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Sharon, when the jerk held a convention in STL, a few years ago I saw the very same show there. This Air Venture Show is always the last week in July from Sunday to Saturday and it is at the Oshkosh Air Field.


I agree it has been just too hot this week. We are supposed to get storms today this morning and evening. Bocce up in the air once again.


Good luck in getting that money back. I am sure she has already spent it all. If she did not file taxes, I am sure the IRS would be interested in going after her.


I am always impressed on how quickly your mower guy picks up and brings back the repaired mower for you. He dose provide good service for you.




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We had a scheduled walk this evening at 6pm. I didn't think we would do it because it started sprinkling. But most everyone, about 30 of us, had either an umbrella or a rain coat so we started out. While the umbrella kept your head and body dry, the grass on the trail got your feet soaked. The first half an hour it sprinkled but then it stopped and the last half an hour it was just steamy hot. Felt like a sauna.


Had dinner at the bar with the girls, didn't have time to eat before the walk and went there right afterwards. The air conditioning was out so they only had a couple of fans. So it was hot there too. We did get a few dances in though.


When are you going back up for the air show? Did I read that right, its a whole week long?


They are having something called Farm Technology Days in Zenda, WI. It's supposed to be one of the biggest farm shows around. It's on 75 acres and they expect over 20,000 people a day. The show lasts 3 days.


I got a text from Bill's daughter saying she is sorry she deposited that check she now knows it belongs to me and will reimburse me. Yeah, surprise, you got caught, I wanted to text her back, but didn't. Now still wondering if I should ask her if she claimed that money on the Fed and State taxes since she also got the 1099R. Don't think I can put it back in the IRA since it has been so long, but if she paid the taxes I shouldn't have to also.


Looks like the rain mostly went south of us again and we really need a good all night soaker.



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Sharon, Bill canceled the games at 7:15, as it was getting real bad. We got a alert on the phones warning of the severe weather. So 1/2 the games were played so since they canceled the rest of the games all of the games are canceled. So now that is our second rainout of the season.


Yeah, I'll bet she is sorry. She is sorry that she got caught. She is now worried that she will be prosecuted and either fined or to go to jail.


So as you can see that we did get hit with high winds lightening, and heavy downpours for about 3 hours. It was a much needed rain. Yes, you have to have working A/C in these hot and humid days. I would imagine that not too many stuck around without A/C.


Bill is not interested in going back to the Air Venture. It is way too crowded and you did hear that correct. It runs for a week, from Sunday to Saturday. It is the largest fly-in air show in the world. There will be some 12,000 planes flying in and some 25,000 campers. They say the local residents just stay inside of their homes and do not go out as the place is so crowded. We will return to Oshkosh in October to visit my Aunt once again.


I hope you are recovering from your hit on you nose and that it is clearing up and not looking like you were in a fight.




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This reminds me of what my sister did to my mother. Has she ever done anything this devious before? If not maybe and I mean maybe give her 1 week to come up with the money. If she does not file charges with the police. My mother's health has deteriorated greatly since my sister robed her. If it was up to me my sister would be in jail to save others she has embezzled at least 7 times. :mad:

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Karen she has done so many things I can't even begin to list them. Some of the stupidest ones were to cancel his AARP, AAA and all magazines and request the balance of the money back. How petty! I do have a lawyer and he will follow up with her and make sure I get it back. There is also a house that is to be sold so if she doesn't give the money back it will come out of that sale. In the mean time I have lost 8 months of interest on that money. Sorry to hear your mom is not doing well.


I have a friend from zumba that I have been doing things with. Today we again went to the pool and floated around all afternoon. Felt really good with the hot weather. She just moved into a new home last fall, a few months ago her husband lost his job. She had bought all new appliances and all new furniture and now since he is 62 he is having a very difficult time finding another job that pays what he was getting. He was a salesman that sold very large machinery to some type of specialty manufacturers. They are thinking if he doesn't find something soon they will have to file bankruptcy and move. Feel very bad for them both, very trying times for them.


You keep getting all the rain, we only got a little bit to wet the ground. The grass is getting browner and browner. I have to water the flowers and veggie plants every day or two. It always looks promising and then it either dissipates or goes south of us.


