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I love reading this thread. I check it every night to see if there is any new posts about Egon. It's kinda like reading pages from a book every night :) If he wrote a book about his travels, I would buy it! I found an article about him through google search... http://www.osoyoostimes.com/news/2010/09/28/one-man-one-ship-one-year/

Wow. Just was about to put this in here for all to read as well.

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Thanks so much Pat for keeping us up-to-date. I've been wondering if he is OK too. I wish I were able to book a couple weeks in the Caribbean and enjoy conversations with him at dinner. He is such a fascinating person, I would love to hear him play the piano.



I would love to hear him play as well. Hopefully, it will get done sometime in 2011. Want to hear him play "Moon River" for me.

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I love reading this thread. I check it every night to see if there is any new posts about Egon. It's kinda like reading pages from a book every night :) If he wrote a book about his travels, I would buy it! I found an article about him through google search... http://www.osoyoostimes.com/news/2010/09/28/one-man-one-ship-one-year/

Harmony>>>I see you are going on Majesty. That is the ship that originally got me addicted to cruising in 2005. Now, 15 cruises later still going strong. Next up...12-day 1/3/11.

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# 14 Cristobal, Panama (Atlantic Panama Canal entry), Nov. 6, 2010 NOT SENT


I am sitting in the Disco on Deck # 14 and have connected to WiFi! And I see an amazing thing: outside, a big cage passes slowly by the floor to ceiling glass. There are two men on it and the windows are being washed automatically from this rig, which travels on a rail all around the several decks that are surrounded with these glass windows, which seem to be held in place from the inside with special suction cups - quite amazing - will send pictiures WHEN I have the camera! The windows are being sprayed with a water solution which leaves no trace and seems to dry right away - I am amazed !

That night a new "Miss Poesia" was elected - another circus! But before this was dancing which was fun to watch because these were all dances similar to the Macarena, - the stage was filled with people going through the girations and movements to the music and rythms (apart from those who did it in the aisles).

But just too much noise and too many people for any length of time. In the next lounge plays an excellent jazz duo - just piano and drums - the pianist is as amazing as the drummer; the two are perfectly synchronized and probably have been together for a long time. But eventually I wind up around Angelica's piano again, an island of peace, and to me Angelica's playing feels as if she pours her heart out - I always get the impression that she is deeply troubled.

As a musician, she is nothing short of fabulous.


Cartagena, Columbia, November 7, 2010

I have been here before when the "Amsterdam" stopped here last January,

coming out of the Panama Canal. I made a few pictures then and am attaching them. The ship on # 3056 is the "Amsterdam"; the "Poesia" is bigger still. It's a very big city, from afar has a skyline not unlike New York's. On the shore there are literally hundreds of containers piled up, all marked "Hamburg-Süd. Luckily there is a free shuttle bus from the ship to the Terminus building - a distance I would have great trouble to walk back and forth. Previously, I had tried to connect to a free WiFi, but without success and ashore I discovered that I had to buy tickets to assess a connection, which I did and then sat in a sort of garden and was able to "do my thing" at a table and in cool comfort since the area was covered by a big tarpaulin, which also shielded me from a rain squall which suddenly occured. Needless to say, I did not take a taxi to go into the city.

Instead, I returned to the ship, went to the pool deck and swam 10 laps in the wonderful pool, only occasionally shared with one or two others. And then, when I just wanted to leave, I was asked if I was Egon by a lady ready to come into the pool, and it was Cori, whom I only knew from the Forum on the CruiseCritic website; she had been looking for me; she and her husband Al a very nice younger couple from NY - they have a group of friends with them and I'm sure I'll get to know all of them.

Then lunch (mussle soup, a roll with a little roast beef, a glass of milk and a small pastry which I shouldn't have had but couldn't resist) - then a short siesta and now I sit on deck 6 at the open atrium, looking down at the unplayed piano one deck below - it's shortly before 4pm and everything is relatively quiet with few people millimg around for a change.t se

Nov.8 is a day at sea - quite windy and the boat is rocking, the swimming pools are wildy agitated and a few people are bubbing up and down in them.

I had breakfast in the cafeteria and it's really not an enjoyable experience with masses of people in long lines, a terrific noise level which makes conversation all but impossible. Since I don't go for the hot items offered and most in demand (eggs, sausages, bacon, hashbrowns etc.), I avoid the lineup, get a Müsli and a couple of slices of the nice dark bread they have strangely only in the mornings, butter, jams, coffee and cranberry juice, actually find a seat and wind up observing the cross-section of people around me. There is a noticeable segment of blacks; there are many human ruins with canes, walkers, some with electric chairs; I have seen three people either spastic or having to walk in a doubled-up stance. And there is the usual crop of guys with baseball hats and they always seem of a type. Most of the expressions on the faces of the people coming to eat is one of anxiety, as if they were in peril of not getting any food. And it is hard to find what could be considered good looks, male or female. But, sitting in a glass house, I shouldn't throw stones.

