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I thought you must have made reservations quite a bit earlier to get the suite you want every year. Good thing you don't have to go back in to work either, you can just relax and enjoy!


We quite a bit of snow yesterday afternoon, nothing this morning. Our plow guy came and cleaned up the driveway real good early. I went to zumba and we only had 3 of us gals and the instructor. But we had a good class anyway. The roads were surprisingly good, wet but no snow on them at all. I filled up the car with gas on the way home, paid $3.05 gal. Thought they might raise the price pretty soon with the holiday travel that will be coming up.


Have to pick up Bill at 1:30 for his 2pm dr appmnt. The prednisone did not make him feel better or "perkier" like we thought it would. I think the dr will not renew the prescription, he only gave him enough for the 5 days.


UPS tried to deliver a package yesterday but I wasn't home much, they said they would try again today, but I won't be home later either so I hope they come before I have to leave. The note said they will try 3 days, then I don't know what they do. But tomorrow I should be home all day so if I miss him today it should work out ok.


Got laundry going again today, can't see to keep caught up with it!

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Sharon, after 3 days they return the package to the sender. Sometimes they give you the option to sign it and leave it for the driver. Then they also give you the option to pick it up after a certain time at their office.


We got about a inch yesterday, and today it did not start snowing until late in the morning. Today did not amount to much. The sun even came out late this afternoon. I have not seen the sun in a few days.


It must be kind of funny to think how crowded your class was over the summer to only have 3 of you now. At least you have a lot of room to workout. Are they doing any cut backs over the holidays as far as classes go?


They do not like to give anyone too much of that steroid for a long period of time. I hope the Dr, today can help Bill to get some more energy. This weather and especially returning from hot climates to this stuff can lower anyone's energy.


A couple of years ago we were getting this same room and I thought is was big, and it had connecting rooms. Until last year when Bill found this suite, with the huge parlor and all the rooms are in the same suite with only separate doors and bathrooms separating everyone. Bill's son and GS are always sleeping late. We have checked out of the hotel on the first, and sometimes they are still in their room.


Drive safe this afternoon and stay warm,




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The water aerobics class and the forever fit exercise classes are supposed to start up again in January. The only classes still going on are the zumba Tuesday and Thursday . The wind oicked up here this afternoon and the roads are now covered with snow.


The dr continued the prednisone for several more weeks, then will back them off from 3 per day to 2 per day then down to one a day before stopping them. In 3weeks he will have another blood test. There was some irregularity in the "sediment" level last test. Evidently when you have a blood sample in a test tube it settles at a certain amount in a certain amount of time. Bill's was not separating at the speed it should. Don't know if the prednisone will take care of that or not.


Sounds like a great room you have reserved, lots of room and privacy for everyone. Didn't you say you could see fireworks from the room too? Nice to see them and sray warm too.


Got the UPS delivery today before I had to leave again. We got a large bundt cake from one daughter, she sends one every year. Its from Penn Street Bakery. Very moist and good. The other package was a big basket with 2 bottles of wine and chocolates like Lindor. That is from my granddaughter in Tx.


Time to make some dinner,

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Sharon, it is good that there is a break from some of your exercises for the holidays. You are so busy, it gives you a break. Today should be warmer from where it has been. I do not think we had the high winds here, as I did not see any drifting of the snow on any of the roads around here. We got very light snow, but the sun came out and cleared that all away.


I know with that steroid, that is how they do it. Start out with so many pills and gradually back them off until you are finished. Hopefully this latest does will help him out. Blood testing can be so sensitive with all that they have to do.


As far as the room downtown, the fireworks are right in front of our window. We can see all the people stopping on LSD watching the fireworks, and all of the people standing outside in the cold. Both from our window and also on TV. We also watch a lot of the stuff going on at various places on TV, as I am sure many do the same. It is not too long afterwards, after midnight, we are ready to go to sleep. We are not one's who generally stay up very late anytime.


