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3 people in a room, OV GUAR--but they assign to a room with only 2 beds...


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...I assumed that Carnival would act like a hotel (well, its a floating hotel...) and if they take a reservation for 3 people that would hold a room with 3 beds--and not a short trundle or rollaway...my mistake--hopefully others will see this thread and not do a GUAR triple.

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...I assumed that Carnival would act like a hotel (well, its a floating hotel...) and if they take a reservation for 3 people that would hold a room with 3 beds--and not a short trundle or rollaway...my mistake--hopefully others will see this thread and not do a GUAR triple.


I am not sure what kind of hotel you stay at, but most hotels have one or two beds in the room..if you need an extra bed most likely it's a rollaway at an additional charge...and if you book a standard room (= to CCL GUAR)and not a room with 2 beds you are taking the chance of possibly getting a room with 1 bed if thats all they have available...next time you book with CCL just book the room you would like and stop being cheap about it..

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the difference between a typical hotel and carnival--most hotels, esp for extra child--dont charge extra--so if you get a rooom with only one bed--well you didint pay for it...that's life. But Carnival, at least in this case, is charging for the third person--so I dont see the prior posters comparison to a hotel being applicable here. I think the best example is HOTWIRE, where if you request and pay for 3 people, Hotwire will provide a hotel room with enough beds--not a rollaway...

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In the interest if saving $$ I have had both a bunk situation and the roll away bed. I can tell you that personally I would take the roll away over the bunk any day. The roll away is tucked up under the vanity during the day, easy to get to yet out of the way. It was not the most comfortable bed in the world but how long are you in the cabin really

The bunk bed was a whole other issue. It is tucked away but once it is "swung" out it takes up a lot of room in the cabin and lord forbid you have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. You are either climbing over someone or bumping into the bunk. Depending on your day and your travel companions this can be very funny or not so much

Just putting my 2 cent's in.


Also feel that space on board is very limited and imagine that the roll away is stored somewhere deep within the bowels of the ship when not in use so expecting a steward to be able to "stash" it during the day may not be realistic

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When we went on our Victory cruise, they brought in a mattress and put it on the floor for the whole week....it didn't move...they just made it up every day! Was a pain to have in the way, but that was the cabin we got stuck with! Didn't matter much though....we were only in there to sleep, and shower! You just have to make the most of it! :)

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the difference between a typical hotel and carnival--most hotels, esp for extra child--dont charge extra--so if you get a rooom with only one bed--well you didint pay for it...that's life. But Carnival, at least in this case, is charging for the third person--so I dont see the prior posters comparison to a hotel being applicable here. I think the best example is HOTWIRE, where if you request and pay for 3 people, Hotwire will provide a hotel room with enough beds--not a rollaway...


Sorry but that's not true. I've been in hotels where I booked a room for three people and one of the beds was a rollaway. This is very common practice, whether in hotels or on cruise ships. That's why they have rollaways in the first place, to provide that extra bed.


They ARE providing a hotel room or a cruise cabin with enough beds - apparently just not in the configuration you're demanding.


I'm curious, why are you anticipating a negative circumstance? You haven't called Carnival, nor have you sailed yet or met the person who'll be your cabin steward, but before all of that you're assuming the cabin steward will refuse your request just because he doesn't want to? What leads you to make such a judgement?

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Couple of Questions:


Have you called CCL to try to ask for a different room?


I noticed on one of your past postings you state that moved from an inside to an OV for no extra charge...just wondering how you did that and ended up with an OV GTY?

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I am already tipping $10 a day--if the cabin person doesnt remove the bed--I will reduce the tip.

You're not paying him[or her] $10 a day-that person is only getting $3.50 a day of that money-a very small amount for cleaning up after people. As others have said, you booked a guarantee and you got what you paid for. This could all be for nothing as you haven't even called Carnival yet and asked nicely if you could be changed. Don't approach with an attitude or you will get nowhere.


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You got a bed.... it's just not the type of bed you had HOPED it would be. Get over it. Take it as a lesson learned and express your dissatisfaction with whoever you booked with or write the cruiseline about your feelings. But for certain, don't take it out on the staff who had nothing to do with the outcome of your stateroom location ![/quote]


Ditto to wjhat "Treats" sez.


