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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Thanks Dawn, the recipe looks good and I could use a chocolate fix today.

Jennifer!!!!! 32 pounds, that is so awesome, how proud you should be and how great I know you must feel! To those naysayers that have infilterated us, they really haven't read the material and are only partially correct on the HCG. They always miss the part where it releases the excess fat into your bloodstream so you are not starving yourself. Well they miss that and a few other things, but alas, onto other things. Can't talk to the wall.

Disney, I'll bet it is the sodium and will be off in a day or two...again you have to have 3500 unburned calories in your system to gain 1 pound. We know you are being good and it will show in a day or so.

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That is awful but you can change your ways, you've done it before. Have you been weighing daily since you got back? I would be surprised to see that the weight remain at a gain of 16 pounds. I would imagine that some of it has come off. Especially working like you have been.

Personally, I think in P4 to maintain, I have to do low carb/low sugar. This doesn't mean never having "good food". On the mini vaca, I found the fresh pineapple was much more satisfying than the little cream tart I had. I just have to reduce the intake of sugars and carbs. I see that is where my weakness is and I know this is what put the weight on, and in reality makes me feel sluggish.

Tomorrow is a new day...for all of us.

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Welcome back!! Ok you have me super scared now!! Are you saying to not eat anything good while I am gone?? Yikes!! I'm so sorry to hear that you gained that much back in what time frame?? How long were you off your shots before you went on the cruise?





I am not saying don't eat anything good. But don't do what I did.

I eat everything good the WHOLE trip and no not good for me.

For instance I ate for breakfast pancakes, potatoes. bread ect.. :mad:

I was only off my shots 1 week but was celebrating my bday a

few times before I left. Basically I just started eating right off

and kept going.

Don't be scared just don't do what I did. and eat carbs carbs carbs...

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I do about 60-80 oz a day. Fill a 32oz and a 20 oz for work and then 3-4 big glasses at home. I do use a non calorie flavoring for about 1/2 of it though.

I think if you can do teas and flavored unsweetened waters to get it down, that is better than not getting it down.

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Who asked him anyway....


good evening ladies,


Today was a good one. Welcome back Az...Sorry about your gain..I'm frightened it could happened to me:eek: I will learn from your mistake...it probably won't taste good so don't bother . I've been really good at taking a nibble-a taste and getting over it( except chinese food;)) But The other day I had a 1/2 slice bread and dipped in olive oil..I had the flavor and got over it. I've been down latley but its the weekend !! I just might indulge alittle like maybe fried shrimp...I'll half the portion and eat lots of veggies. I think this might work for me , til the next roud that is...eat really good during the week and take off friday and saturday...have a little something extra..not crazy just a little.


Hope everyone wakes up losers and has a great day !!


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Hello all! I didn't fall off of the earth, just a couple of crazy busy days at work. Today is my last day of VLCD!! I'm going to eat more tomorrow, just still P2 foods, then move up to P3 Sunday. I'm excited to be moving on. And someone asked, yes, this was my first round. I've now got a 0.8 pound cushion below my LIW, hoping for a little bit more tomorrow morning.


Sheri, I'm sorry that your cruise affected your weight so much. I'm going to learn from your experience, and be sure to stay on P3 for at least 3 weeks. And I agree with what the others have said, don't be too hard on yourself. I bet you can get some of that off quickly if you go to P3 eating and drink lots of water. I would love to do a 9 day cruise, 7 is the only one I've ever done.


Looks like everyone else is doing well! And I really don't know why that one person popped in to tell us all how horrible HCG is, I really don't listen to folks like that, and that's why I don't share what I'm doing with many people. :)


Hope you all have a great weekend, I'm off to bathe the dogs.

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Loribel - I drink close to 100oz a day actually. I'm usually always thirsty and I just enjoy drinking water, I know it's so weird!


Jennifer - I was wondering how many rounds you did. Wow you did an awesome job!! How are you feeling with moving into P3? I know it scaredme but I'm doing good now. I still find it hard to eat though actually.


Sheri - I know you'll be able to knock that weight off easily once you are able to get back on to the HCG. I"m thinking it was so hard on you because your body didn't have that 3 week period to stabilize. So don't beat yourself up over it!


Janet - You crack me up with your chinese food! What do you eat when you go?


Hoping everyone is having a "loser" day!! I'm still the same but I'm ok with that. I leave in two weeks so I'm getting super excited!! I know I'm going to be afraid to eat things and drink stuff but I plan on going to the gym and weighing myself AND using it. I think if I can stay active I shouldn't be too bad off.


Wishing you all a great weekend!

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Hey everybody!

My weight is holding steady. :(

Oh well, at least I didn't have a gain.

It sounds like all of you did good today!

I have a confession to make...I was bad tonight. Remember when I told y'all about my friend that opened the smoothie shop and makes me low calorie smoothies? Well, tonight I had their Oreo Blast Smoothie...definitely NOT low calorie, but oh so good! I even had whipped cream and crushed Oreos on top! :eek: That will definitely be one of those things that I only have every once and a while. Other than that, I did really good today.


