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Sharon, you could fool me today with how cold it is. The wind is blowing and it is going to have to do something for it to be in the 40's today. It is too bad that the bands are so loud. Usually you have such a good time except for the bands being to loud. Friday night we went to this chop house by us for dinner and we sat right next to the piano player and speaker, but they tone it down and he plays and sings with no problems with the noise level.


Yes, it was snowing heavy here on Friday night but the next day it was only on the grass and not the sidewalk. Yesterday it snowed but not for too long and it really did not stick too much. Hard to believe it is almost February already and leap year as well.




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Yes its very windy here also, too bad because with the sun out I think it would feel much warmer. We went to dinner last night, a place that has broasted chicken, its always so good, and the place was packed. I'm not sure how they make "broasted" but its cripsy and tender inside and not greasy like fried. Probably has just as many calories though. Your piano player and dinner sounds very nice, glad you are feeling better now and ready to go out and enjoy.


The snow/ice sculptors will start working on their creations in Lake Geneva this Wed. They will be judged on Sat, we will go up and see them on Sunday, hope the weather stays half way warm, its always so cold to walk around and look at them. Then we ususally go in and have a cup of hot chocolate and listen to the blue grass band. Not paticularly interested in blue grass music, it all sounds the same to me.


Have a good day, Sharon

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Sharon, I remember last year when you went to the ice sculptors. I also heard on the news that they are doing them at Navy Pier as well, and the same thing happened last year as well. Must do them around the same time.


Yes, if it were not for the wind it would be very nice outside. I went for gas this morning and nearly froze with that wind wiping at me. It is always a good sign when you see a eating place packed.


I will not wait so long the next time I get sick to get better. I waited too long and it got a real good hold on me. I should not have to go twice for the same problem.




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Kathy, glad that you are feeling better, sometimes I think we wait to go to the dr because we think we will get better without going. By the time we decide to go, we are really sick! You can't really run to the dr everytime, so it is hard to know when enough is enough and go.


I am going to the dance place, a gal who we see there quite often is getting some gals together and we will work on learning some line dances. I don't know any of the new ones, only the old ones from before I started dancing couples with Bill. So it should be fun and a little more exercise too. Looks like it might rain outside, windy but a nice temperature. Got our walk in this afternoon and it was quite pleasant.


The telephone repair man came this morning, we had a loud buzzing noise on the phone. He couldn't even find the wire that was supposed to be there so he ran a new one from the other side of the ditch all the way up to the back of the house. He said they would be back in the spring and bury it. Hopefully they come early in the spring because I don't like this big black cord laying across the yard. Always something isn't it!!


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Sharon, I was so busy yesterday getting all of the forms out for the tax year. The jerk waits until the last minute to get everything to me that he keeps changing and not making up his mind. I heard that a few days ago there was an earthquake in Mc Henry, did you feel anything or was the dog acting funny?


So you went to the dance place yesterday with other gal's to practice new dance moves. Did they have music for you or did someone bring some cd's? Yes, this weather is something, 60's is not hard to take for this time of year. Do you remember what was happening last year at this time?


It is hard to say what utility people will or will not do. You will probably have to stay on top of them to get it finished. How about the mailbox, have they done anything yet?




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No the mailbox has not gotten fixed, but we did have to put in another post to act as an anchor to hold the first post up. It was just resting in snow and now the snow is all gone. It is pretty sturdy now, doesn't look so good, but it is functional.


You are right about the telephone cable also, I bet we have to call and remind them to bury it, and the worst part is I don't think the line is very clear now either, seems to still be some "noise" on it. I might have to call them back again.


For the line dancing, the one gal who asked us to come teaches at a couple of other places so she has all the cd's for the music. There is already a player set up on the stage that she used. She taught us a couple of new ones and then we just followed her with some other ones. There were 4 other women there and two of the knew most of the dances. My other dancing friend who just retired from nursing went also, we really didn't know it was going to be lessons, just thought we were getting together to dance. So afterwards I asked the gal if she wanted to get paid, and she said, its up to you. So I guess next time we will pay her, its only $5.


I'm glad I have all Bill's business tax forms done, he got them mailed on the 30th. Now we will have to work on our own stuff, its always a relief to get it done!


We didn't feel the earth quake, and we were just sitting watching tv, they seem to be coming in all different places now a days don't they.


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Sharon, I think the guy used the excuse he can't burry the line now because it is winter. However, the ground is not frozen and if he really wanted to burry it he could. This is not a normal winter.


