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Ballroom Dance Lessons


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CKM13104: Dont know if you are married or not.... but here is my story.....

This cruise is to celebrate 25 years of wedded bliss. Husband NEVER would dance as he had 2 left feet and always promised would take lessons. Well, I said this would be as good a time as any and he said OK. So we are learning finally how to dance as a couple (he now knows how to lead and I can follow). We will be staying in San Juan 2 nights pre-cruise and plan to salsa till dawn !!!!! Hope to also dance on the ship as they have many venues to do so. However, what we learn will last far beyond this cruise (or others) as now instead of begging him to get up and "slow dance" around in circles - we can participate at the many balls, fund raisers etc. that we attend. So you can use this cruise as an "excuse" but will continue to enjoy the benefits for years to come :D Cheryl

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similar story here.. my hubby and I married 6 yrs ago... second time around for both of us... went on a cruise for the first time on our honeymoon... and cruised again soon afterward... I love to dance ... but my husband felt uncomfortable dancing "freestyle" ... so we would sit out alot of dances.... eventually we took an adult ed class but then decided to get serious at a dance studio locally... Now, He/we have gained confidence and are dancing more than we sit out and he does not feel awkward if we are the solo dancers on the dance floor. :)

We had been able to use our dancing skills on cruises, at weddings and at local dances... even tho' we have been dancing a short time... folks think we are great dancers!! ;) :D

Not to mention -- it has become a great way for hubby and I to have some fun together!! :D


I am thinking of getting shoes for Dave... I got shoes soon after we started lessons... a simple black pair that I love ..

My instructor at the time told me once I've been dancing awhile... I'd want a flashy gold pair... at the time I seriously doubted it..... but GEUSS WHAT??!! :D

My next pair will NOT be BLACK!!



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First leave the "ballroom" part out of it, and it's not nearly as big a mountain as it seems. Think of it as a social skill, exercise, and another fun thing the two of you can do together.

DW and I met at a nightclub (R&R) in Houston, as the ladies always called me Gentleman Gene, (those that weren't talking about my Mama), we danced and I gave her my card. We started emailing and here we are happily married today.

We decided to really learn to dance something other than rock & roll, and have been taking lessons about 5 years. We still have a long way to go. But, it's fun it's social, and it's a hobby you don't out grow.

So in answer to your question CKM13104, dancing isn't just for cruising anymore; I'm perfectly willing to dance at balls, benefits, weddings and Bar Mitzvahs!!

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All our friends in the Path of Dennis.... Hold on to your hats and I hope everyone makes it through ok.....


thats true-- a long term hobby!! theres an 82 year old woman who has been dancing for ages ... she lives quite a ways from the studio... But I absolutely LOVE to watch her and the owner Waltz around the floor when she is around!!

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those are awesome stories and words of encouragement, thank you! It is definately something for me to look into. See, when me and my hubby got married, we had a song for us to dance to and everything, and when the time came to dance in front of everyone, I ended up giggling the whole way through it. So, my hubby wasn't the one with the problem, I was! Anyway, after almost two years, he still brings it up that I "ruined" our first dance together. My goal is to be able to dance with him on our first cruise together and not be so shy about it.....So, thanks for the idea!!


Kerrie :)

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ckm13104: Glad to hear that our "words of encouragement" have nudged you in the direction of perhaps taking a few lessons before your cruise. I wish we had done it long ago.... oh well having fun with it now.l Where are you sailing in Sept. ? I hope it is a wonderful experience for you both. We are going on our second cruise in Nov. but also like to do land vacations too. Hopefully will be able to continue with cruise one year - land vacation next etc. etc. My dh has pretty stressful job with long hours and I try to plan vacations where his cell phone won't work !!!! :) So far he hasnt figured it out - or if he has he isnt complaining. My only tip would be to research the different ports of call and then plan what you want to do in each one. This website is awesome as well as some travel books you can get at the bookstore. Also try the official tourism websites of each island (try www.stlucia as an example) some are better than others but usually have links to other stuff like excursions etc. Anyway, have a super cruise and good luck with lessons !!!

