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Sharon wow, how did I miss that one. I could see what yesterday would be a special day. The jerk canceled his trip to STL and is staying here all week. He drives me crazy and I do not have time to think about things that I should be thinking of, such as this important day. So now the next big date for people to plan on will be 12/13/14, next year. Then I think that will be it for those different combinations.


I agree that it has gotten way too cold just now. I also think that your area has had much colder temps than us here, but still very cold. We only got a dusting of snow on Monday and it was all gone, where the sun was shining very quickly. I guess it will start warming up now.


I am going to try to get out of work early today so we can get a jump on traffic and get checked in somewhat not too late today. As Bill will have his surgery on Thursday. I will have to drive home all alone afterwards, and then hopefully drive back down to pick him up on Friday afternoon.


With these temps, it must have felt very nice to be in the water yesterday. It is good that you still have a good participation. Have you started packing yet, or do you wait until the last minute? I know for myself, I am the worst packer. Although I have gotten much better, but I still pack and bring way too many cloths.


That sounds like you got a good deal on your glasses. We are considering going to this place called VSP. I have seen them advertised on TV for glass and eye care. We only have a few days to make a decision.


Stay warm,




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I haven't lost any more pounds, but I continue to lose inches, so I'm not worried about it. I'm now between a size six and a size four, and expect that I'll lose another full size before I reach my fitness goal.


Of course the problem is now that 90% of my wardrobe doesn't fit, and what does is still big on me. I don't want to spend the money in alterations or new clothing until I reach my goal, so I'm trying to make due for now.


By the way, does anyone know how many sizes a good seamstress can bring clothing down? I hope she might be able to alter the eights to fit a four, but doubt it for the 10's.


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Wow, it seems like you are doing really good with loosing inches. I guess if you continue to loose inches, the pounds will follow. What exactly is your goal anyway?


I also clicked below to see you pack tips. That is pretty amazing, and the cloths that you packed were very practical and look like they all blend very well. We were on a cruise a few years ago, and a lady who travels a lot of last minute cruises, and they only had carry on's.


I am terrible in packing, although I have gotten much better over the years. You have some very good advice for packing.




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Wow, it seems like you are doing really good with loosing inches. I guess if you continue to loose inches, the pounds will follow. What exactly is your goal anyway?


I also clicked below to see you pack tips. That is pretty amazing, and the cloths that you packed were very practical and look like they all blend very well. We were on a cruise a few years ago, and a lady who travels a lot of last minute cruises, and they only had carry on's.


I am terrible in packing, although I have gotten much better over the years. You have some very good advice for packing.





My goal is 20% body fat. I will get there by continuing to build lean muscle and losing these last few pounds of fat. I don't really have a weight or size goal, I'll know I am there by looking In the mirror and liking what looks back. My arms and shoulders are pretty well done. Still have a little to go on my back. My legs need more muscle and I've got a little of the upper inner thigh fat still left. I have a little fat still on my hips, and of course my abs still need a lot of work to get rid of that last bit of fat and build a lot of muscle.


My packing list for my next cruise will,be the same. We might have to check only because Air France has a very low limit for hand luggage weight.



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Kathy I always pack too much also. I am going to start getting stuff together soon. I fill the suitcase then take out some and still bring home clothes I didn't wear. Going to try harder this time!


I got my glasses today and saved over $200 by using that coupon. There was a section of frames to pick from but I found some I really liked.


Also used my AAA card for a discount on the eye exam and saved about $20.


Going to visit with the gals tonight. Bill gets so cokd going out since he doesn't have an ounce of fat on him so I told him he could stay home but I think he is going to go too anyway.


Hope everthing goes well for your Bill tomorrow and for you too with driving and staying home.


Ducklite sounds like you are doing great with your weight and fat loss plan.

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Hope everything went well today and you can bring Bill home as planned tomorrow.


I have been trying to decide what to do, I had originally booked the Drury hotel in No, then I got the really good deal from Travel Zoo for the Royal Sonesta hotel, so booked that one with the intention of cancelling the Drury. However lately on cruise critic NCL boards for our ship people have been saying not to stay down town or thw French quarter, where the Royal Sonesta is, because with the basketball game its going to be crowded and noisy. Bill says maybe we should keep the RDrury because we can get the trolley at the end of the block and its not in the French quarter.


Got the big get together tomorrow night with Bills kids at the restaurant then his one daughter wants to go to the resort and see what the entertainment is.


