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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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Hi gals,


Quick post here--I have to get to Pilates :)


I found, tried on and took pictures of Chico's "pollen" and "honeydew" with my color cards.


I took some pics of myself in EARTH colors and some in hideous fitting but possibly a good color combo top and dress.


I'll post late tonight.

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OK! What were the color names? Did you go for purpleberry, honeydew, cyan, chocolate and/or chocolate chip? What was the color name of the ivory? Also, there was a brown that CC won't allow the spelling because the first three letters are "shi" and the last four letters are "take", so put the first three letters together with the first letter of the last four letters, and CC will asterisk out the name because of that combination. But, it's also the name of a mushroom....


When you get that box... you HAVE TO post a picture of you in the green. It will be Green Color Party Part Deux!


I hope it fits too. Chico's is right down the street for me, so anytime you want a color opinion just let me know.

Purpleberry, cadmium red, choc chip, cyan, honeydew and antique ivory. I was having trouble with my online account so I called and the gal was so sweet. She kept commenting on everything I ordered. It was fun. I was only able to get one honeydew in my size, everything else were tiny sizes!:( So we'll see. Guess I need to diet a little more in hopes that everything fits! LOL[

To me Pollen looks similar to honeybee at CC. Honeybee I do have and will let you all judge when we do yellows.

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Hi gals,


Quick post here--I have to get to Pilates :)


I found, tried on and took pictures of Chico's "pollen" and "honeydew" with my color cards.


I took some pics of myself in EARTH colors and some in hideous fitting but possibly a good color combo top and dress.


I'll post late tonight.

Can't wait to see your results!

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I hate to do this, but I need to send these back if I'm not going to keep them, and I have to do it tomorrow. This is a brown suede jacket and a brown, rust, gray tweed jacket from CC. I thought the suede was a good choice, but now I'm beginning to question everything until I get this clear, bright stuff down.

I'm really questioning the plaid ~I just discovered as I was taking the photos that there are tiny silver threads running through it. It has shades of brown, gray, rust and cream. Hope you can tell from the photo.

Any ideas????

With flash2hqsbrn.jpgWithout flash21l5veo.jpg

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I hate to do this to you... but, can you post a picture WEARING the jackets in question? I tell you: the with flash/without flash is just puzzling to me. The picture without flash I would say.. no question about it... my monitor is picking up cool tones. The with flash... :confused: .. it seems to have removed quite a bit of the blue undertone from the suede jacket as well as the tweed.


It's really, really difficult to get a good bright tweed... that I kinda sorta know. Given that the jacket is shot through with silver thread, if I were in Las Vegas I would place money down on that jacket having a cool temperature.


Anita has very busy Tuesdays. She's a Zumba instructor with only 2 classes on Tuesday/Thursday UNTIL next week when she will have 3 classes on Tuesday/Thursdays. So, if you want a real educated opinion, the best thing to do is to post a picture of yourself wearing these items... posthaste... and let her look at them when she gets home tonight or tomorrow morning. She has a really good eye and could probably help a lot better than I can. I have trouble with some of these picture decisions! :p I just can't "see" as well on my computer....

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This is so hard in a pdf format. Can't pull the colors in and do any kind of looking that helps me with decisions. Would you be willing to send the pictures (.jpg) file formats to me... and then I could post them for you? I don't mind... until you get your internet up and running.


I set up an email account, which is PamMember123 at gmail.com


Whatever you want to do....:D .... I think several of those tops are on a borderline for me. It might be a situation where we HAVE to see YOU in them in order to tell....

How sweet can you possibly be???? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so very much. I have emailed you. --Debbie

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OK, here are some pictures. Not the best lighting but, the best I could do.


Also, why does it take me over an hour to upload and collage these pictures? Does it take you guys that long? What am I doing wrong that makes it so slow?









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Here it is, but I think I'm sending it back. That sucker is HOT!!!! And I'm not talkin colorwise!!! I was sweating in it just to take 4 pics to get a good one. 30nhvkm.jpg


Linda, I think it is EARTH:( It doesn't look bright at all to me. I'm excited to hear all about your Chico's purchase. Please post pictures!

