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Sharon, well you both have really been through an ordeal. I hope that the bad pain does not come back and that sometime soon they can get to the problem and end all of the pain from coming back. This Dr sounds like a very good person to go to.


I had to laugh as I am the same way when I am able to figure out things on my own. Thanks for the tip on the fitbit. I will have to try to mess around and get it going. Thus far I have not been very motivated.


You both must be very tired with all that you have been going through. So you are going to a fair this weekend. Yes, let's hope that hurricane does not mess things. When I was watching this morning it looks like it will be coming right up to our area.


I hope I can get out of work early on Friday, as Bill always get nervous when we get out of town late. One can never tell with that place on how things will go. He just does not care about anyone else except himself.




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Friday will be the big exodus out of the state for those lucky enough to go on vacation. We will be going out of state too, but only to the fair about 20 miles away. One night, Friday night, we will see Wynonna and Sat night I can't remember who it is. I hope you can leave work early too, maybe beat some of the traffic. Is he able to eat better now thats its been a few days? I'm sure you will enjoy your stay, since you have already been there, you already know you like it.

Edited by timeormoney
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Sharon, he is still not eating the was he used to as the esophageal area is still swollen and it is still a fraction of its original size. After they fixed the hole they then cut out part of his upper stomach and wrapped it around the esophagus. They told us it would take some 4 to 6 weeks to completely heal.


Wow, some big names at the fair and it is only 20 minutes form you home. Hopefully you won't run into too much traffic once you get there to get inside and park.


I agree if the weather is half ways decent then everyone will be making a mass exit to get out of town. I just hope we can get on the road not too late. That has happened in the past and we have run into massive traffic jams, and that is no fun at all especially when Bill is driving.


I would like to see the picture but so far nothing. Thank you anyway.




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We went to the salsa class again, last week we were the only ones, but last night there were 3 other couples there. They were all quite a bit younger, it was obvious that they had never danced at all ever so we just kind of went over the same stuff from last week. Had a good zumba class this morning, quite a few were there today.


Thinking about cutting some grass in a few minutes, it might be the coolest day this week as its in the 80's now and next 2 days are supposed to be in the 90's. Bill has been doing ok with the tooth and the penicillin and advil regime. So he will stay on it until the meds run out or until something changes, like pain comes back or goes completely away. Hope it doesn't get as bad as last weekend, that was terrible!


Has your Bill lost weight due to not being able to eat the regular way? Its been a few weeks now hopefully everyday he feels a little better.

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Sharon, oh yes, it has been kind of a joke around here as he had been loosing weight and I have been gaining weight. Before all of this it was the opposite at least for him, as I have not been loosing but at least maintaining. I would love to start loosing once again like I was awhile back.


I hope your Bill continues to improve and that nothing comes back like it did before. That sounds like it was very scary. For that matter I hope both Bill's improve. Yes, with him not really eating the way he was he is loosing weight without exercising.


He said he will not return to the pool until the steri-strips come off. He is not supposed to pull them off, rather wait until they fall off or until the Dr pulls them off when he sees him again. He is concerned they might fall off in the pool or someone would not take kindly to him being in the pool looking the way he does now. Unlike some of the slobs he has told me about.


Well that is good that you are getting along with the dancing and more people are joining in. I am also glad that your hip has not caused to cut back on the Zumba. Yes, it is a good idea to do the grass before the heat returns. Also with the holiday coming up it should be good until next week. Our's was cut today. The construction is heading down our way. We figure they should be down here tearing up the parkway putting in the sewers next week sometime. They are just 2 blocks away now.


Enjoy the day and the nice weather.




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Thats good he is not going to the pool, even with all the chlorine you can still pick up something if you are not healed up completely. I know even when I have a spot zapped at the skin drs office, she tells me not to go in until it is healed up.


Bill weighed himself the other day because they had asked him at the hospital how much he weighed and he said, oh maybe 140 or so. I told him, you better not only weigh 140, that would mean I weigh more than him! But what he really weighs is not a whole lot better, it was 152. He has never been really heavy, he used to have a pretty good size belly but has lost almost all of it now.


