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Sharon, it sounds like you had a very good weekend as well. For about 3 weeks the leaves have been falling around here. First just a few and each week more and more. I certainly am not happy to see this pattern arrive.


So you must have finally gotten a very good deal on the riding mower. Hopefully you will not have any problems with this delivery, like you did with the first one. Now this should make your mowing much easier for you now. It has the zero turning on it and it should really cut you mowing time down drastically.


So that is interesting about you getting invited to the party in Missouri. When are you going to decide to go or not?


So we have the game tonight at 8, and then next week, the last game of this season. So we shall see if we will be spoilers to the other teams or if we will finish this season with losses.


I must say it was a relaxing weekend. A lot of eating out and shopping. It sounds like you's was good as well.


Have fun with your new mower.




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there was a new aquatic fit class this morning but when we went they wanted to charge us $25. I refused to pay that much, so we went upstairs to get passes for the "regular pool" meaning not in the spa and the guy wanted to charge us $10 each. So we said oh well we'll just go to the beach instead at which point he said I'll just give you some passes, stay as long as you like. So we were the only two in the pool. I don't know how many went to the spa pool and paid that ridiculous amount. The other gal that told us about it texted us and said come back she had talked to the manager, but we didn't see it until we were done swimming.


When I got home I pulled in right behind the guy delivering the mower. It is just a regular riding mower, not the other kind that has the zero turn, it is a Cub Cadet, 21hp Kawasaki engine with 46" cut. It should go lots faster than my old one. I will use the other old one to do the stuff way in the back by the paths and the fenced in area and just use the new one for the front and back around the house. I did not get a real good deal, I didn't even think to ask if they would take a little less money so I paid the price that was on the mower tag.


I am going out and cut grass until I have to go pick up Bill. His gd is supposed to leave for Costa Rica on the 15th so we won't have to worry about her any more. She is going down to become scuba certified and wants to teach people to get certified also. Her brother and girlfriend live there also and thats where she came from when she came up here. She had a great job in NY city for many years, in the fashion design industry. She has a degree in that, in fact in Costa Rica she was designing bikini swim suits, however much you can with a bikini! Don't know why she dropped out and went with the career path.


Good luck with you game tonight, heard the sun is supposed to set at 7 something, the days are getting shorter all the time!

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Sharon, that was perfect timing on your part for the delivery of the mower. Anyway, you should improve your mowing time and make it much more easier on yourself.


Lucky you got everything worked for the pool today. I agree that was ridiculous to be charging you that price.


Well the 15th is not a long time away. If she does leave at that time. Let's hope that the mother does not move in next.


So the fair and the theater, I can remember you have done that in the past. As long as you enjoyed yourselves and the weekend went well, was the main thing. I have heard of that group before.


The last 2 games have the lights on the courts. All we can do is try to do our best. The main thing, is that we all have a good time.


Good luck with your new mower.




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I got some of the grass cut yesterday and was very disappointrd in how it cut. One part was high and one part was almost skinning the grass. Why do we have so much trouble just getting a moer that does what it is supposed to do? So this morning I callled the copany I got it from and gold them what it was doing. The guy said "well thats a first, never heard of one cutting like that". So he is sending someone out tomorrow morning to look at it. I think the deck is not centered correctly but I don't want to have to fool with it and Bill can't.


So that takes care of the aquatic fit class I was going to do tomorrow morning. Was supposed to get a free class to make up for

the other day when they should of charged us $5 , not $25.


Now Bill is getting kind of tired of the daughter and gd being at his house. He says he can't get anything done. Also he fills up this little sugar bowl with packages of Splenda and by the next day there are only a couple of packages left. I do.. n't know how they can use that much that quick. Also now the gd wanted to have the 10 year old gd who lives 2 houses down to come to Costa Rica on a plane by herself to visit her when she gets down there. Thankfully her father said absolutely not.


