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Norwegian Jade 10/31/10 Pictoral Review


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This is the base of the steps. Notice the guard, (there were several). He VERY firmly turned me back away from the direction I was headed and back to the base of the steps.


Ooooops!!! I guess when Onofrio said the base of the steps, that is precisely what he meant. He came around a few minutes later and pulled up just past the guard, again on the right. I was the LAST one in the group to go forward towards the van, hesitatingly watching that guard as he permitted us to go past him and into the van.


I don't know what is beyond that corner that required such tight security, but I definitely would pay attention to my driver in the future!


Next we went to a square. I was supposed to be checking out the artists and the building and the fountains. This is what I remember better though.



After wandering our way down through the square we loaded up again. Onofrio asked us what we wanted for lunch. I again mentioned QUICK, but also EARLY! Man, they eat lunch way too late in Italy!


Onofrio thought a few minutes, as it was unusual to put lunch early, but quickly came up with an alternate route to his day and took us to a market for a quick, on the fly lunch, EXACTLY what we wanted.


Dh and I first walked over to one of the suggested counter service spots and got a sort of pizza sandwich thing each. It was around 5-6E for the pair of sandwiches and another 2E per bottle of water. We shared one only though, having once again been warned at cc, to watch the fluid intake before the Vatican. We followed this up with a 3E cup of fruit that we shared from the fruit vendor. Delicious meal, satisfying, and quick!


The fruit market to which we went.



They had assorted other things at the market, from trinkets, to flower stands, to soaps. TX shopped, and sis and I photo opped.


Next up was a quick stop at the Pantheon where I had to rudely rush a friendly cc welcome as we hurried back to the van following our usual quick photo ops.



Following this quick stop we did another quick stop at Trevi Fountain. I'm sorry to say, I was the only one to toss the coin in properly, over the left shoulder from the right hand. I certainly hope that doesn't mean I'm going back without any of them! Ugh. How'd that happen again?



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From Trevi fountain it was off to the Vatican.



We drove around a circle several times, I believe in an effort to time things just right, as when we drove up, our guide Sarah was there at the corner, waiting for us. From the circle we drove around the Vatican wall as seen above, and around to our meeting spot.


Let me say here that Sarah made our day at the Vatican possible. There are steps, steps and more steps there. They endeavor to save any elevators or shortcuts for the truly disabled. Sarah got our group on the elevators, through the short cuts, (advising dh to lean heavily on his cane as she argued her way through at one point), and even finding a place for the group to rest before making their way down flights of more steps.


She took us through the maps and tapestries, cutting the Vatican by about a third. In part, this was likely because of our group, but also because we had emphasized STRONGLY to Onofrio that the Basilica was of the utmost importance to us, and I had heard of previous cc groups not making it through. Sarah saw to it there was PLENTY of time to enjoy the Basilica, and for that again, a big thanks.


Sarah gave us tons of info as we walked the Basilica, and used some books they had out for sale to explain the Sistine Chapel to us ahead of time since she would not be able to talk with us in there. The entire Vactican would have been a muddle with no background or explanations, and without her guidance.


The one thing that struck me most strongly in the Vactican was the ceilings. Oh the ceilings!!!



The tapestries and the maps were all well and good, and wonderful to see and learn about, but the ceilings!! :eek:


From the Vatican we did the sistine chapel. No pictures allowed. It was interesting, but not really what I expected. It just didn't wow me. I'm glad I saw it, but it wasn't the highlight of my day.


And of course, lastly we headed to the Basilica.


Wow! I wish I could go there someday when NOONE was there, and when one could hear a pin drop, and just feel the energy. Of course, there was more info here as well, but just absorbing the entire feeling there, that was wonderful.


I couldn't take great picts inside, but it wouldn't matter. You really need to go and experience it for yourself.





Here is one of the dome.



All during our tour there were these huge groups of tours, walking around in large groups and wearing headphones as they went. Often they would walk right between our little group, splitting us apart.


As we left the Basilica one last group had to force their way past us once again. I noticed moments later I wasn't hearing the click click of dh's cane. I turned around and dh was GONE! I ran ahead to Sarah and the rest of the group and told them all to stop. Sarah ran back to look for him while the rest of us craned our necks looking around.


Of course she brought him back safely, but there were a few concerning moments there. Those large groups were horrid! I'm so glad we had Sarah!


Arriving back at the ship it was around 5:40PM. I noted to Onofrio he had promised 5:19 precisely. He mentioned a detour around a car fire of some sort??? What? I completely missed that. Dh had seen something coming back, sitting in the front seat. I guess Onofrio just swung off the freeway and found his way smoothly back without interuption. Have I said how much we liked ril???'


As for that detour, I guess some tour buses got caught up in, running about an hour late.


I make a note now for the great passport debate, should you leave them or take them? I still don't have a solid answer for you, but dh had his checked on the way back through by Italian security. It appears they spotcheck, so most passengers are unaware that passports might truly be checked. I was glad we had ours anyway.


