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NOT Anti-Kids, Alternatives, Etc...I am ANTI-This!!!


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What bothers me is, when I hold that elevator or hold open a door for a person and they can't even say, Thank you. :rolleyes: I in return will say, Your Welcome! :D(which I get weird looks for). I guess they figure they don't have to say, Thank you.:confused:



I do this too. One day, at a local hospital I go to everyday for my job, I was coming up to the 2nd floor landing and had to go through the door. At the same time about 6 people were coming down from the 3rd floor and also wanted to go through the door on the 2nd floor landing. 2 of these people were women and the other 4 were male(doctors and anesthisiologists)...well I was going to hold the door open for all 6 of them, but by the time the 5th person, a male doctor, had walked through without saying "Thank you", I said out loud while going through the door IN FRONT OF the last MAN(although what kind of man sits there and lets a woman hold the door for 6 people without even getting a single thank you is beyond me), "you've got to be kidding me? I'm NOT the doorman. You're Welcome!!!" The guy who I got in front of at least had enough sense to look embarassed and said "thank you" kind of meekly.


Rudeness is everywhere, but I don't tolerate it anymore. I will call you on it, or be rude right back at ya!

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BRAVO!! well said


I agree 100%. I guess maybe I'm naive and I live in a metro area but I have not seen a great deal of rudeness as mentioned. Maybe I'm oblivious or maybe I'm not easily offended.


When I meet people in the hall, I normally greet them in some manner, both of us get out of the way and go. Elevators same thing.


I'm thinking that the OP is more easily offended or goes out of her way to find it. The only rudeness I've seen has been to the employees and staff. That doesn't sit well with me as a lot of people expect too much on a cruise and get all p***** off when it's not a "white glove" experience.


Anyway, have a great day all, I'm outta here.

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Lots of threads lately about anti-kids, anti-alternatives, anti-whatever. The only thing I am anti on a cruise ship is anti-rudeness. In my experiences, the rudeness is becoming more and more prevalent. I witnessed way more rude behavior on my last cruise than I did on my first cruise back in 1986. It has nothing to do with the cruiseline IMO, but way more to do with where society is heading.


My #1 biggest peeve is getting off of an elevator, or trying to, and having other passengers(mainy adults btw) rush on before everyone has exited. This is VERY rude IMO. I was taught as a young child to stand off to the side of the elevator and wait until everyone has exited before attempting to board the elevator. On my last cruise on the Fantasy, I was nearly pushed down by a rather large, adult male who appeared to be about 50 years of age or so, who could not wait for the crowded elevator to empty before getting on. I did say out loud that you'd think someone that old would have manners. He just glared at me.


Another peeve I have is when walking down a cruise ship corridor on the way to or from my stateroom or to a venue. I tend to keep the right side of the corridor and usually passengers coming at me stay to the left. I hate encountering a group of 2 or 3 passengers who walk side by side and when they see someone coming towards them they do not move and continue walking 2 or 3 across. The person closest to me SHOULD move to allow me room to pass without having to hug the wall IMO. This rarely happens lately. I guess they think I'll move out of their way, but I refuse to and I have had more than one collision with a rude passenger who thinks its ok to take up the entire corridor. I usually stick my left arm or elbow out as we're passing and jab them somewhere. Then usually they look at me like I'm the crazy one.:rolleyes: I guess I should have just turned sideways and walked along the wall to allow his or her highness more room to pass.


I won't even get started on the behavior I witness at the buffets. Again, mainly adults. Will just say 1 thing. The food isn't going anywhere, you can always go back for more.


P.S. What happened to holding the door open for people? Some of those doors that lead to the exterior of the ship can be quite heavy and I've had people see me coming and just let it close practically in my face.




Really think manners need to be taught in schools today as rudeness is becoming more and more prevalent and it seems to me that the parents are NOT teaching manners as the parent's parents didn't teach manners either. Manners really help a society IMO and may even prevent a lot of the problems we see on the streets today. Hopefully it would help prevent the problems I see on a cruise ship.


If only this were a problem on cruise ships. This is simply another example of the failure of society. There is never an excuse for bad manners.

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I agree 100%. I guess maybe I'm naive and I live in a metro area but I have not seen a great deal of rudeness as mentioned. Maybe I'm oblivious or maybe I'm not easily offended.


When I meet people in the hall, I normally greet them in some manner, both of us get out of the way and go. Elevators same thing.


I'm thinking that the OP is more easily offended or goes out of her way to find it. The only rudeness I've seen has been to the employees and staff. That doesn't sit well with me as a lot of people expect too much on a cruise and get all p***** off when it's not a "white glove" experience.


