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E-Cig onboard

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I thought this was a thread about Vaping not smoking. That said if I walk out of a elevator alone and laughing. Don't get in I had bean's for lunch.


great post


how many people quit using these .Im 3 years smoke free(3 packs a day) and used chantix.

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I just want to say that I love the idea of E-cigs. It really is a win-win situation, but yeah, to avoid nasty looks and carnival rep harassment I would use the smoking section only.


Kudos to your husband for using E-Cigs- they are a plus for everyone!

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I am a non smoker, and i live in the UK where smoking indoors in public areas is banned, so i too *am not used to it*

However, it is my choice to cruise with Carnival, i know the policy on smoking aboard, and so i don't have a problem with it - well ok occasionally but it was usually due to an ignorant/rude person than the smoking policy! I think it is to be applauded that some smokers are using the e cigs, that has to be a win win situation for everyone :)

However just from a totally personal stand point, i would find it a bit rude if someone was using one in the MDR, much like if someone was chewing gum and blowing bubbles with it i guess! Would i make a fuss? nope, if the rules allow it then it is my hang up not theirs, who knows, by the end of the cruise maybe i would be more educated about them! :)

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I just want to say that I love the idea of E-cigs. It really is a win-win situation, but yeah, to avoid nasty looks and carnival rep harassment I would use the smoking section only.


The point is that we're not smoking when we're using an e-cig so there's no need for us to hang out in the smoking areas and breathe in the smoke that we've finally managed to break ourselves free of. I do use common sense, tho', and don't use mine in the dining rooms or eating areas.


BTW, it was the captain of the Pride who had one

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PopSec, that's how I got my first look at an e-cig.

We were in the Fantasy MDR for breakfast and they had placed a couple with us at our table.

The gentleman blew out this big plume after we ate and I did make the remark about no smoking in the MDR. He passed me a business card that said" It is not a cigarette. No Smoke, No Smell, No Fire, No Ash".

That was the day I got my kit.

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For those of you who have tried this vapor, I too would like to quit smoking. Could you please tell me where you bought yours? How do you go about getting them? Thank you.



Hi .. just like with cruising, there is info to learn .. how to use them, etc. And just like cruise critic is a forum of cruises, there are forums of people who vape who are ready to help you learn everything you ever wanted to know. One of those forums is http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com .. if the website did not show up here it is this: e-cigarette-forum dot com.


My first kit was a KR808D-1, the manual version not the automatic. And that is the one I still recommend to my friends and acquaintances to start with. It is simple to use and vapes great. There are many reputable USA websites where you can buy that kit and they ship right away. One that I personally like, albeit there are many, is VaporsEtc dot com .. he is in NY, he is reputable and honest and he ships right away, my packages from him arrive 2 days after he ships and I am 1500 miles away from him.


There are MANY different kinds of e-cigarettes, and all of us who vape will have a different opinion .. I am suggesting the KR808D-1 because of it's ease of use and good vaping experience for beginners.


Best of luck, vaping is a fantastic experience and becomes a fun hobby (as many of us who now do it can attest to LOL).

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I think I should have avoided reading this thread as now I wonder why I can't use e-cigs. :rolleyes:


I quit smoking (it was the hardest thing I have ever done) about 9 years ago but have always missed it.


These must certainly be much healthier than smoking, right?


Do you get any kind of cough like smokers do?

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lol FreQuentKruser, I just posted about the forum. I also placed an order for the KR808d-1 today on your recommendation. I have been vaping for about a month now using a brand of ecig that I wasn't really happy with so I am really looking forward to the KR808D-1. Also registered for the forum.


Thanks for all the info.


Hi .. just like with cruising, there is info to learn .. how to use them, etc. And just like cruise critic is a forum of cruises, there are forums of people who vape who are ready to help you learn everything you ever wanted to know. One of those forums is http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com .. if the website did not show up here it is this: e-cigarette-forum dot com.


