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Day at Port - kids staying on ship?

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Go do your own thing. Who wants to hall a stroller and all that stuff around an island all day. As for "family vacation", you don't need to be together 24/7 glued at the hip just because your on "Family Vacation?.......


POD! I am looking forward to being able to leave our 6 year old on the ship while my DH and I explore a bit. Our son loved the kids club at Beaches resort 2 years ago and actually preferred to spend time there with other kids than with us when given the chance!

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I did, once, leave the kids on board while I went ashore in Nassau. They did NOT want to go- they wanted to stay at AO. We were with a group and one parent was on board. We also gave the oldest 2 kids walkie-talkies that had a 8 mile radius. Plus I never went much past the straw market area right off the pier. Not a big fan of Nassau myself I guess LOL. Except the beautiful weather, of course!


We have done a few family cruises and it usually shakes out something like this- a room service snack while pulling into port, followed by breakfast together. Then they go to AO for the AM, while we whatever. Then we get them for lunch and head to the pool/beach/activities for the afternoon. They have dined with AO- they much prefer it to mainitaining resteraunt manners for the entire 3-4 course meal. If there's a show they're interested in we pick them up and go, otherwise we drag them out kicking and screaming at 10. They get time meeting new friends (my daughter cried for her best friend Maria from Mexico for days even though she speaks no Spanish and Maria spoke no English) having fun- we did the family balloon toss with AO, we get time together as a family, and time as a couple. All of which I think are equally important.


This coming cruise the kids are a bit older. 2 12yr olds, 1 11yr old, 1 9 and 1 7 year old. I would not leave the older kids who can sign themselves out in AO with out being onboard. Both good kids, but still- would not do it. Our trip is also very port intensive and I think the bigger kids will want to come- maybe even do the dining room... We'll see.

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We are planning to walk around Nassau for a few hours and want to leave the grandkids in the kids club. I never thought of something happening to us and not being able to get back to the ship. We are only going to walk up to the fort and back. I'll get back on the ship while the other adults do some shopping.

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Wow, lots of judgement on this one. We just came back from our first 'family' cruise with both kids. We did leave our 3 and 5 year old while in Cozumel on a snorkeling trip and some shopping. As I told my kids, this is your vacation too. There are times when we will do things together, but there will be times if you want to do something, you choose.


They chose to go to the adventure ocean every day. They LOVED it and the people working there.


In the end, we all had a great time.


Have a great cruise and do what YOU feel is best for YOUR vacation

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To the person who implied the OP does not love or want their child - Shame on you. Different people have different styles of parenting. This is not a parenting board it is a travel board please keep your rants to yourself.


OP -Sometimes I leave my kids on board and sometimes I take them with me. They are always well cared for by RCCL staff. The staff will feed your child if they are there at mealtimes. You should however be careful though about leaving you child with the youth staff for one reason.. Your child may fall in love with the staff and the program. My kids love Adventure Ocean as much as they love Disney World and if asked where they would like to vacation they would be torn.


Have a great Cruise.

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Just because some parents choose to parent differently in no way means we love our children any less. It is amazing to me that people can be so offended as if someone is "judging" their way of doing things.


Don't take the question so seriously!

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We felt completely comfortable leaving our children in AO during our FOS cruise. Cozumel was our last port before heading "home" and the kids had had enough of excursions. We had nothing set in stone for that day, so when they were presented with the option to stay or go they jumped at the opportunity to stay at AO. As another poster stated, the danger we experienced was the kids falling in love with the staff (go Kit Kat NAT!) and not wanting to leave!


DH and I ended up taking a fairly short snorkel excursion right from the pier and we got back in plenty of time to board the ship. Everyone was happy.


There was no extra charge and the kids really enjoyed their time in the club.

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Seriously, some of you need to get off your soapbox! The OP didn't ask for your opinion as to whether they should or shouldn't leave their kdis for a period of time while in port. It is none of anyone's business if they decide to make this decision.


I agree!!!

I can not believe what I am reading here and it sure is not the OP and her question!!!

