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Voyager 5/30 Review

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First off, we had a great time.


The excellent:

-Ice Show (no surprise)

-Comedian Carl Banks - although it was the adult comedy show on the last night which I thought was crazy cuz we had to be out of our staterooms by 8am the next morning.

-The Platters - what a nice surprise, I'm a huge fan of the platters and it was great to see them

-Quest (again, no surprise, it was great)

-Rosario Strings - these guys are amazing, go see them as much as you can.

-Johnny Rocket's - was pretty damn good. Especially the milk shakes. Service was good too. It's too small and the lines build, but the longest we waited was 45 minutes, but that was just one time. Other than that it was about 10 to 15 minutes on off times.



-Slow Motion Acrobatics - this was pretty cool

-Dinner - the beef tenderloin was great, everything was ok, service was great

-Promenade cafe food - some stuff was good some wasn't.

-Ship shape center - it was nice, not too crowded, nice machines, and a hot tub that was not too crowded.

-Pools are heated and they tell you the tempature on the TV but it was still too cold to go in them.

-Look of the ship - I didn't notice too much wear, the only bad thing was one of our pillows on the couch looked pretty nasty and the mirror was chipped. Our closest door was broken but that could have just happened. We called to get it fixed and it took a day but it was fixed like new. We had a Promenade room, 7301. It was nice and the bathroom was nice.

-Beds - they were actully pretty decent. I brought my own pillows so I don't know how they were.

-Radio flashlights - were the gift the C&A members got. I got home and tried it and they actully work. Not too bad!

-Refund - everyone got a refund that says cape libery refund or something like that for about $4 and change, about the price of the drink. They didn't really make an announcement, but I was told that it was meant to buy everyone a drink to make up for the chaos of getting on the ship.

-Picture taking - it looks like they got the hint and really toned it down, they weren't as pushy as it has been in the past.



-Canada - It was ok, there was more to do in Halifax, I didn't do any of the excursions.

-Comedian Rick Starr - on the first night, I thought he was ok, sometimes funny othertimes not at all. He was on again the next night but it was late and we were tired. I heard he was a little better then.

-Productions shows - I'm not really into this stuff, I thought it was ok. However, on the 3rd night, there was no show so everyone went to the ice skating show which is why it was so crazy.

-C&A private party - was very lame, music, a little bit of food and free drinks that were very hard to come by. You just had to know or figure out that the drinks were free, no one told you and it was hard to find a waiter or waitress to get your order. I asked one waiter for a drink and I never saw him again. We met one lady that cruises all the time and she says this is the worst cruise and C&A party ever. They never talked to you or anything, it was just lame music.

-Parades - they were ok, but the huge crowds kind of ruined it. We just watched from our rooms. They'll replay it on TV if you miss it.



-Coffee - it was probably the worst coffee ever

-Crowds - I read a lot about how you'll never know your on a big ship. I don't know if there is another VOS out there but you really, really felt it at several times througout the cruise.

-Midnight buffet setup - this was crazy, you would think these people never ate in their lives. It got really crazy and they acted like vultures. The food was stuff we've seen in other places anyway. I would skip the eating part and just take pictures if you want.

-Breakfast Buffet- as I read on these boards, the food was cold everyday and it didn't really taste good. However, we didn't see too many lines.

-Promenade Cafe coffee station - this was a warzone, you have this small place and everyone rushing to try to get in there at all times for really crappy coffee.

-Art auction - I didn't like the art auctioneer, he was really slimy. For every piece, they acted like they are losing money such as "wow, we should not be going this low" this will be worth 5 times more by tommorow, this is a steal, etc., etc. He also didn't explain much about the art. The one I went to on NCL sea (still park west, but better auctioneer) really explained the piece, its value, and about the artist. And it was way too long, almost 3 hours, they have an endless amount of pieces.

-Embarkation - this was a nightmare as others have already told you. What made it worse was that there were no announcements telling you what was going on. You got a number and then they called you by number to get on the bus. Only problem is, they don't seem to have a PA system and the crowd of people had to shout out the numbers.

-The NJ crowd - I've lived in Jersey my whole life and it was great not to fly to miami or somewhere else but you could really tell it was a NJ/NY crowd. The people act just like they drive, rude and obnoxious. You'd think they'd relax because their on vacation, but they don't. I even talked to some of the cruise staff and they thought the same way. With some I didn't talk to, I heard making comments under their breath.

