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Sharon, it is cold and damp here today. We all forget that the weather is usually not very nice on Memorial Day. It would seem that tradition is holding true this year as well. You are right, that we will enjoy ourselves no matter what the conditions. There are many places to go to, and many things to do there. Now all has to fall in place by me getting out of work tomorrow and us leaving early.


We had our first game in bocce last night and after having a big lead we lost by 2 points. Oh well, it is only the first game and it is only a game, but some of the people really take it very serious and get all upset when loosing.


It is good that you have a good drinking water now. Bad that they cannot keep their prescribed appointments. I hate that when people do not come when they are scheduled to. Some of them think that our time is not as important as their time, especially doctors.


Bill has a dentist appointment this morning and then this afternoon he goes and gets the stitches taken out of his foot. He also has to go to pick up locks that are at the locksmith for our front storm doors getting both doors keyed the same and a new lock for our gate that broke and that is getting keys the same as our other keys.


I am and have not been feeling too secure. I want more locks and better protection wether I am here all alone or not. I feel better when things are all secure. I don't think you can be too secure or too safe. There are crazies we all have to be aware of these days.


With this perfect growing weather, your grass will be growing quickly. I always get real hungry when fasting as well. But I guess you have to do that in order to get good results form the tests.


Bill had major problems with his computer. So they finally came a few days ago and not only replaced the mother board, they replaced the driver as well. So basically he got a brand new system. So hopefully all will be working now. He also was able to back up everything onto an external hard drive.


We start our walking next week. We will also start up our outside hot tub when we return next week. This weather is just too unpredictable in May. I think that you said you were not doing anything special on the weekend. Whatever you do have fun and be safe.




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I had the dr's nurse call yesterday afternoon, they had gotten the lab reports from yesterday morning already and most everything was worse than before. She had called in and renewed a cholesterol prescription earlier in the day but when she got the blood report she called me to say she was going to try and catch them before they sent it to me as now it has to be doubled. My cholesterol was 269 and my triglycerides were up and my good cholesterol was down and the bad up. The only thing that was still good was my thyroid. I have been out of my cholesterol meds for a couple of weeks, so I'm hoping thats why the counts are up, but not sure. Guess I am going to really watch what I eat, don't like the numbers at all.


Sounds like Bill is getting lots of things taken care of, thats a good thing! As I mentioned to you, the dentist made a bridge that can be taken out or put in instead of what we told him to make...a bridge that was attached permanently to his other teeth. And, just like I thought, he wore it one day and has not put it back in again. That is exactly why I wanted him to get the permanent one. Don't know why the dentist didn't do as we agreed before he started the work.


Cold here today, only 47, but the rain has stopped and I think I will have time to get the front yard cut again before Bill gets home, or it starts raining again.


Hope you can get out early from work!

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Sharon, it is so cold and so windy. Temps that I would not expect for this time of year. It is not a good day to be outside or driving.


Well there are a few things that I would be upset about. This dentist should have done the work as agreed upon. What good is to have a bridge, that Bill will not wear. If you asked and paid for the permanent bridge, then you should have one. Also I would think that since you have been out of your med's for a few weeks that may be part of the problem.


However with all that you do to stay fit and work out, yours should not be so far out of where it should be. I am sure you will have an appointment soon to figure out what is going on. Bill got a filling replaced today and 3 stitches taken out of his foot. When I called him earlier, he said the wind was blowing so hard and it was cold, and giving him some problems installing the locks on the door and gate. It is not a good day to be doing that kind of stuff.


I made a hair appointment after work today as it will be way too windy and cold to do any outdoor walking later on. Next week will be a complete turn around with the weather.


I know that it would bother me getting that kind of results. I hope you can find something out to bring things to a more normal range and not have it upset you too much. Stay warm and don't get blown away.