Supper was exceedingly slow once again this night. We didn't complain, but weren't thrilled with service. I had Tomato bisque 4*, some chicken dish 1* and dh had steak that he gave 4*. I didn't note deserts in my log. I was tired, and lucky I made any notes before bed, which was 8PM once again. Yaaawwwwnnn.

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I'm going to attempt to get a few posts in this week, here and there before heading off to work.


Today is Naples. We again have ril lined up with the standard Almafi coast tour of Sorrento, Positano and Pompeii.


As usual, I had a restless night's sleep, but gradually doing better. I had dh up promptly at 5AM once again. Other cc'ers were at the next table upstairs in the buffet. We discussed similarities and differences between our tours. They had a wine tour in Livorno, and it sounded MUCH more relaxed than our tour. Still, I just love all the old churches and such. *shrug* So much to choose from!


We also discussed tipping. They went with 10E per person and thought that was generous. Their drivers seemed much more appreciative too, though again, they had 8 in their group, rather than 6.


The other thing of note was their guide in the Vatican didn't get the short cuts we did, and the one gal did not get to do the Sistine chapel or the Basilica. Her knee gave out and she couldn't go on. I was sorry for her, and again grateful for Sarah.


After breakfast I had our group set up to meet at 7:40 at the steps. We walked off promptly at 7:50AM. We went through a building and out under a bridge, and looked left and right for the vans. Finally we asked an attendant. He sent us left.


Well, there were lots of cars in the lot, and some big buses lined up, but no vans for private tours. We turned around and went the other direction and out the other side of the tunnel. Ah-ha! There are the private tours!


I start reading all the cards in the first bunch of drivers, then head over to the next bunch. Hmmm... Well, it 'could' be us. The name wasn't quite right, off by one letter. So I ask, he shows us his ril card and we show him the copy of my email receipt and we conclude he is indeed our driver for the day.


And for today we get Giovanni. He was my sister's favorite driver. He was relaxed, friendly, layed back, easy going, and that was the description of our entire day. We sooooo needed this type of day after the rush rush of the last two days. Of course, I also planned for a relaxing day today as well. I knew we'd be hitting burnout by now and I was correct.


Now, I'm convinced these drivers pass on info from port to port. First on the list is what would we like to do about lunch, perhaps quick and easy, pizza or some such? NOOOOOoooooo!!!! NOT today! Today is for relaxing! We wanted slow, delicious, relaxing with wonderful views. He mentioned La Tagliata. We said we had hoped for that, but understood the menu to be fixed and gn had a mushroom allergy and there were several who didn't like fish. No problem. La Tagliata it shall be, (and I note here that it was scheduled EARLY without our even asking this day!).


He told us we'd be hitting Pompeii later in the day. I forget the reasons, but it worked well. We were to hit Positano and then Sorrento, but he vice versa'd it for La Tagliata.


On our way along the mountain road he stopped for photo ops, ...and again, ....and again. My sister just ate it all up. The views were spectacular. Giovanni also took sis's camera and took photos of our entire group. I must say, it is nice to have a complete photo of the group on the trip.




There was also a small mrkt at this stop where dh picked up some batteries for his camera. They had some beautiful table cloths there too. I was so very tempted, but didn't purchase one.


Of course, there is one of the usual shrines about.



Giovanni asked if we wanted to stop at the store with the wood inlay. I note, had we not wished to stop, we didn't have to, and it IS a typical tourist spot as when we were leaving a busload of folks arrived.


I'm glad we stopped. I wish I had known how far under budget I was going to run by the end of the trip. Had I known, I would have purchased a 100E server plate instead of a 12E pompeii 'cameo' pin. *sigh* Sis ordered herself a tea cart, (in the thousands of E),that will be shipped home for her. It was gorgeous. I asked if I could take a few picts of some of their things in the store and they said sure.




Another side note here, showing just how tired we were of rushing by this day. We wandered this store for a good half an hour and it was time to go. TX wasn't ready. Now, understand, TX could spend her entire life shopping and be happy as one gets in life, and had not had much time on previous days for casual shopping. Still, there were things to do this day.


She balked at me when I told her we had to go, stating she wasn't done in a small bit of a huff. I calmly said that was fine, just let me know which thing she wanted cut from the day, Positano, Pompeii, or perhaps La Tagliatta? She hurried herself up and checked out.


It is sad, that even on this day we had to watch that clock, though not nearly so much as on previous days. Still, there ARE choices to be made.


From here we went on to Positano. What a wonderful little village. Giovanni asked if we'd rather drive around or walk. We decided on a bit of both so those who were able could enjoy the quaint streets.



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Thank you so much for the memories. We were on this same cruise with you and thoroughly enjoyed all the sightseeing - even Monaco in the rain. Your review is great and right on. I am sure everyone is enjoying your writing style and the lovely pictures.


You have summed up an extraordinary week in a beautiful part of the world.


All the very best.


Marilyn, Pat and Maureen

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Thanks for taking the time to do this review...enjoyable reading with the bonus pics and looking forward to the rest of it.


