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Sounds like you got to see all the highlights Denver has! I was wondering if you would be here for the marathon since you and Bill are usually involved with it. They gas good weather for it.


We went to Fall Diddley on Saurday. It rained like crazy on the way there but by the time we got there it had stopped. Lots of walking, so stayed home in the evening.


Today went to the resort and then out to eat. Bill's surgery is not until 1pm and he is not supposed to eat anything after 6 am. We won't get up until 7am so looks like he will get pretty hungry before we get back home.


Tinker is still doing good, one more week and she will get the staples out.


Hope they haven't left you too much to do when you get back to work.

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Sharon, I will say a prayer that all goes well for Bill's surgery today later on this afternoon. Too bad he has to fast for such a long time. My Bill's surgery is set for 8 on the 16th. So you got a lot of rain here on Saturday. I know that the fall fest that you go to each year, has a lot of walking.


It was kind of rough getting home yesterday. We went to the Denver airport around noon and all of the flights were completely booked up. So Bill got us out of Denver connecting into , Des Moines and then into Chicago. We got into O'Hare around 8 pm and got home around 10 pm. So I was very tired and glad to get home versus staying at the Denver airport. If Bill had not done what he did, we would not have left Denver until 10 pm and that would have put us into O'Hare around 1:15 in the morning and then we would not have gotten home until 2:30 or 3 am. Always good to get away, but I like sleeping in my own bed.


We went into the hotel hot tub on Saturday while there, before the banquet. So you had the same here on Sunday as well. Back to the bump and grind. I will fill you in more later on about the trip.


Once again, I hope all the best for your Bill today for his surgery.




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Thanks for the prayers, all went well today. Didn't get done and back home till almost 4pm. He has to wear the patch over his eye until we go to the dr tomorrow. We have to put drops in his eye 2 more times yet tonight. He will also have to wear the eye patch to bed for about another week and continue the drops 4x's a day.


He also started having a really stiff neck and headache Sat. If it is not gone or at least a little better in a couple of days we will have to go to the dr and find out whats up.


So remind me again, what is your Bill having done on Wed? Hope all goes well for him also.


That made for a long trip back home but at least you got home at a reasonable time. It always takes us a couple of hours to get home too.


How did work go today?

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Sharon, I almost walked out yesterday, as things just sometimes go a bit too far. He also called me Sunday and texted me to call him back. So I called him on our way home in the car.


Bill has a heal spur that has to be lanced or released. His surgery is scheduled at 8 am, so we are staying in a hotel in the Oakbrook area as that is where the surgery is. He has gone there before for nails to be cut in half from his toes.


Then I think it is set for November 16, where he has a urology problem that they have to have the surgery as well. If you remember last November he went in for the very same issue and they were only gong to keep him over night and 6 days later he was still in and only got out 1 day before Thanksgiving because he was not discharging properly.


I am glad that your Bill came through his surgery OK. You better stay on top of his stiff neck so that does not turn into something more. Certainly nothing to take lightly. I hope he continues to improve and that today when you go back, they can give him a green light to proceed further.


Bill is on top of things early to avoid any unnecessary delays and does what he needs to do to get us from point A to point B. I just go along and pray that all falls together as he plans. I have to admit, he does get us places safe and sound. Next year the same convention is in San Diego. I do not know if I can attend another one as I was not used to being around so many old retired people. It made me feel old.


So after work, we will drive to Oakbrook and check in to the hotel for the early surgery on Wednesday. At least he will not have to go as long as your Bill did yesterday for his surgery to fast. A afternoon surgery is hard that way not being able to eat or drink anything. Bill got a call from his Dr yesterday, to come for a Doppler test on his legs. The Dr was concerned about his circulation. The test was OK.




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Hope everything goes well, he will trouble walking, while my Bill had trouble seeing. We went to the dr this morning for him to check, he had done 18 people yesterday so they were all coming in early this morning for a check-up and final directions as to how to take care of their eye. After having Bill read the eye chart with his operated on eye, the dr said well, you can drive tomorrow. Well Bill could not read any of the letters on the chart, and the other eye he can only see out of the bottom of it, no peripheral vision. I brought that to his attention and he just said, well do what you are comfortable doing. I told Bill I was not going to let him drive tomorrow or the next day! It's got to get a lot better first so he doesn't get into an accident.


At least his neck feels better today so that is wonderful also.


