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Cruising w/ kids - Is it worth it?


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This is a great idea! I will have to look into it. Did you just keep the connecting door open and use the extra room as the "kids bedroom?"


Thanks to everyone for the balcony info. I have those little alarms on their windows here at home but I never thought to use one for the balcony door.


Yes, we leave the door open. That way when the kids go to bed, we can still stay up and watch TV or chit chat. It works great.

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We have cruised with our 1yr old alone than again when he was 2.5 yr old along with his sister who was only 10 months. Both times their grandparents came with us. Our kids don't do well in day care so having extra people with us was huge since someone had to be with them at all times. We took turns.

I recommend a cruise that has more kids features ie kiddie pool and slide. NCL is pretty good with this since both of our cruise was with NCL. It gives them something to do while the adult watch them. If they are willing to stay in the daycare programs, I think you should have no problem with just you and your husband.

We are cruising again in 2 weeks this time the grandparents are not coming. Kids are now 3.5 and 1.5 yrs old. Keeping my fingers crossed that my older will stay in the kids club even for a hr or two.

We did enjoy all our cruises, even though it was tiring having the kids with us but spending happy times together was well worth the trouble. The vacation is really for you and your husband, kids that young don't need a vacation yet.

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Check to see if the ships have saltwater or freshwater pools. I based one cruise on NCL on the fact that there was this great pirate pool. I thought my then 4 year old would love it. He never went in after the first day because it was saltwater. To this day he won't swim in saltwater pools and he is 10. So if your kids love to swim check into this in advance.

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Check to see if the ships have saltwater or freshwater pools. I based one cruise on NCL on the fact that there was this great pirate pool. I thought my then 4 year old would love it. He never went in after the first day because it was saltwater. To this day he won't swim in saltwater pools and he is 10. So if your kids love to swim check into this in advance.


Each of the 3 Carnival ships that I have been on used salt water. My kids don't like swimming in it either. Even if it wasn't salt water I find the pools too deep for the kids to go in on their own anyway. That's why we always pick ships with waterslides and splashpads so the kids can safely enjoy water activities and not always need an adult at an arms length to participate.

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Just as an additional point of view, my kids havent honestly ever even BEEN in any of the ships on either of their 7 day cruises. We're so busy in port having fun and on sea days they LOVE Camp and we take advantage of the breaks in camp during the day to have a little downtime in the cabin. I personally wouldn't base any line or ship decision based on pools.

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Last year we cruised with our 11 month old and 2.5 year old and this year we will be cruising again, they will be 2 and 4.


1) Did you truly find it enjoyable? - Absolutely! Was it relaxing? No. Was it perfect? No. But enjoyable? Yes!


2) Did you get home and feel like you had a real vacation? or was it so stressful, you wound up being exhausted when you got home? - I went to 6 different islands! If that's not a vacation, I don't know what is. We just tried to plan easy days, because even easy days with kids are busy days. We really just went to the beach in each port, and the kids would play while we relaxed. Of course, we did a lot of running around too, but there was a bit of relaxation on top of it.


3) Did the kids, at such a young age, get anything out of it/enjoy it? - Our DD still talks about it, and she was only 2.5 at the time. The 11 month old enjoyed it too, he just doesn't remember it!


I really think having realistic expectations makes all the difference. It is not going to be perfect or super relaxing. You may have to leave dinner early if your child is screaming. You may have to take a couple of hours to sit in your room during naptime (personally, I enjoyed that part!). You probably wouldn't want to take all day excursions. If you go into it knowing that it is going to be more work than a childless vacation, I think it would be enjoyable.

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I'll tell you one year we did Holland America and we ate dinner at night by the pool almost every nite (but two). It was sheltered in the pool area so wasn't windy. My son could swim at night after a day of touring, I could have a beverage and relax. I got our meals from the delicious buffet (on Holland the serve the exact food there that is in the main dining room). I only went to the MDR once and it was a bit cramped anyway. So the rest of the cruise we did dining al fresco by the pool and enjoyed the sailaways and warm weather. When we tired of the pool we took showers and he went to the youth program and I went to the adult areas of the ship. It was great.


You don't have to do a formal vacation with kids unless you want to. This made it so much more relaxing because we weren't all trying to get dressed for dinner in a confined space. Also, on Holland (and I'm using this as an example) it is quiet by the pool at night so little ones could nap in their strollers or on a lounge chair.


I know people talk about Royal and Carnival on here as being kid friendly but if there is too much stimulation for little ones I find it works against you. There needs to be a balance between activity and serenity.

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We've always taken our 2DS's on vacation with us including 5 cruises. It has been interesting seeing the world through their eyes and it's great that they have seen so much. They have definitely been bitten by the travel bug!