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Hey Texancruzer!

I will definately be talking to dh about taking the lessons! As for where we are going on our cruise next September, we are taking the Carnival Glory on a 7 day eastern carribean cruise. Our ports of call are Nassau, St. Thomas, and St. Maarten. We have already discussed what shore excurtions we want to do, except for one. (I wanna do the dolphin encounter and he wants to skip on that....) I think I'll win out in the long run though....;)

Thank you for the tips about looking into the different ports, I will be sure to get more info on each one. And i know what you mean about taking land vacations too! We like to travel, and though we have only been to a couple of places so far, we are always in the planning mode for something new. Last year, for example, we decided to try amtrak to get to NYC. And now, as you can tell, we are moving onto bigger things :)

Anyway, thank you again for the info, and enjoy your next vacation!

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I have been reading this thread with much interest, as we had booked our first ever cruise, and were anxious to know how much dancing we would be able to do.

We started taking ballroom dancing lessons about 6 years ago, and loved it so much that we are still going.


We got back last night from the cruise - and have we enjoyed it!

The dancing for us, was one of the best parts.

We could stroll from lounge to lounge, and if one was playing something we could dance to, (e.g. cha cha, rumba, quickstep, salsa) then we would stay there for a while, and then move on to another.

We also joined in the daily dance lessons - some were of dances we have never done - e.g. Bachata and Merengue - and even if we had done them before, we still thoroughly enjoyed them.

I was actually amazed at how many people could dance - and some to quite a high standard.

My husband was asked to be a judge at the Dancing Competition one night - which I was really pleased about, as I think I would have felt really nervous if we had actually taken part in it.


Have any of you entered a dancing competition on your cruises?

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Perhaps Abbydance or one of the other competitors on this thread has some information. All my cruises have been Caribbean, and I have never seen a dance competition on board. Plenty of dance opportunities every night, and some classes on the ships we've enjoyed. Perhaps it's more of a thing for European cruises or the Costa Line?


Our sympathy from the people of Texas to all of you, for the London bombings.

Our press has been admiring your get back to work "stiff upper lip" attitude.

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I found this to be of interest.



Dancing Your Way to Better Health

Ballroom Dancing May Help Mind, Body, and Spirit


By Miranda Hitti Reviewed By Michael Smith, MD

on Monday, June 27, 2005

Tangos, waltzes, sambas, and foxtrots are gliding across America's TV sets on the hit ballroom dance show, Dancing with the Stars.


Do you tap along with the beat as you watch? Or shimmy during the commercial breaks?


This may be one time when health experts won't fret if you follow in the footsteps of prime-time TV. Ballroom dancing could help tweak the mind and body, they say.


Shall We Dance?


You're not likely to practice for hours with a world-class dance partner as on the show. But you also won't face live national TV and the judges' barbs.


Will you get a good workout? What about those two left feet? And how can "twinkle toes" benefit your brain?


WebMD posed those questions to science, dance, and fitness pros. Here's their spin on ballroom dancing's health perks.


Is It Exercise?


The TV show's contestants are often winded after their routines. One dancer, actor John O'Hurley, says he's lost 15 pounds since he signed on for the show.


How typical is that? It depends on the type of dancing and your skill level, says exercise physiologist Catherine Cram, MS, of Comprehensive Fitness Consulting in Middleton, Wis.


"Once someone gets to the point where they're getting their heart rate up, they're actually getting a terrific workout," says Cram.


Dance is a weight-bearing activity, which builds bones. It's also "wonderful" for your upper body and strength, says Cram.


Would-be dancers should consult their doctors first, especially if they have any health problems, says Cram.

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Twojays : I would LOVE to hear more about your cruise... I have never sailed on Costa...


