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I'm not a germ snob...but quit filling up your water bottles right from the dispenser

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Ok here's the scoop. If you are all worried about such trivial things than you have issues I think. Seriously? So you dont use the public toilets on a ship? How do you go? Do you use a napkin to open and close the bathroom doors? Do you spray all the seats (dinner, theater, pool side) with Lysol before you sit on them? Did you hire a maid to re clean your room incase a germ lingered there? Do you inquire of the kitchen how hot the water temp is on the dishes to insure the mouth residue on the silverware is properly removed? I'm assuming then that you also never leave your homes, live in a bubble and your house is encased in plastic.


Considering you are traveling to a foreign country who's health standards may or may not be up to American standards, a water bottle on a machine is the least of your problems. I agree sticking your hand into food rather than tongs is nasty, but I would consider that more nasty than a simple water bottle. With all the things i've already mentioned thrown in the mix, that little water bottle is a moot point. Or and until someone pays for my soda card, or the lines come up with a better way,I will do what it takes to get the most of my cruise.


I hear ya but you cant compare all those things with someone's water bottle touching the dispenser except for sticking your hands in food. It's gross and you spread germs easier and quicker if the rim of your bottle touches the dispenser. Theres a bunch of germs, diseases, sicknesses people carry in their mouths and dont even know it. Fever blisters, cold sores, herpes as well as your typical cold, flu or stomache virus ewwwww.

Just too gross for me. I do use public restrooms and never gave bringing clorox wipes a second thought. I'm not a germophobe BUT i do draw the line with the water bottle.

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A little off of the water subject but I cant stand to see people licking their fingers before and after touching the serving utencils at the buffet! YUCK:eek:


Agreed!! How about the people playing, touching or rubbing their noses while on the buffet line and then grab the tongs, NASTY!!!!!!!

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Ok here's the scoop. If you are all worried about such trivial things than you have issues I think. Seriously? So you dont use the public toilets on a ship? How do you go? Do you use a napkin to open and close the bathroom doors? Do you spray all the seats (dinner, theater, pool side) with Lysol before you sit on them? Did you hire a maid to re clean your room incase a germ lingered there? Do you inquire of the kitchen how hot the water temp is on the dishes to insure the mouth residue on the silverware is properly removed? I'm assuming then that you also never leave your homes, live in a bubble and your house is encased in plastic.


Considering you are traveling to a foreign country who's health standards may or may not be up to American standards, a water bottle on a machine is the least of your problems. I agree sticking your hand into food rather than tongs is nasty, but I would consider that more nasty than a simple water bottle. With all the things i've already mentioned thrown in the mix, that little water bottle is a moot point. Or and until someone pays for my soda card, or the lines come up with a better way,I will do what it takes to get the most of my cruise.


Hear, hear!!! The more you avoid germs, the more likely you are to get sick from them in my opinion. Your body has to be exposed to germs to build up immunities. I've worked in too many restaurants to worry about someone filling a water bottle at a dispenser!

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Ok here's the scoop. If you are all worried about such trivial things than you have issues I think. Seriously? So you dont use the public toilets on a ship? How do you go? Do you use a napkin to open and close the bathroom doors? Do you spray all the seats (dinner, theater, pool side) with Lysol before you sit on them? Did you hire a maid to re clean your room incase a germ lingered there? Do you inquire of the kitchen how hot the water temp is on the dishes to insure the mouth residue on the silverware is properly removed? I'm assuming then that you also never leave your homes, live in a bubble and your house is encased in plastic.


Considering you are traveling to a foreign country who's health standards may or may not be up to American standards, a water bottle on a machine is the least of your problems. I agree sticking your hand into food rather than tongs is nasty, but I would consider that more nasty than a simple water bottle. With all the things i've already mentioned thrown in the mix, that little water bottle is a moot point. Or and until someone pays for my soda card, or the lines come up with a better way,I will do what it takes to get the most of my cruise.