We'll be doing the B2B on the Jade in Feb 2011 so the ports of call will be slightly different (Med East and Med West of Barcelona), but your review gives wonderful insights on what/ what not to do on the ship and at ports ...

If your sailing on Feb 13, 2011 and/or the Feb 25, 2011 cruise then you should join our Roll Calls.



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Thanks for the feedback folks. I'll see what I can squeeze in this evening. Friday I'm off, so will really be typing away then.


Positano is filled with little shops and scenic photos.



Sis and I were both eyeing the same ceramic set at 20E for the set. There is no maker on the set, other than Positano written on the bottom, but it is cute, and I liked it. Sis purchased it initially and I bought it off her later for the same 20E. I just needed more time to make up my mind I guess. ;)




Outside in the streets you could see how the homes are built into the mountainside.



And of course I found the local church!!



It was as sweet and quaint as the village in which it resides.


Giovanni asked if we wanted a tour of the local ceramic place. I could care less, but TX jumped. Ok, sounds good I suppose.


We arrived and sis and I pulled out the cameras and started in on the views once again. We sort of got tugged along as Giovanni tried to hurry us along this time. *L*


TX didn't get what she had expected. She was expecting tiles and smaller items. This place made patio furniture and the like. They didn't want cameras inside, (which I could understand), but I took this photo outside before entering. It gives an idea of the sort of work they do.


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From the ceramic place we headed up to La Tagliata for lunch. Around and about, up and up, around some more...whheeeeeeee......


TX said it was better than Six Flags. 16gn just closed her eyes and bore through it miserably. I laughed and said it was good to be on the inside where I couldn't see as well. :D


Yeah, but of course then it is pointed out to me, I get the outside on the way down....Gee, they just HAD to point that out! *L*


And so we arrived at La Tagliata.



We were taken to a table by the windows. Such views!



But the views weren't even the best part, the food was!


They started bringing out the courses. One dish after another passed around the table, family style. Maybe 10 or so on the first course and THEN they brought out the second courses. For us it turned out to be mostly pastas. I'm guessing it had something to do with our requests for no mushrooms or fish perhaps? It didn't matter. It was DELICIOUS! Slurp! And again, platter after platter passed around.


And it came with all the wine and water we could drink. Empty a bottle? No problem, a new bottle is set down. Burp! Ok, we're RELAXED now! And so are our cc friends at the next table who just happened along shortly after us. Smiles and laughter everywhere. It was the BEST hour of the entire vacation!!!!!


And for those who wish to know, it cost 25E per person, and we opted to tip on top of that. It was superb and I'm so glad it was a part of our vacation. We got a true taste of Italy!....Or better yet....tastes.


So we are nicely filled up, taking turns at the restrooms, and they begin clearing dishes. THEN, they set down shot glasses, filled them with limoncello, and brought out a tray of deserts. Well, it was just too hard to pick and choose on those deserts. Naturally we cut a few in half to sample all at least a bit!


And then Giovanni comes over and refills all those limoncello glasses. But 16gn isn't having any, so sis ended up with 4 shots on top of the wine, and dh had only 1 glass, so I had 3 shots. Boy am I feeling GOOD! :D


About that ride down? NO problem? High up? Yup! That's high alrighty! No guardrails? Ah, who cares? Giovanni knows what he's doing! *L*


And in the ril tradition, he pulls out another bottle of limoncello to have later. *burp* Good idea, that later part. I think I've maybe had enough.


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From La Tagliatta it was on to Pompeii. Fortunately it was a little bit of a drive and allowed us all to come down a bit, from the heights of the day. ;)


As we drive along we watch Mt Vesuvius shadowing our way.



We arrive and again are met by our guide, who's name I never did get. *shrug*


Gn chose to stay in the van. Frankly, outside of lunch, she spent the entire day in the van. She claimed pain from her knee, but I think it had more to do with late nights with the teen groups, (1AM each and every night), and sulking about because sis wouldn't leave her alone on the ship for the entire day. Her loss.


As we enter Pompeii there is a steep hill.



I'm afraid we almost lost TX on that hill as she came very close to a full out asthma attack. Of course, this is the ONE day she didn't keep her spray in the backpack!!! Oooops!


Fortunately our guide adjusted well, and pulled to the side to discuss shops and such while TX recovered.


Pompeii itself is huge, and it was pointed out we would need a full 10 hours to to it justice of any sort, and that was IF we were fit and healthy. We had two hours, and were not fit and healthy, but we got a FULL two hours worth of stories, histories and background. It was a wonderful tour.




Coming out of Pompeii, TX was all over about getting a pin. Her dh headed off to the shops while we all loaded up the van. Giovanni started up the van and TXdh came running, with no pin. Of course, as we were pulling out she finally saw one. Oh well. Too late now. We've got to get back to the ship!


The drive back was uneventful, with all of us beginning to sag a bit. We quickly reboarded and agreed to meet up for the garden cafe as sis wanted to see the Spanish Ballet and I *think* TX was talking about some art stuff that evening?


