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Sharon, a very happy New Year for you and Bill. We are back home now. It was snowing and blowing good this morning when we left. Surprise, that the further south we went, the less snow there was and the road conditions were much better as well. There was probably 4 or 5" of snow downtown and about 2" here. It was not snowing when we got home, but now it has started snowing again.


It was snowing so hard last night we thought we might not see the fireworks. However once again, it cleared up so we had a real good view of the fireworks. Yesterday afternoon, we took a cab to the Adler Planetarium. Once were leaving, there were not any cabs at all. So we walked to the Shed and there were lines of people waiting for cabs and it was not at all organized. We continued to walk to the Field Museum and found a cab there.


Then in the evening we went out in front of our hotel and took a bus to the river, where we eat at this same place each year. Then we took another bus back to the hotel. Bill's son and GS were back in the room when we got back, and we all stayed there and watched the fireworks. We also hooked up with a group of friends that just happened to be staying on the same floor as us. They came down to our room for about an hour as well to watch the fireworks.


These people were friends of Bill, who he used to coach when he was doing that stuff. Two of the guys were on TV this morning, as they were the race directors for this race that went off at 9 this morning, right in front of our hotel.


They closed the pool area early last night, so we never got back down there to use it. Monday it was loaded with kids. However Tuesday there were not as many kids, as many had left. Surprising, the hotel only had 20% occupancy yesterday. They even canceled the New Years party there, and sent anyone who had tickets either to the Drake or to the Plamer House. I guess the economy has finally hit them with fewer people this year. We have never seen this before.


So are you saying that this lady who has lost all of this weight gives herself shots? That is a good amount of weight to have lost. I feel fat and do not like how I look and feel . I plan to get back working on the total gym. Something has to give, as I do not like me now on how I look and feel.


Your area has gotten a lot more snow than us here. But maybe by tomorrow we may have a lot more. I do not know why that instructor was hosting a class if she could not workout with the rest of the class. It sounds like your new schedule is all worked out for next week, to start back once again. Hopefully the weather will not be a factor for you to travel there.


Once again, a very happy New Year and I hope 2014 will be a better year for us all.




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Your New Years Eve sounds like a very nice time. You really know your way around to walk all around and to know which bus to take. We watched tv and saw several big parties going on. One was abiut 3000 people at Navy Pier, another at Toby Keiths in Rosemont, and another at one of the big hotels in Chicago. Then watced the New York celebration and then the Chicago one with the fireworks.


We have so much snow and its still snowing lightly. Our plowguy called and asked if we wanted to have him come and plow or wait until it stopped. We told him to wait until tomorrow. In addition to snowing its also blowing so the driveway would just bdrift shut. Now when I shovel the front sidewalk coming up to the front door I have to throw it really high over the snow banks.


The gal that is losing the weight gets her vitamin shots when she goes in to weigh. I think the name of the place was Medifast. They give them to her, I think they cost about $25 each.


Since we didnt get plowed out I wont be able to go to zumba, but the roads are so bad I might not have went anyway.


Bills daughter went to the resort today and said they did put in a tv. I just wonder who picks the channeland controls the loudness.


We have just snacked on stuff all day, a shrimp ring, cheese and crackers and candy. Finally for dinner we had a grilled ham and cheese sandwich. I am stuffed and feel very fat!


Sounds like after a few more says we are really going into the deep freeze again. Too much snow and too cold!

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Sharon, it has been snowing here since yesterday afternoon. I was able to make it into work this morning. So far the snowfall is very dry. It is also windy and cold. I did see where it will be getting really cold over the weekend.


When we left yesterday, it was snowing much more than what we had here. I am sure your area has gotten more than us. However, we are getting lake effect now and we could now be getting a lot more of the snow. I figured that I would not be able to go anywhere at lunch, so I brought my lunch with me today.


It seems like every year at this time, you see nothing but diet commercials all over the place. Everyone is making resolutions, and dieting is # 1 on every one's list. Giving shots is something I would be concerned about. I am not very big on getting shots. Even vitamin shots. That seems a bit over the top for me. If it is working for this gal, then that is good for her. Twenty pounds is a good amount of weight to have lost.