Well, as a matter of fact I do use tissues to open the bathroom doors after I have washed my hands... I may be a bit of a germaphobe. I suppose that working in the health care field may make me more aware of the risks of spreading germs and illness.. Especially when it comes to sharing tongs with other people after licking their hands like a cat licks their paws or after someone has slobbered all over thier drink bottle and refills it. It all comes down to a lack of manners... You have them or you dont.

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I prefer to not see any of it or think about any of it. I'm sure over my lifetime there have been way to many cross germs around me to worry about. Obviously I must have a good immune system to have lived this many years and not died from any of it. Bad germ habits are nothing new and I'm sure they will be around long after we are all dead and gone.


So unless I choose to live in a bubble, I will try to be as considerate as possible and not do any of the above bad cross germ things but I myself will not worry about what others do. There are so many ways to catch things that are behind closed doors and yet unless you plan to live in a bubble you will be exposed. The MDR, specialty restaurants etc, I think my daughter says it best. "The prettier and fancier your plate comes, just means you know there have been many hands working on it."


I'm sure the stress and worrying about this kind of thing is worse on your health than the germs you will come in contact with. Enjoy your cruises folks, life is way to short for that much worry.

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Ok here's the scoop. If you are all worried about such trivial things than you have issues I think. Seriously? So you dont use the public toilets on a ship? How do you go? Do you use a napkin to open and close the bathroom doors? Do you spray all the seats (dinner, theater, pool side) with Lysol before you sit on them? Did you hire a maid to re clean your room incase a germ lingered there? Do you inquire of the kitchen how hot the water temp is on the dishes to insure the mouth residue on the silverware is properly removed? I'm assuming then that you also never leave your homes, live in a bubble and your house is encased in plastic.


Considering you are traveling to a foreign country who's health standards may or may not be up to American standards, a water bottle on a machine is the least of your problems. I agree sticking your hand into food rather than tongs is nasty, but I would consider that more nasty than a simple water bottle. With all the things i've already mentioned thrown in the mix, that little water bottle is a moot point. Or and until someone pays for my soda card, or the lines come up with a better way,I will do what it takes to get the most of my cruise.



It was cruising that opened my eyes to the men and Ive been told the woman as well that don't wash after using the washrooms and pi$$ all over the toilets etc and I've seem some of it. What I don't do is use public washrooms and will avoid at all cost. These are the same people that you see being inconsiderate at the buffet by handling food inappropriately.

They are the same ones that come into the buffet area in their bathing suits, they are the same ones that can't wait to get their food back to their table so they start shoveling it in on the way. Or think its polite to eat it at the buffet while they shop for more.


These are the same people that use the jacuzzi' as bathtub because they can't fit into their shower area.


These are the same people that have discussed here on CC about using the public washrooms on board because they can't fit into their cabin toilet area without spreading butter on the side walls in order to just slide on and off.


If I have to use a public john on board you best believe I use paper towel to open door, I use my elbow to hit the paper dispenser and I also have with me at all times a strong travel size hand sanitizer.


Now ask me why I'm so obsessed with sanitation, I'll tell you why because I laid in a hospital bed for ten days and almost died before they found out that I had a parasite that more is rarely tested for which is found in feces matter or undercooked bad beef.


And you talk about the little water bottle as a moot point If it was one bottle we would have next to no risk but you just have to sit near the beverage dispensers to see just how many between breakfast and lunch, people that are loading up for their day at the beach and the people going on excursions and it's now adding up pretty fast.


And yes you can't control it all unless you live in a bubble but as long as I can do my part by taking care of myself and family by educating the kids then I'm ok. But I will call anybody out for being just down right rude and inconsiderate with any of the buffet and washroom issues.


The crusie ships have the hand sanitizers everywhere and yes there filled with handsanitizer not bubble gum.

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It was cruising that opened my eyes to the men and Ive been told the woman as well that don't wash after using the washrooms and pi$$ all over the toilets etc and I've seem some of it. What I don't do is use public washrooms and will avoid at all cost. These are the same people that you see being inconsiderate at the buffet by handling food inappropriately.