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Just the beginning. Debbie let me know how many pictures you have to send to me so I'll know how big the collage should be. This is just a test, but I think this method will be much, much better... until you get your internet connection established at home!


I think these are pictures that can be viewed and have opinions expressed. Ladies, let's hold off until Debbie sends me everything that she wants us to view.


Yeah! We're getting this color party started! :D

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Linda, I think it is EARTH:( It doesn't look bright at all to me. I'm excited to hear all about your Chico's purchase. Please post pictures!


I can't venture a guess about this jacket. I don't think it would look FAB on Anita, at all. Maybe it's AIR? Maybe it's just one of those fabrics that isn't really going to do anybody any favors. But, Linda, I agree with Kim... I would send it back.


What about the suede Jacket? Have you decided on that one or are you going to post a picture?

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Just the beginning. Debbie let me know how many pictures you have to send to me so I'll know how big the collage should be. This is just a test, but I think this method will be much, much better... until you get your internet connection established at home!

I've sent the green color party collage and 11 more in addition to the four already posted. I've told Pam that she doesnt need to post them....all.

I think these are pictures that can be viewed and have opinions expressed. Ladies, let's hold off until Debbie sends me everything that she wants us to view.Wow. They really look big when it's my mugshot.


Yeah! We're getting this color party started! :D

Again, thanks for taking one for the team, Pam. Did I mention there's really no need to post all 15 heads shots if you don't think it's necessary? Really. --Debbie
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How is everyone viewing the pictures to make their decision? I know Pam mentioned the Paint program and that Anita uses a different program. I've mentioned this so many times that I'm sure everyone is sick of hearing it, but I'm viewing the pictures on my phone and typing replies on my desktop. I've been looking at the pictures as they appear on the screen in the cruisecritic thread. Is there another way to view them so that I can see them in more detail? I'm grasping at straws here, Ladies, and sure that you are sick of hearing this too, but I....can't....figure....this....out. I'm not usually this dense about things, I promise ;-)




Again, thanks for taking one for the team, Pam. Did I mention there's really no need to post all 15 heads shots if you don't think it's necessary? Really. --Debbie


Debbie, I posted the first photos that are going to make up your color party collage in that particular size because I wanted to use them to also answer your previous question.


I don't really know how you could possibly view the tiny pictures that are posted here on the thread using only your phone and get enough detail that you could see skin tone and subtle differences. I think you could probably see very glaring wardrobe malfunctions, but I don't think you could evaluate in a priority order of best to good. Well, let's put it this way... I couldn't.


Maybe it's a function of vision. Seeing in a very literal sense. For me to be able to see, I simply have to have the pictures bigger. So what I do is download them to my computer and then open them in the Paint program and just resize them so I can see more detail. By the time that they are the size that I posted, I can usually see enough that I feel like I can make an educated decision about what is going on with the picture.


Anita has the knowledge to do a bit more manipulating of pictures. So that is why she is capable of posting some of those "enlightening" pictures where she changes the contrast, or changes the white balance, and alters the picture in such a way that she gets more information. I'm not that sophisticated.


When I only have a few pictures to post (kind of like Kim did with her recent shopping trip), I just gulp hard and post them in a big enough format that detail can be seen. For a larger grouping of pictures, like your green color party collage that is coming soon, then the pictures will necessarily be smaller in order to get them onto the screen. Everyone has to be on their own, after that, in order to make any decisions. As an aside, that is why sometimes people ask for a retake of a picture. Sometimes it's because the picture lighting is problematic and sometimes it's because the posted picture is just too small and can't be manipulated to see enough to make a decision.


