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Duck Duck Cruise’s Panama Canal Cruise Blog - LIVE on the Coral Princess

Duck Duck Cruise

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Hi Vince and Lin, wishing you a fun, happy, beautiful cruise. Could only be better if we were going along with you! We were missing you guys on our Alaska cruise last week too. Didn't we have a great time on our Hawaii cruise earlier this year. Hi Betty and Malcom, I remember you too. Have a blast and give Travel Monkey a hug from his Auntie Lori.


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Hi Pat and Lori (Farkle) good to see you posting. As you probably saw above, Malc and I are taking the Hawaii cruise again in February -there is a roll call started but very little action - I sure miss the great posts we all had prior to "our" cruise and the terrific time we all had together.


Forgive me Vince and Lin for taking over your thread for chit chat - but it is so very nice to be in contact with you all again.

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“It is 3:15”, she says in a very awake, much too perky voice. Mind you, we could have slept for another half an hour! Her usual M.O. is to ignore the alarm clock at 4:15 on a work day. The younger Monkey kindly drove us to the Eugene Airport….Thank you Big Eared Monkey! The flight to Seattle was smooth and fast.


At SeaTac we asked several employees where they would recommend eating. We got 3 different answers. One was a sandwich shop, one was a diner type restaurant and the other was Wendy’s (ack). We ate at the diner and the food was diner “FAIL” food! Anthony’s Diner was rated at 2 bananas. The only thing that saved the morning was the Devon Cream! Can I buy it in a gallon jar? It was smooth, silky, vanilla, creamy goodness that made my mouth very happy when I dipped my luscious strawberry into it.


Overheard at breakfast: Young waiter offering coffee to an elder gentleman….Man: “Is that Hi-Test?” (caffeine) Waiter: Cocked his head and said, “Huh?” I witnessed a Generation Gap x 4 right there.


After breakfast we went to the Massage Bar. No, it is not what you are thinking! We both had 30 minute chair massages and foot massage. It was wonderful and we would recommend it to anyone with enough time at the airport.


Relaxed, we found a spot looking out onto the luggage cart, truck area and saw a black strappy hooker high heel on the top of a cargo container….Hmmm? I wonder what happened to the rest of her?


Our flight to Vancouver, BC was 40 minutes….with just enough time for a glass of water. No peanuts or coffee or bread….just water. We were through customs in less than 5 minutes, got a cab and were at the Hyatt Regency Downtown in 25 minutes.


We checked in and the woman helping us said we had been upgraded to a room with a balcony on the 19th floor. I have never even seen a hotel with a balcony, boy is it ever beautiful. We opened the door and stepped outside……a bit unnerving, but a lovely view in several directions. Vancouver is a very “Green” city with rooftop landscape on many buildings. They recently started changing them to Urban Gardens with all of the harvest going to local food banks and food kitchens. (Thumbs Up)


At most of the hotels there is a shopping mall underneath. There is a Starbucks there that we were told has free wi-fi and will stop by tomorrow morning to see.


Off on another cab ride to the Punjabi Market to find some Indian clothing for Lin. Our cab driver told me to go to every store on both sides of the block, look at prices and go back to the place that I like the best and bargain with the shopkeeper. So that is exactly what I did. I have some lovely clothes, was taken well care of by the ladies of the store and got a bargain!


Back at the hotel we dropped off our bags and walked to Canada Place 4 blocks to see the two ships that were just getting ready to leave. One was Celebrity Millennium and the other was Royal Caribbean Rhapsody of the Seas. The horns were blasting and off they went.


One block from Canada Place is the Convention Center. There it was in all it’s glory………the Olympic Flame structure. It has a fountain under giant ice sickles. We took some pictures and talked to a couple from England. They said that when they were on the trolley this morning it was lit up with flame. We will be going to see if that is the case tomorrow morning. It sure was fun to see though. They also told us they had been through the Canal and remembered listening for Jaguars and watching for large birds in the nearby trees. We will be doing that for sure!


I had researched several dinner choices and didn’t go to any of them. Instead we went to the same place we ate last year. Steamworks Brew Pub on Cordova Street just a couple blocks from Canada Place. The food was amazing. Indian Buttered Chicken…wow…yum. And Filet Mignon with peppercorn sauce. Also had the Garlic Fries with real roasted garlic bits sprinkled all over them. Everything was 4 Bananas. Oh…forgot the beer. Coal Porter…smooth and chocolaty and the Lion’s Gate Lager.


