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New passport/birth certificate policy for cruise lines?


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Mike, i will give you credit for putting together the longest sentences in history doll!!!!!! But I will say that you may not be a person that subscribes to "certain" idealogies... you subscribe to your own, which seem to very extremely radical, to say the least. You, in admission in your own posts, seem to think that everyone is out to get you (not just this thread, but nearly every thread you post to). Had you honestly lived during the eras you speak of, you could likely have been imprisoned or beheaded for being so outspoken about government... yet today, you have the right to speak your mind and have an opinion. Yet you seem to think we are taking a step backwards. A quick glance in your history books will show you that is quite the contrary... the government is not out to make your life miserable and take away your constitutional rights. Look at all the lawsuits of the people that keep "fighting their constitutional rights" and lose... many people interpret the constitution the way they want too, rather than realizing that in the days in was written, some of the things you make reference too were not even a twinkle in its founders eyes... times change and we have to be flexible enough to adapt. The world is a far different place and government will never be even close to perfect... but a passport is a good thing, LOL :D
OMG this is funny, I never once said I feel everyone is out to get me and dont feel that way whatsoever and I dont feel the Govt is out to make my life miserable LOL my idealogies are very mainstream and my only argument has been about searches, nothing else, and making sure we retain that right, there is nothing radical about that,,,Geezz I should show wifey this, will she laugh, your talking to one of the most mainstream people youll ever meet and one of the most flexible too,,I realize things change and in this age of terrorism things have to be looked at diferently than 200 years ago, my argument all along has been we can have our security without interfering in our rights is all and if you dare look and read my past posts you will see Im all for Passports and all the inconviences we deal with today to insure our security, I feel the police, Government or whoever you want to call em still should be required to pass certain litmus tests such as obtaining warrants before being allowed to perform a search and feel this is being skirted around and corners cut now and shouldnt be is all
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Crackpot?? Maybe........... Radical?? Yes, I think so. I think you need to have a cup of coffee and chill out. You are getting too worked up about nothing. Perfect world????????? No, It will never happen. Would I want to live in any other country? Hell No! If you think our govt. is bad, it's time you started looking beyond our borders and think about what life would be like living in.......Cuba? Iran? Iraq (before we removed Sadam) If you talked about your rights there like you are here, you would already be in prison or dead. You have it pretty good here wheather you think so or not.



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OMG this is funny, I never once said I feel everyone is out to get me and dont feel that way whatsoever and I dont feel the Govt is out to make my life miserable LOL my idealogies are very mainstream and my only argument has been about searches, nothing else, and making sure we retain that right, there is nothing radical about that,,,Geezz I should show wifey this, will she laugh, your talking to one of the most mainstream people youll ever meet and one of the most flexible too,,I realize things change and in this age of terrorism things have to be looked at diferently than 200 years ago, my argument all along has been we can have our security without interfering in our rights is all and if you dare look and read my past posts you will see Im all for Passports and all the inconviences we deal with today to insure our security, I feel the police, Government or whoever you want to call em still should be required to pass certain litmus tests such as obtaining warrants before being allowed to perform a search and feel this is being skirted around and corners cut now and shouldnt be is all


Mike, if you were to read your posts, and if anyone were to read your posts... they would think that you believe the government is out to get you... your posts come across as someone that is very paranoid and as a victim... maybe not your intent, but that is how they come across :( Just being honest...

