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Just off the Dream-Horrible cigar smell from room next door

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Just because it is NOW allowed doesn't mean it will be allowed in the future


Carnival realizes which way the "wind" is blowing..and it is blowing smoke free many places due to more and more restrictions


I see that New York has some tougher new laws coming out

and so many places have tough anti smoking laws and restrictions


NO ...we won't see a "smoke free" ship like Paradise, BUT we can hope and achieve stronger anti smoking rules on ships ...


non smokers are the vast majority...write Carnival..post on John Heald's "blog"..let your thoughts be heard


My guess is that pretty soon we will see more "spa" cabins added to the other ships, less places for smokers


It's simply a "logical" progression


and sad news stories like that of Michael Douglas only reinforce the sad facts


What took you so long to get here? :confused::rolleyes:

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Here are the issues as I see them...


1. Carnival apparently lost money by banning smoking on one ship, so it is very unlikely to ban it on all their ships. (Also, don't forget the casino won't go non-smoking for the same reason.)


2. Some folks complain about folks, from either the previous cruise or an adjoining cabin, smoking in their own cabin.


3. Other folks complain about smokers who avoid smoking in their cabin, but do so on a private balcony.

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What took you so long to get here? :confused::rolleyes:


I am an ex-smoker, and cigarette smoke does bother me. Cigar smoke does even more. However, I have to say I wouldn't mind the neighbor smoking a cigar IF it was only once a day... If they were constantly out there smoking their stogies I would be a little annoyed. HOWEVER... They have the right to smoke away out there... so, although I would be annoyed, I would also have to grin and bear it.

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Thought I read somewhere that one of the cruiselines made the cabins & balconies on one side of the ship non-smoking.



Actually, it's even better than that. Celebrity bans smoking in BOTH cabins and balconies.


It's a pity Carnival still allows smoking in the cabins. There are times walking down the hallways that they reek of smoke.

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Mark MY words...I never said that smoking would totally "go away"


In fact I have clearly said that I don't think we will see a totally non smoking Paradise type ship anytime soon (next ten years)


but I do forsee more restrictions


"Carnival loves smokers">> what gave you that idea?? They have already made the California based Splendor the most restrictive ship in the fleet..and IMHO the Spendor rules will probably spread through the fleet


you can see with the Dream and Magic : no cigar bar...spa cabins/decks that are non smoking


I predict that in the recent future we will see more Splendor type restrictions...then we will see a ban on smoking in cabins and balconies


I think we will end up more like Celebrity or whatever....with a few designated areas in and out for smokers to indulge their habit

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Everyone hold on.....


let's not turn this into a smoking thread that gets closed....


the OP was not talking about just cigarette smoke....they specifically said

cigar...which I do not believe is as big a problem in the cabins....


Btw, I think EVERY ship should have a cigar bar with the soft leather chairs and dark oak walls....but to be fair, it should be "sealed".

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Carnival really allows smoking in their cabins? Coming from someone who smokes at least a half a pack a day, that is gross! I smoked on my balcony on my first cruise, and I really don't see how the smoke could've bothered many people as there were constant winds diffusing the smoke. That is, it's not like you were forced to sit next to someone who smokes. I guess perhaps when we were docked the smoke could've bothered people, but still there was a constant breeze.

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Mark MY words...I never said that smoking would totally "go away"




"Carnival loves smokers">> what gave you that idea?? They have already made the California based Splendor the most restrictive ship in the fleet..and IMHO the Spendor rules will probably spread through the fleet


I predict that in the recent future we will see more Splendor type restrictions...then we will see a ban on smoking in cabins and balconies


I think we will end up more like Celebrity or whatever....with a few designated areas in and out for smokers to indulge their habit


I was wondering what took you so long to get here.


Remember that Carnivals senior CD is a big fan of cigars. I would bet many of the beards at Carnival are too.

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Mark MY words...I never said that smoking would totally "go away"


In fact I have clearly said that I don't think we will see a totally non smoking Paradise type ship anytime soon (next ten years)


but I do forsee more restrictions


"Carnival loves smokers">> what gave you that idea?? They have already made the California based Splendor the most restrictive ship in the fleet..and IMHO the Spendor rules will probably spread through the fleet


you can see with the Dream and Magic : no cigar bar...spa cabins/decks that are non smoking


I predict that in the recent future we will see more Splendor type restrictions...then we will see a ban on smoking in cabins and balconies


I think we will end up more like Celebrity or whatever....with a few designated areas in and out for smokers to indulge their habit


More of your non stop end smoking crusade.


