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I went to the Calvary Church's Advent dinner. There was about 400 women there, the servers were all men. There were close to 50 tables set, each table had a hostess that brought her own table settings including glasses, cups, silverware for all eight places around the table. The hostess also brought tables decorations and a small gift for each person at her table. Each table was different so it was fun to walk around the room and look at them all. They are having it again tonight for an additional 400 women. I had never been before and was quite impressed. They had 4 gals for intertainment that sang, their names were the Calvary Chicks. They were very good harmonizers.


In our forever fit class it was all women until the last week when that couple I was telling you about came. He was the only man ever and some were not to happy to have him there. Then they showed up at the water aerobics class. We have two men in that class, one comes with his wife and one comes by himself. He is not able to do much, heart problems I think. He stands in the waist deep water and has slid underneath the water so the instructor had to jump in and stand him back up. The guy that comes with his wife is retired military but pretty much stays out of the way of anyone.


That must have been some melt down! Same old, same old or something different? Do you think you might be more on edge because of your upcoming procedure?


We had as pretty nice day today, weatherwise. We did some bookwork at Bill's then went to Culvers and got a hamburger. It was 3pm by then so kinda between lunch and dinner. We thawed out a shrimp ring last night so if we get hungry we'll just eat that instead of making dinner.


Enjoy your weekend

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Sharon, wow that is a lot of women over 2 days and some 800 women and all male servers. That is a real switch. But it sounded like you had a real nice time and that it was really well organized.


I went out with the bunco gals last night. This was our holiday get together. We did not play bunco we just ate and told stories at one of their houses. So I still got home early this morning.


As far as work goes, same old crap just a different day. You brought up a good point. Perhaps this procedure is stress me out, more than I realize. We are leaving for downtown tomorrow afternoon. I have to be at the hospital at 6 am on Monday.


The past few days it has been in the 40's. Today it is very overcast here. I am just cleaning around the house and I will put up more decorations as well. I will not be doing much of anything else today.


Enjoy and have a good rest of the weekend. At least 1 of us will enjoy the weekend, I know I will not.




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I will be saying a prayer for you Kathy that everything goes well! At least it will be good to finally get it over with.


We went uptown to get a bowl of soup for lunch and saw crowds gathering, didn't even know that they were having a Christmas parade coming in a half an hour. So when we finished eating we went out and sat in the car and watched the parade, it was only about 15 min long, had carolers and fire engines and police cars and of course Santa Claus.


Tinker started howling late last night and almost running around, which is really unusual for her because she doesn't even bark and can hardly walk anymore. I found some really strong pain pills I had for a dog we used to have that had arthritis and gave her a half a pill. After about an hour she seemed to start feeling a little better and slept through the night. This morning again she woke up and started howling and running. I know she is in pain but I'm afraid if we take her to the vet they will just put her to sleep. So I again gave her half a pain pill and again in about an hour she was resting. She ate a little a few minutes ago and is now resting again. I don't know what is the matter and I only have a few more pill that I can give her. I know the vet said this pill was not good for her but its the only thing that stops her pain. I certainly don't want her in pain, and I hope this passes and she is alright again. Otherwise we will have to take her in on Monday.

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Sharon, thank you, I am sure I will need all of the help possible. I hate taking the prep. I will start tomorrow afternoon once we arrive there.


Poor Tinker, I hope she gets better. Lucky you still had pain pills. I am sure the cold weather will not be good for her either if you have to take her outside.


I am surprised they are still having holiday parades, it is kinds of late. But good that you were able to sit in your car and watch.




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Thank goodness Tinker is better, so glad we didn't take her to the vet. I really don't know what happened to put her in so much pain, hope it dosen't ever happen again.


What did they tell you to take for the prep, keep hoping they find something better that works just as good. Last time I had to drink a gallon of stuff.


Think I am going to skip the water aerobics Christmas party tomorrow night, its for spouses too and Bill can't really go. The house where the party is at is a tri-level and he can't do stairs gets too out of breath. Also on Tuesday night is the Forever Fit Chrisrmas party, just for participants, then on Wed four of us gals are going out to eat for our Christmas party.


So again, good luck my friend!

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How did it go today, been thinking about you and wondering. Was thinking they may keep you overnight to recover.