Yes, for exercise..of course with anything... consistancy and endurance counts!! I used to think the Waltz was easy ...until the class we had to practice our ups and downs.... ooooeeee on the knees!! ;) :D

I really do look at it as a way we can stay active and have fun over the long haul and we are definitely addicted.... I have happy feet!!


James Michener wrote a book long ago about Sports in America... the one thing I remember is his opinion that our phys ed programs should teach students how to stay active throughout our lives... I myself, never mount rings in my basement ... but its perfect for my son's karate, some Yoga or Ballroom dancing!!!!!

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We decided to start taking private lessons on top of the classes we're taking. I think we're going to try honing our swing skills.


Our teacher ratcheted up the difficulty level after a few of his longtime students commented that the classes were too easy. Talk about be careful what you ask for! We did some tricky waltz & cha-cha steps last night that left everybody breathless, but boy, were they fun!

GCurry, I saw that WebMD article, too. The one thing they don't talk about is what happens when you start squabbling with your partner over your recollection of steps - is that aerobic?:D

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Don't squabble, do the step in front of your instructor and let him tell you, no sense getting irratated with each other. It's like some couples should never play bridge together, one or the other ends up kicking the table over and shooting the lights out.

Ole Lance tells you real quick if the step is right or wrong. "Sir, sir that wasn't the cross-over man, you can't turn like that, take her straight down the hall!! And stop staring at her forehead, have you got the steps tatooed up there?"

"Honey, you can't turn that far out, dance closer, or you'll get a big jerk on your arm. Oh, I see you already do!!"

Yeah, it's pretty low impact aerobics, but it's great for getting the heart rate up and burning a few cals.

Twojays, did a lot of couples compete in the cruise dance contest?

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My husband to be is a great dancer and I am not good at all. We have signed up to take lessons starting this Wednesday. Unfortunately we will have to miss our last class because we will be on our wedding/honeymoon cruise!!!! I am looking forward to taking the lessons and hopefully I will beable to dance gracefully with my husband on our wedding day!:eek:


Same here. We took lessons last year, probably will need a refresher before our wedding one year from today.

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GCurry, my big "nag" is getting DH to stand up straight. In our foxtrot class on Tuesday, the instructor said, "I don't like your posture." I could have kissed her!


His big nag about me is that I lead.:)


As Roseanne Roseannadanna said, "it's always something."

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critterchick... Our instructor has had some "discussions" with me about leading.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: what the heck... I know where I want to go!!!! ;)

sometimes I just get stuck and can't get the dance step right... as I get frustrated...often my husband will help me work through it or at least help me with being a little more patient with myself.... I hate it when it takes two or more lessons to really get the steps right..but then when we do...often that becomes our favorite!! go figure......

I Love Rosanna...... and her.......Nevermind!!! :D


gotta love that Lance....how do you ever keep from cracking right up??!!

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tropicalsunset :) - what would you like to know about the Costa cruise?:confused: We loved it, but it was our first cruise, so have nothing to compare it with. The majority of passengers were Italian of course. Not too many English speaking ones - but that was OK with us. The itinerary was great - stopping in a different port every single day. The cabin was lovely and spacious - plenty of wardrobe and drawer space. En-suite was fine - everything spotlessly clean.


Gcurry :) - there were only seven couples in the dance competition - and they seemed to have been invited to enter. As I said before, we were asked a couple of times, by different members of the animation team to enter - but my DH had previously been asked by another one to one of the four judges - which he had agreed to.

They each had to dance the waltz (viennese), tango, paso-doble and cha-cha, and they were marked after each dance, by the judges holding up scores of 1-4. I think it was quite scary for them really, and they all did very well.


Dancing is a very good way to exercise, but we found another way on our cruise, and that was to always use the stairs instead of the lifts!!:eek:

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"Two nations separated by a common language" I assume it's the same as the Cruise Director and his activities staff? Good call on DH part, better to judge and not leave yourself in a win/lose situation. John OHurley can address that one at length.

Interesting about Costa you don't hear a lot about them over here, although they are cruising with three ships to the caribbean out of FL.

