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Sharon, I don't know about last night around here but it was raining this morning and it looks like we will be getting more shortly. It will be up in the air wether we will get all of the bocce games played tonight.


Bill had told me there is a water zumba class or maybe it was water aerobics on Saturday and then told me he over heard the lady at her fitness center, calling people to cancel the class as the instructor quit. A short thought to maybe going and trying it out as perhaps they did not have enough in the class anyway.


I thought about sending Bill to get a new tower from the place where we do business. As there would be no guarantee with it and it would be just my luck that he would have something happen to it and then he would be all upset.


So now he is talking about switching from Dell to HP.His theory is, they only design these systems to last about 3 years and then it is cheaper to just get a completely new system rather than mess around with them.


That was a very good move on your part getting a toaster oven. Bill always gets upset with me in the summer if I heat up the kitchen and the house by turning on the oven. We even have a toaster oven in the basement, so perhaps I should do the same.


I agree with any type of insurance they want you to keep coming back and doing more tests to jack up the price and to bill the insurance.




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Just a quickie, I have an HP computer snd it is fairly new. I like it, but when AT &T changed their email it really messed up my email. Like I said I cant even get into my email on my tablet. Im going to call them again, maybe Friday when I have a couple of hrs to work on it with them.


Dud I mention before my nephew is getting married on Friday? My sister was telling me since they have both been married before they are going to the courthouse and having the reception in their backyard. Then she went on about who all was flying in for it and all about the food. She asked if we were coming and I tokd her we werent invited. She said, oh they just got their invitations printed Im sure you will get one. Well on Monday we did get one, but have no intentions of going. You dont invite someone 4 days before! I'm going to send a card but no money either. I think they only invited us because she told him to. He is not my favorite person anyway. He took advantage of my son and had him pay for everything when they briefly lived together in Florida. Then when my son got sick and came home, he sold all his stuff and kept the money. He is my sisters baby so she thinks he can do no wrong.

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Sharon, I know this has happened to you in the past and it just happened to me a short time ago. I had everything all typed up and ready to sent to you and the system completely shut down. So here I am again trying for the second time.


I agree that you were going to be a second thought and you only received the invite only because your sister told them to send it to you. I would have done the very same thing as you are doing. Also it is very had to forget about things that have happened in the past. Some may be able to let them go, but they still happened and old wounds do not heal.


So would you recommend a HP? We also have AT&T for our home phone service. I know he will be doing research and taking his time and not jumping into anything. His whole take on these systems are they only design them to work for about 3 years or so and then buying extended services, it is sometimes just best to buy a completely new system with all of the problems you are faced with.


We were able to get all of the games in last night with not rain in the afternoon or evening. We also won again. It did get real humid though. I think all of the rain was up in you area mostly as we only got the rain in the morning. Today nice and sunny and rain expected later on, but it sure does not look like it now.


Enjoy the rest of the day,




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Congratulations winning your game. You are right it is very humid. Hot again today. We had the zumba class on the beach in Williams Bay. We all decided that we should do it an hour earlier at 8:15, next time. That way there won't be anyone on the beach with us. This is just going to be a trial period to see if everyone likes it or not. It will work extra good for me since I will be able to go to the water aerobics after the zumba.


It is supposed to get a little cooler the next few days, that will be nice. I also had my ohysical today, kind of a waste of time, we just went over all the tests I've had and when I'll need them again. I had lost 8 lbs even with my sandels on, so that was good. Also have not lost any heighth, also good.


Yes I like the HP computer, but if I were your hubby I'd talk to someone at Best Buy or some where and tell them what you use it for the most. They maybe can recommend one. I still plan on having mine looked at, its not working right.

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Sharon, last night around 6:30 the storm hit us real hard for only 5 minutes and then all stopped and the sun came back out very bright. Even saw a bright rainbow. I heard today there may be more rain this afternoon. There will be many people downtown for the Hawks celebration. Hopefully everyone will behave and the parade and rally will go without incident.