My first kit was a KR808D-1, the manual version not the automatic. And that is the one I still recommend to my friends and acquaintances to start with. It is simple to use and vapes great. There are many reputable USA websites where you can buy that kit and they ship right away. One that I personally like, albeit there are many, is VaporsEtc dot com .. he is in NY, he is reputable and honest and he ships right away, my packages from him arrive 2 days after he ships and I am 1500 miles away from him.


There are MANY different kinds of e-cigarettes, and all of us who vape will have a different opinion .. I am suggesting the KR808D-1 because of it's ease of use and good vaping experience for beginners.


Best of luck, vaping is a fantastic experience and becomes a fun hobby (as many of us who now do it can attest to LOL).

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lol FreQuentKruser, I just posted about the forum. I also placed an order for the KR808d-1 today on your recommendation. I have been vaping for about a month now using a brand of ecig that I wasn't really happy with so I am really looking forward to the KR808D-1. Also registered for the forum.


Thanks for all the info.



Just be sure to buy the "manual" verson of the kit, not the "automatic". The manual has a little button, you push the button in and s-l-o-w-l-y bring the vapor into your mouth, then inhale and blow out. With an automatic you have to suck, sometimes pretty hard, to get the vapor into your mouth .. plus the automatic shuts itself off after just a few seconds, whereas with the manual you can hold the button down longer. Most everyone prefers the "manual" version over the automatic one. I mistakenly ordered an automatic as my first kit and I hated it, it was not satisfying at all and I almost gave up. I got it replaced for a manual version and OMG, that was it .. it was perfect.

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We were on the Triumph and there was a guy using one in the balcony area at one of the shows. Security came and talked with him, and they left and he kept using it. I guess they were satisfied he was not smoking.

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I read this whole thread last night. And went to the other forum and read there...and another site...needless to say, I was on the computer all night :D


I had an e cig a few years back, and thought it was awful. Now I realize that I had NO CLUE as to how to use it, different flavors, etc.


My question to the "vapers"...did you find you vape more now than you used to smoke? For example, I don't smoke in my house or my cars, or at work (except outside, on breaks)....with the "freedom" that comes with e-cigs, do you ingest more nicotine?


The reason I am asking is I am going to give them another try....and need to know which strength I think I need :)


I smoke about a pack of light 120s a day now.

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I read this whole thread last night. And went to the other forum and read there...and another site...needless to say, I was on the computer all night :D


I had an e cig a few years back, and thought it was awful. Now I realize that I had NO CLUE as to how to use it, different flavors, etc.


My question to the "vapers"...did you find you vape more now than you used to smoke? For example, I don't smoke in my house or my cars, or at work (except outside, on breaks)....with the "freedom" that comes with e-cigs, do you ingest more nicotine?


The reason I am asking is I am going to give them another try....and need to know which strength I think I need :)


I smoke about a pack of light 120s a day now.



I asked my doctor that very same question about the nicotine in the ecig .. he said "honey it was never the nicotine part of the cigarette that was going to kill you, it was all the other 3,999 chemicals/carcinogens/poisons". And yes, I personally "vape" tons more than I ever "smoked", I vape a caramel flavored liquid that is just yummy, I love it and my health continues to get better and better.


But when I first started vaping I started at the highest strength, which was 36mg.. After 4 weeks I started cutting the nicotine strength down .. first to 24mg, then to 18mg, then 16mg etc .. every 2-3 weeks I cut down another notch. I've been vaping for 8 months and have been at the 9 mg strength for the past 3 months. I started out real strong because I use to smoke Marlboro Reds. Since you smoke a much lighter cigarette than I did I think you can probably start at ~18mg and be satisified. If that's too strong you can cut down to 12-14mg. A friend of mine who also smoked lights, like you do, started at 18mg and after 4-5 weeks she cut down to 12mg, but in the beginning she said she needed the 18mg. She's been vaping for 5 months and is now down to 6mg.


In the beginning you might want to be sure you have it strong enough or else you might not be happy and then go back to real cigarettes instead, so I personally think it's best to first start a little higher in strength than you think, so that you wont have any nicotine cravings .. but that's just my own opinion.

