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Cruise crud....getting worried


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We have never been sick on or after cruising!! Knock on wood!!


We eat most of our meals in the Lido but we DO use the Purell often!!


We do, however, stay away from the pools and hot tubs (talk about a breeding grown for germs - YUCK). You couldn't pay me to get in a public hot tub!! And .... yes I've heard all about the stuff they put in the water to kill the germs but I wouldn't trust it for a minute.


My family calls me a germ-a-fobe!! :D

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Hi, Colleyberry,


PS - Swissmyst, I found what you posted very informative and am now doing some research - fascinating. Thank you.


Norman Cousins wrote some of the first lay persons books about this PNI and UCLA research many years ago. A lot more has now been confirmed, as well as debunked since then. The power of placebo should be hopeful; not dismissive when study after study confirms something else is working besides just the "active" ingredient.


On our MV Discovery trip we had an MD from the Mayo Clinic give a talk about the recent herbal medicine research and he admitted that even though he knew upside down, backwards and fowards no valid research confirmed the power of echinacia for immune system boosting, he still took it before he traveled because he also found no harm and he wanted to cover all bases since putting on these cruise ship talks was his livelihood, so if it was even just placebo for him, he wanted all the help he could muster.


Note of precaution in case any one thing actually does "boost" the immune system, an over-boosted immune system means becoming more allergic to things too. Hypersensitivity is the opposite end of the spectrum from low-immune system response. Infections or allergies - pick your poison.


Ahhh, ..... the Golden Mean ...... moderation in all things ..... if we only knew where it was.

Edited by SwissMyst
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Washing hands is a big part of it, but watching where we put our hands is also major. Bugs still have to find ways to get into our noses beside just riding in airborne.


They usually don't just jump off counters or blankets into our vulnerable nasal passages. The often get transferred by self-innoculation. How can I be less crude about saying what I am trying to say about nose-hand contact?

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I'm convinced that the Statendam is cursed. Both cruises I've taken on her, I ended up with heavy colds that forced me to miss going ashore. And I have no idea where the bug came from.


I did catch a cold right after our Hawaiian cruise on the Zaandam, but one of the people we were hanging out with had one and I know I caught it from him.

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I'm convinced that the Statendam is cursed. Both cruises I've taken on her, I ended up with heavy colds that forced me to miss going ashore. And I have no idea where the bug came from.


Ooowhee, oooowheee .......... ooooooooommmmmmm ......... since we are planning a 14 day Statendam Panama Canal trip I am now putting my mind/body plan to work in high gear. I am picturing all those little bugs packing their suitcases right now and leaving on the first tender going to shore. I am picturing my white blood cells putting on their boxing gloves getting ready to K.O anyones still left behind ........... Ooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmm............


Out, out darn bugs.

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We recently went to a talk on probiotics. I notice that it hasn't been mentioned in the prior posts. Made me a believer.


We were told to start taking them four days prior to leaving, take them during the entire cruise, and continue for four days after returning home. It was suggested that the powdered form, which will last for a couple years in your medicine chest, is preferable to the capsules that have to be refrigerated.


We had been earlier told by one of our hospital's respiratory therapists to take probiotics when taking anti-biotics.


Something for you to look into and consider. We will be taking them for our sailing on the "O" in September.

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We recently went to a talk on probiotics. I notice that it hasn't been mentioned in the prior posts. Made me a believer.


We were told to start taking them four days prior to leaving, take them during the entire cruise, and continue for four days after returning home. It was suggested that the powdered form, which will last for a couple years in your medicine chest, is preferable to the capsules that have to be refrigerated.


We had been earlier told by one of our hospital's respiratory therapists to take probiotics when taking anti-biotics.


Something for you to look into and consider. We will be taking them for our sailing on the "O" in September.

Good point! All my constipation patients get my probiotics talk....also works great for gas/bloating among several non GI things. They don't hurt, take it all!

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Now, now, Colleen, you don't need to be worrying about your upcoming cruise...or what "could" happen after it's over. All you need to think about is the fabulous time ahead of you. I sure don't want you to fall victim to a self-fulfilling prophecy. :eek: Think happy thoughts and what wonderful memories you will have. I'm not going to be making it back to Alaska this summer due to additional work-related responsibilities I've taken on so you're going to have to watch that wake for both of us...and stay healthy doing it. ;)

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Now, now, Colleen, you don't need to be worrying about your upcoming cruise...or what "could" happen after it's over. All you need to think about is the fabulous time ahead of you. I sure don't want you to fall victim to a self-fulfilling prophecy. :eek: Think happy thoughts and what wonderful memories you will have. I'm not going to be making it back to Alaska this summer due to additional work-related responsibilities I've taken on so you're going to have to watch that wake for both of us...and stay healthy doing it. ;)