Looking forward to the weekend, will sleep a little later and not have any exercise class.

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Sharon, we stayed downtown on Wednesday. That worked out good, being close to the hospital. Thursday, the surgery was 3 hours and all went well. I left in the afternoon and went to work for the later part of the afternoon. Friday I went to work at the regular time and then Bill called around 12:30 to come to pick him up.


So I left and went down and picked him up and was back home around 2:30 and went back to work. His surgery went better than expected. He came out OK. He is in some discomfort, but hopefully will recover quickly. His uncle passe away the day of his surgery. He was 88 years old and was on his roof cleaning the gutters, and fell off the roof and hit his head. Crazy, that he was doing that. That is not the way to die.


So tomorrow we have the wake to attend way up north in Palatine and then the funeral on Monday. Bill also has a Dr appointment on Monday, as a post surgery follow up to check everything over. So just resting and taking things easy today. Rain the next few days, but warmer temps.


You should be excited about your cruise. How was the visiting with Bill's kids yesterday? You have to listen to the Cruise Critic group, as usually you can pick up good advise on the threads, of what to do and what not to do.


Enjoy the weekend,




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My goal is 20% body fat. I will get there by continuing to build lean muscle and losing these last few pounds of fat. I don't really have a weight or size goal, I'll know I am there by looking In the mirror and liking what looks back. My arms and shoulders are pretty well done. Still have a little to go on my back. My legs need more muscle and I've got a little of the upper inner thigh fat still left. I have a little fat still on my hips, and of course my abs still need a lot of work to get rid of that last bit of fat and build a lot of muscle.


My packing list for my next cruise will,be the same. We might have to check only because Air France has a very low limit for hand luggage weight.



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It sounds like you have all in control. When I look into the mirror I do not like what I am looking at.


I pack way too much. I should take your advice on packing as I usually take way too much and end not wearing 1/2 of what I actually pack. Crazy, isn't it.




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Good things went well and Bill is now recovering! You know my Bill went up the ladder to clean the gutters too, I didn't want him to but nothing would stop him. Also he could only do the front ones where the house is one story, I ended up having to climb the ladder and do it in the back where the house is two stories, a long climb up and down!


The dinner didn't turn out so great. The daughter that arranged it was an hour late and we all sat around waiting for her. They said they got lost, honestly what a stupid excuse! Then another daughter ordered a dinner to go for her boyfriend, since her husband was with us she couldn't bring him and to top it off Bill had to pay the tab for everyone!


The little restaurant we go to uptown on Sat for a bowl of cheese soup is having a Thanksgiving dinner on Monday and asked us to come, its complementary. So we are planning on going. They have it for their customers that come in all the time.


I asked Paula, you probably remember her from meno maidens on CC about the hotel. She used to live there and even when she moved to Georgia her dad lived there and she continued to visit him. Anyway I asked her about the Royal Sonesta and she said it was a beautiful hotel, and the dome where they play football is not in the French quarter and she said remember NO is very used to handling crowds which she thought the number of people was probably exaggerated. She also said that some people would drive in to see the game and go home again and not all would be in the French quarter even if they did stay. Also it is a very convenient location good for walking to everything. So since I found out I can't get my money back from TravelZoo, only change the date of the stay, we are going to go ahead and stay there.


Wow, Palatine is where we lived for about 15 years before moving up here, I think its about 50 miles from here or I would drive down and meet you ++in person++. Too bad about his uncle, easy to fall when you do something like that at that age.


Rainy and windy here today, I think we are going to the movies again tonight and then have dinner afterwards. The show we are thinking about seeing is Las Vegas, should be funny.

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Sharon, wow that dinner sounded no good at all. I agree, how can you get lost these days, especially with GPS. They were probably arguing. All in all, it probably made you feel uncomfortable as well.


Well, so now you are going to stay at the your second choice. That is too bad that you cannot cancel your reservations. Most places do let you cancel, if it is far enough out, and not at the last minute. So are you staying in the French Quarter or not? Yes, I remember Paula. I did not know that she was originally from NO. Once again, some of the best advice is on these boards. Especially when going on a cruise.


I did not know that my Bill was up on the roof a few weeks ago doing something, not cleaning gutters. He just told me that he was afraid of falling and had thought, he could have done so and would have been laying along side of the house for a very long time before I would have known about it. Or I would have come home and found him, just like what happened to his uncle.