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Well it looked to be a pretty cold day today, but as the day goes on its getting to be pretty nice. I did some weed eating around everything this morning, I did get the lawn cut again, but should have went down one more notch and cut it a little lower, I'm sure it will be tall again in no time.


Were you going to do the walk every night or just the one night to take the place of yoga? Nice to get your hair done, it will look good for your trip. I have to color mine today, its gotten pretty light and I want a little more color in it. I also have a goupon for a cut and highlight, I'll have to make that appointment soon, I want to get it cut real short so its easier to take care of over the summer.


I am enjoying my water, its tastes sooo good! Its also connected to the ice maker in the refrigerator so the ice cubes are nice too.


Good to have sturdy locks on your doors. We have dead bolts on ours along with the regular locks. One key fits all the locks too. Our doors are steel but look like wood. The one in the sun room that faces south get really hot from the sun. Its good in the winter but not so much in the summer.


There is a pancake breakfast on Sunday morning at the rescue squad and a pig roast in the afternoon at the place we go to on Wednesday nights. We plan on going to the pancake brkfst, not sure about the other yet. Depends on what else we are doing.


Have a nice trip, enjoy!

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Sharon, happy Memorial Day to you and Bill. We are back. We were on the road Friday at 11 and today at 9:30. So we avoided traffic both ways. Yesterday was the nicest day of the weekend. Today rained there and most of the way back. Cool today but then I heard it warms up after this.


So you went to the breakfast yesterday and I remember you do that every year. Did you go to the pig roast as well? The weather was windy and cool at night. Over all a cool weekend but we still enjoyed ourselves and had a nice weekend.


So over all how was you weekend? Enjoy the rest of today




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We did not go to the pig roast, Bill's son came down from northern WI and we went to a mexican restaurant fir dinner.


We did not do much else, just took it easy.


I went to get on my computer today and couldn't get a connection, seems when we have rain it happens. Will try tomorrow and if it still doesn't work, call at&t.

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Sharon, Bill had his mother board and hard drive replaced last week. So virtually he has a new computer. Dell came out and replaced it all, since his is under warrantee.


Now my friend and I are walking instead of yoga. We are only doing it once per week, although I could use more exercise. She is in a better position to do more. I am not, with the way work is. The jerk did not go to STL this week and is here all week, lucky me.


Around 9 pm last night the skies opened up and all total we got around 2" of rain. Much lightening and thunder and we lost power for around 4 hours. However with our back up generator we did not loose any power and we were the only house in the neighborhood with power. We loose power 2 to 3 time a year at this house. I have never been anywhere where we loose power so much.


I heard yesterday that we could get more rain this afternoon or tonight. So depending on how accurate they are will depend if any of our bocce games are rained out tonight. Only 1 rain out for any of the 16 games played and the entire night is rained out. Even if the rest were able to finish.


Well it sounds like you may have had a better time going out with family rather than going to the pig roast. It was a cool weekend. Now it should be higher temps throughout the summer.




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My computer started working again with a connection, I knew it was the weather, don't know why it happens though.


Had a busy day yesterday, I picked up Bill and we met some friends for lunch at a place called Egg Harbor in Lake Geneva and then the guys both had a hearing test. Bill needs a hearing aid bad, I am constantly repeating things and telling him what other people are saying. But he wanted to wait and ask his son this weekend since we are going up there for a graduation. The other guy did go ahead and get one ordered. His goes in his ear and stays 24 hrs for something like 4 months, then he goes back and they give him a different one or new battery in the one he has, not quite clear. The one Bill was looking at goes behind his ear and a little wire comes around with a little cap on it that goes into his ear. Since he has some low range hearing the dr said that that type of aid wouldn't block out what he can hear without it. But like I said he wants to wait, I told him only for a week, because I am tired of repeating, repeating, repeating!.


