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daughter in hospital,suppose to cruise dec 5th legend,what to do?


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we are actually not looking for any money back or a refund,simply would like to postpone to a later date.


Changing your cruise to a later date is defined as "canceling" your current cruise and booking a new one. They'll still charge you the cancellation fee.


Once again, contact Reservation Adminstration. They are the ones that will decide whether your cancellation penalty is applied as a credit towards a future cruise.

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Hope your daughter is feeling better


IF you just want to :postpone: your cruise....well they have penalties for a reason....and insurance for a reason. I am sure you are upset..but it is also kind of upsetting to those of us who buy the insurance when we see others able to just ignore it and yet want compensation for accidents, illness..that is why one buys insurance:confused::confused::confused:


if money is THAT tight JMO you might want to look into a shorter sailing from nearer to where you live (california?)...


I am curious as to what you plan to do about the air fare ?? are the airlines giving you money back or postponing your flights or ??


thinking outside the box....any way you can "add" others to the cabin *ie, sell your cruise to them...then just have one of you "not show up" ?? that would give you immediate money back...maybe a family member or friend would step up and take your spots?? I am not expert at this but I have seen situations where someone sort of "sold "their cruise spot


ON the bright side...thank God nothing like this happened to those on the Splendor during her days of "dead in the water" !!

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My prayers go out to you and your daughter. I hope she is doing well today. Thank God this didn't happen on the ship!


When were you supposed to cruise on the Splendor? Since Carnival had an emergency and had to change your cruise date maybe they will help you with your emergency. I'm a displaced 12/05/2010 Splendor cruiser but I always buy the insurance. I hope that Carnival will work with you so your daughter will have a cruise to look forward to.

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Hope your daughter is recovering. If you can't afford the insurance, you probably can't afford the cruise MHO. Save for a future date and save for the insurance. Never think the insurance is too much if you can't afford to loose the cost of the cruise. I would plead and beg, but then again, they do sell insurance for this very reason.

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ok well we were a displaced splendor passenger,we had to rebook outta tampa,wich we could not afford.and on thanksgiving my 5 year old went in for a emergency appendectomy.our wonderful pediatrician told us since last sunday that she had stomach flu,WRONG!!!!surgen believes it must have burst somewhere around monday night or tues early morning.she is currently fighting a pretty bad infection from the abscess they also found.breaks my heart seeing my 5 year old in that much pain,its just not fair.so needles to say we will not be able to make are sailing date.this is a complete nightmare for us,emotionaly and financially.

now we are in a very bad situation as we were not able to purchase the cruise ins due to $$$.carnival has gladly offered a refund of $86 per person pn the booking,very generous dont you think.lol.this was to be are first cruise and i guess its just not ment to be.does anyone have any advice on what we might be able to do??please help!!!!thanks:eek:


First, I'm really sorry about your daughter. My son's appendix ruptured too, although we caught it quickly, so we didn't have a lot of complications. I hope she is feeling better soon.


I understand being a novice cruiser and not understanding all the ins-and-outs of the contracts. But, ultimately, you made a conscious decision not to buy the insurance. We all tend to think of it as "wasted money", but, as you see, it isn't. None of us believe that we might need it, until we do.


I know this is hard right now, but if you could, imagine how you might feel if you had been on a few cruises, bought insurance each time, and never had to use it. Could you see how, in that circumstance, you might feel resentful of Carnival extending "coverage" to people who didn't buy it? That means that, indeed, for those people, the money WAS wasted... apparently there is no need to buy insurance, when people who don't get the same benefits.


While you have my sympathies, I'm sorry to say I don't think that Carnival SHOULD do this. With the number of people that cruise the line, I would think there are literally thousands of people each year that don't buy insurance, and have emergencies. Where do they put the line, of who to extend benefits to?

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Is all the bashing and preaching really necessary about whether or not the OP bought Insurance! Human nature at it's worst...IMO!


Hope your daughter is doing better and wish you the best of luck with Carnival. As the OP mentioned contact Reservation Administration. Talking with the right person can make a difference. I've read in the past that some stated they were able to be switched to a future cruise on a stand by status upon availability and at the going rate for that sailing.

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again please stop lecturing this poster. Everyone could have, would have, should have, etc.


They asked for advice not what they should have done. :mad:


Hope your little one gets well soon. :d oh and what a cutie in the pic.



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Again please stop lecturing this poster. Everyone could have, would have, should have, etc.


They asked for advice not what they should have done. :mad:


Hope your little one gets well soon. :D Oh and what a cutie in the pic.