Loribel-I don't really have a problem with drinking enough water because I actually like it. That's what I drink most of the time anyway, but sometimes I just want a big ole glass of sweet tea! Mmmm, must be the southerner in me!


It's getting pretty late and we're going walking bright and early in the morning, so I'll talk to y'all tomorrow. I hope all of you have a great weekend!

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Holding .....

That's good news for me ! same weight this am.

yesterday I had a dollop of red mango frozen yogurt with a little bit of Pinapple. That was my bad til this am when I ate 2 sugar cookies that I just baked with DD. I couldn't help it !!! They were shaped like Bunnies...with whiskers and a little nose.. See Can't help myself with anything Easter related.

I also don't have a problem with drinking water I like it. In the morning I drink lots of Iced tea. I don't really miss the soda and if I do I have a seltzer I drink that is Vanilla flavored and tastes like cream soda. I love it.

Blueyes- usually eat either steamed chicken and broccoli or chicken with garlic sauce-low oil, VERY little sauce. No RICE !

I don't think I want chinese for awhile.

Yesterday I had shrimp..I love shrimp. DH doesn't so I really don't make it at home.

Have a good day ladies. Chilly on Long Island Brrrr! I need to get out of here til it warms up !

21 days till I cruise. (mm could have done another round ?) its best this way !!


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Happy weekend Losers

Holding steady is GREAT.. Good job girls...

I am SO happy all of you will learn from my gain and

my mistake.. At least some good came out of it happy I could

help you all..:rolleyes:

I have lost a few lbs since I have been back. :)

How long do you have to wait in between rounds?

Blue and block I know you are both getting super

excited for your cruise :D Just remember nothing taste that

wonderful and you feel now..

Happy weekend all

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Happy weekend Losers

Holding steady is GREAT.. Good job girls...


I am SO happy all of you will learn from my gain and

my mistake.. At least some good came out of it happy I could

help you all..:rolleyes:


I have lost a few lbs since I have been back. :)

How long do you have to wait in between rounds?


Blue and block I know you are both getting super

excited for your cruise :D Just remember nothing taste that

wonderful and you feel now..

Happy weekend all


I waited 6 weeks between rounds, but I think some people jump right back into another round after 3 or 4 weeks of P4, and I know from the other blogs, people skip P4 and go right into another round.

Grand-daughter's b-day yesterday and I had a "normal" size piece of cake and no ice cream. We did stop for dinner at Taco Bell and I had the Gordita Crunch(nothing else), so my carbs and sugars were up and yes my weight. 1 pound over my window, but I did not drink water like I normally do, so I am hoping tomorrow to be down. Will do P3 eating today and water, water, water...:D

More snow this a.m. and 32 degrees, abit depressing...but I am off to the pool and then to get a perm.

Have a great Sunday all.

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evening ladies !


How is everyone? My scale has stayed the same all weekend !! so that good. Now I'm thinking 3 weeks from now what will I be doing ? ...finishing dinner in the MDR..and planning on going to a show or dancing with DD!! Just so excitied !! I love when you are climbing the gangway to the ship and you get closer and closer...then its YOUR turn to hand them your sign and sail card ..smile and take your picture....AAAAHHH I can't wait .


I'am sailing on NCL Jewel...The have a chinese restaurant Chin Chin!! My family will will be thrilled that they won't miss a whole week of chinese ( I can do without...really I could) Speaking of which that's what we had for dinner tonight..lets see what happens in the am on the scale..


Hope everyone had a good weekend and show some losses!


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How exciting for you to be so close to cruising and looking fine! You will have so much fun and sounds like you will be active.

Maintainers is the mode of play it sounds like.

Have a bit of a sweet tooth tonight so I am making sugar free pistachio pudding. 6 grams of carbs but I am also using almond (unsweetened) milk...we'll see how that turns out.

Happy scale readings to you all tomorrow!

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Hi ladies! Sounds like everyone is continuing to lose or stay the same which is great! I'm still doing well myself which is nice.


I can't believe I leave in less than 2 weeks for vacation. Craziness!! I'm so excited.


Janet - We are going on the equinox and they have a chinese/japanese restaurant called Silk Harvest, I can't wait to eat in there but I'll probably go into a coma afterwards!!


Big - I got the unsweetned chocolate almond milk and it's not bad, pretty bland in flavor actually. Let us know how the pudding turns out with it! Are you using the packaged jello stuff?

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Hi ladies! Sounds like everyone is continuing to lose or stay the same which is great! I'm still doing well myself which is nice.


I can't believe I leave in less than 2 weeks for vacation. Craziness!! I'm so excited.


Janet - We are going on the equinox and they have a chinese/japanese restaurant called Silk Harvest, I can't wait to eat in there but I'll probably go into a coma afterwards!!


