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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Robo, WOW how exciting. Once the scale starts moving you

will be so motivated. This is the BEST plan ever.

Medi, Welcome and a 5 lb drop :p that is so exciting.

Big, Glad to see you found your way back home.;)

Stop leaving for days and days you scare me when you do that.

Keep us posted on your progress. I am sure you will

do great.

I had to go buy DH another size pants yesterday. That is 2 sizes

down for him. Also instaed of xx he is wearing x shirts.

Me :mad: the scale has not moved in over a week. Well it has it

has gone up 1lb. I am following to a T. DH said this am whats the

good word. I said its a BAD word and you dont want to know what

I said.:eek:

Have a great day losers oh and I have 5 more shots then ph 3.

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Jumping in on this thread again...


Completed a round of drops last August 2010. Lost 20 lbs in 30 days. Stopped and have gained almost 5 lbs back a year later. So, I am back on HCG again to take off another 20lbs to meet my final goal.


This time around, I am taking weekly shots and using appetite suppressants since it was so difficult the last time without the suppressants.


I started Friday on P1 - Today P2D4 and I have lost almost 5 lbs; now that 5 lb gain is gone that I had regained from last year.


Tomorrow - P2D5 = I am hoping for at another .5 lbs...and on my way to 20 lbs

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Robo, WOW how exciting. Once the scale starts moving you

will be so motivated. This is the BEST plan ever.


Medi, Welcome and a 5 lb drop :p that is so exciting.


Big, Glad to see you found your way back home.;)

Stop leaving for days and days you scare me when you do that.

Keep us posted on your progress. I am sure you will

do great.


I had to go buy DH another size pants yesterday. That is 2 sizes

down for him. Also instaed of xx he is wearing x shirts.

Me :mad: the scale has not moved in over a week. Well it has it

has gone up 1lb. I am following to a T. DH said this am whats the

good word. I said its a BAD word and you dont want to know what

I said.:eek:

Have a great day losers oh and I have 5 more shots then ph 3.


AZ - You have done so well that maybe your body is just changing shape and that's why you haven't lost in the last few days...I'm a firm believer that when your body is changing shape you don't lose...Thanks for the encouragement....I'm sitting here tying to stay awake because I have eaten so much garbage today. I had a sausage mcmuffin for breakfast, pizza for lunch, a Starbucks Moca frappuccino for a snack and a hamburger with mayo and cheese tonight....I'm so darned full I can hardly stand it. I'll be glad to get past tomorrow and be done with the loading. DH decided that after I get to my 20th day he will evaluate my progress and maybe to the last 23 days with me. That will make it so much easier on me.


Hey One....It sounds like you have been on these boards awhile ago...You obviously loved talking to everyone and I'm sure that's why you're back. you're about 3 days ahead of me so we can compare notes along the way..I wish you 20 lbs of success..


AZ...I hope you lose tomorrow....Keep us up-to-date and those men.....why do they lose so much easier then us women.....I'm happy for your DH and two sizes of pants...That's fabulous.


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Hello....light weights ;~)

Sounds like it is business usual for all the HCG'ers....the sweet smell of success...and that would be chicken...LOL


When you have lost 20 pounds or more and have done more than one round, it is harder to take off the weight. This could be that you are at a former weight set point and it is more difficult to overcome that. Also the less weight you need to lose, the harder it comes off. The men VS women weight loss, is so unfair...sometimes they seem to lose it effortlessly. Just our body dynamics. So keep on with the journey and do not be discouraged with stalls or plateaus. You are being proactive in taking part in an effort to better your health...so every little thing counts.


Onevacationlover...it sounds like you are on top of things and know what happened to gain that 5 pounds. It is good that you have taken control, as we all know so well how it can come back on if we aren't making wiser choices, and how unmanageable it can become. Good luck to you in this round and I am confident that you will attain your goal.


Hope that Army is doing well and also Jennifer, Block, Disney and a few others who use to post here. I believe Sept we will have some of the regulars back for another round, IF I remember correctly.

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Good morning everyone! I am pleased to report a 7 pound loss on day 5!


One: You can do this! My sister has lost 25 on her second round seven months after her first loss. She found it just as easy as the first round I think.