Anyway, have a great day all, I'm outta here.


I am totally NOT easily offended, but I am not going to turn sideways and walk against the wall or stop completely just so there is room for those people to go by. I do not go out of my way to find rudeness either, unless you call walking down the hallway to my cabin "looking for it".


I'm glad your oblivious to it. I wish I could be, but trying to get off an elevator while 4 or 5 grown adults push their way on really irritates me. Glad it doesn't bother you.

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If only this were a problem on cruise ships. This is simply another example of the failure of society. There is never an excuse for bad manners.



I'm well aware this is not only a cruise ship problem, but a societal problem. The parents are not teaching manners anymore(not ALL parent's I know, but many....enough for me to notice).....really think they should teach simple manners in schools these days. Simple manners can actually go far in helping society become a pleasant place again.

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Our our previous cruises I was the only one that said "excuse me". Never heard anyone else, for 7 days, utter that saying. I'm sure it happens other places, just seems that sometimes people on the ship are all about themselves.

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Rude knows no age group. And I used to sit back and say nothing.


I have reversed my stance over the years, and will retalliate with "rude", when rude is encountered!


Watching people post about one age group, class, or _______, makes me scratch my head.


But DEFINITELY, there are MORE rude adults than ANYTHING a kid can even think of doing.


Right on, MrPete... and while we're on the subject....

if there are indeed rude kids on board, just where do we think they come from? ;)

(If you said "rude parents," give yourself a big :D.)

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To be honest it seems to me like your the one being rude....


Yes, I'm 20 and part of the younger generation that's not being thaught manners buti disagre! I wait to enter the elevator until everyone has left,

or slide over if someone is coming by and if I notice someone behind me I'll hold the door open for them, however while it is polite I don't think ts rude to not hold the door open.


I guess I'm just trying to figure out why YOU said u weren't going scoot over to let them pass but you expect them to and then admit to hitting/jabbing the

??that is extremely rude! Same with the snide comments


As for the hallway he was one person while there were 2-3 people coming towards him. I am with the OP on that one. One of the other 3 people should have moved.



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What bothers me is, when I hold that elevator or hold open a door for a person and they can't even say, Thank you. :rolleyes: I in return will say, Your Welcome! :D(which I get weird looks for). I guess they figure they don't have to say, Thank you.:confused:


Sarcasm is great. i use it all the time.



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This problem is not only on cruise ships, it's at work, on the road, in restaruants, and is even in churches! It's unfortunate, it seems we are living in a world of entitlement. I see kids (and adults) doing and saying things now days that will get my mouth washed out with soap or a slap to the back of the head if I were to do it and my father see/hear me! And I'm 54 years old! No respect for anyone anymore. While not EVERYONE fits into that category, it is becoming more rampant and widespread.


A man cut across the lane in front of me in the middle of town last week because he was focused on talking on his cellphone. :eek: When he about hit me and I blew my horn, it scared him so bad he dropped the phone and made an obscene gesture! If I had not slammed on brakes and avoided the collision, he would have been charged with the incident and who knows, someone could have gotten hurt. So, I'm the one who saved his butt and while I didn't get hurt, I did get the finger! :confused:


Manners are almost nonexistent and it's really a shame. My daughter has done a decent job teaching her kids manners, but sometimes they slip up and I've popped my grandkids :( behind more than once reminding them to say thank you or excuse me!


I have seen the time when a well placed "yes mam or yes sir" went a long way in achieving what I was wanting to accomplish!

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Our our previous cruises I was the only one that said "excuse me". Never heard anyone else, for 7 days, utter that saying. I'm sure it happens other places, just seems that sometimes people on the ship are all about themselves.


You think that's bad...I work in an office with a few gentleman (& I use that term LOOSELY) that make over 7 figures a year...I was in the kitchen one time and getting something by the coffee pot and I bumped into him, actually we walked into me but I figured I would be nice...I said "I'm sorry" and he turns and looks at me and says "Don't ever apologize for anything, it is a sign of weakness"...I couldn't believe him, I said "Oh, I thought it was a sign of being respectful" and walked away, and this is someone that is atleast 15 years older than myself...so it just goes to show you that some people have a different attitude on life, like everyone else is just a presence in their world...

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I've been known to make a groan noise to imply that someone who failed to hold the door caused it to hit me. More often than not it makes them embarrassed and apologize. I always look behind me to see if someone is immediately behind me so I know whether I need to hold the door or not.


I do agree with all your other comments OP.