I researched this subject with Carnival managers some time ago.


For the guarantee booking you WILL get a cabin designated for the booked number of people and it WILL have a "bed" for each booked person, but the assigned cabin may well be designated for a Rollaway bed (RAB).


Agents are not to switch your Guarantee Cabin assignment to another cabin or let you give-up your assigned cabin for a TBA assignment - but some still manage to circumvent the system.



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the difference between a typical hotel and carnival--most hotels, esp for extra child--dont charge extra--so if you get a rooom with only one bed--well you didint pay for it...that's life. But Carnival, at least in this case, is charging for the third person--so I dont see the prior posters comparison to a hotel being applicable here. I think the best example is HOTWIRE, where if you request and pay for 3 people, Hotwire will provide a hotel room with enough beds--not a rollaway...


Am I the only one wondering what hotel offers rooms with 3 beds, without one being a roll away???? The only time I have ever seen a hotel room that has 3 beds is in Europe (fold out couches also wouldn't count as they are in the same category as a roll-away, not a real bed, be it twin, double, or whatever). Steve, can you tell me what hotel offers rooms with 3 separate beds without one being a roll away or hide-a-bed? I truly am interested in this information in case I ever need it.

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I am already tipping $10 a day--if the cabin person doesnt remove the bed--I will reduce the tip.


Wow, talk about making someone pay for your own mistakes. If you don't like the arrangement, which you yourself made by the way, pony up the money to get what you want. That's what the rest of us do!

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OK--so let me ask--and I bet this has come up in prior posts--what would make you remove or reduce the auto-tip? whats the tipping point? most people seem to think that if the closet is across the hall it is too much to have the steward put the bed away during the day...so when would you reduce an autotip? I never have but clearly it must occur? Examples?

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sorry--I accidentally put in a bad pun--"what's your tipping point"--that is an accident--So the question is--what would make you reduce an autotip?. I have cruised a moderate number of times and I have never reduced the tip--but I am sure people have? and for what?


PS re the issue of the hotel room--the best equiv GUAR to compare to is HOTWIRE. And Hotwire is simple--you pay for 3 people you get space for 3 people--typically 2 queen beds or one queen and a single. You pay for 2--you get one bed. No rollaways. You pay for what you need to get.

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sorry--I accidentally put in a bad pun--"what's your tipping point"--that is an accident--So the question is--what would make you reduce an autotip?. I have cruised a moderate number of times and I have never reduced the tip--but I am sure people have? and for what?


PS re the issue of the hotel room--the best equiv GUAR to compare to is HOTWIRE. And Hotwire is simple--you pay for 3 people you get space for 3 people--typically 2 queen beds or one queen and a single. You pay for 2--you get one bed. No rollaways. You pay for what you need to get.


I may reduce the tip if the room wasn't made up when it should have been (i.e. We were out plenty long for the steward to make it up), towels were not replaced, our belongings were gone through, etc.

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sorry--I accidentally put in a bad pun--"what's your tipping point"--that is an accident--So the question is--what would make you reduce an autotip?. I have cruised a moderate number of times and I have never reduced the tip--but I am sure people have? and for what?


PS re the issue of the hotel room--the best equiv GUAR to compare to is HOTWIRE. And Hotwire is simple--you pay for 3 people you get space for 3 people--typically 2 queen beds or one queen and a single. You pay for 2--you get one bed. No rollaways. You pay for what you need to get.


Was Carnival able to assist you in changing your room?

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If things were so bad that I felt I had to reduce the tip then I think I would at least go to a Carnival supervisor to try and get "fixed" what was so bad that I wanted to reduce the tip. The price of a cabin on Carnival is usually pretty darn cheap and the $3.50 a day that goes to the room steward is not enough for me to Not pay it unless things were really really bad in my cabin. Again what could be that bad that you would not report it? Now if things were stolen from my cabin I would be mad, but how do you know it was the room steward that stole it, it could be a maintenance person, or the laundry person. I am glad you posted your bed experience since others may not know about roll away beds, I did not. I am booked in a inside cabin for 3 and it has 2 lower beds and 2 pull out beds. Now I know that if I get tired of climbing down from my top bunk 4 times a night to go to the restroom I can ask for a roll away! I have and never would book a cruise unless I knew what cabin I was getting. Saving money on a bed is not what I would choose to save money on, drinks, excursions, or photos maybe, but never a bed. I sure hope Carnival helps you out when you call them up, keep us posted.