I played again from3.45 to 4.30 pm in the magnificent Atrium on the white Kawai Grand with the Lucite transparent top, but at that time , except for some 10 people who had made a point to come and listen, there were few others.


Montega Bay, Jamaica, November 9, 2010

It looks green and inviting, it's 85F and somewhat oppressive. Went down and around but there's no internet access anywhere. Turns out that I would have to go to town, some distance away, at $ 5 each way, where internet is available at a charge. I opt out of this opportunity,come back to the ship and swim 12 laps in a pool devoid of others -wonderful and I feel very virtuous. And you,my friends, just will have to wait until we are back in Fort Lauderdale on the 11th.

November 10, 2010, and it's another day at sea, a day when I played Scrabble with Michelle, friend of Cori and her group from the CruiseCritic.com, and "took her pants off"; wanted to swim, but there were too many kids in the water and when I went to swim at 6.30 pm, they were just closing the pools down and I only could do one lap. Before that, from 3.45 for an hour, I played in the Atrium and had many listeners and much applause; Michelle came up and kissed me (twice), which was photographed by Al, Cori's husband (I think), and I'll get the pics sometime by email. Too bad they all are leaving tomorrow in Fort Lauderdale, as do my dining room tablemates and a lot of other new-found "sudden friends". A new "crop" will get on board tomorrow and the cycle stats all over. The fact that I get to tell my story again and again is not really to my liking but somewhat inevitable once I am asked where I'll get off the ship or when I got on, and once it's known that I am on it for a year, there are many questions to be answered (and most people are quite envious!).

What an ordeal in Fort Lauderdale - but about that later, must get this off while I can.


#15 3-day Rock 'Roll Cruise to Nassau, Bahamas Nov. 11-14 2010 NOT SENT


Still haven't been able to send off # 14 - no internet availability in Nassau, except for $ 6.95 - you'll have to wait some more. The "ordeal" in Fort Lauderdale I spoke of before had to do with the fact that all passengers who went onm the next cruise had to go through US Immigration and also get a new cruise card. To make a long story short, it took all morning and involved long waiting times in a lounge and long standing times in lines - altogether over 4 hours. And tomorrow (Nov. 14), and every time after gthat when the ship comes back from the Caribbean, will be a repeat, but I plan to somehow get out of this.

This 3-day Rock'nRoll Cruise was a surprise to me, since it was not advertised in the daily bulletins I gat in the cabin. Suffice it ti say that in Fort Lauderdale, a

large group of young "rockers" boarded the ship , along with others who had booked a 10-day cruise which included this 3-day one. The "events" were pretty much limited to the pool deck and the Pigalle Lounge - in both venues huge amplifiers and loudspeakers had arrived earlier. When I wanted to take a swim around 6pm onnthe pool deck, the noise, consisting mainly of an eardrum shattering deep beat together with other unidentifiable -what does one calle it, cacophony- was an absolute insult to one's senses and I just had to quit after 2 laps. But I am happy to say that the segregation of the Rock events and the rest of the worked pretty well.

Another bottle of Asti Spumante awaited me in my cabin and I had it brought down to the dinner table to share with whoever new would be there, since my previous shipmates had gone. And just as if my comment had been taken to heart ("unless you supply the Blonde with it, skip the champagne"), there was

Kelly, blond and from Calgary, divorced but living with an Alfred and mother of 5 kids but looking damn good to me, on my other sie a big guy and a character, talking a bunch of bukl**** and religion but very entertaining at that, and opposite John, who took it all in. Anyway we had the champagne and I expect to get another bottle soon for the next leg - apparently this will not be changed, as my liaison friend Stefano told me tonight (Nov.13) when we had a talk about

all sorts of htings.

Before Nassau, we were supposed to land at Coco Cay, which is a privaely owned island with b eautiful beached and surround by the bkue and crystal clear waters which are a paradise for snorklers and scuba divers to view beautiful tropical fishes and reefs. However, the seas were too rough for tendering and so we leftbthe area earlier than scheduled.

