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Any fall cruisers looking to lose


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Hey Member 123-How cool is it that we are on the same cruise? I am so excited! You are doing Zumba in Scottsdale and so far, I am only doing it on the WII. So far, I would probably be embarrassed to do it in a group setting. I can see myself going left and the group going right. POW!!!! I am hoping that there is a Zumba class on the ship for all the sea days we have. As far as going onto shore and having a class, we have some very dear friends cruising with us and I am hesitant to make plans that would only include me at this time.


Yesterday, I had the first glass of wine in a long time. Stepped on the scale and was up 2 pounds. UGH...I keep reminding myself that this is a journey.

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Greetings everyone,

Although I gained back the 2 lbs. :eek: over the week-end,

I'm checking in at least for the accountability factor. I'll

just pick myself up, dust myself off, and try again for a

better week. :rolleyes:

I hope last week was a better week for you than it was

for me. Good luck with your efforts on the week ahead. :)


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Hey Member 123-How cool is it that we are on the same cruise? I am so excited! You are doing Zumba in Scottsdale and so far, I am only doing it on the WII. So far, I would probably be embarrassed to do it in a group setting. I can see myself going left and the group going right. POW!!!! I am hoping that there is a Zumba class on the ship for all the sea days we have. As far as going onto shore and having a class, we have some very dear friends cruising with us and I am hesitant to make plans that would only include me at this time.


Yesterday, I had the first glass of wine in a long time. Stepped on the scale and was up 2 pounds. UGH...I keep reminding myself that this is a journey.



How do you like the Zumba for the Wii? I've thought about ordering it a couple of times, but I'm so bad about doing all the stuff I already have.


I'm not sure about how I'm feeling on my loss right now. When my mother and I started our diet we didn't weight ourselves because our scale died on us. We got a new one, but according to that, I only lost 4 pounds. I'm happy the numbers are down and not up of course, but that's going by a doctor's scale from two months ago. I could have put on weight before I started so I don't have a realistic idea of what I actually lost. I actually see a difference in my body and the way my clothes fit and other people have remarked I look like I lost as well. It's left me pretty confused.

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OK, I have learned that I will need to do more to lose weight before my cruise than to simply join this thread! I should have known it was too good to be true....




Today's goal: Dig out Wii and do at least one exercise on it.

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I am going on the EOS in Sept.:cool: On May 1st. I started a program called HCG. I am now on maintenance and have lost 28 lbs. I feel great.:) These are hormone shots :eek: you give yourself every morning. On the first 2 days you go on a binge eating to build fat into your body. Then on the third day, you go to 500 calories a day, and you have no hunger pains.;) You do this for 23 or 40 days, whichever you chose, and you lose a lb. or more a day. You cannot excersize with these shots. Dr. Oz did a show on this and has said it is a safe way to lose. I am doing 1500 calories a day now, and am not even hungry. After the cruise I will do these shots again, to lose the rest of the weight I want. But boy do I feel GREAT !!!!





This is the web site for this. Read up on it, or ask your doctor. They will tell you if you should try it or not.



The place in Boca will talk to you and you can ask all the questions you want to. Her name is Donna and you need to fill out forms so a doctor can make sure its OK. Best thing I ever did. The only thing is, is that its an expense. But then again, so is weight watchers. You eat all healthy foods. Please just do some research on this weight loss. It is new to the states and has been in Europe for more than 50 yrs.

Good sailing to you all.

Rhena :p

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Hello all, I too have been trying to loose weight for my Fall Med Cruise since January. When I read the walking requirements for the excursions that I wanted to try, I knew that I needed to get in shape. I lost 20 lbs. and my husband lost 30 lbs. I started with 30 minutes on the treadmill and got bored. I tried Zumba, but was tired after 20 minutes. I am stuck and I can't seem to loose any more weight. For the last two weeks I've added water aerobics and weights a few times a week.


Great job on losing those 20 lbs! I know I can get bored on a treadmill if I have nothing to watch or listen to. Do you have an iPod? I either listen to music, which makes the time go by faster, or I listen to my favorite audiobook. I get so caught up in the story that I don't realize how much time has passed!


