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Carnival Spirit Vancouver to Hawaii Semi Real Time Review


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Thank you for the quick tutorial of photo posting. I appreciate it.

I an not so sure I am going to waste any more time doing this.

Only 2 people have been nice enough to respond. I guess most people would rather ask really stupid questions and figure out how to stiff the poor staff.


I will upload my last missive.

For those of you nice enough to respond. Thank you. I appreciate your kind comments.


Awesome Review :) I am loving it!

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I have completely enjoyed your postings. I have been on 3 cruises in hawaii but all started and ended in Honolulu. I have been lookly lately at the itineries that have a few more sea days. You have really been a big help toward making that decision - Thanks!!

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Boring!?!? Are you kidding, you are so funny! :) like I said before, I've read every word! I would love some advice about the Spirit, and what were your favorite spots on her? I will be on her for Thanksgiving with the whole family and then in January with just my hubby for our 10 year anniversary, I can't wait!!! Please give me some advice! :)


Hi....I can assure you that you will have a great trip! As to my favorite spots. I seemed to find myself on the Fan Tail for Sail Away. There is always some live music and one can either sit in the sun or the shade. It is always a good view as the ship sails off into the proverbial sunset. I also found that the Atruim Lobby Bar was a nice spot for a before dinner martini. Sometimes I would take my martini back to the sushi bar and have a small pre dinner snack.


For Arrivals there is an above the Bridge (Cockpit or is it Float Deck) viewing area located all the forward on the Lido Deck. Great views just like the crew on the bridge has! I would practice all my nautical commands like: positive rate gear up, L Nav, V nav Flaps 5, Climb power, Checklist...oh wait wrong sort of vehicle...like All Ahead Full damn the Torpedos.


I will work on the rest of my narrative later today and hopefully get it all posted.

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Maui - Day 2


The ship overnighted in Maui, so we arose on day 2 to face another fun filled day in this Paradise Island.

I used to travel here fairly often back in 'my other life'. I would see the Iao Valley from my outside my cockpit windows when we would taxi out for take off and I have always wanted to visit there. So we simply booked a tour to visit the Iao Valley and a Plantation.


Iao Valley by capndinghy, on Flickr

So after my usual buffet breakfast on the Lido, Pat and I (and 54 other folks) headed out for our tour bus. This morning we all got a great introduction to Tropical Weather. The side of the ship I had breakfast on overlooked the island; so I enjoyed an view of nice sunny skies with a few clouds. Unfortunatley I (dumbly) didn't bother to look out the other side of the ship. (In my own defense, it is a quite a hike over to the other side of the ship) Alas rain was moving in from the seaward side. I could tell the folks who were smart enough to look out of their window, because they all had umbrellas.


So off we all went to our first stop the “plantation” for the Plantation Tour!


It was raining..not cats and dogs..more like wet noodles. The Plantation tour consisted of a train trip (think Key West Conch Sorta Train) around the grounds, which started out miserabley because I was getting wet. (Remember the smart folks? They all had umbrellas) But, after about 5 minutes the God of keep Cap (and other drunks) dry and happy came along. The rain stopped and the sun started peeking out behind the clouds. So, this train full of tourists took us around the Plantation and it was kinda fun. They had all the different fauna and flora including coffee. They also seemed to have a pretty good smattering of every tropical plant, flower, fruit, vegetable, and coconut that has grown in, or will ever grow in, the pacific rim.


Pat on Rainy Train by capndinghy, on Flickr

It was our lucky tour because the coffee trees were due for harvest and were full of Coffee Beans. (remember they get $32 a lb for this at the Kona Coffee place!!).

Insert photo of Coffee at plantation


Coffee Trees with beans by capndinghy, on Flickr


After enjoying the color ful flowers and stuff at the Plantation I realized that I am indeed becoming old. I actually enjoyed it! I guess my sky diving, para sailing, and bungee jumping days are over.

