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Medically prescribed marijuana


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I was accused of "conspiracy" theory by OP's when I stated that I thought the OP started this thread because of the elections next week to legalize Pot in CA. After reading some of your posts...you fell into his trap...debating the issue of pot vs alcohol vs text messaging, etc. LOL!


The OP that you accused of that particular theory is Canadian, their friend already uses medical marijuana legally in Canada, why would they be so invested in the vote in California?


Back on topic, to the OP - personally, I would never attempt this. But I do hope that whatever you and your friend decide, you have a great trip and that your friend is able to enjoy herself.

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If you have to smoke that crap, stay home. Don't try to do it around me. I don't care what the phony reason is. There are plenty of LEGAL medications anyone can take.



It is a shame prople like Doug and their small minds and stupid posts even cruise. Maybe some day you will need medication and some small minded ass will say to you."Do try to do it around me"
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If you have to smoke that crap, stay home. Don't try to do it around me. I don't care what the phony reason is. There are plenty of LEGAL medications anyone can take.




Hate to burst your bubble there Doug but it is a "LEGAL medication" here in Canada, and that's where the OPs friend is from.

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If you have to smoke that crap, stay home. Don't try to do it around me. I don't care what the phony reason is. There are plenty of LEGAL medications anyone can take.




@doug... Looser. There are many states (in the US) where it is Legal for medical use and prescribed every day. This is regardless of the archaic federal classification/law. Do some research on it before spouting out.


To the OP, good luck cruising with you friend and I hope you both have a wonderful time.



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lastonein, sorry, but my simple little mind is smart enough to understand the difference between LEGAL and Illeagal drugs. Smoke that all you want, just don't walk around a cruise ship smoking it around people that do not want to be around it. I don't really care if it's legal where you are, it's not here...


Maybe someday you will find a cruise line that doesn't care what you smoke.



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Bottom line, regardless of reason, it's not legal to smoke pot on a ship. I would imagine if anyone provided a script, it would be acceptable for someone in possession of medical pot to use it in the form of candy or a pill, IF that person even felt like cruising given their malady.


Smoking it? Bad idea....and one that could land the user in a foreign jail, which would definitely make the cruiser feel a lot worse.

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I have a lot of good friends that are in law enforcement, from local police to FBI drug task force. After several years of being around these guys and seeing what drug use can do (most drug users start out smoking pot) it is amazing to me that anyone would want any part of this. If you have a medical condition that the ONLY drug that would help is marijuana, that's fine. But that is not the case. There are legal prescription drugs that are available for anything that pot will do. If you want to smoke your "prescription" marijuana at home..... go for it, I don't care. Don't around the public.



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I have a lot of good friends that are in law enforcement, from local police to FBI drug task force. After several years of being around these guys and seeing what drug use can do (most drug users start out smoking pot) it is amazing to me that anyone would want any part of this. If you have a medical condition that the ONLY drug that would help is marijuana, that's fine. But that is not the case. There are legal prescription drugs that are available for anything that pot will do. If you want to smoke your "prescription" marijuana at home..... go for it, I don't care. Don't around the public.





Got to love the "gateway drug" arguement and how people stereotype marijuana users. Yes, some drug users start out with pot and then go on to much harder drugs. But not all people who smoke pot are going to try any harder drugs. I have been smoking for 10yrs and have never touched another drug, besides alcohol. Same goes for my friends that smoke. Pot, in my opinion, isn't a drug, its a plant that God put on this earth for us to enjoy.


Since you are good friends with Law enforcement, perhaps you should google LEAP-Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. Even some law enforcement in the USA can see that MJ should be legalized.

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Again, I thank each one of you replying to my query regarding the occasional use of the “evil weed” by a surviving cancer patient during our Christmas cruise, but if I could put prospective on the subject;

As I looked outside my condo last night in Miami which is located on Biscayne Blvd just south of both the Port Of Miami and the Triple A Arena, I noticed that the Miami Heat were playing their home opener and the streets were filled with fans awaiting the return of James. I did noticed that the streets were filled with some drunk fans who after watching the Heat game and drinking beer all game long, were ready to hop into their cars and drive home and many probably under the influence of “legal” alcohol. I wonder just how many of these intoxicated drinkers who got wasted on lawfully consumed beer will crash their cars and possibly injure some innocent driver? Remember, alcohol is legal???

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Law enforcement in this country are wasting their time locking up people for MJ possession and even they are starting to see the light. They need to be out looking for the REAL criminals, the child molesters, the rapists, and the murderers.


Real criminals get lesser sentances these days due to over poputation of the prision system. If you release all those prisioners who are there for MJ, then the prison system would have about 1/2 the population they have now, which would make room for the real criminals.

