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Sharon, I am so sorry to hear that news about Bill. I would think, that if he cares at all, he would do something to stop, or attempt to stop, rather than just do nothing. Hopefully he will see the light, and figure there is a much better alternative.


Bill is having back surgery on May 5. This is called a Laminectomy. He had a stress test on Wednesday. He will get the results from that on 3/14.


Yes, it has been bitter cold and now a lot of snow to be falling starting tonight and through Sunday. This cold just goes right through me.


Bill has kept the weight off thus far, and is loosing a bit more as well. For me, I am going up one week and down another. I can contribute this latest to the 5k walk I did on Sunday, in 51 minutes. So we shall see how long this will last.


I will say prayers for your Bill, that he has a change in attitude. I would think this is a no brainier, as what is the alternative.


Stay warm,




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Will keep your Bill in my prayers along with my own Bill! We still have not gotten the results of the CT scan, so I'm thinking we might get them when we go see the dr on Monday.


Not going dancing tonight, Bill doesn't feel that great, said everytime they add another prescription he feels worse, and I am tired. Did the forever fit class this morning and then had about 8 places I had to stop at to get things, so ready to just stay home tonight myself.


Looks like a little more snow tonight and then more tomorrow and Sunday. Looks like this weather is just going to stay here with us. Heard that it will be at least the 3rd week of March before we even hit the "normal" temps. Ugh!


Have a nice weekend,

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Sharon, Bill's back surgery is not until May 5. So he has awhile to go before that. He said he will be in the hospital, after the surgery, for 2 days. The surgery, if all goes OK , will take about 2 hours. Then after 6 weeks, he will start PT. Bill had a stress test on Wednesday. The Dr's office called and said the test went well and all was OK with his heart. So at least he is on the right road for that part of him.


Wow, 8 stops today, that is a lot of running around. It makes me tired just thinking about it. Best, especially with this extreme cold to just stay inside tonight. I heard that tonight is not going to amount to much. I guess for us anyway, Sunday night will be the big part of the snow, 5-6" from what they are saying now.


I know you have been trying for a very long time to get your Bill to stop smoking. I would even think that you are fed up with trying to do the right thing for him. He has to, at some point, start caring, if not for himself, for you as well, and his daughter's. I know it is easier said than done, especially after all of the years he has smoked. I can see what the Dr is saying. If Bill is not going to take the advice of the Dr, then why should the Dr continue to help him out. However, as a Dr, he does have a responsibility to care for patients, not just to give up on them.


We are going to a fancy dinner tomorrow night, with a group, that we go with each year, as a social event. We have been going with this group for many years, so tomorrow night is the event. We just go for dinner, and a few drinks and come home. Others stay much longer, and dance and socialize. We just eat and leave. We are usually home by 10.


Otherwise, nothing else planned for the weekend. Stay warm and let's pray for a end soon. But like you say, it will not be for awhile just yet. March will be coming in like a lion this year. Let's hope it goes out like a lamb.




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Have a great time tonight, hope the snow doesn't cause any travel problems for you. We went to the Rockford Home Show and when we came out it was snowing like crazy. It has almost stopped again now that we are home. We have gotten since last night and today so far about 4 or 5 inches.


The dr finally called last night and said the CT scan showed nothing wrong so thats good news but doesn't answer why he had a knot where his salivary glad is on his neck, guess we won't worry about it though.


Nothing else planned to do this weekend, if it continues to snow I won't even go to church in the morning. I might do a little work on getting my part our taxes together. I have a couple of stocks that mail a K-1 form and they don't have to have them out to you until very late. So we will probably give the stuff to the accountant and just let him know they are missing and will be coming along later. That way he can get a start on them anyway.


Bill has in addition to the 3 daughters, 3 sons also. One of his sons is a Dr in Stevens Point, WI. He specializes in pain medications and procedures. None of the girls smoke, but 2 of the sons do, not the dr of course. I have noticed today that Bill has not smoked at all, not going to say anything but looks like he might at least be trying.


