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Jade Courtyard Access

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But isn't it also the concierge and butler's job to make every other courtyard passenger happy? There are many who feel strongly about this and who paid just as much money for the access and the perks. Why should these parents be treated as special over the other passengers? And it is not at all a matter of the parents simply contacting the concierge and everything they want will be granted. Good customer service takes into account all the customers, not just this one party. I simply don't think it's reasonable to expect that NCL can or should "do anything" to keep anyone as a customer. It's an unreasonable expectation. Besides, the cruise line isn't exactly desperate and hurting for customers.



We have stayed in courtyard villas twice, the last time was last month. Every pax who "paid lots of money" for use of the courtyard, is entitled to the same privacy they paid for. There have been many who have questioned this restriction for family members and been denied. Good Customer service is meeting the needs of those who "paid lots of money" for exclusive use of these areas. I also hear your plan to "just hang out with your friends" which indicates something else. The main pool area is perfect for that, it is closer to band and food and would probably be much more entertaining. Enjoy the cruise experience and Island music by the main pool. You are able to pick up lunch or a snack at any time because you are closer to the buffet all day. Beleive me, at your age, I would not want to be isolated with a group of older folks. But at my age, It is what I paid for.

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My dad and I are registered under the Courtyard villa and my brother and mom are under the inside room. I just checked the NCL website, and there are no balcony or suites available (does that mean they are all sold out?). It would be great if all 4 of us could get into a CV, but if we don't, that's alright too! I'm sure if my parents are paying that much, the concierge would be able to allow two teenagers into the courtyard (that's really all we care about...private pool and sundeck). And if they don't let my brother and I in, that's alright too! We'll just hang out in our room with all our friends(:


Either way, it's alright(: This is a once in a lifetime trip and I'm going to savor every second of it, with or without a courtyard to relax in(:



It seems likely that you and your dad are going to be the ones with your names on the door and your names on the Cagney’s "guest" list together. Be sure to all check in together in the Suite line to get things straightened out the way you would like. Be sure to be extra friendly to the concierge. I would suggest requesting occasionally to be allowed to dine as a family in Cagney's. Be ok with it if they say no, and if they say yes, then do not abuse the privilege. Of course, there is no reason your parents can not order anything on the Cagney's menu to be delivered as room service, so you can all share breakfast in the suite if you would like. If you share the room cards, I would think it would be unlikely that you will be “kicked out” of the Courtyard unless someone else complains. Again, I would make sure you go the extra mile to make sure you are not negatively impacting others

My experience with this situation was on the Jade in February and I had no problems including my 1 stray family member from another cabin in Cagney’s and the Courtyard, but they only used these perks occasionally. If you are allowed to spend time in the courtyard / Cagney’s , be sure you increase your tip to the Concierge and Butler

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We have stayed in courtyard villas twice, the last time was last month. Every pax who "paid lots of money" for use of the courtyard, is entitled to the same privacy they paid for. There have been many who have questioned this restriction for family members and been denied. Good Customer service is meeting the needs of those who "paid lots of money" for exclusive use of these areas. I also hear your plan to "just hang out with your friends" which indicates something else. The main pool area is perfect for that, it is closer to band and food and would probably be much more entertaining. Enjoy the cruise experience and Island music by the main pool. You are able to pick up lunch or a snack at any time because you are closer to the buffet all day. Beleive me, at your age, I would not want to be isolated with a group of older folks. But at my age, It is what I paid for.


Are you sure you meant to direct your post to me? I wrote a post that agreed with you. We stayed in a CV a few years ago and would not have appreciated everyone staying in Courtyard-eligible suites being allowed to bring extra people into the small space.


The sentence I bolded makes me wonder if you meant to write your post to the OP? I sure didn't mention anything about planning to "just hang out" with my friends or anything else that you included. Could you clarify if you meant this for me? Believe me, "my age" puts me in the "older folks" (middle aged, specifically) group.



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Well Cruise Girl I told you on the 1st post that you might regret presenting this question. I agree with several other people here that you probably should not have access to the Courtyard and the perks unless you are booking a Courtyard room. It appears your parents and thier travel agent have just taught you a lesson that it is acceptable to be deceptive. I think it is very obvious that the Courtyard is for the Courtyard Guests. I hope NCL enforces the rules in order to be fair to the majority of HONEST folks and not the MINORITY of folks looking to beat the system.


