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Sharon, I will just wait and see what kind of info you can give me about this diet plan. I also would like to hear what your opinion is on this program as well.


It is cold and supposed to warm up into the 50's once again, today with rain forecast for tonight. Cleaning gutters are and can be dangerous, so it is best to pay someone else to do that job. We have coupons for 1/2 off dinners at a place not too far away from here. So we may start using them and even possibly for carry-out, so we can enjoy right in the comfort of our own place without distractions. Plus this one place is mainly carry-out as it is really not set up for sit dawn. We might as well try it and see if we like it enough to go back.


You probably got the same thing in your mail as well. I got $50 coupons for both Kohl's and Carson's last week, that I have to make a point in going over the next 2 weeks to use them. I know you are always getting such great deals at Kohl's. Plus we are getting into that time of year when we will be getting ready for those Black Friday sales and long hours and opening up all night for there annual sales.




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I got a $10 gift card and 15% off card for Kohls, used them today, got a henly style top on sale for $19 and I ended up paying $4 and some change. I save $21 and some change. Just went there to pay last months bill and then started looking around. That was all that I found that I wanted today so that was good.


Its actually pretty nice outside, a little on the chilly side but much better than yesterday. Too bad I couldn't get Bill to wait till today to do the gutters. He thought it was going to rain and didn't want the leaves to get all packed in. Maybe it will rain later but its still nice and sunny.


Had some cottage cheese and mandarin oranges for lunch, I forgot how good that is! Yes by all means use your coupons and see if you like the restaurants enough to go back. I have a small sliced ham and will heat that up for dinner tonight, maybe make some au gratin potatoes to go with.


Did the swimming today and feel really tired, didn't get much done at home, but theres always tomorrow.

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Sharon, there is always tomorrow. Yes, it did turn out to be a real nice day today. I heard that most areas will get over an inch of rain from tonight through Thursday. We do need the rain before winter settles in anyway.


Where there any surprises for you on DWTS? If I can get out of here at a reasonable time now, then we will either use a coupon to go out to eat or we will just call our order in and go to pick it up. I guess next week or is it this Sunday we do the time change. Then it will really be getting dark real fast. Kind of a depressing time of the year. But at least we will get an extra hour of sleep.


Will you be swimming all through the winter? Bill has not been swimming himself for a few months now. I asked him last week if he plans on going swimming again. He said he will start up again this week.


It is hard to plan on how much candy I will need for Thursday. It will also depend on how much rain we get as well. The past few years I end bringing most of it to work afterwards as we usually do not get many, as I have the candy for. These days with all of the regulations there are and parents afraid of sending their kids out, is why there are not as many as there used to be.


Enjoy the rest of your evening,




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I didn't think Snooky was going to get voted off, but was glad the other guy got to stay. He tries really hard and is a good comedian.


Bill and I will continue to swim all winter on the weekends. My water aerobics class and my exercise class sessions both end the end of Nov. Then nothing the month of Dec, except zumba. The other two classes start back up in Jan.


We never get any kids for Halloween, too far out of town. I think we turn the clocks back this weekend. You are right it then continues to get darker until Dec 21st the shortest day of the year.

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Sharon, fond memories of the longest day of the year and equal light and night time. It is kind of depressing now. Although, I just remembered we are going to Medieval Times for a Saturday matinee show and then we will actually be staying in a hotel out there over night. So that may not be too bad. I am kind of looking forward to the show and the experience, as I have heard many good things over the years and now I can see it myself.


It is good that both you and Bill can enjoy the resort over the winter. Best of all, you usually do not have to deal with lots of kids either, except maybe a few times during the holidays. It is good that you do not have to deal with the kids on Thursday. With the way some of them behave, it is always a good idea to have someone around our house, so the older one's do not get themselves into any trouble, if you know what I mean?


We started getting light rain last night before I went to bed and more expected today later on. This morning there was light fog. I guess it could get into the 60's today and tomorrow. How is Tinker been doing? It is luck that you were able to stay around for her. Do you have everything all lined up with your sitter while you are on your cruise?