That was good that you were still home to receive the gifts. It is also good that they are consistent in remembering you each and every year. The deliveries have been very busy, and they said the P.O. will be delivering packages once again this Sunday. Also they said that some people were following the UPS drivers and stealing packages once left on the porch. So it was good that you were around to take the delivery.


With the amount of snow we have had, over the past week, do they keep your paths cleared so you can take Tinker out for walks?


Have a good day,




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There are no paths to walk on, just the road. We have a circular driveway so we walk around that a couple of times and today I shoveled a path down the hill in the back. Its sunny but it sure doesn't feel very warm out, relatively speaking.


Yes the UPS packages had to have a signature so the driver couldn't just leave them, which is probably a good thing.


One of Bill's daughters was having some kind of surgery on her knee today. Another daughter, the one that came from Ohio is going to work with her brother at the marina. He needs help making canvas covers for some of the boats he is storing for people for the winter and she is looking for something to do. He also said she could stay at his house. He bought a big farm house and remodeled it himself and has several barns and extra land. So that should all work out good.


It feels good to not have to go somewhere today, thats all I have been doing is running lately it seems.


Your room for New Years sounds just perfect! A very nice way to spend the evening.


A couple more days and you are on your way for a little break again, that will be nice. Hope the weather cooperates.


We are having a little Christmas party tonight at the little bar we go to on Wednesday nights. All the girls are bringing something to eat. We are taking a shrimp ring with cocktail sauce. We brought back a little souvenir for the bartender/owner. Its a bottle of Tequila with a little sombrero and a couple of shot glasses.


Ok got to get busy doing something!

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Sharon, that sounds nice the gift that you brought back for the bartender. Tonight should be a great night for getting out and renewing friendships with the other couple's. I feel I should go out tonight shopping. But then again I just might wait until this weekend, going to Michigan. They have many specialty stores where we are going,(St Joseph, South Haven). I think it will be less crowded and perhaps I will enjoy the shopping experience better than around here.


There is a stiff wind out of the Southwest today, thus the warmer temps, if you can really call that warm. But certainly warmer than it has been. But that wind makes it feel colder. They are now calling for at least 3" of snow for Sunday, if that forecast does not change. So I hope we do not have any problem returning home on Sunday.


With the sun shining bright, it is melting some of the snow away on the pavements. If you can only walk around in a circle with Tinker. That is better than not at all. With this stiff wind today, I am sure she likes to get back inside once again.


It must feel good today not to have to do any running around. I am sure that there is always something to get done around the house, especially this time of year. We stay downtown for 2 night during the New Year. It gets so crazy on New Years Eve with people checking in. Sometimes the lines are right out the door with all of the people checking in. They have many expensive parties and even sometimes a wedding as well. So it is good that we avoid the crowds with checking in on the 30th.


We had a good friend pass away in Florida last week as they had just gotten down there, as they spend the winter in Florida. So on Friday they are having a memorial at the club from 4-8. So once I get home from work, we will pack up the car and then go to the memorial at the club. Then we will drive to Michigan afterwards.


As you well know, this time of year is not the best time for any diets. With all of the eating and especially the drinking. I would be blessed not to gain too much now over the holidays.




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We had lots of snacks last night and Tom, the bartender, made a cheese and sausage tray. I knew we shouldn't have eaten diner before we went! We were both too full to eat much of anything, just samples a few things. The roads were bad, the wind had blew the snow over them and the east/west roads were the worst. So I just drove slow and we made it ok.


Today is sunny and bright and it should help melt some more snow before it turns to rain. I did not go to zumba, seems now I've stained the muscle or tendon that is at the top inside of my left leg. It gives out if I step wrong and hurts so I thought I had better not push it.