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Begin part2

I am really glad we got a chance to visit the Ioa Valley and Needle, it was one of those “some day I am going to this”....sort of thing that actually happened.


Iao Valley Needle by capndinghy, on Flickr


After returning to the ship I decided to work on 'yesterday's missive. (Yes, I know I am falling way behind...damned good thing I am not getting paid for this). My dear wife Pat called for me to hurry out on the balcony and she said “bring your stupid camera” (I am sort of a photophile)! Off in the distance was an American 767 on short Final approach landing at the Kahalui (OGG) Airport. I looked at my watch and realized this was the same flight I used to fly from DFW to Maui. What a De Ju Va feeling. I started clicking away with my trusty Canon Rebel Camera. I kind of laughed because here I was sort of wishing I was at the controls, then realizing had I been I would have seen our Ship and wished I was onboard. So thats sort of a Win/ Win I guess.

Insert photo of 767 landing at ogg


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We arrived home last night from Honolulu so I am now posting and writing the 'rest of the review'. I hope you enjoy!

Maui Day 2--

Note to reader...somehow in my great computer literacy I managed to lose the whole first portion of Day 2. No, not due to old age, it was due to sheer idiocy. I erased it off this compter. So...Here is the condensed version.



Then (all 52 of us) loaded back into the bus and off to Iao Valley we went. This Valley is famous for some battle, were one guy's cannibals, killed all the other guy's cannibals (I bet the winning team had one hell of a feast) and he became King. It really is a beautiful place and was of course in the clouds. (I have decided this must be the 2nd most rainy place in the islands). But it was just great with, Waterfalls, really big trees, and steep mountains with rocky picturesue peaks everywhere.

Begin part2

I am really glad we got a chance to visit the Ioa Valley and Needle, it was one of those “some day I am going to this”....sort of thing that actually happened.


Iao Valley Needle by capndinghy, on Flickr


After returning to the ship I decided to work on 'yesterday's missive. (Yes, I know I am falling way behind...damned good thing I am not getting paid for this). My dear wife Pat called for me to hurry out on the balcony and she said “bring your stupid camera” (I am sort of a photophile)! Off in the distance was an American 767 on short Final approach landing at the Kahalui (OGG) Airport. I looked at my watch and realized this was the same flight I used to fly from DFW to Maui. What a De Ju Va feeling. I started clicking away with my trusty Canon Rebel Camera. I kind of laughed because here I was sort of wishing I was at the controls, then realizing had I been I would have seen our Ship and wished I was onboard. So thats sort of a Win/ Win I guess.

Insert photo of 767 landing at ogg


AAL 767/300 on Final PHOG bbcapndinghy, on Flickr


Before I realized it....it was time to (yup) head up to the Fan Tail for the Sail Away. So with Music playing we sadly sailed out of the Kahaului Harbor on this Last Night at Sea on our Cruise; with Maui in the rearview mirror.

Insert Maui sailaway


IMG_2361 by capndinghy, on Flickr

Sadly we waved farewell to Maui and saluted it with a Gin and Tonic.

<a href=" Maui Sail Away" title="Maui Sail Away by capndinghy, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4109/5028109175_cc1c249559.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="Maui Sail Away" /></a>


I just happened to glance out side and the moonrise was just beautiful. Being the Wannabe “Photophile” photographer that I am, I clicked away at various shutter speeds and fstops ( and all the technical stuff) and finally got one cool photo.

Photo of Moon rising of Maui


Moonrise over Maui by capndinghy, on Flickr


After a nice dinner I cashed out my Casino Winnings (about $326.82) so I would not be tempted to give it all back, and headed off to bed. Unfortunatley I must report that Pat has kept quite quiet about her (if any) Casino payouts. This tells me one thing for sure...there was NO JACKPOT in her endeavors. But she enjoyed it.


I will tell you that I do realize all the money ($$$) I so generously fronted her most likely went towards the purchase of the Casino Manager's new Mercedes Benz.