I had fruit salad,chicken, potatoes, (around 3* as a whole), cherry soup 2*, (quite disappointing) and a mousse 2*. I didn't go hungry. Food was ok, but definitely lacking that night. Perhaps it was that great lunch so recent in memory for comparison????


Only sis and I hit the Spanish Ballet. Dh chose some 'me' time and gn was off to the teen stuff again. Sis loved the show, and gave it a 4*. I gave it closer to a 3*, with some parts better than others. It was nice to actually CATCH a show! We'd been so beat, this was my first opportunity, (unless you include the guitarist in the lobby that first night).


I was back in the cabin with dh by 9PM and ready to sleep. Hey, I was adapting...slowly but surely.


And so we closed our day along the Almafi coast. Goodbye Naples.


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A few notes I forgot to mention from the day.


Of course we needed bathrooms by the time we reached Pompeii. We were directed to the ones I had heard about here. Yes girls, be ready to stoop! NO seats.


As for that bottle of limoncello, TX was put in charge of it. She went right through security, but was worried about breaking rules and went up and asked someone about turning it in.


Now, the other cc members at that other table in La Tagliatta? They just walked it right onto the ship and shared it together that evening. I really think TX could have done the same. Security was very lax that day. *shrug* It worked out for us, as we were all at the same hotel in Barcelona post cruise.


The other thing of no real note, was our guide in Pompeii. She was wearing a heavy winter coat! Even TX went without a jacket that day. Wow! I can't imagine summer weather in Pompeii if they wear that heavy of a coat when it is at least in the 60's. Not important, it just struck me as a wow sort of a moment.

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Excellent review. Thanks so much for taking the time to write it and post those pictures. :) That you chose the out of the usual pictures to showcase was refreshing. :cool:


Hoping to get to that area of the world someday, so I really appreciate the in-depth excursion details and tips you've given.


Love your mask. The color and details are beautiful.

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6:50AM on our first sea day. I DID it!!! I slept in!!!!


We head out to the Grand Pacific for breakfast this morning. No lines and a pleasant atmosphere, seated by the window. I had french toast, bacon, ham and my earl grey tea, by now learning to ask for 2 tea bags at a shot. One doesn't cut it. Dh had oatmeal, yogurt and an omelette with egg beaters. Basically, another typical breakfast.


We were sailing between Corsica and Sardina this morning.



Upon our return to our cabin after breakfast and a few quick picts, we saw our light blinking on the phone and a note that had been left for us. They had moved the cc meet from the Star Lounge to Cagneys.


Ugh. I don't have any way of contacting cc members! They said they would post someone outside between the Star Lounge and Cagney's. I don't know if we lost anyone to the confusion or not.


Sis elected not to attend the cc meet. She just isn't a social person and didn't really enjoy the first one. She was going to take a book and go read on deck by herself. So, we picked up TX and headed on up at 11AM to Cagney's.


As you can tell, I don't like to post photos of folks without their permission, with the exception of the officers who should be accustomed to it.



We had around 24 +/- cc members show up of the 44 that were signed up. I imagine many forgot, slept through it, changed their minds, but how many we lost to the mix up I'll never know for certain.


There were refreshments served, coffee, tea and REAL OJ. Folks compared notes from the previous days and sodell was attempting to get a party to meet up at 10AM to see Palma together.


And surprise, surprise...APRIL showed up! She had been on the ship the whole time! She had gotten caught up in other things and forgotten the first cc meet. Shame on her! And we had all been so concerned. :b.....;)


While we were milling about someone finally offered up a penthouse for the cabin crawl. Yippee!! Now we had inside, ov, aft balcony and a penthouse.


So we gathered the troops, at least those that wished to attend and headed off through the ship. It was fun to see the differences in person. I mean, you can go to Norwegian and run those cams around the rooms, but seeing them in person is so very different. Again, since they have the picts online, I"ll stick with another photo I enjoyed, off of April's aft balcony.




After the cc meet and crawl it was time for lunch. Naturally, for us it was the Grand Pacific again.Pinapple soup 3-4*, salad, and a minute steak sandwich served on a baquette 3-4*. Good lunch today!


At this point dh wanted a nap. That left me to wander the ship alone as I hadn't seen sis since that morning and TX was off to the art stuff again.


I wandered a while and came across the outdoor gaming area.



I decided to play some shufflboard on my own. By the time I left, 2 more of the shufflboard courts were in use. I guess they just needed someone to get the 'puck' sliding. *L*

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Side note here. This appeared also to be the festival of lights day in India. Apparently, all the Indians were on duty this morning so that they could all attend a big party together that evening. They get 2 such events a year. You could tell their minds were on the party that evening too. Think of kids waiting on spring break. There was a subtle underflow of excitement and they were happy to chat this morning.


I went back to our cabin to meet up with dh. There were chocolate strawberries this afternoon, compliments of Norwegian. YUM!!! I opened some wine too, as now I had two bottles to go through, one from the ship on the first night, and another from a cc member who wanted to thank me as well. Shucks, and all I did was have a fun hobby! :D


TX was still nowhere about, but dh invited my sis in to share some wine. Mistake. *sigh*


Ok, I've come to the conclusion at this point, that perhaps sis and I don't travel terribly well together. This was my one and only sea day, time to unwind, relax and take it easy in life. In she came to my cabin with SUCH negativity!