Don't know if I mentioned it but when we went on vacation I had called and stopped the paper. When we got home were surprised to see that they had delivered it every single day. The pet sitter had bagged them all up for us. I called and complained, but of course it did no good. Now this week that we are home and want the paper, we have not gotten it delivered for the last 2 days. I called on Tuesday and they brought one out later on in the day, then yesterday, again no paper. I called and they said they would bring one out, but they never did, so I called around 4pm and they said they were "so sorry" like that does a lot of good. She said they would give me credit and bring out both Wed & Thurs paper on Thursday. Well today I did get Thursdays paper but no Wednesday. I don't know why they have so much trouble getting someone to deliver the paper correctly!


Right after I talked to the gal at the paper, the stock guy called to tell me that there was going to be an additional $100 charge on the account that Bill had just opened up with them. Well I'm afraid I was not very nice to him since I was already fed up with the paper gal. He even offered to pay the charges himself to keep good will with us. I think I might have to call and apologize or he won't ever give me good stock tips to buy again! He just picked the wrong time to call.


I can imagine the people checking in on New Years Eve would be quite a problem. It always takes a while and everyone arrives at pretty much the same time. You however can walk right past them!


So many people are leaving here right after Christmas for Florida, too bad that friend of yours died. He or she was probably looking forward to being in the warm weather again. A gal last night was telling us about a neighbor of hers that had shoveled snow on Sunday, came in and sat down and had a heart attach and died. The snow was not even very heavy on Sunday, so you just never know.


Ok, got to get going,

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Sharon, it was a guy who passed away. He was a very heavy drinker and smoker as well. His face was always red, so his blood pressure I am sure was very high.


Downtown on NYE they give everyone wrist bands. They also have guards at the entrance of the elevators. So unless you have a wristband, you cannot get to the elevators to go to a floor. They try to keep people who just want to enter and go to a floor to party. They have been doing this as long as we have been going there. On NYE the crowds are sometimes lines up outside the door.


This time of year the newspaper people put envelops in the paper, in hopes that you will give them something. I could see where this was a problem for you. It would have been just better to keep it coming and just tell the sitter to keep them all herself and not bother to keep them for you.


When we are gone for awhile, we stop the mail delivery, but do not stop the newspaper. One reason, we do not want to let them know we are away. We have someone come by and collect the paper. We also inform the police as well. It sounds like they got your time mixed up and reversed it. You would think it would have been simple, and they made it real complicated.


Yes, it souls like you did pull something. It is best to just take it easy and not to push it any. You will only make it worse. It would be nice if you could get to the pool as I am sure the warm water will help you some. I did hear that your area was getting much colder temps and the rain could freeze. It was mild here yesterday, and even today and tomorrow the same. The freezing rain and snow it supposed to be on the border of Wisconsin close to you.


So it sounds like you had a good time last night. This time of year, it is hard to plan things with how much you should eat or not to eat. Usually we eat way too much. Sometimes I just cannot wait and I have done the same as you, eaten before hand and then they put out all of this food that you cannot possibly eat. That is how it was at our club on Sunday.


People just act very crazy even more than other times of the year just now.




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We were watching te news and weather tonight and heard ice tonight and 6 to 8 inces of snow on Saturday. I really hope it goes somewhere else i have things to do and won't be driving if we get all that.


Bill's daughter asked us to come over for dinner on Christmas, so I guess we will. We will also pick up Bill's sister and take her with. I'm going to pick up a couple of pies Perlins, they make good ones.


I found an origami kit to give to Bill's granddaughter, along with a kit to makr bracelets out of little rubber bands and a puzzle. She is hard to buy for so I was glad I could find something for her.


My granddaughter in Texas was having stomach pains ever since she had her baby in July. Today she had a colonoscopy. They found 5 polops which is unusual for someone only 36 yrs old. They are pretty sure they are all benign. My son, her dad had colon cancer, so good thing she had the test.