I got a diet from Dr Ian Smith, you had to request it by twitter, which I don't usually do, but figured out how to just for that. Then he sent a letter telling me I had to really be serious because I would be part of a group and I wouldn't want to let the group down. Then I had to list my weight, height, sex and amount I would like to lose in total. After all that he email the diet to me with strict orders not to share it with anyone as its a forerunner to a book he has coming out and he wants to see how people do on it first. I certainly haven't lost anything for a long time and would love to get down 20 pounds. I just heard on tv the other night that even being overweight adds to your chances of cancer or recurring cancer. Sure don't want to go there again!


Ok got some of the grass cut, going to get the rest done now. I heard the price of gas has gone up by 30 cents a gallon. Where we buy gas in Wi had been $3.77. I need to go get some more containers filled up to finish the grass, so I will see where it is now.

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Sharon, it sounds like you have had this diet for awhile. But nothing has happened for you to loose any weight being on this diet. I have seen the adds for this Dr before. Let me know how you are doing on it.


It really cooled off last night and it is not even bad as far as the temps go now. But tomorrow and the next day is supposed to be back in the 90's. So this is a good day to finish cutting the grass. You could almost figure that the last official holiday for the summer, they would hike the price and use some kind of excuse why they did it.


Bocce tonight and we only have 3 more games until the end of the season. Wow, this sure has gone by very quickly. We would have to win all of the rest and the first place team would have to loose the rest for us to have a chance for first place.


Enjoy this day,




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Sharon, we are starting to slid as we lost once again last night. There are only 2 more games left, and even if we did not win another game, we still did better than we have done in the past.


Today is supposed to be the first day with the 90's once again for the next 2 days. I guess we will have to turn the air on later on when the heat and humidity sets in. It is good that you got the grass all cut.


Have a good day.




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I did get all the grass cut yesterday, today, I should go out and do some week wacking with the trimmer.


I guess I worded that wrong about the diet, I just got it on Wednesday and haven't had time to really even start it. About not losing, I haven't even been on a diet for a long time so no wonder I haven't lost anything. Don't know if I will start the diet this week anyway with us going to the fair on the weekend. We always eat some junk food that doesn't taste as good as you think it should.


One more day and you are off for a vacation, nice to look forward to something. I don't think we will even attempt to go to the resort, probably be way too crowded. Bill said his son might be coming down, so we will probably go out to dinner with him one night. See what I mean about trying to diet! ha ha

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Sharon, don't feel too bad as like you I haven't been dieting as well. But I don't like Bill loosing and I am gaining, that is bothering me, not because Bill is loosing but because I am not.


It is never a good idea to start a diet on a holiday weekend. Probably best to wait until the weekend is over with. You are probably right about the resort being too crowded. But couldn't you stick your head in and see. If it is not, then go. Maybe most of the people will be outside enjoying the last of the pool being open outside. I would think that the outdoor part closes after Monday.


If your Bill's son comes down then that will be nice for all of you to go out for dinner. I had talked to Bill about canceling this weekend as I am concerned about him not being able to eat what restaurants have. But he is not concerned and he said he will do fine.




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Ha Ha like you, I don't want Bill to weigh less than I do and right now its pretty darn close!


You are right, we might just go and check out the resort, if its not crowed that would be great and if it is we'll just go eat somewhere.....see what I mean about eating? Everything seems to be about eating!


I bet he can find something to eat at a restaurant, he will know what works for him. For the surgery did they go in down his throat or from the outside? Not that it makes much difference, I'm sure the recovery is about the same for either one. I'm really sorry for him, must be awful not being able to swallow very well.

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Sharon, swallowing is OK, just the esophagus opening is just a fraction of its size. The surgery was by laparoscopic, as he has five incisions in his abdomen area. That is the reason he will not go to the pool until the steri-strips come off.


