. Kinda gives meaning to the term "Ghetto Cruise".

Oh and im done here. PEACE all, see you in another thread.
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[quote name='CruiserinCarlsbad']And of course, the worst are people who smuggle their 2 12-packs of some kind of soda the ship doesn't carry. Maybe they shouldn't cruise either, since they are breaking the rules by carrying on an extra 12-pack and depriving the ship of revenue by not buying their soda.

I'm with ava girl - who really cares?[/quote]

Sodas, until recently were 'a reasonable amount." Now its 1 12 pack PER PERSON. So 2 people 2 12 packs IS NOT smuggling. Plus soda IS ALLOWED and can be brought on in each port.

Try to stay on point!
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[quote name='aspenchase66']Well Ava, the world needs house cleaners also..

[SIZE=4]Why are you even giving an opinion then? Never cruised before???????[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]What a waste of time it was responding to you.[/SIZE][/quote]

We own our own company thank you.. We have cleaners that work for us.
What does me never having cruised before have anything to do with not placing judgement on others?

You jumped in thread 2 pages back (confused you with Aknot) and said that all Americans who smoke, over drink and have un-ruly children should be banished.. :rolleyes:
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[quote name='ava_girl_123']We own our own company thank you.. We have cleaners that work for us.
What does me never having cruised before have anything to do with not placing judgement on others?

You jumped in thread 2 pages back (confused you with Aknot) and said that all Americans who smoke, over drink and have un-ruly children should be banished.. :rolleyes:[/quote]

What does owning a company have to do with anything you said?

How can you give your 2 cents on anything criuise related if you have never been on one?

Please stop posting [I]answers[/I] (questions are OK) until you come back from [U]your first cruise[/U]. You will def. have a different outlook then when you re-read your posts from prior to the cruise. You might even be able to give good advice/information AT THAT TIME
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[quote name='Aknot']Not to mention people like me that are going to be first time cruisers see "crap" like this openly going on, people openly supporting it and or not caring about it and get the feeling that maybe cruises are not all they are cracked up to be. Kinda gives meaning to the term "Ghetto Cruise".

Oh and im done here. PEACE all, see you in another thread.[/quote]

Well just so you know.......this is nothing new. This has been going on ever since they stopped selling liquor in the onboard stores in which they use to let you take it back to your cabin. But with the great technology of computers and sites like this you will read about it more........It happens on all cruiselines and not just Carnival.......so welcome to the real world of cruising:D
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[quote name='ava_girl_123']Conduct a poll on these boards.. And again, ask the seasoned cruisers if the prices of cruises have went up or down in the past 15 years.. You will get your answer..

You are making an assumption based on NO information at all. You have NO facts that bar prices have effected cruise fares in any way.
It would be equally valid to postulate that cruise fares would be even lower without the added costs/losses of smuggling.
There are no facts to back that up either.
There are facts that ships carry many more passenger per fuel gallon burned. And there are facts that on board sales of many products and services have been marketed more strongly and successfully.
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[quote name='Aknot']If I have ever broken a rule you would not find me "flaunting" it and stating the rule im breaking is BS and try to justify why I had broken it.

You would also not see me "supporting" people that break rules by looking the other way or saying its not a big issue.

Now dont judge me just because I "jumped" in on the last two pages. I have been reading and lurking for a bit now.

And "yous" can be used as a collective you not a you you.

So yes as a "society" you (as a collective you) should care. However it doesnt really matter what anyone cares. What matters is:

There is a rule. As the rule continues to get broken the rule will ever so tighten. No one knows the outcome however for the rule breakers they have no one to blame but themselves.

Not to mention people like me that are going to be first time cruisers see "crap" like this openly going on, people openly supporting it and or not caring about it and get the feeling that maybe cruises are not all they are cracked up to be. Kinda gives meaning to the term "Ghetto Cruise".

Oh and im done here. PEACE all, see you in another thread.[/quote]

So lets see.. why don't you then tell Carnival the board names of the people who have admitted to smuggling that way they can track down the IP address and link it up to the address and then link that up to the booking number so they can track down the bags they brought onto the ship, that way you have done your part in fighting smuggling and not siding with people who try to cheat the system...

I do not support people who break the rules, I just do not cast a stone..
People lie, people cheat, people murder. What can I do about it? Sinners, in every shape and form have been around since the beginning of time, I live a decent life, I do not steal, I pay my bills and taxes, so on and so forth. I do not care if someone tries to smuggle alcohol onto a ship..

I have stated the things I would be worried about greater then a smuggler of alcohol.. You both, you and the other poster, are freaking out that people break rules. I agree, rules are set in place for everyone, but not everyone follows them.. What plan of action do you plan on doing to stop it? :rolleyes:
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[quote name='Tapi']I know that many will disagree with me, but I'm actually happy that Carnival (and other cruise lines) are finally enforcing this rule.