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Sharon, we were watching the news also last night. It was in the mid 30's hear and rain last night. It is still raining and a lot of the snow has melted away. It was very foggy last night and there is still some fog this morning. The forecast for Sunday is a lot of snow. But so far it looks north and west. This could be bad for you and possible not so bad for us.


That is very lucky that your GD in Texas has found out what has been hurting her and hopefully she can get it all in order soon. Also it is good that you found a good present for the other GD who is so picky. Also good that you now have someplace to go on Christmas Eve. We made reservations yesterday for that place not too far away, that we have gone to many times in the past. We made the reservations for 5 on Christmas Eve. All of the kids have plans with their spouses families. We all get together late morning on Christmas Day.


We have a memorial to attend at the club tonight, as soon as I get home from work, for that man I had told you about, that passed away. It is from 4-6. I will try to get out of work early so we do not have to leave so late for Michigan. It should only take us about an 1 1/2 hours to get there, if that, if all goes OK.


How is your sister doing? I was thinking of her when you said you were picking up Bill's sister for Christmas Eve.


For the both of us, we will be keeping a close eye on the weather for over the weekend. But next week, it is supposed to get real cold once again. Have a good weekend and let's hope for the best as far as the weather goes.




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Our driveway was covered with thick ice this morning. Tinker kept falling down and I would have to get to her to help her up. I put some salt out, it worked some but not on all of it. Bill stayed home and afternoon we tried driving out and it worked. Once we got to the road it was better but the middle of the road is still icy. I had some Christmas cards to mail so that is why we went out. Of course not going dancing. I have a 10 coupon and a 30% off coupon for Kohls so would like to get there tomorrow before the snow starts.


We are going to Bills daughter's house on Christmas day around 1 pm and will take Bills sister, if she wants to go. Sometimes she decides to stay home for some reason. My sister seems to be doing pretty good except for her blood pressure. She takes it over and over throughout the day. I've told her that it can flucuate throught the day. I think you can almost make it go up if you get too concerned about it.


Just had one of our dancing friends call, they are not going tonight either.


Have fun this weekend!

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Sharon, it was very foggy here on Friday and driving up to Michigan on Friday night. We attended the memorial service at the club before we left. It took us just over an hour to get there. We checked in and then went into St Joe's to get something to eat.


Saturday late in the morning we left for South Haven. Once again it was very fogy. We diced to stop in a town where I was when I was a teen. My father had a restaurant in this town and I worked there as well. We had a place right on the lake. The places are still there with many memories of days gone by.


From there we only had to drive about 20 more miles to get to South Haven. We went into the town and I did some more shopping. There were no crowds and everything was marked down at least 50%. Someplace they had things marked down 60 and 70%. It was not too bad walking around. We then got lunch in the town before going to check into the hotel. It the evening we went out again and had dinner.


Saturday night it was starting to have freezing rain. So it was a little slick out. On Sunday morning it was still freezing rain and then it started snowing as well. Once we were about 20 miles out of South Heaven coming home it was all rain and eventually nothing. Then most of the way home it was just foggy and overcast, but the roads were dry. We never got any snow here and not even rain on Sunday. Just overcast and temps in the mid 30's. So we lucked out with the weather and it was good to get away, as I am sure things will turn real bad now for the rest of the winter.


Can you believe this, the jerk was calling me on Saturday night asking me questions. Sunday afternoon he left for Florida for a few weeks. This week I have to deal with his son. It is time for me to ask for a raise. I am fed up with all of the crap they put me through and not get any more for all that I do around there. Also end of the year bonus as well.


So it sounds like you got a lot of ice and snow from Friday and into the weekend. It was good that you decided to say home instead of going out dancing. Tuesday we have dinner reservations at 5, at a place where we eat at often. So this should be a short and hopefully not a crazy week at all.


Enjoy you week and stay warm and safe.




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That sounds like a really good time you had! Shopping and eating, and getting to see the restaurant all good.