NEVER Norwegian again! She HATED sea days. There was NOTHING to do! She couldn't even read up top because of smokers, so spent the ENTIRE day in her cabin alone. She HATED the food, the service, and pretty much anything else she could think of.


I went to check on TX across the way. They were back in their cabin and I begged my way in for 15 or 20 minutes to escape my own cabin. So much for my wine. Poo! :(


Tonight was to be formal night. Dh and I decided to skip the dining rooms tonight and left TX and sis to eat by themselves. We went to the blue lagoon for an early meal. It was really quite nice. Hardly anyone was about and we could listen to the classical guitarist from the lobby below, and we had a picture window next to us. What more can one ask for in life?




I ordered potato skins and a tuna sandwich, and dh just a chicken sandwich. We simply weren't all that hungry. The potato skins were something akin to a twice bake. They were delicious, but heavy. I had one of the 3, dh had one and I left one. The sandwiches were good as well.


Of course I got sunset picts this evening. It wasn't easy though. Norwegian has glass EVERYWHERE. I finally found my way forward enough, grabbed a side table to stand upon like others were doing, and reached way up high over the glass to get some spectacular sunset picts.


Still, for all of that work, I give you not the typical unobstructed sunset pict, but one that leaves you feeling as though you are still back on the ship.



When the sun finally set, everyone applauded. It was truly a spectacular sight.


Calm and relaxed, we walked around the ship a bit doing not much of anything. Eventually we landed at the garden cafe for desert. I was going to have a simple cone, but it actually took us around 20 minutes to find the machine! :eek: Shades of Barcelona.......I guess I'm just not good at finding my way about in life. *L*


We eventually had our desert and headed to the theater 30 minutes before showtime for the Elements show. Now, cc once again came in handy. Ya'll had warned us not to sit too close to the stage, as some of the show comes down the bottom third of the aisles and part of the show is overhead as well. We sat back about a third of the way.


We chatted with some folks next to us for some time before the show. We had lots in common and I advised them on some options for their day back in Barcelona to avoid the papal visit.


Norwegian has it all over Carnival on these waits, as we could actually HEAR each other to chat! Carnival played LOUD music in the time before shows. I felt deaf before the shows ever began. Frankly, I used ear plugs on their ships, and never felt a need on Norwegian. Thanks Norwegian for keeping my ears intact!


The Elements show was grand. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Of course, I found later sis didn't enjoy it so much. It wasn't as good as Disney, (she lives and works Disney). *shrug* For us small town Wisconsinites, it was spectacular. Then again, we knew to sit farther back. Sis didn't. She was not appreciative of her 3rd row seats. *shrug* TX loved the show too. I guess it is all in the perspective.


After the show it was back to the cabin and to bed at 10PM. Yes folks! I made it to 10PM! Goodnight little monkey friend.


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Today is Palma. We are scheduled to be in port 6AM to 6PM. This is also an alternate debarkation/embarkation port, which had sis somewhat confused the night before with the dailies.


I woke up at 5AM this morning, but layed around until 6AM when we had the alarm set for dh. Breakfast was taken on deck 12, rather than waiting around for the dining rooms to open.


This morning was a bit more crowded, and I missed our usual table, but managed to find a table for 6 for the two of us. Well, that felt a bit greedy. I saw someone walking about and told her we had plenty of room if she wanted to share and she and hers gratefully took us up on that.


We wandered up top and took some photos of Palma from the ship showing the cathedral and Belver Castle.




We also watched as the sun rose. This time of year, catching sunrises and sunsets was real easy.




Sodell had said 10AM for the group meetup for Palma. We all decided it was too long to wait and headed off together shortly after 9AM instead. Heading out you can see ahead the walkway out of the port.




We went inside a building, down some escalators and outside where we saw the bus stop across the street. There were lots of private taxi drivers looking to take folks about, but our group of 6 wouldn't fit even had we wanted the tours.


We checked out the posted routings of the buses and opted to take the #1 bus to the city, getting off at Placa Espanya for around 1E a person.


Arriving at Placa Espanya we began a leisurely day of shopping and photo ops.



We crossed the placa and began meandering our way towards the big cathedral seen from the ship.



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We did quite a bit of shopping on this day, and it was a good day for shopping too. I can give you a couple of picts of items, however, with xmas coming I can't give you all.


One thing I purchased was quite inexpensive at only around 2 or 4 E, (don't recall precisely) each. These were aprons for the two little ones I nanny. I had been looking and looking for souveniers for them that wouldn't run me an arm and a leg but would let them know I'd thought of them.




I was also taken by a linen shop, with both machine and hand embrodiered items. I purchased a machine embroidered runner for my dining table at around 12E, amongst other things.




Of course I purchased many other things as well that day. My sis purchased some pink pearl earrings she fell in love with.