I do remember your Bill having to stay in the hospital for quite some time, hope that doesn't happen again, probably was just a one time deal and everything will go smoothly this time.


I bet San Diego has many interesting things to see, I think they would have some great tours for you. Maybe by next year you will change your mind. The trips we go on generally have many older retired people and they seem to be pretty frisky. Thats the kind of people who have the money and the time to do the trips. When you are young, you are working or have a family or no money it seems like.


Rain today, most of the day and I think into tomorrow. Bill is dozing off and on on the couch today just taking it easy. We have to put drops in his eye 4 x's a day and keep it covered at night.


It was a surprise elimination last night on DWTS, I thought Lea would be the one to go and it looked like she thought she would too. Just shows it's not always the best dancer, just the one with the most fans calling in,

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Sharon, isn't that the truth about DWTS this year. There have been nothing but a lot of surprises, and you are so right about the best dancers going on, but the one's who are not the best, but who have gotten the most popular votes to move on.


Yes, you have to stay on top of your Bill to assure that he is completely recovered and A-OK before he attempts to drive once again. He sounds a lot like me about staying put and down. I can't stay put or relax and just do nothing. Let's also hope that he is completely recovered for you cruise. This was a very good move on your part, attending to these things now, when you have enough time for him to recover, so you both can enjoy your cruise.


Bill has one of those booties to ware on his left foot, as it was his left heal that had the spur. So the doctor said it would be at least a couple of week before he can walk normally. Since he was under medication to put him out, I had to drive home. We also dropped off prescriptions for pain he might encounter after the medication wears off form the surgery.


We arrived at the hotel last night after 8 and then got something to eat. He could not eat or drink anything after midnight except for a little water to take his morning med's. The Dr had 1 surgery before Bill and he was late starting that one. So Bill was waiting for some 2 1/2 hours for his surgery to begin. His was only 1/2 hour and we were back home around 1, in time for me to be here for the afternoon.


We did get rain here yesterday, but nothing much like they were saying we would get. I guess we could get more rain today, as it has been overcast all morning and now as well.


I am glad to hear that Bill's neck is doing better. Wow, 18 surgeries the same time Bill had his. That Dr must be real busy. It is too bad that he could have gotten Bill in sooner, so he would not have to fast as long as he did.


So hopefully my Bill is staying off of his foot today, as you well know, they seem to do what they want against the advice of the Dr's. If they only would listen and do what they are supposed to do, they may be in less pain and recover much faster.


We were talking last night about my weight. It is kind of funny that when we go away on a vacation how I have lost 2 pounds. Last year when we were in Hawaii, I lost 2 pounds as well. I am figuring that is because we do so much walking and are on the move constantly. It seems like around here, no mater what I do I cannot loose anything, except my keys.




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Good Bill got that over with, now just the recuperating. I took Bill to work this morning after my zumba class. He wanted to go see how much mail he had and catch up on things with his son. He does need to get back into the routine instead of just sitting, dozing and watching tv. He still cannot read very good, so I'm hoping that will clear up. He can see things in the newspaper like headlines but not the little print that goes with the story. His glasses are of no help now either, he will have to get new glasses when the eye is ready for them. They say that it continues to get better for a couple of weeks or more. I will go back and pick him up a little later.


It has been raining here all day again, sometimes just a mist and other times real rain. Its also cold and damp, but we are lucky its not snow!


I just was ordering Tinker some pain pills and one site that I have been ordering them on was $219.00 for 60 pills, another site I just came across was $147.00, I can't believe the difference for the same number of pills and the same mgs. Glad I found it though will save quite a bit of money. I cut them into quarters and just give her a quarter of pill a day, so they will last for several months.


Not much else new for now,

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Sharon, it sounds like your area got more of the rain than we did. Even though it was raining here all morning here also, it did not amount to anything significant. Yesterday the same thing. It seems warmer here although cloudy and damp also, it is in the 50's here.


Bill is hobbleling around a bit and he took the bootie off and a white sock they sent him home in, and has put on his own slip on shoes and his own compression socks. He goes to see his own Dr next Tuesday at 8 and also his skin Dr at 1. The skin Dr called a few weeks ago when he was just getting ready to leave, and said the Dr was sick.


That is a good idea that you will be driving Bill to his work place for awhile. Also good to get him out of the house and just sitting around. Like you said, hopefully he will continue to improve and get back to where he should be. Also I hope that will happen in a reasonable time frame, so you can get him new glasses before your cruise. You want all of your ducks in order for the cruise.