Found a grocery store several blocks away to pick up some 7up and Cream Soda. We also found Tim Tams Biscuits that we’ve heard the Aussies rave about and just had to try some. On the way back to the hotel it was getting dark, but no worries about walking. The streets were full of all ages of people including wee ones with parents. It is just a lively, vibrant, colorful and fun place to be. Time for sleep as it was a very early day.

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This thread is going to be a great read :)


Sorry our BC weather isn't nice today :(


YUM on Steamworks love love love that place.....YUM


Love your mascots a friend has a travelling pickle who for the most part is quite well behaved but has been know to get quite pickled after a few two many Miami Vices or Ultimate Coolers.


Have a great cruise!

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Forward and aft on Baja have great viewing areas for the canal and they are seldom crowded. I'd get there early to stake your spot as you approach the entrance to the canal. You have to go through the Crew Only doors but it is OK to do that. There are also decks forward and aft on Caribe and Dolphin but they are larger and usually more crowded. We went back and forth, forward to aft, all day long as we passed through to Gatun Lake and back again (partial transit).

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One block from Canada Place is the Convention Center. There it was in all it’s glory………the Olympic Flame structure. It has a fountain under giant ice sickles. We took some pictures and talked to a couple from England. They said that when they were on the trolley this morning it was lit up with flame. We will be going to see if that is the case tomorrow morning. It sure was fun to see though.


Duck Duck Cruise:


I am looking forward to another wonderful review from you. I really enjoyed your Hawaii Cruise on the Golden (we are doing that one at Christmas!)


Sorry that you missed seeing the Olympic Cauldron lit up in all her glory. The Olympic torch had been specially lit on Friday as they were using the location to announce where the 2015 Canada Games was going to be held.


FYI... Prince George, British Columbia was awarded the privilege of hosting the 2015 Winter Canada Games. The Canada Games is held once every two years, alternating between winter & summer events.

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We breezed through embarkation and were the first small group to get on the ship. We were directed to our cabin with several personal escorts! That never happened before. The Mini Suite is really nice, but the large aft deck just behind us is amazing. We are in D726 and will use the back public deck during part of the transit.


We went to the dining room for lunch and were seated with two other couples. One woman talked the entire time and wouldn’t let anyone into her personal conversation that everyone else must listen to …..her husband bragged that he knows the Head Chef personally. Mmm Hmm. I had the shrimp and avocado appetizer and the garbanzo bean soup. They were both delicious. Vince had the Salmon, French fries, and Orange Soufflé for desert. The salmon was average but needed a bit more seasoning. The soufflé was good.


Also called for the Chef’s Table and we were told to meet for the information tomorrow morning and the dinner would be tomorrow night. Sweet, except we found out from the other couple at lunch that it is full for the 3 day. We decided to go to the meeting and offer our spot to someone just on the 3 day as long as we are guaranteed a place at one of the Chef’s Table during the rest of the cruise.


I have already had fun with the crew just saying thank you in their language. I have been told………”Oh, Thank you so much it is so nice to hear my language” Our cabin steward is Charlie from the Philippines and he is going to be teaching me more Tagalog. We will be having fun with it.

Stopped by the Spa to book the Thermal Suite for the entire 18 days. There are 4 stone heated loungers, several different saunas with and without steam. We used the loungers after dinner tonight and melted all the travel stress away!


For sail away we went to the “secret” deck as far forward as you can get on Caribe deck. here was one other couple out there so we had our own quiet spot at the bow. I would do that again and again. We were below the windows to the bridge and you could see into them and the crew pointing and using their binoculars and radios. We are going to see if that door is open again when coming into ports.


While walking past the party at sail away we saw a woman dancing and jumping up and down with her arms in the air. She was facing away from us when her puppies jumped right out of her top…..It was so funny. She turned around and ran to her chair. I’m sure they got it on film, but will have to edit it for the CD. It will make it a memorable cruise for her…..and anyone that happened to be looking her direction!


Decided to try Horizon Court for dinner and was pleasantly surprised that the food was edible! LOL On past cruises your dog wouldn’t even eat the food….just our opinion. But today, here on the Coral the food was average buffet food. Vince had the prime rib which was in need of horseradish that he promptly slathered on. I was happy to see there were choices of ethnic food. Today was Indian and there were 3 different choices. Lamb curry, potato and cauliflower curry and vegetable ragout. All of them had good flavor but I did bring my own hot spice mix to sprinkle on if I wanted more flavor. We tried the Flourless Chocolate Cake and the Boston Cream Chocolate Cake. I liked the flourless, but Vince didn’t care for either. For me the Boston cream cake was dry and Vince agrees.