I'm not "lecturing" her.


I'm attempting to get her, and others who don't buy insurance, and then come looking for a solution to the predicament they find themselves in, to understand that they have created this unfortunate circumstance, and that to ask for, or expect, others (i.e., the Carnival Corp) is unfair to those who take on the responsibility of buying the insurance.


She came onto the board, upset at the offer Carnival made her, and asked advice on how, essentially, to get more. It is my opinion that, while I feel badly for her, she shouldn't get more than what they offered, and that, really, she should be thankful they offered her anything.


I'm addressing her question. I'm just not giving her the answer she wants.

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To further complicate matters, I think they got a discount on Legend cause of the Splendor cancellation.....so the cruise is not full price...and I am sure Carnival is taking a HUGE financial hit from the Splendor ! Where does it end??? If they rebook, do they still get another discount???


OP did not take out insurance on Splendor....and then did not take insurance a 2nd time when re-booking, despite seeing that things Can and DO happen ! I think there was info all over these boards that people who had insurance were happy they had int on Splendor??


at what point do we stop expecting cruiselines to "take the hit" for people who don't buy insurance? And is it fair to those who buy insurance and don't need to use it???


Some examples i have seen...


a friend booked a 3 night on Imagination.....didn't take insurance, had her first attack of diverticulitis, FIRST EVER, canceld 3 days out....lost all but port fees/taxes....her sad story...first vacation in years, lost her adult daughter, only child to a hit and run the year before, going thru a bad divorce with a nasty ex, etc etc.......none of which mattered to Carnival


I know a dating couple who broke up, they paid for a name change and added a guy to the cabin and canceled her


another couple were able to handle their break up different...they canceled her, paid cancel fee and added 2 guys to the cabin with him...then on sail day he did not show up....they lost some money, gave the other 2 guys a deal...then again it was 5 days in and they were about to lose a lot more, they had a balcony cabin



a friend had insurance...she "blew out" her knee 2 days before cruise, stayed home, while depressed insurance kicks in and all is well , she is booking a cruise for after knee surgery


Insurance is there for a reason..just these sort of things>! Getting creative, selling the cruise for some loss might be an answer


you might lose money but look at all the money you "saved" by not buying insurance :confused:

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Many blessings to you and your family. I am not here to lecture you, but to offer a solution. See if any family or friends can take you place and maybe offer money in exchange. Call Carnival again and try again. IF all else fails, see if you can put the cruise and airfare on an auction site (like Ebay) and do a quick one day sale. If nothing else works, just kiss that sweet little face of your daughter's and chalk it up to lesson learned.


God bless you and your family and best wishes for a speedy recovery!

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OP - I am truly sorry about your daughter. I hope she has a quick and painless recovery. Some people have posted that kids heal quickly and this is usually true but never having gone through what you are at this time I can't say that is true for sure. I would take the advice of others and document everything (including a photo of your daughter in the hospital) and send it all into Carnival. Hopefully they will underatand the situation ad be able to accomodate your request to postpone your trip.


I have never bought insurance in the past but with the Splendor incident I bought it with our recently booked cruise - hoping as all others do that I will never need it...


Please keep us posted on your daughters recovery progress......

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i hope your daughter gets well soon. I hope you make some gain with Carnival !


Forget those who feel the need to lecture and slam you. Unfortunately this forum does little to curb and nastiness and bullying that goes on here .


People who live in glass house should not thrown stones ! They should not be the ones to cast the first stones....

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[quote name='Tapi']Changing your cruise to a later date is defined as "canceling" your current cruise and booking a new one. They'll still charge you the cancellation fee.

Once again, contact Reservation Adminstration. They are the ones that will decide whether your cancellation penalty is applied as a credit towards a future cruise.[/quote]