I see this place advertised all of the time on TV called petmeds, have you tried them? I know any kind of medication, either for humans or pets, can be real expensive. So it is good that they finally came up with better alternatives for pet meds as well.


So I will say a prayer that both of our Bill's continue to improve without any complications. Enjoy the rest of your day.




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Yes PetMeds was the one that was $219, I had been ordering the pills through them and before I placed the order this time I was looking for a discount coupon and came across the other company called allvetmed. So glad I did, so much cheaper.


I took Bill to work again today will pick him up around 4pm. Seems each day his eye gets a little better. The eye dr called and had made an appmnt with him at the eye glass dr on next Tues for some new glasses.


I got the results of a blood test I had to do to renew my prescriptions, in May my cholesterol was 269 and now it is 214, quite a dramatic improvement, don't know why. The kinda bad thing from the test is my glucose level was 110 so I will have to watch the carbs, sure don't want to get diabetes. The magic number is under 100 so the dr said they would just watch it and I'll have another test in 3 more months.


Don't know if we are going out tonight or not, depends on how Bill feels about it. Its so cold and damp I really wouldn't mind too much to just stay home tonight.


How long do they expect Bill to have a problem walking, will he need any type of physical therapy to help him along? Seems like all those skin drs are booked up months in advance doesn't it.


No rain here today just gray and cloudy. They are finally putting the striping on the highway, its a very black road and very difficult to see at night without the lines. The rain has held them up quite often the last week or two. Can't wait for them to get all done with it and get the "flaggers" out of the road.


Have a nice weekend

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Sharon, I know exactly what you mean about the road construction. Like you, we went through the very same thing right in front of our house for a period if 2 years. It seems like they just drag things on and on, and we are the one's most inconvenience. Also It will be nice it we can find a day to power wash the house to get all of thevdirt off the house, form the construction before winter sets in.


Bill took off his bandage today so he can help it to get better faster. The bandage is cotton and the heat form his own body heat, will keep the area moist some. He needed to keep it dry and also it made it easier for him to take a shower. He goes in also on Tuesday, to get 3 stitches taken out. His tendon is a bit tight and he can do stretching himself. There will be no physical therapy. He will find out for sure on Tuesday on how long of a total recovery it will be. He said he knows his body the best, and knows what is best for his body. So I just let him alone, and let him do his own thing.


I am glad to hear that your Bill is improving each and everyday. Let's hope that all continues to improve in a positive direction. It is also good that you have been taking him to work each day, if nothing else to let him get out of the house and just sitting around. Since you are doing the driving, it might be good for you both to get out tonight and unwind after a long week.


All seems to be moving along with getting his new glasses as well. The Dr is staying on top of everything it sounds like. So let's hope that all continues in that direction. I agree about the temps today, as it is the same way here. I do not think it even got out of the 40's here for us.


Well that goes to show you, that you have to shop around. Some of these commercials can be misleading. As you think you are getting a good deal and just by looking a bit further, you can find even a better deal, like you did.


Tomorrow night we have tickets to a fundraiser dinner around her and a silent auction as well.Bill will be gone all day tomorrow taking a class for 8 hours on the new concealed carry law that goes into effect on January 5. I do not fully understand all of it, but he wants to do it, so he will be able to put in for that permit.


I will be able to get things done around here and work on the inside and perhaps work outside for a bit getting the flowers taken down and things ready for the winter. Perhaps Sunday, we may put aside some time to continue to look at perspective houses to buy.


Enjoy your weekend,




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Your Bill is probably right about knowing his body, and with his determination he will probably carry through with exercising.


We did go to the dance place Friday night, visited mostly, but nice to go. Sat night we went to the show. It has been added on to and completely remodeled. It has stadium seating so it doesn't matter who sits in front of you, you can still see. Also the new seats are very comfortable. We saw Captain Phillips it was very good. We decided to go again soon.


Bill thinks he can drive to work tomorrow, we'll see. I would like to take him one more day.


How was the fund raiser, buy anything at the auction? We were talking about getting a gun too, just for protection but wouldn't do the concealed carry. Lots of people are taking that class though, hope no one has a quick temper. Saw in the paper someone reported a guy walking around in Walmart somewhere with a rifle. Nothing they could do, it was legal. Sure would make me scared!


Hopefully no more rain tomorrow!