Overheard: Woman to husband…….”But we are going in circles!” (That was me!) At least Vince knows where we are going.


It rained this morning and cleared up by noonish and had clear beautiful skies for sail away.


Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement for our stories. We will do our best to keep you entertained, but if it turns out to be boring we can always make something up.

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I love following your posts.


Don't shoot the messenger, but how are the beds? I know, a lot of people are asking, but I am on the fence about the egg crate or getting a foam mattress topper as Toto has talked about.( which thank you toto - good idea)


Are they really that hard? I was hoping with the recent update on the coral they might have addressed this...


One can always hope.

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We went to the dining room for lunch and were seated with two other couples. One woman talked the entire time and wouldn’t let anyone into her personal conversation that everyone else must listen to …..her husband bragged that he knows the Head Chef personally. Mmm Hmm. I had the shrimp and avocado appetizer and the garbanzo bean soup. They were both delicious. Vince had the Salmon, French fries, and Orange Soufflé for desert. The salmon was average but needed a bit more seasoning. The soufflé was good.



While walking past the party at sail away we saw a woman dancing and jumping up and down with her arms in the air. She was facing away from us when her puppies jumped right out of her top…..It was so funny. She turned around and ran to her chair. I’m sure they got it on film, but will have to edit it for the CD. It will make it a memorable cruise for her…..and anyone that happened to be looking her direction!


I think that lunch lady was at our table on the Emerald last month. :eek:


In Alaska they are called "sweater puppets". ;)

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Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement for our stories. We will do our best to keep you entertained, but if it turns out to be boring we can always make something up.



Lin and Vince, your posts are always entertaining :)....no need to make anything up....lol :D

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With our balcony door open last night at 9:30 we heard a boat behind the ship and realized it was the pilot boat leaving. They must have stirred up some tasty treats because shortly after the boat left we heard the strangest sounds outside. The noise was a cross between the trill of Chewbacca and the wheezing of our cat when he is purring! I think it was sea gulls squabbling over fish….mine, mine, mine, mine!


Seas calm last night and today the sun is out and we are flanked by a cargo transport ship on our starboard side shipping lane.


We talked to the Maitre ‘d Jean Paul Musiu about changing our seating to the next leg of our trip so someone on the 3 day could have our place. He was very kind and pleased to make the change.


MUTS: (Movies Under the Stars) For American Football fans they are showing NFL Sunday today with the Giants and Colts. The evening movie is Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.


Overheard at breakfast: “We used to sell used NY taxies by mail order online. Ha ha ha …those schmuks thought they were getting a deal! I would NOT buy one in a New York Minute!


Another Overheard at breakfast: Waiter leading a family to their table. The 11 year old girl said to the waiter, “The head waiter said table 72, this is table 172 !” The waiter said, “That is correct, he meant 172”. I think that little one has her entire families vacation planned to the minute! LOL


Breakfast in the Bordeaux Dining Room : Lin – Smoked Salmon with capers, cream cheese, onion and lemon with bagel – Very Tasty

Vince: Eggs Benedict that came with the random olive. It was good enough to have again.


We were walking around looking in the shops. I am wearing my Salwar Kameez (Traditional Indian Outfit) Alex, an employee from India says to me, “You look perfect in your beautiful outfit!” Then he grabs me and proceeds to give me the biggest bear hug all the while laughing and asks if I know what it is called, Yes, I tell him and I have been looking for a year for this type of clothing.


He told me that I wear it well except for the shoes! (I was wearing moss green low simple tennis shoes) I told him we were doing a lot of walking and he said, “Ok then” He chatted with me for the next 15 minutes sometimes with tears in his eyes as he was remembering places from home. I told him we have a good friend from the South of India and he raved about that area being wonderful for food, clothing, meditation, and massage……..Hey, Surrendra, when is our flight to India! LOL


Overheard: Before lunch we listened to a Diamond and Gemstone seminar. The presenter asked, Do you know what the #1 sales item is on cruise ships?” A woman with a thick Eastern European accent yelled out, “VODKA!” The room erupted in laughter and it was only 10:30 in the morning.


