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Sharon, I am so sorry to hear that Bill has been in the hospital. Is he still in or did he get out today? Were you able to get him to the other place for an eval and did you get a transport? It has been real hard on you being along and having all of this stress. I will say extra prayers that something good will come of this.


We got back home around 6 tonight. It was a very long day, and even the past couple of days. I was not able to eat anything since Friday night, was my last full meal. I was on jello and clear liquids.


I was sick this morning, but the Dr said I was all cleared out. They removed 6 pollups. There is still 1 more larger 1 that he said it was too risky to remove as it is setting right next to a wall. So he is going to call me in the next couple of day to send me to a specialist to do the surgery. So I have to do this once again in the next 2 months.


We were on the road before 4 and we made good time on the way home as we got on before the real rush hour traffic started. We stopped to get something to eat closer to our home. I will go to bed early tonight. Then we are going to vote before I go to work.


I hope Bill is back home with you, and I will pray for the best results.




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I am sorry you are going through this. I hope you all remember me. I introduced my self to you both a few months ago. I hope this new Doctor will be able to help.


Yes, I do remember you. I thought you took a cruise not too long ago. How was it and how is everything else going?




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Oh boy aren't you glad you had the test! Now once you get that last one taken care of yoy won't have to worry about colon cancer.


I brought Bill home Monday he was released so we could go up to Madison for that appmt. Bill's dsughter sent the van from her assisted living home to take us there. The dr spent an hour and a half with us getting all the info from us verbslly and from all the rcords I had brought with and the ones he could pull up on the computer. The end result was he didn't know of anything other than that one drug that just got approved Oct 15th. But when Bill asked him, how long do I have, he said if he has another flare up like this one it could be his last, also said time to get the family together and get your affairs in order. But then later that night Bill's dr son texted me that the dr was discussing it with his transplant team, bit no promises.


Thanks Oppalopa, any prayers would be appreciated.

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Sharon, no one is saying that I do not have the cancer. The Dr is very concerned about this last pollup, and I have not heard about the 6 they have taken out either. I have to talk to my internist and ask him who does he recommend to do this next surgery. It will mean going through the entire prep once again.


Wow, that must had really hit you hard when the Dr said that. He was really to the point. So now that you both are back home and you have had time to digest all of this, what are you going to do now?


I will keep you both in my prayers. Before I left on Monday I weighed myself and I had lost 4 lbs with cleaning out my Colin.




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Oh I hope you don't have cancer. Whenever I have had the test the dr comes in afterward and tells you how it went and if everything was alright. Hopefully they will get back to you soon so you don't have to worry about it. Did they tell you how soon you should get that last one removed?


We are trying to carry on as normal as possible. He is trying to teach me how to do some of the things, bookkeeping, rental receipts, bill paying, that he has been doing for years. I am going to make an appmnt with the pulmonary dr for Monday to see about that new drug.


Well lets keep each other in our prayers!

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Sharon, that will go without saying, that we both will always hold each other in our prayers for always. I do hope that they will either get back to you telling you if they are seriously considering the transplant or if they think the drug would be the way to proceed.


I have been making calls to my internist and also to the Dr's office who performed the procedure. I need to find out who I need to go to in removing this last pollup. Realizing we are at the beginning of November and December is just ahead. I need to get this scheduled before the end of the year or if not sooner.


That is good that you can give Bill piece of mind if you can help him out and do some of his daily tasks. Much cooler temps are headed in and I am sure we will see more colder days before we see the nicer warmer days.


Have a good day,




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I did get the appmnt made for Bill with the pulmonary dr on Monday. He is the one thst would probably prescribe the new drug. I have ben trying to find a part D prescription plan for him. He never was on any drugs before so never enrolled. He has the supplement but no drug coverage. I called one ins gal and she said the penalty would be about $35 a month plus the plan cost. I said that would be alright since the one inhaler he gets once a month is over $200 a month. But she said the plan would cost too much and gave me a phone number in British Columbia and said we could get drugs cheaper thru there. I would rather just pay for a regular plan. So guess I will have to keep checking.


Hope you can get a name and a date to get your surgery soon. You probably have your deductible paid for this year already. Besides needing to get it done and over with.


Very cold and windy today, only 39 most of the day. Had rain this mirning. I got Bill up and dressed then went to water aerobics. When I got back home we headed over to his house to work on bookwork again. I am going to a funeral tomorrow for a friend of ours that died on Wed. He was diagnoised with cancer about the same time Bill was diagnoised with his illness. We kund of thought at the time our friend was the luckier one because there was treatments he could have. However that wasn't the case.

