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Can I remove the mandatory on board gratuity charge?


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As noted in other notes, this does not say you must pay tips. It just shows the "recommended" amounts. Do you automatically pay $95 to someone every time you stay at a resort, just because Carnival tells you to?


People should not go around claiming people they do not even know "but you really are not very smart". It may just reflect on you.


Which brings me to the reason I have written all these notes. It is not because I do not tip (I do) or how much I tip (varies based on my personal circumstances which are none of anybody's business); It is because of respect. NO ONE with any moral standard whatsoever would come on these boards and berate and call people names just because they are trying to seek advice or do not tip according to your standard. That is against common decency, much less CC guidelines that they choose not to enforce on this particular topic. NO ONE with any sense of decency would come on here and claim, well, maybe you should not be cruising, or you are just not very smart, just because their tipping standards are not the same as yours. There is a fine line between all our personalities (thrifty, spendthrift, snob, drunk, whatever) that is crossed when you start to put people down with your personal biases. It takes away from the usefulness and enjoyment of reading these boards.


Cruising is for everyone, rich or poor, if they can afford the ticket. Sure, staff HOPE they get a good tip, and obviously many do. When it becomes an expectation, they have crossed the line. There will always be those who take them off (before they are even posted??? What a ...never mind) just because that is their way. That is the cruselines responsibility to do something with these people, not you. They can drop them off at the next port or whatever - their choice not to unfortunately makes the practice acceptable, whether they or we like it or not. There will be those who at least want to reduce them for whatever reason. I've had one cruise where I didn't get my entitled perks, and on just about every cruise the staff inconveniences me at least a couple of times and fails to fill my ice bucket a few times. If a waitress at a restaurant does this, she likely will get a reduced or no tip. We are entitled to do the same on a ship. In the end, I think everyone pretty much gets what they expect or deserve. Otherwise, they would not continue to work in the industry. You can say they have a tough job and all that, but there are people in the good old USA who work every day who work just as hard or harder. That is life.


So I know this one thread will do little to change the absolutely hateful people who post on these boards. If I got just one person to think, hey maybe he has something there, and begins posting notes that are actually useful and fun to read, I've served my purpose. TIPS can be in interesting and useful topic, if common sense is used. See ya around.


I must have logged onto www.wichitadave.com by mistake. Sorry!

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As noted in other notes, this does not say you must pay tips. It just shows the "recommended" amounts. Do you automatically pay $95 to someone every time you stay at a resort, just because Carnival tells you to?


People should not go around claiming people they do not even know "but you really are not very smart". It may just reflect on you.


Which brings me to the reason I have written all these notes. It is not because I do not tip (I do) or how much I tip (varies based on my personal circumstances which are none of anybody's business); It is because of respect. NO ONE with any moral standard whatsoever would come on these boards and berate and call people names just because they are trying to seek advice or do not tip according to your standard. That is against common decency, much less CC guidelines that they choose not to enforce on this particular topic. NO ONE with any sense of decency would come on here and claim, well, maybe you should not be cruising, or you are just not very smart, just because their tipping standards are not the same as yours. There is a fine line between all our personalities (thrifty, spendthrift, snob, drunk, whatever) that is crossed when you start to put people down with your personal biases. It takes away from the usefulness and enjoyment of reading these boards.


Cruising is for everyone, rich or poor, if they can afford the ticket. Sure, staff HOPE they get a good tip, and obviously many do. When it becomes an expectation, they have crossed the line. There will always be those who take them off (before they are even posted??? What a ...never mind) just because that is their way. That is the cruselines responsibility to do something with these people, not you. They can drop them off at the next port or whatever - their choice not to unfortunately makes the practice acceptable, whether they or we like it or not. There will be those who at least want to reduce them for whatever reason. I've had one cruise where I didn't get my entitled perks, and on just about every cruise the staff inconveniences me at least a couple of times and fails to fill my ice bucket a few times. If a waitress at a restaurant does this, she likely will get a reduced or no tip. We are entitled to do the same on a ship. In the end, I think everyone pretty much gets what they expect or deserve. Otherwise, they would not continue to work in the industry. You can say they have a tough job and all that, but there are people in the good old USA who work every day who work just as hard or harder. That is life.


