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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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I had a really bad weekend. I will weigh in the morning. Hoping not too much damage was done. The restaurant Sunday was Italian instead of Mex like I thought. I had chicken stuffed with goat cheese and steamed veges. I have been REALLY good these last two days to make up for it. I can be so good at home without even trying. Travel throws a monkey wrench in my eating!

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SANDYJABS...how are you feeling? Getting better we hope. Check in and let us know...otherwise "someone" (and they know who they are;~D) will worry.


AZ...glad to hear you are down those 3 pounds! That is good...everyone should always take my advice with a grain of salt...by all means do what you are comfortable with...I promise I won't hunt you down and shake my finger at ya! LOL

The greek yogurt is sooooo good...I mix it with my fiber one yogurt as it is too sweet alone. I also use it as sour cream, even my husband eats it for sour cream. I mainly use the plain kind but every once in awhile I go for the flavored kinds.


Medical...I don't know what to say except sorry you are having a bad time. I never ate out because I KNEW I couldn't do it without cheating...at least on the P2. I did go out on P3, it was much easier to manage a meal out. Anyone have any suggestions for her on eating out?


ARMY is back in town...thank you for a safe return and we look forward to having you back on the boards.


Cruisemama5... you don't need any advice at all...you have done great by the sounds of it. But if you want support we are all here to cheer you on for another round.


OK....off I go....have a good nite and a better tomorrow!

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I am back....


Havent had a chance to read from where I left off. I have been very very bad! Germany was vert fattening to say the least, but it was beautiful.


Ok, I have some catching up to do.


All I can say is "It's about time"....Time that you reported in and time that you tell us about the trip and time that you buckle down and we will take this weight off together.....Read thru the board and catch up and then it will be TIME TO START...


Glad you are back Army....

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I had a really bad weekend. I will weigh in the morning. Hoping not too much damage was done. The restaurant Sunday was Italian instead of Mex like I thought. I had chicken stuffed with goat cheese and steamed veges. I have been REALLY good these last two days to make up for it. I can be so good at home without even trying. Travel throws a monkey wrench in my eating!


Sometimes things are just out of our control....Recognize that and accept it and tomorrow is always another day. You have a good plan in place. A little set-back is just that.......A little set back.....



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Hi everyone, Had a bad night. A group of 10 of us from work went out for dinner as we were all born in 1961 and this is our 50th birthdays this year. It was a lovely dinner, however i had a wine and a burger and fries. Not alot of choices that i wanted to eat and i thought that no matter what, tomorrow is another day. I had a great meal and spent it with friends. I have been very good otherwise. The weight loss seems to have slowed down though. I will have to make up for tonight over the next couple of days as i do struggle again on weekends when i go visit family etc.


Sandyjabs, i hope you are feeling alot better.


Everyone else, good luck and keep up the good work and advice. It really helps. :)

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Ladies, thank you for the encouragement and advice. I appreciate you.


I did an apple day yesterday. The scale said I was down 12 pounds this morning. I only have 7 more days of P2 and then a three week (or maybe two) break before starting another round. I would keep on going but I have a trip planned months ago with childhood girlfriends the 9th -12th near Louisville, KY and don't want to be in P2 during that. Two of us will fly to St. Louis, and a third will pick us up and we will drive the rest of the way to the 4th gal's house in Indiana.


The good news is that I am NOT going out of town this weekend! In fact, I have to work Monday. I will be in control staying at home and do not plan on any meal out.


Glenlea; sounds like you are in the boat I was last weekend! Don't get discouraged, just keep at it.


Cruisemama; you sound like a pro at this! Great successes to share with all of us newbies. Good luck on round four!


Welcome home Army!


AZ; congrats!!! I am getting on my treadmill when I finish this. Exercise room is right by the laundry room and I am doing laundry AND I have a TV to watch in there....no excuses!


Sandy; hoping you are better. Don't let it turn into pneumonia. I have decided to make cabbage soup today, it sounded so good.


Have a great day ya'll!

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Hi Losers, Just checking in on ya all..:p

Where the heck is Liz though???

Medi sounds, like you are back on track. DH and I saved SO

much $$ not going out to eat. We used to eat out 3-5 times

a week. Look where it got us. I know for you it could not be

helped. When eating out try and make good choices.

How was the treadmill?

Army, tell us more and welcome home.

Mamma, Sounds like you have this down pat. Keep up

the good work and keep checking in.

Glenlea, Get back on track and keep posting.

Robo, How you doing girlie with your plan??


Ok Big I am blaming this one on you. You said mix

it up with my exercise, So I joined a bootcamp :eek:

Its starts at 5:30 am I can go as many days a week as I

want. I know I'll be cussing you al the way through :p.

Just kidding Big I always wanted to do it and with what you

said I went for it. Thanks Big

DH back down :p I dont think I eat enough I put everything

into my fitness pal app yesterday and I was only at 695 cal

and I was done eating for the day. Not hungry and scared

to eat..

Have a great night Losers

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Hey AZ...you aren't the first and most likely not the last to be a cussin' me...LOL

That is quite the bump in exercise! Good luck and let us know how it goes...cuss words and all;~)


Sandyjabs...how are you??????