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We had really, really thick fog this morning, and light fog most of the day. Looks pretty good right now though which is good because we will be going to visit with the girls tonight. One of them wants us all to dress up, but I know Bill won't and I probably will just wear a Halloween t shirt from last year.


Tinker has been doing good, she sleeps so sound though the incontinence is getting worse even with the pills. But with that heavy gauge plastic under her blankets I can deal with it. She doesn't ever go when she is just up walking around, only when she is sleeping. Kind of like a little kid wetting the bed. We do have the pet sitter all lined up, I always do that before I book anything. Really hate to leave her but have to think everything will be alright while we are gone. At least that what I keep telling myself. I will have her take Tinker for a walk every couple of days if the weather is nice enough and that should help her keep walking.


We did not get any rain, although they kept saying we would, looks like it all went south of us.


Yes some kids do get into things on Halloween, hopefully nothing too drastic by your house or by ours.


One of the couples on the cruise had said they were booking a Rose Hill Tour in Jamaica did anyone want to go with. So I said we would and she put the email address on the post so I could contact him. Well, I tried and it didn't go through, tried another one and same thing, tried going to his website and emailing from there, looks like it went through but no reply, so today I just booked through NCL. I told her sometimes when things are that difficult you have to listen and change your plans. Maybe we weren't supposed to go on the tour, who knows!

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Sharon, it started raining lightly here around 3:30 and last night it was real light stuff. I guess the heavy stuff will come later on tonight and into tomorrow.


Well just like humans, I always say, it is tough to get old. Tinker is having the very same problems that the older folks have. The only difference, she cannot wear a diaper. Like you said, hopefully all will be OK while you are away. This sitter has been good in the past, so no reason to think any different this time.


Bill will be home, so hopefully all will be OK for tomorrow night, or rather tomorrow afternoon. I think the hours are from 4 until 7. Although I think 7 is way too late. Only trouble makers are on the streets at that hour. If it rains like they are saying, then the rain should take care of things.


What happened to you wearing your cowboy hat and boots like you said you were going to wear last week? Anyway, it should be a real good evening to be out tonight visiting and perhaps some dancing as well.


When I came home form lunch today, Bill was power washing the house and garage, cleaning all of the dirt off from the construction. He has had this power washer in the garage that he had bought a few years ago and has never taken it out of the box before today.


Rose Hill, that sounds familiar but I cannot place it just now. What is it and what is it all about? So you could not get into this guy's e-mail and you just booked the same tour through NCL instead? We usually find that the cruise sponsored tours are much more expensive. Yet they can be much safer and you never have to worry about being late. as the ship will always wait for their own tours.


We were not as foggy as you this morning, yet it was still foggy. I would think we will have fog once again either tonight and tomorrow or both with the mild temps that are forecast.


Have fun tonight,




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The Rose Hill Tour is on Jamaica, supposed to be some real big mansion with some interesting history behind it. Yes since I had so much trouble with trying to get reservations through the other guy I just went with NCL, its only a $9 difference and less hassle. The couple that asked if anyone wanted to go with them offered to book it for me but I figured if I couldn't get through maybe something isn't right? Just a thought.


Last night just changed my mind at the last minute and wore a Halloween tshirt instead. One of the gals made her costume, it was the leg lamp from The Christmas Story. She is real handy at sewing and it was great, even had black fringe around the bottom of the "lampshade".


Well, I was wrong about the rain going south, it started here yesterday afternoon and has been raining off and on all night and now all day. Our town's trick or treat hours are 5 to 8 pm. The latest start and end of all towns around. Thats just too late, like you say troublemakers like it when its dark out.

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Sharon, it sounds like both of our areas have gotten the same amounts of rain. It was raining much harder yesterday and into the night. It started here around 3:30. Today it has been raining all day but much lighter than yesterday. I agree, the villages people who put those hours out for trick or treating are nuts. It is way too late at both ends. Ours is from 4-7:30, and even that stop time is too late. Once it gets dark, that should be the end of it all.