I spent three weeks in N. Europe, Norway down to Amsterdam; Germany was the only country that chose not to speak English. I speak excellent Texan and passable English and as a University of Texas El Paso grad, I'm also illiterate in Spanish. But, I would love to do a Med cruise, and will keep Costa in mind.

Ballroom dances here would always feature the Foxtrot and Rumba; Viennese Waltz and Paso Doble are "studio dances" you usually only see at a competition.

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Tropicalsunset, actually it was Miss Emily Latella who said "never mind!" Gilda was a genius, wasn't she?


We went to a wedding today and didn't get in any dancing!:( The bride & groom were late to reception because (predictably) the photographer was fussing too much w/his equipment. By the time they arrived, many of the guests were hammered & we were all starving. Plus, it was getting late in the day (it started at 10:30), so we snuck out the back after lunch & the first dance. It was a fun time, though.


Our practice party was a hoot last night. We had a huge crowd for a group salsa class (most of us had never done it before so it was pretty chaotic). DH & I didn't rotate partners, which in this case really helped us learn the basic steps. It's so fast, though, we had some trouble keeping up. And we were too far from the speakers to be able to hear the rhythm, which was a far bigger problem. Oh, well - it was fun anyway!

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Critterchick.... LOVE HER!! she was the best!! that's a mental block I have....so Never Mind.....


TwoJays: a few years ago.. we went to Italy with my son's High school class... since my TA knew we were cruisers... she was telling us the European cruiselines were more formal (traditional cruising I think she said) I think she was talking Costa.... now that so many of the cruiselines are offering Med cruises .. I've often wondered if it would be better to stay with a line like Costa when cruising in Europe.... any opinions. It does seem like when looking at ruins and old world architecture...it would be nice to "dress for dinner" etc.....and the dancing thing would be a plus for us of course.... I wonder how they knew these people were "dancers" to be selected to compete and/or judge???


We went to a wedding last summer that the ceremony started nearly one hour late... It was like the hottest day of the summer and outside in the hot sun... the couple forgot the marriage license.... !!! :eek: Not many people danced -- it was soooo hot!~!!


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One of our favorite plants out front is Ranadanalantana!

So here we are on a Sunday morning, looking out on the tropical garden, listening to Luther Vandross, and thinking about dancing & cruising.

Last night, we enjoyed the Internal Medicine party at the Moody Gardens Aquarium, a world class attraction designed after the National Aquarium in Baltimore.

The party was up and down the levels, (it’s a pyramid), and included dinning and dancing. The Currys were dancing the Cha Cha to Santana, and a Foxtrot or two when they played C&W, also a lot of free-style. There were about 300 people from all over the world, we ended the evening chatting with a woman from Egypt.


They have a fantastic Penguin exhibit, with several varieties. As we were leaving, I heard one Penguin say to another, “someone just said we are wearing tuxedos,” and the 2nd Penguin said “ Who’s to say we’re not!!”

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ROFL!!! That is tooo funny.... the lantana that is ... I am getting such a VISUAL!! you MUST post a photo!!! :D :D


Did I tell you the story of when I took my friend to Galveston for a weekend... she was recuperating from Breast cancer.. and we stayed at the Holiday INn... at night I went out on the little porch watching the water and I looked over to the right and there were flames coming out of a building.... I was very concerned... It kept going on and I saw no emergency vehicles.... next night we had dinner at the Rainforest Cafe that has a volcano exhibit outside.... Oh, I would have felt like such a FOOL!!! but we never made it to the Moody Gardens... I bet that was a wonderful evening!!

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DW informed me once the dust settled, there were over 450 that attended the soiree. You know I've got a problem when the band knows my name. They play a lot for this group, and the head of the department uses us to get dancing started. He has no shame!


This is a dance thread, but, if you want to see what the tropical sauna we live in can produce plant wise, this can give you some ideas.




None of these would last out doors in CT!!

It's no surprise we like to cruise the Caribbean, we feel at home.

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