The presenter was a tall blond beauty, thank goodness without a voice like a dolphin, did very well with her sales pitch and as she was speaking about inclusions in diamonds she asked if anyone had any birthmarks. She said, “I have one right here” and promptly pulled over the neck of her blouse to nearly reveal her right puppy” Several men in the audience audibly choked!


Then she was talking about earrings and said, “When it comes to Studs, Size Matters!” She said it with a straight face and I had to elbow Vince because he was laughing so hard. I couldn’t make this up if I tried!


Lunch: Lin – Horizon Court Sushi Buffet was on the vein of California Rolls. They had many varieties of sushi, the lightly smoked salmon was the best. Vince: decided to have the Pub Lunch at the Bayou Café. The bangers and mash were very good and he is planning on going back again throughout the cruise. We hear that they do this lunch on sea days. Today it was packed and we put our name on a waiting list. We were in 10 minutes later……..What a NICE spot, The Live Jazz Band was excellent and the Guinness was yummy as usual…..OH! I forgot to mention the Bread & Butter Pudding for desert. It was good enough to use as a facial mask…Hmmm? Facial and a Snack, it really was one of the best desserts we have had.


For those of you that just got off the last Alaska Cruise of the season or if you are booked for the last one next year, if you took the 3 day to LA Coastal all of your Alaska Gifts, clothes and souvenirs are 50% off. So we have only Alaska stuff to choose from….we will see if they switch their merchandise in LA.


Off to the Meet & Greet for fellow Cruise Critic Members. The turn out was good, and we had a wonderful visit with several couples we hope to bump into throughout the cruise.


We went our first experience with Anytime Dining about 6 pm. We asked how long the wait would be for a table for two and they told us there were 7 other couples waiting and it could be as long as 45 minutes or more. So we decided to share a table, which is something we have not done for dinner before. We were seated at a table for 6 and had a lovely conversation and enjoyable dinner. We were seated at 6 and left at 8 which was just in time to see the comedy of Derrick Cameron. He was very funny and has had years of experience with television and touring. We are really glad we went because he is leaving the ship in LA to go home.


Dinner: Both of us – Scampi with tomato sauce and rice was just a bit too salty our tastes, but the shrimp were cooked perfectly and the spice and flavor were good. Tiramisu for desert was heavenly!

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I love following your posts.


Don't shoot the messenger, but how are the beds? I know, a lot of people are asking, but I am on the fence about the egg crate or getting a foam mattress topper as Toto has talked about.( which thank you toto - good idea)


Are they really that hard? I was hoping with the recent update on the coral they might have addressed this...


One can always hope.


We have no problem with the firmness of the mattress. No egg crate on it even though we originally requested it and it showed on our personalizer, but it is fine as it is.

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Hi Everyone! Thank you for your comments and for following along on our adventures. We have not been on a repositioning cruise before. The 3 day from Vancouver to LA has no port stops so the cruise director and his staff try to cram 7 days into 3! The gift shop items are discounted the final day up to 75% off.


The Culinary Demonstration with Chef Thomas Ulrich and Maitre d’ Jean Paul Musiu put on a cooking demonstration including appetizer, main course and desert. It was hilarious! They have such a good banter back and forth; they were having a great time laughing and joking with each other. It was part comedy and cooking combined with tips from the chef on things you can do at home. If you have a chance to see these two, even if you are not into cooking, it would be worth your time……I forgot….after the demonstration they have guides take everyone through part of the galley. This if free by the way. We did not go to the galley because it was very crowded and we will be going there during the Chef’s Table.


They had a Pastry Extravaganza today at noon….of course we took pictures and some video. It was fun to watch the head chefs directing where and how everything was placed to the inch! It was lovely with many different things to choose from. Éclairs, Mousses, Cakes, Pies, Chocolate Covered Fruit, Giant Tiramisus, Crème, Chocolate, Berries, Fruit, Carved Vegetable and Fruit Decorations, Mini Tea Cups Molded from Chocolate…….Yes it was an extravaganza!


I loved seeing the Giant Cheese Cake covered with fondant and cut to look like a wheel of cheese with a wedge out of it. There were marzipan Mice crawling all over it! It was so cute!....I would have added a brand new mouse trap for effect though. LOL


I asked our waiter at dinner if I could eat one of the mice next time they do it and he said, “Of course, EVERYTHING is for eating, even the decorations!” I wonder, is that like going to someone’s house and eating the flower arrangement?


I only took pictures…didn’t eat anything…..Yes, I know, shame on me, Oh! How could you not? So I can not give any description of taste. Maybe they will have another on the next leg of the trip.