I do remember you were telling me about that time when your Bill was up cleaning and yo had to go to finish doing the job. This should be a lesson learned for all of us, not to do certain things. Life is too short, to end it such, what happened to Bill's uncle. I am sure we all can agree that is not a way to die. Certain things we can do, and certain things, we definitely should not be doing, and that is one of them.


That was a nice thought to come to meet in person. There will be another time down the road I am sure. I know it will take us more than an hour to get there. We will go tomorrow afternoon for the wake and then go on Monday for the rest of the services. Except we will have to go downtown first to see his Dr and continue to Palatine for the services.


It is pouring rain just now. At least it is not freezing cold and not snow. That will come soon enough. You really started something with the show. First, like us, have never been to a show in a very long while. Now it has become something to attend and enjoy as you are going regularly now. Good for you both.




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We had very heavy rain and wind this morning, almost thought I wouldn't go to church but then it let up a little and I headed out. Tornado sirens were blaring in our town and the next one north but none came. It still has not cleared up very dark and windy and still some rain but not like it had been earlier.


The only reason I couldn't cancel the 2nd hotel, the Royal

Sonesta was because I had the deal through TravelZoo and they have a 7 day refund policy or a change of date but not a cancellation of the deal. If I had just booked directly with them I could have canceled. There will be no problem canceling the first hotel which I really must do today. Just got an message from my grandsons significant other, they live 40 miles from NO and want to come and see us and show us around. That will be great since we haven't seen him for at least 4 years or so. One more reason to look forward to the trip.


I stopped and saw the pet sitter the other day and told her she would have to take Tinker out for a short walk two times a day so she wouldn't have trouble with her legs. She said she would and the other gal would do it too. She is also supposed to be bringing the other gal a couple of times with her before she comes alone. The reg pet sitter will only be gone 2 days so it should be alright, fingers crossed!


The show was really funny, we did see Las Vegas. Then afterwards we go have dinner so it makes for a nice night out.


Not sure if we will go to the resort tonight or not, sometimes they don't want you in the pool if it is too bad weather. The one whole side of the room is glass windows. It hasn't been lighting here though so thats a good thing,


Bill said too that he wouldn't go up on the roof again, we will pay someone to do it and not take a chance anymore, it can happen so quick.

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Sharon, I woke up on Sunday morning with thunder and much lightening around 6:30. Then close to noon the real heavy storms and tornado warning started here. It was raining very heavy and very high winds as well. We waited until 2 after it was mostly over and then headed out to the wake.


It took us about an hour and 1/2 to get there. Then on the return trip home in the dark, the winds were very heavy and lighter rain all the way home. This was a real bad storm for some areas and many places got leveled. I could hear the wind howling most of the night.


Bill is doing very well recovering from the surgery. He had a post op check up today, but canceled the appointment, as he felt it was too much with the funeral. So he will reschedule the Dr's appointment to another day this week. Let's hope he continues to improve.


Thank God, your Bill has a good sense not to attempt doing crazy things like my Bill's uncle. This was such a senseless way to die and very sad for the family. I have no idea what he was thinking.


Well that will be great to see your grandson and meet up with them after all of this time without seeing him. I am sure this now hotel will work out just fine for you instead.


I am glad that you are seeing good movies and getting out and enjoying the new experience and dinner afterwards as well. So I supposed you did not go to the resort last night, due to the bad weather?


This is a good thing, that you are giving clear expectations for both of the pet sitters. I am sure that all will be OK, and you do have the time now to make everything just the way you expect things to work, while you are away.




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No we didn't go to the resort but we did go to Chilis for dinner. Yesterday I was carrying upfrom the basement both suitcases. They were empty so they werent heavy, just aukward to lug up the steps. Well I seem to have pulled the big muscle along my back on the right side. I did go to exercise this morning but had to go real easy. I think I will skip a few days as we only have about 9 more days before we go and I will have to pull my suitcase around.

The little restsurant up town that we go to just about every Saturday for cheese soup had their complimentary Thanksgiving dinner tonight for their "regulars". They had everything from soup to dessert, even serves sparkling grape juice in plastic champagne glasses.


Glad Bill is continuing to improve, hes been through alot the last few years and its wonderful everything is going good. I think Bill may be doing better with his weight. He hasn't weighed but his face looks better. He is still always very tired though. I keep oraying he is alright!