As we meandered through the streets we would come to the occasional smaller squares.



At one point my sis took off for some photos while TX dragged their feet at a shop. Of course we lost each other. I threw up my hands and decided to head for the church bells we had heard.


It turned out not to be the big cathedral we were looking for, but it WAS gorgeous.

Sorry for the quality.



We stopped by a bookstore, (before I had purchased for the kids), and looked for some picture books in simple spanish. We eventually wandered back around and happened back up with the other 3, already back together.


I found out later, sis had wandered up to the church as well with TX. TX bought a few souveniers and sat and watched a baptism. Sis was taking photos and was kindly grabbed by the elbow and escorted out. I guess she was somewhat taken aback? *shrug* It WAS a church afterall.


We continued on our way towards the big cathedral, as a group this time, and took more photos and did more shopping.


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We eventually made it to the big cathedral.



and as one turned around, you saw 'irony' from behind.



Sis decided to pay to enter, (I refused, just feeling it was wrong), and we walked about the church.



Sis caught up with us on the other side without having gone in, huffing because no photos were allowed inside. Actually, turns out that is no 'flash' photography, but that is neither here nor there.


We looked about and decided to go back the way we came and headed back up the streets of Palma again, strolling and shopping.


I make note here that many folks opted for the carriage rides that abounded.



As we came back to the larger plaza, we decided to stop for a bite to eat. Here as at other places throughout Europe, musicians were playing. Here though, they all seemed to take turns. One of them, after finishing, went from table to table to collect up. I didn't care for that. I don't mind dropping a E in a hat, but don't come to my luncheon table asking for E.




At the cafe pizzas were much in line with Italy, perhaps a tad more. It was 8E for the pizza TX ordered this time. They also ordered a bottle of wine they shared with the table, but I didn't catch the price. Sorry.


Following this we decided to head back to the ship, again via the #1 bus. We had to cross the street to catch the return bus. We waited around maybe 5 minutes and the bus pulled up.


UGH!!!! What a mad rush to the door. TX got on, but the doors closed on sis, dh and myself. TXdh looked back as they closed the doors with such an expression! :eek: *L*


I figured they'd make their way back on their own, and they did, but only after getting off one stop early and having to walk a bit. Oooops!


The rest of us waited around 10 minutes or so for the next bus. This time WE made the mad dash to be first in line!!!!!


And we were glad we did! That bus was PACKED!!!!!@! Standing room only and luggage everywhere. I noted one local getting on the bus, working his way through the packed bus, and getting off at the same stop at the other end of the bus. Take it for what you will, but again, watch those wallets!


Driving along, folks 'attempted' to get off and missed their stops, getting off at the next one. They asked to get through, but there was simply NO way to get them through to the exit. Sis lost her handhold at one point when they finally shoved their way past and was she in a panic when that bus started up and she had no hold.


Well, honestly, it does seem as though some of the younger folk 'might' have offered her up a seat. She's not as young as she used to be. I remember all the times dh offered up seats to old and young through the years. Whatever happened to chivalry anyway?


Finally, halfway back, we managed to nab a couple of seats, and who popped in across from us, but cc'er sodell and hubby. We chatted as we finished out our ride and departed at the appropriate stop making it back to ship around 2:30PM. It had been a pleasant day all and all.


We sadly began our packing around 3PM. *sigh*


But there was still one last surprise to come. Today the ship sent chocolates, yum. I opened the other bottle of wine and enjoyed the time in the cabin with JUST dh and myself.


We all met up for supper, going to the Grand Pacific again. Chicken jumbo 3*, strawberry soup 4*, steak 4*, lemon pie 4*, caeser salad, well what can you do to a salad? Service was on the slow side, but we were in no rush. If we were, I wouldn't have bothered going there.


We appeared to be leaving port around 5:50PM, 10 minutes early. I'm guessing everyone was aboard and counted and no reason to delay.


I didn't make note of a show in my journaling. I'm guessing, (it's been a month now), that we made an early evening of it. We were planning an early debarkation the next day, but that's a whoooooollllle nuther post! UGH!

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We arranged the night before to meet up this morning at 6:40AM. The idea was to disembark early, take a taxi to the hotel to drop luggage and then catch the metro out of town to Montserrat, thus avoiding the papal visit. Best laid plans and all that good stuff. *sigh*


Dh and I were up at 4:50AM. We had ordered room service the night before from the meager breakfast offerings. I received one carafe of hot water for 2 ordered cups of tea and a hot chocolate. Interesting since the carafe doesn't hold that much water!! We ate our rolls and yogurt and prepared ourselves for debarkation.


It took a bit of doing, gathering our sluggish group in the hallway, but it was managed and we headed off ship without incident, well....other than sis and gn having fits over their luggage. They need to learn to travel lighter!


We went to the lot full of taxis and grabbed two to the Hotel Continental. I neglected to note the amount. I too was worn at this stage I suppose.


