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Based on a lot of comments here we should not only leave the tips on but tip extra because Carnival isn't paying decent salaries.


Nobody ever comments when I ask this question on a tipping thread, and for the record we do intend on leaving tips on before you assume otherwise. BUT considering all the money Carnival makes, why don't they just pay their workers a livable wage? Why is it up to Carnival customers to subsidize salaries when we're already paying for the vacation?


Further, it's great that Carnival cleans the rooms 2x day, but is that really necessary? Personally, we don't plan on being in it long enough to require two cleanings and the average person is used to once a day anyway.


I obviously don't know the rules, but how do restaurants get away with paying under minimum wage? Is Carnival not a U.S. company & that's why they get away with it?

There IS a minimum wage in the states for "tipped" employees. When I closed my restaurant in early 2008 it was $2.12 in the state of NJ. If my waitstaff didn't at least claim enough in tips per pay period to bring them up to the regular min wage ($7.25 at the time if I remember correctly) then I had to pay the difference.


As for nightly turndown service (not really a 2nd cleaning) on a cruise, I really LOVE it & would be sad to see it go. The measly $3.50 per day that goes to the stewards is less than I would leave in a regular hotel room on land.

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how silly.


you tip on service, not because how much someone makes.


again, the service industry in the us is based on tips. it's not going anywhere.


You're right it does sound silly, but it's equally silly to accuse folks of taking $ out of people's pockets and/or stealing if they decide not to, and many have stated on this thread that folks should tip simply because Carnival employees are paid very little.

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I'll tell you what. Why don't all of you people who seem to think I'm so unreasonable go find yourselves a real live room steward. Ask the steward if he/she would prefer to clean a large Grand Suite (including balcony) with 2 guests for $7.00 or if he/she would prefer to clean a small inside cabin with 5 tidy guests for $17.50.


The math speaks for itself.


Chances are the people with the Grand Suite are going to tip above and beyond because they obviously aren't skimping. ;)

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I'm firmly on the side of "it's nobody's business how or how much you tip". And you people berating how people tip? You kind of sound like crazy people.


I read these posts to get an idea of what everyone else does because I've never cruised before. I will admit, I thought it was weird at first to tip BEFORE you cruise, but now I understand that and even the benefits of pre-paying (none of which I learned from screaming, pompous people).




I had no idea you were supposed to tip the Matre 'd! How much are you supposed to tip him/her?




This may be a stupid question, but why does anyone need their room cleaned TWICE a day?




I'm not sure what the point is here. My toilet at home is used by 5 people every day and I'm pretty sure it's still usable by Day 7, although that would be cleaning day. We're not animals. Are there really people out there who clean their toilets every day, twice a day?




I don't know which ship the OP is cruising on, but all cabins on the Miracle up to 9A are the same size (185 sq ft). Why would the OPs cabin be a larger size just because there are 5 of them?


it's the large amount in one pot that throws people off.


anyone eating out meal by meal, 3 a day, leaving 15% at each one, wouldn't bat an eye.


but when you total is all up, it seems like a lot.


try thinking about doing the math, eating every meal out at a service restaurant, and see what total you come up with when it comes to tips at 15%.


8.00 for breakfast $1.20 tip

10.00 for lunch $1.50 tip

15.00 for dinner $2.25 tip


........................total $5.95 a day


carnival suggests 5.50 a day.


now, take that same 5.95 a day for 7 days($42), for a family of 4 ($168), make it one lunp sum, and all of a sudden it seems like a lot, when in fact, it's not.


how much would that 2 cups of starbucks coffee daily cost if you had to pay it up front for a month?

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it's the large amount in one pot that throws people off.


anyone eating out meal by meal, 3 a day, leaving 15% at each one, wouldn't bat an eye.


but when you total is all up, it seems like a lot.


try thinking about doing the math, eating every meal out at a service restaurant, and see what total you come up with when it comes to tips at 15%.


8.00 for breakfast $1.20 tip

10.00 for lunch $1.50 tip

15.00 for dinner $2.25 tip


........................total $5.95 a day


carnival suggests 5.50 a day.


Your explanation of tipping, while I'm sure well-intentioned, didn't answer a single one of my questions... unless you're telling me that I should be tipping the Matre 'd $5.50 per day??