We did not get any rain last night, but today it is very cloudy and very windy. I just got home, went to water aerobics instead of zumba today since we had a pot luck afterwards. Now I have to go out and try to get some more lawn mowed before it does start to rain again. The grass just keeps growing and growing, and you have to wait for the rain to stop and then its really long.l


Hope you don't get rained out for bocce,

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Sharon, bocce is on Wednesday and it turned out to be a very nice night, with no rain at all. Today, like you said, windy and cloudy and I guess we have rain headed this way for later on and into tomorrow. We played the #1 team, although both us and the,m kept gong back and forth last year with first place. We lost by 1 point and it was a good game. We are not getting off to a good start this year with 2 looses and no wins.


Tonight we are supposed to walk. Hopefully the rain will not be a factor as last week we canceled due to rain. Another thing is my daughter might want me to watch the kids after work if they are not back on time. So it all depends on the weather and how and if I get tied up after work.


It sounds like Bill likes to procrastinate a lot before doing things. Hearing and getting fitted for the proper aid is very important. I have heard of that place that you went to yesterday in WI. It is a very popular place there. This is perfect growing weather with the rain and the warm temps. So this time of year keeps you very busy with cutting.


We lost power 2 nights ago for around 5 hours in our area. Our backup generator has really come in handy as we loose power at least 2 to 3 time per year. Enjoy the rest of today,




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I was almost done cutting the grass and way out in the back when the rain came down in buckets. Before I could get back I was soaked! Then after a while the sun came back out but it was too wet then to finish. Today still pretty wet so don't think I'll get to finish it.


Maybe your team will have a big finish and win anyway, this is only the first couple of games. Having fun is the main thing, although you mentioned some people get pretty serious about winning.


Trying to get things done before going tomorrow, mainly straightening up the house for when the pet sitter comes in.


We had a nice pot luck after our water aerobics and didn't have duplicates of anything. Was sitting there with them and the instructor, Dawn, asked the gal sitting across from me, tell us about your family. I was worried she would ask me next and I never quite know what to say, so I got up to get some more food and by the time I got back the conversation had changed to something else, thank goodness!. Even after all this time, my eyes still well us with tears when someone asks me if I have kids and didn't want to get into that.


So, anyway last night after I took a hot shower and got cleaned up, we went up to a restaurant in Lake Geneva that had sent me a birthday discount of $20. We sat at a window facing the lake and could watch as the storm kept getting closer and closer. Luckily by the time we were done eating it had came and gone. But it was really neat to see it coming across the lake and the white caps on the water.


Have a great weekend, hope you get out of work on time

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Sharon, the jerk left for SFO this morning and he will be gone at least 2 weeks. I should have some peace of mind for that period of time. I did not have to watch the kids last night. But it was raining too hard and flooding and high winds, so as expected, we did not walk again.


Now it is very cloudy and it looks like more rain on the way .Yesterday afternoon and into the night, we kept having banks of storm that would roll through and then like you said the sun would come out. Then in a little while it would start all over again. There were power outages around us, but we did not loose any this time.


So you are leaving tomorrow to attend the graduation. Then coming back on Sunday. Hopefully Tinker will be Ok for the short time away, and I hope you have a good weather as well. I could see where storms can mess up connections to the computer. So far Bill has had a good luck with having the stuff replaced and it is like a new computer now. He says he will never get another Dell again with the long hold times and being on the phone for so long when talking to them.


I know what you are saying about being put on the spot without any warning. I would not like that either and I am not really big on small talk anyway.


Have a good trip and enjoy the weekend.




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We had a good time over the weekend, it was a long drive somewhere around 3 1/2 to 4 hrs. Bill's son had reserved a room for us and we stayed there, but it was a tiny little room, that I think was meant for 1 person since we had to ask for another set of bathroom towels and washcloths. I would never stay there again. Bill's daughter and hubby stayed at a Holiday Inn Express and we saw their room was very nice. We dealt with it since it was only one night and didn't want to let him know we didn't like it.


The graduation had 250+ kids, so it went for several hrs, luckily it was a little cooler up there, so we weren't too uncomfortable.


