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Sharon, Killdeer, IL is next to Arlington Heights. There was much traffic and it took us over 2 hours to get there. It only took us just a little over an hour to get back. My one friend rode with us, who I used to go walking with.


Now today is the second one. I guess the daughter did not want to get upstaged by the mother. So once the mother announced when she was getting married, the daughter made her announcement for the day before. Her husband had passed many years ago.


So today is much closer to home and we are staying at a hotel just 10 block form the wedding. Now I just got a text from my friend who is getting married today, that her other daughter, who is expecting, just got taken to the hospital as she is spotting. Is this just a totally crazy weekend?


I agree that you should be winning the lottery instead, but at least you are winning something. Did you ever end going out last night, or did your company come to your house?


Enjoy the weekend and I hope you both are feeling much better.




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Boy, sounds like there is going to be 2 weddings and a baby this weekend! I have never been to kildeer so wasn't sure where it even is.


We did not go out or have company Friday night. Bill didn't feel like having company so I told them some other time. We didn't do much of anything all weekend.I trimmed back some wild grape vines that were always in my face when I was cutting grass and Bill pretty much stayed on the oxygen and watched golf on tv.


Tomorrow we talk to the pulmonary dr about the CT scan results, worried about what he is going to say.



Bills daughter and granddaughter have been staying at his house every weekend. I think she is slowly taking over.

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Sharon, I am saying prayers that you get something favorable news from the Dr today. How are you doing, and how is you mouth area doing as well?


It was crazy last weekend. On Saturday the daughter that went to the hospital came to the wedding. As she went and was checked and then released in enough time to make it to the wedding. So no baby just yet.


I think I had heard that your area got a lot of rain. We did get rain but not as much as you did. It is also nice to have the cooler temps at night. On Sunday and every now and then, I go out and pull weeds. I cannot keep up with them as they grow any place and everywhere.




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We did get lots of rain last night. Lost the TV picture several times because of the black clouds. I think we got 1 1/2 inches.


well we were pleasantly surprised at the drs today. The CT scan did show a progression of the fibrosis but that was compared to a prior CT scan in 2009. So the progression is not as fast as we thought. In fact the dr said in even prior records there was mention of the fibrosis that we were never told about. The one kind of fibrosis we thought he had called idiopathic or something like that has a a life expectancy of 3 to 5 years, so he couldn't have that kind. The dr increased his prednisone and told him to use his oxygen more when he is moving around and lower the a mount when he is sitting still, he is also supposed to use it while he sleeps. He is also going to see if he can get Bill in a trial either in Milwaukee or Madison, where he maybe can get some new meds to try and be monitored more closely. So ee felt pretty good!


Can't believe the gal came back to the wedding, guess she really didn't want to miss it.


I can't keep up with the weeds either, now with the rain they will really grow.

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Sharon, I am glad to hear that you received some good news. When do they think they can get him in for the special testing and treatment? Hopefully he will listen and increase the oxygen during the day and decrease it when he is relaxing.


You did get the rain much before we did. The rain never got to our area until well after midnight, and into the early morning hours. But like you said, the weeds have no problem coming in any where and every where.


Once again with all of the activities over the weekend with eating and drinking. At weigh-in on Monday I maintained. There was no gain or loss, I just stayed the same. It was a crazy weekend and Bill did way too much driving, and crazy stuff that went on as well.




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Well you didn't gain so that is pretty good. And you went to those 2 weddings where I'm sure they had lots of good things to eat.


Today the 4 of us gals that did the Forever Fit class did the Get Moving walk on the Ice Age Trail up by Whitewater, Wi. We had a guide that pointed out different wild flowers and weeds. There were probably around 30 of us. Two mothers brought there little kids on the hike wearing flip flops. It was a long hot walk and not really the place for little kids. They do have other things for kids on different days.


Good luck with your bocce game tonight.

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Sharon, it was interesting at the first wedding, where they only served chicken as the main course. Most other's I have attended, offer a selection to choose or family style. The second served chicken as well but then passed roast beef around as well.


That sounds like a good walk with 30 people. But I agree, not good for little kids, especially with flip flops. I have never heard of the Ice Age Trail before. Why is it called that? Also nice to have had a guide.


Well once again we lost in bocce. Who knows where we will be in the standing now. We are really sliding downwards now. We may just be looking to secure last place, as there is a prize for last place, believe it or not. Before this game, we were in 12th place out of 16.




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The guide said the area was made duing the ice age when the glaciers came through and made "kettles" which are like lakes and rolling hills. So I guess thats how it got its name. They have hikes around that area evey week for people.


Well maybe your team will win the last place prize, ha ha.


Seems they always serve chicken at weddings and banquets, guess because most everyone likes it. We had a roasted chicken I bought at the store for dinner tonight and will have it again tomorrow night.


I went to the water aerobics this morning and cut grass all afternoon. Have nothing in the morning tomorrow so will sleep a little later than the 6:30 we have had to get up the last 3 days.