How did you do last night at bocce? Thats good its lighted since the days are getting shorter. I saw your company was on tv again giving that big donation to the little league team. Was that the owner with the glasses?


Tomorrow supposed to be cooler very hot out still tonight.

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Sharon, it sounds like this company will stand by their product and make it good for you. Too bad that you will miss you water exercise today. But hopefully they will come to fix the mower so it works the way it should. When things are brand new, sometimes they need adjustments to work properly. The best way to avoid those situations, is to have them test and check everything out when they are delivering it.


Yes, it is and has been extremely humid the past few days and nights. Our team is doing its usual slid and we lost on Wednesday. We really needed to win the last 2 in order to finish in good standing. Our last game is this coming Wednesday, if we do not get rained out again. We still have 1 week open for another rainout. But we will be playing a real good team that does not like to loose.


I am sure the 15th cannot come soon enough. It sounds like to me that those 2 ladies are really using Bill to the max. It is too bad that family do that, take advantage of good situations and make it only work for themselves. We can choose out friends, but we cannot choose our family.


The jerk does wear glasses sometimes. I have been very busy and did not hear or know that we were on TV once again. I have been real close to just walking out of that place as he has been worse than normal and I am really getting fed up.


Stay cool and I hope they get your mower working properly.




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Isn't it funny that people can really mess with us, if we didn't have the family and you didn't have your boss aggravating us all the time we could be pretty happy!


Bill's GGS got baptized on Sunday but instead of having everyone over after the church service they had a Saturday night dinner at a local Mexican restaurant. They picked up the tab for everything so it was nice, but different.


The guy came and adjusted the mower deck, it was way off. He said it must have happened on the trailer on the ride to our house. I thought I had it all covered when he delivered it. I had him start it and show me all the controls and how to use them, never thought about the deck being uneven. Now it does cut just like its supposed to and it is has a much bigger cut and a shorter turning radius so it goes faster than before with the old mowers.


The Forever Fit exercise classes start on next Monday, so this week I'll just go to zumba and there is a new and closer aqua fit class that I will go to on Wednesday. I'll see if it is better or not than the other one I have been going to. I don't know how it could be because the gal who teaches the water aerobic class on Tues & Thurs is a real task master.


I have a little more grass to cut, way in the back. I'm going to use the old mower because that area used to be a corn field and there are some chunks of corn roots I run across every once in a while. They are hard and I don't' want to dull the blades on the new mower.


Hang in there, maybe your boss will go to MO for awhile and leave you alone!

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Sharon, the jerk moved his other business to Nashville last year. He still has an office staff in STL but his business is in Nashville now.


You are right about families and other's messing up our lives. Hopefully the GD will leave and her mother will not be going over there either. Remember when Bill's Dad was alive and his goof ball sister was trying to get the mother and father divorced so the sister could get all of Bill's Dad's money right then? Well that is what really killed the man, all of that stress.


I am glad that you have found a good place that is standing by the mower and making everything good for you. It is also good that you have the 2 to use and make your job of cutting easier. Very smart to do it the way you are doing.


Perfect weather the past few days to be working outside. I heard rain Tuesday and Wednesday. Then much cooler on Thursday. So I hope we can get our bocce games in on Wednesday so we can end the season. Even though we have 1 more week for a rainout. Next week could be cold.


Well I guess you will just have to wait and see how the new class will be. The summer went by much too quickly.




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Its nice the gd and daughter are gone for a few days. The gd will not be coming back now but the daughter will be coming back on the weekends. But thats probably ok because she has been hooking up with old girlfriends she went to school with and seems to keep pretty busy with that.


Went to zumba today, had a pretty good workout, tomorrow is the new water fit class, Thursday I have a guy coming to change the filters in my RO, reverse osmosis water system and Friday I have a skin dr appmt. I'm going to tell her what a mess that plastic surgeon did on me. Not that it will do any good but I think she should know and also know that he kept me waiting and hour and fifteen minutes for an appmnt.