We blustered into the lobby and the concierge seemed somewhat taken aback. (Note, I REALLY didn't like this guy's attitude either of the mornings we met up with him). We merely wished to drop our luggage and head off to Montserrat, we KNEW the rooms would not be ready. He unlocked the luggage room and then asked us in a rather superior way to PLEASE be quiet as guests were sleeping.


Ok. We deserved that. It is a small hotel, and they have one room on the entry hall across from the luggage room. NOT a room I would wish to have. Abashed, I immediately apologized and told him we'd be off momentarily to Montserrat to avoid the papal crowds. He said that was a good idea. I still haven't decided if he was sincere or was pleased by what happened to us next.


So we all headed out to the metro. After puzzling over the maps for a while, we figured out which train to take. About that point sis realizes she can't find her T10 we purchased precruise. *sigh* Since we are beginning to run tight on my time frames we simply used dh's and mine for sis and gn and figure we'll even up later in the day when we have time to purchase another card.


We get to Placa Espanya where we are to catch the train to Montserrat. After puzzling a few moments I ask a local where the s4 or whatever it was, (so my memory is failing), was located. He pointed towards a tunnel. We got to the other end, found the machine and were figuring out the tickets when a man walked up and told us they were on strike and wouldn't be taking anyone up to Montserrat that day.




Ahhhh.....Come on now! I've been planning this day for ages and ages. I even checked at the Montserrat site to be certain they would be open this day. I didn't figure on a 2 day strike.


And PLEASE tell me the concierge at the hotel had no idea. I really, truly want to believe he would not deliberately send us on a wild goose chase.




Time for backup plans. I ask the man which train to take for Montjuic and he kindly told us. Off we go again, taking the train that goes to the funicular that goes up to Montjuic. We head up the steps from the train stop and arrive....


.....at a locked gate. This day was not starting well.


With my old high school spanish, I asked a security guard that was there about the funicular. I understood 'most' of what she said, except the last bit. Well, that last bit left us in a bit of a quandry. Basically she indicated that our tickets were good for an hour, and then....something....She also indicated to us to hold tightly to our bags, several times over.


Well now, none of us wanted to leave the station and pay to return, and none of us could figure out the *something*. It was much later in the day when we realized she was sending us to a street name for a cafe to wait. *shrug*


Everyone went back down the steps to sit on the benches by the train. Dh and I eventually went back to wait, and I went down to let everyone know when they opened the gates shortly before 9AM.


We all hopped onto the empty funicular and grabbed up the few spread out seats and waited. Finally, at 9AM sharp it closed up and headed up.

And so we arrived on Montjuic.



Of course, we are all tired and hungry, AND the telerferic up to the castle doesn't open until TEN am. *sigh* This day was not going as planned at all. And worse yet, dh and his diaretics can't wait another moment. We ask coming out, where one might find a restroom and suggested we try across the street.


We found a little eatery, I hesitate to say cafe, just across the street. They were JUST beginning to open for business, as in, don't order anything to be cooked other than expresso. BUT, they had a bathroom for customers!! Sis and TX had expressos and chips. DH and I had ice creams. Such a nutritious start to the day, eh? :rolleyes:


But the views from behind were wonderful.


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TX decided to go stand in line after a while, and wait for the teleferic to open. None of the rest of us were game. We eventually wandered over to join them about 10 til, as we saw a line was indeed beginning to form.


TX signed for us to go up and join them, but we just aren't comfortable with the idea of jumping lines. She gave up and came back to us instead. It didn't really matter in the end, as the line moved quickly through once opened.


And then we were back to everyone looking at me to know how to get the tickets. Hey, haven't they figured out by now I'm NOT very good at doing everything? But for once I got it right and got everyone's tickets and we headed onto the telerferic.




Note the bus touristic on the second picture. I sometimes wonder if that should have been my back up plan instead.


It was an excellent time of year to hit up this castle/fort or whatever it was. As we departed the teleferic we were greeted with color.




We turned the corner of the wall to see even more beauty.



At every corner was more and more beauty to behold.


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We wandered about the castle for a good long while, with TX resting a LOT on assorted benches. Her foot was in a good deal of pain. Gn sat with her much of the time.


There were cannons.



Lots of statues and monuments.



Guard towers.



And VIEWS!!!



Including the unknown castle on the hill we used as our landmark throughout Barcelona.



And then we walked back out of the castle and took the teleferic back down.



And best of all, everyone is having a good time once again!

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Thank you so much for this! I have had the best time reading your exploits. You must be so fun to travel with!


I appreciate the compliment and am thrilled that you are enjoying the tales. My sis, however, might disagree with me being fun to travel with. ;)

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As we come off the telerferic, we decide we are all tired and hungry again. The trouble is, we don't see all those wonderful cafes around here. I suggest we take the funicular back down to Placa Espanya, especially since several of the crowd weren't doing so well. Sis insisted there would be some nice cafes if we just kept walking. So, we began following 'to Placa Espanya' signs.


At one point dh's back almost went out. I was concerned for a few moments there that we might need to take a taxi back, but he seemed to work most of it out, along with some tylenol.