We had terrible weather, first so much ice you could hardly stand up, in fact Tinker could not. She kept trying to go outside and then couldn't stand up. One time I had to get on my hands and knees to get to her to help her up. Then overnight on Saturday we had snow. We kept waiting for our guy to come and plow us out, so around noon Bill called him. He was working with another plower doing about 10 parking lots in another town. He said he would be here as soon as he could. He came around 3:30 pm. I was worried he wasn't going to get here before dark and then wouldn't be able to see where to plow. Got up this morning and everything is again covered but only with a light dusting of snow.

I have to go take Bill to the skin dr this afternoon. It's just for a regular yearly thing. I need to go to Best Buy and find out why my tablet keeps locking up on me, maybe I can do that before I pick him up, or else after I drop him back home.

As I remember the son is almost worse than the dad at work isn't he? I know when I was working and the son took over he ran the whole two companies into bankruptcy. And all the time never realized what a jerk he was! Good luck this next week. At least you only have a few more days till you are off again.

Heard today the temps are going to fall to around 10 degrees and then tonight with the wind be about 20 below. This is terrible weather, can't stand to think of it for another 2 or 3 months!

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Sharon, when I was watching the weather, I could not believe how much snow your area was getting. Now this next storm, I think it is coming tomorrow night, is also tracking north as well. I think our area is calling for 1-2" of snow, and yes, the bitter cold is here. We left at a good time, as with the ice, and then it started to snow. If we would have stuck around any longer, it could have been bad for us. Poor Tinker with the ice. I was picturing her not being able to stand with all of the ice. You are lucky that the power lines did not snap in your area.


We all were talking about, how we thought that the jerk's son would not be like his father. But the son is turning out to be just like his father. I have been dealing with the father all of these years, and now the father has pushed everything off to the son during this period, while he is gone. The father just gave the kid a $40,000 raise. Are you kidding me. Something has got to change, with them calling me up for stuff over the weekends and on my days off. None of them can think on their own.


I have those same coupons for Kohl's as well. However, I would like to go there, but I do not want to deal with the crowds that they will certainly have. I think I am just about all set now. It was good to find things while away with good discounts and not having to deal with large crowds. A lot of the merchants there, were complaining that things have been real slow, as people have not been coming out, perhaps for the weather. So it was good to take advantage of the sales.


Both places we stayed at was good to use the pool and the hot tub, without any kids around. The second place, after we where in the hot tub, a family came with 3 kids. However they waited until we got out of the tub, before they came in.


Well good luck at the Dr's today with Bill. I hope Best Buy will be able to fix your tablet as well. Hopefully your driving will not be a factor with the weather, as I guess it is coming into the area tomorrow.




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Bill got a clean bill of health from the skin dr today. Surprising too, the main roads are real good. The other roads still have tire tracks you have to stsy in because the rest of the road is ice.


I got up to Best Buy and the Samsung gsl said she thinks the problem was not enough internal memory. She tried to move some things to the SD card but not too much could be moved. Then we erased quite a few old emails. So she said try it and see if it works better. While I was there a woman was buying a new Samsung 3 tablet for her grandson. The clerk asked how old he was, she said 4 years old! Quite a gift I thought.


I've got everything bought and wrapped and am all done!


it was -5 when I got home today. Now they are saying we could get 1-3 inches of snow tonight. I ordered 2 pie from Perkins Restaurant and have to pick them up tomorrow at noon. Hope I can get up there, its in Delavan.


That is quite a raise, $40.000. Be nice if you could get that too, wouldn't it!

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Sharon, when working for a small family business, these are the things you have to put up with. Just like that 4 year old kid who is getting a 3 tablet, this guy is getting just a bonus, and more than a lot of people make in an entire year.


We went out last night for burgers and it was very cold hear as well. I heard that we were also supposed to get snow last night, but none. Tonight though we are all predicted to get measurable snowfall. We are going tonight at 5 for dinner. I plan to leave work around noon or 1 at the latest. Than I have to go to pick up dinner for all of the kids tomorrow as well. I am totally finished with all of the wrapping and buying of presents as well.