If you are content to just stay inside today, and wait for it to stop snowing, before the plow guy comes, then OK. Bill tried to suggest for me to stay home today, but that did not happen. I am not able to stay put like a lot of folks. Bill does not like to go outside to do the plowing with the snow blower, any more than he has to do. Since it is snowing so hard, he is waiting for it to stop. Except, who knows when that will be.


So stay warm and safe and enjoy the snow, the first big one of 2014.




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Our plowguy came around 9am yesterday so Bill, like you, went to work. I did not go to zumba, figured I would be late anyway and the roads were not very good. Illinois is doing a lot better job than Wisconsin is clearing the roads. Now today it is sunny and cold but they are also saying we could get lots of wind that would blow all that snow back onto the roads. So I don't know about tonight, have to wait and see. One of the dance gals is having foot surgery on Jan 9th so this would be her last chance to dance for a few month. But it will depend on the weather if we go or not.


I had bought a wireless router and yesterday installed it. It went very well, I had to call AT & T to get my password and modem name first and then I connected it. It popped right up on the screen and asked for that information and then said do you want the automated installation and I clicked yes and that was it. I was worried I wouldn't be able to figure it out and wouldn't have any internet connection, but it worked just fine. UPS delivered the tablet I had bought at Staples yesterday so last night I set it on wifi and go it all connected and synced to my computer. That too was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I was going to cancel or change my service with Verizon that I have on my other tablet but when I called them they said they don't even offer that package anymore and it is almost cheaper than the less data one they offer now. So I guess I'll keep it for a while and see how it goes.


One of Bill's daughter went to the pool on Saturday and text me that they have installed one of the tv's. Sounds like they might put in more than one. I texted her back asking who controls the channel and sound but haven't gotten an answer yet. We might have to go this weekend and see for ourselves.


Have you made any resolutions? I quit making them since I don't usually keep them, ha ha I suppose I would go along with the #1 one, diet and lose weight but I already know how thats going for me. However, got to keep trying!


Suppose to warm up somewhat and then snow again tomorrow, yuk hope this is not how the winter is going to keep going.

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Sharon, it was a totally crazy day at work today. Like you, I feel the same way about resolutions. Yes, I would like diet to be at the top of the list. But I have failed miserably in the past. But we cannot give up hope of stop trying.


Yes, it is very cold and very windy. Then they are saying more snow and bitter cold for the weekend. Oh well. We had mild winters the past few years, and now we are making up for it. I wish I could have stayed home yesterday. It snowed all night on New Years and most of the day yesterday. I know I have heard that Wisconsin has gotten a lot of the snow thus far.


It would be nice for you to get out tonight, but if the weather is going to be extreme with the high winds and blowing and drifting, then it might be best to just stay inside, and stay warm. I may start taking down the decorations over the weekend and get everything cleaned up and packed away until next year.


Stay warm and have a great weekend.




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We did not go tonight, the wind is too strong, the east west roads are drifting clised and the road we would take is due west. The sidewalk leading to the front door is all filled in again with snow, I'll have to shovel it tomorrow when it warms up a bit.


I took down all the Christmas decorations, I and also straightened out the two tubs of stuff I didn't use this year. I didn't put a lot out this year so it didn't take long to put it away.


You are still dealing with "the son" aren't you. Guess his dad taught him well since he is a pain in the a** also. Well you have the weekend before you have to deal with him again.

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Sharon, it was extremely cold here as well and bitter cold last night. It was a good move on your part to stay home. People drive too fast, and no use in putting yourself out there to have someone else crash into you.


Today it is very sunny and more snow is predicted for later on this afternoon, if that still is holding up. I did not go crazy on Christmas Decorations this year either. I have taken most of them down. We still have our tree up, and it will come down in the next few days or so.


Today I am just cleaning the house and getting things organized. Yes, I have to deal with the son now, when they come in, him and his sister. They live in Valparaiso, IN and do not make it in if the weather is a factor. I said we should move to that area, and I can take off all of the weather related days as well.


