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Yes that is the one but when she doesn't drink she is pretty nice.


I did take the two grandchildren off as beneficiaries, they are the ones that have different mothers and families. I have sent them cards, gifts and money for years and never received any kind of acknowledgement so now that they are both 18 I'm done with them. Let their own family take care of them since they couldn't ever reply to me.


I went to the show yesterday afternoon, had to get out of the house. I saw the Martian. It was pretty good, but hard when you don't have anyone to talk to about it.


Tonight going to meet the gals, last week was the first time I was back in months and the owner make garlic bread and chicken fingers and set them in front of us for free. Think I will buy dinner there tonight, haven't eaten anything but an ice cream bar today.


Was supposed to go to the apple orchard this afternoon with a couple of exercise friends but one of them was having Budget Blinds come out and put up her curtains and decided she didn't have time to get it done right and still go. So guess we are putting it off till next week. It would have been a perfect day for it. So instead I cut some more grass. Should stop growing pretty soon.

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Sharon, with this nice weather we are having, I would think that the grass will be growing for awhile yet. Today another nice day and rain this afternoon. Then a big drop in temps tomorrow and back to the 70's.


I think that was a great idea to take those GK's off, as they have not ever thanked you anyway. Perhaps now they will miss the gifts, but too late now.


It is good that you are getting out with your friends. I agree that yesterday would have been a good day to be outside at the apple orchard, but next week should be good as well.


We went to the club last night for dinner. There is not as many members around just now with the leagues being over with.


Enjoy this nice weather while it still lasts.




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Was going to cut some more grass today but one of the gals called and said she didn't have any appmnts, she's a hair dresser, so could I go to the apple orchard today. I said sure so the three of us went and had lunch and then bought stuff in the apple barn. I bought cashew brittle and some chocolate walnut fudge.


Did I tell you I had talked with the plastic surgeon last week and asked what they me scheduled for on the 12th of Nov. She said it was just the reconstruction. I told her I had thought about it and decided to have the mastectomy also. She said then that would not be able to be done until someone after January. I told her I did not want to wait that long so she said she would talk to the dr and see what he said. She called back later and said he told her he thought he could do the mastectomy and the reconstruction. I did not feel comfortable with that, usually you have a surgeon that coordinates with the plastic surgeon. So yesterday there was an insert about breast cancer, surgeons and plastic surgeons in our newspaper. There was quite a write up about two of them so I called this morning and got an appmnt with each one. They work together and it is more local than what the other dr would have been. They have really good credentials also. The hospital has a van where you an get a ride home too so that would be good since I have no one who could pick me up. Now I have to call the other dr and give an excuse to cancel the surgery.

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Sharon, I am confused about this surgery you are talking about. I thought just last week you got the results from your test and they said you were all good and did not have to do it again for another year. So what is this all about?


So today was a perfect day to be outside at the orchard. Much better to be outside enjoying this beautiful weather, as tomorrow there will be a big drop in temps for 1 day.


Have you heard anything from or about your sister?




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Last August I was trimming some branches with a loper and pulled really hard to cut it. I did something to the reconstruction that I had and it leaked all the saline out. Now I have the plastic or rubber whatever its made out of all bunched up in my chest wall. I went to that dr to get a reconstruction but he is so busy he said he couldn't do it until November. In the mean time after seeing how sick my sister has been with the chemo I have decided to go ahead and get a mastectomy on the other side also and eliminate the worry of getting breast cancer again.


I woke up with a sore throat this morning, went to exercise anyway. Tonight was the night also that I had told the gal that took me and brought me home from that colonoscopy that I wanted to take her out to dinner. So I met her and we had a nice dinner but I really don't feel good at all. Hope I didn't give her this cold or whatever it is.


My sister is planning on asking the dr if she can skip the last chemo since it is making her so terribly sick. She is afraid it might kill her to do another one. She has one more week before it is scheduled again.


I bought two more puzzles, didn't think to look how many pieces the last one had before I bought the next two. Turns out the first one I finished had 500 pieces while the last two I bought have 1000 pieces. I have started one of them but it's going to take a lot longer with all those extra pieces.

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Sharon, I kind of do remember when you did that damage to yourself. But then I was a bit confused as just a few weeks ago I thought the Dr had given you the green light when you had that test result.


What a nice day today. I am working outside today trimming bushes and getting things ready for winter. They are having this Autumn Fest going on in our village over this weekend. So they had a breakfast for all of the veterans this morning, so Bill and I went over there and he got the free breakfast.