-Men's Public bathrooms - most have only 1 urinal and only 2 toilets so they can fill up quickly, having a room in the middle of the ship helps nicely

-Hot tub temperatures - I went in several hot tubs and they were pretty chilly, about 92 or so. I have a hot tub, so I know how hot it should be. It should have at least been 100 degrees.

-The stuff they give you in the bathroom, only soap and shampoo.

-Disembarkation - getting off the ship got really chaotic but they did open up another gangway. It was crazy because everyone had to push and rush through. Once off the ship, we got on a bus, then got dropped off, found our luggage, handed in our customs form which could have said anything but they didn't read, and we were out, so that was nice. They should just stop calling colors until the crowd clears

-Unused rooms - Cloud nine, 19th hole, and champagne bar were virtually empty the entire time. I couldn't find one thing that took place in cloud nine.

-Sprinkles - I didn't like the ice cream, way too cold. The ice cream at dinner was much better. Also, there are no toppings, not even sprinkles!



-Ask to have your mini bar emptied, to use it as a fridge but this way you don't get charged for it. This took 2 days to happen. Also, there seems to be a conspiracy and 2 people told us and another person told one of our dinner mates that its not really a fridge but instead only keeps things that are cold, cold and will not make things cold. Funny, my hot soda that I carried on got cold pretty quick.

-If you have a door to connect your room to the one next to it, check to make sure its locked. On the last night, I leaned on the handle and the next thing I knew, I was in the next persons room. If we weren't honest people, I could have looted the room next to us and vice versa.

-Ice Show tickets - while you might want to get there early to get your tickets just to be safe, they were not checked at the door. It was just a mad rush for seats and a lot of people sat on the floor

-Disembarkation - no matter how many times they tell you, you can leave at any time because everyone's luggage was out there. It has to be because they have to walk the dogs up and down to check it.

-Bring anything you would need in the bathroom but expect to already be there, shower cap, mouth wash, lotion, etc. The only thing they give you is soap and shampoo.

-St John - There is a guy in the tents when you get off the ship that is selling stuff for $1 or $2. Its a nice play to pick up mugs, shot glasses, and other touristy stuff.

-Halifax - leave extra time to get on the ship. I don't know why, but it took forever to get on the ship. For some reason, they check you when you get on the gangway and again, a minute later when you get on the ship. It really held up the line and it took us about 25 mintues to get on the ship.



Overall - we had a great time, despite my complaints, some of them are just nit picking. I wouldn't fly into NJ to take this cruise because you'll have a better time leaving out of another port like Miami which seems to get people from across the country. I wouldn't go to Canada again, but I didn't have high hopes for it anyway, it was the only thing that fit into our budget and schedule. This was our only and last cold weather vacation. I would also try to take a smaller ship. I really didn't like the crowds. I don't know if it was the weather, the crowd, or what but something seemed a little off. I don't think its the fact that it was a 5 day cruise, because my last two cruises were 4 and 5 days and they were great. The other 5 day was on the Majesty and that was a lot of fun. You could just feel that something was off. I've also noticed some cost cutting, such as no fruit punch anywhere, including at dinner, no lobster, which I had read about, and various other little things.


Hope this helps.

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Hi, We were on that cruise also. I don't have nearly as many complaints as you, but I sort of take things as they come unless they're really aggravating.


Our embarkation would have been fine if they had just posted signs telling you which lane to get into to drop off luggage and that you would have to circle and which lane to get into to park. Other than that it went smoothly. Also the debarkation wasn't too bad for us. I think if all the people who were supposed to report to immigration, etc. would do it promptly things would be quicker.


It was our first time on such a large ship. Voyager is magnificent, but I realize that I prefer a smaller ship. And I'm one of those crazy people who actually enjoy and "rock and rolling" of the ship so I missed that.


We enjoyed the two ports very much. Took a photography tour and a trip to Peggy's Cove. Our tour guide at Peggy's Cove was very knowledgeable about the area. I also was happy to be able to purchase souvenirs that had been made in Canada. Had a great lobster roll lunch in St. John's. Shared a table with another couple from the ship and enjoyed their company.


All in all, we enjoyed the cruise.


<font color=#FF0000>

Jan from New Jersey


Celebrity - Caribbean - Twice

RCCL - Alaska, Caribbean, Canada

Holland America - Panama Canal and South America




Celebrity - Back to back Caribbean - Oct. 2004

Princess - Back to back Caribbean - Feb. 2005

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by beachgirl55:

Where did you get the lobster roll in St. John?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Got mine at Steamers. It's right where you get off the ship.



