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Sharon, it is good that you were able to get out to those places and the weather was not a factor. I did go for the weigh in on Sunday morning and I was surprised that I had lost 2.8 pounds. I think it might have been from all of the shoveling I have been doing around here, with the snow that we have gotten. I was helping Bill out as I was feeling sorry for him being outside and me inside.


They have this list of many things such as veggies and greens neither do I eat. I have gotten real good at portion control. When we eat out, I always bring 1/2 home. I have not actually lost weight since we both first got on this thread. That has been a very long time. So I guess we shall see if I can keep this going or if I will slide back once again. It just got to a point where I have been feeling so fat and my cloths are not fitting properly.


So today they are calling for major snow coming into our area today and into tomorrow. Yes, Bill was very disappointed with the game as well. I think he even turned it off towards the end. I felt so bad for Payton. We are running out of room for piling the snow around here. I feel like I should just crawl into a hole for 6 more weeks as well.


Stay warm and think warm thoughts,




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Congratulations that is a good loss! That should give you some incentive to keep on eating right. Since I already exercise so much it doesn't seem to matter if I do a little more, its all the eating I do. Wouldn't you think since I want to lose I could control my mouth!


We had 20 people at water aerobics this morning, funny last Tuesday we had 6. Quite a few new gals. I had to through away my swimming suit, they only last so long in that chlorine. Evert time I see a sale on suits I buy another one so I have several more to wear.


I called my sister atound 5pm , she lives in Schaumburg, to see how she was doing and to see if it was snowing there yet. She said she is feeling pretty good and it had been snowing for about 15 minutes. Of course now its snowing here too but we aren't supposed to get a whole lot. Cold outside now too!

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Sharon, it started snowing last night around 5 and it snowed all night. We woke up today to about a foot of snow on the ground, not including the drifting. Bill got up early and went outside with the snow blower to clear it all away. He was having problems with it a few days ago and he had a friend come over on Monday to help him out. He said a belt had broke and him and the friend fixed it all up.


I do not think that I can say the weight loss is from good eating, as like you, I do not have good eating habits. I think it was from all of the work we had been doing outside with the snow. I usually do not do anything as far as exercise. So for now that is what I am saying has done it. But we shall see how this keeps on going or not.


Wow, that is a real contrast form going from 6 to 20, and especially in this weather. Yes, I do the same thing with swim suits. The chorine really does do a number on those suits. Always good to have more than just one.


We are almost out with where to pile the snow. Huge piles all over the place. Stay warm and be safe while out driving. This was a real surprise to see all of this snow that fell last night and into today.




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We got almost 5 inches of snow yesterday too, I did get out of the driveway and followed the tire tracks on the road so I could go to the forever fit class. Lots of gals also made it. Bill didn't go right away, but waited for out guy to come and plow the driveway again. Then he went after I got back home, around 11am. We were going to stay home last night because it was so cold, but right after we got done eating I remembered it was one of the gals birthday. So we went for a while, she brought a decorated cake with raspberry filling in the middle.


Today went to zumba, she had us use some weights for toning. She hasn't done that before but has now added them to some of the routines. I have been using 5 pound weights at the other fitness class so these weights were not near as heavy but after raising them up and down quite a few times my arms did get tired.


Bill still has not been feeling good, just in general he says. I think I need to find a dr that specializes in respiratory things. I don't think it will help to go back to his regular dr, he didn't seem too interested in determining what was wrong, after doing the blood tests and chest x ray, that was it.


Our trip is in about 3 weeks and I got the documents to print the other day. The hotels are beautiful and I think now it would be a fun time, but don't know if Bill can do it or not.


Very cold again today, and it looks like the rest of the week and then snow again on Saturday, I hate this weather pattern we are in!

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Sharon, Bill said that he was out snow blowing 3 times yesterday. With all of the snow, there was too much to do it all at once. So he would do some and come inside for awhile, and then go back out again. I agree, I am fed up with all of this cold and snow as well.


Now our side streets are very slick. I have slid through 3 stop signs. As I am sure this village is like the rest, where they are only salting the main streets due to the shortages, everyone is experiencing. It is good that you were able to get out last night for awhile.