My nose is changing colors, green, yellow and pink are pretty much what it looks like now. I hope I didn't break the cartilage, there is a bump but I think it might just be swollen yet.


Keep cool, looks like tomorrow should only be in the 70's.


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Sharon, it is a real mess and it does not get any better at all. None of them really care about you at all. This one is only sorry that she got caught. I agree with Karen, she should be in jail. People like that just do not get it until they might go to jail and then they put on a total different front.


It is good that you are able to get out and enjoy the pool in this intense heat we have been having. A bit cooler today but still hot in the sun. That is not a good story about your friend and possibly loosing their house. Hopefully her husband can find some sort of job so that does not happen to them.


Your nose is getting better and just going through the progression of clearing the brushing away. Hopefully by this time next week it is all cleared up.




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Really felt good out today, love the cooler weather. Got alot of grass cut, well really I got the weeds cut as the grass isn't growing. We sure need some rain everyones grass is tourning brown.


Went out to dinner with a friend then went to a big band concert in the park. It was a good night to sit outside and listen to music.


No plans for tomorrow, what are you up to. You have grandchildren in sports so maybe you will go watch them play.



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Sharon, you are right. I am going to a baseball game later on this afternoon. The weather really did cool off last night. We turned off the A/C to give it a much needed rest. I worked outside yesterday for awhile. Then it started raining and I stopped. But it did not last long and I want back out once again. We have to keep watering everyday to keep everything green. Most everyone has brown lawns.


When driving around the area I have seen different places offering those shows and concerts in the parks. When you were outside did you have any problems with bugs?


Really nothing else planned for the weekend. Once I get back from the game and if I am not too tired I may work outside once again.


Enjoy and have a good weekend.




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No problem with bugs last night outside. I did take a can of bug spray but it was so cool I think it kept the bugs away.


There was a chicken BBQ in the next town so when I went up to get gas for the mowers I picked up a dinner. Cut some grass, showered then ate it. Was a tasty dinner.


I have to keep watering the flowers too. Looks like we might get some rain on Sunday night. Hope we do this time and it doesn't miss us.



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Sharon, it was pouring and thundering here about an hour ago. I guess we could get some more this evening.


So yesterday I go to the game and get there at 2 only to find out the game was pushed to 4:30. I was not going to stay that long so I came home. Once home I pulled weeds and put down mulch.


Yes, we have had the A/C off for the past few days, but I guess the heat and humidity is returning this week.


We have those chicken dinners around here as well. When ever they come we always buy a couple of dinners and they are good and a reasonable price.


As far as bugs go, the one everyone is keeping an eye on this year is the Zeka Virus. I just heard that 1 person has contracted it I think it was in NYC.




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We had rain here this morning too, but not enough. Hope it does rain tonight again.


I didn't feel like working in the yard so went to the show and saw Ghost Busters, it was kind of silly, don't think I would recommend it to anyone else.


Too bad you didn't get notified about the change in time before you went to the game.I wouldn't have waited either.


The last week every night when it starts to get dark a little black kitten comes out of the brush next to me and sits in front of the pole barn. I have been putting some cat food out there for it. I have never seen jts mother.


They just broke into programing to tell of a possible tornado warning in Grundy county by I55. A long was off from here.


I have just been using a fan instead of the A/C lots less e pensive when its not too humid.



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Sharon, we had the A/C off for 2 days but then turned it back on yesterday as it was very humid. Yes, I was watching the alerts yesterday evening as well. The real bad stuff was south of us. But then around 10:30 we had a storm front move into our area and it poured for awhile.


We went way up north in the city and saw a play of a friend of ours who was putting it on. He was the director from Bill first play. So it was a very long way and about 1 block from the lake. It ran for 1 hour and it was fun. Something different. It started at 7 and we were back home around 9:15.


I guess it is supposed to be getting real hot again this week and the next chance for rain is on Wednesday.


I guess the good thing about having a cat around is they can keep the mice away.


Yes, they called me just when I was pulling up at the ball park. So once I got home I pulled weeds and put down bags of mulch.




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You have gotten a whole new social life since Bill got into acting. Thats a really good thing, always nice to make new friends.