Insert photo of pat at slot machine5028727016_145c090236.jpg

Pat at Slot Machine by capndinghy, on Flickr


And so sadly ended our last night at sea on our seaborne sojourn. Tomorrow we would arrive in Honolulu, where we would spend the next day and night before disembarking on Sunday.


End of today's missive..........stay tuned

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Honolulu Day 1


I awakened on the last morning at sea to see Diamond Head Mountain out of our window. I watched Waikiki slide past as I enjoyed my morning coffee out on the Veranda on this last morning at sea. We were scheduled to dock in Honolulu Harbor at 8AM, spend that night on board, then disembark the following morning thus ending out 12 day sea voyage.

(insert photo of diamond head)


Sunrise over Diamond Head by capndinghy, on Flickr


We had decided to book a tour to Pearl Harbor and the Arizona Memorial since no trip to Honolulu is complete with making this important visit. So bright and early we (once again along with 52 others) boarded a bus for a city tour and Pearl Harbor Visit.


The city tour included a stop at some famous Hawaiaan Queen's Fancy House downtown and a quick photo op at her stature. That completed, we continued on to the Punchbowl.

(insert photo of statue)



Statue of Some Important Queen by capndinghy, on Flickr


The Punch bowl is a WW2 Cemetery where thousands of the war dead, including Ernie Pyle the famous war correspondent killed on Guadacanal (I think) are buried. It is a beautiful and somber place located in the crater of a long extinct volcano, hence it's name. Boy scouts were out placing flags on the graves under the morning sky. Sadly we were not allowed to get off the bus. Apparently some tour groups in the past somehow have disecreted the graves so bus groups are forbidden to walk those hallowed grounds. It is an impressive and very beautiful place.

(insert photo of punch bowl)


Punch Bowl Cemetery by capndinghy, on Flickr


We then continued on to Peal Harbor. As I said earlier, everone needs to visit this place that was of the “Day that will live in Infamy”

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Unfortunatley they are in the process of building a new museum there. So a lot of the really neat relics are not on display. Stuff like the bombs, torpedos, mini subs, models of the fleet and battleships as they were anchored on that sad day cannot be viewed. However it will really be impressive when the new museum is finished. (Looks to me like they just broke ground on the contruction).


I recall from my first visit to the memorial several years ago there were a large number of Japanese Tourists visiting the museum “where it all started”. I did notice however, there were very few of them visiting the Battleship Missouri “where it all ended”.

Insert photo of Pearl Harbor


IMG_2468 by capndinghy, on Flickr


Also located there is the memorial to all of the Submarines lost during World War 2. There are Two Large conencintric circles, one inner, one outer, of Large Headstones bearing the names of the Submarines, their Captain and Crew and a short history of each ones last mission. It is quite somber because there are so many of them, each one in remembrance of a Sub that did not return from patrol. There is also a Submarine on display was well as a Conning Tower and Periscopes so one can look through and pretend to be a Sub Commander sinking enemy vessels.

Insert photo fo Submarine Memorial


IMG_2444 by capndinghy, on Flickr


The 'tender' to the Arizona Memorial runs every 15 minutes, which gives one about 15 minutes to visit the actual memorial located at the Battleship. There is still oil slowly leaking out and making its way to the surface; a reminder of the grim and revered remains below. There is a wall with the names of the sailors entombed inside the Arizona. I noticed everyone seemed to be reflecting on war, and what a sad (but sometimes necessary) waste it is.

Insert photos of the Arizona memorial

This is part of the actual Battleship


IMG_2466 by capndinghy, on Flickr



IMG_2486 by capndinghy, on Flickr

The Battleship Arizona (and Pearl Harbor) Memorial is maintained by the U.S. Parks Dept. since it is a US Landmark. Literally thousands of people visit this site each day and I must say it is quite impressive. They do a great job handling all of the people that visit. The management must have visited Disney Land to learn how to manage large numbers of people. Should any of you find yourselves in Honolulu you will feel good that you paid your respects to those who have fallen for us. I did see more than one tear and there were some WW2 Vets in attendance which made it even more poignant when one realizes these “kids” who came to arms are almost gone.