On the way home we stopped at a Ho Chunk casino we had passed on the way in. We played the penny machines and Bill's machine kept paying for several hrs. At one time he was up to $177 but when we finally called it a night he took home around $45. He only put in $20 to begin with so he felt good. I on the other hand put in several $20 bills, to keep playing. We didn't get home until almost midnight.


Today I had to get my oil changed, get gas, then go to Rockford to get my teeth xrayed. The machine almost looked like a mammogram thing. I stood behind it and put my chin in a slot and my front teeth on a little bar. Then in 15 seconds it was all done. By the time I went out to pay, they had already sent the x rays to my dentist.


Tomorrow going to zumba, seems like I'm so very busy lately!

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Sharon, nothing wrong with staying busy. I have become spoiled with some of the places that Bill has taken me. Before I met him I did not go anywhere. So like you, I do not think I would have been happy either staying in smaller accommodations. But at least you had good weather and you were able to get away and do things different. Always good to take money home, versus leaving it there. The few times we have gone I always loose.


Yesterday, was the day I had to report to 26th and California for the jury duty. You were absolutely right about it all, and I was nothing but nervous thinking about it all as I could have easily been choosen to serve and the minimum would have been 1 week up until 4 weeks from 9-5. For that they pay $50 per day, and since I was not chosen I got the normal $17 and something.


Bill drove me and picked me up as I did not know where to go nor did I know where I was either. All around there is a big prison. There was about 100 other's and about 37 were picked and the rest let go. Only 3 people interviewing and I had a nice old guy and I told him I work for a jerk that would never pay my to be away all of that time and that I was coming from Indiana and there was no real public transit for me to get there and I did not drive and my husband would have a hard time driving me everyday. Sounds like I was giving many excuses.


They let all who were not picked go around 12:30 and I called Bill and he came back down to pick me up. We were back home a little after 2. So that was another good thing not getting tied up in the traffic coming back home. So he had to do a lot of driving yesterday and I do not know what I would have done otherwise.


It has been cold during the night but at least the sunshine has been bright. So all in all it was kind of nice not being at work yesterday and once I was back home a good change of pace.


How did Tinker fair during your absence?




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Glad you got out of the jury selection, it would have been hard for you to get there. When we get called its only in the next town so not too bad, I kind of enjoyed it, but I wouldn't have down where you had to go!


Tinker did just fine, it was really only one night so she probably didn't even miss us. The pet sitter came in a couple of different times, once to give her a pill and again to make sure she took it. I stopped in at her house on the way home from zumba. She had called and asked me to stop so she could give me the key to the house back and to see her barn that she is letting some friends use for an anniversary party. It is a very big old barn, in great shape. She said some people had owned it years ago and had only rented out the house while keeping the barn all closed up for 50 years. Her father in law bought the whole farm and lets them live there. She has horses so it works out great for them. Years ago her father in law sold his farm to Motorola when they came to town. So then he invested alot of the money into other farms and houses to rent. They are thinking of getting the required zoning to use it as a banquet facility.


Going to go out and cut grass ....again! I really like this weather though, not so hot but sunny.


That is good that your Bill takes you to nice places, makes the trip more enjoyable and nothing wrong with getting spoiled, I'm sure you deserve it!

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Sharon, I think they want juror's who are wiling participants rather than people who are not willing to serve or who have a good reason not to, where it would create a hardship. Anyway with our age and we absolutely cannot be called in the next 12 months, that should be it for us ever doing it again.


Your sitter sounds like she has a real plan and having a barn in that good of shape will be very useful. Her father really left them in real good shape and he sounds like a very good business person.This is perfect weather to be outside working. Except with this perfect growing weather, you will be cutting a lot of grass.


There is a lot of people suffering with all of the stuff falling around and all of the tress with things dropping. Allergies are running very high.