I'm trying to lose at least 20 lbs before my cruise in the end of August... I just started going to the gym 4-5 times a week, and I'm trying to watch what I'm eating (really... I'll start again Monday, I swear!) I do well with a modified Flat Belly Diet / Hungry Girl mash-up.


Nice to see other people are trying to lose before cruising too!

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Hello everyone. It seems like everyone has had a good plan for this week.


Kim, where are you? Havn't heard from you this week. :)


I do not have a Wii but that is in the plan. I have never done Zumba either but did watch a program on TV about it the other day. It really looks fun. I am going to the library and am going to check out a few Zumba Dvd's to find one I like and get started. I am not the most coordinated person in the world so hopefully I can keep up. I added on 15 min each day to my treadmill time but I agree with others, it does get boring. I usually do the treadmill late afternoon after coming home from work so for motivation I've started putting on Court TV ( yes, I'm adicted to the Casey Anthony trial) and watching this during my walking time. The other day, I got so involved with it that I walked 3 miles without even realizing it.


Today was my Weight Watcher's weigh-in. I am down 2.8 lbs this week. The past 2 weeks I was only down 2 lbs on-the-dot so I'm wondering if that little extra time on the Treadmill is pushing me. I have 17 more weeks to go until my cruise so I'm going to keep on pushing on. I saw pictures from my last cruise and I swear I do not want to look that heavy again. It's funny how it takes a picture of yourself to strike up that motivation. At least that's the way it was for me. My fiance had bought me this cute black skirt and top and wanted me to wear it for elegant night. When I saw the picture, I was totally shocked. I looked like a stuffed saugage in it. The image of that picture gave me the push I needed to get back-on-the-weight-loss-wagon once again.


Have a good weekend everyone and remember, nothing tastes as good as thin feels. Cari

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone! How was everyone's week? I didn't have such a good one myself. It was my birthday this week so there was a lot of going out and not a lot of exercise. I'm happy to say I'm still down almost another pound though. I thought my scale was lying this morning, thought it would be up instead of down. I guess its really crunch time now. Once this weekend is over I have to find the motivation to get off my butt.

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Motivation is really hard for me too when it comes to holidays and special occasions. We are invited to my fiance's parents tomorrow for a 4th of July cookout. They are having burgers, hot dogs and brats and everyone is bringing a covered dish. I am making a fruit salad and a Mexican 3-bean salad with a lite dressing. I am planning on having having a hot dog on a bun and then sticking with some fresh fruit and a little bean salad. The good thing is that they always have lots of outdoor activities like baseball, horseshoes and a bean-bag toss so I'm going to try to keep active and not sit around and eat.


I had a so-so weigh in at WW. I was just down 1.6 this week. I'll take it though, every little bit counts. This was wk 5 that I have been back to WW and have lost a total of 13.0 so far. I have 16 wks to go until our cruise so I will just try to plug along.


Wishing everyone a great week and a safe 4th of July.

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How's it going peeps?! I just looked at carnival's website and saw I have 140 days left to my cruise! Eek! That's 20 weeks to lose 25 pounds! Alright. I'm motivated. As soon as it gets a bit lighter outside, I'm off for a walk. Who's getting back on the fitness train with me?! Let's get moving!!

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I'm onboard with ya! I have 15 wks until the cruise and 31 lbs to go until goal. I may not hit my goal exactly but I will do my best to get as close as possible. I have had a foot tendon injury that has been slowing my fitness down. I had been wearing my tone-up shaping shoes on the treadmill and while for some folks this is ok, it was not for me. I am taking it slow and hoping that is does not stall my progress.


You can do it WendyGrace, just take it a day at a time. :)

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I'd like to join in with you all losing for your fall cruises! I'm sailing on Celebrity Eclipse the week after Thanksgiving, so about 20 weeks out. I have been (back) on Weight Watchers for 2 weeks now and lost 6 pounds. I can't make goal by November, but I'd like to lose about 30 pounds by then and really be in a routine of healthier living.