They are the same ones that come into the buffet area in their bathing suits, they are the same ones that can't wait to get their food back to their table so they start shoveling it in on the way. Or think its polite to eat it at the buffet while they shop for more.


These are the same people that use the jacuzzi' as bathtub because they can't fit into their shower area.


These are the same people that have discussed here on CC about using the public washrooms on board because they can't fit into their cabin toilet area without spreading butter on the side walls in order to just slide on and off.


If I have to use a public john on board you best believe I use paper towel to open door, I use my elbow to hit the paper dispenser and I also have with me at all times a strong travel size hand sanitizer.


Now ask me why I'm so obsessed with sanitation, I'll tell you why because I laid in a hospital bed for ten days and almost died before they found out that I had a parasite that more is rarely tested for which is found in feces matter or undercooked bad beef.


And you talk about the little water bottle as a moot point If it was one bottle we would have next to no risk but you just have to sit near the beverage dispensers to see just how many between breakfast and lunch, people that are loading up for their day at the beach and the people going on excursions and it's now adding up pretty fast.


And yes you can't control it all unless you live in a bubble but as long as I can do my part by taking care of myself and family by educating the kids then I'm ok. But I will call anybody out for being just down right rude and inconsiderate with any of the buffet and washroom issues.


The crusie ships have the hand sanitizers everywhere and yes there filled with handsanitizer not bubble gum.


Hey I say if you want to do all that go for it.


One question though - "They are the same ones that come into the buffet area in their bathing suits, they are the same ones that can't wait to get their food back to their table so they start shoveling it in on the way." what does this have to do with passing germs. Not that I wear a bathing suit to the buffet, because personally I don't like to be seen in one at the pool let alone walk around in one without a full cover up ;)


Because I would look at the above quote to be perceived as bad manners or lack of etiquette and the other things you mention and the topic of this thread as just plain bad hygeine and health risks.

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It was cruising that opened my eyes to the men and Ive been told the woman as well that don't wash after using the washrooms and pi$$ all over the toilets etc and I've seem some of it. What I don't do is use public washrooms and will avoid at all cost. These are the same people that you see being inconsiderate at the buffet by handling food inappropriately.

They are the same ones that come into the buffet area in their bathing suits, they are the same ones that can't wait to get their food back to their table so they start shoveling it in on the way. Or think its polite to eat it at the buffet while they shop for more.


These are the same people that use the jacuzzi' as bathtub because they can't fit into their shower area.


These are the same people that have discussed here on CC about using the public washrooms on board because they can't fit into their cabin toilet area without spreading butter on the side walls in order to just slide on and off.


If I have to use a public john on board you best believe I use paper towel to open door, I use my elbow to hit the paper dispenser and I also have with me at all times a strong travel size hand sanitizer.


Now ask me why I'm so obsessed with sanitation, I'll tell you why because I laid in a hospital bed for ten days and almost died before they found out that I had a parasite that more is rarely tested for which is found in feces matter or undercooked bad beef.


And you talk about the little water bottle as a moot point If it was one bottle we would have next to no risk but you just have to sit near the beverage dispensers to see just how many between breakfast and lunch, people that are loading up for their day at the beach and the people going on excursions and it's now adding up pretty fast.


And yes you can't control it all unless you live in a bubble but as long as I can do my part by taking care of myself and family by educating the kids then I'm ok. But I will call anybody out for being just down right rude and inconsiderate with any of the buffet and washroom issues.


The crusie ships have the hand sanitizers everywhere and yes there filled with handsanitizer not bubble gum.






Well stated!!;):D;)

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We're exposed to an amazing array of germs every day. Mythbusters (a tv show) did a test and found that light switches, computers keyboards, sink sponges and other things were dirtier than a toilet seat. While I won't take unnecessary risks (or be inconsiderate of others), I also won't bend over backwards to avoid germs that are unavoidable.