Enjoy this beautiful weather. Bill turned and filled the outside hot tub for me. So I am back to sitting in there every night now once I get home. Don't you just love the good old summer time?




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I was going to do some weeding after I got home from water aerobics, but it started to rain on the way home. Seems for some reason I have just been eating and eating today instead!


That is nice you have a hot tub, our friends have one two and they have been working on it getting it set up and filled. We just use the one at the resort, but you sound like you get a lot of use out of yours.


I kind of like the cooler weather, once it gets into the 80's sometimes its too hot to do much work outside. I think it will warm up probably next week. Our farmers market starts next sat, don't know how much they will have, its early and there are many vendors, but we will go and look.


We are lucky not to have allergies to dust or pollen, I do get a reaction from weeds and grass and things like that if I get them on my skin. I wear long sleeves when I'm going to mow close to some tall weeds.


Have you gotten in any walks lately? Glad you don't have the jerk there to deal with this week!

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Sharon, with luck I will not have the jerk for at least 2 weeks or maybe even more. We are planning to start walking tonight. As the past 2 weeks have been rained out. Cooler for the next few days, but like you said, next week will go into the 80's. I did see where the rain was tracking more north form us. As we were concerned that we may get rained out for bocce. We never got any rain and we finally won our first game. I guess we could get rain today sometime.


I forget this, but every year with all of the cotton falling there are a few people who have nothing else to do with themselves. So they light the cotton on fire and watch it burn. Amazing it does not burn the grass, only the cotton. So that is what we were watching last night, them setting the cotton on fire. We have huge clumps all over our front lawn.


I have always heard people talk on how nice it is going into hot tubs in the winter, especially when it is snowing. We tried that the first year, and I never got into it once, as it was just too cold for me being outside. So we heated for all winter and never used it. So now we drain it in the fall as what is the point in heating it and not using it. Now that I have my bath tub with jets, I am OK now during the winter months and most of the time now. If we had a place to go like you do then maybe we would not bother with the upkeep of a hot tub.


Bill is able to go during the day as he started swimming once again after being off of it for some 10 months. When I get home, I am too tired to go there, so he has a free membership for me to use, and I have never used it.


There are many people suffering with the allergies around here with all of the different things falling from the trees. Now it is the cotton, and before that it was those twirl things. It is good to wear long sleeves to protect your self when working outside. Weeds all over the place, as they never have any problem growing.


I figured that we are eating out probably way too much. But that is what we do and I also know it is always not the best when trying to control weight I look at it as more of a convenience rather than a necessity.


Well enjoy the cooler weather today and the rest of the day.




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Good for you guys winning your bocce game, maybe a start to many more wins! I had zumba yesterday and it started raining so no work outside, I wanted to plant some of the flowers I have. We will work on the garden tomorrow, its supposed to be nice and no rain.


I had gotten an invitation in the mail for a seminar at the Grandview Restaurant in the Geneva Inn on Lake Geneva last week. It had 4 admission tickets in it, so I asked our friends if they wanted to go, we'd have to listen to a financial speech but the Grandview is one really nice place. They did join us for it last night and it was very informative. They offered to go over your taxes from the last two years and see if they could find any savings and also go over your retirement savings and see if they could offer suggestions. We might do it since it is free. But oh my, the dinner! You had your choice of Seared Atlantic Salmon, Grilled 6 oz Petite Filet or Grilled Breast of Chicken. We all took the filet, it was served with horseradish whipped potatoes, baby carrots and Cabernet reduction sauce. They were all cooked to perfection and so very, very tender! I jokingly told our friends, don't worry about the bill, we'll take care of it. It was well worth it to go and listen to his speech, also you always learn something when you go.


Like you, we eat out quite often, I get tired of cooking and enjoy going out to eat so like you say, why not. We deserve it! ha ha


Today since it is just about perfect temperature, in the 60's and sunny, I will work outside and get some of my flower beds in shape. I need to consolidate them, I have too many scattered around and can't keep up with the weeds so they all look bad.