I agree having your beach workout a little early should give you the area to yourselves for that time and allow for other things later on in the day. I like getting things done early as well as I do not like a lot of people around.


Wow, loosing 8 pounds, that is great. I have not heard any major weight loss from you in a very long time. It is about time all that you have been doing has paid off. So even the appointment may not have been what you wanted. To get great news like that was well worth it. Now I only wish I could do something as well.


I have been meaning to tell you that I took my fit bit out and I have been wearing it for our walks on Thursday. It was because of your recommendation that I bought the one that I have. However we canceled last night as that day was the only time I had to get my hair cut before I go to LAS. We may not have been able to walk any with the storm that rolled through when it did.


Yes, the weekend should be cooler and for a few days, that will be nice. So you are saying, it would be better to go directly to Best Buy and look at the HP's directly rather than online? He was going to do it online, but it sounds like a better way going there directly.


Have a great day today.




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Since I don't know that much about computers I like to go and talk to someone and see what they say. He can always get all the information and then still buy on line, of course they hate it when you do that to them, but I bet alot of people do. I called Norton again today and got someone who really knew what they were doing. He went into all different programs and found out what was wrong. Somehow there was some software downloaded that shouldn't have been there and it was causing the problem. The first time I called the person just ran a program and said everything was alright, but this time he actually checked it and found out what was wrong. It is working good now and fast again.


I was out cutting grass and a big black string of clouds came and it rained and rained. Now I am wondering if it will be dry enough sometime soon so I can go back out and cut some more. Last night the black clouds were to the south of us and we never got any rain at all.


The father of the gal that used to go with my youngest son, got to ride in the parade with the hockey players and coaches. He used to put the nets out for the home games and my son used to go with him and help. My son loved to play hockey and was thrilled to be able to go down and help with the nets. I was thinking today how he would have loved to ride with them. See what happens when you have too much time to think while you are riding on the mower!


I forgot about you going to Las Vegas, when do you leave? Bill's daughter, her daugher and "brother-in-law" boyfriend and one of his sons and his wife are all going to Las Vegas too. I think next week. They are staying at the Cosmopolitan. When she was here in April she asked if we wanted to go to and we said yes, but then she never gave us the dates until she was here last weekend and we decided that she probably didn't want us to come or she would have followed up with the dates sooner so we could have gotten something reserved.


I got a Tavelocity coupon for Hotel Julien in Iowa, $237 value for $99. So I called and made a reservation for 7/18. When I got the confirmation they said they are only charging us $88, with a $30 credit for food. So sounds good, we will spend some time in Galena, Il first since we can't check in until 3pm. Would be nice to go somewhere for more than one night, maybe we'll just have to do it one of these days and hope for the best with Tinker.


I haven't worn my fitbit for a little while, don't know why, guess I'll have to charge it up and start again. I like to see how many steps I have taken during the day. I am sure I have lost the weight and inches from the water aerobics, its is a real workout. Feels good though, hope the lbs and inches don't come back!

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Sharon, I am sure if he did decided to go there it would be cheaper as he would not have to have it shipped. Anyway I'll have to talk to him about it, and he can make up his own mind.


We got heavy storm that rolled through here as well yesterday around 3:30 and only lasted for about 5 minutes again. Then I forgot about bunco that I had last night until about Thursday when another lady who rides with me called to remind me. We were at bunco last night and I ran into storms going there. The place is about 1/2 hour from my house. I got home at 1 am.


I heard about that rally and parade where about 100 had to be taken to emergency rooms for dehydration. Something like 3 million people were down there. Yes, I agree when we are alone with only our thoughts, much runs through our minds. Something that man riding with all of the staff.


I am leaving very early in the morning 1 week form this Sunday and returning that Wednesday. I heard yesterday, they are expecting record temps and all over the Western region. LAS was calling for 118 degrees. We are staying at the Flamingo. You are probably right with her not giving you enough notice. Maybe good with the heat the way it is. You should have much better weather in Iowa. I would not be going if my fiend was not so sick. I am going with 4 other friends.