Don't think we have anything going on this coming weekend, so that will be good. How about you, do you have anything coming up? Hope you don't get rained out for your game tomorrow, they are saying some strong storms are coming, but they could be wrong like they are half the time.


Got the mowing done yesterday, so now its all done again for another week. The mower cuts good and its bigger than the old one so it goes quicker. I have a nest of ground bees that are in the way for me to cut along side of the garage. I go over the grass around it but then have to stop because it gets them all stirred up and I don't want to get stung. Looks like it must be a big nest because there is a big hole they are going down into.


Well have to run uptown to the bank, have an nice rest of the day.

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Sharon, I can't remember ever seeing 100% chance of rain before. As that is what they are predicting for tomorrow. It would be nice if we could get the games in tomorrow as things will start turning cooler on Thursday and right through next week.


Bill has a groupon for a 75 minute sail on the Tall Ship Windy. So we may go down either on Saturday or Sunday. Tomorrow if we get rained out then we will just eat there and come home. I guess a good part of the day is rain. The first games start at 5:45 and the last games are at 8.


I can see that you have a very busy schedule for this week. It is good that your cutting time has decreased some. Why don't wait until dark and go out and put some killer for the nest of bees? Someone may step on them by accident, and then that person will be in a world of trouble.


I hope your new class will be good for you and that you get some enjoyment from it all. I lost .10 at weigh-in last night. I would like to loose a lot more. But I guess I can take it in small doses. Considering all of the eating out we did last weekend.


Well as long as the daughter does not cause you any more trouble. Hopefully all will work out in the long run.




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That should be fun on the tall ship, hope the weather stays nice for you, even if it rains it probably won't be an all day thing. We had rain last night and it has been kind of misting most of the day today. Still kind of warm and humid though so the cold front has not came through yet.


Maybe you will get your game in tonight after all.


The aqua fit class was rather mild, not near as aerobic or challenging as the other one I take. It is a beautiful place though. If you weren't going through the park district it would cost $25, I got it free today because of the misunderstanding last Wed and after this it will cost $5. You can look it up, it is in the Avani Spa at the Abbey in Fontana, WI. It is a nicer resort than the one we have a membership at, but then again it costs a lot more too. They had water flavored with cucumbers, and water flavored with strawberries. Also all kinds of juices and coffee, hot chocolate and tea. Also what was really nice was there was 4 showers with attached dressing rooms. The other one I go to there is only one shower and at the spa there are two but no dressing rooms attached to them.


Will probably go talk and dance a little with the girls tonight.

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Sharon, we did get the bocce games in last night, and I have to wait and see if there are any playoffs. If not then the season is finished. We lost, so we may end worse than last year. Oh well.


That is nice that your new class is not too aerobic for you and the spa is a very nice place to go to as well.


Much cooler for the next few days. I guess next week it will return into the 70's once again. We could feel the change before all of the games were finished and the winds were high as well. A lot will depend on what the weather will be like for the weekend, to see if we will go or not.




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Pretty cool here too today, only got to about 54. Supposed to get even colder tomorrow. Bill first turned on the fireplace, after having to change all the batteries and then turned on the furnance. The fireplace shut off, think its too warm in here to stay on. He is always cold and I am always hot so right now he's comfortable and yes, I a m pretty warm. I might have to open a window in the bedroom so I can sleep tonight.


Had the water guy come today to change the filters in the reverse osmosis system and brinng salt for the softner. That should take care of that job now for another six months.


Think I'm going to the same aqua fit class tomorrow, its close and not real hard, just enjoyable. Next week the extreme exercise class starts back up Mon, Wed anf Fri. Also the water aerobic class starts uo on Tues and Thurs. I'll have to pick between some of the classes.


Hope the weather is good enough for you to go this weekend.

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Sharon, I have the very same problem. Bill is cold and I am hot. I had the window open in the bedroom yesterday and he came in and closed it. We have not turned on the heat yet. But with temps only in the 50's during the daytime and in the 40's at night, it might not be too long. It has been raining here all morning.