Well $5 is nothing and it does give her a little something for her trouble. Do you plan to do this once a week or something different. Should be a lot of activities this month. Valentine's Day and some places are doing leap year celebrations as well.




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Sharon, another nice day as far as the temps go. I remember all too well what happened 1 year ago. I was going nuts because I could not go out for 2 days. I am not one who can sit and do nothing.


How has your Zumba been doing? How many days a week are you doing now? With the line dancing mixed in there you should be doing very good.




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Yes I remember last year, ugh! We still had the other house and with the long lane had to get someone with an endloader to open it up, so far not been bad so the young couple that bought it doesn't know how bad it can get.


I am going to do the line dancing on Tuesdays weather permitting and the Zumba on Thursdays. I have went for a walk every day but today. I had to get a few things at the store so it got kind of late and I was tired so no walk today. I like the shows that are on tv tonight, Person of Interest and the Mentalist, they are our favorite programs. Bill is making a beef roast in the crock pot and will bring it home with him. That will last us two or three days depending on how big the roast is.


I won tickets to the Lake Geneva Symphony for Sat night, but just got an e-mail tonight about a Winter Dance with free instruction, its one we went to before and they taught the tango. So now I don't know which one we will go to, I think the dancing would be more fun, wish I knew someone I could give the tickets to the symphony to. Also a chili cookoff in Williams Bay on Sat, and then the ice sculputres on Sun. Should be a busy weekend. I also ordered tickets to the Young Auditorium in Whitewater, where the college is for an Elvis show. They are supposed to have two, one for the early years and one for the later years. That will be on the 10th.


Bill's grandson is coming home for a couple of weeks from his nursing job in Hawaii next week and we are going to try and get together to see him before he goes back. He signed up for I think 2 years. I said I would rather go out there and see him! ha ha



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Sharon, it does sound like you have a busy fun weekend planned. Also with the dancing and the Zumba that you have scheduled during the week should give you a good mix of things to do. I agree with you that it would have been much better to go to Hawaii to see the grandson but maybe another time.


They said that a lot of areas got socked in with heavy fog yesterday, how was your area? Should still be mild for a few more days, we cannot complain about that. I am taking the train downtown with my #1 daughter and her 2 kids to do some shopping tomorrow. Once we get off the train everything is underground so we do not go outside at all.




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Kathy, when I was a teenager we used to come downtown to shop, came down on the bus. Now I haven't been down there for many years, the last time was for a travel agent thing down on one of the boats by Navy Pier. Sounds like a fun day with your daughter and kids. I have never been underground shopping. Didn't even know there were shops underground.


Yes very foggy again here today, why is it doing this I wonder? We found someone to give the symphony tickets to and are going with another couple to that dance I mentioned. It's called A Winter Romance Dance. Don't know how dressy it is, but did find out it costs $25 per couple and the dance lesson will be on the waltz. The weatherman says it could be rain or snow, yuck!

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Sharon, shops such as Marcy's the bottom is underground then just take elevator's up to whatever level. Then there is also this new area called block 37 and it has many shops as well. So we will be leaving shortly for a day of shopping.


It should be kind of a mild weekend as far as the weather goes. We got rain last night. You enjoy your weekend with all of the activities you have planned.




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How was your shopping, was it just "window" shopping or did you actually buy something? Bet it was nice spending time with your daughter. Did you eat downtown also?


We went to the snow sculptures, but a couple had already fallen apart, just too much sun. And there were hundreds of people, you had to get in line to just walk past them and it moved at a snails pace. The lake has a very thin sheet of ice on it, but not enough for anyone to walk on. Delavan lake must have enough ice because we saw some people was out in the middle fishing. After that we went to Chilis, hadn't been there for quite some time. We each just had a bowl of soup and split a 1/2 order of Texas cheese fries. Then we came home changed clothes and left for the dance. It was a huge floor, live music and the guitar player/singer was an old friend of Bills. They played everything: cha cha, tango, rhumba, bosa nova, line dances, waltz's. At 8pm the gave a waltz lesson for about an hour. She taught us several things but when we tried to put them all together it was a disaster. We noticed that after the lesson when they played a waltz people were doing it the way they usually do. There were some really good dancers one in particular was so much fun to watch.


Today I went to church and then took Tinker for a walk. Then we went to the resort. We had the pool and the hot tub all to ourselves, it was so nice and relaxing. Too bad tomorrow they are draining the pool and redoing everything. They alreay had started on the locker room in January, and were now tiling the steam room. We used the spa facilities, which I found out we could have been using all along. Much nicer locker room, showers and make-up counter. It is all supposed to be done by 2/24 and they will give us another month on our membership.