Smuggling alcohol onboard means less revenue for the cruise line. Less revenue means spreading the cost among all passengers. So the passengers that DO follow the rules end up indirectly paying the tab of those trying to save a buck.[/quote]

I completely agree. My opinion has always been....If you can't afford to drink on your cruise, don't drink....Or don't cruise if it's that important. It bothers me to think that I have to pickup the extra cost of people who are A) too cheap or B) bad at saving their $$ for their trip.
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[B][U]KURBANFAN- [/U][/B] You have been on several cruises before correct? I asked a question earlier regarding wether or not you thought cruise prices went up or down the past 15 years correct? You answered down.. You also commented to another poster who blamed smugglers for the higher prices in cruise fares over the last several years that you have not seen higher prices correct..?

Louann123 or whatever your screen name is Aspenchase66, what are you two married? Same computer, you both have the same pic in your posts...me not cruising has nothing to do with passing judgement on people.. I stated that we owned a company because you said "Oh well, the world needs house cleaners";)
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[quote name='ms-getaway']Maybe this is why they invented Rum Runners:rolleyes:[/quote]

Rum Runners were invented to keep used colostomy bags out of landfills!!!:eek:
Enjoy your smuggled booze in its "recycled" bag!!!:D:p
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[quote name='LordKrystic']Couldn't find it written anywhere myself, but a call to my wife(who ordered our BV stoli) confirmed that the limit was two according to the BV CSR.[/quote]

CSR info I consider NO INFO. At any company.

I once worked in management for a multi Billion dollar international company. The absolute favorite CSR of all customers was a guy that always asked, "What do you want me to tell you?" They would tell him what they wanted to hear [like. "Your order was shipped yesterday!"] And that is what he would tell them! No matter that it was an out and out LIE, they loved him. I think because they could then say, "The factory said the order was shipped yesterday." and they would NOT be lying to their customer.
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Wow, just when I thought it was safe to make a point...
One person can't bring on two 12-packs of soda at embarkation. That is the rule, and I wasn't talking about two people each bringing on one. I'm just saying that there are plenty of rules on board a cruise, and non-smugglers are likely breaking other ones like putting towels down in the theater to save chairs, saving chairs on deck, or bringing their kids to the adult only area. None of that is going to ruin my cruise.

Honestly, I don't think that half the people who make smuggling some kind of moral issue even really care about the extra bottle of wine. They don't like people having fun and drinking a little more than usual while they're cruising. Which is legal, by the way.
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[quote name='dan40']CSR info I consider NO INFO. At any company.[/quote]

I called 3 times the other evening and was told the same thing.. 2 bottles per cabin.. However a poster on another thread was able to order 6 because she said she had 3 cabins booked..
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[quote name='CruiserinCarlsbad']Wow, just when I thought it was safe to make a point...
One person can't bring on two 12-packs of soda at embarkation. That is the rule, and I wasn't talking about two people each bringing on one. I'm just saying that there are plenty of rules on board a cruise, and non-smugglers are likely breaking other ones like putting towels down in the theater to save chairs, saving chairs on deck, or bringing their kids to the adult only area. None of that is going to ruin my cruise.

Honestly, I don't think that half the people who make smuggling some kind of moral issue even really care about the extra bottle of wine. They don't like people having fun and drinking a little more than usual while they're cruising. Which is legal, by the way.[/quote]

I'm 100% against smuggling. But if you TRIED to have more fun and/or drink more than I do on a cruise,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Your liver would explode.

I simply believe if a person's word means nothing to themselves. They mean nothing to me.
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[quote name='Umphreak2010']I completely agree. My opinion has always been....If you can't afford to drink on your cruise, don't drink....Or don't cruise if it's that important. It bothers me to think that I have to pickup the extra cost of people who are A) too cheap or B) bad at saving their $$ for their trip.[/quote]

I can afford to cruise.....and I smuggle....now what:confused:
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[quote name='ava_girl_123']For all of you seasoned cruisers out there, and I mean really seasoned, 10+ cruises at least..Have you found that cruises have went up in price over the last 15+years, or have they went down in price? Maybe stayed the same?[/quote]

All I know is the price I am paying for my suite for my cruise on the Fantasy in November is only $200.00 total more than I paid for an oceanview for my first cruise on the Sensation in 1997
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[quote name='cuyahoga11']All I know is the price I am paying for my suite for my cruise on the Fantasy in November is only $200.00 total more than I paid for an oceanview for my first cruise on the Sensation in 1997[/quote]

So that is a good thing right? $200 bucks over a 12 year period for a suite this time over an OV... ;)

I wish my taxes, and food shopping and car insurance, and mortgage only went up $200 over a 12 year period.. :cool:

We were married 13 years ago and didn't look into cruising as it was way more to cruise..
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[quote name='Tapi']I know that many will disagree with me, but I'm actually happy that Carnival (and other cruise lines) are finally enforcing this rule.

Smuggling alcohol onboard means less revenue for the cruise line. Less revenue means spreading the cost among all passengers. So the passengers that DO follow the rules end up indirectly paying the tab of those trying to save a buck.[/QUOTE]

This only works if everything is equal. If I smuggle, I may still spend more on alcohol than you. Maybe I won't. But I might spend more in the casino or shops. Or book all my excursions through the ship. Or attend every bingo game. Just because one smuggles doesn't mean that the cruise line is making less money off that passenger then say the person in the next cabin.
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