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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Quick check in, having a great weekend. Nice loss of 0.8 pounds today, had my first gain yesterday, up 0.4. No sweat, knew it would come off and it did. :) Best reward ever was going shopping today for something to wear next weekend. DH was with me and helped me pick out a real cute little jacket top and a tank to wear under it. I asked for an XL tank in the color I wanted and all they had was a L. I said thanks, anyways, and started walking off - hubby told me to just try it on. Guess what? It fit! I haven't worn a Large anything in forever. Really. Ladies, I was in a 2X top when all of this started! I'm amazed. I am now officially a little over halfway to my goal, and I'm gonna get there.


Liz, thanks for a great message. We all need to be here to support each other, and I think that we do a great job of it. Hope your mom is doing well, where does she live? And you asked what round I'm on - this is round 2, VLCD 12 I think.


Janet, glad you had a good date with the hubby! Now to get all of that salt out of your body - hit the water girl! (and I'm really glad that the world didn't end today :) )


Terri, how's the 17 day thingie going? Let us know.


I've heard that Yerba Mate tea can help us with weight loss, so I bought some today. Anyone ever used it? I'm curious.


Have a great weekend ladies,

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Sunny weekend !!

Wish I had sundays off...:(


Jennifer...nice going on the tank top ;) It was great that your hubby made the suggestion. I can't believe you have gone down in so many sizes !!

I think I have barely moved one size...unless I was lying to myself what size I really was ??? then it would be almost 2 sizes... I can't quite get into a 12.


Lost 2 lbs this morning !! so I am back on track !


Hope all enjoyed there weekend !


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"I've heard that Yerba Mate tea can help us with weight loss, so I bought some today. Anyone ever used it? I'm curious."


Is this a brand of tea or flavor and where did you find it? Will have to check it out.

Tremendous feeling going from a 2X to a Large! I can still only get into the X-large because of the ta-tas. But that is ok. Until I win the lotto and get a reduction:~)

Good losses to Jennifer and Janet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How are the rest of you doing?


I started the 17 day on Monday and have lost 5.2 pounds since then. I like that I can eat most veggies freely, cause when I am wanting something, I can have those instead of biting the bullet and working through it...LOL I guess that isn't such a bad habit to pick up. I am not doing the 17 minutes of exercise 2X aday, everyday...but I am pretty active and I am still plugging away at the sit-ups, darn near everyday. It is so similar to HCG.


Janet, I understand about the size you really were...I said a size 18-20 but also knew that I was jamming myself into those sizes...and with spandex into everything anymore...well you can just imagine...YIKES. I know even now that I fit easily into some 12's and some 14's are a little snug...but I just feel SO much better getting that weight and inches off.


Off to Target for some retail therapy. Have a very nice Sunday in all that you do and as I try to do everyday...a random act of kindness to your fellow man!

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Good morning all! Ok, so what are you going to do this week that burns calories?

Can't remember who was the zumba fan, boy is that fun! Hard on my lower back though so I can only do it for short periods of time...

I am going against the suggestions of my chiro and going back to bootcamp this morning!

Don't worry, I'll take it slow and easy, I just feel like I'm turning into a blob without the exercise. Interestingly I have the measurements from when I was at this weight a few months ago and I'm somewhat larger now. I really think the exercise plays a big part in this and now I have proof! lol, sorry, in a goofy mood this morning. Need my Ritalin...


We've got to move it, move it!


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Hi losers,

I didnt leave I am still here.. :cool:

Just taking a break from HCG.. Started LC only

today will do that intill the middle of July and then

give HCG my best shot (literally) :D

Looks like you all are doing well.

Great job Liz you are all over this. :p

Big how is the 15 day diet going? Tell us a

little about it..

Stay strong girls,


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a random act of kindness to your fellow man! ... like finishing their dessert for them ?:p


YOU will have to be excused from ANY acts of kindness that involve food!:eek: Unless of course you want to eat some little kids brussel sprouts!:p


Nice to hear from you Sheri...it is the 17 day diet and similar to HCG, No drops and more eating! I am going down in weight, but where I am really seeing it is the inches. Just didn't have it in me for another round of HCG right now. Don't get me wrong, I am SO :)HAPPY:) I did the 2 rounds. It is just timing and mentally being ready to commit.