Now maybe you have told me about this trip in the past, but I have forgot. Where are you going, and is this on a bus? How long are you going to be away? I agree, that you need to find another Dr who will be better able to help Bill out. We went through the same thing with my Bill last year. When he was going to this one Dr, he was just going through the motions, and was not really helping him out. This is when he had the esophagus cancer. We finally found the Dr who took care of him and did the surgery as well. Some Dr's just go through the motions and do not get to the root of what needs to be done.


It would be a shame if you were not able to go on the trip, due to Bill not feeling well enough. But you have to do what is best, and get him to feeling better and back on track once again. Stay warm and safe,




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I booked this trip last summer, it an 11 night fully escorted trip to Croatia. I did take the insurance, but now that I see the hotels and itinerary, would kind of like to go. But I don't know if Bill and do it and also Tinker is having some more issues with leaking and other way also. So seems like I really should cancel it but will wait another week or so and see how things are going. We would fly out of Ohare to Munich, Germany then change planes and fly to Venice, Italy. There we would be picked up by van, I think, and taken the rest of the way. We would go to Dubrovnik, Split, and Bled. Spend a couple of nights in each town/city.


Very cold here again, guess the schools are saying now that they are staying open even if it is cold. Can't miss any more days or the kids will be going too long into the summer. We had a good class this morning at the Forever Fit.


Going up town in a bit, the library is having a book sale and I need to see if the bank got in my new bank card that I requested some time ago. Should also get my hair trimmed up, I'll see if I have time to get that in also. I think we should probably go to the dance place, its another one of the guys' birthday, well was last Wednesday. However its the guy who goes with the gal who had the foot surgery so I guess it will depend on how she's doing. Sounds like we won't get the snow until Saturday morning so we should be good to go in that respect.


Yes I would like to find a good dr for Bill, but not sure who would be a good one, how did you find the dr for your Bill? Ask someone or look him up somehow on the computer?


Have a great weekend, stay warm if possible!

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Sharon, now I know I do not remember that trip that you have booked. That sounds like a really good vacation. But a lot of traveling, but also it would be good to get away. Hopefully you will be able to go. If you do go, when would it be?


Yes, the snow is forecast for Saturday, and the worst of it is supposed to be south. However, if all holds up as they have said, it should only be 2-3" when it is all finished.


My GD is having a BD party on Saturday. So I have to attend that, as she has turned 12. Then on Sunday, Bill has tickets to the auto show for this opening weekend, so that is what we are doing on Sunday. We will take the Metra Electric down, right to McCormick Place.


That is good that you have this tight group that does things for each other, to celebrate things, and to have fun as well. It sure breaks up the normal hum drum. Plus it gets you out as well, and that I would think, is important. Like you said, the weather should not be a factor, except for the cold, and some icy spots.


For Bill's Dr, he went to his regular Dr, and said to him, that he was very dissatisfied with the one he originally had gone to. So his own Dr had recommended this one, who ended doing the surgery, and putting him back on the road once again. This Dr was the head in his field and 1 of only 2 Dr's who have performed more surgeries for that type of cancer that he had. The other Dr, had trained this Dr. Before the surgery, he was getting real sick, and it had been coming on for some 2 years. So the key, is finding the right Dr. If things are not right, and you are not completely satisfied, then you need to find the right one, and someone who you feel confident with.


A few years ago, when we traveled to Hawaii, he was getting sick all of the time. We almost turned back, to come back home, first when we got dropped off at O'Hare. Then once we got to Hawaii. We took the direct flight there and he was sick most of the way there, and spent a lot of time in the washrooms, and kept one of those bags at his seat, in case he could not make it to the bathroom.


It sounds like you had a good class today. Funny how some days are not so crowded, and other's have a lot more, who show up, like today.


Have a good weekend as well and try to stay warm as well.




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Well the library didn't have very many good books so I only got a couple, the bank said my new card would not be mailed to me for another 2 or 3 weeks. Seems like an awfully long time. And I did get a little trim for my hair, so all in all got everything done I wanted.


I bet that was a really fun day at the auto show, I've seen some previews of it on tv. There are some great cars and sime skinny models hyping them.


I rhought about asking Bill's dr for a recomendation but I think he thinks he has done everything necessary already. But I think Bill needs an inhaler or oxygen and his dr has never even brought that up.