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Sharon, it is raining here now and much cooler today than what it was yesterday. Although we had some rain yesterday as well. OK, I really got everything wrong for Saturday. It was not a benefit, but rather a celebration as my church was celebrating 100 year anniversary. There was no silent auction. I paid $50 per ticket and there were about 500 people in attendance.


Cardinal George was also there and we were siting just off to the side of where he was sitting. We got a 7 course dinner and a open bar with a 6 piece orchestra as well. So Bill seemed to enjoy everything and a very good price for what was offered. We were home abound 10.


Bill does not actually plan to carry a concealed carry. He just wants to have everything in order in case he does or want's to. Most likely, things will go along as normal, as we have been doing things. The education part and the awareness is very good and everyone who takes the class will only benefit from the added knowledge. The better prepared and more knowledge someone has, the better everyone will be in any given situation. Let's face it, we live in a society today, where people do not care about human life or respecting other's or their property. A veteran only has to complete the 8 hours course, versus the regular 16 hours required course. So all he needed was his DD 214. For him, it was 6 hours of class and 2 hours on the range. The class was actually 6 hours, but he was not on the range more than 1/2 hour to pass the range test.


Best to give Bill another day and not rush things along. I would think that you do not mind to drive him to work once again. So it sounds like he is really progressing along if you went to the dance place and also to a movie as well. Did you enjoy the movie? I was reading about that movie as well and it had some great reviews. We have not been to a movie, and I cannot even think of the last time, that is how long it has been.


Bill has been limping around sometimes. The pain is bearable and he seems to be much better off since he has taken the bandage off. Tomorrow he gets the stitches taken out. Also your Bill goes to his Dr as well to have his eye examined and hopefully he will continue to improve and get better. You will take him for new glasses this week as well?


Stay warm today and have a good day,




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Thats funny your church is celebrating 100 years because mine is too. After church this coming Sunday they are having a German buffet. Ours is only $12.00 each for the buffet and $5.00 for a comenurative glass mug. There will be a Sprechter goot beer garden and with the mug, all you can drink, or want is free. My church is Lutheran and its "roots" are german.


We hadn't been to the show either for a very long time, but with the theaters remodel its really a nice place to see movies.


I went with a couple of gals from exercise and zumba today to the apple orchard. They have a big barn with all kinds of good things to eat, like jellies, salsas, friut butters fudge, apples etc. We had lunch there also before we came home. Only thing was the gal that drove was a really bad driver! Very jerky and fast. Next time I'll volunteer to drive.


Yes Bill gets fitted for glasses and I have to get Tinker in to get her staples out. I will take Bill in case he gets his eyes dialated.


Supposed to be even colder and maybe flurries tomorrow, brrrrr.

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Yes Sharon, our first really cold night as the temps got down to 26 degrees this morning here. I will have to cut down my rose bushes now and do any last minute outside stuff this week that I did not do over the weekend. Let's hope it does not snow later on. Perhaps a snow rain mix they are calling for. Remember how there was some complaining about the heat over the summer. I would never complain about it being too hot, as I know all to well what the alternative is.


Both of our Bill's are going to the Dr's today. It is good that you are driving once again today. That really messes up our eyes when they put those drops in the eyes to dilate the pupils. Let's also hope the new glasses will work out much better for him as well. The last thing you need now, is not to have anything go as planned with your upcoming cruise.


We were talking about how may churches there are celebrating 100 years. That is certainly a milestone. Even better yet German, during this time of year. All should be real festive and such a great price as well. I just realized yesterday that I have to go to bunco this Friday. Then on Thursday I have my hair appointment after work.


I think that is a great idea to have the stadium club seating in shows and even better to have comfortable seating as well. You always get someone in front of you who blocks your view. With those types of seats, problem is take care of, as there will be no bad views at all. Plus you saw a great show.


Were you surprised last night with what happened on DWTS? It seemed like there was surprises last night as in the past. I forgot about Tinker and the stitches. You will be busy today with Bill and Tinker as well.


Have a good day and stay warm,




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Had a busy day yesterday, I went to the swimming class and left a little early so I could get home and take Bill to the eye dr to get his glasses. Well, the eye is still a little swollen so he couldn't get the eye glass prescription, but the dr said to get #3 reading glasses. We have to continue to put drops in his eye 4 times a day and go back in 2 weeks. That is probably why he can't read the littler print in the newspaper.