I am going out on Sunday with the bunco girls. We are planing to go to a show. I host the bunco next Friday. So now the only day we have to go on the sail is tomorrow. We will have to see how the weather is tomorrow.


Wow you certainly have a full schedule with exercise. You have everyday during the week all booked up. I cannot remember you ever having exercise all 5 days before?


Bocce is all over and now only the banquet. We went from 8th place to 12th place. Oh well, other season in the books.




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Ha ha, how many places are there in bocce? Well the banquet will be nice anyway.


Yes last fall and spring I did everyday, either forever fit or aqua aerobics. Was kind of hard with the weather sometimes.


I had an appmt with the skin dr this afternoon. I showed her my mouth, she was the one that did the biopsy. She put a gloved finger inside my cheek and agreed the plastic surgeon did a terrible job. She said if I decided to have something done, not to go back to him. She said she knows some good drs in Chicago and Milwaukee she could get me an appmnt with. But I will not do anything for quite a while, don' t want to go through that again.


It was a good night to stay in, still raining and down right cold.


what show are you going to see? Should be a fun outing with the girls. Ooks like its still going to be cold for a few more days, but if its not windy maybe you can still ho on tge boat ride,

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Sharon, it is still in the 40's here and too cold to be going out on the lake. We have decided to post phone the sail until next Saturday when it is forecast to be much warmer. We have a fish fry at the club today at 4. Since I do not eat fish they also cook turkey's.


In bocce there are 16 trams total. Last year we ended in 8th place, and the year before we ended in 4th place. Now we have ended in 12th place. There is prize money for 1,2,3, and last place, and most bocce's.


Well that was good that the skin Dr did agree with you on the botched job the plastic surgeon did on you. If it bothers you, then you should let her recommend someone else to correct what has been done already.


I had no idea that you had a full exercise schedule before. Hopefully this new schedule will be something that is much more enjoyable for you this time around.


I have no idea what show they are planning to go to. I am just supposed to meet at one of their houses at noon tomorrow and then we will go from there.


The temp in our house is 68 degrees. With the continued cold temps, most likely we will have to turn on the heat tonight.


Enjoy and have a great weekend




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Yes next Sat will probably be much warmer and a more enjoyable boat ride. It was a little nicer out today, no rain and sunny but still pretty cold. We went up to a scarecrow fest, wal (ed around a little bit, Bill used the portable oxygen. Then we went for a "Sunday" ride on a Sat. We saw a house for sale that we really liked so I emailed the re person that we would like to see it inside, it is empty now. We have been looking on and off for a while, nothing too serious because we love our house but would like to move to WI.


Felt good to sleep a little later this morning,

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Sharon, yes agreed, that next Saturday should be much warmer. We had to turn on the heat inside of the house over the weekend. With the temps being so cold. Now rain much of today but warmer and I guess most of this week should be in the 70's.


We we went to the club on Saturday for the fish fry. I ate turkey and lasagna, as I do not eat fish. Yesterday I went to meet the girls and we never went to a show, as they said there were no shows that anyone wanted to see. So we went to eat at 2 different places. We ate once we all arrived and then we went out shopping, went to eat again, and then shopping again. So it was a complete day out. Now on Friday it is my turn to host bunco. Bill goes to a local hotel as he will not stay in the house with a bunch of women. He used to go to the club, but he does not do that anymore, as he does not want to stay at the club so long.


How was your weekend? You should be back to a week of exercise this week. I would think that your area is getting much rain today as well. Enjoy and have a good rest of today.




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Tried several times last night to get on CC, but said it was down or something.


Yes went back to the Forever Fit ex class on Monday and Today, yesterday went to the water aerobics. Am feeling it in many places, not exactly sore but just enough that I know I am doing something different.


Had rain the other day most of the day, but yesterday and today are beautiful so far. I have of course to cut grass this afternoon again.