I tried to talk to Bill about the trip but he is still saying he doesn't feel real good and doesn't want to end up in a hospital in a foreign country. I do remember the problem your Bill had on that Hawaii trip. I don't want that to happen to us either. I will have to get something lined up pretty quick so we can get a professional opinion from a dr as to whether we should go or not.


We had about 3 or 4 inches of snow last night, real pretty sparkely stuff. Now we get the cold again tomorrow!

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Sharon, we ended with the same amount of snow here as well. Bill went out on Sunday and cleared it all away. Yes, now we have the extreme cold to content with for the next few days.


We left our house yesterday, around 1:30 to go to catch the train, to go there. We were gone for about some 6 hours. Yes, it was very nice and spectacular. However there is so much walking involved. The trains only run every 2 hours on Sunday. So we had to watch our time so we could leave at the right time, as not to be there just waiting for another train. We decided to come back our way to eat, rather than eat down there. Their prices are so expensive there anyway.


It is too bad that Bill's Dr thinks he has done all he can for him. A Dr should never think that. But on the other hand, you do not want to be away, and end some place foreign for treatment. I was so very upset with Bill when we were away and traveling to Hawaii. But then again, I did realize and I guess it took that trip for me to really see how bad he was, and that it was no fault of his at all. Things seem to always happen at a time when they are the most inconvenient for you, no matter where you are.


It is good that you were able to get everything finished for you, and the trimming. I just schedule my hair appointment and nails, and pedi's in advance, as I know how long it will be when I need to have treatments. At least I have 1 thing to look forward to for just me. What I put up with here during the week, I need some down time, just for myself.


Try to stay warm and have a good rest of today,




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I have a call into the dr to see about getting the name of a pulmonary dr and to ask him again about what the blood tests mean that he did. We really never got a very good explanation as to what it means or what makes the variations. Also he has to change the prednisone prescription and start weaning him off of it. I mean really, he has emphysema and COPD and yet is not getting any treatment whatsoever for it. Hopefully I'll get some answers, but he probably won't call until after his office hours are over tonight.


When you went flew out of Ohare, you parked your car at some place and they had a shuttle to the airport. Do you remember the name of the place and how much it cost a day? If we go, our flight does not leave until 6pm so we wouldn't need to come down the night before and get a room like we usually do. So I'm trying to think of options as to how to get to the airport or where to leave the car. I'm just going to assume we are going until we find out for sure we aren't, so I've got to get everything planned out (just in case).


Had a pretty big group at swimming today again, and a very good workout. It was 6 degrees on the way home and for some reason the snow is melting off the roof and running down the driveway. Must be the sun, because it sure isn't warm enough to melt otherwise.


After swimming I went up to a restaurant in Lake Geneva that has the best Broccoli cheddar soup . They have a special for "take out" on it for the month of February. I got a quart of it for $7.98 and that is what we are having for dinner tonight.


Looks like the people along the gulf coast are getting some pretty bad weather now instead of us, for a change. I heard the schools are closed and people were told to stay off the roads, ice and snow was predicted.


Maybe tomorrow it will be a bit nicer weather here for us,

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Sharon, when I left this morning for work, the temp was -6. Yes, when the sun is out, even though it is below freezing, some things do melt in the sun. Our blacktop is all cleared off from the heat from the sun. I did see, where our temps will go above freezing towards the end of the week. Better them up east, than us, with the bad weather that they will be getting.


The place where we park is called Avistar Airport Parking, 3700 N. Mannheim Rd., Franklin Park, 847-678-7275. They have either inside or outside parking. We always park inside. The rates are something like $7 for outside and $9 for inside. They have specials at times that make it even cheaper, http://www.avistarparking.com

They take you to the airport and pick you up across the street from the Hilton Hotel. It is about 10 minutes away or less. We call them when we have our luggage, and then walk across to get the shuttle. The car is all ready and waiting once we get back to the garage.


I hope you can find someone or have Bill's Dr, give you something more than he has been doing. It is long overdue to have answers, and to have some better treatment, than you have now. You both have to be comfortable with the results, and the treatment, and it does not sound like either is happening at this point.


They are having a special dinner with fine dinning this Friday at the club. They will also have a piano player as well. So we decided that we will go there on Friday for dinner. They are only having a special menu on that night with limited selections.


We got a letter from our bank yesterday. So I am going to have to call and get more details about exactly what they are offering, and where they will be going. Like you have done in the past, with your bank going on tours, and bus trips. This sounds to be the same, and we have never had such things offered around her in the past. So this might be something that would be of interest to us.