We had strange weather, icy roads this morning then warmed up a bit and then fog. I am glad its foggy have good excuse for not going to the Christmas party. Its really not that foggy but going to use it anyway.


Billl's dr appmnt got cancelled this afternoon, the dr called in sick!


Hope to hear from you soon

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Sharon, we got back home yesterday around 12:30. I had not gotten a lot of sleep prior to the procedure. So once we got home I had a headache and went to bed, and slept most of the afternoon. This morning I woke up late and was late going into work from being so tired.


So having them take me back just around 6:30 and actually leaving around 11:30 it was a very long morning being in there. I had over heard a nurse say that she has never seen the size so large that they removed before. The Dr came in and talked to us after I was in recovery. He said I would need to come back in 6 months and have it done again to prevent this occurring once again.


So I am going to have to do a much better job in keeping current with what I need to get done as far as my own health care. The Dr said they would have to send it out for analysis and they will be calling me in about 1 week with the results. He did say it did not look like there was any cancer. But they still have to send everything out anyway for analysis.


So all in all it was good being down there so we did not have to get up so early to get there on time. I will have to take things easy until I am all healed up. So nice and easy this week.


I am glad to hear that Tinker is doing much better. It also sounds like you will be busy going to parties this week. We have 1 on Sunday at our club for the members.


It has been raining here all morning. Stay dry, and thank you for all of the prayers, and thoughts.




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Glad to hear that you are all done and recovering, surprised you went to work at all. One woman in our swimming class had mentioned a while back that she had a large one removed and began hemorrhaging once she got home. So be careful that doesn't happen to you.


I did not go to the party last night and I'm not going to the one tonight either. None of the gals that I regularly talk to are going so I decided not to go either. So that leaves tomorrow, and now that got changed to lunch instead of dinner because no one wanted to drive that far away in the dark. The restaurant was a few towns over and very expensive anyway.


Had more ice on the driveway this morning and again, Tinker went out and fell down so I had to go get my house shoes and coat on and go pick her up. Wish it would dry out! It feels very damp and cold too. They say wait until the weekend it will feel like spring, I hope so, we are going to that wedding and would be nice to have good roads to drive on. It is in Rockford somewhere, I'll have to put the address in my OnStar to get us there.


Again, glad you are done and can stop having that procedure hanging over your head!

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Sharon, that was the first thing they tod me to watch out for. So far everything is OK. That is what had happened to my Aunt a few months ago. After she came home and we went to Oshkosh to visit her. So I was told if there was any excessive bleeding I was to get to the hospital ASAP.


So it would seem that you have gotten much colder temps as around here it was damp and wet but no freezing. So probably good that you have elected to cancel some of the parties. I got a lot of rest yesterday and even this morning. If I did not feel up to it, I would have stayed home. My health comes first, and not that jerk. If he cannot understand that, well too bad. I do not ever want to let things go for so long in the future. All I can do now is hope the results will come back favorable.


So then tomorrow you will drive to Rockford and just have lunch since the dinner was canceled. That is best as I would have done the very same thing, as I would not want to be driving too far after dark.




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We had our lunch today, a very nice, and local place. We met at noon and didn't leave until 2:30pm. A couple of the gals are leaving again Dec 28th. They have already left and came back for Thanksgiving and Christmas. One goes to Florida and the other one to Alabama. Me and the other gal stay here for the entire long nasty cold winter!


We go to Rockford on Saturday for the wedding for the young guy that plows our driveway. Then on Sunday we just go to the next town for a wedding reception for Bill's grandson who got married in Kauai in November. So will be a busy weekend for us.


Going to meet the gals for a few hours tonight, Bill has been going over his trust book so that should keep him busy while I am gone.

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Sharon, I had a message from the Dr yesterday. So I called him back this morning and I am waiting for him to give me the results. Needless to say I am very concerned.


I remember the wedding in Kauai. So I should say so that you will be very busy going to them over the weekend. I heard that the weather will be warming up over the weekend. I remember that wedding as Bill used to own a couple of places on Kauai and we were there a few years ago. Also we have a cruise scheduled in April. Don't forget me as I remember how your lady friends go away for the winter and I am also stuck here as well as you. How can any of us forget the winter we had last winter?