OK. I have a busy day ahead of me. Several appointments. But I promise to get Debbie's green color party collage posted today so we can start giving her some valuable input. By the time that we finish with these pictures, I'm sure that Linda will have her Chico's order. Then, we can see her in Honeydew! And then we can move on to.... what, Kim?... are we doing accessories for green or are we moving on to another color? Anita is the only one that has finished her green color party and done accessories! I'm having some issues with accessories.... DH bought me some beauitful emerald earrings and a bracelet... and I have an emerald necklace. But, you know, those jewels aren't the same as really having FUN with accessories. They are beautiful and I love wearing them on formal nights on the cruise... but I don't think that I could feel comfortable wearing them casually. So, I don't really have any green accessories... some gold... but since gold goes with everything, I don't see the point of accessorizing with gold, do you? Or would you think that wearing jewels more often is something that we should consider as a lifestyle change?... maybe. Although I don't even go out to dinner/lunch as much as I used to! That was a ramble, so off I go.... the question is: do I need MORE or LESS coffee before I begin to post?!? LOL.

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I can't venture a guess about this jacket. I don't think it would look FAB on Anita, at all. Maybe it's AIR? Maybe it's just one of those fabrics that isn't really going to do anybody any favors. But, Linda, I agree with Kim... I would send it back.


What about the suede Jacket? Have you decided on that one or are you going to post a picture?


Jacket was sent back. I have to keep the suede as I already wore it and did recieve compliments of "How great you look. Those are your colors" I think it will work will all colors. Waiting for my "box" to get here to see. Will post pics then.

Kim- looks like you had way to much fun!!!! Did you buy anything? Thanks for posting pics!!!

Debbie- Are there more photos coming? Whoops- posted as same time as Pam and got my answer. :)

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Debbie, I posted the first photos that are going to make up your color party collage in that particular size because I wanted to use them to also answer your previous question.


I don't really know how you could possibly view the tiny pictures that are posted here on the thread using only your phone and get enough detail that you could see skin tone and subtle differences. I think you could probably see very glaring wardrobe malfunctions, but I don't think you could evaluate in a priority order of best to good. Well, let's put it this way... I couldn't.


Maybe it's a function of vision. Seeing in a very literal sense. For me to be able to see, I simply have to have the pictures bigger. So what I do is download them to my computer and then open them in the Paint program and just resize them so I can see more detail. By the time that they are the size that I posted, I can usually see enough that I feel like I can make an educated decision about what is going on with the picture.


Anita has the knowledge to do a bit more manipulating of pictures. So that is why she is capable of posting some of those "enlightening" pictures where she changes the contrast, or changes the white balance, and alters the picture in such a way that she gets more information. I'm not that sophisticated.


When I only have a few pictures to post (kind of like Kim did with her recent shopping trip), I just gulp hard and post them in a big enough format that detail can be seen. For a larger grouping of pictures, like your green color party collage that is coming soon, then the pictures will necessarily be smaller in order to get them onto the screen. Everyone has to be on their own, after that, in order to make any decisions. As an aside, that is why sometimes people ask for a retake of a picture. Sometimes it's because the picture lighting is problematic and sometimes it's because the posted picture is just too small and can't be manipulated to see enough to make a decision.


OK. I have a busy day ahead of me. Several appointments. But I promise to get Debbie's green color party collage posted today so we can start giving her some valuable input. By the time that we finish with these pictures, I'm sure that Linda will have her Chico's order. Then, we can see her in Honeydew! And then we can move on to.... what, Kim?... are we doing accessories for green or are we moving on to another color? Anita is the only one that has finished her green color party and done accessories! I'm having some issues with accessories.... DH bought me some beauitful emerald earrings and a bracelet... and I have an emerald necklace. But, you know, those jewels aren't the same as really having FUN with accessories. They are beautiful and I love wearing them on formal nights on the cruise... but I don't think that I could feel comfortable wearing them casually. So, I don't really have any green accessories... some gold... but since gold goes with everything, I don't see the point of accessorizing with gold, do you? Or would you think that wearing jewels more often is something that we should consider as a lifestyle change?... maybe. Although I don't even go out to dinner/lunch as much as I used to! That was a ramble, so off I go.... the question is: do I need MORE or LESS coffee before I begin to post?!? LOL.