Stay warm,




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I tried to get on here earlier and they were doing maintenance, first time I saw that.


Thanks for the parking info, I will check it out and a few other ones also. With this crazy weather there are so many flights that are cancelled I'm just wondering what the weather will be like in a couple more weeks. I'd hate to drive all the way down there with ice or snow, and then have the flight cancelled or delayed.


Bill went in today to get some blood drawn to see if there is any change in the "sed" rate, the rate the blood separates. It means, if its either too slow or too fast that there is inflammation somewhere in the body. If its better than the dr will start to wean him off the prednisone. If its not then I don't know if he will just keep him on it or try something else. Also he has an appointment with a pulmonary dr on Monday afternoon. I did talk to his family dr and asked him if he should be seeing that kind of dr, he gave me a name and we got the appmnt.


We had snow this morning when I was trying to get home, almost a blizzard for a while, but now it has stopped and the sun is out.


That should be a nice dinner at the club for Valentines day, I don't know what we will do since we usually go to the dance place.


I signed up with our bank for a trip the middle of March, a few days after we get back (if we go) to see the Million Dollar Quartet and dinner. I think its like Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash and a couple of others. Should be good, I hope.



Hope is the "eating right" coming along? I stopped with a couple of girls after zumba and had some breakfast. I just had an english muffin and an over med egg, but then when I got home was looking for something "good" to eat and made a pan of brownies! Well they were good too!


I don't think I'm going to exercise tomorrow, my stock guy is having a dinner for the gals he works for at the Abby in Fontana, WI. Its kind of a fancy place and it starts at 11:30, so I don't want to have to rush to get ready to go, and I would have to if I went to exercise. Besides I can use a day off every once in a while.


Hope you didn't get more snow either,

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Sharon, I heard about the snow up north today. We had sunshine, and the temps were in the 20's. I guess the next time for anything as far as snow or freezing rain, is Saturday. Tomorrow hopefully will be a good day to drive up north for the dinner with your investor. That is a fancy place, and you should go to enjoy yourself.


I went and pushed myself to go to weigh-in on Tuesday. With the weather, not been able to go over the weekend. I had gained .8 pounds. So I have lost some and have gained some back. Hopefully I might be able to go on Monday. Over the weekend we are staying at a hotel In Libertyville. My GD wants to go to shop at Gurniee Mills, so the 3 of us are doing this on Saturday, me, my daughter, and GD, coming home on Sunday.


There are so many places around here offering different packages for tomorrow. We decided to just go to our club as they are having special fine dinning, and entertainment with a piano player. So not really a big deal, but a nice evening out.


I hope Bill can get some good news by going to this new Dr. This has been going on for a long time, and you both deserve to have something more for better treatment, and results. I will say some prayers that all goes as best as possible, and that you will be able to go on your trip, and enjoy yourselves.


I have not called the contacts I had received form our bank, to get information about what they may be offering. I would love to go on a bus trip, either for a day trip, or overnight. It still gets cold at night, so stay warm.




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Well the decision has been made, we are not going on the trip. We were to leave on March 2, so it was getting close. Bill got up this morning with a swelling under his jaw line about the size of an egg. I had him call the dr right away so he could get in to see him today. Didn't want to have to worry about it all weekend or end up going to the emergency room. The dr thinks its a swollen salivary gland and gave him and antibiotic, said if it isn't better by Monday morning call him and he will order a CT scan. I mentioned to the dr that we had this trip coming up and was concerned if Bill could do it or not. He said I should follow my instincts and cancel it. He said if I had the insurance form he would fill it out for us. So I have to call and get the form and see how much we will lose. Bill would like for me to take someone else, but at this point you really can't change people, at least I don't think so. I might call and see about it before I call the insurance people, but I don't even know who else I would want to go with me. Anyway we are hoping the swelling goes down and thats all it is!


I did not go to exercise this morning but did go to the luncheon at the Abby. We had a nice buffet dinner and we all got a few red roses. Luckily Bills appmnt was at 3 pm so I had time to go to it and still go with him to the dr.


Not sure about tonight, we'll have to see how he feels, I don't want to go eat, I'm still full from lunch. But it would be nice to go to the dance place if he feels up to it. The dr said, "Bill you are falling apart!" and I think he's right. He also said he wished he could find the fountain of youth for him, which I agreed with.