Medical...that is awesomethat you are down after an apple day. I know how it is to plan HCG around upcoming trips and good to hear you have it planned out so well. Good luck on your upcoming round!


The rest of you...keep your eye on the apple as they say!

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My cabbage soup was awesome. Finally got rid of that cabbage that has been in the fridge for a month!


I only had time for 1.6 miles on the treadmill before work. But I felt great afterwards. I will get on it again tomorrow. I want to work up each day but don't know how far. I will just play it by ear and see how my body feels, I guess. Now that I am close to going off the drops, it is important to get my exercise in. Hoping that will make P3 easier!

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Hey everyone....You sound like you all have this whipped into shape. Everyone seems to be doing quite well.


And Liz and Army....where are you ladies?


Big......ITS SEPTEMBER.....didn't you say mid September you would be starting another round. I will still be on P3 until the 25th...come join me.


AZ I'm holding kind of steady with .6......that seems to be my daily...well except for you .9 gain this morning. No reason for it so....more water and more water again.


Medi....I love how you just jump right back up....Kick the exercise in and you will be fine going off for a couple weeks.


Thanks again everyone. You are all so encouraging and it makes my day just to hop on the board and read.


My puppy (Dooney) had surgery today to remove 7 baby teeth and we also had her spayed.....Mixed emotions there...I really wanted her to have one pregnancy but the vet said that she probably won't even make it to 4 lbs and the chances of something going wrong were better than everything going normal. I love her to death and couldn't bear the thought of possibly losing her so we made the decision to go ahead. Even the smallest of cones were to big for her so we got one of those blow up ones from PetSmart and it is fabulous.


I need to go to bed...I had to bake a Texas Sheet Cake tonight for birthdays at work tomorrow and it is my favorite. I almost licked my fingers 3 different times...Habit....Got to go to bed while I still have willpower.


Good luck on the scales tomorrow everyone.

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OK Ladies, the scale said 12.5 down this morning. Me on the scale..."Is it less, is it less, (as it slowly bounces up and down) down a little more, yes? yes. YES!!" I have one of those scales like at the doctor's office with weights that move left and right and it doesn't lie to me.


Az, I just got My Fitness Pal the other day 'cause a friend recommended it to me! I haven't tried it yet. Guess I will today.


Robo: My sister and were on a diet together once and I ate something that I wasn't supposed to have. We were in a restaurant so I thought I would get away with it. She looked at me and "Spit it out!" I did and was mortified. :eek: So, don't TOUCH that cake! If you do, I hope you can hear me saying "SPIT IT OUT!!!"


Now, I am going to water some thirsty plants and then on the treadmill. HAVE A GREAT DAY LADIES!

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I'm checking in here. I am still very sick. I just went back to work today since last Wednesday :( I have lost 6 lbs but it is not from doing the diet - it is from being sick. I did not want to get run down any more than I was so I have not been doing the drops or the diet but I have not really been eating anyway because my throat feels like I gargled with broken glass :eek:

I am going to hope to start again on Monday. I will be done with my antibiotics and should be on the mend. Thank you all so much for thinking of me :) I will be back in a few days - Oh and I got the Vanilla Creme Stevia drops and the English Toffee so I am looking forward to seeing how those will taste in my coffee, that is when I can taste things again from this bronchitis and tonsilitis, yuck!

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Hi Everyone. Well you will be disappointed. I fell off the wagon BIG TIME. I have had two big side effects of the drops. One - I have not had a decent nights sleep since starting and Two - My breasts are so sore!!


I stopped the drops 3 days ago and my boobs are back to normal and i have slept well. Unfortunately i have put back on 2 lbs. That i am not worried about.


I am wondering though if i do this again for only one week, will i lose the last 6 lbs i want to shed. I dont want to do it for another 18 days as i wont be able to cope with the side effects.


Can anyone please help me?

Thanks all.

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Oh Big where are you girl? I got a quick question for you. After finishing phase 2 how long do you have to wait before you start another round? Hope you all have a great weekend..



My recommendation is this...if you were on the drops 23 days (P1 & P2), then you should be off the drops at least 23 days...and follow P3 protocol. Then you can go into another round. I know some people do it another way but this is the phase (3) where your metabolism is set and for me, one of the most important steps.


Glenlea...I have never heard of these types of side effects, not that I doubt you. But are you in or near a cycle (menses)

Please go to www.liquidHGCdiet.com and ask some questions there. I did not buy my drops there but do find a wealth of information there. Sorry that you have having these problems, that has to be so discouraging.:(

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Glenlea...I have never heard of these types of side effects, not that I doubt you. But are you in or near a cycle (menses)

Please go to www.liquidHGCdiet.com and ask some questions there. I did not buy my drops there but do find a wealth of information there. Sorry that you have having these problems, that has to be so discouraging.:(



Hi, i had a hysterectomy a year ago so dont get periods anymore. I do ovulate though as i kept my ovaries but god knows when that happens.:confused:

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Good Morning, yes I am really back this time. I just restarted (Germany does not have diet/healthy/clean eating food) so here we are again.