I bought the Wii Zumba, and really had trouble with it. It just goes too fast for me. Maybe when I'm in a little better shape? Wii Active works pretty well for me, when I can make myself get up and do it. But my exercise this past week has been swimming and water aerobics, and I have really enjoyed it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone!


No posts in a while, just thought I'd check and and see how everyone is doing. I'm sticking to my diet. Down somewhere between 15 and 20 pounds in 7 1/2 weeks. I was feeling really great, but yesterday, doing nothing but standing up I managed to throw out my back a little. That's a huge reason why I'm trying to drop weight. My back has been bad for a while, which keeps me from exercising like I should. I guess a trip to the chiropractor is coming up soon. Maybe over the weekend I'll get in some gentle walking and see if I can losen myself up.


Hope everyone is having a good summer and is still losing!

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Hello everyone!


I would live to join your group. We sail just after Thanksgiving and I've got to get 20-25 pounds off by then. Not quite sure what method I'm going to use yet. I've done just about everything and my experience is that it all works if you stick with it. I know I've got to get moving but it's so hot here in Texas - outside is almost out of the question. Guess it's back to the gym for me! I hate working out, thus why I'm posting on this board. :).


Anyways, weighed this morning so will make Saturday my wi day. We can do this!

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Hi everyone. Hoping I can join the group! I am sailing in September to celebrate turning 40 in October. I am on day 2 of the Sacred Heart diet (kinda like the cabbage soup diet). It's a 7 day detox diet and it says you can lose from 10 to 17 pounds in 7 days. I have my fingers crossed. It would be a huge jump start for me. I am hoping that this time I can lose and keep it off. I am just like a yo yo going up and down. I want to be a broken yo-yo that doesn't go up again!

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Hi everyone. Hoping I can join the group! I am sailing in September to celebrate turning 40 in October. I am on day 2 of the Sacred Heart diet (kinda like the cabbage soup diet). It's a 7 day detox diet and it says you can lose from 10 to 17 pounds in 7 days. I have my fingers crossed. It would be a huge jump start for me. I am hoping that this time I can lose and keep it off. I am just like a yo yo going up and down. I want to be a broken yo-yo that doesn't go up again!


Welcome twospoiled! Good luck on your detox and diet. I see from your signature you have a countdown going to Disney World....I have one also and it looks like I'm going just one day after you!

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Welcome twospoiled! Good luck on your detox and diet. I see from your signature you have a countdown going to Disney World....I have one also and it looks like I'm going just one day after you!


I can't wait to go see Mickey! It will be 5 years since we've last been there by the time we go. Both my kids ended up sick at different times during our last trip so my fingers are crossed for a healthy trip this time around!


Are you staying on the Disney property? We're staying at the Caribbean Beach. We spent our honeymoon there and loved it! They've made some great changes to the pool area!

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I can't wait to go see Mickey! It will be 5 years since we've last been there by the time we go. Both my kids ended up sick at different times during our last trip so my fingers are crossed for a healthy trip this time around!


Are you staying on the Disney property? We're staying at the Caribbean Beach. We spent our honeymoon there and loved it! They've made some great changes to the pool area!



I can't wait either, it's going to be 5 1/2 years since my last trip, although I'm getting my Disney in before April....my cruise I'm trying to lose for is a Disney Cruise and we're going to be staying at the Grand Floridian the night before and going to the Contemporary to view the fireworks and have dinner.


In April I'm going with a friend and we're staying that the Beach Club Resort. Very excited, it looks so pretty. Looks to be a good time of year to go, less crowds and good weather.


I had a health issue myself when I was at the world last, actually broke my arm. Not fun at all! So I will def keep my fingers crossed for you, please do the same for me lol.

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Well so far so good. After 3 days I'm down 5 pounds! WOO HOO! :D Today is going to be a rough day as I can only eat the soup and bananas and drink skim milk along with LOTS of water. I feel like I'm gonna float away from all the water. I'm looking forward to some bananas but it will definately not be enough. I like the soup but it does get rather boring after a few days. Oh the things we do to lose weight!