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Sharon, I am sorry to hear that you have hurt yourself. Now is the most important time to really watch, and take good care of yourself, and Bill as well. You are so close to a nice planned vacation, you do not want anything to spoil that part. I know I sometimes do the very same thing, like turning the wrong way, or lifting something the wrong way as well.


Also hopefully, with all of the food on the cruise, Bill will put on an extra pound or 2. At least his color is good. I was thinking of how easy it is to take things for granted. There is nothing better to have, our health, and how sad it is when you see people helpless in nursing homes and not being able to function as well. We all are so used to our own independence. Life is too short, and good health is a gift.


Bill did a lot of driving over the past 2 days. Yesterday, we left early and returned late in the afternoon. We got back home at 4:30 and I went into work for more than an hour to check things, to assure everything was OK. I probably should not have done so, but I did.


I was thinking about these things, specially with the ascendant that Bill's uncle just had. It is a lesson learned for us all, to take a step back and think things trough, before we act or react. A poor decision may hold a consequence, with not way out or return, it could be over in a blink.


Bill sees his Dr tomorrow as he canceled yesterday, due to doing too much with the services we had all day. Let's pray, that all of us, continue to have good health, and move into winter safely. As long as we have our health, and each other, then everything will and should fall into place.




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You are so right, if you have your health you have everything. Its also something you can't buy no matter how much insurance or money you have. Yes I just turned the wrong way, which you wouldn't think would happwn with all the exercise I do. My body should almost be fine tuned, haha. I saw at Kohls today they had some Chaps luggage on sale. They had 25" ones that only weighed 7 pounds. I rhink the ones we have are 27" and are older so heavier. I think I will go back tomorrow and get us each one. I would like to wait one more day because I have a 20% coupon that is active on Thursday, but it said they were only going to be on sale Tues and Wed. Wondering if thats true.


I went to the water aerobics class today and then went into the hot tub. But I'm not going to the exercise class tomorrow, its a little too much and I want this muscle to get better.


Don't know if you watch person of intrest on tv, but it is one of our favorites. Well tonight they killed off one of the main characters, what a surprise, they don't usually do that to a main one!

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Yes Sharon, I have been watching that show, and I was also surprised to see that happen. Perhaps they were looking for a huge contract and a lot more money, so time to kill them off.


Kohl's is so good about things. Since today may be the last day for that sale, I would at least go to ask. Or perhaps you can buy them today and they will still find a way to honor your 20%. They have always worked to do things right for me and you as well in the past. It is such a great place and they are always so willing to help and make life so easy.


We are going back to Shipshawana on Saturday and staying overnight. We are going to that Blue Gate Theater to see a show called confessions, an Amish Love Story. We went last year around this time. It will be a 1 pm show, so we will have to leave here early on Saturday.


I am sure the hot tub must have helped your back somewhat. I hope you improve and get better, as the clock is ticking away for your cruise. Rain for the next few day,




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That sounds like fun, I have wanted to go there for quite a while, maybe we'll get there next summer. I bet the show will be really good too!


My back does feel better today, so tomorrow I might just go to the swimming again instead of exercise.


I called about the suitcases and they said they would still be on sale tomorrow so I can use the 20% off. I'll go after the swimming since I will be up there close anyway. I would also like to buy a new camera, one that I could load the pictures onto my computer and print them myself. Don't know which kind would do that, guess I'll have to go to Best Buy and see if they know. I have been learning or trying to learn about 3G, 4G and wifi. I don't think a wifi tablet would work for me, no that many "hot spots" around. I stopped in and talked with a kid at at kiosk Best Buy and he tried to sell me a wifi tablet and a hot spot. But I said then I have to carry the hot spot and find a place to plug it in when I want to use the tablet? So many new tech things to learn about!


Its 42 here but so very cold and windy, doesn't feel like its 42 feels like below freezing!

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Sharon, I knew you would not be disappointed at Kohl's. They always seem to go out of their way to assist customers, and always extend sales and coupons. So you did good once again. These newer suitcases are so much lighter. You do not need to be carrying any extra weight if you do not have to.


Yes, I agree about the temps today. Earlier the sun was shining bright, but like you said, with the wind, it did seem much colder. They said it was supposed to rain today and for the next few days. Even freezing temps over the weekend. I guess they are talking about daytime highs, as it goes into freezing at night.


You are right about all of this new technology, it keeps changing and getting smaller. Nothing like the old bulky stuff that first came out. You do need a good camera for taking pictures and being able to download as well. You just have to find the best one for you. They are usually helpful at Best Buy.