I fully expect that you won't agree, but when you do become an adult and you are honestly spending your own hard earned money you might agree.


Hey... why not invite the cousins, aunts and Uncles and they can book inside cabins and also enjoy the Courtyard. What the heck, they are family too! My point is... where do you draw the line?

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Beachchick: I was agreeing with you. There is no question that I meant to address the comment to the OP. I was mistakenly using the quote to draw attention to that phrase....just hang out with your friends . sorry for the confusion. At their age, it is appropriate to want to hang out with friends but not acceptable for the courtyard or it's sundeck. It would be boring compared to the main pool and live band...not to mention the people watching.

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Being my brother and I are 17 & 15, we don't really use a pool other than a quick dip. And plus, I'd just be laying out listening to my iPod....and probably same with my brother (or using the treadmil I hear is on the courtyard) I'm hoping we will be able to get access, but if we don't, there's always those giant sundecks we can hang out on with our friends(:


Just go with an open mind. That way, no disappointments.


You will have a blast regardless.

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Well Cruise Girl I told you on the 1st post that you might regret presenting this question. I agree with several other people here that you probably should not have access to the Courtyard and the perks unless you are booking a Courtyard room. It appears your parents and thier travel agent have just taught you a lesson that it is acceptable to be deceptive. I think it is very obvious that the Courtyard is for the Courtyard Guests. I hope NCL enforces the rules in order to be fair to the majority of HONEST folks and not the MINORITY of folks looking to beat the system.


I fully expect that you won't agree, but when you do become an adult and you are honestly spending your own hard earned money you might agree.


Hey... why not invite the cousins, aunts and Uncles and they can book inside cabins and also enjoy the Courtyard. What the heck, they are family too! My point is... where do you draw the line?


Where we draw the line means that you are in fact allowed to have two guests in the courtyard and my brother and I will be given key card access. (My parents spoke with a representative from NCL.) Are you saying we're not honest? My parents are spending their hard earned money for this trip and I understand that everyone else is too. We are not looking to beat the system...we're a middle class family who happened to luck out when a CV was canceled. And it's not like we're a HUGE family that has a party of 20.

I would appreciate it if you did not make my family sound like people who are too good for rules and stupid people who get decieved by travel agents (who are in fact correct)

(: Have a good day(:

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OK, I can understand that the prior poster may have gotten your back up. However, I truly believe that you TA is misinformed or misunderstood and I don't want you to get upset if you are denied CY access. Obviously, you had questions about being able to use it or you wouldn't have started this thread.


Technically, your family is entitled to have 2 guests use the Courtyard and the other suite perks. This would be the 2 guests who are booked in the CY Villa, which may be what your TA was trying to say. There is no such thing as "guest passes" into the CY. And yes, you will need the special keycard to access the 14th deck. I do understand that it can get confusing as one parent is "technically" booked into each of the rooms, but will be in the Villa together.


Very possibly, you will be able to share in the suite perks such as the CY with your parents, but it is not a guaranteed thing and shouldn't be expected. My guess is that it will be up to the Concierge.


Whatever happens, just go with the flow and have a great cruise!

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Where we draw the line means that you are in fact allowed to have two guests in the courtyard and my brother and I will be given key card access. (My parents spoke with a representative from NCL.)


Hey-Cool! IMO-that's a good line they drew...Have a great time! :)

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Actually, some have asked to have family included in suite perks and have been denied. So herein lies the inconsistency. When you come on CC and you are promised something others have not received it can be touchy. I really do believe your family would have preferred the CV that accomodates four, it's unfortunate that was not an option. By booking a second cabin (inside) it ends up costing more and yet it is what it is.


When you said the CV came available, did you get an upsell?


Anyways, whatever the powers that be decide it really is out of your hands. Whatever happens, I hope you have a great time. I just hope you won't be disappointed if they are strict.

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Where we draw the line means that you are in fact allowed to have two guests in the courtyard and my brother and I will be given key card access. (My parents spoke with a representative from NCL.) Are you saying we're not honest? My parents are spending their hard earned money for this trip and I understand that everyone else is too. We are not looking to beat the system...we're a middle class family who happened to luck out when a CV was canceled. And it's not like we're a HUGE family that has a party of 20.