In most cases I would say the same thing. BUT given that this is a cruise to replace the one that Carnival canceled due to the Splendor incident I think it deserves the same consideration Carnival expected from it's passengers. :)
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I truly hope your daughter is healing from her surgery. I too was going to be traveling Dec 13th with a party of 14 people with whom I was paying for everyone. My husband had a massive heart attack and kidney's failed back in August, 2010. He only had 2 hours to live and I almost lost him. I am thankful he is still alive with me. With him being on dialysis he would not be able to cruise. I called and spoke to someone at their main office in FL and sent all paperwork to them for their review and guess what???? They will not do anything but give us a cruise credit for up to 2 years. So far now he is off of dialysis but one never knows if it will happen again and since he lost 40 lbs while he was in the hospital he is still very weak. Carnival doesn't care about us people when it comes to sickness. The insurance would not have helped us either since he had a pre-existing condition. They don't tell you about the fine print you have to look it over with a fine tooth comb. If you would like to chat you can contact me at [EMAIL="racer102354@aol.com"]racer102354@aol.com[/EMAIL]. Thanks again for listening and I sure hope your daughter is doing much better. I will mention her in my prayers every day.
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[quote name='dirtracer27x']ok well we were a displaced splendor passenger,we had to rebook outta tampa,wich we could not afford.and on thanksgiving my 5 year old went in for a emergency appendectomy.our wonderful pediatrician told us since last sunday that she had stomach flu,WRONG!!!!surgen believes it must have burst somewhere around monday night or tues early morning.she is currently fighting a pretty bad infection from the abscess they also found.breaks my heart seeing my 5 year old in that much pain,its just not fair.so needles to say we will not be able to make are sailing date.this is a complete nightmare for us,emotionaly and financially.
now we are in a very bad situation as we were not able to purchase the cruise ins due to $$$.carnival has gladly offered a refund of $86 per person pn the booking,very generous dont you think.lol.this was to be are first cruise and i guess its just not ment to be.does anyone have any advice on what we might be able to do??please help!!!!thanks:eek:[/quote]
Why did you HAVE to book a cruise from Tampa? Since when does a cruiseline tell you what your next cruise is? They can't force you to buy airline tickets for a 3,000 mile flight to the east coast.
Not trying to be rude.
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[quote name='dirtracer27x']thanks for all the advice,as this was going to be are first trip we really didnt know much about the trip insurance.i guess i should have read the fine print alittle closer,another bad habit of mine.as someone stated we definatetly are not looking for some one to feel sorry for us or have sympathy,simply tryin to get some advice.to some cruises are a dime a dozen,but for us and are family its a huge expense that we were barely able to manage.the airfare was pretty much are spending money,we had to ebay several items for some extra cash.we also are going to have a pretty hefty bill from the doctor as well.i wil try on monday one more time and see if i can talk to anyone higher up the chain.would the guestsolutions be able to help?

and no my daughter is not home yet,im actually getting ready to drop my 4 year old off and head over.this was a pretty bad case of appendicitis.they think she was ruptured for 24-48 hours before she had her surgery.shes been running a fever of 103-104 since her operation,and are worried about the temp,her white blood cell and lactic acid number are very high as well.no blood work yesterday,suppose to do it today to check her numbers.my wife just called but they couldnt find a vein,shes getting badly dehydrated.i will keep you guys post and thanks for the avdice as ell as the concerns.


all that pain and still smiling,i love her so much.[/quote]
Okay folks, flame me! I'm a nurse. She's In a hospital, no bloodwork for a day when she's running a fever? No IV! It doesn't add up. How's she getting antibiotics? IV's are standard for hydration and emergency use.
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[quote name='UpstateCruizer']In most cases I would say the same thing. BUT given that this is a cruise to replace the one that Carnival canceled due to the Splendor incident I think it deserves the same consideration Carnival expected from it's passengers. :)[/QUOTE]

If I was in charge, I would see it this way, but something tells me Carnival won't. I bet they'll say that the Splendor cruise is in the past and that the OP booked a NEW cruise and penalties will apply.

Here's another example:

I had a cruise booked for august. Had to cancel it inside penalty for reasons out of my control. Thankfully, insurance kicked in and I received a full refund which I used to book a new cruise. If I used your analysis of the OP's situation, if my son got sick for the new cruise, should the insurance company pay again because my original cruise plans got canceled? I think they'd laugh.

New cruise, new set of rules..(BUT I WOULD LOVE IT IF I WAS PROVEN WRONG)
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[quote name='racer102354']I truly hope your daughter is healing from her surgery. I too was going to be traveling Dec 13th with a party of 14 people with whom I was paying for everyone. My husband had a massive heart attack and kidney's failed back in August, 2010. He only had 2 hours to live and I almost lost him. I am thankful he is still alive with me. With him being on dialysis he would not be able to cruise. I called and spoke to someone at their main office in FL and sent all paperwork to them for their review and guess what???? They will not do anything but give us a cruise credit for up to 2 years. So far now he is off of dialysis but one never knows if it will happen again and since he lost 40 lbs while he was in the hospital he is still very weak. Carnival doesn't care about us people when it comes to sickness. The insurance would not have helped us either since he had a pre-existing condition. They don't tell you about the fine print you have to look it over with a fine tooth comb. If you would like to chat you can contact me at [EMAIL="racer102354@aol.com"]racer102354@aol.com[/EMAIL]. Thanks again for listening and I sure hope your daughter is doing much better. I will mention her in my prayers every day.[/QUOTE]

If you purchase insurance in a timely manner most policies will cover pre-existing conditions, please do your research before slamming the cruise line.