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Hi everyone. I have not been on this thread in awhile. I went down to Fla to help out my Mom who just had knee replc. surgery. I was so scared to go "off-Plan" while I was there, but ended up doing pretty well. I brought my Weight Watcher's food journal so I could keep track of everything I ate. I did make it a point to catch a weekly WW weigh-in while I was there as well. I did miss my treadmill and weights that I have at home but did try to compensate by doing some brisk walks around the lake in her condo complex and also a few laps in the pool. I guess this will be good practice for my upcoming cruise in Oct. Although the ship will have a gym, it's the Cruise food that I'm worried about. I will just have to approach it will plans of moderation.


Kudos to all that have been losing. Way to go.


Cyndi and Danielle, I hope you both have great Disney vacations. I used to work in the Travel Dept at Disney back when I was in college. As a perk, we got to visit and stay in (with a nice discount) in most of the Disney hotels. I have stayed in Carribean Beach, it is very nice. We were a ways away from the main area but they do have a really good internal bus system. I have not stayed at the Beach Club but have seen the rooms. They are very nice as well especially if you can snag one that looks towards Epcot. It would be so nice to sit out on your balcony and watch Illuminations. The hotel does have a really good restaurant. It is the Cape May Seafood Buffet. You can still stay on plan here as they offer a vast array of steamed shrimp and other types of seafood along with baked fish, chicken and a good selection of healthy salads and fruits.


Betty, your right about working a plan that works for you. I have tried many weight loss plans including diet pills and discovered that WW is working the best for me. I think it is the weekly meetings and weigh-ins that keep me accountable. I am like an AA memeber, I NEED my meeting.


Andy, I watched a Zumba show on cable and think that I may try it too. I think I would rather try it at home before I take on a Zumba class at the YWCA. It looks like a lot of fun (if I can keep up that is)


I had my WW weigh in yesterday. I am still a ways from my goal but am taking each day at a time. I had wanted to be at goal by my Oct cruise. I don't think I will make it but I will keep on trying.


Start Weight: 172.2

Current Weight: 148.4

Goal Weight: 125.0


Have a great week everyone. Cari

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Hi everyone....:D


I just found this thread today and would love to chat with all of you! It appears as though the posts have slowed a bit since in started in June???Is everyone still doing ok?


I cruise the week of Thanksgiving and I also just REstarted back on WW....this new points plus is definitley going to take some getting used to! No way I'll be to goal weight by the time I cruise but would love to just get back on track, and having some buddies would help a great deal!

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Hi everyone....:D


I just found this thread today and would love to chat with all of you! It appears as though the posts have slowed a bit since in started in June???Is everyone still doing ok?


I cruise the week of Thanksgiving and I also just REstarted back on WW....this new points plus is definitley going to take some getting used to! No way I'll be to goal weight by the time I cruise but would love to just get back on track, and having some buddies would help a great deal!


Welcome zacaboo,


I'm still here although not posting as much. I'm a little slow right now loss wise. I went up two pounds and then lost again. Could have been water weight with that time of the month.


One major change I'm making is the addition of Metformin. I'm working myself on to the med very slow since it comes with some nasty stomach side effects while you get used to it. I went to my Dr friday and we discussed it as part of the treatment for my PCOS. It has the major benefit for someone like me to lose weight and stop my insulin resistance. Here's hoping it gives me a good push. Of course it works best with a low carb diet and since I'm on South Beach I don't need to make any changes there.

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Welcome zacaboo,


I'm still here although not posting as much. I'm a little slow right now loss wise. I went up two pounds and then lost again. Could have been water weight with that time of the month.


One major change I'm making is the addition of Metformin. I'm working myself on to the med very slow since it comes with some nasty stomach side effects while you get used to it. I went to my Dr friday and we discussed it as part of the treatment for my PCOS. It has the major benefit for someone like me to lose weight and stop my insulin resistance. Here's hoping it gives me a good push. Of course it works best with a low carb diet and since I'm on South Beach I don't need to make any changes there.


Hi Danielle,

I sure wish I was going to Disney with you and Cindy...I've only been once but it runs a close second to cruising for me! What is "Metformin"? Where do you live? Would love to chat...feel free to email me anytime......


Take good care...

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