As I was taking pictures, I aimed my camera and took a picture of one of the crew and said hello. He smiled and said “Don’t show this to Immigration!” LOL the other crew standing around him laughed also at his joking.


Lunch: In the HC. Chicken Tika dry but good flavor. Mahi Mahi was delicious.


Decided to go to the spa to use the stone loungers……well, this being the last day of the 3 day everyone was there for day use. We went outside to the Lotus Pool and found an empty Jacuzzi. By the time we were done there was a tile lounger available. Lin used the dry sauna in the ladies changing room. Even if you have not paid for the stone loungers and steam rooms in that area you CAN use the dry sauna and shower room in the ladies or men’s area for free.




On our way out we asked the attendant at the desk if they were open tomorrow……Nope, closed until after muster. I’m sure it will be really quiet then. I also asked her about a hair treatment where they massage your head and put a Frangipani Deep Conditioning treatment in your hair………the massage lasts 30 minutes. I asked her if they wash and style after and she said, “No it does not come with a Blow Job”……..yes she really said that. I was very proud of Vince for not making a wise crack! Oh the joys of language translations. LOL


MUTS: Shrek Forever After, Killers, NFL Monday Night Football (Satellite Permitting) and The A Team.


Afternoon Tea: We sat at a table for 4, the company was pleasant, there were violins playing and the staff was dressed formally. The tea was Lipton, they did not offer any other choice, the waiters came over first with trays of sandwiches. The offerings were tuna, salami, turkey, meats and cheeses on a variety of small rolls and breads. The white bread was so dry it was like eating a mouthful of dry crackers, but all the others were very tasty. Only a minute after the sandwiches were on our plate another waiter offered deserts and then someone came with scones.


The couple that was at our table said that the staff had it all in the wrong order and were very annoyed, but did not voice it until we were out of the dining room. The deserts were lovely mini bites of sweet goodness. The service was so rushed and more than one waiter was nearly throwing the food at you. Granted, the time allotted for tea was only 1 hour and they had to ready the dining room for dinner service, it was a bit strange and we felt very rushed. That said, we will try it again to see if it seems to be the standard.


Walked the promenade and got ready for an early dinner. We arrived at 6pm for Anytime Dining and asked for a table for two. There were 2 people ahead of us so we took our pager and listened to beautiful guitar music while we waited. 40 minutes later our pager lit up and we were seated. There were loads of people waiting for tables for two after us. We really like each others company so the wait was not painful at all.


Dinner: We both had the King Crab Legs in garlic butter…..not enough garlic butter and the Surf and Turf of Mignon of Beef Tenderloin and Jumbo Shrimp. Both were tender and full of flavor and delicious. The Crème Brulee was still in a liquid state under the crust and the White Nectarine Ice Cream was just weird with large lumpy ice crystals and I would not be able to identify it as nectarine, just some strange fruit.


You know when your dog cocks it’s head at you as if to say, “HUH?” Well this happened to us at dinner. An 80 year old woman leaving the dining room walked past our table. She was dress in a lovely white sparkly top and was walking with a cane…..(so far so good). The cane was not the problem however, it was the 4 inch SPIKED High Heels that completed her outfit! Don’t you think there is something wrong with this picture?


After dinner we went to see another comedy show by Billy Vader. The patter said “Hilarious Comedy” and they were right. This man was extremely funny, quick, talented with fast paced one liners and improve. He did follow a somewhat scripted act, but his improve had the cruise director in stitches. Unfortunately he is also leaving the ship in LA along with Brett the CD. Brett Siborne is being shipped off to the Island in Vancouver. He is has a great presence and sense of humor and wherever he goes the passengers will be very lucky.


Tomorrow is LA and we have to get off the ship for an hour, and go through customs. We will let you know how it goes. Bye for now.

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how are things going on your trip down to LA? How is the weather?


Weather has been pretty good. Cool, windy, and occasionally rainy on Sunday but very nice today with some wind.


The seas have been mostly moderate but for some reason the Coral seems to handle them better than the Golden for the same size waves. It has been very smooth. We were telling each other today that it felt like we were in the inside passage in Alaska, it has been that smooth.

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Hi guys, I'm really enjoying following along on your cruise. Sure wish we were with you. But, I just checked your ship's current webcam. Brought back some happy memories. You are positioned exactly at the port where we boarded the Golden a few months back. Happy times! Enjoy!


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