Liz, I bought a dance cardio tape off Amazon, it should be here by Friday and that is what I am going to try. I had one and put it in the DVD player and it was WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY over my skill level. I have two left feet and it had me sweating and breathing hard after 2 MINUTES! SO...I googled dance tapes for people over 50 (which I am) and ordered 2. Plus we never go anywhere for Memorial Day as the weather is always so iffy. We usually go and get the yard in shape and get our garden in. In the west you have to wait for frost warnings to go away and that always isn't a given.


Jennifer, what about that tea? I am interested!

Have a good one no matter what it is.


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Hi Losers !!!

Scale continues to be kind. I now weigh less than my husband ! Finally. That was a big deal for me... I am down 2 more lbs total of 12 lbs in round 2 !!! Over all total-38lbs.

I am having some (lots) of cravings for italian food...maybe I will make a bit of sauce and put it on some zucchini...

any other suggestions ? ooh eggplant roasted with garlic and tomatoes, oregano. That might work too.

Eat well, Janet

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Hi Losers !!!

Scale continues to be kind. I now weigh less than my husband ! Finally. That was a big deal for me... I am down 2 more lbs total of 12 lbs in round 2 !!! Over all total-38lbs.

I am having some (lots) of cravings for italian food...maybe I will make a bit of sauce and put it on some zucchini...

any other suggestions ? ooh eggplant roasted with garlic and tomatoes, oregano. That might work too.


Eat well, Janet



Tonight, I made something you may like.

I used a spiral cutter (cuts zukes like spag. noodles or egg noodles) to cut zuchinni ( 3 med), placed on the bottom of a baking pan. Browned Italian turkey burger and put over the top, and then mixed no added sugar diced tomatoes (drained some of the juice) with a tablespoon of Classico Traditional basil pesto sauce (sm. jars at Wal-Mart) and put that over the zukes and meat. Baked about 40 minutes or until bubbly. Hubby added cheese over the top and it melted right on...I did not partake in cheese because of diet but it was SOOOOO good.

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Hi everyone! I've been reading this forum for the past week and I'm ready to go.

I start my first loading day tomorrow :)


:DGreat and best of luck to you. Have you read the book with protocol? Very important for understanding this diet. The people on here are friendly, helpful and darn good looking! Any questions, just ask. There is a wealth of info and suggestions from these "losers":)

Welcome aboard!

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:DGreat and best of luck to you. Have you read the book with protocol? Very important for understanding this diet. The people on here are friendly, helpful and darn good looking! Any questions, just ask. There is a wealth of info and suggestions from these "losers":)

Welcome aboard!


Love it! Thank you so much. I think I understand it...I went through it a few times and made notations and highlighed stuff. If I have questions I'll let you know. I hope when I'm done I'm as good looking and as big a "loser" as all of you. :D Good luck to everyone!

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Oops, thought I posted yesterday. Doing good, still seeing nice losses most days. I was going to try the tea yesterday, but it got cold on my desk as something popped up right after I brewed it. Hubby has drank it for the last 2 days, he's trying to break a stall (he drank a couple of beers last week, plus I think he's at a set point that his body was a for a long time many years ago). I'm gonna try it again tonight.


We cooked a new favorite P2 meal last night - lettuce wrap tacos! I just brown some super-lean ground beef, pat it dry, then add some fat free beef broth, chili powder, cumin, garlic, marjoram, oregano, and red pepper until it tastes like tacos! I used leaves of iceberg lettuce (which I never use, but the shape is perfect for taco making) and spoon in the taco meat and some sugar free picante sauce, and roll it up. Yum!! I cooked 7 ounces of beef for the 2 of us.


Janet, congrats on getting below hubby's weight! I'm still almost 5 pounds above mine, but with his stall I'm catching up with him. :)


Sheri, glad you are still here. I hope that you do well with the LC.


Terri, I'm gonna have to look up that 17 day diet, might be a good thing to do between my birthday and my cruise. :)


Liz, how was boot camp? Did you survive??