I think the holiday shows start on December 7 for that theater. Although, last year we went around this same time, and we thought we would go back to see a holiday show, and we never did. It is a good thought and we do like going to that area, for both shopping and the shows. But a lot depends on the weather.


We also have talked on going to the German Village at Daley Center, before it ends. In the past we go on the last day, while we are downtown. Perhaps we will go there shortly, like next week.


I am glad to hear that your back is doing better. The swimming should help it a lot as well.




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Yes this time of year you never know what the weather will be. I got half price tickets to the Christmas show at Grand Geneva from Groupon. We will go when we get back. They have beautiful sparkly outfits and do lots od Christmas songs. Hopefully the weather doesn't get too snowy until January.


When we were coming home tonight it was raining but almost like sleet. The temperature was 34 degrees.

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Sharon, it was raining here most of the night. I heard that we have more rain coming in later on this afternoon, and into the evening.


I thought that the German Village was only until Thanksgiving. But it actually runs until Xmas Eve. So probable sometime in December we will take the train downtown and walk around and see the Village and look at the Xmas decorations and view the window decorations.


Group on does come up with some good deals as well. So today is the day when you will get your new luggage at Kohl's. Once you get them home, you will really get the fever to start getting ready to leave on your cruise. I hope everything is perfect for you both and that you have a great cruise.




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OK so now I am really bummed out! Talking with people on cruise critic on our ship everyone is getting upgrades. Inside cabin people have gotten balconies and balcony people have gotten jr suites or even regular suites. So I called the travel agent that I went through - this time - Avoya and guess what...shes on vacation and she is an outside agent and no one could help me. Well I called the Avoya customer service and complained loudly that I was very upset that no one was available to help me and that 12 to 15 people had gotten upgrades today. Well the gal finally said she would call NCL, since I couldn't do it because I went through a travel agent. After a while she called back and said she had a jr suite and was just finishing up that it would be complimentary. I thanked her and she said she would call back in a bit. Well, when she called back she said the jr suite was now gone but she could get me a different balcony room. I asked her why in the world would I want to do that! I want an upgrade not a lateral move. So no upgrade for us. I always book directly with NCL, but this time because Avoya had a $50 on board credit I went with them. Big mistake, don't ever book with Avoya!


I did get the suitcases from Kohls and they are only 7.7 pounds. They were still on sale and I got another $56 off with m 20% coupon, so that was a good thing today.


I also went to Best Buy and bought a new camera, now I will have to learn how to work it before we go. I also was asking about the tablets as I have had mine for over 2 years and would like to get a little bigger, better and faster one. Well now most are wifi only and you need to buy a hot spot. Also the operating system went from ice cream sandwich to jelly bean and soon will be kit kat. The kid who waited on me very patiently told me all about this new technology. He says with the hotspot you can also run your home computer, it doesn't have to be hooked up to it either. The hot spot can handle 5 different things, like tablet, computer, phone. The verizon hot spot costs $50 a month. Right now I pay about $49 a month for my computer along with my home phone from AT & T and $35 a month for my tablet. So I would be saving money. Anyway decided to wait until we get back to start fooling around with all that. Have you heard about any of this??

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Sharon, I would not give up on the cabin upgrade. I would call back and see if there is another way around this, to get upgraded. I would go to someone higher and threaten to cancel. Perhaps have a back up plan just in case. Call NCL directly and see if they can help you in case you do cancel and explain to them how you are a loyal customer and perhaps, who knows, you may be surprised. Many people get great deals from doing booking in the last minute.


We have always booked directly with the cruise line, for the very same reason you have said. We have never gotten an upgrade and have always asked for one. This is the first time I have heard of that happening. The ship must not be filled.


At first when you were explaining it to me, I thought, why are you bummed out with an upgrade to a Jr suite. Then I was reading on, and now I can see why. Anyway do not give up so easily. Remember the squeaky wheel gets the most grease.


It started raining hear yesterday in the afternoon and rained through the night. It was still raining this morning, but at least it is not ice. Much colder for over the weekend, and even now. I even heard that we could run into snow in the area where we are headed on Saturday.