Edited by timeormoney
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Sharon, it is in the 30's just now and I do not think it will get out of the 40's today. Get ready the cold is coming in to stay for a long while.


I heard back from the Dr's yesterday. I was given the name of the Dr who could do this last pollup removal. This would be in the form of another Colonoscopy. So I have a call into the Dr and I am waiting to hear back when I can get in to have this done.


They told me yesterday that the 6 they did remove were cancerous, but they felt they got everything so no worries there. However they are very concerned about this last one that remains. Yes I have met all of my deductibles for this year.


Since we are in open enrolment period now, I would think that you could get Bill enrolled in some program that would go into effect 1/1/15. If you are looking for something now, I would think you could find something until January. Talk to the Dr on Monday and see if he can help.


So you are at the funeral today for you friend. It is too bad that something could not be done for him. Perhaps the cancer was too far spread in his system.


Let's continue to keep us both in our prayers, for now and beyond.




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That was good news about the ones removed, hopefully it will be good news when you have the last one removed!


Went to dr today and he filled out a request form to the company that makes that just released drug. Bill has to meet some critera to qualify for it. But thinks only thing that could stop it from being approved would be his age. The drug was tested on younger people. We should know within a coupke weeks at the most. Again this drug would only slow the progression not cure the disease. Also his blood pressure was very low today so was told to stop the water pill. We really like this dr he seems to really care, and thats nice to feel that.


Yes you are included in my morning and nightime prayers! Hope God's plans are the same as what we are praying for!

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Forgot to tell you, one of Bill's daughters came over on Friday the one that stays at his house, when she heard Bill was showing me all about thr rentals and bookkwork, she said she would be happy to quit her job and move into his house and do everything. She said lists needed to be made if how to do things. I told her I had already made lists and she didn't need to quit her job we had it covered. Going to be such a mess when something happens to Bill

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Sharon, starting this afternoon we will be headed into some very cold weather for a while. This is all coming down from that super storm that was along Alaska. They are coming to close our pond this morning. That means taking out the UV lights, the filters, and putting in 2 heaters for when it gets really cold so the water does not completely freeze over. They get oxygen from the open water.


It seems like when dealing with Dr's that there is nothing but hurry and just keep waiting. Time is not on your side. But I am glad to hear that someone is taking a proactive step in helping to treat Bill. I would agree that age is a major factor for anyone treating a patient. As you have said, Bill is basically healthy except for this lung issue. So it would be too bad if he could not get the proper treatment. Do you think you are going to hear anything back about their decision to transplant?


The nurse said I have to wait at least 1 month before we have another procedure. So that is the reason we have the 12/8. We will stay at a hotel just across the street from the hospital. I have to be there at 6:30. So once I am taken in, Bill can go back to the hotel and rest there. Much better than hanging around a waiting room or wandering around the hospital.




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Okay now you have a date and its still in this year, thats good. Thats a terrible time to have to be there but at least it will be over early and you can go for breakfast.


i would have thought by now we would have heard if there was any chance for the transplant, so I guess we put all our hopes on this new drug. If he gets it, I hope the side affects aren't too bad.


It got very cold here this afternoon, the rain even was mixed with sleet around 2pm. But from what they are saying its going to get even colder later in the week. Bill did not want to go to work today so we stayed home. Well, Iwent to water aerobics this morning.


I have an appointment for next Monday to talk to our ins guy about getting Part D for Bill, hopefully we can get it taken care of.


How is work going?

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Sharon, work is up and down. One day things are OK, and the next day the jerk is saying to me that I am turning into a hypodermic.


Yes, we had the rain yesterday morning and it stopped in the afternoon. So you had the colder temps and that is why you had the sleet. But now it is going to be very cold for awhile.


Since we are in open enrollment period, I would think that there will be no problem in getting him enrolled to go into effect on 1/1.


They came yesterday afternoon to close our pond for the winter. That intailed taking out the UV lights and the filters, and putting in the heaters.


Stay warm and have a good day.




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The problem comes from not enrolling in Part D when he was eligible and now trying to figute out the penalty along with the plan that will cover the meds he is taking. We picked up his spireva today and it is usually around $200 a month. Well today they charged us $25. I asked them how come and the druggist said they found a coupon onine. So that was a good surprise.