So as long as he cuts up things into very small pieces then he can swallow. I would just hate to go all that way if we could not do anything, and eating is a very important part of that. But he is just not eating very much at all. But he seems to be content.


Now the big thing is getting out of town early enough not to get tied up in massive traffic jams.




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Sharon, well this should be the last day for the 90's, as it is supposed to cool off after today. I was looking at the weather last night, and they said the rain from the hurricane is going to hit our area and travel east. Your area should not be affected by this.


I am planning to leave at 4, so I hope I can do that and get on the road soon after that. The rain is not supposed to get to this area until tomorrow night and into Sunday. Hopefully the area in Western Michigan will have good weather. We will come back on Monday morning.


We may then go to this Labor Day craft fair that is held every year. We will just have to see how we are doing. You will be going to the fair and if Bill's son gets in, you will go to dinner with him. So enjoy and have a great weekend.




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Hope you got away when you wanted to! I had the evaluation for the physical therapy this afternoon. The gal is really nice and showed me some exercises to get going on. She said I definetly had some tight muscles in the right hip area. She said she was glad I came in to get some help. I will be going back to see her next Wednesday since Monday is the holiday. After that it will be 2 times a week, Monday and Friday.


Looks like great weather tonight for the concert, hope we don't get any idiots standing in front of us again!

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After two days of walking, walking, walking at the fair we are just staying home today. The two shows were good, we had great seats and the weather was nice so all in all it was good. Sat afternoon we met Bills son for lunch and his one daughter and DH came also. I took a 1/2 of pill of my ibuprofen and it got stuck in my throat. I could not drink, swallow or even talk. I grabbed Bills arm and pointed to my throat, he didn't know what to do either but got up when I stood, then his son, who is a dr came around the table and was just ready to do the Heimlich maneuver when the pill slid down my throat. Whew, I was really shaky for a while after that! Don't know why it got stuck, I am always on guard against that since it happened to me once before. I have been taking a 1/2 of pill since I went to the Dr last week, so I was surprised when it got stuck.


Anyway today is also a nice day, and his other daughter called with tickets to see REO Speedwagon at the fair, but we said, thanks but no thanks.


Maybe tomorrow we will wander out to the apple orchard that just opened back up last week.


My hip has been really hurting this weekend, but Bills tooth has been ok. Hope your weekend is going well and you are getting in some fun and relaxation.

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Sharon, we are back and it was a real nice weekend. Today is very nice here as well. We left early to avoid the traffic. On Friday I did not get out as early as I wanted to but we still made good time and stopped to get something to eat before we checked in there.


I am glad the concert was better this time. Also good that you were able to join and meet up with Bill's family. Wow, very scary having that pill stuck. I hope the girl will help with making your hip better through exercises. I heard that there was a lot of rain here on Saturday. How was the weather for you over the weekend? We may go to a craft fair this afternoon, as I will have to see how we are feeling.


Enjoy this beautiful day.




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Sharon, we never went out after we got home yesterday. We were both just too tired and stayed in and rested. For me it was good to get all charged up for my short week ahead.


Another nice day today, then the cooler temps will arrive. How was your day yesterday, and did you do anything?


I hope you have a good week this week and that your hip will improve.




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We stayed home most of the day yesterday, I had a good book I was reading and Bill was watching golfing on tv. Then around 6pm we went up to the pool, it was a good time to go as there was only Bills daughter and hubby there. We got home around 9pm watched a little tv and went to bed.


Today I had zumba, I took it kind of easy, since the pt gal had told me not to jump on one leg because it would put too much strain on my hip. I still could do most of everything. The gals are going to another class starting tomorrow at another location at 4pm. I wanted to go but I have pt 3:15 to 4:15 down in Woodstock, so no way could I get back in time. It will have to wait until next week.


We got just a little rain on Sunday afternoon, not much and it didn't reach up into WI so the fair was fine. With the sun and the wind, I am having to fill the birdbath 3 times a day, just bakes it out I guess.