Pam, I feel so much better after your explanation. You are so right, I looked and looked at everyone's pictures and could talk myself into or out of believing anything was possible about every single shot. It was hard to see anything to make a decision about. So, there may be hope for me yet. LOL At least that's my story for now. We'll see how well this turns out as we move along.


The best thing that has happened to me (other than Pam bailing me out of the internet jam) is that really scrutinizing my greens has caused me to divide them up in what I think are the four different seasons. I really don't think I have any AIR greens. Nearly all my tops are either light vivid colors or dark vivid colors. They may not show that way in the pictures, but some of them are nearly neon.


Of course, I want to know my FIRE options, but my next biggest question will be: if they aren't FIRE why are they EARTH or ICE? I have posted a few that I think are exactly right, my questionable items and repesentations of multiples. In other words, if one of the tops I posted isn't right, I know which ones to delete out of my wardrobe that I didn't post. That will be progress and I'm tickled to death to be making any kind of progress.


This is also showing me that I have....way....too....many....clothes. If I have three or four that are keepers, I'll be ecstastic! I keep saying that I'm going to pare down my closet, and although some of them are too large for me to wear any more, it's embarrassing to think I have this many green tops whether they fit or not. :o


Pam, emeralds? Really? I mean, really? I'd wear those every chance I could manufacture a reason to wear them. Well, it depends upon how fancy the settings are, I guess. I see what you mean. But I bet they look GORGEOUS with your hair and coloring. Hmmmm, I see a Christmas hint for DH. He always says he never knows what to get me for Christmas so maybe I'll take pity on him and give him a hint this year. LOL


The costume jewelry I have to wear with green is mostly EARTH colors, so I'll need to take a trip to Kohl's after we've picked my #1 green. I can see the back corner of the building from my office, so I'll spend my lunch hour wandering the store with my possible purchases around my neck and holding the earrings up to my face. I'll be thinking of you, Anita!



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Please, Debbie, if anything needs to be changed on the collage of your green color party... let me know. I hope the pictures are a good size. If anyone needs to have the collage enlarged... maybe I should do a 3 side-by-side instead of a 4 side-by-side?... again... just let me know.


Thank you!

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Hi Debbie and good job Pam! I have to work all afternoon but, I'll look more closely this evening. Glad you could get something worked out. And then, we have Linda's new purchases to look at :)


Yes, I did have fun yesterday. Didn't buy any any clothing, just a belt and some tennis shoes.

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Please, Debbie, if anything needs to be changed on the collage of your green color party... let me know. I hope the pictures are a good size. If anyone needs to have the collage enlarged... maybe I should do a 3 side-by-side instead of a 4 side-by-side?... again... just let me know.


Thank you!

Thanks, Pam. The collage looks great to me. Now I wait...



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Thanks, Pam. The collage looks great to me. Now I wait...



Isn't waiting fun???? :D (biting finger nails kind)


Just checking in before I leave work. Won't be home til late tonight- this is my "me" night at my reflexologist.

I made my choices, so I'll be interested what the knowledgeable have to say.. no to D1,2&3 (those look like mine)

Will catch up with ya later.

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Hi there! I remember those days of working with CJW. So much fun! But, at the same time.... there were a lot of anxious moments spent waiting. So, feel free to come on here and talk with us as you await your unveiling moment!


If I remember correctly (correct me if I'm wrong) you're doing a TA cruise in about a month. What is your departure port? What cruise line are you sailing? Are you familiar with our pictodiaries? We have a lot of fun on this thread! Welcome...


Thanks! I am excited to find out what colors I really should be wearing as it's pretty obvious (to me, anyways) that I am not picking the right ones now. CJW just contacted me and gave me some homework -- finding some pictures from when I was a kid and some recent outdoor pictures now. I think I'll have to take some outdoor pictures this weekend since I'm not sure I have many to choose from. Think I should send pictures with or without makeup? Then he wants a closeup picture of my eye... so I guess I'll take a stab at that too... maybe I can get my husband to do that one for me as I'm not sure I can take a decent closeup of that on my own.