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Mike, I don't think you are a whack job... I think you are passionate in your beliefs and there is nothing wrong with that... but I think you should also believe that some radical beliefs can and have been some of the downfalls in this country (you are a conservative, so I know you know what I mean)... sometimes it is best to keep such views to ourselves, especially regarding some of the things you have mentioned and talked about. Without the benefit of meeting you in person and knowing that you are not a whack job.... some times posts are all anyone has to go by, and while I KNOW you are not... some of your posts can lead people to believe that (I mean NO offense, just being an honest observer here)... I know you are a good guy with a good heart and just want the best... but you know as well as I do, that sometimes radical views should be kept to yourself as generally they are not popular and will always lead to controversy, especially when you start talking about this country and where it is leading too.... I for one will defend this country and it's actions to the death... I am proud to be an American and will defend anyone talking it down. I have traveled around the world and I have seen the alternatives.... would not have it any other way!!! :D
I agree wholeheartedly GC and that is a downfall in posting in that things can be misconstrued, I dont think our country is heading for the S.....r at any point in the near future, I dont know how old you are but if you are close to my age 44 youll remember when Reagan reintroduced selective service and made it mandatory for all men over 18 to be on the list in case there was a draft, I was among the first to sign up and had to fight through a crowd of protestors. I do see a dilution in some rights though and the right to not be searched without just cause is a huge one and seems to be diluted a little more every time our country has a crisis, war on drugs, than Colimbine now terrorism and my only radical thought is that there needs to be a line drawn where we say no more, they are not neccessary to secure our safety,,,Is this really radical?? And yes, being conservative I do see where many radical ideas have led us and will not comment here LOL I am passionate about this subject because of personal experiences just as a Cancer Victim become a strong advocate for more research, or Aids or any of a million subjects
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Mike, if you were to read your posts, and if anyone were to read your posts... they would think that you believe the government is out to get you... your posts come across as someone that is very paranoid and as a victim... maybe not your intent, but that is how they come across :( Just being honest...
and you wonder why my posts are long, I am trying diligently to avoid just that LOL and make sure my points are clear, some cant be said in 2 sentences without many meanings being attached,,,,UGH somehow I think Im doing well now with short posts hmmm I should just shut up
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Mike, being only 34, I do remember exactly what you are talking about... Political History was a passion of mine in college... but I will say, you talk sometimes as the rest of the world has been at a stand still and government is moving forward making rules up as they go... society mandates how our government is run... look at your local news, look at the national headlines... our world has changed, even since the Reagan era... and it will change moreso by the time we wake up in the morning. We are at war... not only with an external enemy, but with an internal one as well. Our government has adapted pretty well without inconveniencing us too much. Our government has a responsibility to do the best they can to keep it's citizens safe. You may not agree with the way they go about it, but then again, you are not in their shoes... not always easy to run a Nation I would imagine. You are not always going to make everyone happy... but in the meantime, looking back in history, they have done a damn good job. Still making me very proud to be an American and I will stand up for our government every single time. Might not agree with everything, but I will always respect them.

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and you wonder why my posts are long, I am trying diligently to avoid just that LOL and make sure my points are clear, some cant be said in 2 sentences without many meanings being attached,,,,UGH somehow I think Im doing well now with short posts hmmm I should just shut up


LOL Mike, see, now THAT I understand! LOL!!!! Really Mike, I love having debates with you, and I hope to cruise with you one day. I am sure we could have a great time and some great conversation... I know you get a little long winded and you are passionate... I just want you to understand that sometimes your posts (as all of ours can) can come across as a little "crazed" :eek: :D ;)

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I didn't say you were a whack job. Your words dear. What I meant was that conservatives are not propronents of the ACLU for quite a few reasons, those being they dont' really believe in everyone's liberties, just their own interpretation. I only said tout because the topic had been brought up and when you bring up organizations that are controversial, you're going to get that it comes across as your version of how things should be.


I think this topic has been beat to death and the reality is if passports become required for all foreign travel, even cruising, get over it and move on.

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Our government has adapted pretty well without inconveniencing us too much. Our government has a responsibility to do the best they can to keep it's citizens safe.


Safe ha, no inconvenience ha.


Tell that to the families with loved ones in some foreign country fighting a war over oil.


My brother is over in Iraq and every time I hear about a solder being killed or worse yet beheaded I sit and wonder.


I would say that this is a major inconvenience.

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Just curious, why is someone with opposing views seen as a whack job?


people trust the government to do the right thing way to much. Realistically who is the whack job, someone that fallows with blind trust or someone that questions what is right and what is wrong.