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I tried calling NCL, they said they couldn't deal with an individual if they had used a travel agency, period. Then like I said I called the customer service person at Avoya, who said she wasn't even a travel agent and she's the one who gave me the run around last night. My travel agent is supposed to be back tomorrow, but by now all the upgrades have been given out and no jr suites or suites are left. Grrrrrrrr I have never heard of all the upgrades that have been given out like this time either. We got one one time but had to pay about $50 more for it. Actually we didn't like that the "butler" would just knock and come in whenever he wanted to. He was usually bringing more food which is just what you don't need and many times we left it sitting on the table, or a bottle of red wine which neither of us like. Only good thing was more room. So we are trying to go back to being happy with our balcony.


I had also signed up for the $10 gift. I asked a friend of ours about 3 weeks ago if she could make me up a t shirt clever saying about IL. She said no problem. Well last night she messages me on facebook that she can't get it done her machine broke. So today I had to go look for a gift representing IL for $10. Luckily I found a Bears back pack for $9.99 at the sports store. But jeepers that's aggravating! One more thing to be irritated about.


We had snow flurries here today and its only about 34 degrees. Hope Bill isn't so tired tonight for dancing and visiting.

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Sharon, in the future, you are going to have to ask Bill to come home early so he can nap, so he will not be so tire to go out on Friday's.


What I meant, if you canceled your reservation with that company and rebooked with NCL direct would they have a better deal for you? I know that they will not talk to you, if your booking is with a TA. How come first she had a Jr Suite for you, and then later on she did not? Once the word has gotten out about upgrades, I could see how fast they would get booked up. There is always one last thing you can do. When you show up to check in at the ship, you can always ask at that time for an upgrade. It does not cost you anything to ask, and who knows, you might get lucky.


Lesson learned not to use that company ever again. But still try, when your regular TA returns tomorrow or Monday. Let her know about the screw up and your displeasure and inform her that this will be the last time you ever book with them again. If nothing else, she might give you a onboard credit or credit you cruise fare some. You still have to try.


We have one of those sought after, aft corner cabins booked for our cruise. Even if we were to get an upgrade, it would not be in the aft. So unless it was something too good to pass up, we would not take an upgrade, for this trip. But like you said, I have never heard of so many upgrades given out at 1 time, like they were doing.


We never got any flurries today. But it has been cold and overcast all day. Freezing over night and much colder over the weekend. I hope we do not run into any bad weather tomorrow. I think we are leaving around 8 as it is a 1 hour time difference. I can do some shopping before hand, as afterwards we will go to eat, and I figure Bill will not want to shop at that time. The show is at 1.


I hope you have fun dancing tonight and enjoy the weekend,




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We didn't go Friday night, one of the other couples gad some medical issues so they didn't go and the other couple was still going but Bill is not real friendly with them.


Sat went to the show and saw Delivery Man. It was good, Catching Fire, thr Hunger Games was sold out.


I got a new camera but I think I'm going to take it back. It has a disk with the software needed to use it but I couldn't get it to read on my computer. I found the Canon web site and after putting in the serial number I was able to download the information. It took about 4 hours! Then I tried to open the fil it couldn't be opened.


I'm tired of fooling with it, too complcated.


How did your weekend go, did you get to see the show?


We got lots of snow this morning, probably 3 or 4 inches. Not the .1 they were predicting.


We still have not packed talk about procrastinating huh?

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Sharon, too bad you could not go this past Friday. Hopefully this Friday will be different. Or are you leaving this weekend? If you are, then I would think that you have to get it in gear and get packing. Cameras are supposed to be easy. Hopefully you can find another one that is less complicated for you to use. You have to have a good camera.


We left at 8 on Saturday and we were back home at 8 on Sunday morning. The show was at 1 on Saturday. So I was able to do some shopping before hand and then we ate after the show. The show was called Confessions. It was an Amish Show and it was very good. Last year we went to see Half Stitched, and that was an Amish Show as well. This Blue Gate Theater puts on very good performances. The theater holds 100 or 150 seats. It was only about 1/2 filed and they also have an evening show on Saturday as well.


You must enjoy going to the show on the weekends. That is good that you have found a place to go to and enjoy the shows as well. I heard a lot about that show you could not see. Very popular and no wonder it was filled up.


We did not get snow until late in the afternoon yesterday, and we only got about 1/2 ". They are calling for more on Wednesday. Wow, what a change from what they were calling for . I saw nothing like what you got, in the forecast, as far as snowfall in this area. It must have been a surprise.


It was snowing around South Bend, and once we got there it started snowing. When we got out of the show, the walkways were very slippery as well as the roads. Then driving back home, until we past South Bend, was dicey Sunday morning. It was very cold yesterday with the high winds.




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