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I also hate buffets. People are just nasty. One time I was at a convention and they had a basket of pastries and this man was picking through with his hands. I said "thank you for touching my breakfast!" bye just stared at me. I had To explain to him why to use tongs. Geez. Gross.


Sounds like the same man who was picking through the bread on the gem with his hands, picked up about 3 different rolls until he found the one he wanted. When I said something to him he gave me a blank stare.:rolleyes:

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Sounds like the same man who was picking through the bread on the gem with his hands, picked up about 3 different rolls until he found the one he wanted. When I said something to him he gave me a blank stare.:rolleyes:


The sad thing is, most people like that aren't being mean, they're just ignorant. Were they napping through high school health class?

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We're exposed to an amazing array of germs every day. Mythbusters (a tv show) did a test and found that light switches, computers keyboards, sink sponges and other things were dirtier than a toilet seat. While I won't take unnecessary risks (or be inconsiderate of others), I also won't bend over backwards to avoid germs that are unavoidable.


:) I seen that episode as well, and totally agree with you.


Things they didn't test: Grocery carts, box store carts, a can of soup or anything picked up from on a shelf in the store, door handle of a store without automatic openers, your shoes (that you've reach down to take off), arms of a chair you sit in, your credit card you have handed to a cashier or waitress and on and on and on.

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I prefer to not see any of it or think about any of it. I'm sure over my lifetime there have been way to many cross germs around me to worry about. Obviously I must have a good immune system to have lived this many years and not died from any of it. Bad germ habits are nothing new and I'm sure they will be around long after we are all dead and gone.


So unless I choose to live in a bubble, I will try to be as considerate as possible and not do any of the above bad cross germ things but I myself will not worry about what others do. There are so many ways to catch things that are behind closed doors and yet unless you plan to live in a bubble you will be exposed. The MDR, specialty restaurants etc, I think my daughter says it best. "The prettier and fancier your plate comes, just means you know there have been many hands working on it."


I'm sure the stress and worrying about this kind of thing is worse on your health than the germs you will come in contact with. Enjoy your cruises folks, life is way to short for that much worry.


Well stated! :)


Reading some of this stuff I am surprised some people leave their homes.

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I prefer to not see any of it or think about any of it. I'm sure over my lifetime there have been way to many cross germs around me to worry about. Obviously I must have a good immune system to have lived this many years and not died from any of it. Bad germ habits are nothing new and I'm sure they will be around long after we are all dead and gone.


So unless I choose to live in a bubble, I will try to be as considerate as possible and not do any of the above bad cross germ things but I myself will not worry about what others do. There are so many ways to catch things that are behind closed doors and yet unless you plan to live in a bubble you will be exposed. The MDR, specialty restaurants etc, I think my daughter says it best. "The prettier and fancier your plate comes, just means you know there have been many hands working on it."


I'm sure the stress and worrying about this kind of thing is worse on your health than the germs you will come in contact with. Enjoy your cruises folks, life is way to short for that much worry.



Exactly! Obviously some of these folks have never seen those hidden camera shows about what some restaurant workers do before they bring your plate out to you! Life is way too short to worry about every little thing like this.


Good Post!

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Thank you Dasmonkey & Fergusonvt. I don't really worry about the passions of others (they are more than welcome to have them).


But I am now of an age that I have unfortunately lost way too many people I love to death (and no, not by germs). You come to a point in your life, if you didn't when you were younger, that you just don't sweat what you consider the little stuff anymore. Sorry to those other posters with these worries and passions, I'm not trying to belittle what you may feel as important or worth stressing over.

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I certainly don't stress over this, but it is just common courtesy to not do this, especially when there is a sign right there. I get cups of ice, and a cup of water, and take it over to the table, and fill my water bottle there. Problem solved. Now, if others would be so kind as to do the same thing!

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Nice try! Better yet why don't you just fill the bottle in your cabin, it's the same water.

It's just not worth having someone read your tea leaves screw off cap or not people always forget and besides the squeezing the bottle into your mouth is about as easy as getting water/juice out of a baby bottle from what I remember.


tea leaves? what?