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and make sure my points are clear,



THAT is what I'm having a problem with!!! :D


Your thoughts are most likely clear as glass...but when you write them with no periods I can't read them and understand them!!!!!! ;)

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THAT is what I'm having a problem with!!! :D


Your thoughts are most likely clear as glass...but when you write them with no periods I can't read them and understand them!!!!!! ;)

Paragraph Start You watch now comma Im going very redical and extreme and keeping my posts short so nobody will understand me PERIOD

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Safe ha, no inconvenience ha.


Tell that to the families with loved ones in some foreign country fighting a war over oil.


My brother is over in Iraq and every time I hear about a solder being killed or worse yet beheaded I sit and wonder.


I would say that this is a major inconvenience.

Im not going down this road today
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[quote name='BND']I didn't say you were a whack job. Your words dear. What I meant was that conservatives are not propronents of the ACLU for quite a few reasons, those being they dont' really believe in everyone's liberties, just their own interpretation. I only said tout because the topic had been brought up and when you bring up organizations that are controversial, you're going to get that it comes across as your version of how things should be.

I think this topic has been beat to death and the reality is if passports become required for all foreign travel, even cruising, get over it and move on.[/QUOTE]You may be right, just as my thoughts became misconstrued so did yours, but when someone writes, "ACLU, enough said" I think the connotation is very clear. Im not sure whose post that was, too lazy to look LOL but I am putting this to rest, its not a subject to debate via posts or email or whatever because thoughts get so bent out of shape from what a person is really trying to say..
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[quote name='ConquestMike']You may be right, just as my thoughts became misconstrued so did yours, but when someone writes, "ACLU, enough said" I think the connotation is very clear. Im not sure whose post that was, too lazy to look LOL but I am putting this to rest, its not a subject to debate via posts or email or whatever because thoughts get so bent out of shape from what a person is really trying to say..[/QUOTE] PS I had you pegged as a guy LOL see I was wrong LOL unless your the type of guy who calls other guys dear, in that case dont talk to me LOL
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[quote name='BND']I didn't say you were a whack job. Your words dear. What I meant was that conservatives are not propronents of the ACLU for quite a few reasons, those being they dont' really believe in everyone's liberties, just their own interpretation. I only said tout because the topic had been brought up and when you bring up organizations that are controversial, you're going to get that it comes across as your version of how things should be.