So one reason I have had such bad days at work. The jerk came back on Friday and will be staying here for another week. His family comes in and he pays for everything as they stay in a hotel in IN. For a family Christmas Party. The Holiday Star Plaza. So he has been nuts and I have been all stressed out with all of his goofy crap that he has been throwing at me. Also being all stressed out with my medical issues.


Always nice to get out towards the end of the week for a break. Enjoy and have a great time out tonight.




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I hope the dr calls you back soon, its terrible to have to wait and wonder. I also hope when he does call he has great news for you!


I did zumba again today instead of the water aerobics, its just so darn crowded at the pool its hard to find a spot to exercise. Although even today at zumba we were all pretty much spaced out and a gal came late and got right next to me, I just don't know seems that I draw people to me! My friend Mary has been sick since Thanksgiving, the dr has even put her on steroids. Today she comes to zumba and also stands right next to me. I had set up a chair to put my coat and water bottle on next to me and she put her water bottle and several used Kleenexes on it. Yuck! Then she told me she was much better, although she sounded very stopped up, and said her husband now was sick. She knows I have been trying to stay away from sick people because I don't want to bring it home to Bill and have him end up in the hospital. Sometimes think I should just stay home, too many sick people out there that don't stay home!


This afternoon went to the farm and did the mail, not much so wasn't there long. Going to have to think of something for dinner, getting hungry.


Maybe the jerk should go stay with his family in Indiana, ha ha

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Sharon, the Dr called me back yesterday just when I was getting ready to leave from work. He said it was at the earliest stage of cancer, and that's why it is so important to get these done on a timely manner. So I am waiting for the nurse to call me back so I get the next one scheduled in June.


Around now there are many who are sick. I hate it when you are around people who are sneezing and spreading all of their germs all around. Just a few days ago I was walking down the street and this lady was walking out of this door and sneezing. Like you said yuck.


So the jerk comes from a very large family. Every year he pays for all of them to stay at a hotel and they have a huge family party and he pays for everything, even the air fare. So the party is tomorrow. Some even stay for a couple of nights not just 1.


I totally agree with you, that you do not want to be around anyone who is sick or getting sick as you do not want to get sick yourself or spread anything to Bill either. That's why anyplace in closed surroundings is the worst place to be, and the easiest place to spread germs or to pick something up. People are so inconsiderate to those around them.


Warming up for over the weekend. I am glad that we did not get that stuff that has been on both coasts.




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Thats great news! So no follow up treatment is necessary, just monitoring. I must get mine scheduled.


Actually that is pretty nice of the jerk, of course everyone takes advantage of his generosity. I know when Bill's son, the dr, comes and everyone goes out to dinner he pays for it all just about every time. Some order more expensive entres and more drinks than if they were paying for it themselves. Too bad your boss is not that generous to his employees.


Bill's daughter and son in law came again this afternoon. He did not do any work here but said he would come back next week and fix our dining room chairs. They are so heavy it is hard to pull them up to the table when you sit down to eat. He is going to cut the bottom of the legs off and put rollers on. That will be really nice.


Yes they keep saying its going to warm up but I will believe it when I feel it!

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Sharon, Bill had bought these things called moving men. They stick or adhesive to the bottom of things. They can be used either for bare or hardwood flooring or carpeted areas as well. They slide and work very nice and easy, and extremely easy to use. Rollers are nice as well, but a lot of work putting them on.


I am waiting for the nurse to call me back to schedule an appointment in June. The Dr said it is extremely important that I keep up with regular scheduled appointments so not to let this go to getting worse. I just have to monitor mainly now for excessive bleeding.


The jerk is taking the money from the company to pay for all of his family. This is not an accepted practice, and I agree that many take advantage when anything is free. A good example, whenever we go to a funeral luncheon, we do not order alcohol, and keep ordering those kinds of drinks.


Yes, it has been cold the past few days. We were hard pressed to get out of the 30's. But today it is close to 50. At least we did not get that stuff that both coasts have been going through. Enjoy and have a good rest of the weekend. Our club is having a Christmas Party for all members tomorrow.




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I bought some of those adhesive things you stick on the bottom of legs for the stools by the counter and we cannot keep them on. I think the legs of the chairs with the dinning room table are too thick to put anything like that on them. Rollers would just do the trick!