Robo: Good luck. Waiting to hear of your losses.


Big: Thanks for the recipes. I am just now wanting 'something different' in my eating plan and this will do the trick. I will shop Sat. morning again. I am craving asparagus.


Good luck and Happy Friday everyone!

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I am so darned happy that it is Friday and the end of the load period. I am sick of eating and have been for a little while. If everyone would not have stressed how important it was to eat the fat, ect, I would have just started in on the diet as I am totally ready. the only thing I have seemed to accomplish in these last two days was to gain another 3 lbs....I just want to go to bed so i can get up fresh in the a.m. and get started.


Happy losing over the weekend everyone. Medi...from your picture you look like this little tiny thing....I'm so happy for you that 7 lbs are gone and that leaves encouragement for me. Maybe there is hope yet:D

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I am so darned happy that it is Friday and the end of the load period. I am sick of eating and have been for a little while. If everyone would not have stressed how important it was to eat the fat, ect, I would have just started in on the diet as I am totally ready. the only thing I have seemed to accomplish in these last two days was to gain another 3 lbs....I just want to go to bed so i can get up fresh in the a.m. and get started.


Happy losing over the weekend everyone. Medi...from your picture you look like this little tiny thing....I'm so happy for you that 7 lbs are gone and that leaves encouragement for me. Maybe there is hope yet:D



Robo, you look like a little thing too...at least the head shot. Thank goodness this isn't like weight watchers or similar programs where you have to weight in with someone present....I always hated that. Still hate being weighed in at the Dr. in the hallway for "everyone" to see:D Just so self conscience about it.

Load days were always a breeze for me...just remembering to eat the fats and not eat so much you make yourself ill. But that load weight will come off fast. I just ate what I would miss the most.


Medi...good job on the losses! Real motivator! I also love(d) asparagus, but after two rounds, I haven't eaten any since....think I had enough as it was one of my veggies I thought I could eat forever and found I can't.


Are anyone of you doing the apple cider vinegar or green tea? Just a few cautions...these do boost your weight loss but I found that more than 1-2 cups-glasses of green tea nauseated me, common side effect. The acv, can damage your teeth, so dilute it or follow with a water rinse. I ususally took 2-4 tablespoons a day (I like it plain) or try to incorporate it in to my meals (dressings, mixed with cukes and tomatoes)


Have a great day and robo...we are looking forward to a loss reported tomorrow. :):)

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Good Morning Losers!!!!

I'm back from my wonderful cruise with my daughter, had a blast, gained 7 lbs., don't care, will get it back off, airlines lost my luggage, didn't get it until the last day of the cruise, LOVE Western Med. cruising, and loved NCL this time!

How's that for a run-on sentence???

Glad to see that Army is still doing well, Big is holding down the fort, Sheri and hubby are holding fast, and oh my gosh, where did all these new people come from????


So glad you're part of our little gang...some would say cult, lol.

This works incredibly well, and you MUST MEASURE!!!!!!!!!


Ok, I'm the official measurement nag. Still recovering from jetlag and have to take a child to college in 3 days so I'll post later, probably when I'm all sad and need to see a friend.


Hang tough y'all, and Deep East Texas, where are you from???? I'm from Athens and have family all over...




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LIZ! Welcome back and glad to hear you and the daughter had a good time...should make parting ways for college a little better?

7 pounds...well you know how to get that off..are you up for another round? I am starting mid Sept. if you care to join me. I just do the 23 days round..then the regular

P3 and P4.

These newcomers seem to have it down to a science already...can hardly call them newbies ;~)

Have a great week-end!


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Liz, I live in Nacogdoches County. I used to drive thru Athens when visiting my son in Plano. Glad he is living locally now though. Where are you in Houston? I have two sisters and a brother there. I was a NASA brat from Clear Lake.


Robo, thanks! I am tall and, uh, well proportioned. My goal is 25 pounds and I will be SOOOO HAPPY! :D


I have fallen in love with White Balsamic Vinegar!!! I have always liked Balsamic vinegar, but the white is so sweet! I have it on all my salads and over raw veges. I swear, my grand daughter thought I had soup because I drank what was left in the bowl after lunch!

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Hi Losers.. Happy Sunday and Hopefully successful weight in

this morning..