Stay warm and enjoy your weekend.




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We had snow start about 9 am this morning. It snowed off and on all day. Our driveway is drifting down by the highway wondering if we will have to have it plowed to get out. I'm not even going to try to go to church in the morning. Got an email message that the forever fit class was not going to start until Wed because the schools are going to be closed and they follow that schedule. I'm glad ,didn't think I could get there anyway.


Bill got the new toliet installed in the bathroom downstairs this afternoon. So it is complete except for towel bars and a fixture over the light bulb. Now when we are down there won't have to run upstairs "to go".


Now just waiting for the cold deep freeze weather to hit, brrr

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Sharon, it started snowing here at 4 yesterday afternoon, and it has not stopped since. We have about a foot of snow thus far and it is still snowing. It is blowing and drifting as well. Bill has no plans of going outside to clear it away, until it has stopped. We have not had a snowfall like this, since the blizzard 3 years ago. I did not go to church today either. Because, I would not have been able to get out.


One guy was out there about 2 hours ago snow blowing, and now you cannot tell what he had done, as it has all been totally covered. It is lucky that they have canceled your fitness until Wednesday. Tomorrow it is going to be sub zero temps.


It is hard to stay inside and not being able to go anywhere. I am not one to sit still. So today I am cooking. I just do not know what to do with myself.


Stay warm and safe, and all we can do is wait for it to stop, then dig out.




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Bill stayed home today, just way too cold to go out. The wind is blowing so strong some places down the road look like a snow blower is going. It is covering the road in several places and we haven't seen a plow go for quite some time. I think they might be waiting until the wind stops to even plow at all.


We had quite a bit of snow on Saturday but I think you got the most out of this latest storm. We truly are running out of places to put the snow, the banks keep getting higher and higher. I shoveled the front sidewalk several times but the wind keeps blowing the snow back in.


Today, I've been doing some laundry and I've got a "junk" room that everything has been landing in lately. I think I will try and tackle that, try to find places for all the things that don't have a place.


Boy will it be great to have it warm up to even 30 in a few days!

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Sharon, surprise, my boss called last night, or should I say the jerk's brother called, and closed the place today. I would not have been able to go in anyway with all of the snow we had here. I figure it snowed for something like 32 hours straight. It finally stopped at 11 last night. It started snowing Saturday afternoon and snowed continuous until last night. Now we have the extreme cold and high winds with the blowing and drifting of this snow.


Yes, I agree, it will feel nice when it does warm up some later on this week. So I was outside helping Bill clear the snow away. He was outside for 6 hours total. Three hours each time, with about an hour break in between. Now with this wind, and the blowing and drifting will be bad later on, like you said in your area.


But at least now we can get our cars out of the garage and now we have the walkways all cleared. It was real high this morning with some of the drifts. That place that we used to go for 1/2 price burgers closed yesterday. They went out of business, and I heard that some other place has bought the place, and will be putting another restaurant in its place.


So this has been an unusual day for me being off today. Yesterday with not being able to leave the house and stay inside all day was also unusual for me as well. I have a hard time staying put and finding things to do.


So enjoy the day being inside watching the weather an staying warm. It will be a few days for this city to return to normal once again, with a massive closing of places like has been done. They even had an emergency ban over here, with vehicles staying off the roads last night, unless your were an emergency vehicle.




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We have not had anymore snow but the winds and cold have been pretty extreme, around -48 below. Yesterday they had quit plowing the roads with the blowing, it just came back on. Then they tried to salt and it was too cold for that to work. I wanted to go to the water aerobics this morning but didn't, the roads are not any better and its still too cold. Bill stayed home for a second day in a row also. He has done a few things in the basement and gotten some of his papers organized but is like you and runs out of things to do, or things he wants to do. I just let Tinker outside and can feel a little bit of difference in the wind so hopefully we are on the up side of getting better weather. I have the Forever Fit class tomorrow morning and I think I will be able to get to it, at least I hope so.