Jersey Girl, good for you for reading, highlighting, and understanding what you are undertaking! Come here for questions, we love to help. This is a great way to lose that is maintainable if you follow the plan. Make sure you are reading Pounds and Inches by Dr Simeons. Are you using drops, pellets, or doing shots? On your own or using a clinic? We are all a mixture of the above. I'm doing injections, through a physician. Be sure to load up on healthy fats and protein, try to avoid a whole lot of sugar. Good Luck!!


Hope everyone is having a great day, be sure to make good choices for yourself!

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Jen, WELCOME!!!!! :-)

Ok, the one thing we are all in 100% agreement about is planning. You have to stock your house with the right foods, especially in the beginning, for optimal success. Good luck with loading day today! I found it helpful to really eat things I'd love and miss during those two days. Marble Slab two days in a row! lol, and a dipped waffle cone at that! When on VLCD, watch your beef servings. I read to only have 2 a week, and I completely believe that because more than 2 and my losses stall out, big time. Also, they say no more than 3 servings of seafood a week, however, that one doesn't mess with me for some reason. One thing to know, is if you do not cheat, your cravings for starches/sugars/pasta/bread etc. will go away! Its a beautiful thing!! However, if you do cheat, it will reawaken the monster within...lol

Just know this going in and you'll do great. Also, if you've read old posts, you'll know I am a huge fan of measuring yourself because there are times when the scale just will not move, but the tape measure might ;-)

Please check in frequently, ask questions, brag a little or a lot and we'll celebrate with you!!

As my friend tells me "You're a a hand when I need a hand, and a foot when I need a foot!" <g>

Jif, you just described one of my favorite meals! I thank you so much for reminding me of that because my family LOVES their 'taco wraps'.

Me? I loved being back at bootcamp. Took me 1 1/2 yrs. to finally get to full pushups (not the knees ones) and I was NOT going to lose that ability!!! So I came, I saw, and I kinda conquered. Then went for my chiro appt. immediately after and he said I was now strong enough to go back to that and tennis, yea!!!

I tell ya, I promise my measurements were very different at this weight a few months ago, the exercise really does make a difference!

Speaking of....Bighorn, I hope your dvds are perfect for you! Just avoid Zumba if you are 'feet challenged'. You probably wouldn't like it...lol

Thank goodness they make so many different types of exercise. I keep trying them until I find those I like. Many I don't...lol

Sheri/Az, I am so glad you're still here. I really do cheat less between rounds when I check in, give the bad news, and get pulled back up again. Plus you guys give such great advice and motivation, why wouldn't we check in?????lol Hang in there, your body wants some time to get used to the small you... :-)

Block, you are awesome!!! I can't stand that my hubby can still wear some of the pants from 26 yrs. ago when we first met. I sneak into his closet at times and try on his jeans. Why do men have such skinny legs???? So not fair... 38 pounds is incredible. I am so proud of you!!!

Ok, daughter has her dr. appt. downtown so I've got to do something to myself. But hey, at least I can fit into half my closet now!!!


Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, it's off to lose we go.... <g>


can you tell I'm counting down for my cruise? I'm practically giddy!! lol 18 more days...

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Chatty today aren't you ladies !!!:) YEA! Glad everyone has something good to chat about !

Welcome Jersey girl..hop on board !!

I have lost another pound this am. I only plan on doing 21 days this round...and from the looks of it I might do just as well as when I did 40.

Another milestone today...down 13 pounds so 2 numbers changed !

My back has still bee really bad...went to the dr today and got a rx for an MRI...I also didn't goto work:rolleyes:... I will tomorrow. UGH.


I had hamberger patty twice today...so, I'll see how the scale feels about it tomorrow? Oh and TOM showed up this afternoon....Hoping I don't stall.


Eat Well ladies,


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Jersey Girl, good for you for reading, highlighting, and understanding what you are undertaking! Come here for questions, we love to help. This is a great way to lose that is maintainable if you follow the plan. Make sure you are reading Pounds and Inches by Dr Simeons. Are you using drops, pellets, or doing shots? On your own or using a clinic? We are all a mixture of the above. I'm doing injections, through a physician. Be sure to load up on healthy fats and protein, try to avoid a whole lot of sugar. Good Luck!!