Yay Liz is back.. So glad you had a great cruise. See

what you miss when your gone for a week or

so. 7 lbs not to bad. You will get it off easy.

Robo how's it going? Is this day 2 of phase 2?

Medi is Balsamic vinegar legal on your plan? My

plan it is VERY illegal. It is so good and sweet because it

has sugar.:rolleyes:

I did lose 1 lb :p. If I lose 1 more I will be happy.(never happy are we) Not at my goal but 6 lbs away. Friday I will start Phase 3. Any

pointers HCG Veterans?? Help

Big I drink 2 big table spoons of ACV every morning plus use

it on my salads. Green tea in the afternoons. Sorry you have

trouble with them.

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My title sounds like it should be a robot from Star Wars....Good morning everyone..I thought I would take just a minute to update everyone. DH has been up all night with a dull ache under his right breast...I've been trying to convince him to go to Urgent Care or somewhere this morning but he's a bull headed German. We'll see what the day brings.


Well I must have really taken the 2 loading days seriously. Gained 3.5 lbs in those two days. When I started out D3 yesterday I thought, "Oh this is going to be a breeze"...I'm not even hungry. I ate about 12:30 and had grilled chicken, strawberries and celery. By the time I finished I decided that this was going to get really old real quick unless I got creative. I did drink all of my water and that is amazing for me. Usually I don't drink a glass of water a day.


I'm confused by all of the P2 receipes that I have found online. I'm not sure if I can mix vegetables. Some protocol's say you can some say you cannot. I will be glad when this is old hat for me and no longer a newbie with all the questions.


I think I am doing ok....you would be the best judge of that...This morning I was down 3.9 lbs from D1 so the 3.5 I gained is gone plus another .4


I hope everyone is doing something fun today and I'm probalby going to be spending the rest of the day at Urgent Care or ER....Make it a losing day!!


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Hi guys,


I love this saying: Doing HCG is hard! But then, being fat is hard. So choose your hard!


Have a great day!

Liz in Kingwood



I just started back reading all of the old posts in hopes of learning more about this diet and came across you post here from January.....I love the quote..This one made my day!!



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YIKES...I just read the vinegar bottle and it says 5 calories per tablespoon! It is almost gone so I looked at the new bottle in the cabinet...15 cals/tablespoon....SAME brand! How can that be? The White.....20 cals /tablespoon! Oh my, how can I live without it? I do have the apple cider vinegar and I will have to use it from now on. :( Wow, I am willing to forgo my melba toast for that vinegar. Sometimes I don't even have it (my toast) because I forget about it. Seems like an even trade off. Maybe that is why it hasn't seemed to hinder my losses. But if I go changing the plan, is it still going to work for me??????


My plan says do not mix vegetables. My sister has mixed them without any problem. I have done that sometimes but usually try not to.


Robo...men should NEVER NEVER ignore any type of chest pain. I hope you were able to get him into the ER or Urgent Care to have an EKG. SO important to go to the Dr. even if it went away as that could be a warning sign of problems. I was an ICU nurse in a Cardiovascular and Stroke Center until recently and I have seen many a "widow maker" heart attacks turn a young vibrant male into a handicapped person the wife now has to care for or even put in a nursing home. Praying he won't brush this off.

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Robo, Keep us posted about DH. That is scary. I hope he

listen to you and went to go get checked out.

I don't mix veggies I follow close to the original protocol.

Here is a link to the food list I follow. http://www.yourhcgdiet.com/

Click on food list.

I know there are alot of variations but I stick

strictly to the original protocol. I want the best bang

for the buck if I am doing this I want to do it right. (my right anyway's)

Medi I would cut out the sweet vinegar.:o I use

ACV braggs brand SO much better then the others.

Hope you all have a great week,


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Robo...men should NEVER NEVER ignore any type of chest pain. I hope you were able to get him into the ER or Urgent Care to have an EKG. SO important to go to the Dr. even if it went away as that could be a warning sign of problems. I was an ICU nurse in a Cardiovascular and Stroke Center until recently and I have seen many a "widow maker" heart attacks turn a young vibrant male into a handicapped person the wife now has to care for or even put in a nursing home. Praying he won't brush this off.