Have a good rest of the weekend,

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Sharon, it was sowing lightly here around 5:30, when we left. We had a nice family style dinner with DJ entertainment. Just after dinner we left, as it was really snowing much harder at that point. The driving back home was slow, and we were back inside our home at 9:30. Now it looks like 5-6" snow that has fallen. Bill is getting ready to go out, and clear it away. I am planning to go to church this morning.


I am glad that Bill is doing somewhat better and that nothing was found. However, kind of strange, that they have not determined what the lump was. It would also be nice is Bill can quit on his own. He has you, his daughter's and son's that care about him. But only he can make the changes necessary. I am sure you realize, that getting on him, will not help at all, only to upset him, and that is not the way to address things.


Whenever you hear about accidents, they always talk about black ice, and slippery roads. But you never hear anyone talking about how fast people are diving, and unsafe. This is the major reason there are so many accidents. Last night there were people following us way too close, and even passing us in excessive speeds. But it is always this or that, and never the real cause of an accident, driving too fast for the conditions. Everyone is in a big hurry to go nowhere.


We have to do the very same thing this weekend. Do our part, and get everything all organized to drop off at the tax man this coming week. Otherwise, like you, nothing else planned for today.


Stay warm and safe,




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I agree, don't you hate it when someone drives so close to you thst you can't even see their headlights! And yes there always has to be someone in a hurry tooo.


The roads were very icy when I went to church this morning but were better by the time I came home. We did not go swimming, went to breakfast and then came home. Didn't get around to getting the info together for taxes, will have to wait now until Tuesday. Bill's dr appmnts will take up most of the afternoon tomorrow. They did have a diagnosis for his lump under the jaw, its a salivery gland but apparently ok to be swollen.


Going to be very cold night again, -20 or so. The weatherman kept saying that next Thursday it was going to be a little warmer, but now have changed it back to cold again.

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Sharon, yes everyone is in a big hurry to go nowhere. The accidents, I guarantee most if not all of the time, someone is driving way too fast. But no one ever says that, but blames it on the weather, white outs, ice, and whatever BS excuse there is to offer.


We left our house very early this morning, 7 am, to go downtown or just south of the loop to get the finial step for me for the trusted travel pre check, for expressing through security. Bill already has done everything, and has all of his ID's and ID #'s. So now both of us should have this benefit for traveling. Our next planned trip is Boston in April.


It was snowing very light, and more in the downtown area, and of course, many were driving way too fast, from what I could see. We were back here at 9:15, so it was not too bad to do what we had to do, to get this finished. I guess the snow is supposed to stop, and not to amount to anything. I heard that Friday, if it still holds up, is the day to be into 40. Bill cleared the snow that had fallen Saturday night on Sunday morning. We got about 1/2' here. The main roads around here were all cleared, but spots slippery. But I was able to make it to church with no real problem. Then I just came home and relaxed and watched the Oscars', like most everyone else.


I hope all goes well today at the Dr's for Bill. Hopefully they can give you something positive to work towards, and good treatment. God knows you need something positive for his health care. I guess Bill will drop off our tax stuff either on Tuesday, or sometime this week. He has to go downtown tomorrow, to see the Dr who had done his urology surgery back in November, for just a checkup and follow up.


Yes, it is very cold, especially at night. I have been wearing extra layers of clothing to help keep me warm. It seems once I get chilled, I cannot get comfortably warm again. Stay warm yourself and good luck at the Dr's today,




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Like I thought it did take all afternoon today, we didn't leave the dr until 4pm. The breathing test took about an hour and a half. Then had the dr appmnt to evaluate the results. It was decided that Bill should use oxygen when he exerts himself, like a lot of walking. We brought home a tank and will have a smaller carry one delivered. I don't know how much he will use it but has it available if he needs it. Also he did quite well with the breathing test, so that was good. The dr is going to set Bill up with a pulmonary rehabilitation therapy program. We don't have to go back to him for 3 months.


My car is doing a funny thing, kind of surges a little every so often. I will have to take it in tomorrow afternoon and see about it. I think it might be a fuel filter.


That should make it much easier and quicker to get through security for both of you. So your next trip is to Boston, is that for a race? If we had left on our trip we would be in Italy tonight, oh well still just thinking about it.