Don't you hate it when a place you like closes like that! Maybe the next people will do a goo job too, but probably won't give the 1/2 price burgers. There is a restaurant in the next town that had the tv people who redo restaurants come in and completely change theirs. We went in and didn't like it at all. It used to be very light and airy before they changed it all. They took out all the mirrors and added more booths of dark wood and a counter that was too cramped for people to eat at, then they told the owners to change the menu they were offering too many things to be profitable. Well, saw in the paper a couple of days ago they had sold the restaurant, after having it for 30 years, and the new owner is going to restore it to the way it used to be.


We noticed today that the flap on the doggie door has broken off. It is a hard rubber and guess it just got too hard and when it was pushed open cracked in two. Don't know how we can fix it or if maybe we can get another piece from the company to put up.


Glad you had the ok to stay home again, it really was too bad to be out and about. We saw the roads closed in Indiana and heard about the snow along the I80 corridor, thought that was going to include you.


Hope your sidewalks and driveway stays clear so you can get out tomorrow, ours has not drifted since the last time he plowed on Sunday.

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Sharon, it would have been nice if I could have stayed off again today, but I am back at work. Yes, like your Bill, I have a hard time staying put and to relax as well. Yes, it would be nice to be away from this place, but I would need something else to occupy my time. This place drives me crazy, most of the time.


Everything was clear enough for me to get out and into work. But the roads are not totally clear from the drifting and the roads being slick, because the temps are too cold for the salt to work. I heard now, that starting on Friday and for the next 4 days after that, it will be above freezing and maybe into the 40's, 1 or 2 days.


Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day for you to get out and get back to exercising once again. Even though it has been extremely cold. It must bother you as well, not being able to get to the exercise. With all of the schools and transportation being slowed and halted in some cases. It takes everything a few days to return to normal once again.


I see in some cases, people have been putting doggie booties on the paws of the dogs to protect them. I would imagine that Tinker feels this extreme cold, and does not want to be outside any more than she has to. Some people forget about animals, that they can suffer just like humans.


Bill was not able to make it downtown to his appointment yesterday, due to the weather. So he has another one scheduled for tomorrow. Hopefully he will have a better time tomorrow. I also saw that there was a huge pileup on the expressway leading to downtown. So another reason it was good he did not go.


I heard that this time of year is depressing for some. As a let down from the festive holiday period and with bills coming in. Then factor in this extreme cold, and for sure people are depressed. Enjoy your day and keep warm.




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Since it was "only" -9 this morning I did make it to the exercise class. Because of the weather it was the first one that they had. There were lots of women there, guess everyone was anxious to get back to it. On my way home I noticed that it was all the way up to 0 so that is an improvement. Bill went to work too, he was thinking about all the mail he has to go through. But I think he was glad to go this morning like you.


Tinker does not like to be outside in any weather so this cold is nothing new. Only thing is she can't hardly find a place to get off the driveway or sidewalk to pee, the piles of snow are too high for her to climb over. I heard also that the weather is supposed to warm up, relatively speaking but the snow is so hard packed and froze I wonder just how much we will get rid of over the weekend.


One of our dancing friends is having her foot operated on tomorrow, this will be the 3rd time. The first two times was with the same dr and he didn't get it right. The surgery was for a bunion and big toe leaning in, he messed it up so bad the first time had to redo it, then didn't do any better the second time so now she is having a different dr work on it. She will not be able to dance for at least 8 weeks while it heals up. She would have been better off leaving it alone to begin with.


I am trying to decide if I should go to the water aerobics tomorrow morning or to zumba, the water class started yesterday and the leader said there were only 6 gals there. There are only about that many or less at zumba. Guess I'll have to see how I feel in the morning. I think I will have some sore muscles from the class this morning.

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Sharon, I'll bet you are sore. I know I have been sore for all of the shoveling I did on Monday. My back and arms are in pain from all of the work, and I can feel it. Well if I had that same choice as you, I would choose the water aerobics over the other.


Yes, I did see it will be warming up, and Friday it is supposed to be in the 40's around here. It was still cold this morning, but at least the wind was not blowing as strong as it had been. Tinker has not had a good ground to be on lately. With that ice you had, and she could not stand up. Now with all of the snow and extreme cold. She must be in a hurry to get her stuff done, and then get back inside where it is warm.