Happy Valentines Day, enjoy the club and your dinner!

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Sharon, a very happy Valentine's Day to both you and Bill. I am so sorry to hear that you are going to cancel. But it is probably the right thing to do if he is not up to the trip. Did you have the insurance for this trip? If you were to take Bill's suggestion, and take someone else, what about your sister, or maybe one of your friends from either the dance place or in your exercise group?


It would be nice if Bill is feeling up to it to go out to the dance place tonight. But it all depends on how he is feeling. It might make him feel good getting out instead of staying at home. For us, it will be just a nice evening out, dinner and listening to the piano player during our dinner. Afterwards, I may get a chocolate martini.


Tomorrow shopping with my daughter and GD and overnight around Gurnee Mills. We will leave late morning tomorrow and return early afternoon on Sunday. The reason we are staying in Libertyville, and that is only 6 miles away form Gurnee Mills. The hotel in Gurnee has their pool across the street at a health club. This one in Libertyville, has the hot tub and pool inside of the hotel. Six miles are not all that far.


I guess we could get 2 /12" of snow tomorrow night around here. Hopefully it will not be bad where we are going and the driving home will not be bad as well. Enjoy, and have a nice weekend. I hope Bill recovers and will be feeling better. Stay warm,




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We did go to the dance place Friday night, and then to the Sky circus Saturday at Lake Lawn. They had kites, big ones and small ones flying out on the ice of Delavan Lake. Lots of people, had to park far away and take a shuttle in and out.


Today did get the exercise in, but had to cancel Bill's dr appmnt at 1:30pm. Too much snow, can't see anything right now but snow. Almost looks like real foggy because it is coming down so hard.


Bill came home around noon so we are just sitting tight until this stops again and we get our driveway plowed, probably tomorrow morning.


Hope you had a nice time shopping and staying at the hotel. Sounds like a fun time.

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Sharon, we had so much snow here, I could not get out of the work parking lot. All of the men were gone and I had to call some of them back to help us get out of the parking lot. I had planned to go and weigh in. But could not get there. I did not get home until 6:30. So I plan to go today after work.


Yes it was a good weekend and very exhausting for me, with all of the walking. That place is huge, and so much walking. I am not used to be doing so much walking. It snowed Saturday night. The car was covered Sunday morning. But the roads were all cleared for the drive home.


It sounds like you had a real nice weekend with all of the activities. With all of the snow that fell yesterday, it was good that you did not venture out, with the conditions the way they were. When will you be able to get another Dr's appoint for Bill?


With all of the sewers being blocked with all of this snow. The temps going into the 50's for Thursday and rain. I hope they have a plan around here to open up the sewers, so the rain and melting has someplace to drain.


It was not too bad yesterday morning, so it was good that you were able to get out in the morning, for the exercise. I did not realize that things had gotten so bad in the afternoon, until we were leaving work. But I guess we have not seen the end of this yet. As this weekend it could get cold once again with more snow.


Just think, in 30 days, we will be into spring.




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Well, lots of ran and melting today, and lots of wind! Guess its supposed to get up to 50 to 60 mph later on this evening. We have a wind warning from 5pm to 11pm tonight, good thing we are staying home tonight. We went to the End Zone last night and talked with the gals and I danced a couple of songs while Bill chatted with the owner. It was a nice evening weather wise, roads nice and clear also.


Bill got another drs appmnt for the CT scan on Monday morning and then he has the lung dr appmnt at 1:30. So I think we will go to the scan then have lunch there, they have a nice cafeteria and wait until time for the next appmnt. I was talking to a gal today at zumba and she said her husband was going to the dr because he had a big lump along his jaw line. I asked her where it was exactly and she pointed to the same place Bills is. Couldn't believe that it, never even heard of it before and now two people seem to have the same thing. She said he is waiting to schedule a CT scan after he hears from his insurance company. Luckily we don't have to worry about that, we have good insurance, medicare and a supplement.