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I have a lot of good friends that are in law enforcement, from local police to FBI drug task force. After several years of being around these guys and seeing what drug use can do (most drug users start out smoking pot) it is amazing to me that anyone would want any part of this. If you have a medical condition that the ONLY drug that would help is marijuana, that's fine. But that is not the case. There are legal prescription drugs that are available for anything that pot will do. If you want to smoke your "prescription" marijuana at home..... go for it, I don't care. Don't around the public.




I don't know of many medical MJ users who smoke around the public, most do so in privacy as it is a medicine, they are not out flaunting the fact that they are allowed to "smoke". Medical marijuana is not as strong as what you can get on the streets, it has to be obtained from a pharmacist, or grown by the user.


Your legal drug theory does not fly, are you saying that drugs such as morphine, codeine, & oxycontin are a better form of pain medication because they are legal? These are all opium based or synthetic opium based products that are controlled by the government, yet in the natural form would also be illegal. I am not endorsing the use of drugs, just don't understand the theory that it's OK to use something considered legal but highly addictive and dangerous, and its not OK to use a natural product.


I believe that the drug users hooked by your "legal" drugs are far more dangerous than anyone smoking a joint. Ask you law enforcement friends about the oxycontin users that have become addicted from a legal prescription.

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. Do some research on it before spouting out.




People with that mentality don't want facts...Oh, they'll look until they find something that supports their opinion, but they don't really want facts.

They just want to be 'right.'


I don't know of many medical MJ users who smoke around the public, most do so in privacy as it is a medicine, they are not out flaunting the fact that they are allowed to "smoke". Medical marijuana is not as strong as what you can get on the streets, it has to be obtained from a pharmacist, or grown by the user.




Your legal drug theory does not fly, are you saying that drugs such as morphine, codeine, & oxycontin are a better form of pain medication because they are legal? These are all opium based or synthetic opium based products that are controlled by the government, yet in the natural form would also be illegal. I am not endorsing the use of drugs, just don't understand the theory that it's OK to use something considered legal but highly addictive and dangerous, and its not OK to use a natural product.




I believe that the drug users hooked by your "legal" drugs are far more dangerous than anyone smoking a joint. Ask you law enforcement friends about the oxycontin users that have become addicted from a legal prescription.


...and let's not forget the lovely side effects that most Rx drugs have.

Sometimes I wonder with the side effects of some of them being so horrid, are they even worth taking???

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As I said....a troll! If not, why the need to start a thread about this subject at all other than get reactions!


I would like to see some numbers that show the amount of people that lurk but never post because of these types of comments.


If you believe their post is meant to stir things up YOU ARE FREE TO AVOID IT AND NOT READ IT. Why bother to make comments when you have no way to know if that is the case or not. Seems to me that YOU are the one trying to stir things up. So many posts on various topics accusing people of being liars. This is why people avoid message boards. This is a public board and if you don't like it don't read it.

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I have a lot of good friends that are in law enforcement, from local police to FBI drug task force. After several years of being around these guys and seeing what drug use can do (most drug users start out smoking pot) it is amazing to me that anyone would want any part of this. If you have a medical condition that the ONLY drug that would help is marijuana, that's fine. But that is not the case. There are legal prescription drugs that are available for anything that pot will do. If you want to smoke your "prescription" marijuana at home..... go for it, I don't care. Don't around the public.




What about prescription drug abuse?? That is just as bad and in fact prescription drug abuse is on the rise. In 2009 more people in Florida died from prescription drug abuse than illegal drugs.




I don't smoke pot and never have however it does give me a laugh that you think smoking pot is worse than someone abusing Oxy or any number of other legal drugs.

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To celebrate my old college roommates six month remission from breast cancer, I have invited her to a Carnival Christmas cruise, most likely aboard the Glory leaving December 26th. Thank God, my friend is doing much better, but she is still on chemotherapy which sometimes makes her sick and with the possible combination of rough sea’s, I suggested that she continues using while on the cruise ( when necessary) her medically prescribed marijuana. As a Canadian citizen, the lawful use of medically prescribed marijuana is much more lax than it is here in the states and I wondered if anyone has had an experience aborad a Carnival ship regarding this issue ? I contacted Carnival and they suggested that I consult with an attorney since this was a legal issue and each jurisdiction the ship will visit is different. I spoke with my attorney who advised to either obtain a written policy declaration from Carnival, or just cruise on another cruise line that will allow this practice, or use it VERY discreetly. Any suggestions would be appreciated !