We are leaving on a transatlantic cruise out of Barcelona on October 30th. I can't wait. It's been more than three years since our last cruise and even that one was spent with a lot of family. This one is just my husband and I and I'm really looking forward to some down time. I've changed jobs recently and taken on a lot more responsibility and Sean graduated recently with his MBA so we need to take some time to celebrate and unwind. We are sailing on RCCL Voyager of the Seas for 13 days and end up in New Orleans at the end. Simply cannot wait. Must start packing... or at least thinking of packing. :)


I love the pictodiaries. You guys are so organized with your colors I'm totally jealous. I have certain colors that it seems that I have a lot of stuff in, but they are almost all the exact same shade. And are likely wrong for me. I tend to buy a lot of olive green, dark maroons and this shade of blue that is somewhere between bright and royal. I actually seem to buy that one blue a lot for dresses and in fact just took one dress back because it was EXACTLY the same color as another similar (but not exactly the same) dress I already owned. The maroon/burgundy is my favorite color but I'm not sure it's a color I should wear. I do know that I used to wear this rust colored dress a LOT because I loved the cut and feel of it, however it always made me look like I was ill and I would have to wear a lot of makeup to try to look even halfway healthy. I can pretty much guarantee that color was wrong for me but I don't really know what it was about it that was so bad. Hopefully this will help me to get some answers to all of these questions. :)

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Thanks! I am excited to find out what colors I really should be wearing as it's pretty obvious (to me, anyways) that I am not picking the right ones now. CJW just contacted me and gave me some homework -- finding some pictures from when I was a kid and some recent outdoor pictures now. I think I'll have to take some outdoor pictures this weekend since I'm not sure I have many to choose from. Think I should send pictures with or without makeup? Then he wants a closeup picture of my eye... so I guess I'll take a stab at that too... maybe I can get my husband to do that one for me as I'm not sure I can take a decent closeup of that on my own.


We are leaving on a transatlantic cruise out of Barcelona on October 30th. I can't wait. It's been more than three years since our last cruise and even that one was spent with a lot of family. This one is just my husband and I and I'm really looking forward to some down time. I've changed jobs recently and taken on a lot more responsibility and Sean graduated recently with his MBA so we need to take some time to celebrate and unwind. We are sailing on RCCL Voyager of the Seas for 13 days and end up in New Orleans at the end. Simply cannot wait. Must start packing... or at least thinking of packing. :)


I love the pictodiaries. You guys are so organized with your colors I'm totally jealous. I have certain colors that it seems that I have a lot of stuff in, but they are almost all the exact same shade. And are likely wrong for me. I tend to buy a lot of olive green, dark maroons and this shade of blue that is somewhere between bright and royal. I actually seem to buy that one blue a lot for dresses and in fact just took one dress back because it was EXACTLY the same color as another similar (but not exactly the same) dress I already owned. The maroon/burgundy is my favorite color but I'm not sure it's a color I should wear. I do know that I used to wear this rust colored dress a LOT because I loved the cut and feel of it, however it always made me look like I was ill and I would have to wear a lot of makeup to try to look even halfway healthy. I can pretty much guarantee that color was wrong for me but I don't really know what it was about it that was so bad. Hopefully this will help me to get some answers to all of these questions. :)


Hi, ChollaChick. I had forgotten about trying to take a close-up picture of my eyeball. That was a hoot! I had always thought my eyes were blue-green/gray depending upon what I was wearing. After taking a REALLY close look, I have the tiniest yellow ring on the inside of my iris near my pupil. Until CJW asked for that picture, I never knew it. It will amaze you what you will learn about yourself once you begin this journey. Hang on to your hat. It's a fun and wonderful ride.


I'm jealous of your cruise. It's been three years since I've cruised. Hmmm, might coincide with the fact that we have a three year old granddaughter. LOL Enjoy planning your cruise wardrobe and PLEASE post questions and pictures. We love pictures.