It is sure cold here this morning. We are lucky to have a heated garage. My car sits outside all day at work, and it is really stiff when I get into it after work. We keep the temp in the garage at 52, so it is nice to get into a warm car in the morning.


I hope the roads are not too bad for you to go to pick up those pies today. It is too bad that there is not a place much closer to you to go to. Hopefully they will have the roads all cleared, by the time you venture out. Hopefully tonight we can eat dinner and get back home safely before the snow starts. Tomorrow will be a different story. But once again, hopefully they will have all of the roads all cleared.


It is good, that Bill got good news from the Dr yesterday. Enjoy and have a safe day today and a nice Christmas Day tomorrow. Stay warm,




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I got the pies and also went back to Kohls to look, so I found a couple of things since I had the 30% off. Just a Christmas long sleeve tee and a fleece jacket with a cardinal on it. Both on sale and with the discount a good price.


It is so very cold here, just hoping it will warm up and not be like this all the way through Jan & Feb.


We wanted to go out to eat tonight but there is nothing open anywhere around here. So I'm making sloppy joes, bought potato salad, three bean salad and chips/dip. I might even crack open a bottle of wine for me. Bill can't drink any alcohol since he is still on the prednisone. He doesn't drink wine anyway so it won't bother him that I do.


Bill had asked his sister a couple of days ago to go with us tomorrow for dinner at his daughters house and she said no. Today she called him, she changed her mind and wants to go. So we will pick her up, although she only lives about 6 blocks from where his daughter lives.


Bill went to work today, but didn't get much of anything done. His son from Stevens Point came down with a friend and they stopped by, then his GD came in, then one of the renters came in, then his other son came in, then his daughter came in. So he had quite a house full. He was complaining but I told him at least he had kids that wanted to come over and see him, he was very lucky I thought. I would love to have my kids come over. These holidays are hard for me.


Hope we don't get that 3 inches of snow they are predicting, enjoy your dinner and keep warm, have a very Merry Christmas!

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Sharon, a very Merry Christmas to both you and Bill today. The place was packed yesterday. I guess everybody had the same idea, at the same time. The wait staff really cleans up on a night like that with tips. I got out of work at 2 and went shopping and to pick up the food for today at my # 1 daughter's house.


It is extremely cold here as well. We woke up to light snow this morning. I hope that they are wrong as far as the snow forecast. Thus far there is nothing as far as any measurable snow goes.


Surprise, I have tomorrow off. That is the first time that has happened. I have to work on Friday, but that is it. I am going to lunch with my sister and my cousin tomorrow. Kohl's has the good deals most of the year. Especially now, and after the holidays. I just could not take any more crowds, so I stayed away.


Bill should be happy that he has a family who cares about him. Many have no one during the holidays. I know how hard this time of year is for you, and I am sorry. Cheer up, as there are people who love you.


I do not know how anyone can work outside in this kind of weather. Stay warm and have a great day today.




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Hey good, you have a surprise day off! It will be nice to have lunch with your sister and cousin. We got another couple of inches of snow yesterday and today again about another inch or so. Seems like it snows every single day lately.


We did have a nice time at Bill's daughters house yesterday. His one daughter that has been staying at the other daughters house got us all together. She was always the one that organized the birthday party for Bill when she lived in Ohio. She made the dinner and it was really good. Then she sent a whole bunch of ham home with us so we are having that tonight for dinner. There is a house that is in foreclosure two houses down from her sisters house and she is thinking of trying to buy it. She likes the area, close to everything and the price of the house would be very reasonable. Right now she has been bouncing around between relatives houses, and would like to get a place of her own.