It sounds like you had a real good times last night. The lady who made that costume is very talented to come up with something such as that.


I was thinking the very same thing about trusting someone you do not know on-line with doing a booking. Especially when you were having trouble. For only a $9 difference, it is best to stay with the NCL booking. You will be safer and better organized. Well that sounds like a real interesting tour. I am sure you will have other fun things planned before you depart.


Hopefully this rain will keep most of the trouble makers off the streets. But then again, it is times like this that brings them out. Too bad isn't it.




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Finally got back on the computer! We went out on Friday night, there was a costume party at the dance place. There were some great costumes but the voting was by crowd applause and the ones that won were the ones that had the most friends with them, not the ones with the best costumes. Really bad way to pick the winners.


On Saturday we went up to eat at Perkins Restaurant and when we came out my car wouldn't start. We called AAA and waited for 1 1/2 hrs for them to come. With a quick charge on the battery it started right up. Never had any idea there was anything wrong with the battery before that. Then we got home just in time to change clothes and go to a bday party in Rockford. We took Bill's car since after we turned mine off it wouldn't start again. Had a nice time and left the party about 10pm. About half way home we got a flat tire. We called Onstar since Bill has it on his car. They tried and tried to find someone to come and help us, for probably an hour or more. We were sitting along side the road between a couple of corn fields where it was pitch black. They finally said they couldn't find anyone who would come to that area so they called the local police. They said we weren't in the town so they called the county Sheriff. So now its about 12:30 am and we are getting to wonder if we are ever going to get home. Finally the squad pulled up and he was very nice. When I told him how long we had been waiting he couldn't believe it and said he would have someone out right away and he would wait with us to make sure we were ok. So pretty soon a wrecker came and the guy changed the tire. I asked him where he came from and he said about 2 miles down the road, he lives there. Don't know why Onstar couldn't find anyone! He charged us $85 and Bill gave him a $15 tip. Onstar should reimburse us for the cost. We got home around 1:30am.


On Sunday we went up to the Auto store place and they changed my battery for me. Today Bill went up and got 2 new tires on his car. So we should be go to go again now.


Bill goes to the glasses dr tomorrow to see if his eye is healed all up and if he can get glasses. He doesn't need them anymore for distance, just for reading. I'm finally getting used to seeing him with out the glasses.


Had a nice exercise class today, only have a few weeks left of it and then there is a break during December. Got a message from my pet sitter that their kids want to have a big birthday party for her husband, while we are gone, and could her associate take care of Tinker a couple of days instead of her. She did once before so I hope it works out ok. One more thing to worry about now.


Very windy here today, almost 50 but cold!

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Sharon, wow what a absolutely horrible day you had on Saturday. I know if that would have happened to us, Bill would have been fit to be tied. At least I would think for your car not starting, that you were waiting inside of Perkins. Being out in the corn fields was not good at all. I guess the saying, when it rains it pours, would be correct for your experience on Saturday. Let's hope now, like you say, all will be OK now.


I have been to parties like that before and you are right, having a crowd is not the best way to judge. As more often, the person who wins, is not the best, and only for friends and loud ones at that, is the only reason they would win.


Another comment I will make about your bad experience on Saturday night. On Star is advertised all of the time. What happened to you is inexcusable. Since the person who actually came was only 2 miles away and lived right in town. Come on, On Star, what was wrong with them.


Hopefully Bill will be able to get his glasses tomorrow or at least order them, and hopefully they will arrive before you leave for your cruise. Also, I hope the associate will be as good as your regular pet sitter. If she has helped out in the past, then she should be good to help out once again.


Thank you for giving me the advice for bringing the plastic eating forks and knives for the eating at the Medieval Times on Saturday. We had a 4:30 show and it lasted 2 hours, and that was about 1/2 too long for us. It was a good performance and very exciting. Kids really enjoyed the show much more than adults, as there were loads of kids there. We got a good discount and great seats, in the first row. Someone told me they do not give you much food. But I thought that they gave you more than enough food, and we were both very happy wit the dinner.