We had a well guy come out yesterday morning, I had noticed that there was water on top of the ground by the well and mentioned it to Bill last week. He said it was probably just some melting. But then when the guy plowed Monday he noticed it too and told Bill he should have it checked. So I called the well guy and he came out and looked at it. He said he thinks its a galvanized fitting that probably cracked and will have to be replaced. He said he put the well in about 40 years ago. He had the "Julie" guy come out and mark all the utilities and where they came in so he can come next week and dig down about 5 or 6 feet to get to the fitting. It will cost around $700 if nothing else is wrong.


Good thing you could get a hold of some guys to get you out of the parking lot, there was a lot of snow that came down really fast.


I did cancel the trip completely, was told it would be very expensive to change and add someone else. Couldn't use the same flight, would have to rebook and now the price would probably much higher and have a change fee. So I just cancelled everything. I will have to notify the insurance company and see how much we will lose. I also want to ask the dr why he thought we shouldn't go, I really don't know what he thinks Bill has that would make it medically risky for him to have went on this trip.


Hope your weather doesn't get any worse, I'm thinking all this water will freeze in a day or so and make everything really icy.

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Sharon, I will pray that all goes well with the Dr's appointments on Monday for Bill. I know my Bill was downtown earlier this week all day, as he had 2 Dr's appointments, and it was best to just get them out of the way in 1 day. He had an MRI and has to go back down and discuss the results on Tuesday.


Hopefully with Bill's CT scan and the other Dr for the lungs, you will know something better, and will be able to get better answers, and treatment. As far as your insurance for the travel. When we had to cancel our trip a few years ago, the only thing it cost us, was the cost of the insurance. We got everything back that we had paid out. So hopefully the same will happen for you as well.


It is so important to have good insurance. I dropped my coverage at my place of work, as I went through Bill's insurance, as his was much better. My bosses brother, has heart problems. They wanted him to come up with $900 up front, because we have such a high deductible. That is crazy, and the major reason why I dropped it.


The past few days we have gotten hit with the extreme high winds as well. Very bad, and the weather has been equally with warm and now back to cold temps once again. There has been much melting and so much rain that fell as well. Hopefully your well, will not turn out to be something more than what is appears to be. Bill called our village, as next to our house, in the alley a huge sink hole has been forming. It is getting bigger, and we are getting concerned that it will continue to come over to our property.


Later on this afternoon, we are driving to Naperville to go to watch Bill's GS play basketball. Then we all will goes out to dinner. Tomorrow we are taking the train downtown to McCormick Place for the Warm Your Heart 5K. It is all inside and I am just walking. Bill has this group that will be going to Boston with him there as well.


Stay warm, and have a good weekend.




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Was your Bill's MRI for a follow up for his throat? Hope everything is good when hw goes back on Tuesday. A friend of ours had knee surgery in Chicsgo at one of the hospitals, because his daughter found the dr she thought he should go to. Turned out neither the dr or hospital were in his insurance network and now he is having to pay off $29,000. He shouldn't have listened to her!


We went to the show tonight and saw 3 Days to Kill with Kevin Costner. It was good, and then we went out to dinner. So we had a good night.


How far did you walk, did Bill run?


Nice you got to go to Bill's GS game, I'm sure he was glad you were there.


Hopefully I'll have as good of luck as you with getting most of the money back for the trip.


Looks like we are in for more cold weather next week, hope you get someone to do something about that sink hole!

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Sharon, I guess I have not told you about Bill's back problem. He started to have a real back pain a couple of weeks ago. So he went downtown on Tuesday and the Dr did an MRI. Back in 2009 he had cervical disc replacement. All has been very good. Now he is having lumbar disc problems. So this Tuesday the Dr is gong over the MRI and talking about what his next step will be. Bill goes back downtown in March to see how his throat is doing. I guess that has been doing very well.


We took the electric train downtown to McCormick Place, for the, Warm Your Heart 5k. It was sponsored through Bill's heart cardiologists group, at NWMH(Northwestern Memorial Hospital). Yes, I walked and Bill ran the indoor 3.2 mile course. It was very well organized, and we were back home at 11:30. So taking the train was a good idea. I did the course, walking it in 51 minutes. So not a bad workout, as I have not been walking, in such a very long time. My gal friend said to me last week, she is looking to the weather to break, so we can resume walking once again.


I hope your Bill will get some positive feedback for what has been plaguing him for so long. You go to see the Dr's tomorrow, correct? We did get everything back that we had paid out, as we had canalled 3 days before the cruise. Of course the only thing we did not get back, was the cost of the insurance. The flight was separate from the cruise. We did get insurance for that as well. They did not refund us the money, but gave us a credit, and we used that at a later time. The key, was getting all of the documents required, so we could get our money back.