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Another nice day, looks like it could rain, but so far it hasn't. Guess we are supposed to get some on the weekend but who knows.


We got up early and Bill had his CT scan, we probably won't hear anything until Monday and thats just as well. We don't have to think about it until then. I have only a couple of stitches left in my mouth, wish they would come out, everything is so stiff and since I haven't opened my mouth for a while it needs to be stretched or something. It doesn't look quite right but maybe after I use it again for a while it will, hopefully.


What happened to our other gals, it was nice they stopped in for a bit.


No plans for the weekend, how about you two?




Hi ladies! I have been chatting in the roll call threads. I sail out on Aug 24 and fly out the 22nd. Getting close and I am so excited!

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Sharon, during the week when I am working I have the alarm set for 7. So 6:30 is early to be getting up.


Much excitement last night. Our street was flooded in front of our house, last night. A water main break. So after about 2 hours trying to shut it off. The village finally shut off all of the water around here. So currently we have no water at out house. So good I am here at work where the water is working. The village hired a private contractor to do the repairs, so we will have the water restored sometime today.


Then Thursday's are beef sandwiches day and while I was picking up the sandwiches, Bill said my car was over heating. He had to shut it off. We got home and he found the coolant was totally empty. So we had to drop off my car this morning to have it checked out to see what the problem is.


Well that was nice to have a guide, as I have never heard about that area before. Also nice to be back in the water working out as well. We had some light passing rain drops this morning .


Michele, You must be getting real excited to be going on another cruise. Are you all packed and just waiting for the date to roll around? Enjoy and have a great cruise.



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Michele, I remember our last cruise, we were standing on one of the decks looking down at all of the cages lined up alongside the pier. Then a fork lift back into some of the cages, and you guess it, all went into the water. After we had left port we were hearing reports of all of the people who have not gotten their luggage. We knew exactly what happened and did not have the heart to say anything. What a way to start a cruise.




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Hi Michele, boy it is getting close to sail away day! I forgot and didn't look back in the posts, where are you sailing, how long and on what ship? I'm sure you will have a wonderful time!!!


Kathy hope they have the water main all fixed and you have water by the time you get home. It is hard doing without either water or electricity.


We have a really nice day today, sunny and breezy and just the right temperature. Looks like we should have several of these kind of days in a row.


hope they also can get your car fixed, I know with my car I have to depend on it so I want it to run good so I don't have to worry about it stranding me somewhere.


No plans for the weekend, but Bill actually felt a little better today, must be the extra predisone he is taking the last couple of days. So maybe we can get out and do something.

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Sharon, are you still driving Bill to work and picking him up? I hope he continues to improve. How about you, how are you doing?


With the village hiring a private contractor, I would think by the time I got home form work they will have it all fixed once again. Hopefully they will get to my car today. I will not really be able to drive it with a leak for the coolant someplace. We were luck we made it back home without it over heating.


Hopefully you will be able to get out tonight. Yes, beautiful weather we are having.




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Yes I am still driving him to work and picking him up. I am still not happy with my mouth, has not gotten any better, can't open my mouth all the way still. I was cutting grass yesterday around 5 to 6:30 pm and I think the skin around the one side where all the stitches were by my mouth got sunburned. I can't put anything like sunscreen on it or anything else on it because it burns. So today it feels even worse. I really don't think it will ever be right again.


Hope you have water and a good running car!

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Sharon , there should be some ointment that you can rub around your affected area to loosen it up and not make it so stiff.


Bill said the water was turned on at 3:30 and I picked up my car today at 11. The water pump needed to be changed.


Enjoy and have a great weekend.




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Good, the water is on and your car is fixed, all back to the way it was! We went up to Perkins Restaurant for diner, about all we did today.


I tried several different creams on my face, even though they had no perfumes added they still burned. So I went back to the one ointment they gave me when I had it first done. Bill watched golf all afternoon, he likes that.


Would have liked to go to the Boone Co fair but don't think Bill can walk that much.


Guess we see what tomorrow brings.

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Sharon, do not get too impatient. I am sure it will get better over time. We also get impatient when things do not heal in our time period. Perhaps your affected area has its own time period.


It might be a good decision not to go to the fair today, with all of the walking you would have to do. Today I am going to a kid's B-Day party at my #1 daughter's house. I am not planning to stay too long. Those kid's just tire me all out.


Another nice day today in the 80's around here and rain coming in tonight and into tomorrow.


Enjoy the rest of today,




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Face is looking and feeling worse everyday. It looks like its burned, very red and swollen and like I said everything I put on it burns. I even had some special cream my first husband used on his face when he had radiation and even thst burned my face. I go back to the dr on Wed so will see what he says. Its almost worse than not being able to open my mouth all the way. This just hasn't turned out like ir should have.


I went for the walk with the Get Moving group this afternoon. It was my 9th walk, you need 10 walks to get the free boat ride from Lake Geneva so one more walk and I will have the ten I need.


We had rain last night and a brief shower around 6pm tonight. Its been very muggy today.


How did the birthday party go?