I think this topic has been beat to death and the reality is if passports become required for all foreign travel, even cruising, get over it and move on.[/QUOTE]DOUBLE PS, just to be clear, I never once said I was against passports and even wrote several times Im all for that and many other security measures, its in my posts several times, just to clear the air Dear
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[quote name='GoinCruisin']LOL Mike, see, now THAT I understand! LOL!!!! Really Mike, I love having debates with you, and I hope to cruise with you one day. I am sure we could have a great time and some great conversation... I know you get a little long winded and you are passionate... I just want you to understand that sometimes your posts (as all of ours can) can come across as a little "crazed" :eek: :D ;)[/QUOTE] I have become involved in 2 Hot Topics on this board, this one and you know the other and both you and Halos have been there and always respectful. I think these struck a nerve at a time when I had time on my hands to debate and did.I promised myself to try to be more concise, ummm shorter but didnt keep my resolution, that needs work as I can see now how "Long" can equal "Crazed" LOL I love respectful debates where each others opinions can be said without tempers flaring etc etc and sometimes a person, myself included, learns to see things in ways they never thought of before, to me thats a good thing rather than being stuck on opinion and staying stuck just because its your opinion if you know what I mean..
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[quote name='GoinCruisin']Mike, being only 34, I do remember exactly what you are talking about... Political History was a passion of mine in college... but I will say, you talk sometimes as the rest of the world has been at a stand still and government is moving forward making rules up as they go... society mandates how our government is run... look at your local news, look at the national headlines... our world has changed, even since the Reagan era... and it will change moreso by the time we wake up in the morning. We are at war... not only with an external enemy, but with an internal one as well. Our government has adapted pretty well without inconveniencing us too much. Our government has a responsibility to do the best they can to keep it's citizens safe. You may not agree with the way they go about it, but then again, you are not in their shoes... not always easy to run a Nation I would imagine. You are not always going to make everyone happy... but in the meantime, looking back in history, they have done a damn good job. Still making me very proud to be an American and I will stand up for our government every single time. Might not agree with everything, but I will always respect them.[/QUOTE] Wasnt sure of your age and didnt want to offend and start another debate LMAO,,my point wuth the selective service thing was I also love this country and if needed would fight for it though now Im too old LOL. It angered me that these Pansies wouldnt fight, and at that time the Russion threat was a real thing..I know our Govt is not perfect but I firmly believe it is the best place on earth and in History to live and will fight for our freedom if need be.I do agree with most of what is done and believe they do a pretty good job. But, just like our superiors at work will say, there is always room for improvement. Even a great employee,,,ooops Associate LOL never gets a perfect performance review and neither does our Govt.. does that sound better, a little clearer? not so radical LOL So. how does everyone feel about Social Security??
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Mike (hold onto your hat), I agree!!! LOL! Of course there is always room for improvement, as with anything. I just get a little defensive when people come down so hard on our government (who we, as a people, elect.. in many countries, the PEOPLE don't have a choice). They have a difficult job to do and nobody is ever happy... I still think we have it made and live in the greatest country in the world, so I get a bit defensive when people put it down... I think every one of us has a family member or a friend that is either now, or has fought in a war. I have 2 family members in Iraq and 1 nephew that just returned.... he, as I am sure most would, be irrate at some of the things that are said about our government, etc. Our soldiers CHOSE to enlist, unlike other wars in history... they love this country and the WORLD and are willing to lay down their lives for it... If our government wants to do something that they feel makes us safer, ie, passports... I'm all for it. Sure, might not be ironclad, but it is a small step and small steps are what gets us there. That being said, I know you are in agreement with passports... It's all good Mike :D
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[quote name='douglinc@msn.com']Mike,
Crackpot?? Maybe........... Radical?? Yes, I think so. I think you need to have a cup of coffee and chill out. You are getting too worked up about nothing. Perfect world????????? No, It will never happen. Would I want to live in any other country? Hell No! If you think our govt. is bad, it's time you started looking beyond our borders and think about what life would be like living in.......Cuba? Iran? Iraq (before we removed Sadam) If you talked about your rights there like you are here, you would already be in prison or dead. You have it pretty good here wheather you think so or not.

Doug[/QUOTE] Dont forget I was replying to 5 or 6 people at once yesterday and trying to answer em all before I had to leave and get coffee, so consequently I had many posts,you were just debating with one person>> I agree with you and all others, this is the best place in the world to live, but is there anything wrong with improving on what we already have or making sure wrongs that might be committed are brought to light so the same mistakes dont happen again?? Especially since, as GC says, our Govenrment is ever evolving and needs to change and be flexible with the times so sometimes they will get it wrong. If nobody says anything how will they know they got it wrong??
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[quote name='GoinCruisin']Mike (hold onto your hat), I agree!!! LOL! Of course there is always room for improvement, as with anything. I just get a little defensive when people come down so hard on our government (who we, as a people, elect.. in many countries, the PEOPLE don't have a choice). They have a difficult job to do and nobody is ever happy... I still think we have it made and live in the greatest country in the world, so I get a bit defensive when people put it down... I think every one of us has a family member or a friend that is either now, or has fought in a war. I have 2 family members in Iraq and 1 nephew that just returned.... he, as I am sure most would, be irrate at some of the things that are said about our government, etc. Our soldiers CHOSE to enlist, unlike other wars in history... they love this country and the WORLD and are willing to lay down their lives for it... If our government wants to do something that they feel makes us safer, ie, passports... I'm all for it. Sure, might not be ironclad, but it is a small step and small steps are what gets us there. That being said, I know you are in agreement with passports... It's all good Mike :D[/QUOTE]Geezzz I am embarassed I came across the way I did, I would go to war and put my life on the line for this country and am behind the troops and Bush 100 per cent. My little debate only centered on one very small aspect of our Government, searches, which many are never ever subjected to. It wasnt my intent to beat down the whole system, just one area where I think improvements need to be made is all. Most people are in the silent majority and never say how grateful they are to live here. Some do stand up and knock the USA too much and that is why Im embarassed in that I came across that way at all.
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