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I firmly believe that everyone is entitled to his own opinion. Even when people are all experiencing the same thing, they can experience it differently. And though I like Royal Caribbean, am a relative newcomer to cruising compared to many on these boards, and have never cruised any other line, I have to chuckle at the Original Poster's laundry list of complaints. I could have accepted it all in a much better spirit if s/he HAD NOT SAID:


"I didn't like the ice cream, way too cold."


As a matter of fact, I am STILL giggling and shaking my head over that one.






Voyager of the Seas - 5-day to Canada - NO AIRFARE!!!! 8/2004



Jewel of the Seas 12/2004

Explorer of the Seas 12/2003

Explorer of the Seas 8/2002


<marquee>till we sail on the Jewel! New Year's Cruise.....12/26/04</marquee>


<marquee>..........................Oh, no! We have become New Year's Cruise Addicts!</marquee>


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Lobster Roll


We had ours at Steamers too.


<font color=#FF0000>

Jan from New Jersey


Celebrity - Caribbean - Twice

RCCL - Alaska, Caribbean, Canada

Holland America - Panama Canal and South America




Celebrity - Back to back Caribbean - Oct. 2004

Princess - Back to back Caribbean - Feb. 2005

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My husband and I chuckled at the "way too cold" ice cream statement as well. I read these reviews and have to wonder what the expectations were to begin with. Statements like this cause me to question the review as a whole. I was beginning to wonder if we should spend all this money on the 8/8 sailing or look for another cruiseline (Carnival Victory sails from New York on the 9th) or itinerary. I've got until the 9th to make a final decision without losing any money but so far nothing has convinced me to change my mind; even the horrible embarkation/disembarkation issues that are quite believable as they are a common theme throughout all the reviews. As well as the lousy coffee :-)


Some of the statements in these reviews remind me of the time we walked into the Westin in Puerto Vallarta to check in and a man was at the front desk yelling at the staff because he hadn't recieved his chocolate on the pillow the night before. Expectations are relative!

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Wow, I try to be nice, but damn. Anyway, my comment about the ice cream being too cold is that it was more ice than cream, way too frozen. I really could care less, I didn't even want it. If you read my post you saw that I said some of my stuff is just nit picking. This ship is 5 years old and has been reviewed to death so I tried to just focus on certain things. Also, some of my complaints are things that I just over heard, for example the coffee, I don't even drink coffee. Also, I said it more than once, I had a great time. Other then getting on and off the ship, I knew what I was in for and I'm the only that usually laughs at people who complain about little things. For example, this one old lady I talked to got all bent out of shape over crossaints. Also, my expectations were based off other cruises, including cruises with RCL which were much better. Breakfast sucked every day, but it bother me? Not really. I expect one meal to suck, its usually lunch for me, but this time it was breakfast. The only thing that really annoyed me was the midnight buffet and how crazy it was. Out of all of them that I have been to, I've never seen anything like it, it probably had a lot to do with the NJ crowd. I was trying to give an honest picture of what I saw and heard so others know what to expect in the near future.

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wwwbidbaycom said:


"Out of all of them that I have been to, I've never seen anything like it, it probably had a lot to do with the NJ crowd."??


[This message was edited by alinnj on 06-06-04 at 12:08 PM.]

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Thank you for posting and sharing your opinion! I hope you enjoy your next cruise. Isn't it tough not to compare the past cruises? Hate when that happens!!!

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Thanks for the review bidbay! We were on the Voyager last October and are going again this October.


As for the ice cream, I knew exactly what you meant! Our kids loved it, but they are three years old and didn't mind the gritty iciness of it. And your remark about the lack of sprinkles cracked me up!


thanks again and happy cruising!



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Yeah, the casino has posted hours right outside of it and in the compass. The table games are open less the the casino itself is. I really didn't pay attention because I'm 30 minutes from AC, so I tend not to gamble on cruise ships. Amazingly, it got alot of use from the NJ/NY/Penn crowd. Some of the tables looked full at certain times. They have a nice selection of slots from what I saw.

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Thanks for the info. We are going on the same cruise on June 27, still hoping they get things better organized at port. We are driving, from your experience when would you suggest we arrive in Bayonne? Right now there are rooms available in all categories for our sailing, was your sailing full or relatively empty, could you tell?