Our hotel was only 5 minutes away from the castle. We screwed up on Sunday and especially with the hour being turned back. We left our hotel and ended at Woodfield around 9. We were able to enter the mall as I forgot about all of the mall walkers. Bill has never seen this before, and he was very surprised on how many people where there just walking all over the place. It was interesting to watch.


We did not want to wait for 2 hours for the stores to open, so we did walk around for an hour and left. So I had an idea to go to Yorktown, and then go to Von Maur. So that was only 20 minutes away from Woodfield and we went in that mall as well and just waited for the stores to open. I could not believe that Bill has gone down 10 pant sizes. I could only hope for that to happen to me.


So we got some new pants and a belt for him, and I got some good deals as well with tops and pants that were marked down. Bill sat and listened to the lady playing the piano, waiting for me to shop. It was poor planning on our part, as we could have stayed at the hotel and then gone to the mall at Woodfield. That mall was only about 5 minutes away form the hotel as well.


We also decided, that since, more than likely, Bill will have his surgery on the 14th early in the morning. So he thought it would be best to stay downtown across from the hospital, so we do not have to get up so early on that day. We can leave once I get home from work.


I agree, it has been windy and cold here as well. Even though, they said it would be in the 50's, it seems colder. Last week when we got all of that rain, our area got over 2" of rainfall during that period. Starting tomorrow night and into Wednesday, they are calling for over an 1" of rain for that period. It is supposed to be in the 60's, but lots of rain.


Sorry you had such a bold experience over the weekend. Let's hope that never happens again.




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Wow 10 pant sizes, bet he looks and feels terrific! I asked the gal today at exercise how she was doing and the name of the place. Its Medfast and I think they have them all over. However after her first lose she has not lost anymire. She was going back to weigh in today so I'll let you know what they say.


Don't you hate it when you do something like that with the time change! You could have had a nice leisure morning and still got to the Woodfield mall by the time it opened. I hadn't heard of the place you went but sounds like you got some really good deals.


We saw Bills daughter on Sunday she is setting up a get together dinner for all Bills kids in a couple of weeks at a local restaurant. She said since we would be gone for Thanksgiving it would be nice to plan an alternative.


I'm not real happy about the different pet sitter for a couple of the days. Tinker knows the regular gal and I did make sure she was available before I made any plans. But what can you do but say ok and hope for the best.


Hope its nicer outside tomorrow

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Sharon, yes he was at a size 46, and now he just bought a 36. We both said the same thing when we were walking out of the mall. Why didn't we just stay at the hotel longer. Well, live and learn. Another episode on DWTS last night. You can go on-line and look, that place up as they are all over the place. They are not around you and I think the furthest north they are is in Glenview.


Well that will be nice, for Bill's daughter to organize a get together before you leave. I would still be interested to hear how that gal is doing and why she has not lost any more since the initial loss.


I guess it is going into the 60's today as it has not been out of the 50's around here. Hopefully not as windy today. Then much later on tonight, and into tomorrow, we are forecast for over an inch of rain. It will not be as heavy as what we got last week, but still a significant amount.


So this replacement pet sitter has never been to your house before? I know what you mean, and if you did say anything, you might not have a sitter at all. So all you can do is to hope for the best.




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The other gal did come one time before but its been several years so I know Tinker won't remember her. I'm going to ask the regular pet sitter to have her come with a couple of times so she can get familiar again with her, otherwise she might not take the pills from her.


It has started raining here already and is cold and damp and dark. Not a very nice day. We did have a good workout in the pool. We had a gal that was staying at the hotel with some other gals for a couple of days. They were from Chicago. All the other gals went for a manicure and pedicure but she came to the workout. She really enjoyed it, said she had been to some others and this was the best by far.