So I know this one thread will do little to change the absolutely hateful people who post on these boards. If I got just one person to think, hey maybe he has something there, and begins posting notes that are actually useful and fun to read, I've served my purpose. TIPS can be in interesting and useful topic, if common sense is used. See ya around.



The timing of this dissertation is over a decade late. Prior to auto-tipping being inststuted, we had tip envelopes with cash handed out on the final night. Due to SO MANY passengers skipping that last nights dinner to avoid tipping [50% sometimes], auto-tipping was invented. It IS voluntary, and some WILL remove the auto-tip and stiff everyone. But auto-tipping has embarrassed many into at least leaving minimum tips.

So you say it is up to the cruise lines to fix the situation. They did, auto-tipping!

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As noted in other notes, this does not say you must pay tips. It just shows the "recommended" amounts. Do you automatically pay $95 to someone every time you stay at a resort, just because Carnival tells you to?


People should not go around claiming people they do not even know "but you really are not very smart". It may just reflect on you.


Which brings me to the reason I have written all these notes. It is not because I do not tip (I do) or how much I tip (varies based on my personal circumstances which are none of anybody's business); It is because of respect. NO ONE with any moral standard whatsoever would come on these boards and berate and call people names just because they are trying to seek advice or do not tip according to your standard. That is against common decency, much less CC guidelines that they choose not to enforce on this particular topic. NO ONE with any sense of decency would come on here and claim, well, maybe you should not be cruising, or you are just not very smart, just because their tipping standards are not the same as yours. There is a fine line between all our personalities (thrifty, spendthrift, snob, drunk, whatever) that is crossed when you start to put people down with your personal biases. It takes away from the usefulness and enjoyment of reading these boards.


Cruising is for everyone, rich or poor, if they can afford the ticket. Sure, staff HOPE they get a good tip, and obviously many do. When it becomes an expectation, they have crossed the line. There will always be those who take them off (before they are even posted??? What a ...never mind) just because that is their way. That is the cruselines responsibility to do something with these people, not you. They can drop them off at the next port or whatever - their choice not to unfortunately makes the practice acceptable, whether they or we like it or not. There will be those who at least want to reduce them for whatever reason. I've had one cruise where I didn't get my entitled perks, and on just about every cruise the staff inconveniences me at least a couple of times and fails to fill my ice bucket a few times. If a waitress at a restaurant does this, she likely will get a reduced or no tip. We are entitled to do the same on a ship. In the end, I think everyone pretty much gets what they expect or deserve. Otherwise, they would not continue to work in the industry. You can say they have a tough job and all that, but there are people in the good old USA who work every day who work just as hard or harder. That is life.


So I know this one thread will do little to change the absolutely hateful people who post on these boards. If I got just one person to think, hey maybe he has something there, and begins posting notes that are actually useful and fun to read, I've served my purpose. TIPS can be in interesting and useful topic, if common sense is used. See ya around.


Dave, you are right on two counts:

Its wrong for me to say you are not very bright - for that I appologize

And what we say reflects on us


So you've said (and I'm paraphrasing)

"Carnival tipping is Mandatory" - when in fact it is not

"The Carnival Site says "Everything is included"" - when in fact it says Almost everything.

"Carnival does not have its tipping policy in writing" - They do and its posted on their website (if you need more screen shots I can post them).

"Cruising is for Everyone" - When it is not for people who can not afford to tip as expected (which is very different than tip as required).

"Carnival Service staff cross a line when they expect a tip" - When all of the Carnival service staff are hired with the knowledge that they are paid from a tip pool.


Again, I was wrong to say you were not very bright. You statements speak for themselves.;)

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I enjoy these treads as the posters share their different opinions and try to change the opinions of others. I don't think it will ever happen.

CCL gives a recommended amount to tip.

There are those that will find excuses to not tip or pay a reduced tip - I was on the ships when there was no auto-tipping, and on the last night, the dining room was usually half full - avoidance of tipping.

There are those that will pay the recommended tip.

There are those that will give an additional tip.


Some people are generous and some are cheap.


How you handle the tipping is up to you.

When you give the tip, just think how you would feel, receiving this tip if you were the server.


I have always received excellent service.

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Yes, I leave the automatic tips in place and tip extra during and at the end of the cruise from those I feel gave excellent service.