I would appreciate it if you did not make my family sound like people who are too good for rules and stupid people who get decieved by travel agents (who are in fact correct)

(: Have a good day(:


Just don't count on it. Sometimes they do and other times they don't. We had a GV once and inside cabin elsewhere on the ship for 2 family members (young adults.) They were not included in the perks and to have them visit we had to meet them and either open the door at the stairs or personally escort them up to the GV in the elevator. They were able to enjoy our GV and private garden area but were not permitted in the courtyard area. On another ship it was permitted and in fact the butler immediately told us that he would get keys for those 2 family members. The rule is those staying in the courtyard area are the only ones permitted in the courtyard and to receive the suite perks. As you have been hearing -- sometimes they do extend to others and at other times they don't. But 2 guests in that courtyard means just that -- the two guests registered in the villa -- anything after that is up to the concierge.

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Beachchick: I was agreeing with you. There is no question that I meant to address the comment to the OP. I was mistakenly using the quote to draw attention to that phrase....just hang out with your friends . sorry for the confusion. At their age, it is appropriate to want to hang out with friends but not acceptable for the courtyard or it's sundeck. It would be boring compared to the main pool and live band...not to mention the people watching.


Gotcha. Good points too. When I was a teen, I would have much preferred hanging at the regular pool deck enjoying the band, etc.



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Where we draw the line means that you are in fact allowed to have two guests in the courtyard and my brother and I will be given key card access. (My parents spoke with a representative from NCL.) Are you saying we're not honest? My parents are spending their hard earned money for this trip and I understand that everyone else is too. We are not looking to beat the system...we're a middle class family who happened to luck out when a CV was canceled. And it's not like we're a HUGE family that has a party of 20.

I would appreciate it if you did not make my family sound like people who are too good for rules and stupid people who get decieved by travel agents (who are in fact correct)

(: Have a good day(:


This is actually incorrect information from the NCL representative. How do you know that the travel agent is "in fact correct"? The rules do not say so, not anywhere; it has not been the practice on NCL ships at any time. But no one is saying you are stupid or being deceived. They are saying the NCL representative or travel agent are wrong. Members here are telling you the rules as they exist. It's not a matter of you being "too good for rules." It's a matter of you receiving incorrect information. NCL representatives (on land at the call centers) are notorious for giving wrong information and for telling customers anything they want to hear. That doesn't make you and your family bad or wrong or selfish. It's a testament to NCL employee training.


In general, Courtyard passengers are not allowed to have guests in the Courtyard, period. If you are allowed, it will be because you have been granted special permission to be there with your parents. It's not the same thing as a general "Courtyard passengers may each bring two guests." No matter what a phone representative told you, the rule of no guests in the Courtyard exists and is almost always followed without exception.


I think the point about drawing the line is valid. To many people, it doesn't matter whether you're a family of 4 or 20. If your parents had 18 children :eek: and all of them were staying in inside cabins, then they would all have to be allowed into the Courtyard. Or your parents would have to choose a few to go to the Courtyard and the rest would not be allowed. There have been threads here from people who are traveling with 20 family members with 2 people in a Courtyard Villa who ask how they get keys for the entire family to use the Courtyard. Whether it's 2 or 20, the rules apply. There are certain cases, determined individually, where minor children are allowed access with their parents. This is the exception, not the rule. Please do not "shoot the messengers" here. It may well be that you get an exception and are allowed to have Courtyard access, but you cannot count on it. It doesn't matter one bit what a phone representative tells you. It does matter what the hotel director, butlers, and concierge onboard determine.



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We are just back from the Jade cruise in the med ........ we had friends onboard in a outside cabin ( not in a suite ) ..... we tried to get them into the courtyard and Cagneys but were unsuccesful ......... even concierge couldnt arrange this ....... maybe because of your age it may be possible - but to be honest , i wouldnt count on it !


Good luck anyway.


Ps - try to check-in with your parents in desk 42-43 - at end of line - it was great for us - quick check-in and whisked away passed all the lines !

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Last year on the Gem I was in a CV with my mom, daughter and grandma. My sister and her friend were in an inside cabin. They were not able to join us in Cagney's or the Courtyard. I completely understand why. Several days lounge chairs were hard to come by during peak hours. If everyone added two more people to "visit" that would be a real problem. In other words, there are a limited number of "resources" (loungers/treadmill/waiters etc.) in the CY area and if extra people are added who are NOT paying the CV rate then it short changes those passengers who paid to take full advantage of those perks. I personally feel guests should not be allowed and if I knew there were "visitors" there and there were no lounge chairs (or treadmill etc etc) for customers who actually paid to be in the CV I would complain to management.


