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Carnival Ecstasy passengers treated HORRIBLY!


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Hey.......Don't let the Turkeys Get you down...

You have a right to your opinion.

Plus, no matter what they say, your vacation was not what you bargined for and was ruined one way or the other.

alas, but the "spoilers" seem to have no other life and will post against you til the bitter end.

There are plenty of us here who welcome you and are listening to you. :D



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The PR department did the correct thing with that letter. You have to go into a situation on a positive note, looking at the best of it. If they had looked at the negitive, and started it with that tone, then worse then whad did happen could have happened. They had all plans to fix the situation and return to normal, as I've said on many posts and other have said the same thing, **** happens. We deal with what we have and make the best of it. So your plans changed, it wasn't all peachy, but there were still good times. If none of the trip was fun, then that was YOUR FAULT!! Think back to that long weekend or week vacation at a motel or resort on the beach, it rains for most or all the trip, your stuck in a motel room, with nothing to do without food. You are then forced to find your entertainment, food etc. But you would have made the best of that situation. Why was this cruise to no-where so bad? Did you not have food? Was there nothing to do? No entertainment? Exactly, you got some of all of the above at a very resonable price. Cruise price cut in half, and a discount on a future cruise. In lots of ways you made out more, and to think you'll have another vacation at a discounted rate. So move on, book your next cruise...smile, it could be worse.



Although not all agree with your sentiment, I certainly do.

I have seen some amazing people make good situations out of 'bad' things. I've watched these people...on the other hand, I've seen (and are related to, unfortunately) people who make bad situations worse....I guess I'm an observer.

Seeing and watching this has been a blessing because I've learned that you can make the best out of ANY situation. A messed up cruise is certainly a huge disappointment, but it doesn't have to be a drama. We create our dramas if we choose that route, but you don't have to. It's your choice.

My observations of these different types of people and seeing the happiness levels of both in general have led me to start rethinking MY ways. Not sweating the small stuff is so liberating...and the added benefit of it is that when 'big' things DO happen (and by big, I'm talking serious health issues and things thike that), you somehow manage those better as well.

Of course I feel for the disappointment of the passengers on that ship....but they have the ability to turn things around. You can stay disappointed and be bitter forever...or for an hour. The choice is with the individual. A few people that were on that ship have posted on other threads, that they made the best out of it and had a good time. It is possible to do.

We are all given choices. You can't choose what is thrown at you..which for a control freak like myself is annoying. BUT, I've learned that you have total control of how you deal with it!

It's kinda nice to know we have SOME control in this life. :D

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Sorry, those are the very reasons I buy travel insurance.


110 posts in and someone finally mentions this. ;)


All the trouble everyone encountered on this cruise, both crew and passengers alike, could have been avoided if people realize that crap happens. Crew was under more pressure than usual and the passengers, disembarking and embarking, felt slighted.


Could it have been handled better? Probably. But you know what? The passengers could have been a tad more sympathetic towards what was happening. The mechanical difficulties were out of CD's hands (regardless of how annoying her voice may be ;) )


Is this a PR nightmare? Depends on how one may view it..... Personally, I would tend to look more disfavorably at the passengers at this point. Especially those who were "rioting".


With that all said, how would I have handled things under a similar situation? I wouldn't "riot" or throw fruit, but I would be trying to get a more reliable explanation as to what was happening. As with most businesses, the peons don't always know what's going on. Would I be upset? Hell, yes. Would I be panicking over a missed flight, etc.? Probably. Would I sit idly by? Not by a long shot. But would I listen to crew and hope they know what's best? Yes. At that point, what choice would I have? You deal with what life hands you.....


People got off the ship later than expected. People boarded the ship later than expected. But everyone got home safe and sound.

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People got off the ship later than expected. People boarded the ship later than expected. But everyone got home safe and sound.


Thank goodness!...and now that we're all home safe and sound, the story has become something to laugh over at our house.


We're even trying to figure out when we can have a "do-over" of our Ecstasy cruise!

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I feel part of the problem is not specific just to Carnivall but instead to Corporate America in general. The cost cutting of the past years has had a an effect on the maintenance of equipment, services and products offered (ie: charging for BD and anniversary cakes etc..). And of course corporate American has "retired" or forced out the older employees who had experience to deal with problems when they occur, and instead the customer deals with a $6 an hour employee who has little experience and no real incentive to deal with an irritated public when problems occur. Whether we like it or not I think the advise of many here that we go into a cruise with a knowledge that bad things will happen and just try to make the best of it when it does.