But I don't like the tip system. I hate the automatic bar gratuity, especially if I walk to the bar and get my own drink.


The cruise line has the ability to control the pay of their employees, I resent them telling me how much I "have" to pay them for a tip to make up for their low wages.


After dinner at my favorite restaurant at home I don't walk around tipping the hostess, dishwasher, floors weeper, manager, sous chef, laundry supplier . . . .


The system is what it is.

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Yes, I leave the automatic tips in place and tip extra during and at the end of the cruise from those I feel gave excellent service.


But I don't like the tip system. I hate the automatic bar gratuity, especially if I walk to the bar and get my own drink.


The cruise line has the ability to control the pay of their employees, I resent them telling me how much I "have" to pay them for a tip to make up for their low wages.


After dinner at my favorite restaurant at home I don't walk around tipping the hostess, dishwasher, floors weeper, manager, sous chef, laundry supplier . . . .


The system is what it is.


I have to agree with you and I also leave the automatic tips in place and tip Xtra to those who go above and beyond.

The tipping should be for the room steward and dining staff. (Waiters, Asst waiter) as suggested. I would think the housekeeping, laundry etc would earn a higher salary since not tipped. The understand the staff that works the buffet are the dining room staff. As far as the Maitre'D, I certainly dont tip him any large amt of money for maybe walking by my table and saying hi. This guy is making a fortune if everyone on the ship tipped him lets say $10 PP.

Someone else noted, certain people stiff the waiters etc and I believe that is true.

Anyway, needed to express my opinion.

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Yes, I leave the automatic tips in place and tip extra during and at the end of the cruise from those I feel gave excellent service.


But I don't like the tip system. I hate the automatic bar gratuity, especially if I walk to the bar and get my own drink.


You don't tip bartenders on land???


I do.


The cruise line has the ability to control the pay of their employees, I resent them telling me how much I "have" to pay them for a tip to make up for their low wages.


After dinner at my favorite restaurant at home I don't walk around tipping the hostess, dishwasher, floors weeper, manager, sous chef, laundry supplier . . . .


The system is what it is.


"After dinner at my favorite restaurant at home I don't walk around tipping the hostess, dishwasher, floors weeper, manager, sous chef, laundry supplier . . . ."


And you do not tip those people on Carnival either.

The auto-tip is:

$3.50pppd to the Room Steward.

$2.00 pppd to the Assistant waiter serving your exact table in the MDR.

$3.50 pppd to the waiter serving your exact table in the MDR.

$1.00 pppd pooled for the Lido buffet workers.


So none of these people," the hostess, dishwasher, floors weeper, manager, sous chef, laundry supplier" get a cent of your auto-tip on Carnival.

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Dave, you are right on two counts:

Its wrong for me to say you are not very bright - for that I appologize

And what we say reflects on us


So you've said (and I'm paraphrasing)

"Carnival tipping is Mandatory" - when in fact it is not

"The Carnival Site says "Everything is included"" - when in fact it says Almost everything.

"Carnival does not have its tipping policy in writing" - They do and its posted on their website (if you need more screen shots I can post them).

"Cruising is for Everyone" - When it is not for people who can not afford to tip as expected (which is very different than tip as required).

"Carnival Service staff cross a line when they expect a tip" - When all of the Carnival service staff are hired with the knowledge that they are paid from a tip pool.


Again, I was wrong to say you were not very bright. You statements speak for themselves.;)



People who are not very bright should not paraphrase...your statements may just reveal a lot more about yourself.


Carnival tipping is only mandatory...on bar drinks...I am the one who is emphasizing they are not mandatory, remember??? Only a very "special" person would get any hint that I think tipping is mandatory...we are talking primarily about the $10 a day, in case you can't understand that.


The "almost everything" has nothing to do with tips. Read the screen shot yourself.


The only REQUIRED tipping issue that is in writing is the bar drinks and the customary, but not required tip for room service. Try reading my message before smarting off on it. There are no screen shots saying tipping is required; they just do it automatically "for your convenience". When a company says it is "for your convenience", you can bet it is not.


No comment on your stupid comment about not everyone is entitled to cruise. As long as Carnival takes my money for a ticket, you can "live with it".