That is good that you will be going away for a needed break and a trip. What will you do while there? Of course Galena is a great place to be around with many things to do. It also sounds like you really got a great deal online. Watching for those group-on things and online deals really pays off. Those sites offer the deals to drum up needed business.


I guess we could get more rain today as it is raining just now, I also ran into more rain driving home last night. Lucky I have someone to drive with me to keep me awake. Have a great weekend.




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I thought you were going to LV with your hubby, do the other women know the gal that is sick also? You should have a good time and maybe it won't still be so hot while you are there. Anyway everything is air conditioned so just stay inside where ever you go.


It is a beautiful day today, love the breeze, the curtains are blowing in the wind! We had water aerobics today outside, and it was not too bad. We kept moving the whole hour so didn't even notice being cool. It was nice and sunny also so that helped.


We had a nice weekend, worked outside on Sat afternoon then went to a Patriotic program at a local church. It was done very nicely and recognized all the veterans. It went from 7 to 8:30pm. Then we went over to Lake Lawn resort and set up our lawn chairs by the edge of the lake and watched the fireworks from the Township being let off across the lake on the other side. It was nice there, they had lots of people who come to do the same thing we did, and also a live band that was playing music outside. They also had stuff to buy to eat, but we waited until it was over and then went to Chilis and had some hot soup, by then we were chilled from sitting outside.


My grand daughter is supposed to have her baby on July 3rd, I kept thinking she would have him naturally before then since she has been having contractions for about a week. Guess they haven't gotten strong enough to do the job though.


Not much else new, hope you are having a good day!

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Sharon, I am going with 4 other friends and we all went to High School together as well as the gal in LV. Bill offered to go with me as he is leaving for SFO the very next day. I am used to him doing everything for me and it will not be the same thing without him. He also said that we could have flown free, but I decided to let my 1 friend who is making all of the arraignments do everything.


Last year Bill was in LV for coaches education and this year he is going to SFO. So I leave this Sunday and return on Wednesday. He leaves on Monday and returns on Saturday. I am driving to the friends house and leaving our cars there and she has arranged transportation to the airport. Bill is driving himself and parking inside parking not too far away from the airport. It is inside and really discounted from what is charged to park in the city operated lots.


I agree that it is very nice today and it will be for the next few days. Nothing like what is going on out in the West. Like you said, we will be staying inside as uch as possible. I have heard many people have died and have been rushed to the emergency rooms for heat related illness.


It sounds like you had a real nice weekend and a good workout today. We are not planning anything on Thursday as most places are too crowded as far as traffic and all of the events that are hosted. What are your plans going to be? It will be nice to have 1 lass day to work this week as things have been real crazy.


There is no risk for storms tonight, as last week we ran right into the bad stuff where all power was lost at the place where we eat. I'll bet Tinker loves this weather too.




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Sounds like a lot of fun! I was not happy meeting up with the gals I went to HS with, and would never go anywhere with them. They do still extend an invitation, last trip was to Myrtle Beach, but no, not for me! You are lucky they are nice and friendly.


You mentioned that your Bill does everything, I am afraid that I am the one that has to get everything ready and organized for trips and my Bill just goes along for the ride. I would really like it if he ever tried to help but I don't think thats going to happen. I am really ready for a vacation, but probably will have to wait until the fall when the grass and everything stops growing so much.


We don't have too much planned for the 4th, probably go to a parade, Bills son is coming into town on the 3rd so we will go out to eat with him at least one night. Hope the weather is nice and no rain.

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Sharon, this is not like a reunion. As I agree with you, that there is a lot of them who I would not like to be around. These 4 friends including the one in LV. We have been together all through HS and have remained friends all of these years. So I am going with 3 other's and these are some of the one's that we play bunco with. So next month if all goes as expected, I will be hosting the bunco at my place.