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re the issue of the hotel room--the best equiv GUAR to compare to is HOTWIRE. And Hotwire is simple--you pay for 3 people you get space for 3 people--typically 2 queen beds or one queen and a single. You pay for 2--you get one bed. No rollaways. You pay for what you need to get.


the difference between a typical hotel and carnival--most hotels, esp for extra child--dont charge extra--so if you get a rooom with only one bed--well you didint pay for it...that's life. But Carnival, at least in this case, is charging for the third person--so I dont see the prior posters comparison to a hotel being applicable here. I think the best example is HOTWIRE, where if you request and pay for 3 people, Hotwire will provide a hotel room with enough beds--not a rollaway...


First off, as a person who works for a hotel and deals with priceline, hotwire and so on...you always get last room avail..If we are oversold and the room type you made the reservation for is oversold, they are the first ones to move to a different room type...you paid less money then others so you get moved! also the key word is REQUEST!

I agree with other posters just call and BE NICE!!! I personally if someone is rude to me i just DONT CARE to HELP THEM, but if you are NICE then I will help...

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to prior poster--I wouldnt save money on a bed either--location I dont care But I would want a decent bed--but what is done is done--dont do a GUAR unless you are 2 people. My travel agent asked Carnival ---they wanted more money ($500) even for a chg from the exact same class of cabin to a room just down the hall--also same exact class of cabin.

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to prior poster--I wouldnt save money on a bed either--location I dont care But I would want a decent bed--but what is done is done--dont do a GUAR unless you are 2 people. My travel agent asked Carnival ---they wanted more money ($500) even for a chg from the exact same class of cabin to a room just down the hall--also same exact class of cabin.


think of this as a glass half full instead of half empty.


You saved $500 over booking a higher rate type to pick your cabins.

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My suggestion to others TRYING TO HELP THE OP......GIVE UP.... simply because he/she is going to keep whining and moaning and making suggestions or offering advice only adds fuel to the dissatisfaction they have.


I personally hope I never meet this person on a cruise !

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A couple of basic issues


1) what is the expectation of a GUAR room--is it reasonable to expect a certain number of beds? We all know the location issue--you could end up in the back of the boat bottom corner or next to the nightclub--that's the risk. You are saving money--there is "no free lunch". How may posts have we seen from people doing inside GUAR and getting unhappy when they end up in a tiny inside. But I think there should be a reasonable expectation that the proper number of beds is provided, especially as applicable in this case there was an open unassigned cabin with enough beds. Now that is an interesting point--and I think anyone who hasnt looked over cruise critic would assume, that an expectation of enough beds is reasonable. Kind of like reserving a hotel room for 2 people and showing up and being told that even though they had rooms available, instead you are getting a room with a single bed and a rollaway

2) "Punishing the Steward" I have always tipped 100% on multiple non-carnival cruises. On other tours I always tip the proper amount--people rely on this money and we are not talking an easy job. If the extra bed can be removed but the steward doesnt want to--then a tip reduction is warranted. If you are gone all day and multiple days on the cruise the room isnt cleaned, then a tip reduction is warranted. If the steward goes above and beyond, then an extra tip is what should happen. If the rollaway cant be removed, then it isnt fair to punish the steward. Now, should the steward get an extra tip?--I think not, as Carnival has, by sending people to rooms without enough beds, set up a reasonable expectation that people are going to get rollaways they dont want.


Overall, the basic issue is should a GUAR provide enough beds, especially if the rooms are available? I see different answers in the post.




I spend the majority of my time on CC reading the CCL forum so I'd have to say 0. Haven't seen any post of anybody complaining they got stuck with a tiny inside cabin. 185 sq ft small?



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So you were too cheap to pay for the room you wanted, and you got what you paid for. Now that you got what you paid for, you want to make more work for someone who is not responsible for your dilemma ( you are at fault, no one else). So now if this already over worked individual does not do this extra work you want for free, you are going to remove the regular pay he is counting on.


.....if I was Carnival.....I give this guy a hammock....:D

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