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The B-Day party went well. Too many kids and I left early. Too much to endure for too long.


Well, hopefully the Dr will be able to do something for you, as you should not be in so much discomfort for this long.


It is good that you have something to look forward to for the boat ride. We got rain early in the morning on Monday, then later on in there evening. I guess we have more this morning.




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I found some A & D ointment I had bought for some reason years ago and that seemed to work the best on my face. Last night I took a Benedryl before bed and this morning my face looks better. Doesn't feel a whole lot better though. I agree this is going on way too long.


Had some rain again last night so haven't done any mowing, weeds are probably growing like crazy out there!


Too bad about Robin Williams, guess he figured he'd had enough of like.


How has your work been lately you have't said too much about it for a while.


Loved the cooler temps today but supposed to go to 80 tomorrow.

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Sharon, agreed about the cooler temps around here lately. When I came home for lunch, I thought the AC was on as our house was so cool. We turn on the whole house fan and it cools the house at night, and we close the windows during the day to keep the cool inside.


The jerk is back here all week. I kind of had a breakdown last week as the pressure just got to me. I hope I never end like Robin. A very sad ending.


Well it is going to take some time for your face area to heal up. Be patient and I am sure in time all will get better.


I can't believe it, once again I lost 1 pound at weight-in on Monday.


We had some friends from the north side come to here and they met us at the club. We played 2 games of bocce. We won both games. We cannot win at our regular play on Wednesday's. We only have 3 more games left until the end of the season. Where has the time gone?




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Good news about the pound lost, better than a pound gained! I have pretty much stayed right at the 12 pound loss, one day up one another day down one. So I am happy at least I didn't gain it all back right away.


I went to the dr yesterday, had an appointment at 1pm. He didn't come in to the room I was waiting in until 2:15. I kept asking the nurses if I should come back another day, and they kept saying Oh he will be here any minute now. So I was really aggravated about waiting so long. He asked how I was, I told him about the reaction to the creme he had given me to use and he said about 20% of people get a bad reaction to it. I told him my mouth didn't open like it used to, he said it would probably stretch a little (have you ever heard of someones mouth stretching??) and I would get used to it in time. I said I didn't want to get used to my mouth not opening and he said, well six months down the road if it still isn't any better, we could do some surgery to remove some tissue inside your check. Now doesn't that just sound great. Then he said come back in a couple of months to see him again. I am not ever going back to him.


I know about feeling really bad, you can almost understand Robin Williams actions. But you have to hang on and hope tomorrow will be better. I've been having issues in a round about way with one of Bill's daughters. Don't have time to list it now, maybe tomorrow. Something she is doing that really annoys me and he thinks its just fine.


Well, going to try and get up to get my hair cut, and come back and cut grass. Did the swimming class this morning, only about 10 of us there so lots of room for a change.

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Sharon, that really annoys me as well about appointments. What is the use in having an appointment if they are not going to keep the appointment on time. The Dr's are not the only one's who have things to do. Us as patients have other schedules and appointments as well. So what are you going to do, find another Dr?


I know that you have said she was doing things to undermine you over at Bill's house. She should be respecting you and your feelings as well. But it does not help if Bill does not support you.


They were not really calling for rain yesterday. Yet it did rain here, and enough they had canceled the bocce for last night. So now we have 2 makeup games, and 4 games left to play. So hopefully we will not have anymore rainout's, as we only have 1 more slot open for a rainout. Then towards the end of September we have our banquet.


I have been seeing some of the planes flying by here practicing for this weekend Air & Water show. They said 50% chance of rain on Saturday and 60% on Sunday.


Each and everyday we are hearing more and new stories about Robin. Yes, truly very sad, but people do not really realize how many people who are out there who suffer from depression. It is sometimes easier said than done to just wait for a better day, whenever that feeling just comes over you and changes everything.


Bill went downtown yesterday and got a shot in his elbow, as he developed what is called tennis elbow. He feels it was from swimming the way he does it. The therapists said it was from weakness.




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Yes its the daughter again. Now her daughter has a job dispensing gas at the marina so they both come and stay all weekend. The granddaughter brought an air mattress and has it all made up as a bed, added curtains to the room also. Monday I went upstairs and saw now she has added in another bedroom, there are 4 upstairs, a loveseat, a wooden steamer trunk used as a table for the tv she also added. Seems to me she is setting up an apartment for herself, or she is waiting for something to hsppen to Bill so she can complete her move. She came down yesterday and brought 2 lawn chairs and put them outside. When I went to see the girls Wed night the bar owner told me she and her "boyfriend" which would be Bill's son in law had rode their bikes down there Sat night and took an order also to go for her daughter. So it looks like everyone was there all weekend and we never heard from them at all.


This does not bother Bill in the least but is driving me crazy. I can 't even hardly talk to him anymore because he knows how I feel and seems to care more about how his daughter feels. I hate to be mad at him with his illness but I don't know how much more I can take, this is not how its supposed to be. I always thought we were lucky we didn't have an "ex" to deal with, but I never thought his kids would come between us.

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