Nassau is quite a place and because I hat to find a Laundrymat, I got a real good feel of the city and the people. After inquiry, I found the bus to take and got off after a 10-minute ride and walked a short distance to a kind of shopping center and the laundrymat and was able to "do my thing". While waiting, tried to connect unsuccessfully to the internet via WiFi. Then, I again took the same bus

to go back to the vicinity of the ship and for the $ 1 it cost, it took me for a 3/4 hr. ride all through the city, through some pretty crummy but also some very elegant residential areas, all very reminiscen of Guadalajara in Mexico. The bus - an elongated van- seems to stop on demand and people pay as they get off, not when they get on; there's a brand of Jamaican Rock playing and in the bus, as also in the laundry, I get to see and hear a good cross-section of Jamacain men and woman - the whole experience very fascinating. But I sure was bushed

when I finally got back to the pier where there was a shuttle bus to take people to and from no less than four huge cruiseships lined up besides each other (MSC, NCL,Princess, Royal Caribbean), but since he did not at this time go down to the entrance for the Poesia, I went with him alongside all the other ships, before finally getting off at the ramp of my "home".

While I was writing all this, there was a knock at the door and it was the delivery of another icebucket with champagne (this time a real Moet!) and a plate with abou 10 chocolate covered strawberries ... I told the guy to deliver it to my table at 8pm when it is my dinner time - it's another Gala night, so whooppee!

How I wish to be able to be able to recapture the romance of being in love and being loved, that would go so well with the champagne ...





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Harmony>>>I see you are going on Majesty. That is the ship that originally got me addicted to cruising in 2005. Now, 15 cruises later still going strong. Next up...12-day 1/3/11.


The Majesty got me addicted also in 2005! I became a "newly single" Mom of 3 teenagers in 2005 and felt we NEEDED a vacation together...the price was right..(we all save up our spare change ;)) and we've been cruising on the Majesty ever since. :) Our little Home Away from Home :)

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# 16 Fort Lauderdale-Charlotte Amalie etc. Nov.14-21, 2010

Of course in F.L. the same organized chaos with the US Immigration requirements and it took most of the morning until I was through and started to do the computer thing; but it was only towards 5 pm that I was finally able to send out reports and replies to emails - it was a very frustrating time because of my limited computer knowledge to fix what prevented the operation. But lo and behold, there came another bottle of champagne (this time "only" an Asti Spumante sparkling wine, and again a plate with 10 chocolate covered huge strawberries; I realized that the one I had gotten yesterday should have been sent to me at the beginning, not the end of the 3-day trip, and this one was correctly delivered at the beginning of this 7-day cruise. Of course I sent it down again to the table, where a newcomer, Rick, had joined us and we had quite a lot of fun with much humorful BS going around. And Kelly, who melted away at the sight of the strawberries (and, like before, took several "home" with her, together with the rest of the mascarpone desert in which she dipped them) - and here I thought diamonds were a girl's best friends! Now we'll be at sea for 2 full days and Kelly and I will have a Scrabble rematch; while I won the first game, she's is a worthy opponent.

Meantime, by just circulating wih the Scrabble box prominently exposed and occasionlly asking likely looking prospects, I did find two women sitting at a table with whom I played; one of them a typical "Southern Belle" (with a lisp to boot!) who played very well but amazingly did not know words like "Elan" or "Consomme". In the late afternoon I paled the piano again in the Atrium, when Stefano (the Concierge) cme up to me and informed me that my laundry wouod be free! That's big progress and he is still working on some deal with internet access. I had given him a MSC brochure in which there were the prices for all the cruises up to March 2011, on which I had written what I am paying for them

which turns out to be almost double. I don't know what he'll do with this information, but who knows, maybe, if it gets to the right people of aauthority through him, some changes may be made. By the way, as an MSC Club member I always get a bowl of fresh fruit (apple, pear, plum, kiwi, Orange, sometimes also grapes and a banana), with a plate, serviette and knife and fork; the bowl is replaced every day. I sure am getting spoiled!

Wed.,November 17, 2010 Charlotte Amalie (St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands)

A beautiful Island of which Charlotte Amalie is the capital. From where we are docked, apart from many commercial buildings with shops, we are facing an emerald hill with villas among the lush vegeation; beyond are beautiful beaches and hotels with the inviting crystal -clear blue carribean waters. Four ships moored around the island, thousands of people milling around town reminiscing of Gibraltar, it's hot and humid and my internet time has expired....




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EGON'S JOURNEYS>>># 17 St. Thomas-Philipsburg-Nassau-Fort Lauderdale Nov.18-21, 2010