I am on P2 day 3, I still forgot to measure, someone yell at me!


Welcome to the newbies. I havent had a chance to read the posts that I missed.


Ok, can someone tell me where they get the stevia flavored drops, even though i live near a large city NO ONE carries them.


I hope everyone will have a losing day. Robo, so great to hear you are still with us! This is still a great plan for me (or at least I am hoping)

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Okay, I think I am all caught up!


My soul sister, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!


Big, a very special thank you to you sending you hugs for all of your help. Ok, another question, since I restarted, and I am on P2 day 3, how long am I staying on p2? I leave for my cruise on 10/17?


AZ you are a hoot, I read that and thought maybe I should get a PT done to see what I am taking.


Liz how was your trip?


Big, I think we should plan a girls camp for hcg'ers, now that would be a hoot to coordinate? Or better yet a cruise with just us hcg'ers? Anyone interested?


Oh Liz taking a kid to college just plain (excuse the mouth big) SUCKS!!!!! I have empathy for you, it gets easier, but every time I see them I still cry, and now with the addition of my first daughter (so beit she is 25) I have an additional gallon of tears.


Ok, I am DOWN 2.5 pounds. I am hopeful. Running out of food ideas, remember I only eat fish. And yes I can have Tuna in water.


Oh and who mentioned Greek Yoghurt? I LOVE THAT STUFF!!!!! Cant wait to eat it again! I blend it with estevia and different fruits, but blending it with fresh peaches and a little mint is like a heaven!


Have a sunny Sunday and a happy Labor Day to those who are laboring, no pun intended...

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Good morning Ladies! I am off the drops and feeling weird. Yesterday I took my blood pressure and it was 122/76, pulse 58. No problem there. (I had thought it might be high) I almost felt like I had taken a Sudaphed. I am down 14 pounds this morning.


I was looking in the closet last night for something to wear to church today and tried on some things I haven't worn in a while. Everything is too big! I have a new skirt and blouse that I got for the funeral two weeks ago that I can wear, but everything else looks like a gunny sack on me or is way outdated. Nice problem to have but I don't want to spend money on clothes just yet. I want to wait until after my second round to do that.


I am using My Fitness Pal now and I think that will keep me on track.


Have a great Sunday.

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I am on P2 day 3, I still forgot to measure, someone yell at me!

Where is Liz she is the one for this job..



Ok, can someone tell me where they get the stevia flavored drops, even though i live near a large city NO ONE carries them.

Army I buy them here locally but I also just ordered some

from Amazon the other day (I LOVE Amazon)

Vanilla cream SO good also heard Toffee wass good.


I hope everyone will have a losing day. Robo, so great to hear you are still with us! This is still a great plan for me (or at least I am hoping)

HUMM robo is she still with us?? Havent heard a word from her in days.. Wondering :rolleyes:

Army glad your back.. :) Oh and it was me who mention greek

yogurt.. Oh man that is GOOD stuff. I mixed it with vanilla cream

stevia and a few rasberries, blackberries and strawberries. Also

tried it with a little freash lemon juice and stevia uumm taste like

lemon mousse..

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Army...continue with P2 until Sept 22nd, then do two days(23rd and 24th) of NO drops and the 500 calories. Then go into P3 on Sept 25 through Oct 15th...you will be in P4 by your cruise! Yea for you....this is a short round and this is what I do. More manageable for me. I KNOW you can get 20 pounds off by then.


More soon.....Have a safe Memorial Day everyone

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Army...continue with P2 until Sept 22nd, then do two days(23rd and 24th) of NO drops and the 500 calories. Then go into P3 on Sept 25 through Oct 15th...you will be in P4 by your cruise! Yea for you....this is a short round and this is what I do. More manageable for me. I KNOW you can get 20 pounds off by then.


More soon.....Have a safe Memorial Day everyone




UUMM Big its Labor day in AZ. :rolleyes:

Have a great Labor day everyone..:p

OMG My Dad wants DH and I to go to a

Mexican restaurant tomorrow night for dinner..:eek:

I REALLY don't want to go but Dad health is SO poor

he is not going to be around much longer. So I feel

what ever Dad wants I have to do. I already looked at the menu

and there are things that DH and I can order with no carbs..

Hold the rice and beans.. But still I am much more

comfy eating at home meat and veggies.. I can

pass on the chips but worried about the margaritas. I have NO

cheats Ph2 or Ph3..:D

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LOL...got me..another moment of...errrr...age? HAPPY LABOR DAY! Bet you thought us Montana people are just a little off.


Maybe you could try a modified Taco salad? Do not pass up dinner with your Dad, some things are more important than weight and diets. And ask if they serve skinny Margaritas, I know we have a few bars that are serving the light versions.


Medical...that is great that you are onto P3 and off the drops. P3 always felt like feast-fest to me, and it is scary to get those calories in and add more food and worry about gaining. I did love being able to add more veggies in without worry. Let us know if you run into any problems. Wonder why you felt "weird" off the drops...maybe you are a super sensitive. Hope that you are feeling good/normal today.


Army...no measuring AGAIN???? LOL You will do it now though...right? Really? OK...I'll give you until tomorrow! hahaha

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