Bill was again not able to get the glasses ordered. Dr wants him to wait another 3 weeks. Well, we will still be here, but there won't be time to get a pair of glasses, so he'll just have to wait until we come back to get them.


I'll talk to the gal tomorrow and see what they said when she went in to weigh on Wednesday. Hopefully she doesn't lose her enthusiasm, she was all excited to start losing.

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Sharon, I agree that today was nothing like they said it would be, as far as the temps go. It was raining here as well and damp and cold. I thought it was going into the 60's. Although, yesterday and all through the night, it never got out of the 50's. They are still saying a lot more rain is coming into the area. I am still not used to it getting dark so early.


It is a very good idea to have this other gal come, so Tinker will get used to her. Let's hope that all will be OK, during the time you are away. It seems like that is always the way. Once you have set plans and are trying to get everything all together, then things change. Too bad that Bill will not have his new glasses before you depart for your cruise. Will he be OK, during your time away without the new glasses? What was the reason the Dr wants to wait?


We now have friends that will be joining us on our cruise in 2015. It is a long way off. But something to look forward to. I feel it is always better to be with someone else you already know, versus just talking to someone on forms who you know, but have never met before. We have met some very nice people in the past. But most often, once the cruise is finished, thus you never see or have contact with any of them again.


I will be interested to find out from that lady, if the diet is actually working or if it was only a temporary loss. I would hope that the benefits would be long standing, and just not a shot in the dark. If I would not be able to keep off the weight, then what is the point of being on any specific diet.




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Yes Bill can see distance just fine, and with the #3 reading glasses he can read anything he wants to. So its not really going to be a problem not getting the new glasses. The dr thinks his eye is still getting better and doesn't want to give him a prescription that won't work in a few more weeks. So we will just wait and he can get them when we get back.


It would be kind of nice to go with someone, but on the other hand sometimes you end up waiting for them to do the things that you want to do, or doing the things that they want to do but you don't. We don't usually buddy up with anyone on the cruise but its nice to see some familiar faces every once in a while after you meet them at the meet and greet.


I was surprised today 3 of the gals from zumba, including the instructor, came to the forever fit exercise class. They liked it and thought it was a very good work out. The gal that is trying to lose weight didn't come today, but I'll probably see her tomorrow at zumba.


It has been raining since yesterday and we have about 1 1/2 inches of rain so far. The temp has already dropped to 41 and its getting windy. Very nasty day!

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Sharon, we have had about the same as you as far as rainfall. Like you said, it is going to drop now and it will be damp and cold tonight and for the next few days. So is that what your water workout classes are called, forever fit? When I came home form lunch today, Bill said he went back to swimming at the pool. He has also joined a month long program that he got a deal on Amazon. It is called CrossFit. So he has been going there as well everyday.


Well that is good, that Bill can see, and certainly the longer he is out from his surgery, the better his vision will improve. So it will be good just to wait until you return to get the new glasses. I agree wit you on going with other people that you have to wait on or do things that you do not want to do. We have been on a cruise with these people before in the past. When we went to Vancouver earlier this year, these are the people we met up with while there.


They are going on this same exact cruise in April of 2014. We have booked the April 2015 cruise, and this will be a repeat for them. They are doing it once again, to be with us. This is a Hawaii cruise and it ends in Vancouver. So we have a long time to decide on what we will do. If they want to do something that we do not want to do, that will be OK, and vise versa. We will rent a car in Honolulu together. Basically Bill and this other Bill, a lot of Bill's, will hang out together, while myself and the other lady can shop.


The leaves are really starting to fall around here. With all of this rain and winds, another couple of weeks and they should all be down. Perhaps when the rain lets up later on you can take Tinker for a walk before it really gets cold. The one draw back for winter, is that you cannot take her out walking during the bad winter weather.




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The forever fit class is the Mon, Wed, Fri exercise class, the water aerobics class doesn't' have a name. Both of them are having parties at the end of the sessions, both on Dec 10th. The water class is having theirs at 12pm and she had a list of things she wanted people to bring so that was good. I am bringing 2 bags of baked potato chips, easy. The other party is at 6pm and she wants you to bring either an appetiser or a dessert. Luckily we will be back in time for me to go to them.