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Seriously, some of you need to get off your soapbox! The OP didn't ask for your opinion as to whether they should or shouldn't leave their kdis for a period of time while in port. It is none of anyone's business if they decide to make this decision.

Exactly. If we want time away from our kids that doesn't make us bad...it makes us human. Keep your nose out of it.

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Just an FYI for some of you who plan to leave your kids on the ship while you go ashore. Not all the Caribbean islands use CDMA (US type) signal for cell phone service. Some of them use GSM mode (St. Lucia & French side of St. Martin, for example). If an emergency does happen, the ship personnel would not be able to reach you if you are on an island that uses GSM but you have a CDMA only phone. Mexico and US Virgin islands use CDMA mode so US-based cell phones will work there, although you may be roaming, depending on your service plan. Your cell phone provider should be able to tell you what service is offered on which islands.


If you are on a ship excursion, let the AO personnel know what excursion you are on and, if possible, tell them the group number that you are with. When you check in for your excursion, you usually get a sticker with a number on it. That is the group number. Most of the tour guides have cell phones so the ship can contact them if you are unreachable.

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Surely if they required to contact you they would call your emergency contact no? Most people would take their mobiles with them ashore?

My mobile goes in the safe the moment I set foot on the ship and doesn't come out again till the morning I leave the ship. No sense in carrying it - I don't have an international plan. I figure, we all managed quite nicely before the invention of cell phones...

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My mobile goes in the safe the moment I set foot on the ship and doesn't come out again till the morning I leave the ship. No sense in carrying it - I don't have an international plan. I figure, we all managed quite nicely before the invention of cell phones...

I agree. What's the difference between leaving a child in AO and leaving them home with a babysitter? We survived without being in contact 24/7.

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Another option is to do some sort of family excursion in the morning, go back to the ship for lunch, drop the kids off at Adventure Ocean, then go back off the ship to shop and enjoy some drinks. (Probably simpler at docked ports rather than tendered ports.)

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I agree!!!

I can not believe what I am reading here and it sure is not the OP and her question!!!


I know, it got crazy real quick. Just cause its a family vacation does not mean people dont really love their kids cause they want a few hours on their own. Whoever said they cant snorkel, hes right, did you think of this? The ships have the kids programs for these very reasons. geesh.

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My sons (14 & 6) have both cruised their entire lives, I have never left either of them on the ship while I went ashore. It's a parent's decision whether or not they are comfortable doing it, I'm just not. Besides, we have the most fun on port days, shopping, going to resorts, taking tours or whatever.


During sea days and at night my 6 year old goes to AO, my 14 year old is bored by the entire thing and would rather stay in the cabin and play PS3.

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My husband and I were talking about this last night. We are sailing on Oasis in two weeks and we really want to spend a day at the beach in St. Maarten. For anyone that has ever had a 16 month old. spending a day on the beach with him is NOT at all relaxing! We chose Oasis because of the Royal Babies and Tots program and we are seriously considering leaving him on the ship while we enjoy the beach.


I agree with most here about those that are judging. Please. Give me a break.

To the person who posted about trying and trying for a biological child and then traveling around the world to adopt: Does that mean that you love your child more and don't ever want some alone time with your husband?? We tried for 7 years to get pregnant and ended up adopting our son who I LOVE more than anything in the world but...........hold onto your hats...........I enjoy some time away from him too and a relaxing day on the beach with my husband sounds wonderful while I am on V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N!

I am so excited to cruise with my son and experience this awesome ship with AND without him. Shame on those that judge.

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Seriously, why do people even have children if they have no interest in them? If you don't want to "haul" a stroller around, don't have kids at all, or leave them at home with family.


My husband and I went through hell and back to try to have biological children, and ended up flying halfway across the world to adopt our children. You can bet that while I get tired and frustrated at times, I cherish every moment with them, and look forward to spending as much time as possible with them on vacation. Being a parent is more than just birthing a child, it's about raising a well-rounded, respectful, enlightened individual who will positively contribute to the future of our world.