Big - I got the unsweetned chocolate almond milk and it's not bad, pretty bland in flavor actually. Let us know how the pudding turns out with it! Are you using the packaged jello stuff?


I add the stevia to the chocolate milk...try that, not so bland.

The pudding (yes,jello box) didn't set up so well but I ate it anyways...LOL

Back down to window this a.m.:)

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Good morning everyone, I'm really considering doing another round before my cruise in 8 weeks (as of yesterday). I've been yo-yoing between other plans, Atkins, 17-day diet and none of them satisfies me like the protocol. I've had 3 successful rounds and lost from 197-158 between Oct '09- April '10. I've since been gaining and re-losing the same 10-12lbs since then with two cruises in between :o. Today I'm at 167 and would love to get into the low 150's before the cruise and be in a new size.


Also don't listen to the nay-sayers..they don't know what they're talking about and obviously did not research this to know the truth. I've done it and can stand by it...it works when done correctly! I've not been a saint during my last couple rounds but I journal on a board with a few diehard ladies who have done the rounds very strictly and have had very good P4s. You can't go back to eating out of control and not expect to gain weight...you can't do that on any plan you choose. However after completing the phases and reaching P4 you can eat some of those yummy food here and there without gaining weight, you've reset you 'set point'/metabolism.


Anyway, I wanted to say hi and hopefully I'll begin a new round tomorrow. Much success to you all. :D

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Welcome back and what you said is true, it is up to us to keep it off, and yes, you can have the "good stuff", just not a melt down on it...lol

I am several weeks into P4 and yo yo on the 3 pound window that I gave myself instead of the 2. I have never done a correction day in any phase. It is a lifestyle change for sure that makes it or breaks it.

Hope all goes good for your weight loss and upcoming cruise.

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Big - I was thinking it may not set well actually. I bet if you froze it, that it would be good. Someone told me they did that with SF jello and it was like a bon bon. Maybe for next time! Yeah I like the almond chocolate stuff in my coffee, pretty good!! Congrats to you for keeping in your window. I've learned that I have to plan and really think about what I'm going to eat and that's the way it will have to be for the rest of my life if I plan to maintain a healthy weight. It's a lifestyle change for sure.

Shari - I think doing another round before your cruise is a great idea! Congrats to you for your loss. Sorry to hear you've been back and forth with that 10-12lbs but you understand why and as long as you can correct your eating habits, it'll come back off again. Do you do the drops or the shots? I think it's great you have a good group of girls. Honestly, I belong to a group but some of them just don't take it very seriously and I sometimes find it difficult to deal with. I know that we all make mistakes with this and eat things we probably shouldn't but some of these girls just don't seem to learn.

Hope everyone else is doing great today!!

I have to go and bake a cake for work. :eek: I love to bake which is why they asked me and they know I"m on a diet and not eating that stuff but I said I would do it. I can easily make this cake and not eat it tomorrow. I can easily not lick the bowl once I"m done too. I CAN do this!! I made more chocolate delight last night but put some PB in it. I was down a pound today, I call it chocolate crack!! ;)
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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Blue"]Dawn-chocolate crack! LOL!! That's so funny!

Shari-Welcome back! I think you can lose those pesky 10-15lbs. ;)

I was having a serious sweet tooth today. Y'all are going to be so proud of me when I tell you that instead of eating something really bad, I had sugar free chocolate pudding! YUM! It was SO good and shut my sweet tooth right up!

I was down .4 this morning. I'm going to attempt to get up at 5am tomorrow to go walking. It's just SO hard to get out of that comfy bed, though.

My cruise is only a month away and I am getting pretty excited about it. :D I really need a vacation!

I'll check in with y'all tomorrow! Have a good night![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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I can't take credit for that chocolate crack - a girl I know calls it that but I seriously feel like it is! hahaha

Disney - Good job girl reaching for that SF pudding!

I hear you on the vacation - two weeks from today I'll be sailling on the seas! Yay!!
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Good morning ladies, well today starts day 1. I made sure to just load on fats yesterday instead of carbs/sugar and was rewarded on the scale, down 0.8. Only have 6.2lbs to go to make it into the next decade of the 150's. Thanks for the warm welcome.

BigHockeyNut~ congrats on having very successful rounds with no CDs!! :eek: That's incredible...WTG!

Blueyesdm~congrats on the loss and being so good with resisting temptation. You were rewarded on the scale! :D I'm using hhcg drops. I've never done injections but may try that in the future. Your cruise is very near..I know you are very excited. I'm excited and have close to 2mths left..lol.

Disneyden~Congrats on your loss too. When is your cruise? Good for you for the walking. I started doing that when I was doing the 17-day diet and want to continue. I know Dr. S. recommends to not start when in P2 but since I was doing this before I don't believe it will hurt. Just have to figure out if the cals will be too low for this. I don't want to do anything strenous..just light walking, it relaxes me and keeps the mood even. :)
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