I thank you for all your concern girls (Medi and AZ). I just thought maybe this one time DH might listen to me but he is the type that will exhaust every possibility before giving in. After he called the Blue Cross nurse he self diagnosed himself that for sure he wasn't have a heart attack so resigned himself to the sofa and took a tylenol3 and actually did sleep and when he woke up the pain was gone. I'm still trying to convince him to at least follow up with the doctor in the morning. Men..can't live with them and I sure wouldn't want to live without him.

I've been trying to read this entire board because Sherri mentioned that it would be really good to read all the way thru and she was absolutely right. I'm only about 1/4 of the way thru but it is amazing that everyone is still pretty much on this board. Everyone is so encouraging that it's just like a good book....I don't want to put it down.

Sweet dreams everyone and lets have a losing day tomorrow.


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Where the heck are all you LOSERS???

I been waiting for ya all to check in for two days..:o

I hope you all are just busy losing weight.

DH losed 3lbs this am :p. He hasnt seen the scale

this low since he was in the army. 30 years +..

I hit my revised goal this am. One more shot tomorrow.

Help with Ph 3 PLZZZZ..

Off to work


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Here I am! Any others out there this morning?


The scale was at 7 1/2 pounds this morning. At least it is still going in the right direction. I have been sticking to the ACV like a good girl and it is fine.


Az: your list is just like mine, except for the turkey, which is not on my list. The serving sizes are a great help too. Mine just says that the specific serving sizes of the veges is not addressed in the original protocol. Thanks!


Happy weighing everyone.

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I'm here..."pretty" much maintaining ;~)

Am looking forward to round three mid Sept. I have maintained since Jan. Tried to get the weight off on my own this summer but just couldn't get it to budge much...so back to HCG.

My sister told me last night she "heard" that "some" Dr. said that HCG has been linked with cancer. Of course when pressed for details, nada. The naysayers are always at it and I told her, well everyone has to pick their poison I guess. I have looked and looked on the internet, where everything is fact ya know (VERY LOUD LOL) but I couldn't find anything about the C word and HCG. She goes to the hospital for a weight control program they have there and they said nothing but negative things about HCG.

Anyways, I am still hot about that.


Hope that all of you have a losing day and are very proud of all you have done!

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Here I am! Any others out there this morning?


The scale was at 7 1/2 pounds this morning. At least it is still going in the right direction. I have been sticking to the ACV like a good girl and it is fine.


Az: your list is just like mine' date=' except for the turkey, which is not on my list. The serving sizes are a great help too. Mine just says that the specific serving sizes of the veges is not addressed in the original protocol. Thanks![/font']


Medi, GOOD GIRL with the ACV..:p I am so glad you got rid of the

sweet vinager.:eek: Your doing great with the weightloss

YEAH Big is in the house once a gin...

Robo How you doing girl?.

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Where the heck are all you LOSERS???

I been waiting for ya all to check in for two days..:o

I hope you all are just busy losing weight.


DH losed 3lbs this am :p. He hasnt seen the scale

this low since he was in the army. 30 years +..

I hit my revised goal this am. One more shot tomorrow.

Help with Ph 3 PLZZZZ..

Off to work



What kind of help would you like:) I lent my "book" out but can remember that you have to really limit carbs and sugars...they are a little more slack than P2...by letting you have more fruits (sugars) but remember to watch that scale as you add more foods allowed in P3. After P2, P3 almost seems like a food fest for me:D I like having more proteins and different proteins. I was even allowed some energy bars as long as they were under 7 grams of sugar and 20 carbs. If I saw weight starting to creep on (and I mean 10th's of a pound) I cut back and ate clean (protein, veggies and limit fruits)

Let me know what I can help you with:)


Robo...you do sound a little Starwarsy:D But may the force be with you! You are doing great and I hope that all is well with your husband. men can be so frustrating when it comes to their health ( I have one of my own who does the same)


Medical...yes...all those small decreases really add up at the end of the week...some take it off more rapidly than others and I have said to you before, you don't look like you need to lose a whole lot. Also the way your clothes are fitting can be more exciting than what that old scale says!