Then I dropped him off at work and came home for a couple of hours before I had to go pick him up again. Lots of "running" yesterday. Today I went to the exercise class and he drove himself. He can see good distances but its just the small print he still has trouble with. I think all will be good for when we go on the cruise.


I saw Marianne put on FB that you could get coupons for $50 worth of money for the ship casino for $25, so I bought us each one. That way it won't cost so much to play for a while. You can get them for any ship it looks like. I also set up the ride back from the ship, the bus tour of New Orleans and then get dropped off at the airport. Still looking at other shore excursions but might just play it by ear and see whats close to the ship at the different ports.


Yes that was a surprise that they all got to stay on DWTS, don't you think that one gal has really strange eyes? The one that got all 10's. Seems she has them open too wide all the time.


How did your Bill do at the dr? Everything coming along good?


Got an appmnt for Tinker this afternoon at 2:15, then she will be done with going to the vet for a long while again, unless something else comes up.


Its cold but sunny here today, wanted to cut some grass but don't know how long I'll be at the vets office. Maybe if there is till time I'll do a little when I get home again.

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Sharon, it is good that Tinker will finally be OK once again. Lucky you were able to stay around and take better care of her. It is about the same here as far as the weather. Cold but sunny. We have had some very good frosts the past few mornings. I guess over the weekend or next week the temps could go back into the 60's once again.


Bill went to both Dr's yesterday. He was OK when checked out at the skin Dr. However, at the foot Dr, he will have to go back on Friday. The Dr was concerned that the stitches may break as of yesterday it had not been a week yet. Today is one week from the surgery. So he was disappointed, and he will just have to go back on Friday. The Dr is conservative as far as the treatment.


So will you be able to get Bill fitted for the new glasses before your cruise? I guess, that eyes are so sensitive, that it is taking longer to heal up and for the swelling to go down. I should say you have been very busy driving Bill around and also doing all of your own running as well.


I stopped trying to figure out what is going on with DWTS. I agree that she has some strange eyes. Also the judging has been a huge surprise for the audience as well.


So you saw this deal on the discount from Marianne that you will be able to use on your ship? It pays to stay in touch with people and pass along these good savings. It sounds like you are moving along with your plans for your cruise. I like doing as much as possible before the cruise so you know in advance what you will be doing and also get the best price for the excursion.




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Got the staples out at the vet, then got home and realized that I had forgotten my purse there. They had already called by the time I got home so I called them back and told them I was on my way. Sometimes I think I would forget my head if it wasn't attached. I also had planned to ask the vet while I was there if there was any other meds Tinker could take for her incontinence. But I also forgot to do that. Guess I'll wait a few days and just give them a call. I think I am giving her the maximum of the pills she has and they are not working too good. She sleeps so sound she wets on her blankets. I have a big sheet of heavy plastic under it so the carpet does not get wet, but its alot of work washing her blankets all the time.


One of the gals from zumba and exercise started going to a place in Lake Geneva that gives vitamin B shots and appetite suppressant pills. She is supposed to eat only lean meat, vegetables and eggs for 5 days then she can start adding other things. Will be interesting to see if it works or if she can stay on it. Like me, I know exactly what to do, but I don't do it! I thought with the cruise as an incentive I could do pretty good, but so far, no, not lost a thing.


I have a big pot of beef stew cooking for tonight, it will be nice and warm for a cold night. Then we will go and visit with the girls and maybe dance for a while tonight. We did not get any snow ....thank goodness, but it sure is cold today.


Seems both are Bills are in the same predicament, both have to go back again to the dr. I think because my Bill is older it is taking longer to heal than it did the last time when he was about 5 years younger. We will be done with the drops by then, and hopefully they can get the glasses made before we go. Thought we had plenty of time doing it in the first part of Oct.

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Sharon, yes it is better to be safe on the health end of things. So both of our Bill's have to go back to get treated. The older we get, the longer our bodies take to heal properly.


I would be interested to hear if your friend has the success on the B shots. You are going on a cruise, but I can't loose anything here no mater what I do. I cannot figure out you, as you do so much in exercising all of the time and you are still having problems. There must be an easier way.


Did you see that piece on TV about all of the dogs that have gotten sick and even died form taking treats from things from China? I was thinking about that when you brought up Tinker.


Don't feel so bad, as I have done the very same thing as you with my purse. I have also left both personal and work credit cards at the place where we were eating and never got it back from them. Then I drive myself crazy trying to remember where I left it.