It will be interesting what the Dr says about your sister. I would think if it is making her so sick the Dr would have to consider that. I hope your cold gets better, as they seem to last forever around this time of year.


Enjoy the weather and your puzzles.




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We went to a few of the breakfasts for veterans too, its always nice when they do something like that to honor them.


Yes my test results came back ok, so figured this would be a good time to do it before something did turn up. We'll see what he surgeon says on the 20th.


Was supposed to meet my sister at the apple orchard today with her son and his wife but I have such a bad cold that I didn't think I should be around her and take the chance of giving it to her, I know her resistance is probably down.


My granddaughter called this morning and said maybe if I had the surgery she could come and be with me, depending on when it is and if she could get someone to watch her kids during the day while her husband is at work. So that would be nice. If she comes I will probably have her sign the cards at the bank so if something should happen to me she could write checks on my account.


Was a nice day outside but had another bad day missing Bill, I don't know when I'm going to feel any better.

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Sharon, I am so sorry that you are having some bad days. It is perfectly normal to be missing him. Always remember, wherever you are or what you are doing, Bill will always be deep inside of your heart for always. He will be there to help you cope and to get through your toughest days.


I hope you can find something , if only it is over the counter to dry up your sinus and put this cold to bed.


Today is the Chicago Marathon, and this is only the second time in about 30 years that Bill will not be there. With Bill's surgeries, things just did not work out for this year. It will be interesting to see who takes the prize money today. I heard a high today of 77.


Enjoy this day and I will say prayers if the Dr does decide to do the surgeries for you.




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Yes when I heard the marathon was today was thinking about your Bill always doing that and you too. Maybe next year it will work out that you can be there.


I went up and got gas to cut t b e grass but decided to wait until tomorrow when its cooler.


I was supposed to meet a couple of friends for lunch tomorrow but cancelled because of my cold.


None of Bill's kids know, or anyone else for that matter, that today would have been our 13th wedding anniversary.

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Sharon, that is really too bad about no one knowing about your wedding anniversary. I am so sorry that you were all along and not feeing very well as well. We are not too far behind you. Ours is coming up and it will be our 9th.


I hope you can at least work away your cold. Today is a bit cooler but still nice. Also the parade downtown starts out today as well. Happy Columbus Day, even though there are many who say that he was not the first to discover America.


We leave tomorrow after I get off of work to stay over night at a hotel in Oakbrook for Bill's surgery on Wednesday for his heal spur.


Now listen to this, the jerk is leaving for 1 month flying to Paris first and trying to expand his business over to Europe. So I will not have him around for 1 month and I am hoping that when he gets back he will be leaving for Florida.




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I will keep Bill in my prayers for safe, successful surgery. They must not be going to put him to sleep this time either since you haven't mentioned it. Hopefully his arm is much better by now too.


My cold is better, at least my throat is not sore anymore. I didn't go to exercise today but did get several hours of grass cutting in. Depending on the weather I might not have to cut it again.


My sister has an appmnt with her cancer dr tomorrow. Hopefully he says the 3 chemo treatments she has had are enough. She has had a bad stomach ache for the last several days.


I have been working on the 1000 piece puzzle I bought a week or so ago. It has too many dark places, hard to tell the pieces apart. I will have to remember when I buy another one to get a brighter one.


That trip your boss is taking should keep him out of your hair for quite a while. Thats a good thing!

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Sharon, Bill is having pain issues with his elbow, as it has just been a little over 2 weeks. So he has a ways to go for that. They did not put him under for that as they gave him a nerve block. But for tomorrow's surgery they will be putting him under for that one. We are leaving when I get home tonight to stay in a hotel in Oakbrook close to the surgical center. We have to be there at 7 and we should be back home before noon. So I will miss a 1/2 a day.


Yesterday we did make it to 70 and that may be the last one we will be seeing. Today it will not make it out of the 50's and by Friday I heard that some areas my get frost. So thus far we have not had to turn the heat on. But I am sure by weeks end we will be turning it on.


I hope your sister will not have to go through any more treatments. That is crazy that makes people so sick. Hopefully your cold will continue to get better, as they seem to last this time of year.




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Bill is really lucky to have you take off to go with him. It's one of those things that married couples do for each other. But when you lose your partner you don't have anyone to do those things any longer and you realize how important and comforting it was.


I still have my cold, its changed into a runny nose now. I don't think I will go to exercise again tomorrow either. Probably will go to meet the girls tomorrow night though, it's one of the gals birthday so will be something to eat.