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I agree with the poster who says that cell phones are to blame. I was at the airport a few months ago and a gentleman held open a door for a woman who was chatting on her phone and pulling her luggage. She just kept yacking away and never said thank you. I don't know how many time in restraunts you see someone talking or texting while igorning their tablemates. It is also rude when you are in line at a bank, store, post office.

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You think that's bad...I work in an office with a few gentleman (& I use that term LOOSELY) that make over 7 figures a year...I was in the kitchen one time and getting something by the coffee pot and I bumped into him, actually we walked into me but I figured I would be nice...I said "I'm sorry" and he turns and looks at me and says "Don't ever apologize for anything, it is a sign of weakness"...I couldn't believe him, I said "Oh, I thought it was a sign of being respectful" and walked away, and this is someone that is atleast 15 years older than myself...so it just goes to show you that some people have a different attitude on life, like everyone else is just a presence in their world...


Funny, this lady that I worked for for a couple of months used to say the same thing. She was a wacko though and I was so glad not to work for her anymore.

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Funny, this lady that I worked for for a couple of months used to say the same thing. She was a wacko though and I was so glad not to work for her anymore.




One of our bosses used to say "If you aren't an asset, you're a liability"

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If I may add...Table manners have also seemed to go downhill in the last few years. My kids (now all in their 20's) hated the constant harping i did at the dinner table and yes we did insist we had dinner together every night. But now I can tell you they have all thanked me as they can go to any restaurant or "working lunch" and know table manners. The worst for my DH and I was on our last cruise we sat opposite a man who would not chew with his mouth closed! he also thought it was okay to use his cloth napkin to blow his nose! It was too much! and please one last thing if men could please remove their hats in the MDR, even if you are having a BAD hair day, I assure you that would be better than the hat you are so proud of. Okay im off my soapbox now:D Thanks for letting me vent!


Dont get me started on table manners and etiquette .... what's it with some people, mostly teenagers and below, who eat an entire meal with their fork only?

Ever been to a waffle house and see them tackle piles of waffles/pancakes with just a fork? Ever see them use a finger to push food (mostly peas, carrots :) ) onto their fork? Parents...check your kids next time and see if they do that.


I remember my late mother teaching me not to slouch on the table and keep your elbows off the table at all times and not to shovel food into your mouth before first finishing whats there first... thx mom!

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...I said "I'm sorry" and he turns and looks at me and says "Don't ever apologize for anything, it is a sign of weakness"...I couldn't believe him, I said "Oh, I thought it was a sign of being respectful" and walked away

That person has been reading too many books on winning through intimidation.


Those people actually believe they are smarter than everyone else... they actually make themselves look like idiots. I hope he makes a lot of money because he'll need it to buy some friends.

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To be honest it seems to me like your the one being rude....


Yes, I'm 20 and part of the younger generation that's not being thaught manners buti disagre! I wait to enter the elevator until everyone has left,

or slide over if someone is coming by and if I notice someone behind me I'll hold the door open for them, however while it is polite I don't think ts rude to not hold the door open.


I guess I'm just trying to figure out why YOU said u weren't going scoot over to let them pass but you expect them to and then admit to hitting/jabbing the

??that is extremely rude! Same with the snide comments

Hey Tallahassee-an - Are you there for college? I went there for college many moons ago. (Won't say when, but to quote another poster my pictures are in color.)


K - so, you didn't like the OP saying he/she won't get out of the way when people are walking 2 or 3 abreast in a hallway. I won't either, unless 1 of them (or more) is infirmed (e.g., wheelchair, walker, etc.). The point here is there is room for 2 - 3 abreast if no-one else is in the hallway and the hallway is designed for 2 way traffic. Ergo, if there is 2 way traffic, then the little gaggle of geese walking 3 across needs to break apart and allow the opposite person to pass.


Now, as to elbowing people? Part of me would love to, but I think I'd end up with a black eye!

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Have y'all noticed what people - all people - are doing at the table now? Nothing that dirty...but they're cleaning their teeth! Really, I don't want to watch you stick your finger in your mouth and dig around. And, I really don't want to see whatever you manage to catch with your fingernail.

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Has to exist for line cutters. Line cutters:mad:, line cutters:mad:, line cutters:mad:.


On our first cruise, we were patiently waiting to get off somewhere that was tendered and not docked. Line banked all around the lobby (or whatever it's called), up some stairs, down some stairs, you get the idea. As we were walking down the last little flight of stairs, here comes Ma and Pa Rudeness from PodunkCutLand WITH THEIR FREAKING CHILDREN. They attempted to cut in front of me. I very patiently pointed out the end of the line. :rolleyes: So, they cut behind me. :eek:


What really got me about this...is this is how they're raising their children.

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