Funny, I baked a pot of stew on Tuesday. Very simple comfort food. Another night of freezing temps, and no snow for us either the other night. It is funny also to see all of the white tops on the roofs in the morning. So now I have a nail and hair appointment after work today.


Last night we book a show for Medieval Times 1 week form this Saturday. Have you ever been there? We also booked a hotel room for that night so we do not have to drive home in the dark. Then on that Sunday I can go to check out Woodfield Mall as I have never been there either.


How was the dance place last night? Have a good day today.




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I went to Medieval times many years ago, it is fun, you eat with your hands, they don't give you any silverware (at least that was how it was). So you might want to stick some in your purse. Did you get a Groupon for a reduced rate?


I used to work by Woodfield Mall so I would go over there on my lunch hour. I'm sure there are many different stores there now that was about 10 years ago.


I don't have any of the jerky treats that they were talking about, usually give Tinker Pupperoni or Bacon treats. She is so spoiled, we give her bites of our food and she is getting to not want to eat her dog food.


I know wouldn't you think with all the exercise I do that I would be skinny minny? I talked with the gal today at zumba and she said she is doing good on the diet but its only been 3 days. The test will come on the weekend when they usually go out to eat.


The gals last night said next week we should wear costumes for Halloween, but I don't know if we will or not. Maybe a cowboy hat and boots, since we already have those things.


So you should be looking pretty spiffy, with your hair and nails done, going somewhere this weekend? I need to color my hair, lots of gray showing around the edges. I think I can go another couple of weeks before getting it trimmed again.


We had snow flurries last night when we were coming home, just very light ones but they were kind of pretty. Very cold and will be again tonight, heard all the way down to the 20's.

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Yes Sharon, it has been real cold at night. But I guess it will be warming up over the weekend and into next week into the 60's. At night it does get cold, and we have not gotten any snow as of yet.


I only have bunco tonight. So it will be real late for me by the time I do get home early in the morning. There is nothing planned for us yet. We may go out on Sunday to look at more houses. The area we have been going to, is out for anything further. We have been there twice now and nothing, I feel nothing for the future either. So we will have to try another area.


I go about once a month for my nails and also my hair. This is for me and me alone. I feel I deserve that one thing just for me. The place is just across the street from where I work and everyone there is very friendly. They even offer wine while there.


Yes, we did get a discount in ordering the tickets for the Medieval Times. It was like a $60.00 discount on the tickets. Bill upgraded the package so we will get either first row or second row center with a picture included. I did not know that about eating everything with your hands. So thank you for the advice. I may just bring some plastic things so I do not have to use my fingers. So we can get there early on Saturday as we have a late afternoon show and check in to the hotel. Then perhaps on Sunday, before we head back home, I can do some shopping. So that event is 1 week form this Saturday.


That is good that you were not using the stuff for Tinker that they were talking about. It will be interesting to see if these B shots are working for your friend. What is up with you anyway. Yes, I always think that I should be doing much more than I do, especially when I hear about all of the exercising that you are doing. I am sure it is frustrating for you as well.


We are not big on getting dressed up either. But having a hat and cowboy boots sound like the way to go for next week. You might as well do that and enjoy everyone else, there will always be other's who will go all out when dressing in costumes.




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Nice and sunny today but there is a really cold wind. Bill wants to get the ladder out and clean the gutters. I told him I didn't think he should be doing that, so for right now he's waiting to see if the wind stops. His eye still looks a little red and we are still putting drops in it, but he seems to be able to see out of it better than before he had it done, at least far away sight.


We went uptown and had a bowl of soup for lunch, they are having a family fun fest, but unfortunately there is hardly anyone there. Not many vendors and not many people. Too bad, maybe its the cold weather.


Either going to the resort to see the costumes that people come in for their Halloween party or go to the show and see gravity tonight. Haven't quite decided yet which one to do.


Went to the dance place last night, but Bill was tired so we only danced 2 dances and then visited for the rest of the night. I told him he should start staying home on Fridays and maybe taking a nap so he can feel refreshed to go out.


Its hard to find a new place to live that fits with what you want and where you want to be, don't give up though, just keep on looking.


Say that beauty shop that also serves wine sounds pretty nice, I'll have to tell Bill's daughter that maybe she should do that, but I think she would have to get a liquor license and I don't know how much that would cost.

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Sharon, they do not have a liquor licence as they are not selling it. It is kind of a perk for the customers. Bill has a barber shop where he has liquor in the back for some of his good customers. Bill never partakes of it at all, but there are some who do. It is kind of a hush, hush situation that is not advertised or spread around.


