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  1. Reports are that it is closed.
  2. That’s interesting that disembarkation is going to begin before arrival.
  3. I didn’t have my issue with either of those on Gem in September.
  4. Do a search for Turquoise Bay Resort Roatan. You will find the resorts web site, reviews on Trip Advisor and many more links and review along with lots of pictures.
  5. I will add that after the first of the year it will take about 3 or 3.5 drinks to break even with MAS
  6. Why not call today, they work seven days a week, and Monday is fine they work holidays too, that is some of their busiest time.
  7. Go to guest services when you board. They can put limits on the cards.
  8. Just curious of those are actual upgrade prices or opening bid prices?
  9. Did you ever stop to think that the port authority changed the arrival time to accommodate their schedule? Maybe NCL had no choice. Not to mention you only had a 50-50 chance of making the early flight and now you have a 50 -50 chance of making the later flight.
  10. Unless Taino Bay is full with other ships that is where you will go. I have learned that the DR port web sites, even the official ones, are very inaccurate.
  11. When? In the past 3 or 4 months they seem to have switched to the screw top bottles. Here is what they look like now:
  12. That’s interesting, I’ve only done 3 B2B on NCL and they have never taken my first card.
  13. Just make sure to go to your muster station as soon as you get on the ship (before doing ANYTHING else). The crew there makes sure you understand the emergency procedures. No one will know if you watch the video, but if you miss your muster station you end up.in the naughty group as explained above.
  14. They use metal cans and they are perfect for carrying around the ship. Much better than the paper cartons they used to have, and even better than the plastic bottles. I will say that they are 500 ml which is not very large, and are best for that overnight drink or to take your meds with.
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