Burgundy? Maroon? Hearing you say you like that color made me smile. I'll let everyone in on the secret and you all can smile. The colors of my wedding? Yep. Maroon and PINK. Just what this FIRE girl should have ordered, right? NOT! Both my attendants were blonde and I let them pick what they wanted. I'm not sure if they were AIR, but know they were both natural blondes (eye color is not a detail that I normally notice), but I feel pretty safe thinking they probably were both AIR. :D Soooo, back in the day of colored tuxes and ruffled shirts, I actually asked my daddy and my husband to be to dress in pink ruffled shirts. Mother told me years later that was the first and only time my daddy ever put on a pink shirt. Yep, you are smiling, aren't you? Every single one of you!!! Told 'ya.


ChollaChick, We'll hang out here together and hopefully soon you will get your answers from CJW and I will get replies from the ladies here. --Debbie

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Talking with ChollaChick first... because she's EASIEST! LOL.


OK. Pictures... without makeup. Sorry. Definitely without makeup.


From your description of the colors that you love, you sound like you are drawn to dressing in warm, muted colors. Those words "olive greeen," "rust" and "burgundy" are pretty much straight out of the EARTH palette. Now, you say that you have to wear extra makeup when you wear those colors.... uh oh.... you are probably not EARTH. If you were EARTH, you would say that you only have to have a touch of mascara, slap on some lip gloss, and you are out the door because you look so good with your healthy, glowing skin! So, I would put some bets down that you are not going to be joining the EARTH thread.


If your DH can't zoom in on your eye and get a decent picture, the other way that is pretty easy is to use a mirror. That was an interesting picture for me as well! I would post it... but it's kind of spooky to see an eyeball posted on a message board! :eek:


You will love the Voyager of the Seas! I was just on her the first of this year. My DH and I took an eastbound Celebrity transatlantic that sailed from Ft Lauderdale to Barcelona. We spent the night in Barcelona; then we boarded the Voyager for a quick few days from Barcelona to Venice. It was a fabulous cruise! Of course, there were several people who had taken the Voyager from New Orleans to Barcelona and they loved the itinerary. I'm sure that you will be doing the same... only in reverse, of course.


We aren't THAT organized with our colors. We are all on a pretty interesting learning curve. We're just having a bunch of fun and sharing in the learning is way better than trying to do it on your own. No matter what season you end up being, we are all trying to understand our individual color palettes and I know everyone would love to talk with you... no matter. There isn't a thread, currently, for AIR or ICE. You've found our FIRE thread and Anita has an EARTH thread that is <almost as> active.


We are very chatty.


I just got back from the hair salon. Yippee skippee. I feel better. You know you need to go to the hair salon when you stop into a tailor shop and the 81-yr old sweetheart of a lady tells you that you should do yourself a favor and go to a good hairdresser and just get those grays out of your hair right... there.... I told her that I had an appointment for this afternoon and she said that she was very happy for me! LOL! Priceless!

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.... and Ladies


In looking at Debbie's green color party collage, there is something that we all need to ignore in the pictures... in order to evaluate and form an educated opinion. I have been distracted, in looking at the pictures, with "something" that is going on around Debbie's chin/neck area. In talking it over with my DH, who is a better photographer than I am, he tells me that he would make an educated guess that Debbie has a light source that is hitting the left side of her face. So, she is standing in a location where one side (it appears to be the left side) of her face has this light source which is causing a shadowing to occur in that area of her face.


So, that shadowing has nothing to do with the effect of the color that she is wearing on her skin. It's a function of the photography and the light source... and we need to ignore it and just look at the chest area and the face to get our opinions finalized. I was trying to figure out if the tops were more muted and so Debbie was experiencing some of the gray skin tone that happens with me; but I don't think that's the case, at all.


Now, I hope that I haven't brought this to everyone's attention and now you are all RIVETED on what I'm seeing. My intention is to say to NOT be influenced by that! So....


on that note...


I'll be back.

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