I have a girl camp week-end coming..starting on Thursday, so I will be MIA until Monday. We don't rough it with my motorhome and the other gal has a camp trailer. With the generator going I can be the Margarita Queen! There are 5 of us gals and we do have the best and silliest of times. Take care all and best wishes for a losing week and week-end for us all.

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One last thing AZ...make sure you get up to 1500 calories in a day or two...on P3

VERY important. Even if you have to eat several small meals and it is helpful to keep track of what you eat and calories to ensure.




Thanks Big. Can I add in fats right away?

Pork chops, bacon and sausage??

1500 cal :eek:

I loved ph 2 eating so easy I didn't have to think. I

knew what I was eating every meal..

Hey Big about those Margaritas I saw an advertisement

for a brand called skinny girl. Today I saw an add for

Jose Cerveo light margaritas. I will difinatly be trying

these out on ph 4. I think light means less sugar.

Your trip sounds like fun.

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Thanks Big. Can I add in fats right away?

Pork chops, bacon and sausage??

1500 cal :eek:

I loved ph 2 eating so easy I didn't have to think. I

knew what I was eating every meal..


Hey Big about those Margaritas I saw an advertisement

for a brand called skinny girl. Today I saw an add for

Jose Cerveo light margaritas. I will difinatly be trying

these out on ph 4. I think light means less sugar.

Your trip sounds like fun.


Yes, you can add in the fats but again monitor with the scale...of course if you eat 1500 calories of bacon and sausage you will be in trouble weight and digestive wise:D Everything in moderation to start and as I said I started with 1/2 size portions from what the labels said.


I actually have had skinny girl..it is a pre-mix, has the booze in it, it was good but spendy compared to Jose's brand of pre-mix light. Yes...sugar is the culprit in those regualr mixes...I have used the light mix for years and then always added some fruit....strawberry or raspberry margaritas are my fav. I always think I should experiment with lime juice and stevia, but seems like alot of work for a drink...so bottle mixes it is:)

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Yes, you can add in the fats but again monitor with the scale...of course if you eat 1500 calories of bacon and sausage you will be in trouble weight and digestive wise:D Everything in moderation to start and as I said I started with 1/2 size portions from what the labels said.


I actually have had skinny girl..it is a pre-mix, has the booze in it, it was good but spendy compared to Jose's brand of pre-mix light. Yes...sugar is the culprit in those regualr mixes...I have used the light mix for years and then always added some fruit....strawberry or raspberry margaritas are my fav. I always think I should experiment with lime juice and stevia, but seems like alot of work for a drink...so bottle mixes it is:)


Ok girls.....I'm here as well. I've been looking but no one was talking so I waited. Hey also, Bed Bath and Beyond has what they call Skinny Mixers...Totally sugar free and they aren't bad. I haven't tried the Margarita one but have had the appletini and the cosmopolitan and you just add your vodka...they are fabulous..


Ok on to my progress.


Load day Thursday and Friday ....(and what a load it was) gained 3.5 lbs


First actual loss moved me back 3.9lbs


So today is D6 and when I weighed in this morning I was down 8 lbs but only 4.5 from starting weight. Tomorrow is D7 for me...I started reading all of the old posts and it appears from others doing the shots that maybe I should take tomorrow off...That would be ok with me as I have not been even a little bit hungry. I have this mental thing going on that is telling me that if you eat you are going to gain. that is an issue that I have always had in the past with that little devil sitting on my shoulder saying....don't eat because you will probably have a gain in the morning. I really have to stay focused as I know that with only eating 500 cals per day that there is no way I am eating to much. My problem is that I just am not hungry. It's really amazing how you can go from probably consuming 3000 plus calories a day to eating 500 and not being hungry at all.


I'm having a hard time with chicken...It is just so boring grilled. Guess I better hit the web and search for some great miracle way to fix chicken or I will be eating a lot of beef and seafood...Anyone have any good chicken recipes? AZ.....didn't I read earlier in the posts that you eat a lot of chicken? Any great way to fix it?


Oh yes....DH is back to normal....No doctor...but then again you all knew that. I'm thinking now that it might have been some sort of bug still in his system. He was really sick with the stomach flu last Tuesday and Wednesday and then on Sunday he had those issues with pain.


Ok, sorry for talking so much but you girls are a life saver for me..I hope the scales treat you great in the am.



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