Looks like more snow again tomorrow, wish spring would hurry up

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Sharon, I know those breathing tests are not all that easy, and they really push you to complete the tests, the way they want you to perform. Bill had to do those, before he had his surgery on his esophagus. I know we had to have the very same for Bill's father as far as the oxygen. The key, like you said, is how much he will use it. I know for his father, he was using it, but those tubes that connect the tanks to their nasal passage, are not all the comfortable and after awhile they irritate the nose area. But hopefully it will help him, and he will not have any issues. Also hopefully the rehab will help out as well.


It sounds like you car could have fuel filter problems. Perhaps there is water in the tank. I know Bill picked up some treatment for the gas to put into the tank to dry up any water that gets in there during these conditions. Hopefully they can find the problem and it will not cost you too much to fix.


Winter is lingering on and on, with not much relief in sight. Yes, more snow on the way for tomorrow or tonight. I cannot keep up with all of the changes as it is going colder and windy, and back to the deep freeze. Like you, and everyone else, I cannot wait for things to start to get better with some relief, and warmer temps.


Stay warm, I know what you are talking about not being away. I went through the same kind of depression when we had to cancel out cruise. Hopefully you will not have any issues in getting your money refunded.




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Well they couldn't find anything wrong with my car at first, then they asked me to ride along and tell them what its doing. So I did and then the technician could feel what it was doing. However they had no idea what it was and told me to make an appmnt on another day to leave it, all day, so they could figure it out. I don't have a whole day when I don't use my car so I don't know if thats going to happen or not. I asked about the fuel filter, they said my car doesn't have one, so guess its not that. We did put some of that stuff you were talking about in the gas last Sunday, but didn't notice a lot of difference.


I did not go to the exercise class today, too much snow, probably around 4 or so inches and still was snowing when I wanted to leave and blowing also. So I have to miss a day and then there is no class on Friday because they need the room for something else that night and need to decorate.


I called the number to get the oxygen set up and found out the people they were trying to get to do it don't come to this area. So now I have to call the dr and have him find someone else that does come here. Also had Shopko pharmacy call and say that the last prescription I picked up, there were two of them, they only charged me for one. I tell you everything always gets so mixed up lately. I honestly don't know whats going on with that pharmacy, they are the ones that gave us 3 bottles of the prednisone and it was only supposed to be one. I think they need an internal revue of their procedures!


How did Bill's urology appmnt go, hope everything is good! Nice you got your taxes ready to be dropped off too.


So today I am going to work on getting the stuff for my taxes, and not procrastinate any longer!

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Sharon, yesterday was Fat Tuesday, and we went to a party at our club. It was actually sponsored by a local organization in our area that provided food, for the cost of a ticket, and the drinks were cash. So the club got the money from the drinks. Everyone had a great time, and supposedly there were some 250 who had bought tickets. We stayed until about 10. I was dancing and many people dressed in costume. They even had a guy playing a trumpet leading everyone around like they do in NO on Bourbon Street.


Today, the reality of going out during the week, something I rarely do. But it is what it is. It is still snowing here and blowing as well. We have gotten about the same as you have. It just goes to show, winter is not gone just yet.


Isn't that the way it always is for things. When you want things to act up like it does with you, it does not. I know I could not go without me car for all day either. But when we need to do something, Bill will either take me to work, or I will use his car. That is always the case, where they need it all day to look at, and who knows why they cannot do things when you are ready to do it.


Bill has been taking the train downtown the past few times when he has had to go there. He does not like driving a lot and uses the trainn whenever he can. He had some lady rear end him a few weeks ago when driving down. She did not really do much damage, but once again, most are in a big hurry to go nowhere and usually are distracted in some way. He said the Dr gave him the green light and is very satisfied with his progress. Yes, we have all of our tax stuff together, but Bill does not tell me everything, and I do not know if he has dropped them off as yet.


I know for Bill's Dad, they came out and delivered a huge tank and then a machine where you could create your own oxygen for around the house. The large tank was for going out and filling the spare small tanks, that you would carry around with you. Hopefully they can find someplace that will provide the service for you. I agree that pharmacy really needs to get their act together. I know Bill has been on that prednisone for his back. They started him out with higher doses and gradually go down with the dosage until it is all finished.