Regarding the balcony issue, 3 of our trips have been with balconies and all of them had sliding doors that were very heavy to open. I didn't find it easy to open and my then 4 year old could barely make it budge. The height of the railing is quite high and the divider is often glass so there is little incentive to climb higher for a better view. We too had the same rule that the kids couldn't be out there by themselves, no furniture near the railing and no horse play on the balcony. Unless your child is a high maintenance climber, I wouldn't be too worried about the balcony. It really adds a lot to the enjoyment of the trip and we enjoy having our own quiet, outdoor space. Coming into port is always quite interesting.


As a family trip, cruises are great for all of the reasons that others have mentioned. You will have a great time no matter what you do.

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When they are small, I think it is a mistake. My daughter and her husband took their kids (5 of them) aged 3 to 10. We all went together so we could help them out. The little ones were very difficult. They would cry when going to camp carnival bec. they were not used to being away from their parents. The people caring for the kids in camp would immediately call and not give the kids time to calm down. I mean they would call immediately. We would not get away and go to sit down and they were calling. This was quite aggravating but the camp was afraid that it would cause others to begin to cry. That was understanding but you would think that they would give them bout 10 to 15 min. to see if they would calm down. So this made for a very tiring trip. Plus, my daughter and her husband was so worried the entire time about the kids getting close to the edge of the ship and it is not enclosed with plexi glass or anything. And the rooms were tight and they felt like they were in a prison. Now the older kids did great and loved it. So next year the youngest will be at least 5 and they have now been in daycare and kindergarten and such and much more used to being away from their parents so we are going to do another then on the dream. I know they will now love it and we will all have a great time. The older ones loved camp carnival. I think you know your kids and if they are used to being away from you, then go for it. If not though, it might be difficult and be more tiring than what it is worth.

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every child is different. My older son started cruising when he was 8 and I couldn't get him to participate in the youth program. He wouldn't go. My younger son went willingly and enthusiastically to the youth program at age 3 and loves cruises and playing with the kids.


Don't push it. It is their vacation too. If it doesn't work out- it doesn't work out. I think most kids will love the youth programs if they are 3 or over.

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When they are small, I think it is a mistake. My daughter and her husband took their kids (5 of them) aged 3 to 10. We all went together so we could help them out. The little ones were very difficult. They would cry when going to camp carnival bec. they were not used to being away from their parents. The people caring for the kids in camp would immediately call and not give the kids time to calm down. I mean they would call immediately. We would not get away and go to sit down and they were calling. This was quite aggravating but the camp was afraid that it would cause others to begin to cry. That was understanding but you would think that they would give them bout 10 to 15 min. to see if they would calm down. So this made for a very tiring trip. Plus, my daughter and her husband was so worried the entire time about the kids getting close to the edge of the ship and it is not enclosed with plexi glass or anything. And the rooms were tight and they felt like they were in a prison. Now the older kids did great and loved it. So next year the youngest will be at least 5 and they have now been in daycare and kindergarten and such and much more used to being away from their parents so we are going to do another then on the dream. I know they will now love it and we will all have a great time. The older ones loved camp carnival. I think you know your kids and if they are used to being away from you, then go for it. If not though, it might be difficult and be more tiring than what it is worth.


I have to agree with this. Especially if kids arent used to daycare type situations. Because most kids even have issues with preschool at first, I can't imagine they would just flock to camp carnival. I have 2 girls that are 1 and 2 yrs old. I am going to be waiting a few yrs until at least the preschool phase is past and they are kinda used to being around different ppl/such.


I take my kids to Florida all the time to visit my family and just getting there by plane is horrendous LOL. But it is worth it I couldn't imagine going on vacation without them. I think if you want to cruise and they are young like under 5 I wouldn't count on the camp working out necessarily. I mean some younger ones do fine. But I know my kids and my oldest is a mommy clinger..and I could already see her having issues with it.

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I am claustrophobic, so we've booked a balcony cabin this time around. One of you mentioned you cruised with kids and had a balcony. I have this fear that one of them will somehow sneak passed us in the middle of the night and go out there... possibly jump over. I know it may sound silly but I can't get the thought out of my mind. Is there an effective way to secure the balcony door? The kiddos are pretty good at getting around regular locks. I'm willing to consider an oceanview if the balcony thing is too dangerous with young kiddos.