Thank you! I'm doing the drops, on my own. I just finished off some ice cream, had burger king for lunch, and my co-worker surprised us with a pizza today at work (how convenient!!). I had eggs and bacon for breakfast, and a slice of pizza around dinnertime. I'm so full, but I know I'll be thankful later.

Thank you for your advice, I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and joining in on cheering everyone on. How was your day today?

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Jen, WELCOME!!!!! :-)

Ok, the one thing we are all in 100% agreement about is planning. You have to stock your house with the right foods, especially in the beginning, for optimal success. Good luck with loading day today! I found it helpful to really eat things I'd love and miss during those two days. Marble Slab two days in a row! lol, and a dipped waffle cone at that! When on VLCD, watch your beef servings. I read to only have 2 a week, and I completely believe that because more than 2 and my losses stall out, big time. Also, they say no more than 3 servings of seafood a week, however, that one doesn't mess with me for some reason. One thing to know, is if you do not cheat, your cravings for starches/sugars/pasta/bread etc. will go away! Its a beautiful thing!! However, if you do cheat, it will reawaken the monster within...lol

Just know this going in and you'll do great. Also, if you've read old posts, you'll know I am a huge fan of measuring yourself because there are times when the scale just will not move, but the tape measure might ;-)

Please check in frequently, ask questions, brag a little or a lot and we'll celebrate with you!!

As my friend tells me "You're a a hand when I need a hand, and a foot when I need a foot!" <g>

Thanks Liz!! I'm mentally ready to do this thing....and I'm going to stay away from the beef and do only 1 serving a week. I'll stick with the chicken for the most part and do seafood 2-3x/week.

I give all you folks credit for working hard and succeeding at this...I can't wait until I start seeing results later this week or so. I'm planning on doing phase 2 for about 35 days, but we'll see what the scale and tape measures say at that point and I'll adjust accordingly. I'm looking to lose about 35 pounds.

18 days till sail away?! Woo hoo, the pre-cruise excitement is amazing, enjoy it while it lasts :-)

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Has anyone found an approved facial lotion that I can buy in the stores in the next day or so? I have baby oil I can use for my body (mineral oil) but I am going to need a facial lotion.....if I put baby oil on my face I'll break out, so thats a no-go. Any thoughts?

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Has anyone found an approved facial lotion that I can buy in the stores in the next day or so? I have baby oil I can use for my body (mineral oil) but I am going to need a facial lotion.....if I put baby oil on my face I'll break out, so thats a no-go. Any thoughts?


Most of us didn't change our lotions and cosmetics, and it didn't "seem" to matter. But I did buy and have switched over to Aveeno lotion, no oil in that.

Unless you are really slathering on the oil based lotions, in my opinion, it doesn't matter what you use.

Good luck to you!:D

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Good morning gals!

Just a quick check in. Lost another 1/2 lb. this morning, so I am within 2 1/2 lbs. of low weight from last round, or low weight ever on this thing. Yesterday wore a cute pair of crop pants that I haven't had on my body in 10 yrs. I got so many compliments and felt pretty darned cute! lol

Regarding the lotion, my massage therapist is the one who suggested this to me and he has lost over 60 lbs. and kept most of it off for 2 yrs. now. Up and down like the rest of us <g>.

He is in oil and lotion all day and assures me that I don't need to stress over that. So I still am using my normal facial products, I just am not adding oil to my bath, which was a nightly thing before. Small price to pay...

Ok, so what are we eating today?

2 oz. of leftover hamburger for me for breakfast, had bootcamp and I KNOW I'd better have some protein or I'm toast...



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Way to make a comeback Liz! Keep it going and sure glad to see you not give in after a fall. 190 days until I cruise so I an green with envy you are so close.

Day 9 of the 17 Day diet and I have only (LOL sounds funny when I say only) lost 6 pounds, but can tell that more inches are coming off instead. I am enjoying the less restrictive food consumption and am getting used to eating alot more veggies than I used to.

Hope you are all losing and staying fit.

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Good morning gals!

Yesterday wore a cute pair of crop pants that I haven't had on my body in 10 yrs. I got so many compliments and felt pretty darned cute! lol


Nice job Liz, and that's great on the weight loss too. I am almost done with load day #2...I hope I ate enough the past 2 days. It's hard because I don't have a desk type job so I can't gorge all day long. I went shopping tonight for vegetables and fruit, and found the grassini breadsticks. I enjoyed one last bottle of snapple too! ;) I grilled my chicken for the next 2 days so tomorrow all I have to do is put everything in lunchbox to take to work.