Yes, it did feel good to get out of the house and being able to drive my car. There have been many accidents and people getting stuck. It seems like there are those who are always in a big hurry to go nowhere. Those are the one's who cause accidents and sometimes they get away and leave you behind.


Wow, 3 times for the same foot. I hope that other Dr has not screw up her foot, so it cannot get fixed properly. I agree, she might have been better not to do anything, versus the 3 that she now has had. That is way too much for the very same thing. Hopefully with the 8 week recovery and this finial surgery, he will be able to correct everything and fix it properly once and for all.


It seems like every time you turn on the TV, all you see are weight loss ads. This is the time of year where they are trying to get everyone on board with dieting and loosing weight. I am getting sick of all of the commercials they are throwing at us on this subject.




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I picked the zumba class, there was only 6 of us there but today she did a pretty good workout routine. I will go to the water aerobics class on Tuesdays and the zumba class on Thursdays and the exercise class the other days. That should get me out of the house and moving!


They keep saying its warming up but we still had below 0 this morning, I think it was about 15 when I was coming home around 11:30 this morning. I stopped after class and bought a heated throw for Bill. I will put it on his side of the bed. He said this morning, and the last couple of mornings, that he couldn't sleep because he was so cold. He has no fat on him so I guess thats why, I am fine since I have a nice layer of fat on me, ha ha. I don't want an electric blanket on me, I wouldn't be able to sleep because I was too warm.


We are supposed to get some rain or snow this afternoon but so far it hasn't happened. Thats probably a good thing, we don't need any of it!


I know about the commercials to lose weight, guess because so many people make it their New years resolution. I have no motivation, which seems to be my problem. One of the days Bill was home he had the tv on and Dr Phil was talking to people who were obese. He had a dr on that had written a book called something like The Drs Diet. They had people on who had tried it and lost lots of weight and said it was easy, (yeah right). Then they gave everyone in the audience a package of stuff, like the book, tennis shoes, blender, step monitors, things like that. Then Dr Phil said you could log on to his web site and enter to win the package of stuff. So I did, only thing I was a little hesitant about was the question, would you appear on the show, and it was already checked yes. I left it checked yes because I thought I might have a better chance of winning the package, but I sure wouldn't want to go on the tv show!


Well enjoy the rest of your day, at least you are out of the house!

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Sharon, I do not know if being out of the house and here, are any better. I do not get the respect, and everyone dumps everything onto me. I think my resolution for this year, is to change the direction the jerk has been treating me. I know, I have probably said this last year at this time. But only me, and me alone can make this happen.


I am like you at night. I start under the covers, only to end on top of them, as I am too hot. Bill is under them the entire night. It did snow a dusting today. Tomorrow, if you believe them, as it is supposed to be in the 40's, and for the next 4 or 5 days. Rain tomorrow as well. That means flooding and ice at night.


I think I saw the very same commercial as you. They always make it look so easy, like anyone can do it. That is how they are able to make so many sales this time of year, getting people hooked into these programs. If it were so easy, we would see only people walking around in perfect shape. Almost every station you turn on, and all you see is dieting and loosing weight. It is getting to be way too much.


Well it sounds like you have a very good schedule all worked with your programs. All spaced out and a well planned out workout week. I hope you have a very good year.


Stay warm and lets hope for some relief as far as the cold.




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Bill really enjoyed his heated throw last night. He said this morning that he slept right through all night, didn't wake up once. So I'm glad I got it for him, its only on his side of the bed so I don't get any heat from it which is good.


I wonder if you talk to your boss or his son if it will do any good or not, sometimes after the talk it goes right back to where it was before, hopefully it will work out for you though so you can get your job done in peace!


We had a fine layer of snow and then a lite mist this morning, it didn't get slick on the road so that was a good thing. All afternoon it has been very foggy so I don't know if we will go tonight or not. The other couple that will be there is not Bill's favorite so that might be another reason we don't go. The other couple will not be there for several weeks. The said they would come and visit but not be able to dance after a couple weeks from the surgery.