My sister does not have to have another chemo, its kind of good and bad news. She doesn't have to have it because it is not shrinking the spot anymore. So she will get the surgery scheduled and after that they will know more about the radiation treatments.


Tomorrow plan on turning the outside water off and bringing in the hoses. Time to get ready for colder weather.

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Sharon, all went well this morning and we were back home and me back to work around noon. So now he wears one of the booties for a week and then goes back to see his Dr to change the dressings. One of my favorite places to shop around that area is in the Yorktown Shopping Center, called Von Maur. So we checked in around 7 and then when directly to shop and then back for a light dinner.


Much cooler today, but lots of sunshine. I heard by Friday we could get some frost. They sell this over the counter nose spray called Flownaise. You shroud pick some up as that would really help clear up your cold. It is also good that the Dr for your sister is not going to give her anymore treatments. So hopefully the next step will work out for her.


I hope you will be able to get out tonight with your friends to celebrate the birthday. Also getting ready with outside stuff turning off water and bringing in hoses. We will be shutting down the hot tub this week as it is getting too cold at night.




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Thats good everything went well, now he just has to recuperate! Bet he looks pretty beat up with his arm and now the boot on too!


Decided not to do the hoses, instead got out the ladder and cleaned out the gutters. The front side of the house is not too bad to do as it is one story, but the back side is two stories, lot of climbing. I was glad though that I didn't hire someone to do it because there really wasn't that much in the gutters, just in some spots piles of leaves. The trick was handling the ladder, but it is light weight so not too bad.


Did you buy anything while you were shopping? We don't have any of those stores around here, in fact had never heard of it before. I am assuming it is a clothing store?


I might get some of that flonase, if my nose would quit running I would feel better.


I am going tonight, nice to talk to someone for a while, the quiet here is deafening.

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Sharon, I hope that you went out last night and had a god time with your friends. It is important to take good care of yourself and stay in good health as well.


Now getting to ladders and climbing all alone on them. I have heard too many stories of people doing this and either killing themselves or getting very serious injured. So use good judgement and there is nothing wrong with having someone else do that kind of work.


I feel by Saturday morning we will have to turn the heat on. There is a freeze warning out for Friday night into Saturday. But then next week I did hear that temps could go back into the 70's.


Bill is still having trouble with his elbow, with the pain. But it only has been 3 weeks. Now he is limping around with all of the dressing and pain on his foot. But he sees the Dr on Wednesday and he said he will remove the bandage on Sunday. He does those kind of things as he does what feels best for him. I cannot do anything about that. He knows his body the best. Plus this is about the 4th time he has had this kind of surgery. Then this Dr is a very good friend of his. They have run marathons in the past. A real regular person.




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Thats too bad about Bill still having the pain in his elbow, it hasn't been that long but still to have pain for 3 weeks can get old pretty quick. Hope it starts feeling better soon. It's nice he has a good relationship with the dr too. Always helps to be a little special to them so they take really good care of you.


I went up to the bank this afternoon to make the mortgage payment, while I was standing at the teller window the bank manager came out. Her son is the one that Bill always let hunt on her property and we had met with her several other times. Anyway she saw me standing there and came over to ask how I was doing. I just couldn't help it, I started crying. It just comes over me like waves sometimes and I can't stop it. She gave me a hug and asked how the "kids" were treating me. I told her they completely leave me alone.


So the rest of the day its hard to get back on track, a friend in town called and again I started crying. She asked me to meet her at the conservation district and we would go for a walk. So i did, and afterwards I did feel somewhat better. I don't know if I am ever going to be alright again, not having Bill affects every aspect of my life. Sleeping, eating, everything is now done alone and its really hard.


Ok, so is your store selling alot of Cubs items? Everytime you see a baseball game seems everyone in the stands are wearing the appropriate clothing for their team.


Might try and go to exercise in the morning, see how I feel when I get up.

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Sharon, it is finally official, we turned on the heat this morning. Another sign of fall/winter, as I got upset with Bill yesterday when I came home for lunch, as he drained the hot tub. I had asked him not to back in the beginning of October. But he had told me that I only used it twice since then and he did not want to be doing it in the cold. So yesterday was a nice day and he did it. It is getting too dark now and when I get home from work it is dark and I do not like going outside in the dark.


It is hard and you will continue to have bad days, but you will have good days as well. Always remember, no matter where you are and what you are doing, Bill will always be deep inside of you, and all you have to do is place your hands over your heart, and he will be there.