We had so much fog yesterday and today, and only in the low 40's, I knew we could not count on "spring like" weather.


The wedding was real nice yesterday, they had the groom come out already on the alter and she walked up the aisle. When she got up there to him, she sat on a chair facing him. Then at the reception, and they must have had over 200 people there, when they had the first dance, she sat on his lap in the wheel chair. Someone said it was the sweetest dance they had ever seen. We left around 8:30 and were surprised to see the fog had lifted so the drive home was good.


Today went to the wedding reception of Bill's grandson. It was for the one that got married in Kauai last month. It was a banquet upstairs and we thought we would have to stay downstairs by the regular bar but the owner said Oh no, I have a seat lift. So he took us to another stairway and had Bill sit down on it and it started up to the top. We had a beautiful view of Lake Geneva and they had the Packers game on so all was good. We got home a little while ago and it was still foggy today on the ride home.


So we are going to try to get to the dr again tomorrow, the first time right after Thanksgiving it snowed so bad we couldn't make it and the next Monday the dr called in sick so this will be the third time we try and see him. It is to meet the dr that is going to be his family physician since the other one retired the end of Oct.


We had the Respiratory Therapist gal come over on Friday, she said our Pulmonary dr put one other guy on this new medicine, but they were unable, so far, to get the deal we did so he could not start taking it. I think we might have been the first one to try and get it. She asked me what we did to get the deal and I said it wasn't me it was the gal from the specialty pharmacy that did it.


Enjoy the Christmas party at the club!

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Sharon, we have had much for especially this morning and it is coming back now that it is getting dark. It was misting all morning and now it is just raining, and I guess it will be around freezing in the morning.


Too bad that you cannot use those for your house. We have them on couches and on tables. They work well although we mainly have all hardwood flooring. Only a few area rugs, but the entire house either has the hardwood floors or tile. Bill had a very heavy workbench in the garage and he put those underneath and it slides real easy if he has to mover it. He has an epoxy floor in the garage.


So that wedding on Saturday was a very large one, and it sounded like a real good time. Then on Sunday you had the Kauai reception. So a weekend filled with weddings and receptions. We went to the club yesterday for members Christmas Party. It was called Christmas around the world, where those who wish to partake brings a dish to shear from the country of your heritage.


So how did the Dr visit go today? So you had the pulmonary person come on Friday. Sounds like you did get a good deal from the other lady as this one was very impressed. Hopefully it will be doing Bill good in a short period of time.


Stay dry,




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We did get to meet the new dr, he is much younger than we thought he would be. He didn't have anything to change so just said when Bill needed prescriptions renewed to give him a call. All the ones from the prior dr cannot be refilled now since he retired.


Noticed today that all the piles of snow from shoveling the last snow were all gone. Heard the weather gal mention something about snow tomorrow night, not supposed to be "measureable".


Did you take something to the Christmas party? Sounds like it could be quite a smorgsboard of food to taste if everyone brought something.


Wednesday night us gals are supposed to bring a snack, I haven't decided what to bring yet. There are only 5 or sometimes 6 of us that go every week so there won't be alot of snacks, but it will be fun. One of the gals does the weigh ins for a Weight Watchers meeting before she comes. She is slim but always has been so its not like she lost alot of weight. She looks the best of all the rest of us!


Are you feeling ok?

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Sharon, I am feeling just OK, but I still have some spot bleeding. As far as the clubs Christmas Party. Since this procedure I have not been feeling just where I should be. So they had an option if you did not bring a dish to shear you could pay $5 per person. So that was a deal for us and that is what we did.


It was very foggy around here yesterday and damp all day. Today it is not as foggy but still damp outside. I did hear that the temps are supposed to be dropping, perhaps into freezing.


So you are having a little bring your own dish for your get together tomorrow. I went to weigh-in last night. This was the first time for me since the procedure, as I have not been feeling too well. So I had lost 4 pounds. Tonight we will go to the club for dinner. It is Taco Tuesday's for $3 per taco. Sometimes we will have a few and other times we just order off the menu.


Yes, it seems when a Dr retires they have a much younger one that takes over. So it is good that you have someone that will be working with you now. How is Bill responding to the medication?