We had a really tough workout this morning, lots of strength training and cardio, I wasn't too sore from Wednesday but can feel my arm muscles all ready. I had to go up to the post office to mail a birthday card and on the way back went past Culvers. Yup, couldn't pass it up got a turtle sundae, and it wasn't even lunch time yet! I have no will power and I was hungry so at the time it seemed like a good idea, not so much now.


Not any plans yet for the weekend, have to see what the weather brings, hope you have a nice one

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Sharon, that is a good thing that you did getting the heated throw. It is also good that he feels much better without adding any more heat on your side.


After I posted yesterday, it continued to snow most of the night. Instead of just a dusting, we ended with a little over an inch of snow. Now, about an hour ago it started raining and it is raining pretty good now. With sewers blocked and no where for the water to go, I wonder where all of the water will end. It could be very slippery tonight.


It is too bad that you will not be going out tonight dancing. But with the weather and not have couples that you would enjoy to be with, maybe a good idea after all to just stay home.


I feel the same way about this weekend, I will just have to see how the weather is and how I am feeling, to see if we will do anything either. As far as this place and my work goes, I agree with you about things going back to the way they were. But I just cannot stand by and continue to do nothing about things. I have to change the behaviors around here, or nothing will ever improve or get better.


I know I was real sore with my arms and back from all of the shoveling I was doing on Monday. So after being off and retuning to a good workout, I can see where you would be sore as well. I am the same way at times, with no will power either.


Have a good weekend and stay warm and safe,




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Well Friday turned bad very quick. The temperature dropped all at once around 4pm and all the roads turned into ice. The road we would have taken to the dance place was closed until almost midnight, two semis jackknifed and there were several cars in the ditch so they just closed it. Our driveway was as bad, with the incline you good hardly stand without sliding down it. Saturday was better and today even more. There is still water standing because some of the snow melted, it will probably freeze back up again.

We went to the resrt today, the steam room was really steamy and the pool was a nice temp also. The two tvs were set, one for the weather channel and the othet the football game, no sound was on from them but there was music piped in. We had agreed before we got there that I would tell Bill when it was time to get out of the hottub sincw he can't see the clock from there. His daughter & son in law came and got in the hot tub and they were talking. I waved at him

from the pool to let him know it was time to get out and I heard him say, she wants me to get out, but he didn't. So I waited 10 more minutes and when he still didn't get out I got out if the pool and went into the dressing room. I knew he would get out then. I told him from now on I wasn't going to tell him the time anymore since he doesn't listen. He has a habit of staying in too long and then almost passes out when he stands up to get out. He said it wasn't that hot today, but I didn't know that.


Oh well, we went to Chilis and had ribs afterwards so all is good.

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Sharon, I agree about Friday night. It was real bad around here as well. I turned a corner and slipped into a bank of snow. So I came home and we stayed home. There was no use getting into an accident. I did not think it got as warm as they said it would be over the weekend. It was very windy on Sunday. A lot of the snow has melted, but there are still a lot of areas with piles of snow around.


Yes, it is not good to stay in a hot tub for too long. Especially when getting out. You have to stand up slowly to let your blood pressure adjust. The normal temp for a hot tub is 102 degrees. That can be hot.


There was not much we did over the weekend. With Friday being the way it was. We just stayed around and put all of the decorations away. If the weather is better this week, we shall see how it is for going out to eat. We have a lot of coupons for discounts on eating.


Hopefully I will have a good week at work this week. Things have not been going too well lately. Have a good day,




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I had heard we would be getting more snow tonight and into Tues morning, but the rest of the week pretty quiet. So I made reservations for diner and show at the Fireside on Thurs night. Now the weatherman is saying we could get more snow on Thursday. The Fireside Theater is in Fort Atkinson and is a little over an hour drive. I hope it doesn't get too bad I hate to drive in snow and tickets are nonrefundable. However the gal there did say if we couldn't make it to be sure to call them and see if other arrangements could be made. Keeping fingers crossed!