I thought about going shopping at some of the stores I have not been to for quite a while at the mall, but then decided I didn't really need anything so didn't go. I shoveled some of the driveway, sidewalk and deck and it has stopped snowing now, so thats good. Sounds like its going to warm up a couple of days and then drop down to really cold again. I don't know whats wrong with this weather, the normal is supposed to be 32 degrees.


Enjoy your day!

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Sharon, you have gotten a lot more snow than us. Yesterday morning, we woke up to only 1/4" of snow. Just sweeping type of snow. Yes now, like you said it is warming up and tomorrow I heard it is going into the 40's. But like most of the time we have stayed downtown this time of year, it gets real cold. Those 2 days while we are downtown, it will be extremely cold.


It was nice that you had a good time being with family on Christmas. We went out to eat on Christmas Eve and then on Christmas, we went to my # 1 daughter's house for lunch and to open presents for all of the kids and grand kids. If Bill's daughter can buy a foreclosed house on the same block as her other sister, that will be great for her.


It was nice to have yesterday off, and being with my sister and cousin. We started off at Cracker Barrel and then went to Orland Square Mall, and it was extremely crowded. Even when I was watching the news last night, I could see all of the crowds on Michigan Avenue, downtown. Yes, the mark downs are very good, and they are even saying about new return policies. But like you said, how much do we really need anyway?


So I only have today to survive and then the weekend. I plan to leave early on Monday, taking Tuesday off and Wednesday. Then back to the old bump and grind once again for 2 more days. The jerk is in Florida and will be staying there for a few weeks.


Perhaps the warmer temps will clear some of that snow away in your area. Basically we have none here, as many places you can see the grass. Enjoy the day and stay warm,




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Your Christmas sounds very nice. Do you buy presents for all the kids? I find that kids are getting harder to buy for and toys are getting more expensive.


Had a zumba class on Thursday, can't believe I haven't been on here since then! Friday we went to the dance place, it was one of the gals bday, she brought a cake she bought and it was real good. So many aren't very good, but this one was.


Today we renewed our membership at the resort, they added on 20 days to the 6 months we biught to cover the days they were working on the pool area and were clised. W looked in at the pool, everything looks alot cleaner and whiter. I think they painted everything white except the bottom of the pool, which they painted blue. We won't go this coming weekend, probably be too many people celebrating Nears.


Tonight we went up to Lake Geneva with the friends that had the bday for dinner. First they seated us by a door that had a sign on it that said, due to the cold weather do not use this door, use the front entrance. Well no one was reading the sign and it was very cold as people were coming and keaving. We finally told the waiter we had to move. Then we sat by some people that had several little loud noisy kuds. Guess sometimes you can't win! The food was good though so thats something.


Today was really nice, it melted a little of the snow, especially what was on the driveway. However, now the driveway is covered in ice again since it was wet from the melting snow. We still have huge banks of snow, no way possible to see any grass. Now all next weel is going to be freezing again!

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Sharon, yes I do buy presents for everyone. Usually my daughter's just buy what the kids want and I pay them for the presents. We had a nice dinner on Christmas Eve with just Bill and I . Wednesday, can get a bit crazy with all of the kids. But it is only for about 3 hours and we all disburse for their in laws houses.


So now next week will be a new year with new resolutions. Of course at the top of everyone's list is to loose weight. I said this morning that I will have to get downstairs and get back on the total gym once again. I am so feeling fat and I do not like that feeling at all. Of course, this time of year is the worst for me in controlling weight with all of the food's their are at parties and just eating out a lot.


So you will be starting new classes and new everything. Let's hope that you can get what you want as far as good instructors and good people attending the classes. I think that was a good deal for the resort to extend the time for 20 weeks for the time they had been closed. Of course you both do get your money worth, as you both attend and use the facilities a lot and it is close to your house as well.


It was good that you were able to be out with the mild temps we had for the past few days. Now we are into the cold and even snow in the next few days. We have the fisherman on the ice across the street on the lake. They have been waiting a long time to get out there to fish.