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Your explanation of tipping, while I'm sure well-intentioned, didn't answer a single one of my questions... unless you're telling me that I should be tipping the Matre 'd $5.50 per day??


nope. the suggestion is $5 for the week, if you so desire.


we do not tip the md on land nor at sea, unless we use his services.


and i was addressing your concern that we are crazy.

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nope. the suggestion is $5 for the week, if you so desire.


we do not tip the md on land nor at sea, unless we use his services.


and i was addressing your concern that we are crazy.


I truly appreciate the advice about the Matre 'd, but I'm actually more confused. Someone earlier in the thread made it seem like tipping the Matre 'd was expected. Is this not true?


Also, I was in no way suggesting that anyone who EXPLAINED tips was crazy. I'm talking about the people who scream at anyone who even broaches the subject of tipping, throws the word "cheap" around, and boasts about how exactly how generous they are. THOSE are the people I was calling crazy.

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I truly appreciate the advice about the Matre 'd, but I'm actually more confused. Someone earlier in the thread made it seem like tipping the Matre 'd was expected. Is this not true?


Also, I was in no way suggesting that anyone who EXPLAINED tips was crazy. I'm talking about the people who scream at anyone who even broaches the subject of tipping, throws the word "cheap" around, and boasts about how exactly how generous they are. THOSE are the people I was calling crazy.


it's completely optional. he is not a service employee. he is a full salaried person.


this is why it's not in the auto tip.


you can decide during your cruise if he's done something for you and then make the decision to tip him or not.


most people don't know who he is until he comes around on tip night. if that's his service to us that week, we pass.

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You're right it does sound silly, but it's equally silly to accuse folks of taking $ out of people's pockets and/or stealing if they decide not to, and many have stated on this thread that folks should tip simply because Carnival employees are paid very little.


If you know that it is customary to tip in this industry and that the majority of their pay is derived from tips and yet you choose not to tip for reasons other than poor service then you my friend are stealing money from the person that provides you this service. You are a thief plain and simple, don't try to run from that moniker. Man up and stand tall and say "I'm having my vacation on the backs of the service workers of Carnival. Look how smart I am! My vacation cost me less than yours did. I had a bad year, I deserve this!" I would have more respect for someone who had the guts to actually say it.


I'm tired of hearing the "why should I pay for Carnival's employees" chorus. Do you not understand simple economics? If you weren't tipping then the price would be increased to retain the employee. Your cruise fare would go up. Carnival doesn't have a printing press cranking out $20's back at Miami. Where does the money come from? You, the cruise going public. I would rather have the ability to reward good service and punish bad.


It may be "nobody's business" what you tip, but understand that those that do not tip for reasons other than pooor service are held in contempt by me. I could care less what mental midget gymastics you use to justify it.


So there is no confusion where I stand, I tip the customary amount unless I receive bad service, then I will adjust accordingly. If someone goes above and beyond in a big way I may tip more, usually not that often though. My post is aimed squarely at those that have no service issues but adjust their tips down or remove them altogether.

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most people don't know who he is until he comes around on tip night. if that's his service to us that week, we pass.


How does that work? Do they come around asking for tips? What is tip night?

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How does that work? Do they come around asking for tips? What is tip night?


tip night is the last night, where you used to hand out the envelopes before autotip.


and no, he will not ask anything. he will just hover around the table. a good one will do that every night. some sing every night.


this also used to be the night they gave you an artist portrait of your ship. another thing gone. and then the staff sings o solo mio.

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How much trash can people generate twice a day? Most of your trash at home is from packages, wrappers, bottles and cans because you're doing own cooking. That's not the case in your cabin so where is all the alleged trash coming from?


If there's no trash since morning then I guess he/she wouldn't empty it then!:)


H82 - I agree with you. If the maitre d just approaches us on tip night or not at all, we don't tip. If he helps us in some way, even just a chat during the week, then we usually tip a small amount. If he goes out of his way for us, like a table for two, then I think hubby tips on the spot. Just what we do, I know I was confused early on as to the maitre d tip.

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Based on a lot of comments here we should not only leave the tips on but tip extra because Carnival isn't paying decent salaries.


Nobody ever comments when I ask this question on a tipping thread, and for the record we do intend on leaving tips on before you assume otherwise. BUT considering all the money Carnival makes, why don't they just pay their workers a livable wage? Why is it up to Carnival customers to subsidize salaries when we're already paying for the vacation?