We were supposed to get more rain but it didn't happen. Like you Wed is the next predicted day for rain. What we got on Sunday morning helped a little. The Black Eyed Susans have perked up and some are nlooming.


The little kjtty is very little, looks only to be about 8 weeks old so no mice chasing for him. He is really wild so I doubt I'll ever be able to get close to him (or her?).


Several of us zumba gals also do the Get Moving WI walks. One of the walks is at the Farm Tech Days so we might go tomorrow, just in case it does rain Wed. Its supposed to cover 75 acres so lots of walking!


Did some weeding this afternoon, it was pretty warm, I need to pick up some mulch to try to keep the weeds down.


Made myself a decent meal tonight. I had picked up a rotissere chicken so had some of that along with some broccoli, baked potato and fresh sliced tomato. Usually just grab someehing quick. Hard to cook for one.



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Sharon, we may go to another play tonight. I have to see how I feel after work. This is the director of Bill second play. The jerk came in yesterday at 5:10 and always coming in late and asking me to do things when I am getting ready to leave. He is gone for a week starting today to STL. Good ridden's.


The temps will be very hot this week and by weeks end I heard triple digits. Rain forecast for tomorrow. So we shall see what happened to bocce. It seems like every Wednesday rain in the forecast.


It is good that you have a group to go walking with. I hope you are doing it early with this heat. What about the pool, are you going to be able to get in soon?




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Good your boss is gone for a while, he just never seems to learn when its time to go home that's what you want to do.


Did you go to the other play to night? Bet when the season starts up again Bill will be in one again.


We did go to the Farm Tech Days, very hot walking around. Many different things to see and tons of farm equipment, huge equipment.


I really hope it rains tonight and tomorrow and doesn't go south of us again. You are right it seems it always rains on Wednesdays.


We plan on going to the pool on Thursday after zumba and Friday. It will be too hot to do anything else.


Just started feeling a nice cool breeze coming in the windows. Feels great!


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Sharon, as soon as I got home from work we left for the performance called Little Women. The play started at 7:30 so we had enough time to get to the stage. We were home at 10 so a nice night out and a little break. The director was really grateful that we came to see her play.


It seems like most of the rain is going south of us once again. Heat warning starting tomorrow. So it will be good going to the pool on Thursday and Friday. So we shall see if it rains tonight, the very least it will be very hot.


It is good that you are able to go walking with the group. But now with these high temps, just best to stay inside and cool off. No one should be out in those conditions.


Stay cool,




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Oh good, I'm glad you got to go and got there in time! Was it a video like you saw the other night or live people? Seems around here the community theater has shut down till fall.


A new theater just opened up here too, they have the Carpenters, Elvis and Zac Brown tribute band all coming up. Just looked it up and tickets are $30 to $40. Might have to go see what they are doing and if it's any good.


Our Wednesday night group is going on a 2 hour boat ride tomorrow morning on Lake Geneva, then go to lunch. I have also invited a friend from zumba to go too. Should be a fun morning, then maybe go to the pool in the afternoon. We were going to go to the pool today but after I got my swimsuit on and was ready to leave it started to get real dark like it was going to rain. However, it didn't rain and after a couple of hours the sun came back out. So no rain again!


On the way home tonight saw the moon, it is completely full and beautiful, really lights up the night.


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Sharon, yes we have been viewing the moon as well. It does look good being so full and bright.


This was a live performance of the play called Little Women. It was fast paced and held the audience attention. We were back home at 10 that night.


So you are on a lake doing your 2 hour boat ride this morning and then lunch afterwards. I remember you did that last year as well. Today is a good day for that activity. Also good later on going to the pool.


Good news we won last night big time. Bill played and we never got any rain at all. All rain went south of us or just fell apart once it got close to the city. So I guess the next chance for rain is tomorrow. Bill is watering every day.


Stay cool,




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We did got for the boat ride on a boat that was 92 years old called the Cherokee. It was a wood boat of course all highly polished wood inside the cabin. It had a deck below with a small kitchen and bathroom and a small deck below in back that had another small area with deck cushions. There were 14 of us all together and there was plenty of room. The sky was overcast most of the time which was good and there was a nice breeze. We went to lunch afterwards and stayed there so long it was too late to go to the pool. So will go to the pool tomorrow.