Stay warm,




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I bought some panczies but no bakery had King cakes. Guess the towns around here are too little to go all out Mardi Gras.


What kind of dancing did you do, did you get Bill to dance too? We went to The End Zone tonight, I did some line dancing, thats all the kind of dancing we do. We had another gal come tonight too, one of the regular gals ran into her one day and told her about our Wed nights so she has decided to come every week.


I guess the next thing is corned beef and cabbage for St Patricks day, I don't remember if you like it or not.


Good your Bill got a good report from the dr. Bet he was upset about getting rear ended. I will probably have to take Bill to work and use his car when I take mine in to get it looked at.


I think they were going to set something up with the oxygen like you said. But I still have to call the dr and find a company to do it.


I got a start on my part of the taxes, but the accountant sent a questionare with tons of questions that takes more time than I thought to complete. Will have to work on it again tomorrow.


We got over 4 inches of snow this time but got it plowed, guess the next snow is coming Friday.

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Sharon, we got about the same here as far as snowfall. Hopefully the snow for Friday night will not be that bad. We all are just about fed up with it all.


For the Fat Tuesday party, I really paid the price for the party yesterday. I was dancing to the sounds of a DJ that the club has brought in the past. Bill did not dance, but I have many friends who love to dance. Such songs, like, when the Saints come marching in. Like I said, very rare that we ever go out during the week. Mainly because I am nuts when I come home, after dealing with all of the crap I put up with around here everyday. But all in all, I am glad we were able to get out and enjoy ourselves.


You better believe, that if you were back in NO, they would be putting on a great Fat Tuesday party there. That is the one place in the country, especially this time of the year, where they know how to party. But then again, it just gets crazy nuts there. Yes, we enjoy corned beef and cabbage. It is very easy to throw together and serve.


I know that for Bill's Dad, he used the oxygen for about a month and then stopped using it. A few things, the passages on his nose became irritated from having the lines connected around his face area and nose. Then all of the lines that ran from the base unit to connect to him, became a trip hazardous for him while walking around. They gave us 3 smaller tanks with a side pack to carry when going out. He did not like to wear or carry that around either. Bill's Dad was a very stubborn person.


Bill said, that he was able to drop off the taxes to the accountant yesterday. Although, he said the roads were very slippery in some places. Once again, people driving way too fast, and accidents. He was not happy at all with the lady who rear ended him. He was stopped on the expressway, and the traffic was moving very slow. He felt, she was following too close, and either texting or talking on the cell phone. They said, due the extreme weather, they have not been enforcing the no cell phone talking law.


It is good that you are able to get out on Wednesday night to break up the week somewhat. I mentioned about having to throw away my swim suite due to the chlorine breaking down the material. I do not like the extra suite I have. So I am going to have to find someplace to get a replacement. This time I am going to get 2 that I really like. So I have something to wear when we stay at a hotel that has a hot tub.




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I think alot of accidents happen because of cell phones. I have been behind people on on the phone and they are all over the road and at varying speeds.


I just bought another swim suit top, the chlorine really does a number on the material. Whenever I see a suit or top or bottom on sale I buy them. I like the bottom piece to be full coverage, the legs not high cut and not a bikini bottom but all the way up to my waist.


We dud go to the dance place but we didn't dance. I did one line dance though, its called the skip. It's a real easy dance to do and remember how to do.


I haven't gotten a hold of anyone to get delivery of any oxygen. I don't think it matters because Bill hasn't used the one tank we have.


We finally got our taxes all together and Bill will mail them on Monday.


We got a coating of snow last night but it was melted by 10 am today. Looks like we might have a couple of good temperature days coming up, before the next snowfall on Tuesday.


Isn't that awful about that airplane missing? So many people and they don't know what happened or where it is. Very scary!


Well have a good rest of the weekend,

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Sharon, yes spring is in the air. Really not much of a big deal for us with the time change. Bill started a few days early setting everything forward. So I got used to it by Sunday.