Before I met Bill I barely left Lansing. I was not and still am not too good with heights or being up in high places. I have gotten a little better. But I am usually a nervous wreck when traveling on a plane.


The weather has been great and last night was perfect having the windows open letting in the cool breeze. I saw that our area could get rain today, but not much I guess. We stay close to home and watch the various things on TV for the Independence Celebrations. I also get things accomplished around here. It is just too crowded and the roads have a lot of crazy drivers. There are many places that are closed giving their employees off.


At our place, I am getting really fed up dealing with adults who act like children and no support form any of the management. They throw everything into me, and I am just strung out way too far. If the fitness center was open on Thursday, where Bill goes, I would most likely go. But that is one of the palaces around here closed.


You are so busy yourself with all of the work that you have to do to keep your place looking decent. It seems like once you are completely finished, then it is time to start all over again. It is nice to be out and with your thoughts. Sometimes that can be relaxing, and other times not so relaxing.


Enjoy another beautiful day,




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Thats nice you have some friends that you like to do things with, I know you will have a good time. I was just referencing the reunion I went to, to say my girlfriends from HS weren't friendly or nice like yours are.


I have been trying to get the information together to renew Bill's passport. I finally had everything and went down to the courthouse and they told me they don't do any renewals, I have to do it on my own. They only do new ones. However there is one problem, when he got his years ago, they had made a mistake on his birthday. They had the eleventh instead of the first. So now I am told I need a certified copy of his birth certificate in order to get it changed. So I guess I will have to send for another copy of his birth certificate. Don't know why this has to be so hard, it was their mistake and we didn't have time to send it back and get it corrected at the time.


We had zumba on the beach this morning and it was much better an hour earlier, cooler and no one else on the beach. We are having it again tomorrow because the usual day of Thursday is the 4th. Next week everything will go back to normal.


Yes I love the cool evenings, very good sleeping!


Tomorrow is the day, 6am for my 2nd GGS to be born, praying everything goes alright for them this time!

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Sharon, I do agree with you about reunions. Most of the people who we went to HS with are not nice today. I have been lucky that I have had these 4 who have remained friends all of these years afterwards.


I know that Bill renewed our passports last year or the year before just before the rates whet up. I also know that you can just go to the post office and get it taken care of there. But you still should be able to do everything there as well once you get all of the certificates that you need. I agree, they make the mistakes and we are the one's who have to jump through a lot of hoops to correct things. Something is wrong with that picture.


Here we have rain on and off all day. You probably did not see any rain today as it was held south in our area. So it sounds like a good day to be working out at the beach and I am glad the earlier time was better for everyone. So tomorrow for the birth, is she having a scheduled C-Section? Otherwise, who knows when the delivery will be. I will pray that all goes as hoped for.


I am always running a few degrees warmer than Bill. He is cold and I am hot. He shuts the windows and I am opening them. I am on top of the covers and he is way underneath them.




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Funny same with us, Bill is always cold and I am always hot. At night I have one leg on top of the covers and the window open a little, and he has the covers up around his neck.


Yes it was a scheduled C section and she had him at 9am this morning. He is 8 lbs 2 oz and healthy. Her first one was in ICU for weeks after being born with a tear by his lung, so we are all so happy this little one is just fine. She was having her tubes tied so there will be no more GG from her.


It was a good day for zumba on the beach, kinda cool but nice. Its been a little overcast all day and now around 67 degrees.


Will be glad to sleep a little later tomorrow, but there is another pancake breakfast and I will try not to blow it this time by getting mad at Bill. Then there is one parade at 11 and another at 3 so should be a fun day.


Not sure if we are going tonight to meet up with the girls, depends on what time Bills son gets here.


Enjoy your day (s) off from work, do you have to go in on Friday? I'm thinking you might since you will be going to LV next week.

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Sharon, that is funny. They sound like they are both the same way. I either have the one leg out or both with no covers. He come in and closes the window as he does not like to hear the trains that blow whistles around 3 am a few blocks south of us, and he can hear that. So he closes the window to deaden the noise.


