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Sharon, I was thinking about going back to work, but I have decided not to. So I will enjoy the time more here rather than being at work. The surgery is set for 8-14. He has to go back down on 8-1 for some pre op testing. This surgeon has preformed more of these surgeries than anyone else in the US.


The surgery takes about 2 hours and then an overnight stay in the hospital. Then if all is OK, he will get released around 1 or 2 the next day. Then about 4 to 6 weeks recovery. Mainly eating softer foods are the key points after the surgery. We got in early and thus got out early.


Nice and cooler today. We had no rain yesterday or today. I will be able to take some nice pictures on Sunday. We will take a 4:00 train down and a 10:30 train for the return. So we will be getting back rather late. It takes an hour to get back home to the station and then another 20 to 30 minutes drive to our home.


Enjoy the rest of the day, I know I will.




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Sounds good, all set and now you know whats up!


We live only 10 min from the train but it also takes us an hour or more to get to Chicago, depending on how often the train stops along the way. You should have a real good opportunity to get some great pictures down by the lake.


Take care and enjoy the balance of the day,

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Sharon, going down they have express trains. But on a Sunday they run only every 2 hours and it takes longer to get home to the station because of all of the stops that they make. So when we get there at 5 on Sunday we will walk to the pier and get our boarding passes and they let everyone board at 5:30 and the ship departs at 6.


Tables are set up much like a cruise ship where they seat you with others. The staff entertains everyone and they also have a DJ. Food is buffet style and a bar for drinks. You can either stay put and watch the show or go up to the top deck that is outside. Also they have a floor for dancing. They have line dancing or regular dancing.


Bill does not like driving after having something to drink. When we do go out he never has anything to drink. Always drinks ice tea or lemonade.


It is a nice afternoon to be off and enjoying the time away from the shop.




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Sharon, a good Sunday morning to you. Nice weather thus far. I guess there could be a chance of a shower later this afternoon or this evening. I will plan to bring a jacket just in case the weather changes. They said they go out no matter rain or shine. If lake is too rough then they do not go outside the break wall.


How was the rodeo? Also have a great time tomorrow coming downtown. It will be very unusual for me being up so late tonight. I will not get to bed to well after midnight. I just hope we do not fall asleep on the train coming home and miss our stop.


Have a enjoyable Sunday.




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Its going to be a great evening for the cruise, if the temperature is like here. I don't blame Bill for not drinking and driving, better not to take a chance. When I drink, I usually only have just one and make sure to drive the speed limit.


The rodeo was not to good, the cowboys could not rope, ride the bulls or wrestle the calves. The girl barrel racers were good though.


Today we drove up to Old World in Eagle, WI. It wasn't what we expected, very spred out in the country. You had to ride a tram between "nationalities". They had a German area, Noweigan, and others. They had moved all the houses, barns, stores and churces to this area from sites l around Wis.


Got to get up early in the morning I don't like that, but it will be a fun day.

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Sharon, when we got down there it looked like it was going to rain. I even felt a few drops, but it did turn out to be a perfect night. The wind was blowing thus creating some waves. So the captain had to slow down to smooth things out.


The food was good and the entertainment was good as well. The DJ was playing music so everyone could dance. We went up on the top deck and I took some pictures for the class on Tuesday. I still cannot get the hang of the different shutter speeds and some of the gadgets on the camera.


We took our time walking back to the train station and we had to wait for an hour to head back home. We got home just before midnight, and I am dragging today. The only time I am up that late is when I have bunco once a month.


I have never heard of the Old World. But it does sound very interesting even though you did not enjoy it as you would have expected. Well by now you should be downtown or headed there. A nice day to be out and about. Enjoy and have a fun filled day.




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Glad you had a nice time last night! I was very tired this morning, we watched some of the Olympic floor exercises and got to bed late, then our dog got me up 2 times. I was thinking about getting up early so didn't sleep well at all. I had set the alarm for 5:30, but woke up at 5 so I got up then.


We took the 7:30 train in and walked to the Art Museum first. After quite awhile in there we left and got lunch at the Park cafe, I got a burger, it was very thick (too thick) and cost $10, also got a glass of lemonade - another $3.50. Then we walked over and took pictures of ourselves in the bean. A walk through the gardens that weren't looking to good and back to Macy's for a quick look. We got the 3:45 train back and got home around 5:45pm. My legs are tired, we did a lot of walking, some very fast. It was a lot of talking and walking! But fun and something different to do.


Tomorrow is Zumba and I might have to cut the grass, after that rain it has started growing again.