I agree about your friend's insurance. That is crazy to be paying that sum. In the case of my employer. They went to a huge employee deductible, one reason I left, and went with Bill's insurance for my coverage. It is secondary for him and primary for me. So here we have the brother of my boss, with heart problems, and he cannot afford the high deductible to get checked out. That is totally crazy for me to think he is putting money over his primary health care. Of course, he and his wife are huge gamblers and that is one reason, they have no money.


It was a very nice afternoon out yesterday, with going to the GS's game and something to eat afterwards. We hardly get a chance to see them, so it was good that we were able to get out there to see them. Today, once we got back, we went out for brunch at a place that offers a very good price, and another reason not to cook.


Bill called the village on Wednesday to report the hole. We went outside earlier to take pictures, as it has sunken more, and it would appear that they have not done anything as of yet. So with the pictures, he is going to the village direct tomorrow, with the pictures, to find out what they are doing.


That was nice you saw that show. I have heard good things about it. I am glad you had a good weekend. Yes, this week holds to have record cold once again. Just shows that we are not out of the grip of winter.




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We are going to get the CT scan tomorrow as he still has the swelling under his jaw. Don't know if they will give us the results, probably not tomorrow. Then about an hour later he sees the lung dr. Will be interesting to see what he has to say. Also yesterday got the results of the two blood tests that were done on Thursday, both within normal range. Everything but the "sed rate" blood test has been within normal ranges so don't know where we will go from here.


No you hadn't mentioned about Bill's back problem. How can he run/jog, would think it would be pretty painful. Good to hear its not a problem with his throat. Has he still kept the weight off he lost? Did you get to weigh in at WW yet.


Didn't ask also, did you buy anything when you went shopping the other weekend?


We went swimming today and it was much better than last week, hardly any kids at all, so nice and relaxing. Two of Bill's daughters were there and the ones husband. The one daughter was visiting the other one.


Then we stopped at Chilis fot dinner, its gotten down to 15 degrees already. Brrrrrr

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Sharon, have you gotten the results of the CT scan yet? Bill goes downtown today to talk about the results form his MRI last week. He was in a lot of pain, but that has gotten much better with medication. I would think that he would be in pain as well for the training he has been doing, but he is still doing it.


I went to WW last week on Tuesday and had gained 1.2 lbs. Yesterday after work I went and lost 2.1 lbs. So I guess the 5K walk on Sunday did some good. I should get back to that on a regular basis.


Yes, we are headed back into the Polar Vortex once again. I guess we are in store for more record lows temps. Just shows that winter has not taken its grip off of us yet. It is good that you are still able to get to the resort and enjoy yourselves especially with Bill daughter's.


The shopping was for the GD. I had to throw away my swim suite. As you had mentioned, the chlorine does things to the fabric, where it does not last too long. So now time to start using the back up suite now.


I hope you can get everything ironed out with what treatment you will be doing for Bill .Hopefully the news will be swift and something you can get a grip on quickly.


Stay warm,




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Bill had the CT scan yesterday but has not as yet gotten the results, unless they called him today. He also saw the pulmonary dr, he spent almost 2 hrs with us. He diagnosed Bill with Pulmonary Fibrosis, a progressive lung disease that has no cure, and not much treatment. However, he said usually when someone has this they only have four years left, and Bill has had this since at least 2008. So it is progressing very slowly, which is a very good sign. He prescribed an inhaler and some pills that have shown to be of some benefit. He also told him to quit smoking. But he said if he enjoys smoking that much that he is willing to lose some "time", then let him know and he won't work to keep him going. We have another appmnt on Monday for him to do a breathing test and see how good/bad it looks. So not good news at all, but there is a glimmer of hope since it is progressing so slowly. I am trying to remain positive, but he has not quit smoking yet, and if it were me it would have scared me enough to quit. So we will see how it goes.


Terribly cold today, think we will stay home tonight really don't want to go back out later. Had a good class at exercise and went to breakfast after with a couple of the gals. Tried to stay away from carbs and have felt full all afternoon. Now to be good for supper and later! Good for you losing, hopefully you can keep it up also!

Edited by timeormoney
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