In Michigan like some other states, medical marijuana is legal. My understanding of the laws is that it is still illegal under Federal law (when you fly you will be dealing with Federal authorities in the US. I'm glad that your friend is doing better. May God grace her to beat this disease but I think you're playing with fire and are likely to get burned bad. Your going into foreign countries that might not see it the way you do which would explain Carnival's position (get the advice of a lawyer). Good luck, but you it's a nightmare and you return to the board screaming because you were arrested (if you get the chance) you probably won't likely get much empathy, only for your friends suffering. I hope all turns out well.

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...and let's not forget the lovely side effects that most Rx drugs have.

Sometimes I wonder with the side effects of some of them being so horrid, are they even worth taking???


Perfect comment.. what about Coumadin.. Warafin.. I have to take that for the rest of my life do any of you know what that is... RAT POISON... I could die from internal bleeding at any time but oh well it is a med right that is OK... if I could use weed to do the same effects I would.. but no can do.. so don't judge a medicine that a person takes .. especially if you are not a DR.. and Doug as for you knowing all these inforcement officers.. so what I know alot of them too.. my father is a retired one.. times change... if you can't handle the change sucks to be you:rolleyes:

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[quote name='KruznKel']Perfect comment.. what about Coumadin.. Warafin.. I have to take that for the rest of my life do any of you know what that is... RAT POISON... I could die from internal bleeding at any time but oh well it is a med right that is OK... if I could use weed to do the same effects I would.. but no can do.. so don't judge a medicine that a person takes .. especially if you are not a DR.. and Doug as for you knowing all these inforcement officers.. so what I know alot of them too.. my father is a retired one.. times change... if you can't handle the change sucks to be you:rolleyes:[/quote]

Sorry, I have to chime in as a Nurse here. Coumadin is a blood thinner, stops blood from clotting. It is the "by mouth" version of the Heparin you get by injection, or that is used to inject a port so the blood does not clot in the port and clog it between uses)
The reason it is used as rat poison is children, dogs and cats that might accidentally ingest it. (Or for your cat or dog who eats a mouse who has ingested the drug as a "poison", and has not yet died or just died when your pet found it)
It is very slow acting and you have plenty of time to get to a doctor or vet for Vitamin K injection that will counter the effects of the Coumadin (the reason you can't eat Vit K rich foods while on Coumadin is that it interacts with the coumadin and you will loose the anticoagulant effects of the Coumadin)
If they were to use real poison like they used to for mice and rats, there would again be the accidental poisoning of pets and children that there use to be - with faster action and harder than Coumadin to neutralize in a child or pet.
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[quote name='viaggi_per_mare']Sorry, I have to chime in as a Nurse here. Coumadin is a blood thinner, stops blood from clotting. It is the "by mouth" version of the Heparin you get by injection, or that is used to inject a port so the blood does not clot in the port and clog it between uses)
The reason it is used as rat poison is children, dogs and cats that might accidentally ingest it. (Or for your cat or dog who eats a mouse who has ingested the drug as a "poison", and has not yet died or just died when your pet found it)
It is very slow acting and you have plenty of time to get to a doctor or vet for Vitamin K injection that will counter the effects of the Coumadin (the reason you can't eat Vit K rich foods while on Coumadin is that it interacts with the coumadin and you will loose the anticoagulant effects of the Coumadin)
If they were to use real poison like they used to for mice and rats, there would again be the accidental poisoning of pets and children that there use to be - with faster action and harder than Coumadin to neutralize in a child or pet.[/quote]

It is Rat Poison.. no matter how you say it... I am not worried about pets or what not.. read the studies of how many people show up per year 7 in 1000 with bleeding on the brain due to this med..... it is a side effect.. I was saying if I could get rid of that side effect from smoking something I would be happy... I personally don't appreciate you trying to educate me on a med that I have been taking for over 2 yrs and need to take for the rest of my life... I have done the research.. but if you would like to include animals and such in your preaching to others which is not the point of this then so beit:rolleyes: It has nothing to do with the point of my original post... Nurse of NOT!!
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[quote name='98Charlie']Nothin' like a good thread about cruisin':p


Why do you look at a thread that you find no importance ???:rolleyes: I find this thread very important to myself and others that do use meds.. thank you
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[quote name='KruznKel']Why do you look at a thread that you find no importance ???:rolleyes: I find this thread very important to myself and others that do use meds.. thank you[/QUOTE]Uhhh let's see. It's a cruising board. The original post was a legitimate request for information, IMHO. Where did I say that the original question was [U]not[/U] important to me and others.

I'm sure that there are any number of websites where the merits of legalization can be debated. Why does my comment seem to so offend you.:rolleyes:

Your Welcome,

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