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I feel part of the problem is not specific just to Carnival but instead to Corporate America in general. The cost cutting of the past years has had a an effect on the maintenance of equipment, services and products offered (ie: charging for BD and anniversary cakes etc..). And of course corporate America has "retired" or forced out the older employees who had experience to deal with problems when they occur, and instead the customer deals with a $6 an hour employee who has little experience and no real incentive to deal with an irritated public when problems occur. Whether we like it or not I think the advise of many here that we go into a cruise with a knowledge that bad things will happen and just try to make the best of it when it does makes sense.



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The cost cutting of the past years has had a an effect on the maintenance of equipment, services and products offered (ie: charging for BD and anniversary cakes etc..).



Do you think, though, that maybe the reason they charge for cakes now could be that some newbies coming to these boards for the first time looking for "tips" , or seasoned veterans who know how to smuggle on their hooch, might not really be celebrating anything?? I wonder how many requests Carnival got from giving out "free" cakes to people who just wanted that. A "freebie". After all the stories you read on the boards of people wanting to save money by either smuggling on liquor, taking digital photos of their own photos so they don't have to buy them....etc.....Can you blame them for wanting to charge?? I don't.


The only constant in life is change.

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I feel part of the problem is not specific just to Carnival but instead to Corporate America in general. The cost cutting of the past years has had a an effect on the maintenance of equipment, services and products offered (ie: charging for BD and anniversary cakes etc..). And of course corporate America has "retired" or forced out the older employees who had experience to deal with problems when they occur, and instead the customer deals with a $6 an hour employee who has little experience and no real incentive to deal with an irritated public when problems occur. Whether we like it or not I think the advise of many here that we go into a cruise with a knowledge that bad things will happen and just try to make the best of it when it does makes sense.




LoL.....Did you see that McDonalds is now trying out the idea of "OutSourcing The Drive Through Ordering"

Yep, that's right........the next time you talk into the speaker........you might just be placing an order with someone in India to Pick up a burger at the "Next" Window.....:rolleyes: :) :rolleyes:

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According to Carnival's statement, "Guests were apprised of the propulsion problem and the possibility of a modified itinerary prior to the cruise and had the option of canceling and receiving a full refund of their cruise fare if they did not wish to sail." Those who did sail received, in addition to a $40-per-person credit to cover Monday's meal expenses, 50 percent off this cruise and a 25 percent discount certificate on another short voyage."



I would think that would be enough to satisfy anyone.

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According to Carnival's statement, "Guests were apprised of the propulsion problem and the possibility of a modified itinerary prior to the cruise and had the option of canceling and receiving a full refund of their cruise fare if they did not wish to sail." Those who did sail received, in addition to a $40-per-person credit to cover Monday's meal expenses, 50 percent off this cruise and a 25 percent discount certificate on another short voyage."



I would think that would be enough to satisfy anyone.


It satisfys me! However let me just say that we were not given any info or option to cancel until minutes (literally) before boarding! After waiting 5 hours sitting on a crowded floor tired and hungry, there was not way I was going to tell my kids.."Okay, let's go home". I also knew it would take weeks to get the refund and that would mean no vacation at all!

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I can't figure why CCL isn't across the board when cruises go awry.


I agree totally that uniformity should be ther rule when stuff like this happens.

If people knew what to expect IF things were to go wrong, then they probably wouldn't get so angry....well, most anyway. There will always be some people who will find a reason to piss and moan.

I know Carnival's policy leads everyone to think they're due nothing if something goes worng...but then you hear of some ships offering certain compensations that others did not. The more ships they build/acquire, the more likely that malfunctions will occur. I would hope that in the near future Carnival will implement some sort of across the board policy that is fair.

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I agree totally that uniformity should be ther rule when stuff like this happens.

. I would hope that in the near future Carnival will implement some sort of across the board policy that is fair.

How do you think people will react if they implement a policy of following what is stated in contract? They are not required to give any compensation. I would rather they be iradict in what they give than go strictly by their contract. :eek:

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You wouldn't want them to be erratic if you were the one on the receiving crap end. I have heard so many stories of people being reimbursed half their cruise, future cruises, full refunds, etc. for things such as having to walk up stairs because the elevators were slow. CCL's being non-uniform about customer service is bad p.r. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth because I can't figure out why everyone else (it seems) gets decent restitution when we didn't.

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Do you think, though, that maybe the reason they charge for cakes now could be that some newbies coming to these boards for the first time looking for "tips" , or seasoned veterans who know how to smuggle on their hooch, might not really be celebrating anything?? I wonder how many requests Carnival got from giving out "free" cakes to people who just wanted that. A "freebie". After all the stories you read on the boards of people wanting to save money by either smuggling on liquor, taking digital photos of their own photos so they don't have to buy them....etc.....Can you blame them for wanting to charge?? I don't.