On vacation, we are NOT glued at the hip 24/7- the kids go to the kids' club on sea days, and again in the evenings so that DH and I can spend alone time together. But seriously, the ports of call are the main reason I cruise rather than go to a land based resort. I want my family to experience different sites, different places.


Well said! :)

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We left our 6 year old twins on Rhapsody in AO on one of the port days. They did not want to go on ANOTHER excursion and pleaded to stay with Aligator and Juicy Fruit! My DH and I decided to let them stay in the kids club. We took an RCI morning excursion and went back to get the kids in the afternoon to walk around the port. They were having so much fun they didn't even come off for a walk!


We were fine with leaving the kids and we were back on board hours before sailaway. They were in very good hands. It is their vacation too and they had more fun staying onboard with their friends.

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This has nothing to do with having to be "joined at the hip" or wanting to spend quality time with my husband. To me it was peace of mind taking our child off the ship with us at every port we visited. To this day I will never forget the story of a mom who had her 5 year old sail away alone without family because she, the mom, missed the ship at one of the ports. I just cannot imagine what was going through her mind watching that ship sail away with her child on it. <shudder>


We took our then 6 year old off of the ship in Bermuda practically kicking and screaming (ok I'm embellishing). She got over it and we all had the best time at Horseshoe Bay Beach and our daughter didn't want to leave. We felt the same way :)


Not making any judgment calls on those that leave their kids on the ship. Just saying for me and my husband it wasn't an option.

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I am planning on leaving my teenagers (15 and 16) on board if they don't to get off. In fact I'm not sure how I would even wake them up in time to disembark at a reasonable hour! They would just be grumpy and moody if I did.

I actually think it's 'safer' to leave the little ones who are in the care of AO on board than the older teenagers who can come and go as they please and might get into mischief (or annoy other passengers!). At least you know where they are and that they are having fun and being looked after well in the kids clubs. And out of the sun. I agree that it's really no different than leaving them with a babysitter or even at school - incidents can happen anywhere and just because they are on a ship and not in school/childcare in the US, it's not any worse. I'm sure if parents on shore got into some kind of accident (ie car/bus accident on an excursion) and ended up at hospital in port, the ship would be contacted and they wouldn't just leave with your kids!

Personally I don't think I would take an excursion that is a long distance away from port, but walking around shopping at Nassau etc, what harm can be done? Whilst you are all 'cramped' in one cabin with little ones, it's nice to get some alone time.

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I am the original poster - was just asking a simple question!!


Totally agree with what u said. I also struggled for years having kids - i do have two boys whom i love to death! Actually in the past 10 years i lthink i've only left my kids w/a babysitter 2 or 3 times - i don't judge those that leave their kids to go out every saturday night for a dinner alone! Anyway to each his own!


Enjoy the Beach!


My husband and I were talking about this last night. We are sailing on Oasis in two weeks and we really want to spend a day at the beach in St. Maarten. For anyone that has ever had a 16 month old. spending a day on the beach with him is NOT at all relaxing! We chose Oasis because of the Royal Babies and Tots program and we are seriously considering leaving him on the ship while we enjoy the beach.


I agree with most here about those that are judging. Please. Give me a break.

To the person who posted about trying and trying for a biological child and then traveling around the world to adopt: Does that mean that you love your child more and don't ever want some alone time with your husband?? We tried for 7 years to get pregnant and ended up adopting our son who I LOVE more than anything in the world but...........hold onto your hats...........I enjoy some time away from him too and a relaxing day on the beach with my husband sounds wonderful while I am on V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N!

I am so excited to cruise with my son and experience this awesome ship with AND without him. Shame on those that judge.

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So, what if the little darlings get off the ship on their own when you are out doing your excursions?


Well, it is their vacation too - if the darlings want to get off the ship on their own, they should be able to get off the ship on their own..... :D


Actually, I do remember a post a while back from the parent of a teen who posted after her cruise that her daughter and "a friend" the daughter had met on the ship did exactly that! :eek:

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