What you are saying, kind of reminds me of this commercial that I see on TV a lot about cleaning gutters and the leaf clog system and how people should not be up on ladders cleaning gutters because of the risk of falling. I would think that the last thing you need is to have Bill have an accident cleaning gutters.


Wow, you have not been to a show for such a long time, and now you went last week and are considering going once again. I would say that you are in the groove now with this comfortable theater that you are going to. I think I would fall over if Bill said to me, let's go to a show.


Once I got home form work on Friday, we went to the club to get something to eat. On Fridays they have all you can eat fish dinners. I am not a fish eater but Bill likes fish. So that was quick and easy as I did not have much time before I had to leave for bunco. Normally they have a Halloween Party, but this year is a no. Instead they are having a scavenger hunt and a bon fire later on in the evening. We have gone to the parties before, but will not do the hunt or bon fire this year.


I agree, it is hard looking for places. The more we look the more I do not want to leave where we are. I like what we have, but Bill feels it is time to find another place to live.




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We did not go to the show or to the costume party at the resort, instead we went out to eat and came home, I did not sleep very well the night before and was tired. Sunday we went to church, Bill went with me for a change, and after the service they had a German buffet. There was only one service, usually there are two so it was very crowded. We had t wait in line quite a while to get to the buffet but they had lots and lots of food. We had the spateazle covered with goulash, a piece of rotisserie chicken, bratwurst, sauerkraut, roast pork loin, cheese and crackers and quite a few other things. For dessert we had a piece of black forest cake. So we were really stuffed by the time we left. They also had a group come from Milwaukee with their lederhosen outfits, they did a couple of German dances to the music of an accordion player. We got home around 2pm and Bill took a nap while I took Tinker for a walk. Around 5 we went to the resort and we were the only ones there so it was good and restful.


I see about the wine, thats a nice touch, especially going after work, you can relax and enjoy it.


Today had the exercise class, it was kind of warm in the gym so we were all sweating pretty good. The gal that is getting the vitamin B shots and diet pills has lost 7 pound in 8 days. She is eating mostly protein, meats and eggs and can have salad with oil and vinegar dressing, veggies like green beans brussel sprouts. Says she is not hungry at all in between or at meals. She takes the pill about a half an hour before a meal. She said they told her she could take two pills each time but one is working really good for her now.


I have seen that commercial about the gutters too, Bill said he wonders if they really work, you know when the leaves get kind of crispy they break into little pieces so wondering if they wouldn't get in the gutter thru the little holes anyway. We only have the one tree in our yard but it is very close to the house.


Cold and windy again today, brrr

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Sharon, it is sunny and warmer from where it has been around here. It does get cold in the evening. I heard a lot of rain headed in Tuesday night and through Wednesday, and even into the 60's. This time of year, I will take any break form the cold.


The great thing about this time of year, is not having a lot of kids to deal with when you go to the resort. It must feel good to have the place all to yourselves.


It sounds like you got a good deal with the German food and entertainment of Sunday after church. October and October fest type of activities are a great part of this time of the year. Very festive and the food it great as well. Although, I am sure you will agree, that they always give you way too much food to eat at one time.


Now you have sparked some interest about your friend and her diet. Loosing about a pound a day sounds like she is on her way to looking good. I do not know what your feelings are on this diet, but I would be interested in hearing more about it and perhaps if it might be something I might be interested in as well.


I guess the main thing is staying off of ladders and going up high and possibly injuring yourself. They must work but I would imagine that the system is most likely expensive. But then again , guess there are many different kinds of systems to choose from.


Tonight is our usual 1/2 price burgers night and then time to plan what we will do for the rest of the week as far as eating.


Enjoy the nicer weather and walking with Tinker as well. Those days with the bad stuff is quickly approaching, so enjoy it while it lasts.




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I know she got the diet plan for half price, which is $100.00, supposed to be enough for two weeks but you can go every week to weigh in and have that accountability feature. I think she said you have to pay more, but not sure when. I'll try to find out tge name of the place on Wed when I see her again. I know she goes to Lake Geneva and there is another one in Rockford so maybe there would be one by you. You can probably look it up on the computer with the name.


We did do the gutters tonight, freezing cold and windy. He could only climb up the ladder about six times so I had to climb the last few. He said this is the last year we will do it, will pay someone next year.

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