IMG_2486 by capndinghy, on Flickr

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It is my dream to one day (hopefully next year) spend some time in Hawaii! I just discovered this review today or I would've posted a comment sooner. Adding the pics makes it even better!


I, too, am "retired" airline. I was a flight attendant for NWA (now Delta) for nearly 18 years. I would not fall into the category of F/As you spoke of with your former employer. I did enjoy my job, but as time passed, seniority came to mean less and less with layoffs and such and I couldn't get the days off I wanted any more; as a matter of fact, the last year I flew, I worked EVERY holiday known to man! I got a better offer and thought about it for all of one day, and said Adios! to the not-so-friendly-anymore skies! :-) The only thing I really miss is seeing the different places I sometimes got the chance to see and the downtime that is non-existent in my life now.


Anyway, sorry for the hijack...(hijack, that's funny in this context).....just wanted to share my common past with you. Again, love your review and can't wait to see more!

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Thanks for the nice comment. I should have put a 'holdharmless' clause in there regarding flight attendants. I was only talking about that ONE that we have all worked with. LOL...

I was probably known as the skinny little jerk ego big headed +++hole up front to my fellow co workers :) LOL.

I am glad you have enjoyed my (opinionated) review :)

We are all brothers and sisters in arms in an ever shrinking industry.


Chuck aka cap (and now you know where the 'dingy' part comes from :)




IMG_2438 by capndinghy, on Flickr

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egin new post to Cruise Critic Here

After returning to our ship, which had now become a hotel instead of our floating luxurious transport, I noticed that myself and most of my fellow passengers were suffering from the “last night blues”, an affliction that strikes the evening before disembarking. (Getting thrown off the boat).


Like they say time flies when you are having fun.


The “Last Supper” was a somber but jolley affair. One couple would be staying on the ship and continueing on to San Diegoe. We of course were very jealous of that and razzed them. They are a lovely couple from South Carolina, he just retired (with sadly some pretty serious medical problems) from the Nuclear Power Industry..ie he was the guy that wore the suit in the “hot room”. I do hope he recovers. Our other table mates were a lovely couple from New York City and kept us happily entertained every evening at dinner. She works at one of the Big Post offices in New York and my respect for Postal Executives has skyrocketed after having met her. I hope to convince them to join us on future cruises.

Insert photo of dinner table on cruise


IMG_3772 by capndinghy, on Flickr


IMG_3770 by capndinghy, on Flickr


So we returned to our Ocean View Suite for our last evening aboard. The last cruise night is a busy one because on has to Pack all of the Stuff + Other Stuff picked up along the way. One of the best “perks” about being a (Nose in the air) Platinum (Snob) is prioritiy disembarking. In other words they give you a baggage tag that has the “Coveted” number 1 on it. So with (coveted #1) tags in place, we set our two Giant Steamer Trunk Suitcases (Wal Mart $50 I think, and well worth it) out side of our door and retired for the evening.


As an aside...as I write this missive I am in row 13 onboard an American Airlines MD80. ( I gotta tell you my left seat in this thing was much more comfy, but then I didn't get to enjoy this Gin and Tonic) It is fun looking down and realizing I really do know where we are. So I guess I did not spend those 40+years asleep at the helm.


Disembarking at Honolulu


We awakened, looked out of the window and found that, yes, we were still docked and not at sea. The day we all 2822 of us had dreaded had arrived, for it was time to leave.


I had decided to spend a couple of days in Honolulu before heading home. I thought what the hell we are already here so why not stay and visit.

Having never used Priceline.com, I was happily surprised when I found that my $150 a night bid had won us lodging at the Hyatt Regency Waikiki Resort.