The only constant in life is change.


Carnival knows beyond a doubt when the passengers birthdays are. They have to. Its the law. And for the photo thing...why does Carnival have to make extra money from photos, and bother me throughout the cruise by being in my face with a camera. I know it can be fun to get those photos, and I think its a little unethical to "steal" copies of the photos. Maybe I should save my money and take less cruises, but take them on one of those true all inclusive lines. I'd probably be much happier that way, but I do certainly enjoy cruising on Carnival, and have learned to ingore the things that bother me, like the constant sales pitch for everything. I don't go to the Cruise director speeches anymore, I only find them interesting if they have a british accent anyway.



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How do you think people will react if they implement a policy of following what is stated in contract? They are not required to give any compensation. I would rather they be iradict in what they give than go strictly by their contract. :eek:



I agree with you whole heartedly that passengers who indeed got something were very fortunate because Carnival didn't owe them anything according to the contract....BUT they really shouldn't be all over the place with compensation. They're a big, lucrative company...they should be fair and consistant.

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Carnival knows beyond a doubt when the passengers birthdays are. They have to. Its the law. And for the photo thing...why does Carnival have to make extra money from photos, and bother me throughout the cruise by being in my face with a camera. I know it can be fun to get those photos, and I think its a little unethical to "steal" copies of the photos. Maybe I should save my money and take less cruises, but take them on one of those true all inclusive lines. I'd probably be much happier that way, but I do certainly enjoy cruising on Carnival, and have learned to ingore the things that bother me, like the constant sales pitch for everything. I don't go to the Cruise director speeches anymore, I only find them interesting if they have a british accent anyway.




What I didnt like about the photos was the fact that you had to buy the 8x10 for $20 before you could buy any other size of that pose. I ended up buying $145 worth of pics! The guy tried to tell me it was a bargain compared to professional pricing and I smiled and said "But my dad is a professional photographer and I get them for free.";)

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What I didnt like about the photos was the fact that you had to buy the 8x10 for $20 before you could buy any other size of that pose. ";)


WOW! Not that I disbelieve you...but I have never HAD to buy anything in order to get a photo that I wanted. :rolleyes:

This must be something new???? :confused:

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LoL.....Did you see that McDonalds is now trying out the idea of "OutSourcing The Drive Through Ordering"

Yep, that's right........the next time you talk into the speaker........you might just be placing an order with someone in India to Pick up a burger at the "Next" Window.....:rolleyes: :) :rolleyes:


That's ok....I can't understand the fine upstanding young Americans that work the McDonald's drive-thru now. With all the Patel's around, I'm learning to speak Pakistani!


Unfortunately, that is the price we may pay for forcing up the minimum wage. It was intended as an entry level wage, not a living wage for an independent living person. So, now companies are discovering that they can't afford to do things the way the've always done.

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WOW! Not that I disbelieve you...but I have never HAD to buy anything in order to get a photo that I wanted. :rolleyes:

This must be something new???? :confused:



Honestly, I had to buy the 8x10's. We went to look at photos the day after formal night and we had quite a few taken. Of course I wanted all of them and I saw a sign that said "5x7=$6.95" so I went to the register and told the guy I wanted the family shot in an 8x10 and all the rest in 5x7's. He said that in order for me to purchase other sizes I first had to buy the 8x10. I was floored but what do you do? My boys looked great in suits and we hadnt had a family portrait in 8 yrs! Of course I was on the Ecstasy Cruise to Nowhere so maybe they jacked up the prices or set minimal purchases. Who knows!

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Halos, I have always had to buy the 8x10 of any formal night pictures before being able to buy a smaller size... I know it has been like that for a couple years... I hate that!!!! There were a couple of good ones on our last cruise, would have loved a 5x7, but not an 8x10... I really wish Carnival would change this :(

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Unfortunately, that is the price we may pay for forcing up the minimum wage. It was intended as an entry level wage, not a living wage for an independent living person. So, now companies are discovering that they can't afford to do things the way the've always done.


Do you honestly believe that minimum wage is enough to live on??? :eek: It's not enough to fill your tank with enough gas to GET to your job!

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Halos, I have always had to buy the 8x10 of any formal night pictures before being able to buy a smaller size... I know it has been like that for a couple years... I hate that!!!! There were a couple of good ones on our last cruise, would have loved a 5x7, but not an 8x10... I really wish Carnival would change this :(


Wow...I bought 8x10's from Formal night...so Iguess that's why I didn't know that rule, I wanted the 8x10's anyway. Is this just a formal night thing???

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