I think you got your fish taken care of just in time. I have to put driveway markers out around before the ground freezes and I can't get them stuck in.


I went to the funeral for a friend last Fridsy, he had a $12,000 green bay packer casket. Very plush inside along with being very pretty. But that was pretty darn expensive!

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Sharon, I still do not understand. As we are in open enrollment just now. So he could choose his options right now with no penalties, and then it would go into effect 1/1/15. If you can get these coupons for the next 2 months, then he should be good to go on 1/1.


Yes, we have seen those caskets as well. They do look real nice while on display. But like you said, very expensive to be lowering into the ground, never to be seen again, except on a picture.


We have gone from one extreme to another. I think on Monday it was up in the 60's. Now we are struggling to get out of the 20's. Our heat finally turned on in the garage as we keep it set at 52.


Bill usually does the same thing here as well as far as the stake markers. I know last year they were almost covered with the piles of snow all around. I am going to ask him what is he waiting for. With these temps, it will not be too long before the ground is froze solid.


Stay warm,




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There is a penalty % for every year you do not enroll when you are eligble for Part D. So we have that meeting on Monday to get enrolled.


Bill's daughter and son in law are coming over tomorrow to do a few things that need to be done. One of the things is to put up a dusk to dawn light on the peak of the pole barn. That will light up a big chunk of the back yard.


I went to zumba today instead of water aerobics and when I got there found out the class was cancelled.


Brrrrr very cold and windy today!

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Sharon, I was totally not aware of that penalty. I thought all was off the books during open enrollment period. I swear, with all of these rules and regulations, no wonder our system is so messed up. That should not be. I know for us if we want to make changes, we can do so during open enrollment period. If we do not want to make any changes, then we just leave everything alone, and everything goes into effect on 1/1.


My procedure was billed at $9100. The insurance said what they would pay would be $3400, and the rest got written off. Now if you do not have the insurance, you are responsible for the entire amount. If you have the insurance, they determine on how much is fair and just and they pay that, and the rest just goes away. This is a crazy system.


It seems to me that someone should have called you to tell you that it was canceled. Did you stay anyway, since you were already there, or did you just leave and do something else?


I agree that we have gone to such extremes so early in the season to be coping with these extreme temps. Last night Bill was in the garage painting the snow steaks. He paints the upper part of the steak red. So I guess he will pound them into the ground sometime today. He said the ground is not frozen yet, so now is the time to do this. I was sad to hear him doing this and I know how much snow we got last year, and I am not ready to have it once again.


That is good that they are coming to put up a light to light up the dark area. I know we have done that here and our alley by our garage and on both sides are well lit. As well on the side of our house and in the front as well. I feel much safer when everything is lit well.




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Wow that was a lot for the procedure, you are right the system is messed up. The poor people without insurance! Seems if they can write it off for the ins company they could write it off for the individusl person.


Bills son in law got the light up and it works great and really lights up the back yard. He also put up a picture on the brick wall over the fireplace. Its a picture of canadien geese in some snow covered reeds, I got it at a store that was going out of business so got a good price on it. We have had it a year and wanted it put up there.


He said make a list of things you need done and he would come back.


We had a light layer of snow on the driveway this morning but it was gone pretty quickly. Looks like it will be more tomorrow night.

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Sharon, I left early this morning and met a few of my friends and have been gone all day shopping and eating. We went to a mall in Merrillville, IN. A nice place to eat, called Cooper Hawk. You may have heard of their wine?


We have had light flurries around here the past few days, but nothing that stuck. As you have said, I guess starting tonight and into tomorrow we are supposed to get measurable snowfall.


My son who has been sober for some 4 years now. Who has been living in halfway houses and sober living places, will close on his own house this coming Friday. So that means in about another week to 2 week we should have all of his stuff moved out of here and this house will become a lot less cluttered. I can only pray that he continues to remain sober and will not run into the wrong type if individuals that sent him down a dead end 1 way road in the first place.


That bill was just for the procedure. So now I just saw another 1 from the Dr and that was for $5300. The ins paid $300 and the rest was written off and my responsibility is $200. Crazy isn't it?


Stay warm, and I hope you both have a nice weekend. It is good that Bill's SIL is doing all of that work for you. Will you still be using that same man with the disability, to do your driveway again this season?




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I haven't heard of that place or wine, but then I haven't heard of alot of wines so that doesn't mean too much. I bet it was a nice place, did you like the wine? Buy any to take home? My favorite wine is Moscato, its a little sweet but not alot. You went shopping too, did you buy anything? I haven't been anywhere to shop for awhile. Seems I don't have much free time anymore.