Thanks for any info

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Yes, we had a hair dryer, it was located in a drawer so you had to sit at the desk/vanity. It seems that you have to take the shuttle, or else we all wouldn't have waited for it. They also give out numbers so you get on the bus depending on how long you have been waiting. It goes pretty quick though once the busses start loading. I'd say you should get there at about 4 or 5, it depends on how things get worked out. They hand out things that say you can use public areas of the ship until your room is ready at a certain time which I think was 5 or 6. However, that didn't apply since we didn't get on till 6:30. We had 3200+ people, so I think the ships was pretty full. But I think that had to do with memorial day. We wanted an inside cabin and they were all booked up weeks earlier. However, the cruise before and after ours to Canada had them right up until the cruise. The captain will tell you how many people are onboard. We are north of AC, in Ocean County.

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A.S. You can walk from the parking area to the terminal, but not from the terminal to the ship. However, some of the parking spots are quite a distance from the terminal. The shuttles to take you there came around pretty quickly.


<font color=#FF0000>

Jan from New Jersey


Celebrity - Caribbean - Twice

RCCL - Alaska, Caribbean, Canada

Holland America - Panama Canal and South America




Celebrity - Back to back Caribbean - Oct. 2004

Princess - Back to back Caribbean - Feb. 2005

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A couple of questions : Does anyone know if there were theme nights on the 5 day to Canada on VOS in the main dining room?


Was there a teen icebreaker event on the first night?


Very curious as to what type of music was performed out by the pool. We usually travel to the caribbean and are used to hearing the Calypso and Soca bands and wondered about the NJ to Canada cruise.


When did they hold the muster drill on the 5 day?





'Til my next cruise


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Formal night was the first day at sea. "smart casual" was the second sea day. Can't remember the theme nights (one was Italian, another was international) in the dining room. Don't know about the teens, don't have one. Music at the pool?! it was too cold to be out there most of the time. I don't recall seeing or hearing any groups out there (but it was the May 30th cruise, early in the season). Someone else might have heard music. Muster drill wa the first night at 9:30 PM. My station was in Cleopatra's needle, inside with seats.

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I was on this cruise and had a great time.


This was my second cruise.


Embarkation was messy. Traffic jam trying to get to terminal. Hopefully these are just growing pains, and RC will improve this port.

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I was on the May 30th sailing also, and Thursday night's theme was 50's + 60's. The entertainment that night was The Platters and later in the evening on the ice rink was a rock n roll dance party. Also the Quest was on the ice rink just before the rock and roll dance party. That evening just flew by, so many fun things to do.

I do have my cruise compasses, so if you have any questions I will try to answer them.

It was a wonderful cruise in spite of the hectic first day and the not so great weather.

Too cold and windy for swimming.


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Someone mentioned the midnight buffet....this was my first cruise so it may be the same on the others. I was very surprised about the way they handled the buffet viewing. I felt it was very unsanitary how everyone was in sneezing and coughing distance of the food. Obviously we weren't supposed to touch the displays, but I witnessed many people touching items. I didn't feel like eating anything after a few thousand people had breathed over it. It was certainly a site to see though.

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We were on the same cruise and thank bidbaycom for his review. We found the Island Grill at the very back of the Windjammer much less crowded, the food was always hot, the bacon always crispy and the views off the aft wonderful.


I had my lobster rolls at Reggie's in St. John and Murphy's in Halifax .. yum yum!


We really enjoyed the little Fireman's Musuem in Saint John and had the guide all to ourselves. Also toured the Loyalist House there which was interesting. In Halifax, we visited The Citadel (but the young guide was too new to deal with any questions but otherwise okay) and did the Alexander Keith's brewery tour with 2 full glasses of beer included in the tour price plus some songs and some good humor from the costumed guides. We did the Bay of Fundy drive and Peggy's Cove visit on our last cruise to Canada.


If there was a C&A Party for gold members, no one told us about it. Enjoyed drinks with several cruisecritics in High Notes bar with wonderful views. Hardily agree that the coffee was about the worst I've ever had .. yuck. Would give the CD top marks for his enthusiasm, energy and omnipresence. Platters were great as usual .. but does Herb Reed really think we think that hair is real? LOL The Love and Marriage game was great as usual .. with two of our cruisecritic posters doing us proud ... and you know who you are!!! LOL




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