Almost the same weather hear as well. We both can get mad at our hubbies and that is not a good thing. I sometimes have a hard time controlling my anger moods.


Yes, I have tomorrow off and I have said this before. The jerk hates that certain and tomorrow is one of those times, where he has to pay everyone from being off and not doing any work. If it was up to him, he would not ever pay any one for being off on a holiday. So 1 day will break up the week somewhat. Even though I am going away next week and will be off for 3 days and the other boss is already crying. They come to me for everything and they cannot think on their own. But it is what it is.


We have bocce tonight if it does not rain on any games. Tomorrow we may go over there for a cook out after the golf scramble. Yes, it will be nice to sleep in tomorrow and go to the breakfast as well. Perhaps you will even go out tonight. Most of the firework displays will be tomorrow. But there have been many that have been shooting as I am sure you may have the same in you area as well. We are always concerned that something may catch on fire form a stray firework being shot off.


I am glad to hear that the baby was healthy and well. Have a great holiday and enjoy all that you will be doing.




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Didnt sleep as late as I thought I would this morning, guess I'm getting used to waking up early. We went to the two parades and then came home made some brats for dinner and just sat out on the deck for a while. Didn't go to anymore fireworks.


How did you do with bocce the other night? I don't think it rained, at least it didn't here.


Bill is going to work tomorrow and I will probably cut grass. Hope the temps stay in the 70's but I think it might get warmer.


We are going out to dinner tomorrow night with Bills son. Not to excited about it because they want to go to a restaurant we don't like.


Hopefully we will get done in time to go dancing, but I don't know.


Did they have fireworks at your club?

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Sharon, the fireworks at the club was 2 weeks ago when we were there for the party. There were all kinds of fireworks shooting all around but none officially at the club. They had a golf scramble and afterworlds they had a special buffet. We went over for the buffet and came home. We really did not do anything special either for the holiday.


Today back to work and then we will be leaving rather early on Sunday. Hopefully you will be able to go out to eat today and then go dancing later on. Today should be a good day for cutting the grass. I think it is going into the 80's once again.


Enjoy the day and don't work too hard,




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Finally got done with the grass, takes about 4 hrs now with the extra paths and places I had the landscapers clear out last fall.


Its pretty hot here, just ready to jump in the shower, but wanted to make sure and tell you have a great time in LV if I don't get back on here before you leave.

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Sharon, I am leaving very early tomorrow morning. I am leaving here around 4:30 am to pick up the lady I go walking with and then we have to drive to Orland Park where we will all leave from there to catch our flight out of Midway. It will be nice being away form that place for awhile. The jerk put in a below ground swimming pool in the fall and has been hosting parties and acting like the so called big shot he thinks he is. He never called or came in yesterday. In some sorts, that is a good thing. But since there are things that he needs to be aware and has to take care of himself, that is a bad thing.


It is my son's B-Day today. He is still doing OK living in a sober environment. All I can do is pray that it all continues. So later on I will take him to lunch someplace. Then come back to complete packing and get ready for our short trip next week.


Wow, that does take you a long time to finish cutting all of your grass. You must get a real workout. I hope you have a good day today and hopefully you will enjoy the weekend and have things to do that you want to.


If I do not get a chance to get back on here before I leave, then I will get back when I return. Be safe and enjoy,




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Sharon, it is 115 degrees in the shade here. I don't think it is that hot there. We leave tomorrow morning and back to the bump and grind on Thursday. Our friend does not look good and it is so sad to see someone waist away like she is. Probably the last time we will see one another.


Bill had major problems getting into SFO due to the plane crash a few days ago. He also left his cell phone at home and I have no way of getting in tough with him. He also left his reading glasses in the shuttle taking him to the Universitey, and had to buy another set at the local Walgreen's for $24.00. So a real rip off, and the price to pay in California.


We are in a society of no land lines, no cameraias, as he wants to buy a disposal camara to take pictures of everything. He flew right buy the crashed plane and the University where he is staying, he wants to take pictures of the campus.