Yesterday after my exercise class we went to our ins guys office and he helped us get Bill enrolled in Part D. There is about a $35 penalty just as we thought there would be. However the insurance company said we should ask medicare if they can either waive or reduce the penalty because he is a veteran. You pay the penalty to medicare not the insurance company. They take it out of your SS monthly payment. So I have to make an appmnt and go in to talk to them.


Got a call from Walgreens specialty pharmacy today saying they were forwarding the drug request to another pharmacy due to our insurance coverage. So tomorrow I am supposed to call and find out the status. Hope they hurry up and give it to us soon.


Bill's son in law is coming back on Friday to do some more stuff around here. So I thought I would nake a big pot of beef stew and buy some garlic bread for a late lunch for them. Bill's daughter is coming too.


Last Sat Bill's son, the dr, came down from Wi and we went out to dinner with him? another daughter, her husband and a different son in law. On the way home it was snowing like crazy. We got about an inch and a half.


We go over to Bill's house several afternoons a week and work on his rent receipts and bills. Just got back home this afternoon and thought I had better get on here and see what you wrote and let you know whats going on here.


Boy this weather is awful, when I drive by the lake in the morning its covered in steam. Guess the water is warmer than the air. I might take my camera tomorrow and take a picture of it.


well, stay warm!

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Sharon, when I do not hear from you in a few day's I am concerned that something is wrong. So I am glad that you keep me posted.


We turned on the heaters in our pond and it was freezing over and we have never turned on the heaters this early before. With the high winds and the temps, it is very cold and extreme cold, as well.


The jerk is down in Punta Gorda until May. But that does not stop him from calling me everyday.


Yes, I did bring home 2 bottles of white wine.


Stay warm and I hope they can have some positive plans for Bill shortly.




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Wow until May, does he have a condo there or something? He left at the right time its too cold too early. Good thiing you go your fish taken care of already.


I went to talk with the girls tonight, the 5 of us were the only ones there. The owner said next Wed he will have free turkey dinners or a buffet really for customers. So we are going to meet earlier, around 7pm so its not all gone by the time we get there.


Well time to go to bed, been a long day!

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Sharon, the jerk's sister bought a place there a few years ago, and he rents from them. He was all upset last year as they and had their friends coming down there and he was mad, because he was paying the bill for other's to be using it and that was not in his deal.


That is good that the owner of the bar is so good to his regular customers. Also a nice break for hump day. I am glad that you enjoy and are able to meet with your friends.


My son closes on his house this Friday. We have it set for the 29th for him to move all of his stuff out of here. He is having it painted and just cleaning it up from the closing until he actually moves in later on.


The temps will be warming up starting tomorrow. Then a lot of rain on Sunday and then the temps drop down once again next week. We really have not had a sticking snow. I would imagine in your area that the snow has stuck?


I agree with both of our situations, there can be cause for concern if we do not keep in touch on a regular basis.


Stay warm,




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That is great your son has a house, so glad that he is doing good! Any plans for the extra space you will have? It will be nice he is settled in for the holidays.


We still have snow on the ground and ice on some of the less traveled roads, hopefully after this weekend it will be gone. The truck and plow that Bill's son always used to plow the farm and the apartments in town broke down sveral months ago and the garage wanted too much to fix it. His son has been looking for a different truck but has not found one with lower miles and reasonably priced. So they found a guy who will plow each one for $50 each, each time it snows a couple inches. I think it will save money not having to buy another truck, but his son says he needs one to haul larger items like hot water heaters and such to keep up the apmnts. Of course he wants Bill to pay for it.


We were talking to tge specialty pharmacy today. First we were told that we wouldn't be able to get that new drug because the ins would not pay for any drug that was over $999.99. I told the gal we were talking to that this was his last hope and asked her what she recommended that we do, or if we could pay for it ourselves. She said she would look into it and call us back. After about an hour she did call and said she has talked to member services and the the drug manufacturer and they had agreed to waive over $7000 and charge us $25 a month! This amount would be good for 12 months. I asked her how in the world she was able to work such miracles, she said she was just very patient when she talked with them and they were very accomodating. They were overnighting the drug and we should get it tomorrow. Also someone would be calling to set up an appmnt to come out and tell Bill how to take the medicine. We are so excited to have this chance, now will continue to pray it will work on him and slow the disease progression.

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