Okay, fine......I'll stop being goofy (besides there's always chicken soup :))


Sorry about your work load ...I know how much you love Alaska.:(

I 'll do" wake watch " duty for us both,,,you can count on me:)

Wine is probably a little germ combative wouldn't you think?;)

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Okay, fine......I'll stop being goofy (besides there's always chicken soup :))


Sorry about your work load ...I know how much you love Alaska.:(

I 'll do" wake watch " duty for us both,,,you can count on me:)

Wine is probably a little germ combative wouldn't you think?;)


You know how that income-producing nuisance we call a job can interfere with our personal lives. :p I, like you, work in health care and one of my co-workers is out on maternity leave so I'm filling her shoes as well as mine until mid-Sept., when she returns. So glad I'm past the "birthing years" but they're still cramping my style...when will it end? :D


Wine is a wonderful germ fighter...l highly recommend it!

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Hi Colleyberry,

Thanks for the kind words - I may have made your day, but cabin 5191 will make your entire week. If you're a sucker for spectacular scenery like me, you are in a perfect position for an itinerary that offers fabulous views floating by: orcas leaping, whales breaching, waterfalls rushing, glaciers gleaming ...

I will offer my two cents: assuming they do the suite Indonesian luncheon on the final sea day, I highly recommend it. I found it to showcase the Pinnacle at its very best. Also, the Pinnacle breakfast will be held on the day of disembarkation and is a wonderful way to end the cruise.


I'm not a doctor (although I have watched "House") and I recommend a glass of chardonnay (the Australian Alice brand offered on board) to keep the crud at bay.


Your enthusiasm is infectuous and I look forward to hearing about good times aboard the ms Zuiderdam.

SwissMyst, you have me headed to the library to learn more.



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With two small kids who have been very healthy-we have been blessed not to have to use daycare-I am also very concerned about getting sick. I am a doctor but this is totally anecdotal based on our experiece...we double up on our vitamins before the cruise. We take Airborne (generic version works too) every day for a few days before the cruise. We have also discovered Umka-its expensive, but you take a tsp every 4 hours once you start having symptoms (cough, runny nose, etc.) Ibuprofen works great with those aches and pains early on. We pray for safety and go on. I am not a big natural medicine person, but this has worked great to ward of sickness for our family. We go on Disney at the end of January...we may need to start the vitamins at Christmas!!!


I am very surprised to hear a doctor recommend Airborne and Umka -- three MD's I know point out (completely logically and believably) that such nostrums are ineffective against any virus transmitted illness.

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SwissMyst, you have me headed to the library to learn more.




This wikipedia entry on psycho-neuro-immunology is as good as any place to start on this topic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychoneuroimmunology


There is a lot of early technical vocabulary to sort out but these are the marker that need to be tracked in this field so once you get a basic understanding of the body physiology at stake, it will make further reading more understandable. But even just a bare understanding of the general principles will open up this topic when you find more lay-oriented books out there.


And always include the caution that the attendant charlatans with potions to sell will bandy a lot of these words about with no justifying science or validity of effect in order to get people to send them money.


Most interesting are the recent findings that properties of anti-depressant drugs also have mediating effects on chronic pain pathways and are now seen as pain control medication, beyond their initial use as an antidepressant. Once they started looking at this brain/pain/emotions connection it has been surprising what has come forward.


Including finding there are more neuron connections in the digestive track than are found in the brain. Common wisdom is full of reports about the validity "gut feelings" and not "being able to stomach" something, or something "makes me want to throw up", but now there is evolving some scientific justification for those "gut feelings".


So while the initial technical language can throw up a barrier, it is worth sticking with it to explore this growing and fascinating field of medical research. Here is a video presentation link from Univ of Calif San Francisco Medical Center (UCSF) making the topic a little more acceessible (warning music): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3R9mD-iJZIg

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I think that many 'ills' are a fact of life for people who like to travel. I am not a germophobe or a slob - just a realist.


I do not believe in using 'antibacterial everything' (did we not learn from our blatant abuse of antibiotics that bugs are quite adaptable) but practice proper hygiene with simple things like soap and water, kleenex, and good sense.


I would not avoid an eating location, sit at dinner just for two (plastic bubble anyone?), nor make any other specific avoidance moves other than the above. To me it is sort of like trying the local food on shore - there IS a chance but life is to short to hide away.....

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I am very surprised to hear a doctor recommend Airborne and Umka -- three MD's I know point out (completely logically and believably) that such nostrums are ineffective against any virus transmitted illness.