Glad the jerk is still gone, enjoy your day

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Sharon, I think that is very interesting that we also got one of those invitations last week. For the same kind of seminar. Our's is at this chop house that we always go to. They will be held for the next 3 weeks on a Thursday. I was thinking about attending one of them as well. Like you I already know that the food that will be served will be very good. As you said, you can always learn something and if nothing else, it will be good food. Our's was for only 2 persons. So I will have to talk to Bill about it over the weekend.


Bill started back at the swimming on Wednesday. After being away from it for 10 months. He is swimming everyday once again and has finally broke the 200 pound barrier. He is now at 196. He likes to go around mid morning when it is less crowded. So they are open on the weekends until 2. So we may start going together on the weekends around mid morning. He has had this membership for me for the past 2 years and I have never used it. So I might as well go since he as asked me if I would want to join him on the weekends.


We also got rain all morning yesterday. The afternoon cleared up and the temps are very nice now. I think the next chance for rain is Sunday. I would also like to get my flower beds planted over this weekend. These weeds have no problem growing. But so far we have had perfect growing weather. It seems like every time I weed the following week they are all over the place once again.


Yes, we do deserve to go out and eat. I just do not feel like cooking anyway. So eating out is the best way to get around that. It is not the best for weight loss. But we still work at it.


It is great that the jerk is away. It is too bad that no one around here can think or do anything themselves. They all come to me for help. It would be nice if they could stand and think on their own. Attitudes around here are not good. But perhaps it comes form having a jerk at the top, as everything seems to run down hill.


Enjoy the weekend and the beautiful weather.




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We had a nice weekend, no rain on Sat or Sun. We went to the farmers market on Sat morning, like I thought not too much and everything over priced that was there. I bought a bar of goats milk soap, thought the price was way to high, it was $7.50. As we were walking around Bill said he only got $5 back from the $20 he gave her. I said I knew that the price was $7.50 so we went back to talk to her. She was busy so I took the time to look in my bag at the receipt and she had put 2 bars in there! We went ahead and took it, but will not ever buy anything from her again.


I finally got my tomato plants in the garden. Bill was going to rototill it but said he was dizzy. I was upset with him because we had planned to do that all week. So I dug an area by hand. He has been saying, ever since we went to see about hearing aids and the gal stuck a thing in his ear too far to clean out the ear wax that his ear hurt. That has been going on now for 2 weeks, off and on. So he said he thought that was what was throwing off his equilibrium. I told him to call the dr today for sure and lets get this resolved! Makes me angry that he always feels good to go to work, but not to do stuff around here. Sunday he did work on the walk behind self propelled mower. It had stopped being self propelled and he got it working. Then we went to the pool, and were surprised that it wasn't teeming with people. So it was nice and relaxing.


Going to do more weeding today, but have to spray feet and legs with bug spray, heard on the news that the ticks are bad all over up here and to be careful. They seem to like the weather we are having and will be around for some time yet. I hate those things!


You know since everyone comes to you for answers you do really have very good job security! Even if you don't want it sometimes, ha ha

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Sharon, your Bill probably has an inner ear infection. That will cause dizziness. Hopefully he can do something about it soon. I had my Aunt from Wisconsin come to stay with us on Sunday and she left this morning. So all of the GK's were here yesterday and Bill took all of them for a ride to the club on the golf cart. Kept all of them out of trouble.


So I wanted to clean the house and I did not go with Bill to the fitness center over the weekend. I know these weeds just keep growing and growing. This is perfect growing weather. Good to stay on top of those ticks as they seem to attract to you. We also had no rain here over the weekend. Today it rained this morning and it looks like we may get some more as it has been cloudy all day long.


It seems like nobody want to take any responsibility around here. If I saw some effort, but no. I am only 1 person and everyone just dumps everything on me. Also a few employees are trying to scam us with injuries.