I hope you were able to get to exercise this morning. I had heard that there is a frost warning out for tonight. Most of our outside work is finished. Maybe a few more weeks of doing last minute outside work around here.


Bill had removed his bandages this morning. Like you had said, he and his Dr are good friends, and Bill feels that his foot will heal much quicker with the bandages off versus with it on. Now he will be doing much better without the bootie and wearing his orthopedics.




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My heat has been kicking on for a while now, the thermostat is so hard to program that I just leave it at what it is set on, summer for the air and winter for the heat.


Did you think you might still use the hot tubs a few more times yet? It is getting dark sooner now and it will be staying cold soon too. So probably a good thing he got it emptied. I still have to shut the water off, I seem to be procrastinating for some reason, I do know how so thats not the reason.


My friend and her husband came over this after noon he adjusted my motion light in the front, it has two lights and one had burned out and it wasn't turning on far enough out into the driveway. Hopefully it will work better now, its so dark in the front. In the back there is a dusk to dawn light on the pole barn so the whole area is lit up.


I did go to exercise class this morning several more gals are leaving for Florida or Arizona.


I finished tge puzzle, put it away and got out another one. Always slow going to get the border started. Its another 1000 piece one so should take a while.


Enjoy your weekend

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Sharon, our heat was turned on last night as well. There was a freeze warning around here for last night and into tonight. Then next week it will return into the 70's.


So where I work they are big Sox fans. I do not know why they would not want to sell Cubs stuff. A lot has to do with licensing.


Later on this morning I will take this lady out shopping and lunch today. I take her about every other week. As far as the hot tub. It is always sad when it is drained as I know winter is just around the corner.


We may drive to Kenosha tomorrow and have lunch at the Brat Stop. It is only a few miles across the Illinois boarder.




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Was just thinking, which foot did Bill have surgery on, is he able to drive? Yes even though its sunny its cold. Just saw something on facebook that said if it was March we would think it was warming up. All in your perspective.


I only was outside today to get the mail and feed the birds. Spent most of the day working on the new puzzle.


I don't usually ever but tonight watching the Cubs..


Enjoy your brat if you go.,

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Sharon, it is his left foot and he is getting better everyday. I agree about the springtime and these temps. So we will be headed back into the 70's tomorrow and a few more days for this week.


I really did not find anything that I really liked for shopping yesterday. So we had a nice lunch and brought back things that we had for dinner yesterday and more leftover's for this week.


That is the plan to drive to Kenosha once I get home from church. That is what we had talked about earlier in the week. It would be a nice afternoon drive and lunch. I am sure that you know of this place, as most who travel into Wisconsin know of this place.




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I went to the 8 am church serbice this morning. Then came home with the whole day ahead of me. I read tge paper, worked on the puzzle and played some games on the computer. Then got a call from my sister, in the hospital again. She said she had that diarrhea back and then couldn't feel her legs. So around 12:30 am her son called the rescue squad. Her blood pressure was 80/40 so they put her in ICU for the night and gave her several bags of blood. Tomorrow they are going go do the upper and lower GI series so she was having to drink all that liquid tonight. I hope they don't find anything really bad, just something that can be fixed.


I had went to a big outlet store in Kenosha many years ago. Don't think its still there after this long. Otherwise not familiar with Kenosha at all, very far east of us.


Have a 6 mo dentist appointment tomorrow afternoon, hope I don't have any cavities!

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Sharon, it was a nice drive yesterday. It was about 85 miles from our house and it took us just a little over an hour to get there. On the way home there was a lot of traffic and it took us about 1/2 hour longer. Kenosha is just 5 miles across the Illinois boarder.


I am sorry to hear that your sister is still not doing so well. Hopefully today they will be able to do some good for her.


Well for the next few days the temps will be above normal, and will be in the 70's. However it is very windy around here today. Many leaves blowing around. Have you heard the news today, that Oprah bought 10% of the WW Company.


Good luck on your dental appointment today.




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No cavities so will go back in 6 months. Tomorrow have an appointment with a surgeon.Wondering what he will say.


Briefly talked with my sister, they found she has an ulcer so they cauterized it but she still has a terrific stomach ache.


Was going to work outside but after I got back from the dentist lost my enthusiasm.


How were the brats, it was a nice day for a drive.


I did hear about Oprah and WW, heard she already made a nice profit (on paper) since the stock ptice went up.

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