At St. Thomas I went into town with one of the many "taxis", which are anything from open but roofed pickups to small trucks, all with 3-5 upholstered benches, vying furiously for fares and the competition is fierce, because there seem to be too many of these; they charge $ 4 one way to go into the actual town, about one and a half mile away, but I found out that they'll also take three... Anyway, I went, as usual in search of an internet cafe or other connection and in a way was very glad that I did, because it gave me a real feel of the very charming place with many romantic alleys and buidings. Of course it's all tourist-oriented, understandably so: it's a major cruise destination and there were actually five, not four of these huge ships parked in various coves around the island, adding crowds to the bumper to bumper traffic. At a little park I found a bench to rest and sat beside a man who turned out to be from North Bay, Ontario, and knew of my son Steve, who for many years was the local weatherman on radio and/or TV and also knew Torbay, where Steve lives. Small world and, as so often, I get the feeling that these apparently chance occurrences are not really random. I had to do a lot of walking until I finally found the internet cafe where for $ 5 I was able to do my thing, but in the afternoon, when I went off the ship again after a little lunch and rest, I actually found a place to walk to where I got WiFi for $ 3. I'll be back here several times in the next few months - now I know! By the way: a Funicular (Tram) goes up the mountain in front of the ship and I am certain it was built by the Swiss von Rolle outfit. And: I came across a big sign "Little Switzerland" and gleefully expected to find a Swiss Restaurant - but only watches and jewellery (which also are beeing offered in profusion on board ship).

I learned today that there are 187 Germans on board, but I hear a few languages which I don't recognize (apart from Chinese). There are also quite a number of parents with kids (which travel free up to age 11) - from babes in arms, in strollers, to toddlers and older ones.

In the evening there was first a Merengue dance lesson on the pool deck, where, in front of a stage, people were dancing (or learning to) to live music enhanced by canned background - lots ofun to watch, but of course very loud. And after that, at 10.15pm they had a show similar to the one in the theater, with the dancers, a juggler and the knife-throwing act - all very good. Hundreds of people, not only on this deck, but also the one above, were people packed the railings to look down on the proceedings. NOISY!! And very good visual effects with strobe lights in varying colours. All under a sky full of stars and a breeze because of course we were moving and the sea was relatively calm.

I did not go ashore at Philipsburg when I saw the long way I would have to walk from the ship to the terminal and other buildings, instead tried unsuccessfully to find a useable WiFi connection. But I swam some 15 laps instead. Anyway, the time at this place was only between 4 or 5 hours. Here, too, several other cruiseships were parked.The town is the main one on the island of Saint Marteen which is one of five comprising the Netherlands Antilles.

Nassau (again), November 19, 2010, after two days at sea (over 900 Miles)

Same situation as in Phillipsburg - too far to walk ashore and again no WiFi to find. Also, only about a 4 hours stay. So it was swimming again, in a pool devoid of other people and in calm waters, different from in the morning, when we were still on high and rough seas, which made also the pool erupt in mighty waves, overflowing at its ends. 2 laps was all I managed, and got swamped several times in the process.

Yesterday afternoon, I played again in the Atrium and when I had finished, a few people came up to voice their appreciation, among them a lady who said to me that I had been the highlight of the cruise for her 93 year old mother, sitting at the balcony one deck higher and overlooking the piano underneath and I went up and greeted her. A very nice lady, younger looking and with all her faculties. She is originally from Sicily (long time ago), lives with this daughter in New York. The daughter, fiftyisch, divorced since 26 years, seems to me to have semitic features.

Anyway, I told them that I would share my next champagne with them, since they will stay on, unlike most of my other new acquaintances who will disembark

tomorrow, including Kelly, with whom I had played many Scrabble games.

There were 5 huge cruiseships parked in a row side by side in Nassau. Can you imagine the number of people they disgorged to go into town or on excursions around the area ? (Each ship carries up to 3000 passengers).




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Edited by yellowbird23
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I have been noticing that the interest in Egon's (Musicus) cruise for this next year does not draw much interest, so this is the last entry I will include.

I hope you will re-consider:(. I'm sure there are many others who are and have enjoyed reading the posts, but do not always respond. I am subscribed to this thread, and look forward to the update notices I get in my email inbox, and am glad to be kept up-to-date on Egon's adventure. Thanks for your part in this;). - Rick

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Oh please don't discontinue posting his updates! I look for them every day, I just don't usually comment.


I loved reading about his recent meeting of the 93 year old lady and how he was going to share his champagne with them. I just have to hear how that went. And I soooo wanna find out if he ever gets his camera!

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I look for updates every day. I am reading his posts like an ongoing novel and hoped it would continue all year. I don't post after I read, but would really miss his story if you stopped. Should we post everytime we read? If that would make you continue to share I would be happy to do that. Thanks for taking the time to let us live our dream vicariously.

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I just stumbled upon this thread today and have been ejoying reading Egon's exploits. I also do not post much, but I love to look around and read. Please continue to post Yellowbird. It is so inspiring to read of Egon's adventures and his passion for life!

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Thank you, thank you Pat!! :D For continuing this for us. I check this thread every day and am following his journey with great interest, I love it! I don't post much but I look you up each day. I also am rooting for him to get his camera and want to hear about the 93 yr. old new lady friend!! ;)


Thanks again, Sue

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