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Sharon, I am glad you had a fun filed day. Yes, you did much more walking than I did and I have blisters on my feet. Bill told me to wear comfortable shoes for walking. But no I had to be in style and wear my sandals.


I woke up this morning and saw that we had a lot of rain last night. I don't remember them forecasting it, but we got it. Things are very expensive downtown to what you are used to where you live. That grill is right in the heart of everything. In the winter time the ice rink is right out in front of the grill.


I would think that you will be very tired today and Zumba will tire you even more. Relax and enjoy the day.




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Yes, you have to wear good walking shoes, I have a pair of sandals that are very comfortable, they are Crofts & Barrows from Kohls. If I didn't have them I would have worn tennis shoes. I slept good last night, very tired from not sleeping the night before and all the walking.


Today I went to Zumba and skipped the pool. I had laundry that I usually do on Mondays to do and I might get some grass cut, although I have to go get more gas and it just went up again. I'll see how that goes. Tonight is line dance lessons so don't want to get too tired out.


We didn't get any rain, but did see on the forecast that it was going south of us.

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Sharon, the photo instructor was very impressed with the pictures we took while downtown. I never thought of going to the Beam and taking a picture of my reflection. Tonight only 1 team will be in First place as the 2 first place teams are playing each other.


How was the line dancing last night? It is going to get real hot once again. It has been nice the past few days. I like style and fashion and that does not always make for comfort.


Things have been real crazy around here and much stress on me. Bill is all set now for the surgery, just sit and wait now and keep loosing weight.


Enjoy the day,




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I will try tl post the bean reflection picture if I can figure out how to do it. I was trying to diwnload my pictures into the easyshare program and it said it didn't recognise the device. I just did it about a week ago so don't know what could have chaged. I like that program because I can adjust the light and size of the pictures. I thonk I like my old slow computer better.


Good luck with the bocce, hope you finish in first place. So your pictures must have been pretty good, you must be getting better.


Line dancing was hot and the regulars didn't come. We did have a group of "keen agers" all had pretty silver/gray hair. A couple caught on bot a couple didn't.


Going line dancing tonight with Bill, we meet some other old friends and talk as much as se dance.


I forgot the date of Bills surgery, I know its not

far off. Will have to go back a page or two and look.

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Sharon, it is 8-14. Well we lost last night only by 1 point. The game was see sawing back and forth all night and at the end we were tied. Then the final match they beat us by the 1 point. So now we are tied for second and they are in first all alone. We do have more games to play, so we we'll see how all turns out.


How was the line dancing last night. We also had to go to a wake last night as my cousin's brother-in-law passed away from cancer and he was just 61. The temps are warming back up once again. Stay cool,




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I will try tl post the bean reflection picture if I can figure out how to do it. I was trying to diwnload my pictures into the easyshare program and it said it didn't recognise the device. I just did it about a week ago so don't know what could have chaged. I like that program because I can adjust the light and size of the pictures. I thonk I like my old slow computer better.


Good luck with the bocce, hope you finish in first place. So your pictures must have been pretty good, you must be getting better.


Line dancing was hot and the regulars didn't come. We did have a group of "keen agers" all had pretty silver/gray hair. A couple caught on bot a couple didn't.


Going line dancing tonight with Bill, we meet some other old friends and talk as much as se dance.


I forgot the date of Bills surgery, I know its not

far off. Will have to go back a page or two and look.


C:\Users\The Corbett's\Desktop\Spirit of Chg 7-29-12


Sharon, copy and paste this to you browser and then click it on. This should pull up all of the pictures that I took downtown. On mine I was able to do the slide show. I do not know how you will be able to do this .


OK, I found out how to do that. Click on the first picture. Then click on properties and then that will set you up for the slid show.




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Kathy when I put that in my search browser it takes me back to your CC post. Will keep trying different things to see if I can find the pictures.


As long as you still have time, maybe you can catch up and overtake the leaders in bocce, if not, second place is not so bad either!


When I cut the grass on Tuesday, I hit a big rock and did something to the blades, it was cutting real close on one side and not the other. Bill took the deck off and saw the blade was bent so he stopped on his way to work Wed morning and got another set ($60). Last night he wanted to put them on and get the deck back on before we left for the dancing. It was so hot outside and he couldn't get the bolts off to get the old blades off. He worked and worked and then we sprayed some liquid wrench on them and let it set for a bit. Finally he got them off, new ones on and then the job of putting the deck back on. Everything takes a lot of strength to push and pull and hook. It was so terribly hot out in the sum too. We did get it done though.