It was Bill's BD yesterday so on Saturday we got 1/2 off at the club and on Sunday we got the % of his age, off of his portion. We got about the same for snowfall here. Hopefully we have seen the last of the extreme cold and major snowfall.


I went on Saturday and I found 2 tops for swimming, but I could not find any bottoms that I really liked. Bill does not understand, as he said to just go online and find something. It is not all that easy for us ladies. I may have to take the tops back if I cannot find any bottoms that I really like.


I know what you mean about the oxygen. If he is not going to use it, then not to worry about it. Bill's father did not use it all that long. I know I suffered the next day after Fat Tuesday. I am not used to being out during the week. So it is good that you are able to get out and break up the normal routine some.


We are not done with winter yet. I heard we have a lot of snow coming in tomorrow night. With today being in the 50's, what is going on?


Have a good week,




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The bottoms of the swim suits can be a real problem, they want to always make them bikini bottoms or hip huggers or high cut. I like just regular full coverage. I have found some on line by putting in the search full coverage swimsuit bottoms. It is really better to go and find them in the store and try them on though. When I find one I like I try to buy a couple of them. They don't last too long in the chlorine.


We went to the pool yesterday, got there around 4:30, should have gotten there a little bit later because there was a boys birthday pool party going on. There were about 15 of them and they were around 8 or 9 ears old. Luckily the party was over by 5pm so it got nice and quiet after they left. We might start going at 5 pm now that it its daylight longer. That way there will not be any pool parties going on.


I have gotten a cold from somewhere, I have felt very lucky to have gotten this far through winter without getting one. But now got a good one, all the symptoms wrapped into one. Hope I feel better by tomorrow we are going to the corned beef and cabbage dinner when Bill gets home.


I had the guy come today to change the filters in the OR water system. We should be able to do it, but it looks like a lot of work and he had the right filters and was able to put more pressure in the tank, so its just a whole lot easier to pay for it to be done. I have to drain it one more time around 4pm and then it will be ready to use again. He santizied it so had to drain it and then let it refill again.


Beautiful day outside today, but they are still saying some rain and snow tomorrow, hope they are wrong would be nice to get rid of a little more snow.


Nice you got some % off dinner for Bill's birthday dinner, did you make him a birthday cake?

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Sharon, I ate Bill's cake at the restaurant. He does not eat cake or ice cream or anything sweet, no chocolate, nothing. Next month it is my turn, hopefully we will have enough time, as we will be in Boston for my BD and Easter as well. I worry about everything, and Bill just goes along, like nothing is ever wrong or anything to worry about. It drives me nuts sometimes.


Yes, I fully agree about those swim bottoms. I am like you, and these days, it is hard to find those one's we really want. If I can find the right one's, then I will buy a couple. He thinks it is so easy to find things online. But like you said, I like trying things in person.


Yes, it was very nice today. A not so good forecast for tomorrow night. It would be nice if most of the stuff that will be falling would melt. I guess we will just have to wait and see, and hope for the best. Anyway, winter is not finished just yet.


If by going to the resort a little later, will keep you away from kids parities, and give the place to yourself, then that is what you have to do.


Think Spring,




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What do you have planned to do in Boston, is Bill taking care of that? It should be nice (hopefully) weather by then too. Easter is really late this year so maybe the weather will cooperate for all the little girls wearing their new outfits and hats to church. When my sister and I were little my mom always got us completely new outfits to wear on Easter Sunday.


We have a corned beef and cabbage dinner to go to tonight, should be good, went last year and really liked it. Then tomorrow night one of the gals, where we go on Wed nights is having a birthday so the owner makes tacos for us. So that means no cooking until Thursday!


Sounds like you might get more of the snow than us this time, our snow is melting pretty good but its still going to take a very long time to disappear.


I didn't go swimming to day, have this cold that won't clear up, nose keeps running and running so thought I'd better take the day off and recuperate.

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Sharon, good idea to just rest. These types of colds just seem to linger on just now. Best to get something that will dry your sinus area up, so you can breath and sleep good at night.