I ran ahead at this point, (this does seem to happen a lot), to see if I could find any cafes. Nope. None to be seen. DH was up and walking again, and everyone agreed to go on.


There were some lovely gardens to the right, all down steep steps.



We continued on, apparently circling these gardens to the right. Everyone was giving out again. A bench was found and I was sent down to see if there were any cafes within.


Well, there were some beautiful picts asking to be taken....



But no cafes. I did see another small eatery off in the distance, waaayy down a bunch more steps. Not good for this bunch. I just couldn't imagine them making it back up. So, back up the steps I went to rejoin the waiting group.




And we continued on, following the Placa Espanya signs.


TX was giving out. Back to another bench. But what is that across the way, up yet another steep flight of steps???



Oh we must see! Sis, TXdh and I decided to head up those steps to check things out and told the other three to stay put and rest.




The side of this building was wonderful, but our family and friends were still down below, so the three of us reluctantly headed back....


...to find TX and gn just getting to the top of the steps and dh at the top looking for us!!!!! :eek:


Growl!! WHAT were they thinking?!?


I know what they were thinking. Dh can't stand the thought of being left behind or acting like an invalid so he started up those steps. TX got nervous being left behind and started after him. And what would a 16 year old girl do at this point? Well, of course follow the adults. So much for getting them all rested up.


But wait! It gets even better!

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Now that the three of them hurt even worse, we head back down the steps to continue following the Placa Espanya signs on the street.


We walk up, and up, around and up!


Where do we end up? At the front of the building we were taking picts at!! :rolleyes: *L*



It turned out to be MNAC, the art museum.



Well, on the good side, I had REALLY wanted to see this building. We didn't go in though. Folks were tired, hurting and HUNGRY! We did however take the phot ops.


In the distance were several interesting buildings.



Notice our 'castle', once again in the background.



There were some escalators about at this point, and we used those we could find. TX and gn were in BAD shape at this stage. Still, there were still stairs to be taken.



There was a small eatery, not quite a cafe here, but TX and sis wanted real cafes and opted to continue on, now that there were real signs of life.


At the base we looked about, but couldn't see any cafes yet. Perhaps it was best to take the metro back and hit a cafe on the Rambla. We looked around for the metro to take back to Placa Catalunya.


Across a rather large square, I see what I believe to be the metro. Only problem is, HOW to get there? I guess there was some convention of some sort going on for hostelers, or some such, and they had blocked the ENTIRE square off. We could not find so much as a small pedestrian passageway left open for folks to cross over to that possible metro sign across the way.

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Well, there was nothing to be done. We headed off by foot in the direction of the hotel. Of course we took photos along the way!



I have to mention the ongoing joke here with TX. TX, understand, is an artist. TX also had a camera that wasn't working well, so kept telling me to take a pict of this or that....usually of LAUNDRY! She wanted laundry pict after laundry pict. All through Italy I was taking picts of hanging laundry. So, here's one for TX, though not necessarily the best laundry pict I have. ;)



Wandering down the street, TX gave out completely. She couldn't go on. Sis kept going and going. NOT AGAIN! This is NOT a good time to lose each other. I ran ahead telling her to stop. She kept going. I caught up and she said she would stay at the corner while I retrieved the others.


And yes, there were indeed places to eat! Thank goodness!!!


So, back I went, (the ever continuing pattern), but couldn't see them! :eek:


After a few minutes of craning my neck every which way, I finally saw dh standing and waving at me, (of course they had found a spot to sit). I gathered up the beleagered, half-starved troops, and managed to get them one block further to sustenance.


Now, which eatery to choose. The first one wafted out thick plumes of smoke. NO


The second one had pasta, that sounded good, but looking in there were no tables for 6 unless we used bar stools, (a big no with sis), and it too had a heavy smokey air about it.


The next one was a typical diner style, clear of smoke, (though it was permitted), and relatively empty. There were two tables of 4 by the door. Sis and I decided this one wins.


TX disagreed. They wanted the pasta place. There was no compromise here. We finally agreed to disagree and TX went to the pasta place and we ate at the diner, sitting by the open door in case of smokers. TX was to hit us up when they were done.


I think TX got better food, but I still prefer clean air. 6E bought us a steak, (thin and tough), salad, (very fresh and crisp), and fries. Another 2E for a soda. 16E for the meal, for the two of us, complete. Dh ate half my steak though as I thought it too tough to enjoy. In the meantime TX spent 5E each for lasagna next door. Sounds like they got the better deal. *shrug*


I ask as we are paying the bill, about the metro. She directs us just down the road. It was a block or two from the restaurant. The restaurant I might add, was on a road strongly resembling the 'something' we couldn't make out from the guard early that morning. We found the metro, across that square we couldn't cross. We had basically walked a huge V shape.


Sis purchased a T10 and she, gn, dh and myself used that one. TX still had a couple of uses left on theirs. Finally we were on our way to the hotel.


Funnily, TX doesn't seem to be in great pain anymore. Well, a bit of wine and some hydrocortisone go a long way in life! :rolleyes:

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