Very very cold this morning, 32 degrees only, with a breeze. Had a good zumba class and got warmed up good. Your Bill will now firm up everything with that cross fix class and be looking pretty good very soon!


The gal going to the Medical Weight Loss place (thats the name, I think I told you the wrong name before) said she is down 9 pounds. They told her to eat more. She is supposed to eat 10 proteins and 4 vegetables a day. She bought some pills from them that make you not hungry and also some that make you feel full. Her husband wanted to try them and he has lost 7 pounds in a couple of days. She said it was $55 every two weeks when she goes plus the cost of the pills. The web site is medicalweightlossllc dot com. There was a coupon in our Sunday paper for $40 off the initial start up appointment. I'm just going to stick with the exercise programs and try to eat more protein and less carbs. So far nothing works for me but just think if I wasn't trying at all!

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Sharon, thank you for sending me this info. I will go to check it out. I agree with you, just imagine how you would be if you did not exercise the way you have been doing. I have to give you all the credit, as you do so much to exercise, and you stick with it. My problem, I do not stick with things long enough. Well, that is good that your exercise places will have an end of the season party for you all and it is good that things are well organized on what everyone will be bringing. Well those times for the 2 parties, and having them both on the same day, will work out great for you. Do you think there will be a lot in attendance, or will many of the participants be gone already to their warm climate places?


It did get down real cold here last night as well. This was the first time that I have woke up to see ice that has formed where the water was in some places. It has not been all that warm here either today.


I knew that you were going to a lot of different things, but I just did not know the names of them all. What are your plans while on your cruise, as far as working out or staying on top of things, as far as your diet? I really do not like taking any kind of pills. So I will look everything up and see what I think about the program. Bill is even getting on me, when I get sick and do not take the proper type of medication that I should be taking. I just do not like taking pills.


It gets light early in the morning now, but the down side, it gets too dark early in the evening.




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I can't take those diet pills either, I get too jittery and they don't make me feel good.


I had a mammogram today and they say something, said it was where the spot was last year only bigger. So I had to have an ultra sound. She kept doing it and doing it and pressing and it really got to hurting. Finally she said she would go show the radiologist and he may come back in with her. Well he did come in and said they had found 3 different places, but he was pretty sure they were cists. So I have to go back in 6 months so they can check them again. I told Bill I am almost ready to go the way of Angelina Jolie and have it taken off so I don't have to go through this every year now.


So going out tonight, but Bill came home with a stomach ache. He does that quite often, so its enough that I have to keep worrying about whats going on with him. Usually after he is home for a while he gets better so maybe nerves. We had asked the dr the last time he was in, before his eye surgery and he kind of ruled out an ulcer but didn't say what else could be going on.

If it keeps up, I'm going to make him go back to the dr and demand an ultra sound of that area.


Ok, tired of worrying, going to try and forget about it for the weekend!


It does get very dark very quick now and isn't done yet, it will keep on until the 21st of Dec, the shortest day of the year. I heard we might get some snow next Tuesday, but thats a long way off so just keep hoping they are wrong.


Enjoy your weekend!

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Sharon, I am so sorry that you had to go through what you did yesterday. I agree they are way too rough with the process. I want through that 2 years ago and it is real scary. There must be a better way not to put us through so much discomfort each and every time we have this done. We can only hope for the best, the next time you go back in.


So were you able to go out last night? If Bill keeps having stomach problems, then you should have that Dr do some more tests and get to the bottom of what is going on, before something else surfaces.


My daughter called me up a few days ago to baby sit her 3 boys this morning. I told her I had a nail appointment. I ended canceling the appointment and I do not know when I will be able to reschedule. We are staying downtown on Wednesday, for Bill's surgery on Thursday. He will stay over night and I will pick him up Friday afternoon, if all goes OK, and there are no complications, like the last time he had this done last year. He stayed in 6 night that time.