Bill is anxious to see the game and the commercials, I like them too, they are really expensive so they are usually good.


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Sharon, downtown was a nice experience. I found a couple of outfits that were on sale in Mace's. Then we took a cab to the Water Tower Place and did more shopping there and had lunch there as well. Took the train back home and got back around 5. Then around 6:30 I went to the other daughter's house as she had another party. Just ladies and I stayed there until around 9 and came home. So it was a full day and I was knocked out.


If a friend of Bill's gets auto show tickets then we will go there on Saturday. He would never pay to go to the show. So if he can get tickets then we will ride the train there as the train stops right at McCormick Place. Well it sounds like you had a real full weekend, going out and dancing. Is this going to be a weekly thing?


We just stayed home and watched all of the pre game stuff and then watched the game. The club across the street had a big party, but we decided to just stay home where it was quiet. Bill was on 11 squares so I do not know if he won anything or not.


Weather wise it should be in the 40's all week. Well 2/24 is not too long to wait for the resort to open once again. Plus you get another month free.




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No the dance was just a one time deal, although they did have a sheet to sign up on if you would like them to have a monthly dance. Like I said it is really not the kind of dancing we do, but we did get up several times and dance anyway. Our friends were kind of stick in the mud's, they got there late and we were trying to hold seats for them at the front table, and then I think they only danced 2 times the whole night. Well, we had a good time anyway just doing our own thing. They want us to go with them on Thursday night to a new country dance place in Beloit. We will probably go, then Friday night I got tickets for the Elvis show so should be another good weekend. Yesterday I got tickets for the Geneva National Culinary dinner called "Night of Love". The theme is Italian and they have a 5 course dinner with a different wine paired with each course. We invited Bill's daughter and hubby to go with us and she was thrilled!


So your shopping trip sounded great, were the outfits for work or for your upcoming cruise? I saw last night on the news that 45,000 people already had registered for the Chicago Marathon. Is Bill going to be a part of that again? We stayed home and watched the Super Bowl also, didn't have any bets going with anyone so didn't win anything or lose anything!


Cold and windy today, brrrr. Don't think I'll walk today, have the line dancing tonight anyway so that should be enough exercise. We have a dusting of snow so hope it's done for today.


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Funny you just mentioned the auto show and the deal of the day from livingsocial is an adult ticket to the auto show for $5 instead of the normal $11! If you don't get tickets given to you, maybe you could check out that website. I love seeing the concept cars they show on the news, looks like they will be able to do everything soon, drive, park, stop, even stay in your own lane without any assistance from the driver!

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Sharon, you have another good weekend of activities coming up. Yes, much colder this week also very windy. I think the marathon was only open for 1 week before they got all filled up. I really don't know what Bill is going to do this year. He spoke of possibly giving it up but I have not heard anything definite yet.


I did buy the outfits for our trip. It is not a cruise as he canceled the sea end of it and we are doing the land portion because he did not like what he was hearing about ending in Mexico and getting bused to the border.


So your dancing tonight is this with the lady where you are going to pay her $5 for the lessons? Well enjoy and have a nice time tonight. Would you like them to do that kind of dancing that you did last week on a monthly basis?


Bill has a friend who is getting tickets for us. If all goes well we will go on Saturday. We go every year as he has someone give him tickets. He said he would not pay as he does not like it that much, only to see the new stuff and and different things they put on display.




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Sharon, around 8:30 last night it started snowing heavy here for a few hours. This morning the only place it stuck was on the grass. The sidewalk and driveway were clear. When I was leaving work last night we got some freezing rain. My car was covered with ice and the roads were icy driving home.


On the lake across the street one guy left his fishing house in the center of the lake and Monday afternoon it all fell through and sank to the bottom. What was he thinking leaving it out there.




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We only had that dusting of snow yesterday morning, nothing last night and today plenty of sunshine! Someone said on the radio, do I dare hope we are done with winter? Hope he was right. Sometimes in March we get the freezing rain, but who knows with the kind of weather we have been having maybe it will just be warm and sunny, hope, hope, hope!


We would need to get some ballroom dance lessons to really join in that group. We can do the waltz, and a two step that fit in with some of theirs, but really need some lessons. Had 2 hours of dancing last night, my legs were tired and I slept good last night. I did pay the gal $5, she taught us several new and reviewed several from last week. There were only 4 of us there so small group.


Didn't go for a walk yesterday, just too darn cold with the wind, but going soon today, Tinker has already came in here by the computer 2 times, guess she's ready to go!