Your expect a tip comment is actually pretty good. However, they should expect little or nothing if they do not give me my perks, get in my way when I need to be in my room, or fail to fill my ice bucket, or fail to live up to what they expect in other ways.




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When a company says it is "for your convenience", you can bet it is not.



I don't know about anyone else but I think it is very convenient......I don't have to do a thing.......the less I have to take care of the more convenient........

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As noted in other notes, this does not say you must pay tips. It just shows the "recommended" amounts. Do you automatically pay $95 to someone every time you stay at a resort, just because Carnival tells you to?


People should not go around claiming people they do not even know "but you really are not very smart". It may just reflect on you.


Which brings me to the reason I have written all these notes. It is not because I do not tip (I do) or how much I tip (varies based on my personal circumstances which are none of anybody's business); It is because of respect. NO ONE with any moral standard whatsoever would come on these boards and berate and call people names just because they are trying to seek advice or do not tip according to your standard. That is against common decency, much less CC guidelines that they choose not to enforce on this particular topic. NO ONE with any sense of decency would come on here and claim, well, maybe you should not be cruising, or you are just not very smart, just because their tipping standards are not the same as yours. There is a fine line between all our personalities (thrifty, spendthrift, snob, drunk, whatever) that is crossed when you start to put people down with your personal biases. It takes away from the usefulness and enjoyment of reading these boards.


Cruising is for everyone, rich or poor, if they can afford the ticket. Sure, staff HOPE they get a good tip, and obviously many do. When it becomes an expectation, they have crossed the line. There will always be those who take them off (before they are even posted??? What a ...never mind) just because that is their way. That is the cruselines responsibility to do something with these people, not you. They can drop them off at the next port or whatever - their choice not to unfortunately makes the practice acceptable, whether they or we like it or not. There will be those who at least want to reduce them for whatever reason. I've had one cruise where I didn't get my entitled perks, and on just about every cruise the staff inconveniences me at least a couple of times and fails to fill my ice bucket a few times. If a waitress at a restaurant does this, she likely will get a reduced or no tip. We are entitled to do the same on a ship. In the end, I think everyone pretty much gets what they expect or deserve. Otherwise, they would not continue to work in the industry. You can say they have a tough job and all that, but there are people in the good old USA who work every day who work just as hard or harder. That is life.


So I know this one thread will do little to change the absolutely hateful people who post on these boards. If I got just one person to think, hey maybe he has something there, and begins posting notes that are actually useful and fun to read, I've served my purpose. TIPS can be in interesting and useful topic, if common sense is used. See ya around.

good post.

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I must have logged onto www.wichitadave.com by mistake. Sorry!


No problem, and please be sure to buy my CD:) Just kidding...check that website and you will see what I mean!


By the way, all of you need to look at this thread...




Another tip thread with the OP a little shocked about the cost, followed by 79 straight replies (some by posters on this thread) that address the question, give respectful answers, no personal disparaging remarks or calling people names, just a very informative thread with people giving the same opinions they do here, without glorifying themselves and acting all stuck up, all the way until message 81, where it starts going downhill. I suggest you read it and actually remember what it was like to enjoy CC before it became just another trash talking website. You might be surprised.

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No problem, and please be sure to buy my CD:) Just kidding...check that website and you will see what I mean!


By the way, all of you need to look at this thread...




Another tip thread with the OP a little shocked about the cost, followed by 79 straight replies (some by posters on this thread) that address the question, give respectful answers, no personal disparaging remarks or calling people names, just a very informative thread with people giving the same opinions they do here, without glorifying themselves and acting all stuck up, all the way until message 81, where it starts going downhill. I suggest you read it and actually remember what it was like to enjoy CC before it became just another trash talking website. You might be surprised.


That's because in that thread, nobody said Carnival for charging you gratituities upfront when their ebsite says "Almost Everything is included." Nobody backed up that ridiculous assertion by saying Carnival had nothing in writing with respect to the issue.


And Dave, alas, cruising is not for everybody. If you happen to be someone who is will truely be put under financial hardship by a $140 dollars per couple on a week long cruise - it would be much better not to cruise.

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No problem, and please be sure to buy my CD:) Just kidding...check that website and you will see what I mean!


By the way, all of you need to look at this thread...