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Too bad you didn't go swimming for a little while, it really does feel good and you know what? The weeds will wait for you! My problem is I have too many spots with flowers, I should consolidate them all into a couple of places and it would be easier to take care of.


Bill went to the dr and it was only some ear wax that was broken into small pieces. He cleaned it out and flushed it also. So now I should be hearing about how much his ear hurts. Also his blood pressure is low, nothing new, its always low but that could make him dizzy. I can't get mine down and he can't get his up, there is no justice in the world.


Today had zumba and then went to Kohls had a $10 gift card and a 15% off card. Got a couple of inexpensive tank tops and a pair of khaki Gloria Vanderbilt capris. It all cost only $24, then when I got home I found in the mail a $5 gift card and a 20% card starting in a couple days for Kohls. They sure know how to keep you coming back.


Picked up a couple of hanging plants from Loews that were on sale for $4.98, real pretty ones and some petunias that I will have to plant. Now I am going out and water everything that I planted before. They keep saying its going to rain but it doesn't.

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Sharon, it really rained here just a short time ago and much more on the way. Someplace's lost power. I am glad, that Bill was able to get his ear infection taken care of. They are always keeping a close eye on blood pressure as well.


I hope to go with Bill one of these weekend's to use the pool. He may have to go to the ear Dr as well. His ear is hurting. I think it is from him pushing the wax into the ear canal when swimming. He wears ear plugs and I am willing to bet, that is the problem.


So perhaps it just has not rained in your area yet and I would have never thought it was going to rain like it just did the way today was shaping up to be with the high temps and lost of sunshine earlier. We could very well get rained out tomorrow night with bocce as they are calling for more sever weather at that time. It will just have to be a wait and see kind of day.


The jerk comes back on Friday. I just hope he comes in early as he always seems to wait until I am going home to start doing things and I cannot get out of here in a decent time. He thinks the world revolves around him, not...


Always great deals at Kohl's. That is their plan to keep us all coming back.




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They keep saying we are going to have really bad weather, even have a tornado warning posted until 9pm tonight, But looking outside....its sunny and warm with a slight breeze.


Get water aerobic class this morning, she really gives us a workout, but like I mentioned before, its how hard you want to work too. Some of the ladies talk most of the time, and don't' get the full benefit.


One of Bill's granddaughters graduated from college a couple of weeks ago and her mom said she was too busy for a party but was having a card shower. I was waiting for some notification about the graduation and card shower before I sent the card and the money. I got a text from her mom yesterday asking how come we didn't send a card or anything. I told her I what I was waiting for, said when I graduated I sent out cards saying what degree I had and a picture. She said didn't you get one? I said no, evidently she forgot to send us one, but sure didn't forget about the card (and money). So I took the card up to her mom's work to give to her today.


The BlackHawks play tonight, so the place we go to dance and visit will be very crowded and noisy. The last time they were all there we couldn't dance because they didn't want us to play music, so I guess we will just visit.


Enjoy your couple of days left without the jerk!

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Sharon, it looks like a very strong bet that we will be canceling the bocce tonight. There is a very strong risk of very severe weather for tonight. Also a lot of people are more concerned about the Blackhawks and watching the game rather than the bocce.


I agree with you that you will only get what you are willing to put in. Talking and wasting time will not get you where you want to be from working out. I guess you have to decide if one wants to workout or just to socialize.


Like your area it is sunny here as well. But they keep talking about the severe weather head into the area. If the Sox game canceled 3 hours ago, that says something. I guess we will just have to wait and see. But most of us do not want to be out and about if this bad stuff hits. Best to error on the side of caution.


My biggest concern is to have the jerk show up on time and not at the last minute like he always does and then wants to start doing things. When we could have done it much earlier. Once again, his little world and everything and everyone else is supposed to revolve around him, not...


Have fun tonight and stay safe.




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