For the OP, while I generally feel the members of your family not booked in the CV should not be allowed in the CY I do feel badly that your family seems to have been misinformed of the rules for the courtyard. Maybe they will accomidate you because you have been misled and becuase there are 2 minors who would otherwise be separated from their parents. If seems NCL is to blame for this error not your family. I hope whatever happens you have a wonderful trip.

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Last year on the Gem I was in a CV with my mom, daughter and grandma. My sister and her friend were in an inside cabin. They were not able to join us in Cagney's or the Courtyard. I completely understand why. Several days lounge chairs were hard to come by during peak hours. If everyone added two more people to "visit" that would be a real problem. In other words, there are a limited number of "resources" (loungers/treadmill/waiters etc.) in the CY area and if extra people are added who are NOT paying the CV rate then it short changes those passengers who paid to take full advantage of those perks. I personally feel guests should not be allowed and if I knew there were "visitors" there and there were no lounge chairs (or treadmill etc etc) for customers who actually paid to be in the CV I would complain to management.


For the OP, while I generally feel the members of your family not booked in the CV should not be allowed in the CY I do feel badly that your family seems to have been misinformed of the rules for the courtyard. Maybe they will accomidate you because you have been misled and becuase there are 2 minors who would otherwise be separated from their parents. If seems NCL is to blame for this error not your family. I hope whatever happens you have a wonderful trip.


That's not exactly the case. One minor and one parent are booked in the CV; the other minor and parent are booked in an inside cabin. There wouldn't be two unaccompanied minors here - just one rather unfortunate parent :p

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Well the cruise is on Sunday, so I guess we'll figure out whose right and wrong!(:


Your young mind hasn't figured it out yet. It's not a matter of who is right or wrong. It's a matter of you are angry at the poster's here who are trying to tell you what most people's experiences have been and what the rules are. You might have a concierge that complies with your request, but you might not because only the people booked in a Courtyard Cabin get to use the Courtyard area.

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Yes, I agree it is all about right and wrong. It is wrong to sell me exclusive use of the area, then let others use the area that did not pay for that use.


On Gem they allowed NO visitors to the CY or deck 15, even when it was empty.

On Pearl, much to my dismay, children( 15-early twenty) were allowed access. It did impact my trip. The fact that I booked and paid for two villas so we could all use the area, while other guests did not and still used the area was an issue with me. So I am looking at a CV for my next trip and am wondering if I should just do a suite on another line. The more I read that guests use the area, the least likely I am to book a CV.

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We've cruised several times in a courtyard suite and the two "guests" with use of the courtyard were my husband and I and not relatives or friends. I do worry that the OP is setting herself and her family for disappointment if courtyard access is not granted to the other 2 family members.


There is limited seating in the courtyard (enough to handle the total number of pax that can be booked into courtyard suites and OS). The courtyard (at least for us) is a place to relax away from crowds and noise - some of our favorites times on our cruises have been the hours that we spent in the courtyard reading, napping and just "being".

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Oh come on! They need to just buck up and book a GV for anyone that wants to use the facilities. Some people only hear what they want to hear. I warned the op that she may not like what she would hear here.


Let's not over look the fact she is also just a child with very limited Schema (google it).

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That's not exactly the case. One minor and one parent are booked in the CV; the other minor and parent are booked in an inside cabin. There wouldn't be two unaccompanied minors here - just one rather unfortunate parent :p

Hey Micchi - Do you really think they should have Courtyard Access and not pay for the privledge?

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Hey Micchi - Do you really think they should have Courtyard Access and not pay for the privledge?


Not at all! I was making a joke, as those parents are in for a rude awakening when one of them is not allowed access. Lola was speaking as though both parents would be allowed in without the children, which is wrong as the two children cannot be booked in a cabin by themselves so the parents have been "split." I mentioned earlier that teenagers tend to come with things that would NOT be appreciated by other pax trying to enjoy the courtyard. I'm rather young myself and I remember how I was as a teenager - not courtyard appropriate.

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