Most of around here is all cleared. We have snow on our front, as we had more piles form the snow blower and shoveling it. We will be retuning to a lot of snow on Wednesday. So hopefully we will get the usual room on the lake to watch the fireworks and enjoy and have a good time for the next 2 days. What are your plans going to be?


We drove back to Michigan for the day or should I say 4 hours. We left early in the morning and drove to South Haven and I had to return something. Then we went to St Joe's for lunch on the lake and took pictures and drove back home. We were back at 1:30. It was just too nice to resist the temptation to go back for 1 last time.


I just got back as I had been over at my friends house that just moved in. So the gal's from bunco went to her house, for a house warming party get together.


Just 1 day for tomorrow and off once again for a few days and back at it for another year. Let's hope that 2014, will be better for us all.




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Terrible cold here, the house last night was banging and thumping. Today saw on facebook the Rockford radio station was asking if anyone else heard a lot of noise in their house last night and about 50 or 60 people said their house was very noisy with the banging. Guess the houses contract when the temps are so low and expand when the weather warms up. Don't think they will be expanding very soon!


I called AT & T today, want to get a wireless connection on my computer. They said go to Best Buy and get one. If I have trouble installing it myself I can call them. So I ran up there and got one. I will try to get it installed but may have to use my tablet to talk to you, ha ha. Hopefully it won't be too technical and I can get it done. I bought a new Samsung Tab 3 10" tablet at Staples, it was $80 off. They didn't have any in stock so they are mailing one and I should get it tomorrow. I didn't get a service on it, still have the Verizon service on the old one. If I can use it with the wireless connection I might just drop the Verizon service and use wifi when I take it somewhere. Or else cut my Verizon data package down and save some money but still have it. Have to see how it works, when and if I get this done.


We are not doing anything on New Years Eve, not only cold but supposed to get quite a bit of snow. So we will watch the fireworks and count down on tv and just stay warm.


Yes, lets hope that 2014 bring us both good health first of all, since if you don't have that nothing else matters and happiness and wealth, might as well throw that one in too!

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Sharon, I agree totally, if we do not have a health and happiness, there is nothing else. So let's hope that 2014 will be the best for us all. We got down here around 6:30 last night . We got here just before it started snowing. We did not get much. But they are calling for a lot tonight into tomorrow. I heard that your area will get the most. However, we could end with at least 2" of snow when it is all over.


So we will attempt to got to the hot tub today if there are not too many kids. We went down there last night and it was loaded with kids. We did not go, just checked it out. So the outlook does not look good for us to be using it without kids.


Then later on we will go to a place on the river that we eat at every year. Enjoy and have a safe warm day today. We will be doing the same thing later on, watching everything on TV and the fireworks live in front of our room tonight.




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We renewed our membership at the resort last Saturday but we are not going this weekend, like your place I am sure there will be way too many kids this whole week. Maybe by the weekend they will have left to go home and back to school so we will be able to go.


We had a zumba class this morning, the leader gal was really not into it again this morning. Said she had hurt her back last week so wasn't going to do too much. And she didn't! Sometimes she is really good, but sometimes it really up to you as to home much you do without her help.


On the 6th the Forever Fit sessions start again and on the 7th the water aerobics start. I don't know if I will go to all of the classes yet or not. Sometimes it seems like a little much, wish they were a little closer too. In this bad weather not always easy to get there and back. Have to see how I feel. That gal that was doing the weight reduction has lost over 20 pounds and is looking good. She says with the vitamin shots and pills she is never hungry and feels really good. I have tried everything but that it seems, and it probably wouldn't work for me if I did try it. I can't seem to keep with a lifestyle change of eating for more than a day or two.


Oh well, hope you can get in the hot tub, sounds like a nice night you have planned going out for dinner also. I am heating up the leftover stew I made a couple of days ago. Its pretty good and its nice and warm in the house so its ok. Happy New Year

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