Further, it's great that Carnival cleans the rooms 2x day, but is that really necessary? Personally, we don't plan on being in it long enough to require two cleanings and the average person is used to once a day anyway.


I obviously don't know the rules, but how do restaurants get away with paying under minimum wage? Is Carnival not a U.S. company & that's why they get away with it?


It is a livable wage! Very much so, just not in the United States. You need to expand your world view. In Honduras that is good money!

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tip night is the last night, where you used to hand out the envelopes before autotip.


and no, he will not ask anything. he will just hover around the table. a good one will do that every night. some sing every night.


this also used to be the night they gave you an artist portrait of your ship. another thing gone. and then the staff sings o solo mio.


Artist portrait of the ship he? That must have been before my time. That's pretty cool, something I would have actually counted as a perk.:(

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WoW, This thread has really put a twist to first time Carnival cruisers like myself. Keep reading we tip this we tip that ect ect... I know many other cruise lines have simple pre-paid tipping. I thought this Carnival was the same.


I was under the idea that when we Pre-Pay our Tips that was all covered for all service. Except room service, Porters at port for bags and bar . We are party of 4 on a 5 night cruise and was told $10 per person per night total $200. Am I wrong with that amount or what else should I expect to tip thats not covered in pre-pay.

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Artist portrait of the ship he? That must have been before my time. That's pretty cool, something I would have actually counted as a perk.:(


still have all mine. i was disappointed the first time i didn't get one. just don't know when that was. :(

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WoW, This thread has really put a twist to first time Carnival cruisers like myself. Keep reading we tip this we tip that ect ect... I know many other cruise lines have simple pre-paid tipping. I thought this Carnival was the same.


I was under the idea that when we Pre-Pay our Tips that was all covered for all service. Except room service, Porters at port for bags and bar . We are party of 4 on a 5 night cruise and was told $10 per person per night total $200. Am I wrong with that amount or what else should I expect to tip thats not covered in pre-pay.


My takeaway from this thread is that autotips cover it all. Extra tipping onboard is for service above and beyond and is at the cruiser's discretion.

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WoW, This thread has really put a twist to first time Carnival cruisers like myself. Keep reading we tip this we tip that ect ect... I know many other cruise lines have simple pre-paid tipping. I thought this Carnival was the same.


I was under the idea that when we Pre-Pay our Tips that was all covered for all service. Except room service, Porters at port for bags and bar . We are party of 4 on a 5 night cruise and was told $10 per person per night total $200. Am I wrong with that amount or what else should I expect to tip thats not covered in pre-pay.


That is all you would be expected to pay. Some people tip more for exceptional service (some people apparently tip less on a whim).


Have fun!

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WoW, This thread has really put a twist to first time Carnival cruisers like myself. Keep reading we tip this we tip that ect ect... I know many other cruise lines have simple pre-paid tipping. I thought this Carnival was the same.


I was under the idea that when we Pre-Pay our Tips that was all covered for all service. Except room service, Porters at port for bags and bar . We are party of 4 on a 5 night cruise and was told $10 per person per night total $200. Am I wrong with that amount or what else should I expect to tip thats not covered in pre-pay.

What you know is pretty much spot on, btw, the bar already adds 15% to any tab, I just always wonder if the person really gets it.. There is no need to tip more unless you want to:p

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WoW, This thread has really put a twist to first time Carnival cruisers like myself. Keep reading we tip this we tip that ect ect... I know many other cruise lines have simple pre-paid tipping. I thought this Carnival was the same.


I was under the idea that when we Pre-Pay our Tips that was all covered for all service. Except room service, Porters at port for bags and bar . We are party of 4 on a 5 night cruise and was told $10 per person per night total $200. Am I wrong with that amount or what else should I expect to tip thats not covered in pre-pay.


Fret not, Express Man! Carnival does offer autopay or prepay for tips at $10 per person per night. This covers your waiters/waitresses, buffet staff, cabin steward. A 15% tip is automatically added to all of your purchased drinks as well. You may feel compelled to tip anyone on the ship extra, in cash, as you see fit. It would be customary to tip your porter and your room service delivery person.

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Thats great news... I was prepared to stop at the bank for a 50 pack of $1 for room service and such. Just needed to ensure we planned right for any extra unknown's.



Thanks all!!!




Room service is not included in the tipping charge. So, they should be tipped when they bring your order.

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