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Sharon, let's hope for nothing but the best for Thursday. That is a great place to have dinner and to see a good performance. I remember you go every year. How about that fancy restaurant in Downtown Chicago, where this couple had a baby that was crying through the entire meal, and it upset all of the customers. That was also a very exclusive place, where reservations are made months in advance. I heard that on the news yesterday.


I agree, I heard the very same thing about the weather. I thought we would have woke up this morning to snow or rain. So far nothing and it is not all that bad outside. So let us hope that the weather will cooperate for the rest of this week, and not be what they are saying just now.


Tonight we are trying the new menu at the club. It has been closed for 2 weeks, as it does every year the first 2 weeks of January each year. We have not been there for a long while. Otherwise, we have not been going out to eat much over the past few weeks. The weather has played a big part in that decision.




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I had the water aerobics class in the morning yesterday and just as I was leaving to go to it, it started snowing really hard with really big flakes. The road was covered in only a little while. However before I got there, the snow had stopped. Then afterwards I went over to Bills house because he had a dr's appmnt I was going to take him to. I noticed that the wind was really blowing, it looked like a snowblower, blowing snow that we just had had that morning blowing onto the road. We didn't have to leave for about an hour and by the time we left the roads were getting pretty bad. We got to the drs office and Bill just went and sat down. I said don't you have to check in? He said they know me here. So we waited for almost 45 minutes, I decided to go up and ask if the dr was going to be much longer, and they didn't even know we were waiting. Which is funny because we were the only ones left in the office, you would have thought if they didn't know who we were they would have asked who we were there to see. Did they think we just came in to get warm! We were in kind of a hurry then because I have had something in my eye for the last week and decided to call the eye dr to see if I could get in before we left for Bills appmnt and they said come in at 3:45 that afternoon. So we needed to see the dr and get on our way. We finally did see him, but he talked about all kinds of things, not really about Bill or why we were there, which was for a follow up blood test. Bill told him he was out of a couple of prescriptions and he said he would send them over via email to the pharmacy. He got his blood test and we left and drove up to the next town where my appmnt was, they were running about an hour behind. Seems I didn't have anything in my eye, I had an eye infection. So the dr sent a prescription to the same place we were to pick up Bills. We didn't leave the drs office until around 5:30 and it was blowing so hard that it was snowing sideways. When we got to pick up the prescriptions, mine was there, but Bill only had one and he was supposed to have three. We barely made it back to his house so he could pick up his car and follow me home. We got though the next town without too much trouble but when we headed out on the highway again it was a complete white out. I was leading the line of cars and I couldn't even see the front end of my car. And it was like that for a long stretch. I didn't even know if I was on the road or not it was so bad. I was going about 5 mph and I might just as well had my eyes closed it was so bad. A ways down I saw some flashing red lights, someone had slid into the ditch, probably because they couldn't see and the police had the traffic going north stopped. Since I still couldn't see the road I just got as close to the cars as I could thinking they must be on the road. After I got passed them it was still bad. I was shaking so bad I really didn't think I could get home at that point. I just said God I can't do this, I need help! As I looked ahead I saw a car at the top of the hill with his yellow blinkers on. I was able to get up behind him and follow him all the rest of the way to our house, must have been my guardian angel. Bill was about 3 or 4 cars behind me and he said he was so glad he was following someone as his windshield was icing up and he only had a small place he could see through. It took me around a half an hour to quite shaking once I got in the house.


Today the roads have been plowed and the wind has stopped, I just hope its like this tomorrow when we have to drive up to the theater. They are predicting snow and wind again tomorrow. If it does, we won't go, I can't take anymore driving in that kind of weather.


I did hear about the baby crying in that restaurant. They said it cost $250 to get your name on the reservation list. I sure wouldn't want to pay that much and then listen to a baby cry! One time we were sitting by a screaming kid at Applebee's and we asked to be moved to the other side of the restaurant. The kid just kept on and the parents ignored her. I think she probably did it all the time and they were used to it.


How was your diner at the club last night?

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