I must admit it is really nice having the priorty disembarking. Since we did not have a flight to catch we sort of took our time leaving and had a nice breakfast. Here is some secret info...when you are Platinum Silver VIP really important snob (nose in the air) sort of important person. they have you sneak down to one of their (secret) rooms and then lead you off the ship first while everyone else is waiting their turn. We didnt need that...so when we decided to leave we simple walked down the gangway, while all the other folks were patiently awating their number to be called. Our luggage was waiting on us and since there was no Customs to Clear (remember we pre cleared in Vancouver)...off we went.


As I exited our Cabin for the last time I grabbed our last piece of Mail destined to our Cabin. It was my Sign and Sail statement! I now know I must have had a wonderful time because of all the charges on it.



We found a Cab and $20 + $5tip later were arriving at the Hyatt Regency Resort Hotel. It was still only 9 AM. Lady luck, my good karma, a good horoscope, and really nice Desk Clerk from Guayaquil, Ecuador came into play and we were able to check in early. In other words we got our room at 9AM rather than 3PM regular check in time. And so ended our leaving the Spirit in Honolulu.


I think this cruise was exactly what we expected. We absolutely loved it.

One thing I did learn...one does not need the Ocean View Suite. I pretty much waisted $1200. ($2500 full price). Considering the cost versus what you get it just doesn't make sense to me. If one is traveling with kids etc, then it would make sense because of the extra room. And the Big Balcony is nice..but..not 'that' nice. I sort of decided it was like paying $100 per shower in that fancy jacuzzi bath tub.


I do hope you all have enjoyed my meanderings here and there with this review. Let me know if you would like a short recap of our few days in Honolulu!


On our last night in Honolulu we were having Drinks at Dukes on Waikiki Beach and look what we saw! It was our ship the Carnival Spirit sailing out of Honolulu, resuming her voyage to San Diego.

Insert photo of spirit leaving honolulu


IMG_3810 by capndinghy, on Flickr

We waved goodbye

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Thanks for finishing the review....I've been waiting for the last bit for days.:p


Sorry to hear that Pat never hit the jackpot...maybe next time!


I love the picture of sunrise over Diamond Head Mountain.


Once again thanks for the great review. We will be joining the Spirit on 27th October and can't wait.


Kim :)

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Thanks for finishing the review....I've been waiting for the last bit for days.:p


Sorry to hear that Pat never hit the jackpot...maybe next time!


I love the picture of sunrise over Diamond Head Mountain.


Once again thanks for the great review. We will be joining the Spirit on 27th October and can't wait.


Kim :)


Hi Kim,

I am happy to hear that you enjoyed the review. Thanks for the kind comments. Have a great voyage!

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Hi Cap'n, I so enjoyed your wonderful post and daily reviews. I was on the Spirit in 2006 for the final Glacier Bay cruise. It was absolutely fantastic. I have enjoyed Hawaii; but, never on a cruise ship. That would be the ultimate cruise.


The couple that you have the photo of from SC look very familiar to me. By chance are they from the Greenville Area.


Thanks so much for the wonderful cruise that you allowed us to join in on.;)

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Good review.


I do have a quick question. Which cabin were you in? My wife and I have been spoiled by those aft wrap cabins and those are all we book at this point.


Hello Fazzdaan:

We were in cabin 6183, an Ocean Vista Suite It was located slightly "forward" one deck up from the life boats. I think the Ocean Vista may be a bit smaller than the wraparound suites. I must say however, as nice as the suite was, I will go back to our normal Standard Balcony in the Future.

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"The couple that you have the photo of from SC look very familiar to me. By chance are they from the Greenville Area."


Hi Gnvgolflady:

Thank you for the nice comments. As a matter of fact I do believe they are from that area. They stayed on board for the Honolulu to San Diego Cruise, so even as we speak they are 'happily floating along".

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Hi Capn,


It was my mistake in reading it. The Ocean View is different than the Vista Suite (VS), which are the aft wraps. On your deck those would have been 6260 & 6329. Those aft wraps are wonderful on decks 4,6,7 & 8. Deck 5's aft wraps are different and more like one big room as opposed to the other ones.

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