We did go and look at that house and we both really liked it, but it has only been on the market for 28 days and its a little more than we want to pay, so hoping no one buys it and after a while they lower the price. I asked our pet sitter to ask her hubby what he thinks we can get for our house. He is a Realtor and is the one that sold my other house.


Sounds like you had a fun day with the girls, did you buy anything? So Bill is staying at the hotel overnight I take it. Does he miss not running like he used to? Is he still swimming and keeping the weight off that he lost?


I got a new mattress pad and pillow so when I changed the sheets today I put the new ones on the bed. I think it will feel pretty good, not a lot of padding in the pad but enough to feel the difference. They were on sale at Kohls. I also bought a spin mop, have seen them advertised on tv. At Kohls they were $49.99 on sale for $39.99. I had a $10 gift certificate and a 20% off coupon so it brought the price down nicely.


OK better get at that grass!

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We also had rain most of the day on Monday. The past few days have been real nice. We will go downtown on Saturday afternoon and do the Tall Ship Windy sail. The temps are supposed to be 80 on Saturday.


We also were thinking of moving this year. But once they appraised our house, it was appraised way too low. The market has really dropped around here. We will try next year, as they had just upped the value of our property with an assessment on the value to increase the value by $10,000. One thing is for certain, we have to get out of Cook County as everything is way too expensive.


The rest of them were buying, and I was just looking. The one friend just got married and she is getting things for her new house. It was a full day of shopping and eating. Yes, Bill will stay at the hotel and I will join him after they all leave around 1 am.


Yes, I bought a new mattress pad as well. I did see those mops you are talking about last night on TV. They always make everything look so easy on the TV.


I went downtown yesterday to see the internist, and he said my blood pressure is way too high. So I am supposed to check it for the next month and give him a report. Then on Oct 2, I need to get a colonoscopy and an upper endoscope.


Once in a while I also have problems here. But nothing like it used to be. Once last week I had everything all completed and my system just shut down and I lost everything.


Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day.




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Yes Cook Co is high but they also pay higher wages than the suburbs. We want to be in WI, its where everything I do is located. We are still thinking about that house but it would be a little more difficult for Tinker and maybe Bill too, a little higher steps than what we have here.


That will be like a rendevous Friday night when you meet Bill at the hotel. Hope he is still awake when you get there. Sat should be a fun day too on the boat, glad its going tty o be warmer. Good thing you waited to go.


I am supposed to have a colonoscopy too, haven't made the appmt yet though. I hate the prep! Are you feeling ok so its just regular tests or are they looking for something? Bill has an appmt tomorrow with the pulmonary dr. His ankles have been swelling up every once in a while.


The exercise class and the water class have been very good workouts not sure which class I will do tomorrow, if any.


The bed and pillow felt very good last night, if I didn't have to get up and let Tinker out 3 times a night I could really get some rest.


As far as your BP being too high, maybe its your job. Are you currently taking meds for it? I think my meds might be too high but other times I think its ok. I have an appmnt in Oct for a check up. If I don't go my dr won't renew my prescriptions.


Have a good party tomorrow night enjoy Saturday!

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Sharon, everyone who I talk to, agree about the taxes killing us all. Maybe some jobs are paying well, but it does not stop the protesters picking McDonalds for low wages and a higher minimum wage increase.


My Father died of Colin cancer. He had 2 sisters and one died of that as well. The other sister just went into the hospital for a blocked bowel. My brother died of that as well. So I would say I am at very high risk. Sometimes I will go for 2 weeks without having a movement. I was supposed to go back in 6 months 2 years ago when I last had one. I hate that prep as well.


You are right about my job and the stress it has caused me. I am not currently taking any med's, but I am sure after a month of me taking my BP he will put me on those med's.


I will not be at the hotel until after 1 am. Bill will be long fast asleep by then. Then tomorrow we will go downtown for the sail. Waiting 1 week was a good move as far as the weather. I haven't checked the forecast today, but they had been saying rain late tomorrow night. We plan to take a 2 pm sail tomorrow.