Yes, Bill does all of the planning for everything. I do nothing but give him a hard time, and then I cannot figure out after things are all over, why I did so. I guess it is just in my nature to question everything. So he said he knows of a huge church right in the area so I can go to church, being away for Easter. I sure hope the weather is better by then. It is always who know, as they can have just about anything.


We have gone to Red Sox games before. So I have no idea at this point what he has planned. We arrive on Friday. So I do not know how late we will get there, or if we will be doing anything on Friday. Saturday they have the expo. Sunday they have the runners dinner. He has us volunteering on some things for setting up the dinner, and for me at the finish like, so I can be official on the course. As they will have so much security with what had happened last year. We will find some nice places to eat. Then home on Tuesday.


Your group is great that you all stick together, and that the owner takes care of you all, the way he does. Of course, he is smart to keep you all satisfied to keep everyone coming back, and spending money at his place. Just the same, it sounds like you all have a real nice time, and it helps to break up the week as well. I lost .4 at weigh-in last night.


I guess we all will just have to wait and see what happens with the weather. I heard the opposite from what you are saying. I heard that your area is going to get more than us. But regardless, I also heard a short time ago, that there will be blizzard warning out for tomorrow morning. This is just crazy, isn't it.


This Sunday we are going to be in Cary Grove Illinois, for a 1/2 marathon from the high school. A lot of the people who will be doing Boston from this area do this run, to get finial preparations all in line. So we will be getting up very early once again, and a very long drive for us. Something like an hour 1/2 ride from here. We have never been there, but I am sure you know where it all is.


Think Spring and stay warm and safe tomorrow.




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Oh, of course, the Boston marathon! I forgot all about you saying that. Yes I know where Cary is, it is a long way for you to come. But should be a good time, is Bill running in it or working it?


We are not going tonight, I don't feel good enough. Sorry to miss the tacos but we brought home some of our corned beef dinner last night. They gave us so much we couldn't eat it all. It was very good and they had a huge turnout.


We just got a little rain last night so had a little ice on the driveway this morning. It melted off pretty quick once the sun came out.


Not sure if I'll go to zumba tomorrow morning, only exercise this week was Monday. Got to feel better to do it. I did take some sinus pills and they helped more than some of the stronger cold meds

That really is nice you can just go on the trips and have everything planned out. As I said I always have to do it and feel responsible for everything turning out good. Guess we are never happy ha ha.

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Sharon, you were right about the snow forecast. I don't know where I heard you were getting more than us. But we really got clobbered yesterday. We got about 1/2' when it was all over. Very wet and very heavy. I had to get a ride to work from someone who had 4 X 4. Bill said he was out clearing it away for some 2 1/2 hours.


We drove to Naperville Tuesday night when I got home from work. Bill's son lives there. We had to pick up some new running shoes for Bill, and they were holding a pair there for him. They were saying the storm was coming in around 10. So we were home not even 1/2 hour when it started. We could see lightening on our way back. We stopped at Cracker Barrel on our way home. Bill go the special corned B&C.


Many had lost power around here with all of the rain and then it was freezing, and then the snow, all of the lines, and trees were covered with ice. So many lines went down. We were OK, and did not loose any power, to where the generator had to kick in.


Most of all of the people from around here who are going to Boston for the marathon, are doing the 1/2 marathon in Cary. Bill is running it this time. Yes, it is a very long way to go to we will have to get up real early once again, to get there on time. I guess it all starts at 8:30.


I am always hearing about the bus trips you go on from your bank. Now we have a new bank in town and Bill went to a meeting on Monday to hear about the trips they are planning for 2014. He brought home a lot of literature, so I will have to look it over and decide. He said they book up fast. I would enjoy to leave all of the driving and planning to someone else. We have never had this type of service offered to us around here before.


I agree, you have to get back to feeling better first. Hopefully you can start feeling good once again. These types of sinus infections seem to linger on, during this time of year. Have a good day,




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I was thinking about how you really won't be that far away on Sunday, maybe 1/2 hr or so, if we aren't doing something I would like to come down and meet you. Are you walking the race or working it in some way or just waiting for Bill to do it? I'm not sure what Bill has in mind, and I've heard now that there might be snow early Sunday morning so I'll have to play it by ear.