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Sharon, your dancing will be keeping you fit and it will also build muscle tone. It sounds like a good thing to do each week. It would be nice if we were finished with winter. However I still think that we have more in store for us yet. I can handle almost anything except the cold. It just goes right through me.


Well Bill gave me some shocking news yesterday. He has stage 1 esophagus cancer. He is going for a test tomorrow to determine how much stomach acids backing up or refluxing into his esophagus. After they determine that then they will schedule surgery to fix the esophagus.




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Oh Kathy, I guess that was a shock, I've heard that acid reflux can turn into cancer, but you know stage I, should be easily cured. He's lucky they found it so soon, but I know they have been watching it. Hope the surgery and recovery goes quickly! I will pray for that. Are you still going to be able to go on vacation, maybe before anything gets going? One of the gals at Zumba told me today she is going to Hawaii on 2/22 and won't be back until 2/27.


Bill's DS told him yesterday that his XSO told him maybe he should take their little girl permanently. Guess she is having fun running around with a new boyfriend and the child is getting in the way. As it is he takes her every weekend so she can leave Friday and not come home until Mon morning. Now he jokingly, hopefully, said why don't you and Sharon take her. Well this child doesn't even speak to us, doesn't have any schooling, is a real brat and is 7 1/2 years old. I think it would be too much for us to handle at this stage of our life, especially since she has a mom and dad.


Going to the grand opening of a new dance place in Beloit tonight with friends, strange going out on Thursday night, have to record Person of Interest and Mentalist, they are our favorite shows.


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Sharon, he went downtown today to get a tube inserted so they can find out how much acid and the level. But they could not do it as he was gagging and throwing up. They made 3 attempts and it was a no go. So now they are talking about doing a upper endoscopy and putting it in while he is under. There is no way they are going to get that tube down while he is awake.


So now the doctor is going away and they are not scheduling anything until March. So we will just have to wait and see when they plan to do this. His health is more important so if we have to cancel then so be it.


Wow, too bad about that little girl. You better tell him to make everything legal down on paper to protect him and the girl from the crazy mom. Probably a good idea to go out dancing tonight. Tomorrow I heard there is a snow storm warning out.


Have fun tonight.




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Oh Boy, I bet that was awful trying to get that tube in, I would have done the same thing as him! I have never had an endoscopy either, bad as it sounds I would rather have it the "other" way. So I guess they don't think its too urgent if they are going to wait until March, but I bet he would rather just it get over with wouldn't he?


The dance last night was kind of a flop, the dance floor was huge and they gave a free drink coupon to the first 99 men and a rose to the first 99 women. But the band played so loud we had to stuff pieces of the napkin in our ears and it didn't even help much. This seems to be what all the bands do, loud, loud and more loud. We only danced two dances, hardly anyone was dancing, more just sitting than anything else.


Tonight we are supposed to go to the Elvis show, and its snowing and blowing like crazy. Has been all morning. I keep hoping it will stop and the roads can get cleaned up, but hasn't happened yet. We are in McHenry County and aren't even included in the heavier amount of snow. Guess the weatherman got it wrong again!


Are you all better and feeling good now? Sharon

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Happy Lincoln's Birthday, hope your weekend was good, ours was quiet. After the Thursday night dance thing and the Friday night Elvis thing, we stayed home on Sat and Sun. Friday night was terrible driving, the snow was blowing and drifting and you couldn't see the road, complete white-outs. We left 2 hrs early and just got down the road about 5 miles and there was a semi jackknifed across the road. We had to take a detour around it which was even worse then the road we were on. Anyway made it there and back and were so glad we went. It was a terrific show and we really enjoyed it.


Looks like tonight you should be getting a little more snow than us, I am ready for it to quit, bring on the spring!


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Sharon, my router for my computer crashed and I had a hard time finding the right one for my PC. I did not want to wait until this week sometime for them to send me another. So I had no PC the entire weekend. Finally got one and installed it last night. We went to the auto show yesterday and took the train down. I never saw so many people on the train before, very crowded.


The doctor is going away for a month and they are not taking any appointment until March. That is the reason for the delay. I am glad you had a nice time at the Elvis show. Too bad you had such bad weather driving there. Thank God you made it there and back safely. Sorry to hear the dancing was a bust. You would think they would tone the noise down a bit. Should not be so loud.


The snow we got was not much and it is all gone now. We did not have to plow anything or shovel either. I did hear that we are going to get more snow tonight. We dodged most of it on Friday. However about 5 miles east of us got a lot of it. I am feeling much better now. I was really sick for about 2 weeks.




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