It got real cloudy and windy her for a while thought for sure would blow in some rain but then it just all cleared up again.


Congratulations on the win, good the rain didn't hit by you last night so you could play.


Any more plays coming up for you soon?



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Sharon, yesterday there was no rain in there forecast, but just like you had said, it got real cloudy and then thunder and heavy storms rolled in. So we got a good blast of rain yesterday afternoon. So I am glad that you were able to get your boat ride, as I was thinking that you may have gotten caught up in the storms as well.


So Bill is going for an audition next Tuesday for the production of Suesical. He figures if Jesse Jackson can do Green Eggs And Ham, so can he. This will be the first play that he actually will know the director going into the play. But I do not think that will mater at all.


So the jerk came back yesterday, as we had a former Bear Player come to the shop and present the owners with the upcoming season Bears Tickets. We had channel 9 news filming as well. Dan Hampton was the person from the Bears.


Stay cool,




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Almost did a second post last night, about 8 oclock black clouds moved in, lots of wind, drop in temps and finally a real heavy rain storm with thunder and llightnin I opened the windows where the rain wouldn't cone in and in about 10 minutes the house had cooled off. Was really glad to get it. The flowers have perked up but the grass could use another good rain.


I bet that was on the news last night, the Bear guy coming to your place, but the news was on so late because of Trumps long speach, I didn't stay up to watch it. Did you have to coordinate that photo op and visit? How come he presented season tickets to your boss? Quite a gift!


Good for Bill, I figured he would be getting back into acting. Now that he is somewhat experienced he will probably do a good job at the audition.


Had a bad day today, just couldn't seem to get it together. Didn't go to the pool, in fact only went outside once to get the mail. Had talked with the lawyer earlier in regards to issues the "kids" are raising. This time its any medical bills that wasn't paid by insurance.Don't want to pay for any of tbeir dads bills, want the money for themselves. I am so sick of these people!!



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Sharon, it is supposed to rain this afternoon. We did not get any rain yesterday like you did. It is so hot outside you can hardly breath when going outside.


Yes, I set everything up as no one had no clue what was going on. They have been long time season ticket holders and this was a reward for being loyal ticket holders.


So sorry to hear that you had a bad day due to those kids. It is all about the money and nothing more. Hopefully your lawyer can take care of things for you.




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We had rain again this afternoon for a couple of hours or so, then started up again around 7pm and still raining at 9pm. Lots of thunder again too. Seen in some towns already flooding the streets and saw I-94 somewhere was flooded too. Here it just soaks in lots of fields and grass around.


I went to the show this afternoon, saw Lights Out, it was a scary show, but only made me jump once.


Do you ever get to use the tickets when he isn't around, or do you and Bill even like going to see the Bears play?


I again opened the windows and cooled the house off, yes it has been so terribly how and humid lately.



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Sharon, I am setting the stage to have them give me the tickets for when the Bears play the Packers. Bill is a Packer fan. They have never given us tickets for any game. I used to get tickets to the Sox games, but they have since dropped their Season Sox Tickets.


So for us yesterday it started raining for a short time around 5. The real heavy stuff hit us at 8 and it was coming down for a long time. Today we could get a shower later on this afternoon. But yes, so very humid and hot.


I have not heard of that show, but it sounds like you had a good time. So what are your plans for today? Pool or something else?




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I had no plans for today. I went to early service church then had the whole day left. I stopped at the grocery store on the way home and ran into the guy who used to sit with Bill from Visiting Angels.Just seeing and talking with him brought on the tears. We talked about Bill for a while then he gave me a hug. Kinda set the tone for the day of loss and memories. I came home and laid down for a while. Still so hard to deal with.


My pet sitter friend invited me and a guest to a barn dance they are having on Saturday. I asked that friend of mine and Bills that went to the play with me. He's just a nice guy that can dance. I told him he would be doing me a big favor if he would go with me. So unless something comes up he said he would. They are providing the food and music, we are supposed to bring what you want to drink.


Getting really sick of the hot humid weather, looks like it will still be hot but not so humid tomorrow, thank goodnes. Thats if they are right.


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