I would think its still a no no since any water left in that bottle may have come in contact with your mouth.


And how does any water at the bottom of the bottle come in contact with the water dispenser?


I'm not sure you're visualizing what I'm talking about, it's a wide mouth metal bottle with a large screw off cap and a straw fits under the lid so you are drinking the water from the bottom, no having to tip the bottle back or squeeze to get the water. It's like an adult sippy cup.


All moot anyway since what I typically do is put the water from the melted ice in the bucket in my cabin along with the ice. Or I use a cup to easily fill it since it's got a wide mouth, no need for a funnel.


It cost me $4.99 on sale and far easier, healthier and eco friendly then reusing those old plastic bottles you actually buy water in.



Frankly, I rarely go near the buffet areas period. I'd be more concerned about where the hands had previously been that touched the dispenser lever itself then where the mouth of the bottle had been.


We were on a sailing after a norovirus outbreak, you were not allowed to serve yourself at the drink fountains or buffet. They had someone stationed at each fountain to dispense drinks for you and only the servers behind the buffet handled the serving utensils. No condiments, not even salt & pepper shakers were left on tables, they came around and put those things on your food for you and gave out little packets of salt & pepper. That's about the only way you could be a little more sure of not spreading germs. Even then I would question the sanitation habits of the servers. Sometimes you just have to have a little faith and wash your hands lots or you never leave your house.

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They have a name for having fears like the ones mentioned in some of the posts, they are called phobia's and there are doctors to treat them.

I assume most have never served in the military or any other organization that requires lots of folks in close contact? It takes a lot more than refilling a water bottle to pass on serious diseases. A little hand sanitizer and common sense goes a long way. Some of the shows on tv have shown that your kitchen and bathroom and fridge are a lot worse than most dining establishments. Must be a scary world out there for some?:eek::eek::eek:

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They have a name for having fears like the ones mentioned in some of the posts, they are called phobia's and there are doctors to treat them.



Yes some people truly have issues but I would say that most here just prefer to be clean people. They are not trying to avoid every germ on this universe. We know germs are on everything we touch. I am a nurse, I touch people on a daily basis and am not bothered in the least by my career. I do however use standard precautions and wash my hands before and after contact and dont touch bodily fluids without gloves.

Having a large amount of people in a confined space it makes since to use precautions to not spread illnesses like a stomach bug or the flu (which are easily spread through saliva) whether it is from contaminating the water fountain or licking your hands and touching tongs or others food.

I personally don’t have a problem with others refilling plastic bottles but maybe just be more aware to not make contact with your bottle and the water spout... Problem solved.

I'm not so sure if the "offenders" have poor edicate or are just not aware. I would expect these issues with children.... not so much adults.

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Holland America usually has an attendent at the self-serve water and juice areas. When the attendent is way, pitchers of water and tea are there for people to refill glasses. My experience has been that people use the pitchers and even refill them when they empty them.

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Yes some people truly have issues but I would say that most here just prefer to be clean people. They are not trying to avoid every germ on this universe.




This quote makes it sound like you are disagreeing with rvsullivan and yet you are both saying the same thing. It's only a matter of the glass being 1/2 empty or 1/2 full.


He/she quotes some of the posts are acting like they have phobias (1/2 empty) and you are stating most of the posts are just preferring to be clean people (1/2 full).


Just an observation :)

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I will ask again: How does refilling a re-usable water cannister (exactly like the one MonaCD showed a picture of), if it does not come into contact with the dispenser, pass germs?


I don't think it would, but I don't think that is what the OP was talking about because it's not "the same rim that touches your mouth". Of course the sign asking "please do not fill your water bottle from dispenser" doesn't distinguish between "safe" and "unsafe" water bottles. (I don't fill water bottles but I do buy a thermal cup at the gift shop for my coffee. I will not fill it directly from the spigot but will fill one of the regular cups and dump that into mine.)


The rim of the bottle would touch the dispenser - this is the same rim that touches yoru mouth!
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