My pleasure, my choice.


I adhere to ANY AND ALL smoking rules imposed by Carnival and right now smoking IS allowed in cabins and balconies. As long as it is, I will enjoy a cigarette or cigar there. When it isn't, I will find somewhere else to enjoy it.


You can bang your non smoking crusade drum as loud as you want with your HEAR ME KNOW BELIEVE ME LATER verbiage, Carnival allows it, you don't like it, deal with it. Write JH all you want, smokers should do the same and bombard his blog with "Let us smoke" messages every single day - remember to put "JOHN PLEASE REPLY" as they seem to be the one's he looks at and replies to.


To the OP, this is still within the acceptable rules as laid out in your cruise contract, you had the unfortunate luck of the draw as a non smoker to have a cabin beside a cigar smoker. Your alternative, now as present cruise rules exist, is to book a cruise on RCCL / Celebrity where cabin smoking is not permitted.

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How in the world did we all survive days gone by when nearly EVERYONE smoked, and smoked nearly EVERYWHERE... hosptial rooms, grocery stores, stadiums, hotels, business offices, you name it. I know that's not the way of the world any longer, but smoking is allowed in cabins & balconies on most Carnival ships, so I guess we all just need to suck it up (pardon the pun) & deal with it. :D


Don't you know. Everyone died. They all got cancer. Just ask the non smokers.


By the way OP I wouldn't have liked the cigar smell either.

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I am sure there are many more non smokers than smokers


and we can be heard


It may be allowed now but hopefully in the future they will place more restrictions


cigars stink...phew


Cigars stink? :mad:


Who you trying to kid?


Bet you love em and only do your anti smoking rants for attention.


Mark my words, Cigars are here to stay!!:D

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How in the world did we all survive days gone by when nearly EVERYONE smoked, and smoked nearly EVERYWHERE... hosptial rooms, grocery stores, stadiums, hotels, business offices, you name it. I know that's not the way of the world any longer, but smoking is allowed in cabins & balconies on most Carnival ships, so I guess we all just need to suck it up (pardon the pun) & deal with it. :D


So true. How about the flight to the port! I can't imagine how that would have been back then in a plane, let alone today.


Listen I am an occasional cigar smoker, but I try very hard to be polite and only smoke "good" cigars because there is a HUGE difference.


Now that said I live in a state that for a while now does not allow smoking in public places like bars and restaurants, it is so nice to be able to take a client out for lunch and not smell like I went out to lunch.


I guess there needs to be give and take on both sides.


I have stayed next to a room where the nice lady next door did not realize how strong her perfume was and how much it made us sneeze, but you deal with it.

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Smoking on balconies is the reason I don't cruise more often.


Carnival and Princess need to fix the problem for the 75% of us who don't smoke, who want to enjoy a nice breakfast on our balcony when we wake-up in a new port with a beautiful view.


As they have closed more public spaces on the ship to smoking, you end up with heavy smokers using their balcony as a place to smoke (especially first thing in the morning).


I know Celebrity is smoke free on the balconies... but they have limited itineraries... and trips. So I hope the cruise industry opens more ships to the 75% who don't smoke. Change is a good thing. Why they don't put smoking balconies on one side of the ship for the 25% who smoke...I will never understand? As it is now, the few who smoke are spread all over the ship to ensure the odds of all the non-smokers getting stuck next to a cabin with a balcony smoker as a neighbor. Dumb idea on Carnivals part. We don't blame smokers, we just want to know we can book a 7 day trip and not be stuck next to one for the entire week.

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We had a very nice balcony on the Legend last year, but hardly got to use it because of a gentleman constantly smoking cigars in the balcony room next to us. Even though he was smoking outside, the wind was constantly blowing it back toward our cabin. Shame that I paid extra for a balcony, and didn't get to enjoy it.:(

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We had a very nice balcony on the Legend last year, but hardly got to use it because of a gentleman constantly smoking cigars in the balcony room next to us. Even though he was smoking outside, the wind was constantly blowing it back toward our cabin. Shame that I paid extra for a balcony, and didn't get to enjoy it.:(


Shame you didn't find out what the policy was before paying for the balcony.

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Shame you didn't find out what the policy was before paying for the balcony.