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Boy sounds like it just wasn't Bill's day! I hate it when I do stuff like that. Too bad about your friend, but I bet she was really glad to see all of you.


We have had quite a weekend, will tell you more tomorrow. Today going to do the regular stuff like swimming, but before that there is a country band playing outside in the park that we like so will stop up and listen to them and then go swimming. It's going to be really hot the next few days but you should already be acclimated to it, ha ha.

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Sharon, while I was away our alarm system went off. Bill thinks that since he left the inside kitchen door open that a bird or something blowing by our window activated the sensor that is in direct shot to the sensor. Normally the door is closed.


Bill got home around 1 am Sunday morning. We all went out on Wednesday after we landed to get dinner together. Since our alarm was activated and continuing going off I was very concerned and afraid to come back into the house. I had the police come in and check everything out. Especially with all of the trouble we have had with this guy behind us who has caused us much trouble.


I have developed a repertory infection now myself. As it started to come on Saturday. Bill also came home with a upper repertory infection as well. Hopefully I can get a hold on this so I do not have to go to the minute clinic. I just do not have much time to go anywhere else.


Did you go to see the country band yesterday? We went out for the Sunday buffet at the chop house that we have gone to in the past. I them came back and laid down most of the afternoon. Bill was doing much of the same as he was recuperating as well.


When I returned on Wednesday I overnight his cell to him. It cost $65.00. He got it on Friday and all went well after that. He had to buy another set of reading glasses while there. So back to a full work week and I will just have to wait and see how all will be working. I guess I am like a lot of other people. I have to come back home to recuperate form being on vacation. ha,ha




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It seems like a lot of people get sick after flying on an airplane, I think it has to do with the recirculated air. Hope you get to feeling better quick!


I would have done the same thing, good to just be safe and have the police check out everything. You never know what to expect.


We did go listen to the music first and then went swimming. Our ordeal Friday was quite something. We were getting ready to go dancing and got a phone call from the guy who lives at Bill's farm where Bill's granddaughter lives and her mother. Her mother had went to work as a waitress at a bar and left Amanda with this other tenant that lives there also. He is like a big kid himself, about 75 and not quite "right". So she played a trick on him, told him she had ordered a pizza and he would have to pay $25 when they delivered it. He got all excited and got another tenant that lives there and they started yelling around at each other and got more tenants involved and then realized they couldn't find her. So they called us. We went over and Bill found her hiding in the bushes. She was covered with mosquito bites! We took her to her dads house and he said he didn't want her there take her to her mother. So we took her to the bar where her mom was working and she said, I'm busy I can't take her. So we brought her home for the night. I got her showered up and put stuff on her bites. The next morning we took her for breakfast and then to a festival uptown. We dropped her off at her moms house around 2pm. I hope her mom gets someone else to stay with her this coming weekend because we will not be home and I don't know what kind of trouble she will get herself in if she leaves her with the same guy again. She really knows how to get to him, which isn't hard to do. He gets excited very easily.


Got zumba on the beach and water aerobics tomorrow morning, will feel good to get in the pool, supposed to be hot again.


Hope it doesn't take long to catch back up at work for you.

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Sharon, when you are not feeling too well it is not fun to be at work either. It is not fun to be at work even when I am feeling good. You bring up a very good point, one that I never thought of. You are correct and we both could very well have picked up something while flying on a plane. As you said just re circulating air on the plane and in the airports and even hotel rooms, all perfect places to pick something up.


Wow, what a story. I cannot believe that neither the father nor mother wanted to take care of their own daughter. I also feel sorry for that man that she was playing a trick on as I do not think that he would have harmed her. But a kid will take advantage on many different kinds of situations. Poor girl covered with all of those insect bites. How old of a girl is she.


Yes, it is really going to be humid this week. Too much of this weather for me. I could have fired an egg on the sidewalks in LAS.


Perfect weather to be in a pool. I will be in the whirlpool tonight for sure.



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