I did go to the exercise class this morning, took some sinus pills and a half of generic excedrin and kind of took it easy, but made it through. I had a 30% off coupon for Kohls so went there afterwards, but couldn't find anything I really liked so only bought a couple of "character" rugs that were normally $39 on sale for $9. They are a nice size and Tinker will be able to use them to lay on.


We have a bus trip coming up on the 24th of this month, I think I mentioned it, The Million Dollar quartet. We haven't been on one for a while. They are also going to see Les Miserables but I don't think I want to see that, too miserable and down for me. I like things that will make you feel happy.


I think we are going to the dance place tonight, looks like the weather should be good. The one friend that had her foot operated on still cannot dance so we just visit with them, while the other couple likes to dance as many as they can.


Nice day out today, and supposed to be good on Saturday too, the snow is actually melting! Still have so many really big piles of it though it will take a while to all go away, and thats if we don't keep getting more.

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Sharon, I was able to change my nail appointment from Saturday to last night. Bill is driving up north tomorrow morning to pick up his packet, and scope out the area, so we know where to go on Sunday, and not have to leave any earlier than we already have to.


There is no way I would walk 13 miles. It is good that I can do 3 miles. So I am just going with Bill for support. He said he will ask around to see if I can help out in some way, so I do not have to just sit there all of the time. He is figuring, he will be doing the 13 miles in 2 1/2 hours. He said that there is a lot of very hilly areas on the course. Thus this is why most people who are doing Boston, do this 1/2 marathon as a tune up for Boston.


Yes, I heard the bottom is going to drop out as far as the temps and more snow for over the weekend. If we could come up with some type of plan, and all would work out on Sunday, that would be great to finally get together. But if not, there will be another opportunity down the road. We are planning to park at the High School right close to everything.


It will be nice to get out tonight and mingle with friends, especially with the weather being somewhat decent. You just have to be aware of slick spots with all of the melting and freezing if the temps drop. I do remember that bus trip to go to see a performance. That should be a very good performance. We go about once per year, Bill has tickets to The Wizard Of Oz, down in the theater district, and a overnight hotel stay in a hotel that connects right to the theater. That is on May 2, and then Bill has his back surgery on May 5. He will have to stay 2 nights in the hospital afterwards, and I will not be looking forward to that experience.


We are going to have to go over these options for the bus trips this year. There is one to Door County, Holland Michigan, Mackinaw Island, staying at the Grand Hotel for 2 nights, and some kind of mystery tour that they are not telling where or what, a total surprise.


Have fun tonight, and let me know what you want to do or not to do about Sunday. Also I saw on TV about this circle mat for dogs who have a urinary problem, where they only go on this spot and it holds all of the fluids, and does not smell. I do not know if you have seen this or not?




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We did the bus trip around Lake Michigan and one of the stops was Mackinaw Island. We did not stay there but has lunch at the Grand Hotel. Its a nice place to go.


Since I know you will be right around the school, lets just say if we can get there before Bill gets done with the race I will try to find you. I will be wearing a turquoise jacket and ear muffs and Bill will be wearing a bright yellow jacket and his wool navy knitted hat. If he starts the run at 8:30 I'm thinking he will be done about 11 am. Not sure we will make it so dont spend a lots of time looking for us. Like you said we'll eventually meet sometime if its not Sunday.

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Sharon, I found my fit bit, but they have new versions now. I also have this fit planner from WW that I activated and pay $5 per month. I am thinking if I can walk 3 miles while he is gone, I will not be just sitting there. That should take me around 50 minutes.


I will be wearing a black jacket and I have almost white hair. We have a 2004 Taurus, Navy Plate, MR C. Bronze Color. We have all of the information on the bus trips. So I will have to look everything over. Some of the dates are bad for me to be away from work with payroll.


We are leaving shortly to drive to the area to pick up his packet for the race tomorrow. Also we are going to scope out everything to get familiar with the area. I will check in on my return.


Also I am thinking that maybe more when Bill is finished, so the men will feel more comfortable talking with each other, rather than us talking. Bill always changes his cloths, as he said the HS will be open to allow him to do that.




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