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Why anyone would have complaints about someone smoking an E-Cig is beyond me! It is smell less and there is no second hand smoke. I think everyone should applaud folks who are making an attempt to get off the Cigarettes.

Of course some people are not happy unless they are complaining about something.


It is pure ignorance is all. People don't know the facts so they assume they are still smoking or creating some kind of fume in the air. I was sitting right next to a woman in a jacuzzi that was puffing away and I never smelled a thing. Thanks from a non-smoker to whomever invented this little gadget. Puff away!:)


great post


how many people quit using these .Im 3 years smoke free(3 packs a day) and used chantix.


I also know an avid cruiser on CC that used Chantix and quit smoking after many many years. For those that want to truly quit, you might look into it. But the e-cig is a good alternative.

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I also know an avid cruiser on CC that used Chantix and quit smoking after many many years. For those that want to truly quit, you might look into it. But the e-cig is a good alternative.



teehee .. dont want to "truly quit", loved smoking and now I love vaping instead. I can vape anywhere, there is no smoke, no smell, no "2nd hand smoke", nothing that bothers or offends anyone, it's great .. I plan to vape on and on and on.

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I read this whole thread last night. And went to the other forum and read there...and another site...needless to say, I was on the computer all night :D


I had an e cig a few years back, and thought it was awful. Now I realize that I had NO CLUE as to how to use it, different flavors, etc.


My question to the "vapers"...did you find you vape more now than you used to smoke? For example, I don't smoke in my house or my cars, or at work (except outside, on breaks)....with the "freedom" that comes with e-cigs, do you ingest more nicotine?


The reason I am asking is I am going to give them another try....and need to know which strength I think I need :)


I smoke about a pack of light 120s a day now.


Initially I felt like I was vaping a lot. I was up to about three packs per day though much of that burned up. The thing to be aware of is that there is a certain "ritual" with smoking that you will not have with vaping. No packing down packs, no lighting cigarettes, no 5 minute smoke breaks. No FINISHING a cig.


Those were the biggest issue for me. I have a friend who still a year later vapes as much as he did then, though he is down to zero nicotine. I was using about an ounce of liquid every two or three weeks initially. Now an ounce lasts me two to three months. Intact we were leaving for the day and I realized I didn't have an ecig with me, my husband almost fell out when I turned down his offer to turn around. I knew I would be fine all day without it. That is a far cry from a year ago when I never had less than three packs on me!


It really will just take some time to get used to vaping instead of smoking!


I would start with an ounce of high (18 mg) then med then low on subsequent orders. Good luck!


I think it's sad that the reformed smokers have to share space with smokers to vape.

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I asked my doctor that very same question about the nicotine in the ecig .. he said "honey it was never the nicotine part of the cigarette that was going to kill you, it was all the other 3,999 chemicals/carcinogens/poisons". And yes, I personally "vape" tons more than I ever "smoked", I vape a caramel flavored liquid that is just yummy, I love it and my health continues to get better and better.


But when I first started vaping I started at the highest strength, which was 36mg.. After 4 weeks I started cutting the nicotine strength down .. first to 24mg, then to 18mg, then 16mg etc .. every 2-3 weeks I cut down another notch. I've been vaping for 8 months and have been at the 9 mg strength for the past 3 months. I started out real strong because I use to smoke Marlboro Reds. Since you smoke a much lighter cigarette than I did I think you can probably start at ~18mg and be satisified. If that's too strong you can cut down to 12-14mg. A friend of mine who also smoked lights, like you do, started at 18mg and after 4-5 weeks she cut down to 12mg, but in the beginning she said she needed the 18mg. She's been vaping for 5 months and is now down to 6mg.


In the beginning you might want to be sure you have it strong enough or else you might not be happy and then go back to real cigarettes instead, so I personally think it's best to first start a little higher in strength than you think, so that you wont have any nicotine cravings .. but that's just my own opinion.

Thanks so much for the info. That is about what I figured after all my reading last night. Now I will go research some more to see which e-cig I want :)
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I think it's sad that the reformed smokers have to share space with smokers to vape.