It will be a short week and its always hard to remember what day it is since it will seem like Monday all day today. Glad you had a good time, I'm sure Bill enjoyed getting out for a change of scenery also.

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Sharon, it was good you were able to enjoy the resort as well as Bill's family. Very humid here today. Tomorrow if forecast for about an inch and 1/2 of rain and still in the 90's, but those days are dwindling.


The road trip back home went well with us leaving early enough to avoid the real heavy stuff later on I am sure. So in about 2 weeks we will go to Las Vegas for 5 days and that will be it for a while of us going anyplace. I hope we can see the Hoover Dam and perhaps a good show as well. If that can happen I will be happy. Otherwise, there is really not much to do while there.


It is good to lay back on certain things until you can get the hip from not causing you so much discomfort. The construction is only a few houses from being right in front of our house. Much dirt and dust from it all. With the rain that is coming I am sure it will be muddy as well.




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Can you still drive to your house with all that going on? Where are you staying in Las Vegas, did you get a good deal? We went on a tour to Hoover Dam when we went there several years ago. The water was really low in the lake, bet its even lower now. There are supposed to be some good deals on homes there now, a lot of foreclosures. We really need to go somewhere, we have a bus trip the middle of Oct to a covered bridge festival in Indiana, its only an overnight thing.

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Sharon, we are staying at the Hilton Grand Vacations and we did get a great deal. Yes, you are right that the water level will more than be low once again with the lack of rain around the country. We have a good friend who lives there and there are many deals on property as that area got hit real hard. He will either let us use his car or take us there himself. The Dam is only about 33 miles outside of LAS.


We live on a alley so it does not affect us as far as driving down the street. Since our garage is also on the alley we are better off than most people who only have a driveway off of the street and who cannot access their garage either from the alley.


There is a covered bridge in Crown Point, IN not too far away from us. That should be a great tour.




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Sharon, I do not know if your area got hit with storms last night. For a good part of the evening we had severe storm warnings. Then about 10 minutes before they were going to move into our area, they all broke up and they canceled the warnings. So we really did not get anything like they said we were going to get.


Now this morning it has been raining lightly and it should clear up with more expected late this afternoon into the evening. We have 1 more rain day to give up, and tonight might be the night were we get rained out for the third time this summer.


There is a 5 way tie for second place, so we cannot afford to loose anymore games as it has become a very tight race. Some of the people get real upset if they loose. It is only a game and we do it for fun. I mean come on.




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Yes some people are very competitive, seems they can't just enjoy a game for a game. Good luck though, hope you get it in tonight. We started hearing wind around 9 pm last night then the lightening and then the rain and thunder. We got an inch out of all that, but everything helps. We are supposed to get the second wave this evening also and then 70's for the rest of the week. That will be great, I have some weeds that I want to pull or cut down and its just been too hot.


I have a pt this afternoon, I called about an hour ago and had to leave a message, to ask for an earlier time than the 3:15 appmt I have. So far no one has called me back so I'm thinking it won't happen. I wanted the earlier appmnt because 3 of the other gals in Tues morning Zumba are going to a Wed zumba class at 4Pm. I wanted to try it out with them, but guess if I don't get a call back with a change of time it will have to wait until next week. I have been taking more of the naproxen pills for my hip and it has been helping more and I haven't been jumping at all off the ground during class.


Glad to hear you can still get into your garage, they have had your street tore up for a long time.

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Sharon, they start moving the trucks around 6 in the morning and go until around 3:30. They are only 1 house away from us now. We did not get much rain this morning. It is forecast for this evening. So we will just have to wait and see if they are able to get all of the games in.


It is funny to watch how some of the players really get mad if they loose. We are not that competitive, but have just been luck to have won all that we won. We are just hoping that our streak can continue and not us to fall back.


Well I hope the PT can eventually help your hip to be in less discomfort. The big thing about this construction is all of the dust. We have the house closed up during the hot temps. When it does cool off after today, we will still have to have things closed up to keep all of the dust from coming into the house.




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