Again, thanks!! :)



There is no way either one of your children will be able to open the balcony door, they are extremely heavy. The three cruise lines that I have sailed on all had locks. Our rule is no one allowed on the balcony without mom or dad. I believe your concern is a natural one and have seen this question asked many times. Luckily, you will have the opportunity to see for yourself the balcony configuration:D

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Unless your child is going to pull over the table and chair- climb up on top of the table and hurl him or herself over the balcony- then you have no worries. I have yet to hear of a child falling off a ship. I have heard of drunks falling off ships. So you and hubby are more apt to fall than a three year old. Not implying you are drunks:o

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We love cruising with our kids (4 of them!)!!! It's the best family vacation EVER... :D


We get connecting balcony rooms, have the divider removed, lock the balcony door in their cabin with threat of bodily harm if it's ever unlocked and have a huge balcony...PLUS two bathrooms, two TV's and privacy when we want it! This is much cheaper than booking a large suite and usually about the same size!


We leave the door opened during the day so that we can just wander back and forth into each other's rooms. We close it when we first come in for the evening so that DH and I can have a little privacy, then re-open it when we're settling down for the night. LOVE IT!!


We've taken cruises without the kiddos, but it's just not the same. We get plenty of private time with the camps and the connecting rooms and we just enjoy having them along. We also get these great family adventures with snorkeling with stingrays, swimming with dolphins, visiting Mayan ruins, sailing down the River Wallace, etc... They are only REALLY with us for about 18 years, and after that they get their own lives. I want to spend as much time with my children as they will allow me before they head out to get their own adult lives.


Cruising has blessed us with so much in the way of family memories, and time together. They love is as much as we do! :D;)


As a side note: the youngest one was 5 when we first started taking them with us, so I can't answer as to how much more work it would be if they were younger than that. I will say that I don't think I'd take mine if they couldn't go to camp. I REALLY enjoy that down time with my man and wouldn't trade that for anything. I think I'd be unhappy to have NO down time at all for just the two of us.

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We love cruising with our kids! It is so much easier than land based vacations in my opinion. We have been on plenty of cruises with our kids who are now 5 and 2 as well as land based vacation yearly. The 5 year old has been on 12 cruises and the 2 year-old on 6. We have cruised at practically every age so far. The hardest were probably around 18mo-2yrs because they are very mobile and start with tantrums when they don't get their way but yet are too young to understand any type of reasoning. That being said, just being in the ship environment, my kids have behaved exceptionally well. There is always something new for them to see and explore. We have only had to leave the dining room 3 times in all those cruises and that was because of no nap due to muster drill on the first day so baby was overtired.

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1) Did you truly find it enjoyable? Yes and no. I liked being on a cruise, but I couldn't do all the things that make a cruise an awesome vacation. And that was even with bringing Grandma along. I like to relax and decompress and you just can't do that with little ones.


2) Did you get home and feel like you had a real vacation? or was it so stressful, you wound up being exhausted when you got home? No, not really. It was nice but there wasn't really a break so I didn't feel rechargedand rejuvenated. And my son is a GREAT traveller who loves to fly. He is just a typical toddler and so that means he needed entertaining and couldn't sit through meals in the MDR.

3) Did the kids, at such a young age, get anything out of it/enjoy it? Sure, he had a blast. He loved running around and going to the beach, and the staff members doting on him. He had his first chocolate chip cookie (at 14 months). Stuff like that. But he was out of his routine and hated the PnP and didn't enjoy long dinners (big shock). We have 2 more cruises booked and he'll be staying with Grandma and Grandpa for them. We can do family vacations another time.

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I have a 6 and 3 year old. The oldest has been cruising since he was 3 and the youngest since she was 6 months! I will say, at the time, I didnt mind taking a 6 month old, but having just come off one with her being 3.....ooohhh soooo nice! I started telling her how lucky she was to get to go to camp carnival and noooo fair, I cant go because I'm too big. By the time we got there she was like, "sorry Mommy, your too big!". They LOVED it! During the day, we would take them for 1 1/2 - 2 hours and at night we would take them after dinner. If your children would sleep on the blankets and pillows, your lucky, you can leave them till whenever... Mine are night owls but.still stayed till 12am on some nights. ($10 an hour for the both kids, babysitting rates after 10pm)


Anyway, we got alone time at the serenity deck during the day, show time and casino time at night....and "us" time in the room every day. So, to answer your question...yes, we ALL got a nice vacation!


I promise, you wont regret it.


I for the first time this last cruise got brave enough to get a balcony. I went on ebay for those door alarms (3 for $5) and it was the BEST! Tell the kids no standing on ANYTHING or climbimg or they can't EVER go outside for the rest of the trip. The barrier is glass so they see through anyway. I had no problem. When they took a nap, I sat outside and it was heaven!



Sorry for the long opinion, but maybe it helps.

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