Another tip thread with the OP a little shocked about the cost, followed by 79 straight replies (some by posters on this thread) that address the question, give respectful answers, no personal disparaging remarks or calling people names, just a very informative thread with people giving the same opinions they do here, without glorifying themselves and acting all stuck up, all the way until message 81, where it starts going downhill. I suggest you read it and actually remember what it was like to enjoy CC before it became just another trash talking website. You might be surprised.


Dave you have done a nice job!

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"Yes, I leave the automatic tips in place and tip extra during and at the end of the cruise from those I feel gave excellent service.


But I don't like the tip system. I hate the automatic bar gratuity, especially if I walk to the bar and get my own drink.


You don't tip bartenders on land???


I do.


"After dinner at my favorite restaurant at home I don't walk around tipping the hostess, dishwasher, floors weeper, manager, sous chef, laundry supplier . . . ."


And you do not tip those people on Carnival either.

The auto-tip is:

$3.50pppd to the Room Steward.

$2.00 pppd to the Assistant waiter serving your exact table in the MDR.

$3.50 pppd to the waiter serving your exact table in the MDR.

$1.00 pppd pooled for the Lido buffet workers.


So none of these people," the hostess, dishwasher, floors weeper, manager, sous chef, laundry supplier" get a cent of your auto-tip on Carnival.


From what part of that would one interpret that I don't tip bartenders? Of course I tip my bartenders at home. In one line I say I tip extra for good service and the other line I say I hate the automatic bar gratuity. As a matter of fact, I tip extra on top of the automatic bar gratuity if I really like the bartender.


As for the other line, thank you for your breakdown of the tip structure. I was exaggerating to make a point that I prefer to tip who I choose to tip.


I don't agree with their tip system, but I follow it anyway.

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No problem, and please be sure to buy my CD:) Just kidding...check that website and you will see what I mean!


You're charging those prices and you're balking about tipping? :D I also thought you were remaking "Stairway".

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And Dave, alas, cruising is not for everybody. If you happen to be someone who is will truely be put under financial hardship by a $140 dollars per couple on a week long cruise - it would be much better not to cruise.


Why do you feel it is mandatory? Tips are not required per Carnival. So if he chooses that route, he should not cruise? He is following Carnival guidelines. To Tip or not is his choice, not CC posters.........

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From what part of that would one interpret that I don't tip bartenders? Of course I tip my bartenders at home. In one line I say I tip extra for good service and the other line I say I hate the automatic bar gratuity. As a matter of fact, I tip extra on top of the automatic bar gratuity if I really like the bartender.


As for the other line, thank you for your breakdown of the tip structure. I was exaggerating to make a point that I prefer to tip who I choose to tip.


I don't agree with their tip system, but I follow it anyway.


First, ALL tips are voluntary. You CAN go to the Purser and have bar tips removed as well as the auto-tip.


But since you add cash on top of the 15%, as I do. What difference does the automatic tip make????????


And when you say you hate the automatic bar tip ESPECIALLY when you walk to the bar and get your own drink, that sounds like you don't think the bartender should be tipped. If he should be tipped, then again, whats the difference if you get the drink or a waiter/ess gets the drink. I go to the bar and order because I want the extra buck I tip above the 15% to go to the guy mixing my drink.

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We just returned home today from a Carnival Cruise. We went to Guest Services early in the week and they removed the gratuity from our credit card. We left tips to the people we wanted to and the amount we wanted to (which was more than the suggested amount). We had no problem doing it this way.


Of course you had no problems. The only problem you didn't think of is that you screwed some people out of money as the "behind the scenes"people either didn't get paid or the people you gave cash to had to tip share.


Why make something as easy as auto-tip hard? Some people do want the gratification of "giving" tip for self gratification purposes though.

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Some people do want the gratification of "giving" tip for self gratification purposes though.


Count me as one of those. I actually miss the old days of the envelopes. It was a fun ritual and it made the last night of the cruise very festive. When the autotips first started I balked but pretty soon I realized I had to change with the times. Now I'm used to it and I still give out additional cash tips so I still get the gratification firsthand plus I know my autotips are going where they need to go and I am gratified by that as well.


I give tips to show my appreciation for the staff's hard work and excellent service but it also makes me feel good to give. If that's wrong, oh well. :rolleyes:

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