I am trying gardening for the first time and I was able to pick some of my lettuce to add to the iceberg lettuce I bought at the store earlier today. I hope I am as successful as all of you! You're all so inspiring!!! :)

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:)Hi Ladies !


Lost another pound...but thanks to Liz.. I also noticed I lost 2 inches in my bust and 1/2 in the waist.. (that damn kangaroo pouch)

I am determind to lose another 7 pounds in 8 days . That will give me 26 days on program and bring me into phase 3. That will give me an even 20lbs lost this round2 !


Can I do it..? I think I can !! or come close:)

My face seems to be getting very thin...almost to thin:eek:...?


Jersey girl....How was the first day on phase 2 go for you.. hungry? cravings? Loss?

Eat well,


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Good morning friends,

Yea Block!!! Gosh I love that tape measure. lol, could you tell?

I'm so excited it is coming off you. I think you CAN reach those goals, but maybe a better one might be not to cheat once during those last 8 days???? Just a thought...

I don't know what to tell you about the face part. I think your body will definitely tell you when you've lost enough. Many reports I've read said you become ravenous. I am not there yet....J-)

Jersey you can do this. You've made a plan, you've shopped for food, and most importantly, your mind is set. I can't do a darn thing if my mental state isn't ready. I'd suggest taking measurements too (here she goes again...<g>) and make sure you take one at the bra strap, right under the girls. If you decide to measure, pick familiar places to make sure you measure the same each time. Like I do my belly button for waist, my hernia scar for hips, a mole on my right thigh...oops, tmi! Post often, and I like to find a picture of either 'thin me' or a model with my body type that I'd like to look like. I keep it in the pantry, tacked to the wall. Ok stop laughing now!

Bighorn, I'm very proud of you! Is it like maintainence? How do you spell that?

Anyway, I was wondering if it is pretty much the same as far as what you can eat???

Have your exercise dvds come yet? Keep it up girls!

Thanks for the compliments. I gained a pound this morning. I had waaayyy too much yesterday, including 3 servings of beef, 1/2 of a chicken cordon bleu, and hummus. I had little in the house and didn't plan and it jumped up and bit me. It's ok. Lots of water this morning, bootcamp was good but too many squats. Apple for breakfast, grilled chix for lunch and a big salad. Still miss cheese on it though...lol


How is everyone else doing????


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Good losses Block and you sound super motivated, I know you can do the loss you want, stick with protocol!

Liz, that loss will come off with some clean eating. Do you go to bootcamp all the time or is this something that just runs for a month or so?

Jerseygirl...how goes it? I didn't find phase 2 hard until about day three or four into it and then I noticed, I was hungry, but determined to see myself through it.


The 17 day diet, has cycles instead of phases, no loading phase (dang it) 1st cycle is basically no sugar, very little fat and no carbs for the most part. Lean chicken, turkey and fish, as well as most veggies (not potatoes, peas carb vegs) are free...eat as much as you like but he has a hunger scale to determine fullness so you just aren't going hogwild! Only 2 fruits a day before 2 PM, and 2 pro-biotics a day. 17 days of this and then you go to cycle 2 which alternates this cycle 1, with new cycle 2 adding some additonal foods, like seafoods, lean red meats, grains, and starchy vegs. Alternate for 17 days and then on to cycle 3...basically upping your activity and no carbs after 2 PM, and some other "rules", then on to a maintenance type cycle. I think this stirs things up with the body and this why you lose. Of course this is it in a nutshell....LOL

The Book is at Target and Wal-mart too. It is an easy read and like any other diet, you have to be willing to use what you learn throughout your life, low carb, low fats, PORTION CONTROL (for me!) and activity.

I am so grateful that HCG kickstarted better health for me with rapid weight loss and inches gone, now I have to lose about 20 more throught the summer and then maintain. But if I can't get it off, I would do HCG again in the fall and be mentally ready to do it.

Have a great Memorial week-end if i don't get back on...I am working Monday, woe of the self employed. No workee, no money...LOL

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