Coming back from dancing we saw one of the gals that had left just before us stopping in the middle of the road. There was one car between us and he had to stop also. She got out and came back to make sure it was us and said someone had put "stuff" all across the road. We got out to help move it. It was 2 big cement blocks, 2 plastic lawn chairs and a big sign that was mounted on a saw horse. She was thinking someone might be waiting for an unsuspecting woman to get out and they would grab her. You never know so its best to be safe than sorry.


Zumba and yoga this morning, not going back out its too hot!


Whitecloud, I would be happy at 132, how much do you want to lose?

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Sharon, I just tried coping and then I pasted to the browser and it pulled up all of the pictures. Just copy, that link I put at the bottom of you post. Then when you get the pictures, click on the first at the top left and then click on properties and you will see how to start the slid show.


That is crazy about someone putting stuff across the road. I agree with you that someone may have been waiting. But there are also jerks that would like to see someone get in an accident as well. It just shows you how sick some people are.


You definitely have to watch what you are doing in this heat. Nothing goes as you would expect it to go.




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Kathy, I tried copying the whole line, with the C: first and it still brings me back to CC boards, not your pictures. Don't know why????


Also tried to renew my Norton computer program this morning, and it wouldn't do it, said no response from them, don't know what thats all about either, it took my credit card information without a problem.


Very hot out again today, really getting tired of it! We are going to the ballroom dance/ice cream social tonight instead of the regular dance place. Time for a little change and this should be fun.

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Sharon, I don't know why you are having a problem. When you told me that yesterday, I went back to the post and copied the link just below your post and then pasted it to the browser and clicked on go to it all coming up. Heating up today. Did your Bill get the lawn mower back together or was it just too hot to work on. I know you have had a lot of problems with that over the past few years. Didn't you used to have a guy come over and pick them up and fix them? I know there is a lot of money involved it repairing lawn mowers.


When we used to have one it would cost us $80, just to tune it up and get it ready for the season. Bill thought that was nuts so he started doing the same thing they did himself. He also does that with our snow blower each year. It does not take him very long either.


Last night after a week of not have our printer not working. Bill called Dell Tech Support and got it fixed and running and it did not take him very long to fix the problem. Here I was ready just to buy a new printer and simple and easy he was able to get it running, A-OK.


I agree that change is good. The new dance place sounds like a lot of fun and ice cream too, yummy, yummy. Enjoy the day, stay cool.




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We did get the mower back together, lots of hard work to get it done, but saved a lot of money doing ourselves.


I tried copying and typing both in two different browsers and still cannot get the pictures, I'm not sure why, just not computer literate enough to figure it out. Nice your Bill could get your printer working again.


We have very dark skies, wind and some rain right now, hope it passes by before tonight. There is an outside "neighbors night" down by the dance place.


Last night we went to Rumpoles Wonder Bar in Twin Lakes WI, for the ballroom dance and ice cream social. There were tons of people there. They had to set up more tables even. We met our pet sitter and their friends and sat with them. We learned the Rumba, well not really, but tried to learn, as it was the dance lesson for the night.


Just read in the paper that the guy I had used very much for carpentry getting the other house ready and that we had used every year for snow plowing, had a heart attach tues night in bed and died. He was such a nice guy and only 49 years old. They are having a celebration of life on Aug 18th we will go to for him. Makes you think how things can change in an instant!

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Sharon, I do remember you were talking about that man. How sad and you are right about how short life can be for anyone in a instant. Well it sounds like you had a very nice evening out last night especially for the ice cream.


I just got home and we had a very hard storm that knocked out the power in our area once again. We are on generator power now. I hope the club does not stay off too long as they lost a lot of perishables last week. We did too as our frig stopped working. But we have another as a backup. It is very dark here now as well.

I just returned from my # 1 daughter's house as I was swimming in their pool with the kids. They have an above ground pool. Once I saw the climate changing, I got out and came home. Very high winds and some tree limbs are down. The com-ed crews will be out work late once again.


I don't know what is going on at your end as I tried pasting just the link when you told me and then I pasted it on the search line of my computer and it did pull up fine. You have a new computer as well don't you?


Well let's hope you will be able to go out once again dancing tonight. Enjoy and have a good evening.




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Sharon, how was your weekend and did you get any storms? Our power was to for some 9 hours so we were on generated power for that time. Then our cable TV was out for some 24 hours. We lost it at 9 on Friday and did not get it back until 9 yesterday.


Someone said we had 80 mph winds. There is a lot of tree limbs down all over the place. So I did not hear the reason for the loss of power. Perhaps a limb fell on wires. Just north of us I saw 6 power poles laying on the ground.


This is 2 weeks in a row with bad weather where power was lost. Heating up once again this week. Have a good day and stay cool.




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