Then later on today I have to go to a bowling alley around here for a kids B-Day party. The same daughter and the oldest GS. So I will be up to it today, with being around so many kids. They all just tire me out very quickly.


Sunday, I have a friend who has relatives that are selling their houses in the spring, in the area we have been looking at. So we may drive there and check out these 2 places and see what they look like. I do not like to hear about it getting darker earlier than it already is. But you are right, we have to wait until 12/21 for things to turn around, where it starts getting lighter. I thought it would have gotten much colder last night, but it only went down to 45 degrees this morning.


You have a good weekend,




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Well they weren't wrong about the snow...only the day. We got the snow today, it was only supposed to be a dusting but the grass is completely covered and the temperature dropped also. Looking ahead they are saying that it should get up to the 40's by Thurs so it should all be gone pretty quick, bet there will be a lot of accidents though, people don't take as much care as they should with the first snow.


We got lots done yesterday, still working on getting stuff put away for the winter. Hoses in, and water turned off to outside, swing and umbrella put away off the deck and I finally got the last of the paths through the field cut with the mower.


We went to the pool and it was packed, lots of people from either Chicago or Milwaukee. Couldn't figure out how come, then Bill's daughter, who was there also said its because of Veterans day. People have off or their kids do.


Only a couple more weeks of exercise class and I think I am ready for a break. It will be good to just relax on the ship, but I probably won't do that. I will probably do some of the activities they have going on. Bill likes to sit out on the balcony and watch the water and read.


So wondering if you will get the snow or if it is too warm by you.

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Sharon, it started raining much earlier than they said it would. Then it started snowing a few hours ago.The temps have been dropping all day, just like they said it would. East of us, about 20 miles or so, is supposed to get a lot more snow. I feel no matter what we get, like you say, it will all be gone shortly. One, the ground is too warm and next, the temps will be warming up over the next few days.


You are right, all of the accidents are caused from people forgetting how to drive in these conditions. People drive too fast, no matter what the conditions are. This makes it even worse. You certainly did do a lot outside over the weekend to finish off your outside work.


It is good that you were able to get to the pool. Being that today is a holiday and many veterans are being honored, could be one reason they had peopled from different areas staying at the resort. Getting an extra day off is always good, no matter what the reason is.


I am sure that there will be some activity on the ship that you will enjoy being a part of. Bill enjoys relaxing sitting and looking out at the water. Ships always have many activities for everyone to participate in. I am sure you will find things that will be of interest to you. So go to enjoy and relax and get all that you can. If this weather is not a good incentive for you to get away, and forget about the daily grind around here, then I do not know what would. Even though this is the time of year to expect this weather. After a great summer, I feel it is never welcome.




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Very cold today, much too cold too early! They are saying we will get down to 9 degrees tonight.


Had a pretty big class today again in the water. Thought most had left for Florida but guess not yet. Was talking to a couple that come after the class every Tuesday. We were talking about restaurants, Chinese ones in particular, so tonight I told Bill I wanted to go to the local Chinese restaurant, so we did. It was very good too.


I made an appointment for an eye exam, need to get a new pair of glasses and got a coupon from Lenscrafters, where I have went before in Janesville. Its for $249.00 for a complete pair of progressive lenses glasses. I really only need them for reading and have been using dollar store ones.


Saw there were quite a few people getting married today because of the date 11/12/13.

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I haven't lost any more pounds, but I continue to lose inches, so I'm not worried about it. I'm now between a size six and a size four, and expect that I'll lose another full size before I reach my fitness goal.


Of course the problem is now that 90% of my wardrobe doesn't fit, and what does is still big on me. I don't want to spend the money in alterations or new clothing until I reach my goal, so I'm trying to make due for now.


By the way, does anyone know how many sizes a good seamstress can bring clothing down? I hope she might be able to alter the eights to fit a four, but doubt it for the 10's.





Autocorrect responsible for most typos...

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