Heck, in California we get licensed doctors to recommend medical marijuana for just the payment of $150 dollars and a phone call exam or a drive-in large group consultation.


Name your ailment and get 100% guaranteed authorization with 24/7 service online in the privacy of your own home: http://www.420medicard.com/athomesignup_ca.htm


Coming soon to a state near you!

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We've never "caught something" on a cruise, but in thinking airline/cruise ship I'm thinking of HAL's new policy. At least it was in force in March.

We were SERVED in Lido the first 48 hours............all were wondering, "Why?"

Finally, the Captain told us (at some meeting) that was new policy........to hopefully avoid Norovirus brought aboard, especially by those who had come via airplane.

It worked, that's for sure.:p

I don't know if it's still policy or if it has to do with areas and/or seasons or is a fulltime new policy.:rolleyes:

I provided Purel for my Mother in her Retirement Residence because I was thinking of "elevator buttons"..............touched by all.

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Hi Colleyberry,

Thanks for the kind words - I may have made your day, but cabin 5191 will make your entire week. If you're a sucker for spectacular scenery like me, you are in a perfect position for an itinerary that offers fabulous views floating by: orcas leaping, whales breaching, waterfalls rushing, glaciers gleaming ...

I will offer my two cents: assuming they do the suite Indonesian luncheon on the final sea day, I highly recommend it. I found it to showcase the Pinnacle at its very best. Also, the Pinnacle breakfast will be held on the day of disembarkation and is a wonderful way to end the cruise.


I'm not a doctor (although I have watched "House") and I recommend a glass of chardonnay (the Australian Alice brand offered on board) to keep the crud at bay.



Your enthusiasm is infectuous and I look forward to hearing about good times aboard the ms Zuiderdam.

SwissMyst, you have me headed to the library to learn more.





Marion you are going to have to stop now...I won't make it until Sept .:D


The cabin sounds so wonderful ...everything we hope it will be.


We will certainly enjoy the luncheon and breakfast and be more than happy to try your wine suggestion.


DH seems to have a gift for spotting marine life (my own Jacques Cousteau :D)he'll be over the moon.


... and for me... the scenery, an Alaskan sunset and the wake.. sigh ...


Thanks again Marion :)

Regards Colleen

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Without fail, the only thing I seem to pick up every cruise is about 4 pounds of weight gain.

Happens every time regardless of my almost religious handwashing and sanitizing!



... very funny :D:D. There should definitely have a vaccine for that !

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On our 64 day cruise a woman flew to the port and came onboard with a bad virus - eventually half the ship came down with it according the the doctor - I lost a month to the bug which was disappointing and I couldn't help wishing that this woman had stayed in her cabin until she was past the contagious stage and spared the rest of us.

I have picked up these viruses twice but always stayed in my cabin until the doctor said it was ok - it is only fair,

but have often seen and heard people hacking and coughing all over the ship and on the tour buses.

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I am very surprised to hear a doctor recommend Airborne and Umka -- three MD's I know point out (completely logically and believably) that such nostrums are ineffective against any virus transmitted illness.

Just like cruises we all have our choice in doctors! I just stated what I do that is not harmful. I did not say these were antivirals-they are immune boosters. I did state this was anecdotal and just what we do. I am not ready to make a handout and pass out to my cruising patients!:) Doctors that are not completely full of themselves realize that we don't have even half of the answers to most things. I am willing to look into alternatives. I often listen to my patients to find out what they do to help themselves-obviously to keep them from doing anything harmful but also to learn!

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Just like cruises we all have our choice in doctors! I just stated what I do that is not harmful. I did not say these were antivirals-they are immune boosters. I did state this was anecdotal and just what we do. I am not ready to make a handout and pass out to my cruising patients!:) Doctors that are not completely full of themselves realize that we don't have even half of the answers to most things. I am willing to look into alternatives. I often listen to my patients to find out what they do to help themselves-obviously to keep them from doing anything harmful but also to learn!



...your patients are very fortunate .:) That folks is what a "good doctor sounds like.

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...your patients are very fortunate .:) That folks is what a "good doctor sounds like.

Thanks! I have had some great examples-my dad is a class act. I actually never really wanted to be a doctor, I would rather be an full time mom taking cruises every quarter with my home schooled kids! But until that happens, it will do ;)

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Wow! I have never worried about germs. My skin breaks out from Purrell, so I use it sparingly on the ship. I do wash my hands. Have never been sick coming from a cruise. Have gotten sea-sick going around Cape Hadaras, but that goes away when we reach calmer seas. I think that I am lucky and don't want to jinx it!

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