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Do you have all your Christmas presents bought? I ordered Santa cookie jars with brownies in them for my grandchildren from HSN home shopping. The day I ordered them they had free shipping. We ordered fruit boxes for Bill's kids except for the one that has came down and helped us with several things in the house. We ordered a gift card for the Fireside Theater. I haven't gotten anything for Bill's 10 yr old granddaughter. We just give it to her dad and he gives it to her then we never hear if she liked it or not either.


Getting colder outside, guess we'll have more Dec like weather for a while agaiI took some niquel sleep aid last night and it did work, I fell asleep but woke up after about two hours. Then sleep and two hrs later woke up again. Today very thirsty, just like when you take benedryl. Not going to take it tonight.


At the pool today the water was very cold, the pool heater was not working. After we got going it was alright but couldn't stay in and float around afterward.

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Sharon, I have a good deal of the shopping done. But still a few things left to buy yet. But I am getting close. If that is the GD that never talks to you, well then I totally understand you not wanting to be around her. Perhaps if you got her nothing, then she may start talking to you.


I don't think it ever got out of the 20's here today. So I guess it will be a bit colder now for the next week.


They probably changed the water in the pool, so I am sure it takes some time to get the temp back up to where you are used to.


I forgot about our company Christmas Party last night. It is just at a local bar, as between the 2 places they trade off stuff so neither party pays for anything. Kind of you scratch my back and I'll do the same for you.


Stay warm,




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Did you go to the Christmas party, was it just employees or spouses too?


All 6 of us gals went tonight, we all brought something to eat. I was going to make deviled eggs but ran out of time so just bought some fancy cookies. One gal brought baked spaghetti, one brought a fruit platter, herring (which most didn't like) and a cake. Another brought chips and salsa and Tom the owner made a tray of honey ham bagels. So we had lots to eat and snack on between dancing.


OnStar sent me an email saying I had some potentially damaging problem with my engine. They ran a diagnostic report and said it was the oil pressure unit. So I took it in to the dealer and sure enough thats what it was. So $234.00 later its all fixed. Then I took Bill's car in because he has no heat. They said it was the heater core and to fix it they have to take the whole dashboard out. His cost is going to be around $1100.00. The part is not that much, its the labor. Its supposed to be done by Friday. Bill doesn't drive anymore so I drive one car for awhile then the other one for a while.


Ok, going to bed now

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Sharon, being the manager I am required to go. I tried to talk Bill into going, but he does not like the bar it is held at and he does not like some of the employees either. So I picked up 1 lady and we went together.


It sounds like you all had a good time at your dance place last night. Everyone seems to get along and the owner treats you all very well.


Wow, you are really getting it socked to you with repair bills. I was not aware that OnStar is so reliable to send you, messages on what can go wrong with your car. That is a great benefit. As far as Bill's vehicle, that is really expensive. But like you said, mostly labor.


I know yesterday it did not get out of the 20's around here. I guess today it will only be in the 30's. Enjoy and have a good day today, stay warm.




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I ordered another months worth of Bill's new medicine today, held my breath it would all go through good, and it did. I talked with the specialty pharmacy this afternoon around 2pm and the gal assured me we would have it tomorrow morning. There really isn't that big a rush but thats how they do it.


Went to zumba this morning and had a really good workout. She doesn't always give a good workout but today she was really into it. I'm going to go back to the one day water aerobics and one day zumba schedule again. The Forever Fit exercise class starts in January again so then I'll have to see how often I go to that, its 3 days a week.


Not sure if Bill's daughter is coming down tomorrow or not, haven't heard from her.


I've got to get Bill a Christmas present yet, hopefully tomorrow.

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Sharon, I am the same way. Even though we did say we would not buy for each other, he always gets something. He is so picky and very hard to get anything for.


That is good that you will have another months supply for Bill's medication. We get our's through mail order. They send up a 90 day supply for the long term medication.


Yes it is that time of year once again where the classes stop for the holidays and then resume once again after the holidays are over. It will be good to get back into a regular routine.


Even though we both have gotten the flu shot this year, and they have come out saying that it will not do any good to prevent from this year's strain. I am hearing many people are getting real sick. All we can do is continue to wash our hands and try to stay away from germs, good luck.


Perhaps Bill's daughter will come over to your place today. Enjoy and have a good day.




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