Where do those who vape have to share space with the smokers? I cruise on Royal Caribbean every 4-6 weeks and no crew member or anyone has ever told me I can only vape in the smoking area. Gasp, that would cause a huge probem because I cant stand cigarette smoke nor do I want to hang out with smokers. Even my e-liquid is not tobacco flavored (altho you can get it that way), I vape strawberry and pina colada and german chocolate cake and caramel toffee flavors. I've never heard of anyone being told they can only vape in the smoking area ... so I'm curious where that happens .. so that I can avoid ever going to wherever that is.

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Just got off a cruise with friends who use E Cigs and I was sitting right next to them without an issue (and I have a very sensitive nose).


On the Glory, vaping was allowed anywhere. A lady was walking down the promenade with an analog cigarette and the hotel director (nicely) asked if she was vaping. She said no and he directed her to the casino.


So I asked and he said IF she had been vaping...she could do it anywhere.


That is what ECigs are for and (as a nonsmoker) think they are wonderful and should be allowed anywhere.


My sister has told me though to work properly...it is VERY important to have the battery fully charged.


She was smoking 3 packs a day....NOW she is only vaping 1 1/2 packs a day.

And the E cigs only cost her $2 a pack, so she is saving money.

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Where do those who vape have to share space with the smokers? I cruise on Royal Caribbean every 4-6 weeks and no crew member or anyone has ever told me I can only vape in the smoking area. Gasp, that would cause a huge probem because I cant stand cigarette smoke nor do I want to hang out with smokers. Even my e-liquid is not tobacco flavored (altho you can get it that way), I vape strawberry and pina colada and german chocolate cake and caramel toffee flavors. I've never heard of anyone being told they can only vape in the smoking area ... so I'm curious where that happens .. so that I can avoid ever going to wherever that is.


It seems every thread I read someone believes vapors should be with the smokers or risk (gasp) someone mistaking the ecig for a real cir and smokers following suit and lighting up.


The only thing someone has mistaken my ecig for is a pen. I try to be very wary about were I vape so as not to bother others (left over from my many years of smoking I guess.) I'm glad to know that RCCL doesn't have a problem with it.

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I have not even seen one yet,:o but I have read they don't produce any smoke or smell.

If that is the case, why would they have to go to the smoking areas?:confused:


for the same reason you don't see cigarette commercials or smoking in TV shows anymore...the perception of smoking. Children may not recognize that it is a fake cigarette, and I am sure no one wants them to think it is cool or good to smoke anywhere, much less where smoking is not allowed.


Someone was walking down the hall with one here at work, and it was very distracting. Another woman then lit up a real cigarette because she saw him with his all day and thought it was ok. That was the end of that and the owners told him he had to go outside like everyone else if he wanted to "pretend" to smoke.


It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

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Whew .. thought you were going to say you've been somewhere that disallowed you to vape in non-smoking areas. On Royal Caribbean there are very very few places where passengers can smoke .. and smoking is NOT allowed inside any cabins, only on the balcony. However, you can vape inside your cabin .. even my cabin stewards ask me where to buy the ecig and then they ask me if they can bring their fellow crew members to see my equipment LOL. Royal Caribbean does allow smoking in the casinohowever on formal nights the casino is non-smoking .. but I use my ecig in the casino on formal non-smoking nights and no one has ever said one word about it except to tell me how great they think ecigs are. Heck I have even vaped sitting at the Loyalty Ambassador's desk and the only thing anyone has ever said to me is "where can I buy one of those" LOL.

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I think I should have avoided reading this thread as now I wonder why I can't use e-cigs. :rolleyes:


I quit smoking (it was the hardest thing I have ever done) about 9 years ago but have always missed it.


These must certainly be much healthier than smoking, right?


Do you get any kind of cough like smokers do?


There are actually flavored e-liquids with no nicotine. I know quite a few people who have weaned themselves off the nicotine by going lower with each bottle they buy until they're just vaping the flavored liquid with no nicotine.


I haven't coughed or wheezed since the 2nd week of switching over to e-cigs. I've now been using an e-cig for 2 years and feel great!

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