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[quote name='racer102354']I truly hope your daughter is healing from her surgery. I too was going to be traveling Dec 13th with a party of 14 people with whom I was paying for everyone. My husband had a massive heart attack and kidney's failed back in August, 2010. He only had 2 hours to live and I almost lost him. I am thankful he is still alive with me. With him being on dialysis he would not be able to cruise. I called and spoke to someone at their main office in FL and sent all paperwork to them for their review and guess what???? They will not do anything but give us a cruise credit for up to 2 years. So far now he is off of dialysis but one never knows if it will happen again and since he lost 40 lbs while he was in the hospital he is still very weak. Carnival doesn't care about us people when it comes to sickness. The insurance would not have helped us either since he had a pre-existing condition. They don't tell you about the fine print you have to look it over with a fine tooth comb. If you would like to chat you can contact me at [EMAIL="racer102354@aol.com"]racer102354@aol.com[/EMAIL]. Thanks again for listening and I sure hope your daughter is doing much better. I will mention her in my prayers every day.[/QUOTE]

Actually, you can buy insurance that covers pre-existing illnesses:

I did a quick search under "cruise insurance pre-existing conditions" and found 8 policies that cover them in the first site listed.

Again, given the volume of people who cruise yearly, the chaos and financial loss to the company should they decide to give benefits to people who don't purchase insurance would be devastating. Carnival owes it to their employees, their stockholders, and the other passengers who *did* buy insurance not to subsidize this.
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Again...correct me if I am wrong...

OP had cruise booked on Splendor, canceled due to the fire/repairs...Carnival paid for their airline charges and offered them 25% off a new cruise

OP saved ? say $100 by not taking insurance

OP books a new cruise, using the 25% off, with flights...and still does not get insurance\saves another ? $100

now wants all the money to go to another new cruise...??

In the "new" case of "racer">> they book for Dec and DH falls ill in August....they are paying for "14" people

Do the math..they had between August and Dec to figure something out..of course they coulda shoulda taken out insurance for pre existing conditions...but please with 14 people on the cruise surely they could have "sold"their space and taken a very small loss ?? (name change fees)

I think the bottom line is the "glass houses" are inhabited by people who fail to take out insurance

at some point you made your decision...[B]a few of us have offered a rational idea...ie, sell your cruise to a friend, a relative, or even on ebay

since OP had a 25% off credit already that gives some wiggle room to sell it JMO
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First I would like to say that I hope your daughter is doing better. I can both sides of the arguement - It would be nice to be able to plead your case and get compensation or cruise credit etc, but it is a new cruise and all rules apply whether or not it is a compensated cruise. As a faithful purchaser of insurance I would question why we would waste money cruise after cruise buying it if all we had to do was plead our case.
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From Carnival's own website, canceling 76 days before a 7 night cruise gives you back 100%....August to December falls into that..so what was the big deal there???

The rest of the stuff is very clear...Carnival has to have this in place..or people would book, unbook, etc...it would be chaos

Insurance is available to cover accidents and things like getting sick....that is what it is there for. That is why you have to have insurance to drive your car

I do wish carnival had a bigger pop up...and made people read and "decline" insurance...or else put the insurance into the price of the cruise and made them "opt out">> I have made this (logical) suggestion before but of course it is too logical for Carnival I guess

I just don't see how or why Carnival is responsible for this and/or how they can afford this especially after all they are losing on the Splendor. I know I don't want to "pay" for this and other sad uninsured tales, especially when I buy the insurance

as for those who say "send a picture">>Maybe a picture of a 50 something year old woman would not tug heartstrings...??? I do think my one friend had a very sad tale, she was cruising to get away from town on the 1 year anniversary of her only child daughter's death by hit and run....she had never had diverticulitis before....and Carnival didn't care (and I honestly can't blame them if you look at it from a contractual point)

I felt bad that she had NOT been proactive , was sick and depressed in hospital and just did not "show up" the day of the cruise...so there was not much to be done. IF she had let people know someone could have taken her place last minute, for a reduced rate and smaller loss to her

[B]the moral is : buy insurance
and 2: if you didn't be proactive and sell that cruise

just like you would sell a concert ticket or whatever friends, family, ebay, craigslist...sell the cruise, take a loss..consider the loss what you should have paid for insurance JMO[/B]
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