It makes good sense for you to move to WI. When do you plan to make an offer or will you look around some more? We would like to either move to IN or MI. Bill wanted to move to Tennessee, but I said no.


All of the other gals take off on Friday's when they are hosting. I am the only one who does not have that luxury and I spend the entire week preparing for tonight.




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Yes good to be vigilant! My son had colon cancer but what actually killed him was mersa and cdef infections, probably both acquired at the hospital. His daughter who is in her mid 30's has to have a colonoscopy yearly because of the type of polops she gets.


It makes it hard to get everything ready for a party when you have to work but I bet your house will look fine and they will have a good time.


Our pet sitters husband is the one that sold my house a few years ago so I asked him to give us a ballpark figure on what he thought we could sell our house for.


We have not made an offer on that house we saw, it had only been listed for 28 days, not long enough for them to lower the price yet. Also since it was the first house we looked at, we thought maybe we should look around a little more. Its going to be hard to find something as nice as our house, we have 5 bedrooms and 4 baths and the best part *** no neighbors.


At the dr today he told us of a new drug that has some promissing results. He is going to research it a little more and make sure the benefits out weigh the side effects and if so will prescribe him some. So we are hopeful it will work.


Went to Chilis for dinner now just staying home and TVing. Hope the weather stays nice for tomorrow for you.

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Sharon, everyone left much earlier last night then they usually do. Because the 1 friend who just got married has a much further drive now. So that was good, as I was able to get to the hotel at midnight.


So it almost sounds like nothing will happen with a new house until the spring. Winter is not the best time to be considering moving.


Well hopefully the Dr will have some positive feedback for taking this new drug. Hopefully soon he will have something for you to decide.


Rain forecast for this afternoon. So we were originally going to do a 2:15 sail, but now we have to decide if we will do either a 12:30 or a 4 instead. It looks right now that it could be raining rather hard around 2.


So enjoy and have a great weekend.




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So what time did you pick to go and did you pick the right time and have no rain? We had a brief shower and then the sun came out and it got hot and humid.


I was cutting down some brances today that have been hittong me in the face while I am mowing. I got one tree done but have several more to do.


Got a message Bill's sister is in tty he hospital and could I come and pick her up tomorrow. I can and I will but haven't liked her very much since she he sent me that hateful note last spring. She has one daughter but she is in Colorado. Sounds like Bill's daughter is or was at the hospital with her. She is supposed to call when she gets home and tell us whats going on.

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Sharon, I am sorry to hear that Bill's sister is in the hospital. So she sent you a very hateful note last year, and now she wants to depend on you to pick her up. Interesting, isn't it?


Well on Saturday, I just could not get myself together to make it for the 12:30 sail. Once we got down there, the 2:30 was sold out and it was also raining at that time. So we went on the 4:00 sail and the sun came out and the rain completely stopped. By far this was the best sail of the day.


It was smooth and calm. They were telling us about the history of Chicago. Many things that I have heard of, but did not know the complete story behind it. It was 75 minutes. The Billy Goat Tavern was directly in front of the dock where the ship was tied off. So we watched the 2:30 depart in the rain and we were under cover outside.


We had lunch and waited until 3:30 when we got in line for the 4:00 sail. They had a canvas covering the seated area, just in case it rained. Afterwards once we got back to the dock. The Navy Pier Garage was completely filled, so we parked a few block down from the pier, in an inside garage. There was an Irish Pub connected to the building for the garage, and we had dinner there, and drove home just as it was getting dark. All in all, it was a nice day downtown.


Much cooler today, but then I guess it will be warming up some. With this weather, I would think that you have been busy cutting the grass. So how was your weekend and what did you do over the weekend? Saturday downtown, there will be this 5K race/walk called the Ditca Dash. So that is what we are doing this Saturday.


Enjoy and have a good day,




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