Yep Carnival does a pretty bad job letting the 75% of non-smokers know that paying extra for a balcony does not guarantee, you or your children will be able to enjoy the balcony.


I once had a guy tell me and the kids- "deal with it"



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If the cruise lines think they will be more profitable by banning smoking or alcohol, they will do so. A majority of people don’t smoke however a majority of cruisers could care less about smoking on the boat. If people truly had an issue with smoke, the smoking side of the pool would not be crowded. I do agree the logical progression will tend toward less smoking permitted areas. Following this path of logical progression, food will become healthier and less plentiful on cruise ships. Alcohol will be rationed to prevent drunkenness. Elderly and disabled will not be permitted near the pool for their own safety. Overweight people will have to pay more due to extra fuel needed to transport them and additional calories to maintain their body mass. Elevators will only stop on even number decks to save power and force people to get more exercise. Cruise ships will unionize to stop exploitation of the workers, tripling the price to cruise while driving down quality of service. All rooms will be equal (no windows or balconies) so those with inside cabins are not made to feel bad. There are not enough female captains so cruise ships will have to promote less qualified women to achieve gender equality. Captains are just politically promoted figureheads anyways, it is not like they drive the ship or manage anything. Formal night will be changed to elegant night and eventually done away with so those who cannot afford nice clothes will not feel left out. I know this sounds extreme but some of it is happening in places across the USA.

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It's my understanding that in the Capers, it expressly states that Cigar/Pipe smoking is not permitted inside cabins.


I am a cigar smoker. For those that don't care for the smell... frankly I don't care. But.... I do take care that I don't offend anyone. I would smoke a cigar on my balcony... if I hear someone complaining... I grumble a bit about their lack of cajones to cordially ask me to refrain from smoking while they are out there... and I put it out.


And as far as "new" laws in NYC for smoking... I don't know what "new" laws you could enact. You can't smoke ANYWHERE indoors (aside from a few cigar bars), and the tax on cigarettes is the highest in the nation (to my knowledge).

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It's my understanding that in the Capers, it expressly states that Cigar/Pipe smoking is not permitted inside cabins.


I am a cigar smoker. For those that don't care for the smell... frankly I don't care. But.... I do take care that I don't offend anyone. I would smoke a cigar on my balcony... if I hear someone complaining... I grumble a bit about their lack of cajones to cordially ask me to refrain from smoking while they are out there... and I put it out.


And as far as "new" laws in NYC for smoking... I don't know what "new" laws you could enact. You can't smoke ANYWHERE indoors (aside from a few cigar bars), and the tax on cigarettes is the highest in the nation (to my knowledge).


You are right, it does say Cigar/Pipe smoking is only permitted in certain areas. I expressed this to guest services, but they said sorry but we can't do anything about it.

I did not let this ruin my vacation, it was just annoying. I did not want to say anything to them myself, as they would probably just tell me to go away.

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It's my understanding that in the Capers, it expressly states that Cigar/Pipe smoking is not permitted inside cabins. I am a cigar smoker. For those that don't care for the smell... frankly I don't care. But.... I do take care that I don't offend anyone. I would smoke a cigar on my balcony... if I hear someone complaining... I grumble a bit about their lack of cajones to cordially ask me to refrain from smoking while they are out there... and I put it out.


And as far as "new" laws in NYC for smoking... I don't know what "new" laws you could enact. You can't smoke ANYWHERE indoors (aside from a few cigar bars), and the tax on cigarettes is the highest in the nation (to my knowledge).



You are correct.


I just asked Mary to double check with Corporate and this was Corporate's response.



"in regards to Cigars and Pipes


Smoking is not permitted in staterooms but is permitted in a designated lounge and/or outdoor area designated in the Ship’s Fun Times.


Have a great night and thank you for the feedback."


Mary R. Online Community Specialist Carnival Cruise Lines Staff

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You are correct.


I just asked Mary to double check with Corporate and this was Corporate's response.



"in regards to Cigars and Pipes


Smoking is not permitted in staterooms but is permitted in a designated lounge and/or outdoor area designated in the Ship’s Fun Times.


Have a great night and thank you for the feedback."


Mary R. Online Community Specialist Carnival Cruise Lines Staff


That is bogus info! Totally untrue. Cigars are smoked on every balcony or room I have stayed in on Carnival. Only 14 times, guess they forgot to tell me.

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